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This can be translated literally as “Praying Mantis Fist.”
螳螂拳 is sometimes called Shandong Praying Mantis after its place of origin. It was created by Wang Lang and was named after the praying mantis, an insect, the aggressiveness of which inspired the style.
Shaolin records document that Wang Lang was one of the 18 masters gathered by the Shaolin Abbot Fu Ju, which dates him and Northern Praying Mantis style to the Song Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.).
The fact that the word “Northern” is used in the English title has more to do with where this style came from (Shandong is in northern China), but “north” is absent from this Chinese title.
Note: 螳螂拳 is also a title in Japanese - however, only a Japanese person who practices or is familiar with the “Praying Mantis Fist” style would recognize it.
Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your abbot search...
Characters If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese |
Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
参禅 see styles |
sanzen さんぜん |
(n,vs,vi) Zen meditation; meditative consultation with the head abbot |
アボット see styles |
abotto アボット |
More info & calligraphy: Abbott |
三綱 三纲 see styles |
sān gāng san1 gang1 san kang sankou / sanko さんこう |
{Buddh} three monastic positions with management roles at a temple; (given name) Sankou The three bonds, i.e. directors of a monastery: (a) 上座 sthavira, elder, president; (b) 寺主vihārasvāmin, v. 毘 the abbot who directs the temporal affairs; (c) 維那 karmadāna, v. 羯 who directs the monks. Another meaning: (a) 上座; (b) 維那; (c) 典座 vihārapāla, v. 毘director of worship. The three vary in different countries. |
上座 see styles |
shàng zuò shang4 zuo4 shang tso jouza / joza じょうざ |
seat of honor (n,vs,adj-no) chief seat; seat of honor; seat of honour; head of the table; (place-name) Jōza Sthavira; or Mahāsthavira. Old man, or elder; head monk, president, or abbot; the first Buddhist fathers; a title of Mahākāśyapa; also of monks of twenty to forty-nine years standing, as 中座 are from ten to nineteen and 下座 under ten. The 釋氏要覽 divides presiding elders into four classes, those presiding over monasteries, over assemblies of monks, over sects, and laymen presiding over feasts to monks. |
上手 see styles |
shàng shǒu shang4 shou3 shang shou nobote のぼて |
to obtain; to master; overhand (serve etc); seat of honor (noun or adjectival noun) (1) (ant: 下手・へた・1) skillful; skilled; proficient; good (at); adept; clever; (2) flattery; (place-name) Nobote abbot |
上方 see styles |
shàng fāng shang4 fang1 shang fang kamigata かみがた |
place above (it); upper part (of it) (noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 下方) upper part; upper region; region above; (place-name, surname) Kamigata 上手 An abbot 上方 originally meant a mountain monastery. |
下棒 see styles |
xià bàng xia4 bang4 hsia pang abō |
To lay on the cudgel, beat; syn. for the 德山 Te Shan monastery, whose Chan sect abbot instilled intelligence with his staff. |
主首 see styles |
zhǔ shǒu zhu3 shou3 chu shou shushu |
The 監寺 or abbot of a monastery. |
住持 see styles |
zhù chí zhu4 chi2 chu ch`ih chu chih juuji / juji じゅうじ |
to administer a monastery Buddhist or Daoist; abbot; head monk (noun/participle) chief priest of temple To dwell and control; the abbot of a monastery; resident superintendent; to maintain, or firmly hold to (faith in the Buddha, etc.). For住持身 v. 佛具十身. |
住職 住职 see styles |
zhù zhí zhu4 zhi2 chu chih juushoku / jushoku じゅうしょく |
chief priest (of a Buddhist temple) abbot |
坐參 坐参 see styles |
zuò sān zuo4 san1 tso san zasan |
The evening meditation at a monastery (preceding instruction by the abbot). |
堂頭 堂头 see styles |
táng tóu tang2 tou2 t`ang t`ou tang tou dō chō |
The head of the hall, the abbot of a monastery. |
室中 see styles |
shì zhōng shi4 zhong1 shih chung muronaka むろなか |
(surname) Muronaka inside the abbot's room |
寢堂 寝堂 see styles |
qǐn táng qin3 tang2 ch`in t`ang chin tang shindō |
A dormitory. |
座主 see styles |
zuò zhǔ zuo4 zhu3 tso chu zasu ざす |
temple's head priest; (surname) Zasu 上座; 首座; 座元 A chairman, president; the head of the monks; an abbot. |
新命 see styles |
xīn mìng xin1 ming4 hsin ming shinmyō |
new abbot |
方丈 see styles |
fāng zhang fang1 zhang5 fang chang houjou / hojo ほうじょう |
square zhang (i.e. unit of area 10 feet square); monastic room 10 feet square; Buddhist or Daoist abbot; abbot's chamber (1) (See 丈・じょう・1) square jō (approx. 10 sq feet); (2) {Buddh} abbot's chamber; (3) chief priest; (p,s,g) Hōjō An abbot, 寺主 head of a monastery; the term is said to arise from the ten-foot cubic dwelling in which 維摩 Vimalakirti lived, but here seems to be no Sanskrit equivalent. |
百杖 see styles |
bǎi zhàng bai3 zhang4 pai chang Hyakujō |
A hundred fathoms of 10 feet each, 1, 0O0 feet; the name of a noted Tang abbot of百杖山 Baizhangshan, the monastery of this name in 洪州 Hongzhou. |
知事 see styles |
zhī shì zhi1 shi4 chih shih chiji ちじ |
prefectural governor To know affairs. The karmadāna, or director of affairs in a monastery, next below the abbot. |
禾山 see styles |
hé shān he2 shan1 ho shan nogiyama のぎやま |
(surname) Nogiyama Ho-Shan, a monastery in 吉州 Chi-chou, and its abbot who died A. D. 960. |
管長 see styles |
suganaga すがなが |
superintendent priest; chief abbot; (surname) Suganaga |
紅衣 红衣 see styles |
hóng yī hong2 yi1 hung i berii / beri べりい |
(female given name) Berii abbot's robe |
行者 see styles |
xíng zhě xing2 zhe3 hsing che gyouja / gyoja ぎょうじゃ |
pedestrian; walker; itinerant monk ascetic; pilgrim; devotee; (surname) Gyouja An abbot's attendant; also ācārin, performing the duties of a disciple. |
西序 see styles |
xī xù xi1 xu4 hsi hsü seijo / sejo せいじょ |
{Buddh} memorial rite involving the western sanctum 西班 The western group, i.e. teaching monks stood on the west of the abbot, while those engaged in practical affairs stood on the east; this was in imitation of the Court practice in regard to civil and military officials. |
貫主 贯主 see styles |
guàn zhǔ guan4 zhu3 kuan chu kanzu かんじゅ |
chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple) head |
貫頂 贯顶 see styles |
guàn dǐng guan4 ding3 kuan ting kanchō |
chief abbot |
貫首 贯首 see styles |
guàn shǒu guan4 shou3 kuan shou kansu かんじゅ |
chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple) 貫頂 A superintendent, head. |
長老 长老 see styles |
zhǎng lǎo zhang3 lao3 chang lao nagao ながお |
elder; term of respect for a Buddhist monk (noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) elder; senior; (2) {Buddh} senior monk; (3) dean; presbyter; patriarch; (surname) Nagao Senior, venerable, title for aged and virtuous monks; also an abbot. |
院主 see styles |
yuàn zhǔ yuan4 zhu3 yüan chu enzu えんづ |
head of a temple; (place-name) Enzu The abbot of a monastery. |
院牧 see styles |
yuàn mù yuan4 mu4 yüan mu |
abbot (Christian) |
The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...
Title | Characters | Romaji (Romanized Japanese) | Various forms of Romanized Chinese | |
Abbot | アボット | abotto | ||
Abbot | 阿博特 | ā bó tè / a1 bo2 te4 / a bo te / abote | a po t`e / apote / a po te | |
Northern Praying Mantis | 螳螂拳 | tou rou ken tourouken to ro ken | táng láng quán tang2 lang2 quan2 tang lang quan tanglangquan | t`ang lang ch`üan tanglangchüan tang lang chüan |
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line. In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese. |
Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...
All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.
When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.
Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!
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The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.
Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.
There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form
of art alive.
Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.
The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.
Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.
Some people may refer to this entry as Abbot Kanji, Abbot Characters, Abbot in Mandarin Chinese, Abbot Characters, Abbot in Chinese Writing, Abbot in Japanese Writing, Abbot in Asian Writing, Abbot Ideograms, Chinese Abbot symbols, Abbot Hieroglyphics, Abbot Glyphs, Abbot in Chinese Letters, Abbot Hanzi, Abbot in Japanese Kanji, Abbot Pictograms, Abbot in the Chinese Written-Language, or Abbot in the Japanese Written-Language.
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