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Heaven and Earth

 tiān dì
Heaven and Earth Scroll

天地 is “Heaven and Earth” in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

This title is used in many different contexts. It can be a general term but is also used by Buddhists and in other religions.

This can also be used to refer to all of nature, the universe, the top and bottom, the realm of life, or the sphere of existence.

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If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition


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sì dà
    si4 da4
ssu ta

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Shidai / Sida / Mahabhuta
the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind (Buddhism); the four freedoms: speaking out freely, airing views fully, holding great debates, and writing big-character posters, 大鳴大放|大鸣大放[da4 ming2 da4 fang4], 大辯論|大辩论[da4 bian4 lun4], 大字報|大字报[da4 zi4 bao4] (PRC)
(1) {Buddh} the four elements (earth, water, fire, wind); (2) the human body; (3) Tao, heaven, earth and king
mahābhūta, 四界; 四大界. The four elements of which all things are made; or the four realms; i. e. earth, water, fire, and wind (or air); they represent 堅, 濕, 煖, and 動 solid, liquid, heat, and motion; motion produces and maintains life. As 實 active or formative forces they are styled 四界 (四大界) ; as 假 passive or material objects they are 四大; but the 成實論 Satyasiddhi śāstra disputes the 實 and recognizes only the 假.


see styles
tiān dì
    tian1 di4
t`ien ti
    tien ti
 tenchi(p); ametsuchi
    てんち(P); あめつち

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Heaven and Earth
heaven and earth; world; scope; field of activity
(1) heaven and earth; the universe; the world; nature; (2) (てんち only) land; world; realm; sphere; (3) (てんち only) top and bottom; (4) (あめつち only) gods of heaven and earth; (surname) Amachi
heaven and earth


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shén míng
    shen2 ming2
shen ming
 shinmei / shinme

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Deities / Gods
deities; gods
(1) deity; god; (2) (See 天照大神) Amaterasu (as an enshrined deity); (surname) Jinmei
The spirits of heaven and earth, the gods; also the intelligent or spiritual nature.



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shì jiā móu ní
    shi4 jia1 mou2 ni2
shih chia mou ni

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Shakyamuni / The Buddha
Shakyamuni (Sanskrit for "the Sage of the Shakyas", i.e. the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama)
釋迦文 (釋迦文尼); 釋伽文 Śākyamuni, the saint of the Śākya tribe. muni is saint, holy man, sage, ascetic monk; it is: intp. as 仁 benevolent, charitable, kind, also as 寂默 one who dwells in seclusion. After '500 or 550' previous incarnations, Śākyamuni finally attained to the state of Bodhisattva, was born in the Tuṣita heaven, and descended as a white elephant, through her right side, into the womb of the immaculate Māyā, the purest woman on earth; this was on the 8th day of the 4th month; next year on the 8th day of the 2nd month he was born from her right side painlessly as she stood under a tree in the Lumbinī garden. For the subsequent miraculous events v. Eitel. also the 神通遊戲經 (Lalitavistara), the 釋迦如來成道記, etc. Simpler statements say that he was born the son of Śuddhodana, of the kṣatriya caste, ruler of Kapilavastu, and Māyā his wife; that Māyā died seven days later, leaving him to be brought up by her sister Prājapati; that in due course he was married to Yaśodharā who bore him a son, Rāhula; that in search of truth he left home, became an ascetic, severely disciplined himself, and finally at 35 years of age, under a tree, realized that the way of release from the chain of rebirth and death lay not in asceticism but in moral purity; this he explained first in his four dogmas, v. 四諦 and eightfold noble way 八正道, later amplified and developed in many sermons. He founded his community on the basis of poverty, chastity, and insight or meditation, ad it became known as Buddhism, as he became known as Buddha, the enlightened. His death was probably in or near 487 B.C., a few years before that of Confucius in 479. The sacerdotal name of his family is Gautama, said to be the original name of the whole clan, Śākya being that of his branch, v. 瞿, 喬.; his personal name was Siddhārtha, or Sarvārthasiddha, v. 悉.



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yī tǐ
    yi1 ti3
i t`i
    i ti
an integral whole; all concerned; everybody
Though externally differing, in nature the same; the fundamental unity of the universe. 天地與我同根, 萬物與我一體 Heaven, earth, and myself have the same root; all things are one corpus with me.


see styles
sān yuán
    san1 yuan2
san yüan
(old) first place in civil service examinations at three levels: provincial 解元[jie4 yuan2], metropolitan 會元|会元[hui4 yuan2] and palace 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2]
(1) (See 上元,中元・1,下元) 15th day of the 1st, 7th and 10th lunar months; (2) heaven, earth and man; (3) January 1; New Year's Day; (can act as adjective) (4) {chem} ternary; (female given name) Miyuki


see styles
(1) (form) the three powers (heaven, earth and man); (2) (form) everything in the universe; (surname) Sanzai


see styles
sān jiè
    san1 jie4
san chieh
(1) {Buddh} (See 欲界,色界,無色界) the three realms of existence; (2) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 三千大千世界) the whole universe (of a billion worlds) that Buddha enlightened; (3) {Buddh} (See 三世・さんぜ・1) past, present and future existences; (suffix) (4) far-off ...; distant ...; (surname) Mikai
Trailokya or Triloka; the three realms; also 三有. It is the Buddhist metaphysical equivalent for the Brahmanic cosmological bhuvanatraya, or triple world of bhūr, bhuvaḥ, and svar, earth, atmosphere, and heaven. The Buddhist three are 欲, 色, and 無色界, i.e. world of sensuous desire, form, and formless world of pure spirit. (a) 欲界 Kāmadhātu is the realm of sensuous desire, of 婬 and 食 sex and food; it includes the six heavens of desire, the human world, and the hells. (b) 色界 Rūpadhātu is the realm of form, meaning 質礙 that which is substantial and resistant: it is above the lust-world and contains (so to speak) bodies, palaces, things, all mystic and wonderful一a semi-material conception like that in Revelation; it is represented in the 四禪天, or Brahmalokas. (c) 無色界 Arūpadhātu, or ārūpyadhātu, is the formless realm of pure spirit, where there are no bodies, places, things, at any rate none to which human terms would apply, but where the mind dwells in mystic contemplation; its extent is indefinable, but it is, conceived of in four stages, i,e. 四空處 the four "empty" regions, or regions of space in the immaterial world, which are 四無色 the four "formless" realms, or realms beyond form; being above the realm of form, their bounds cannot be defined. v. 倶舍論世間品.


see styles
qián kūn
    qian2 kun1
ch`ien k`un
    chien kun
yin and yang; heaven and earth; the universe
heaven and earth; universe


see styles
rén tiān
    ren2 tian1
jen t`ien
    jen tien
 ninden; jinten; ninten
    にんでん; じんてん; にんてん
{Buddh} earth and heaven; human and heavenly beings
Men and devas.



see styles
liǎng yí
    liang3 yi2
liang i
heaven and earth; yin and yang


see styles
liù tiān
    liu4 tian1
liu t`ien
    liu tien
(place-name) Rokuten
The six devalokas, i. e. the heavens with sense organs above Sumeru, between the brahmalokas and the earth, i. e. 四王天; 忉利天; 夜摩天; 兜率天; 樂變化天; and 他化自在天. The sixth is the heaven of Mara, v. 六欲天.


see styles
sì zhī
    si4 zhi1
ssu chih
The four who know the workings of one's mind for good or evil— heaven, earth, one's intimates, and oneself.


see styles
tiān táng
    tian1 tang2
t`ien t`ang
    tien tang
 tendou / tendo
paradise; heaven
heaven; paradise; (surname) Tendou
The mansions of the devas, located between the earth and the Brahmalokas; the heavenly halls; heaven. The Ganges is spoken of as 天堂來者 coming from the heavenly mansions.


see styles
 tenjou / tenjo
heaven and earth


see styles
natural calamity; striking phenomena in heaven and earth



see styles
tiān gōng
    tian1 gong1
t`ien kung
    tien kung
 tiangon; tenkyuu / tiangon; tenkyu
    ティアンゴン; てんきゅう
Temple in Heaven (e.g. of the Jade Emperor); Tiangong, Chinese space station program
Tiangong (Chinese space program); (surname) Amemiya
devapura; devaloka; the palace of devas, the abode of the gods, i. e. the six celestial worlds situated above the Meru, between the earth and the Brahmalokas. v. 六天.


see styles
natural calamity; striking phenomena in heaven and earth


see styles
tiān dào
    tian1 dao4
t`ien tao
    tien tao
 tentou; tendou / tento; tendo
    てんとう; てんどう
natural law; heavenly law; weather (dialect)
(1) (てんとう only) the sun; (2) god of heaven and the earth; (3) laws governing the heavens; (4) {astron} celestial path; celestial motion; (5) {Buddh} (See 六道) deva realm (svarga); (surname, given name) Tendō
deva-gati, or devasopāna, 天趣. (1) The highest of the six paths 六道, the realm of devas, i. e. the eighteen heavens of form and four of formlessness. A place of enjoyment, where the meritorious enjoy the fruits of good karma, but not a place of progress toward bodhisattva perfection. (2) The Dao of Heaven, natural law, cosmic energy; according to the Daoists, the origin and law of all things.



see styles
fēng shàn
    feng1 shan4
feng shan
(of an emperor) to pay homage to Heaven at Mount Tai and to Earth at Mount Liangfu


see styles
bài táng
    bai4 tang2
pai t`ang
    pai tang
ritual kneeling to heaven and earth by bride and groom in a old-fashioned wedding ceremony; same as 拜天地


see styles
 genkou / genko
(rare) black and yellow silk (offered to gods); heaven and earth



see styles
pán gǔ
    pan2 gu3
p`an ku
    pan ku
Pangu (creator of the universe in Chinese mythology)
Pangu; creator of heaven and earth in Chinese mythology


see styles
Pangu; creator of heaven and earth in Chinese mythology


see styles
shén qí
    shen2 qi2
shen ch`i
    shen chi
god; deity
gods of heaven and earth


see styles
jiāo sì
    jiao1 si4
chiao ssu
pair of annual sacrificial ceremonies held by the emperor in ancient times: one in the southern suburbs of the capital (bringing offerings to Heaven) and another in the northern suburbs (with offerings to Earth)


see styles
 shoujou / shojo
heaven and earth


see styles
xiāo rǎng
    xiao1 rang3
hsiao jang
heaven and earth



see styles
wǔ zhǒng tiān
    wu3 zhong3 tian1
wu chung t`ien
    wu chung tien
 goshu ten
(1) 名天 famous rulers on earth styled 天王, 天子; (2) 生天 the highest incarnations of the six paths; (3) 淨天 the pure, or the saints, from śrāvakas to pratyekabuddhas, and (4) 義天 all bodhisattvas above the ten stages 十住, and (5) 第一義天 a supreme heaven with bodhisattvas and Buddhas in eternal immutability; 涅槃經 23. Cf. 天宮.


see styles
 gorintou / gorinto
five-part gravestone representing earth, water, fire, wind and heaven; (place-name) Gorintou

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Heaven and Earth天地tenchitiān dì / tian1 di4 / tian di / tiandit`ien ti / tienti / tien ti


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A professional Chinese Calligrapher

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Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

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