See also: Tenacity, Indomitable Spirit, Fortitude, and Perseverance
You can buy Never Give Up characters on a custom wall scroll or portrait here.
Start by clicking on the button next to your favorite title below...
2. Never Give In / Never Succumb / Never Lose
3. Undaunted After Repeated Setbacks
4. Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight
9. You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure
11. Honorable Death - No Surrender
12. Drinking the water of a well: One should never forget who dug it
13. Even Monkeys Fall From Trees
14. Rise and Fall / Ups and Downs
15. Flower Open / Blooming Flower
16. Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall
17. Flowers Bloom and Flowers Wither
18. Flowers Fall / The End Comes
19. Forgiveness
22. No Surrender
23. Never Forget Your First Resolution
24. Never Forget
25. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today
27. No Fear
28. Opening / Blooming Flowers
29. Past experience is the teacher for the future
30. Never Forget
31. Respect out of fear is never genuine; Reverence out of respect is never false
32. Seven
35. Each Time You Stumble and Fall, You Gain Experience and Wisdom
36. A Wise Man Changes His Mind
37. Give Up Desire
The first character means “eternal” or “forever,” and the second means “not” (together, they mean “never”). The last two characters mean “give up” or “abandon.” Altogether, you can translate this proverb as “never give up” or “never abandon.”
Depending on how you want to read this, 永不放棄 is also a statement that you will never abandon your hopes, dreams, family, or friends.
決して諦めるな is a Japanese term that informally means “never give up.”
It's also a Japanese way to say “never surrender.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Tenacity | Perseverance | Hope
Persistence to overcome all challenges
百折不撓 is a Chinese proverb that means “Be undaunted in the face of repeated setbacks.”
More directly translated, it reads, “[Overcome] a hundred setbacks, without flinching.” 百折不撓 is of Chinese origin but is commonly used in Japanese and somewhat in Korean (same characters, different pronunciation).
This proverb comes from a long, and occasionally tragic story of a man that lived sometime around 25-220 AD. His name was Qiao Xuan, and he never stooped to flattery but remained an upright person at all times. He fought to expose the corruption of higher-level government officials at great risk to himself.
Then when he was at a higher level in the Imperial Court, bandits were regularly capturing hostages and demanding ransoms. But when his own son was captured, he was so focused on his duty to the Emperor and the common good that he sent a platoon of soldiers to raid the bandits' hideout, and stop them once and for all even at the risk of his own son's life. While all of the bandits were arrested in the raid, they killed Qiao Xuan's son at first sight of the raiding soldiers.
Near the end of his career, a new Emperor came to power, and Qiao Xuan reported to him that one of his ministers was bullying the people and extorting money from them. The new Emperor refused to listen to Qiao Xuan and even promoted the corrupt Minister. Qiao Xuan was so disgusted that in protest, he resigned from his post as minister (something almost never done) and left for his home village.
His tombstone reads “Bai Zhe Bu Nao” which is now a proverb used in Chinese culture to describe a person of strong will who puts up stubborn resistance against great odds.
My Chinese-English dictionary defines these 4 characters as “keep on fighting despite all setbacks,” “be undaunted by repeated setbacks,” and “be indomitable.”
Our translator says it can mean “never give up” in modern Chinese.
Although the first two characters are translated correctly as “repeated setbacks,” the literal meaning is “100 setbacks” or “a rope that breaks 100 times.” The last two characters can mean “do not yield” or “do not give up.”
Most Chinese, Japanese, and Korean people will not take this absolutely literal meaning but will instead understand it as the title suggests above. If you want a single big word definition, it would be indefatigability, indomitableness, persistence, or unyielding.
See Also: Tenacity | Fortitude | Strength | Perseverance | Persistence
Always rising after a fall or repeated failures
七転八起 is a Japanese proverb that relays the vicissitudes of life, with the meaning “seven times down eight times up.”
Some would more naturally translate it into English as “Always rising after a fall or repeated failures” or compare it to the English, “If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again.”
The first Kanji is literally “7.” The second means “fall down” (sometimes this Kanji means “turn around,” “revolve” or “turn over” but in this case, it holds the meaning of “fall”). The third is “8.” And the last is “get up,” “rouse,” or “rise.”
Basically, if you fail 7 times, you should recover from those events and be prepared to rise an 8th time. This also applies if it is the world or circumstances that knock you down seven times...
...just remember that you have the ability to bounce back from any kind of adversity.
Note: This can be pronounced in two ways. One is “shichi ten hakki” or “shichitenhakki.” The other is “nana korobi ya oki” also written, “nanakorobi-yaoki.”
Special Note: The second character is a Kanji that is not used in China. Therefore, please select a Japanese calligrapher for this title.
頑強 means “Tenacious,” “Hard to Defeat,” or “Dogged.”
Alone, the first character means mischievous, obstinate, or stubborn. But it loses some of the mischievous meaning when the second character is added.
The second character means strength, force, power, or better.
See Also: Determination | Dedication | Devotion | Never Give Up
This Japanese proverb literally translates as: [After having achieved a fair degree of success,] one should still try to do better.
Others may translate this as “Always try to improve,” or “Always try to be better.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Never Give Up
秋 is the word/character used to describe the Autumn or Fall season in Chinese and Japanese.
See Also: Winter | Spring | Summer | Four Seasons
The school of hard knocks
挨一拳得一招挨十拳變諸葛 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: Receive one blow, [and one] learns a lesson; Receive ten blows, [and one] becomes a great Zhuge [Liang].
You must first understand that a man named Zhuge Liang was one of the great strategists and philosophers in Chinese history. He's known as a man of great wisdom.
Figuratively, this phrase means:
One can learn much from failure or “hard knocks.”
百胜难虑敌三折乃良医 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: [Even a general who has won a] hundred victories [may be] hard put to see through the enemy's [strategy], [but one who has] broken [his] arm three [times] [will] be a good doctor.
Figuratively, this means: One cannot always depend on past successes to guarantee future success but one can always learn from lessons drawn from failure.
See Also: Failure - Mother of Success | Experience - Mother of Success | Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8 | Hard Knocks
Rather die than compromise
寧死不屈 is often translated as “Death Before Dishonor.”
The literal translation is more like, “Better die than compromise.” The last two characters mean “not to bend” or “not to bow down.” Some might even say that it means “not to surrender.” Thus, you could say this proverb means “Better to die than live on my knees” or simply “no surrender” (with the real idea being that you would rather die than surrender).
寧死不降 is an ancient Chinese proverb that can be translated as “Rather die than surrender,” “Prefer death over surrender,” “To prefer death to surrender,” or simply “No surrender.”
This is probably the closest proverb to the English proverb “Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.”
This ancient Japanese proverb can be translated as “The principle of honorable death and no surrender,” or simply “No surrender.”
If you directly translate this, you get something that means “Doctrine of suicide,” or “Ideology of honorable death.”
玉砕主義 is a specifically-Japanese proverb that embraces the long history of honorable suicide or self-sacrifice for honor in Japanese culture.
This proverb suggests that one should always be grateful to those who helped one succeed.
And remember your ancestors and those that came before you whose sacrifices made your present life better.
Some Chinese will separate the intended meaning from this proverb and translate this as “Don't forget the people who once helped you.” In Modern China, this idiom is virtually never used to refer to an actual well.
Note: This can be pronounced in Korean but it's not a commonly used phrase.
Meaning: Anyone can make a mistake
猿も木から落ちる is the Japanese proverb, “Even monkeys fall from trees.”
It suggests that even the most skilled, can make a mistake in something they should be a master of. Or, to put it simply, “Anyone can make a mistake.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
This Japanese proverb can be translated as “flourish and wither, prosper and perish,” “life is full of fortune and misfortune,” or simply “vicissitudes of life.”
栄枯盛衰 / 榮枯盛衰 is about the rise and fall of human affairs or the ups and downs of life. Prosperity comes and goes, everything is fleeting and temporary, but like waves, another swell of prosperity may come.
Here's how the Kanji break down in this proverb:
栄 = prosper; thrive; flourish; boom.
枯 = wither; die.
盛 = prosperous; flourishing; thriving; successful; energetic; vigorous; enthusiastic.
衰 = become weaker; decline; get weak; die down; subside; abate; fail.
Notes: The original version of the first character looks like the image to the right. In modern Japan, they simplified that Kanji a bit into the version shown above. If you have a preference for which style is used for your calligraphy, please let me know when you place your order.
Apparently, with that original version of the first character, this is also used in Korean Hanja. However, I have not confirmed that
used in the same way or is widely-known in Korean.
These two characters mean “flower open.”
花開 is also associated with Springtime, the beginning of something, or youth.
花開 is often followed by 花落 or “flower falls” (closes and loses its petals) which means “Things come and go” or “Youth comes and goes.”
If you like flowers and Springtime, this is a great selection for you. However, if you want the companion “flower falls” (flower withers), we offer that as a companion wall scroll or all together as a four-character phrase.
See Also: Flowers Fall
花開花落 is a complete proverb that lightly speaks of the cycle of life, or how things come and go in life.
This is used as a metaphor to suggest that youth is a temporary state that in time will pass.
This can also be used to suggest that fortunes can come and go (everything is temporary).
Note: There are two very similar versions of this proverb. The other uses a word that means wither instead of fall.
花は咲き花は散る is a Japanese proverb about the cycle of life, or how things come and go in life.
This can be used to suggest that youth, fortune, and life can come and go (everything is temporary).
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
花開花謝 is a complete proverb that lightly speaks of the cycle of life, or how things come and go in life.
This is used as a metaphor to suggest that youth is a temporary state, which in time, will pass.
This proverb can be used to suggest that fortunes can come and go (everything is temporary).
Note: There are two very similar versions of this proverb. The other uses a word that means fall instead of wither.
花落 means flower fall (closes and loses its petals).
It suggests nearing the end of something. A time that some might call “The sunset of life.” 花落 often follows 花開 or “flower open” to talk of the cycle of life.
We offer this as a possible companion to a “flower open” scroll (to be placed side by side or at either side of a doorway to say “things come and go” - a cool metaphor for a doorway). If placed in a doorway, it could be used to suggest to your guests that things bloom when they arrive through your door but wither when they leave (a great compliment).
See Also: Flowers Bloom
容赦 is the kind of forgiveness that a king might give to his subjects for crimes or wrong-doings.
容赦 is a rather high-level forgiveness. Meaning that it goes from a higher level to a lower (not the reverse).
Alone, the first character can mean “to bear,” “to allow,” and/or “to tolerate,” and the second can mean “to forgive,” “to pardon,” and/or “to excuse.”
When you put both characters together, you get forgiveness, pardon, mercy, leniency, or going easy (on someone).
See Also: Benevolence
Honor Does Not Allow Second Thoughts
義無反顧 is a Chinese proverb that can be translated in a few different ways. Here are some examples:
Honor does not allow one to glance back.
Duty-bound not to turn back.
No surrender.
To pursue justice with no second thoughts.
Never surrender your principles.
This proverb is about the courage to do what is right without questioning your decision to take the right and just course.
Never Lose Your Beginner's Spirit
初心忘るべからず is an old Japanese proverb that suggests you try to never forget the enthusiasm you had as a child when you try new things (or even face the day-to-day). Basically, avoid having the mundane attitude that many people get with age.
You'll find this Japanese proverb translated in a few different ways. Here are some of them:
Don't forget your first resolution.
Never forget your childlike enthusiasm.
Forget not the beginner's mind.
Try never to lose your initial enthusiasm (freshness of attitude).
Note: This is sometimes written as 初心忘る可からず. The one shown above is used about 10x more often. There’s only one character difference between the two versions.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
Never forget your vow or path
It's Never Too Late Too Mend
Long ago in what is now China, there were many kingdoms throughout the land. This time period is known as “The Warring States Period” by historians because these kingdoms often did not get along with each other.
Sometime around 279 B.C. the Kingdom of Chu was a large but not particularly powerful kingdom. Part of the reason it lacked power was the fact that the King was surrounded by “yes men” who told him only what he wanted to hear. Many of the King's court officials were corrupt and incompetent which did not help the situation.
The King was not blameless himself, as he started spending much of his time being entertained by his many concubines.
One of the King's ministers, Zhuang Xin, saw problems on the horizon for the Kingdom, and warned the King, “Your Majesty, you are surrounded by people who tell you what you want to hear. They tell you things to make you happy and cause you to ignore important state affairs. If this is allowed to continue, the Kingdom of Chu will surely perish, and fall into ruins.”
This enraged the King who scolded Zhuang Xin for insulting the country and accused him of trying to create resentment among the people. Zhuang Xin explained, “I dare not curse the Kingdom of Chu but I feel that we face great danger in the future because of the current situation.” The King was simply not impressed with Zhuang Xin's words.
Seeing the King's displeasure with him and the King's fondness for his court of corrupt officials, Zhuang Xin asked permission from the King that he may take leave of the Kingdom of Chu, and travel to the State of Zhao to live. The King agreed, and Zhuang Xin left the Kingdom of Chu, perhaps forever.
Five months later, troops from the neighboring Kingdom of Qin invaded Chu, taking a huge tract of land. The King of Chu went into exile, and it appeared that soon, the Kingdom of Chu would no longer exist.
The King of Chu remembered the words of Zhuang Xin and sent some of his men to find him. Immediately, Zhuang Xin returned to meet the King. The first question asked by the King was “What can I do now?”
Zhuang Xin told the King this story:
A shepherd woke one morning to find a sheep missing. Looking at the pen saw a hole in the fence where a wolf had come through to steal one of his sheep. His friends told him that he had best fix the hole at once. But the Shepherd thought since the sheep is already gone, there is no use fixing the hole.
The next morning, another sheep was missing. And the Shepherd realized that he must mend the fence at once. Zhuang Xin then went on to make suggestions about what could be done to reclaim the land lost to the Kingdom of Qin, and reclaim the former glory and integrity of the Kingdom of Chu.
The Chinese idiom shown above came from this reply from Zhuang Xin to the King of Chu almost 2,300 years ago.
It translates roughly into English as...
“Even if you have lost some sheep, it's never too late to mend the fence.”
This proverb, 亡羊补牢犹未为晚, is often used in modern China when suggesting in a hopeful way that someone change their ways, or fix something in their life. It might be used to suggest fixing a marriage, quitting smoking, or getting back on track after taking an unfortunate path in life among other things one might fix in their life.
I suppose in the same way that we might say, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life” in our western cultures to suggest that you can always start anew.
Note: This does have Korean pronunciation but is not a well-known proverb in Korean (only Koreans familiar with ancient Chinese history would know it). Best if your audience is Chinese.
(2 characters)
無畏 literally means “No Fear.” But perhaps not the most natural Chinese phrase (see our other “No Fear” phrase for a complete thought). However, this two-character version of “No Fear” seems to be a very popular way to translate this into Chinese when we checked Chinese Google.
Note: This also means “No Fear” in Japanese and Korean, but this character pair is not often used in Japan or Korea.
This term appears in various Chinese dictionaries with definitions like “without fear,” intrepidity, fearless, dauntless, and bold.
In the Buddhist context, this is a word derived from the word Abhaya, meaning: Fearless, dauntless, secure, nothing, and nobody to fear. Also, from vīra meaning: courageous, bold.
See Also: Never Give Up | No Worries | Undaunted | Bravery | Courage | Fear No Man
開花 literally means opening flowers (a verb).
開花 is also associated with Springtime, the beginning of something, or youth.
If you like flowers and Springtime, this is a great selection for you.
In Korean Hanja, this can be a metaphor for achieving enlightenment or becoming civilized (blooming civilization).
See Also: Flowers Fall
Past events not forgotten serve as teachers for later events.
The most literal translation to English of this ancient 前事不忘后事之师 Chinese proverb is:
“Past events not forgotten serve as teachers for later events.”
However, it's been translated several ways:
Don't forget past events, they can guide you in the future.
Benefit from past experience.
Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.
Past calamity is my teacher.
A good memory for the past is a teacher for the future.
The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future.
If one remembers the lessons of the past; They will serve as a guide to avoid mistakes in the future.
The origin:
This proverb comes from the 5th century B.C., just before the Warring States Period in the territory now known as China.
The head of the State of Jin, Zhi Bo, seized power in a coup. He did this with help from the armies of the State of Han and Wei. Instead of being grateful for the help from Han and Wei, he treacherously took the land of Han and Wei. Never satisfied, Zhi Bo employed the armies of Han and Wei to attack and seize the State of Zhao.
The king of Zhao took advice from his minister Zhang Mengtan and secretly contacted the Han and Wei armies to reverse their plans and attack the army of Zhi Bo instead. The plan was successful, and the State of Zhao was not only saved but was set to become a powerful kingdom in the region.
Zhang Mengtan immediately submitted his resignation to a confused king of Zhao. When asked why, Zhang Mengtan said, “I've done my duty to save my kingdom, but looking back at past experience, I know sovereign kings are never satisfied with the power or land at hand. They will join others and fight for more power and more land. I must learn from past experiences, as those experiences are the teachers of future events.”
The king could not dispute the logic in that statement and accepted Zhang Mengtan's resignation.
For generations, the State of Zhao continued to fight for power and land until finally defeated and decimated by the State of Qin (which led to the birth of the Qin Dynasty in 221 B.C.).
打怕的人是假的敬怕的人是真的 is a proverb that seems to be aimed at world leaders or others in power. Perhaps a suggestion to avoid the practice of “fear-mongering” opting instead for a policy of benevolence and justice.
An example: When the Bush administration told Pakistan they could either join America in the “war on terror,” or expect some bombs to be coming their way, Bush gained this kind of “less-than-genuine respect” from Pakistanis.
Leaders in places like North Korea and even Saudi Arabia reap the same bogus respect from their own citizens.
Note that calligraphers do not like to repeat the same characters in exactly the same way in the same piece of artwork. So expect the characters that are repeated to be written in different forms in the real artwork (unlike the way they are displayed to the left).
The number seven
七 is the number 7 in Chinese, Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji. I have no idea why you would want this as a calligraphy wall scroll but hundreds of visitors search for this number.
In Japanese, this character can be pronounced several different ways depending on context. It can be shichi / nana-, and a few others when combined with other characters.
There's just one way to pronounce this in Chinese. Korean also has just one pronunciation.
信仰希望慈善堅忍正義慎重節制 is a list in Chinese and Japanese Kanji of an interpretation of the Seven Heavenly Virtues.
1. Faith is belief in God, and the right virtues.
2. Hope is taking a positive future view that good will prevail.
3. Charity is a concern for, and active helping of, others.
4. Fortitude is never giving up.
5. Justice is being fair and equitable with others.
6. Prudence is care of and moderation with money.
7. Temperance is moderation of needed things and abstinence from things that are not needed.
The full list is here. 信仰希望慈善堅忍正義慎重節制 is a word list, not a common phrase. While all Chinese and Japanese people will recognize the words in the list, they may not understand what the list is about (unless they are familiar with the Seven Heavenly Virtues).
don’t get this as a tattoo or anything like that without first consulting a native translator in the target language. These are fine for a wall scroll but a long discussion is needed before you commit to this for a lifetime inking commitment.
幸福の七カ条 is the title for the 7 rules of happiness in Japanese.
The rules themselves take up a lot of space:
1. 成功や栄誉や勝ち負けを目的に、ことを行ってはいけない。
2. しないではいられないことをし続けなさい。
3. 他人との比較ではない、あくまで自分の楽しさを追及すべし。
4. 好きの力を信じる。
5. 才能と収入は別、努力は人を裏切ると心得よ。
6. 怠け者になりなさい。
7. 目に見えない世界を信じる。 this title is probably all you need.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Katakana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
吃一塹長一智 is a Chinese proverb that means “Fall into a moat, and you will gain wisdom from the experience.”
It really suggests that the failures, troubles, frustrations, and setbacks that you encounter in your life are actually helping you to find wisdom. Some would also translate this proverb as “Learn from your mistakes” or “Learn from your experience.”
If you are studying Chinese, you will recognize the first character as “eat,” but in this case, it means to “experience” (as used in this proverb, it is suggesting that you have fallen into a moat and/or had a hard time crossing it).
Translated character by character, this whole proverb is, “Experience one moat, gain one wisdom/knowledge.”
Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used phrase.
君子豹変す is a Japanese proverb that suggests that a wise man is willing to change his mind, but a fool will stubbornly never change his.
The first word is 君子 (kunshi), a man of virtue, a person of high rank, a wise man.
The second word is 豹変 (hyouhen), sudden change, complete change.
The last part, す (su), modifies the verb to a more humble form.
The “fool” part is merely implied or understood. So if wise and noble people are willing to change their minds, it automatically says that foolish people are unwilling to change.
This literally means an arrogant army is bound to lose.
The meaning is similar to “pride goes before a fall.”
Others may translate this as “defeat is inevitable for an overconfident army,” “being arrogant and overconfident inevitably leads to defeat,” or “pride comes before a fall.”
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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...
Title | Characters | Romaji (Romanized Japanese) | Various forms of Romanized Chinese | |
Never Give Up | 永不放棄 永不放弃 | yǒng bù fàng qì yong3 bu4 fang4 qi4 yong bu fang qi yongbufangqi | yung pu fang ch`i yungpufangchi yung pu fang chi |
Never Give In Never Succumb Never Lose | 決して諦めるな | kesshite akirameruna kesshiteakirameruna keshite akirameruna | ||
Undaunted After Repeated Setbacks | 百折不撓 百折不挠 | hyaku setsu su tou hyakusetsusutou hyaku setsu su to | bǎi zhé bù náo bai3 zhe2 bu4 nao2 bai zhe bu nao baizhebunao | pai che pu nao paichepunao |
Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight | 七転八起 | shichi ten hakki / nana korobi ya oki shichi ten haki / nana korobi ya oki | ||
Tenacious Tenacity | 頑強 顽强 | gan kyou / gankyou / gan kyo | wán qiáng wan2 qiang2 wan qiang wanqiang | wan ch`iang wanchiang wan chiang |
Always Try to do Better | 更に上を目指す | sara ni ue o me za su saraniueomezasu | ||
Autumn Fall Season | 秋 | aki | qiū / qiu1 / qiu | ch`iu / chiu |
Wisdom from Hard Knocks | 挨一拳得一招挨十拳變諸葛 挨一拳得一招挨十拳变诸葛 | ái yī quán dé yī zhāo ái shí quán biàn zhū gě ai2 yi1 quan2 de2 yi1 zhao1 ai2 shi2 quan2 bian4 zhu1 ge3 ai yi quan de yi zhao ai shi quan bian zhu ge | ai i ch`üan te i chao ai shih ch`üan pien chu ko ai i chüan te i chao ai shih chüan pien chu ko |
You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure | 百勝難慮敵三折乃良醫 百胜难虑敌三折乃良医 | bǎi shèng nán lǜ dí sān zhé nǎi liáng yī bai3 sheng4 nan2 lv4 di2 san1 zhe2 nai3 liang2 yi1 bai sheng nan lv di san zhe nai liang yi | pai sheng nan lü ti san che nai liang i | |
Death Before Surrender | 寧死不屈 宁死不屈 | níng sǐ bù qū ning2 si3 bu4 qu1 ning si bu qu ningsibuqu | ning ssu pu ch`ü ningssupuchü ning ssu pu chü |
Death Before Surrender | 寧死不降 宁死不降 | nìng sǐ bù xiáng ning4 si3 bu4 xiang2 ning si bu xiang ningsibuxiang | ning ssu pu hsiang ningssupuhsiang |
Honorable Death - No Surrender | 玉砕主義 | gyokusai shugi gyokusaishugi | ||
Drinking the water of a well: One should never forget who dug it | 吃水不忘掘井人 | chī shuǐ bú wàng jué jǐng rén chi1 shui3 bu2 wang4 jue2 jing3 ren2 chi shui bu wang jue jing ren chishuibuwangjuejingren | ch`ih shui pu wang chüeh ching jen chih shui pu wang chüeh ching jen |
Even Monkeys Fall From Trees | 猿も木から落ちる | saru mo ki kara ochiru sarumokikaraochiru | ||
Rise and Fall Ups and Downs | 栄枯盛衰 / 榮枯盛衰 荣枯盛衰 | ei ko sei sui eikoseisui | ||
Flower Open Blooming Flower | 花開 花开 | huā kāi / hua1 kai1 / hua kai / huakai | hua k`ai / huakai / hua kai | |
Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall | 花開花落 花开花落 | huā kāi huā luò hua1 kai1 hua1 luo4 hua kai hua luo huakaihualuo | hua k`ai hua lo huakaihualo hua kai hua lo |
Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall | 花は咲き花は散る | hana wa sa ki hana wa chi ru hanawasakihanawachiru | ||
Flowers Bloom and Flowers Wither | 花開花謝 花开花谢 | huā kāi huā xiè hua1 kai1 hua1 xie4 hua kai hua xie huakaihuaxie | hua k`ai hua hsieh huakaihuahsieh hua kai hua hsieh |
Flowers Fall The End Comes | 花落 | huā sà / hua1 luo4 / hua luo / hualuo | hua lo / hualo | |
Forgiveness (from the top down) | 容赦 | you sha / yousha / yo sha | róng shè / rong2 she4 / rong she / rongshe | jung she / jungshe |
I give you my hand | 私の手を與える 私の手を与える | watashi no te o ataeru watashinoteoataeru | ||
God Give Me Strength | 願上帝給我力量 愿上帝给我力量 | yuàn shàng dì gěi wǒ lì liàng yuan4 shang4 di4 gei3 wo3 li4 liang4 yuan shang di gei wo li liang yuanshangdigeiwoliliang | yüan shang ti kei wo li liang yüanshangtikeiwoliliang |
God Give Me Strength | 神が私に力を與えてください 神が私に力を与えてください | kami ga watashi ni chikara o atae te kudasai | ||
God Give Me Strength | 神は私に力を與える 神は私に力を与える | kami wa watashi ni chikara o ataeru | ||
No Surrender | 義無反顧 义无反顾 | yì wú fǎn gù yi4 wu2 fan3 gu4 yi wu fan gu yiwufangu | i wu fan ku iwufanku |
Never Forget Your First Resolution | 初心忘るべからず / 初心忘る可からず 初心忘るべからず | sho shin wasu ru be ka ra zu shoshinwasurubekarazu | ||
Never Forget | 常不忘失 | jou fu bou shitsu joufuboushitsu jo fu bo shitsu | cháng bú wàng shī chang2 bu2 wang4 shi1 chang bu wang shi changbuwangshi | ch`ang pu wang shih changpuwangshih chang pu wang shih |
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today | 今日事今日畢 今日事今日毕 | jīn rì shì jīn rì bì jin1 ri4 shi4 jin1 ri4 bi4 jin ri shi jin ri bi jinrishijinribi | chin jih shih chin jih pi chinjihshihchinjihpi |
Better Late Than Never | 亡羊補牢猶未為晚 亡羊补牢犹未为晚 | wáng yáng bǔ láo yóu wèi wéi wǎn wang2 yang2 bu3 lao2 you2 wei4 wei2 wan3 wang yang bu lao you wei wei wan | wang yang pu lao yu wei wei wan wangyangpulaoyuweiweiwan |
No Fear | 無畏 无畏 | mui | wú wèi / wu2 wei4 / wu wei / wuwei | |
Opening Blooming Flowers | 開花 开花 | kai ka / kaika | kāi huā / kai1 hua1 / kai hua / kaihua | k`ai hua / kaihua / kai hua |
Past experience is the teacher for the future | 前事不忘后事之師 前事不忘后事之师 | qián shì bú wàng hòu shí zhī shī qian2 shi4 bu2 wang4 hou4 shi2 zhi1 shi1 qian shi bu wang hou shi zhi shi | ch`ien shih pu wang hou shih chih shih chien shih pu wang hou shih chih shih |
Never Forget | 永志不忘 | yǒng zhì bù wàng yong3 zhi4 bu4 wang4 yong zhi bu wang yongzhibuwang | yung chih pu wang yungchihpuwang |
Respect out of fear is never genuine; Reverence out of respect is never false | 打怕的人是假的敬怕的人是真的 | dǎ pà de rén shì jiǎ de jìng pà de rén shì zhēn de da3 pa4 de ren2 shi4 jia3 de jing4 pa4 de ren2 shi4 zhen1 de da pa de ren shi jia de jing pa de ren shi zhen de | ta p`a te jen shih chia te ching p`a te jen shih chen te ta pa te jen shih chia te ching pa te jen shih chen te |
Seven | 七 | shichi / nana- | qī / qi1 / qi | ch`i / chi |
Seven Heavenly Virtues | 信仰希望慈善堅忍正義慎重節制 信仰希望慈善坚忍正义慎重节制 | shinkou kibou jizen kennin seigi shinchou sessei shinko kibo jizen kennin seigi shincho sesei | xìn yǎng xī wàng cí shàn jiān rěn zhèng yì shèn zhòng jié zhì xin4 yang3 xi1 wang4 ci2 shan4 jian1 ren3 zheng4 yi4 shen4 zhong4 jie2 zhi4 xin yang xi wang ci shan jian ren zheng yi shen zhong jie zhi | hsin yang hsi wang tz`u shan chien jen cheng i shen chung chieh chih hsin yang hsi wang tzu shan chien jen cheng i shen chung chieh chih |
Seven Rules of Happiness | 幸福の七カ條 幸福の七カ条 | kou fuku no nana ka jou koufukunonanakajou ko fuku no nana ka jo | ||
Each Time You Stumble and Fall, You Gain Experience and Wisdom | 吃一塹長一智 吃一堑长一智 | chī yí qiàn, zhǎng yí zhì chi1 yi2 qian4 zhang3 yi2 zhi4 chi yi qian zhang yi zhi chiyiqianzhangyizhi | ch`ih i ch`ien chang i chih chihichienchangichih chih i chien chang i chih |
A Wise Man Changes His Mind (but a fool never will) | 君子豹変す | kun shi hyou hen su kunshihyouhensu kun shi hyo hen su | ||
Give Up Desire | 捨欲 舍欲 | shayoku | shě yù / she3 yu4 / she yu / sheyu | she yü / sheyü |
Pride Goes Before a Fall | 驕兵必敗 骄兵必败 | kyouheihippai / kyohehippai kyoheihipai / kyohehipai | jiāo bīng bì bài jiao1 bing1 bi4 bai4 jiao bing bi bai jiaobingbibai | chiao ping pi pai chiaopingpipai |
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line. In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese. |
All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.
When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.
Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!
When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.
The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.
Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.
There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form
of art alive.
Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.
The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.