There are 57 total results for your abbot search.
Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
参禅 see styles |
sanzen さんぜん |
(n,vs,vi) Zen meditation; meditative consultation with the head abbot |
アボット see styles |
abotto アボット |
More info & calligraphy: Abbott |
方丈 see styles |
fāng zhang fang1 zhang5 fang chang houjou / hojo ほうじょう |
square zhang (i.e. unit of area 10 feet square); monastic room 10 feet square; Buddhist or Daoist abbot; abbot's chamber (1) (See 丈・じょう・1) square jō (approx. 10 sq feet); (2) {Buddh} abbot's chamber; (3) chief priest; (p,s,g) Hōjō An abbot, 寺主 head of a monastery; the term is said to arise from the ten-foot cubic dwelling in which 維摩 Vimalakirti lived, but here seems to be no Sanskrit equivalent. |
大修道院長 大修道院长 see styles |
dà xiū dào yuàn zhǎng da4 xiu1 dao4 yuan4 zhang3 ta hsiu tao yüan chang daishuudouinchou / daishudoincho だいしゅうどういんちょう |
abbot abbot; archimandrite |
三綱 三纲 see styles |
sān gāng san1 gang1 san kang sankou / sanko さんこう |
{Buddh} three monastic positions with management roles at a temple; (given name) Sankou The three bonds, i.e. directors of a monastery: (a) 上座 sthavira, elder, president; (b) 寺主vihārasvāmin, v. 毘 the abbot who directs the temporal affairs; (c) 維那 karmadāna, v. 羯 who directs the monks. Another meaning: (a) 上座; (b) 維那; (c) 典座 vihārapāla, v. 毘director of worship. The three vary in different countries. |
上座 see styles |
shàng zuò shang4 zuo4 shang tso jouza / joza じょうざ |
seat of honor (n,vs,adj-no) chief seat; seat of honor; seat of honour; head of the table; (place-name) Jōza Sthavira; or Mahāsthavira. Old man, or elder; head monk, president, or abbot; the first Buddhist fathers; a title of Mahākāśyapa; also of monks of twenty to forty-nine years standing, as 中座 are from ten to nineteen and 下座 under ten. The 釋氏要覽 divides presiding elders into four classes, those presiding over monasteries, over assemblies of monks, over sects, and laymen presiding over feasts to monks. |
上手 see styles |
shàng shǒu shang4 shou3 shang shou nobote のぼて |
to obtain; to master; overhand (serve etc); seat of honor (noun or adjectival noun) (1) (ant: 下手・へた・1) skillful; skilled; proficient; good (at); adept; clever; (2) flattery; (place-name) Nobote abbot |
上方 see styles |
shàng fāng shang4 fang1 shang fang kamigata かみがた |
place above (it); upper part (of it) (noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 下方) upper part; upper region; region above; (place-name, surname) Kamigata 上手 An abbot 上方 originally meant a mountain monastery. |
下棒 see styles |
xià bàng xia4 bang4 hsia pang abō |
To lay on the cudgel, beat; syn. for the 德山 Te Shan monastery, whose Chan sect abbot instilled intelligence with his staff. |
主首 see styles |
zhǔ shǒu zhu3 shou3 chu shou shushu |
The 監寺 or abbot of a monastery. |
住持 see styles |
zhù chí zhu4 chi2 chu ch`ih chu chih juuji / juji じゅうじ |
to administer a monastery Buddhist or Daoist; abbot; head monk (noun/participle) chief priest of temple To dwell and control; the abbot of a monastery; resident superintendent; to maintain, or firmly hold to (faith in the Buddha, etc.). For住持身 v. 佛具十身. |
住職 住职 see styles |
zhù zhí zhu4 zhi2 chu chih juushoku / jushoku じゅうしょく |
chief priest (of a Buddhist temple) abbot |
坐參 坐参 see styles |
zuò sān zuo4 san1 tso san zasan |
The evening meditation at a monastery (preceding instruction by the abbot). |
堂頭 堂头 see styles |
táng tóu tang2 tou2 t`ang t`ou tang tou dō chō |
The head of the hall, the abbot of a monastery. |
室中 see styles |
shì zhōng shi4 zhong1 shih chung muronaka むろなか |
(surname) Muronaka inside the abbot's room |
寢堂 寝堂 see styles |
qǐn táng qin3 tang2 ch`in t`ang chin tang shindō |
A dormitory. |
座主 see styles |
zuò zhǔ zuo4 zhu3 tso chu zasu ざす |
temple's head priest; (surname) Zasu 上座; 首座; 座元 A chairman, president; the head of the monks; an abbot. |
新命 see styles |
xīn mìng xin1 ming4 hsin ming shinmyō |
new abbot |
百杖 see styles |
bǎi zhàng bai3 zhang4 pai chang Hyakujō |
A hundred fathoms of 10 feet each, 1, 0O0 feet; the name of a noted Tang abbot of百杖山 Baizhangshan, the monastery of this name in 洪州 Hongzhou. |
知事 see styles |
zhī shì zhi1 shi4 chih shih chiji ちじ |
prefectural governor To know affairs. The karmadāna, or director of affairs in a monastery, next below the abbot. |
禾山 see styles |
hé shān he2 shan1 ho shan nogiyama のぎやま |
(surname) Nogiyama Ho-Shan, a monastery in 吉州 Chi-chou, and its abbot who died A. D. 960. |
管長 see styles |
suganaga すがなが |
superintendent priest; chief abbot; (surname) Suganaga |
紅衣 红衣 see styles |
hóng yī hong2 yi1 hung i berii / beri べりい |
(female given name) Berii abbot's robe |
行者 see styles |
xíng zhě xing2 zhe3 hsing che gyouja / gyoja ぎょうじゃ |
pedestrian; walker; itinerant monk ascetic; pilgrim; devotee; (surname) Gyouja An abbot's attendant; also ācārin, performing the duties of a disciple. |
西序 see styles |
xī xù xi1 xu4 hsi hsü seijo / sejo せいじょ |
{Buddh} memorial rite involving the western sanctum 西班 The western group, i.e. teaching monks stood on the west of the abbot, while those engaged in practical affairs stood on the east; this was in imitation of the Court practice in regard to civil and military officials. |
貫主 贯主 see styles |
guàn zhǔ guan4 zhu3 kuan chu kanzu かんじゅ |
chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple) head |
貫頂 贯顶 see styles |
guàn dǐng guan4 ding3 kuan ting kanchō |
chief abbot |
貫首 贯首 see styles |
guàn shǒu guan4 shou3 kuan shou kansu かんじゅ |
chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple) 貫頂 A superintendent, head. |
長老 长老 see styles |
zhǎng lǎo zhang3 lao3 chang lao nagao ながお |
elder; term of respect for a Buddhist monk (noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) elder; senior; (2) {Buddh} senior monk; (3) dean; presbyter; patriarch; (surname) Nagao Senior, venerable, title for aged and virtuous monks; also an abbot. |
院主 see styles |
yuàn zhǔ yuan4 zhu3 yüan chu enzu えんづ |
head of a temple; (place-name) Enzu The abbot of a monastery. |
院牧 see styles |
yuàn mù yuan4 mu4 yüan mu |
abbot (Christian) |
黃檗 黄檗 see styles |
huáng bò huang2 bo4 huang po Ōbaku |
Amur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense); cork-tree bark (Chinese medicine) Huangbo, Phallodendron amurense, a tree which gave its name to a monastery in Fujian, and to a sect founded by 希運 Xiyun, its noted abbot of the Tang dynasty. |
住持職 住持职 see styles |
zhù chí zhí zhu4 chi2 zhi2 chu ch`ih chih chu chih chih jūjishoku |
abbot |
修院長 see styles |
shuuinchou / shuincho しゅういんちょう |
prelate; prior; abbot |
內方丈 内方丈 see styles |
nèi fāng zhàng nei4 fang1 zhang4 nei fang chang uchi hōjō |
inner abbot's quarters |
喫棄羅 喫弃罗 see styles |
chī qì luó chi1 qi4 luo2 ch`ih ch`i lo chih chi lo kikira |
khakkhara, a beggar's staff; an abbot's staff. |
大和尚 see styles |
dà hé shàng da4 he2 shang4 ta ho shang dai oshō |
Great monk, senior monk, abbot ; a monk of great virtue and old age. Buddhoṣingha, (Fotu cheng 佛圖澄), who came to China A.D. 310, was so styled by his Chinese disciple 石子龍 Shizi long. |
大弟子 see styles |
dà dì zǐ da4 di4 zi3 ta ti tzu dai daishi |
sthavira, a chief disciple, the Fathers of the Buddhist church; an elder; an abbot; a priest licensed to preach and become an abbot; also 上坐. |
大相看 see styles |
dà xiāng kàn da4 xiang1 kan4 ta hsiang k`an ta hsiang kan dai shōken |
The reception by an abbot of all his monks on the first day of the tenth moon. |
奥方丈 see styles |
ào fāng zhàng ao4 fang1 zhang4 ao fang chang oku hōjō |
inner abbot's quarters |
方丈室 see styles |
fāng zhàng shì fang1 zhang4 shi4 fang chang shih hōjō shitsu |
abbot's quarters |
方丈板 see styles |
fāng zhàng bǎn fang1 zhang4 ban3 fang chang pan hōjō ban |
sounding board at the abbot's office |
福方丈 see styles |
fú fāng zhàng fu2 fang1 zhang4 fu fang chang fukuhōjō |
assistant abbot |
老和尚 see styles |
lǎo hé shàng lao3 he2 shang4 lao ho shang rōwashō |
retired abbot |
表方丈 see styles |
biǎo fāng zhàng biao3 fang1 zhang4 piao fang chang omote hōjō |
outer abbot's quarters |
首座板 see styles |
shǒu zuò bǎn shou3 zuo4 ban3 shou tso pan |
seat of the abbot, or head monk, in the monk's hall |
三歸受法 三归受法 see styles |
sān guī shòu fǎ san1 gui1 shou4 fa3 san kuei shou fa sanki juhō |
The receiving of the Law, or admission of a lay disciple, after recantation of his previous wrong belief and sincere repetition to the abbot or monk of the three refuges 三歸. |
代理方丈 see styles |
dài lǐ fāng zhàng dai4 li3 fang1 zhang4 tai li fang chang dairi hōjō |
deputy abbot |
修道院長 see styles |
shuudouinchou / shudoincho しゅうどういんちょう |
head of a monastic institution; abbot; prior; abbess; prioress; mother superior |
新命住持 see styles |
xīn mìng zhù chí xin1 ming4 zhu4 chi2 hsin ming chu ch`ih hsin ming chu chih shinmyō jūji |
new abbot |
新命和尚 see styles |
xīn mìng hé shàng xin1 ming4 he2 shang4 hsin ming ho shang shinmei oshō |
new abbot |
護理方丈 护理方丈 see styles |
hù lǐ fāng zhàng hu4 li3 fang1 zhang4 hu li fang chang gori hōjō |
deputy abbot |
退居和尚 see styles |
tuì jū hé shàng tui4 ju1 he2 shang4 t`ui chü ho shang tui chü ho shang taikyo washō |
retired abbot |
鳥羽僧正 see styles |
tobasoujou / tobasojo とばそうじょう |
(person) Toba Soujō (Abbot of Toba, painter of the 11th century) |
一白三羯磨 see styles |
yī bái sān jié mó yi1 bai2 san1 jie2 mo2 i pai san chieh mo ichibyaku san konma |
One announcement, or reading, and three responses, or promises of performance (karman); it is the mode of ordaining monks, three responses to the one call of the abbot. |
男修道院長 男修道院长 see styles |
nán xiū dào yuàn zhǎng nan2 xiu1 dao4 yuan4 zhang3 nan hsiu tao yüan chang |
abbot |
Variations: |
kanju; kanshu かんじゅ; かんしゅ |
chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 57 results for "abbot" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.