We have many options to create artwork with the Chinese characters / Asian symbols / Japanese Kanji for God Give Me Strength on a wall scroll or portrait.
In addition to God Give Me Strength, we have many other religious titles and phrases: God, Christian / Jesus, Islam, Judiasm, Buddhism
2. Trust in God / In God We Trust
4. One Day Seems Like 1000 Years
5. Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea
6. Year-In Year-Out Have Abundance
7. In the Abyss of Infinite Bitterness - Turn to the Shore
8. Optimism / Happy With Your Fate
9. Adoring Love
10. Happiness in the Afterlife
12. Alone with only your shadow for company
14. Always with a Book in Hand
15. Fix the roof before the rain; Dig the well before you are thirsty
16. Amazing Grace
17. Angel / Messenger of Heaven
18. Any success can not compensate for failure in the home
20. Passionate Love / Ardent Love and Devotion
21. Beautiful Life / Life in Perfect Harmony
22. Beautiful Virtue
23. You are always a beauty in your lover’s eyes
24. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
25. Belief / Trust
28. Best Love / Most Sincere Love
29. Better to Choose Nothing, Rather than Make a Poor Choice
30. Without a big net, how can you catch fish?
31. If you cannot bite, do not show your teeth
32. Blessed by God
37. You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure
38. Keep Calm in Face of Adversity
39. Carpe Diem / Seize the Day
40. Charm / Grace
41. Child of God
42. Christian / Disciple of Christ
46. You are who you hang out with
47. Do not shed a tear until you see the coffin
48. The Confident Helmsman Inspires Confidence in the Passengers
49. The Five Tenets of Confucius
50. Courage to do what is right
52. Cry in the Dojo - Laugh on the Battlefield
53. The Night is Darkest Before the Dawn
55. Desire / Longing / Craving
56. Religious Devotion / Faith in God / Religious Faith
58. Divine Blessing
59. Grace of God / Divine Blessing
60. Divine Grace
61. Divine Light
62. Divine Love
63. Divine Spirit
64. Elegant / Exquisite / Grace
65. Grace / Favor
66. Eternal Beauty
67. Eternal Friendship / Friends Forever
69. Eternal Love
73. Eternity / Always and Forever
74. Example is Better than Precept
75. Experience is the Mother of Wisdom
78. Failure is the Origin of Success
79. Failure is the Mother of Success
80. Faith / Trusting in the Unseen
81. Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark
82. Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight
83. Far-Sighted in Deep Thought
84. Destiny Determined by Heaven
85. Grace / Favor
86. Fear God
87. Fighter for God
92. Forever Love
94. Fortitude / Strength of Character
97. Put out a burning wood cart with a cup of water
98. Courage To Do What Is Right
101. God Bless You
102. God Bless You / May God Protect You
103. God in the Glorious Center of Heaven
104. God Forgive Me
105. God is Good
106. God is Love
107. God is my Judge
108. God Loves You
109. Venus / Amor / God of Love
110. God of War
111. God of Warcraft
112. God Bless You / God Be With You
113. God of Zion / God of Abraham
114. Allah / God of Islam
115. God Give Me Strength
117. God Daughter
118. God Give Me Strength
121. God Son / God Child
122. Time is as Precious as Gold
123. A Moment of Time is as Precious as Gold
124. Good Luck
125. In Good Order
126. In Good Order / Organized
127. Doing good is the greatest source of happiness
128. Grace
129. Grace from Heaven / Grace from God
130. Grace
131. Grim Reaper / God of Death
132. Guandi: God of War
133. Hachiman: God of War
134. Hiding in the Leaves - Hagakure
135. In Flowers the Cherry Blossom, In Men the Samurai
136. Happiness
137. Healthy Living
138. Holding Flowers with Subtle Smile
139. Heaven and Earth
140. Blessed by Heaven
141. Heaven Blesses the Diligent
143. Heaven Sent
144. Heaven
145. Warrior of Heaven
146. Feel at Ease Anywhere / The World is My Home
147. Home is where the heart is
148. Faithful / Honorable / Trustworthy / Fidelity / Loyalty
149. Honesty
150. The Whole Room Rocks With Laughter
151. I Adore You
152. I Love You
154. I Miss You
155. The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering
156. A Deliberate Inaction is Better than a Blind Action
157. Indomitable / Persistence / Fortitude
159. I Need You
160. Inner Strength / Inner Well-Being and Health
161. Inner Strength is Better than Outward Appearance
162. Inner Strength
163. Inner Strength / Self-Improvement
164. Inspire with redoubled courage
165. Integrity
166. I Want You
167. Jesus Christ is my Savior
168. Jesus Christ is My Savior
169. Jesus is my Savior
170. Jesus Christ is Love
171. Jesus is My Life
172. Johrei / Jyorei
173. Joshua 1:9
174. It is the Journey, Not the Destination
175. The Destination is Nothing Without the Journey
176. A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step
178. Kingdom of Heaven
179. Kiran
180. Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself, and You Cannot Lose
181. Hunt Foxes with Stealth, Hunt Wolves in the Open
182. We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity?
183. You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure
184. Life in Harmony / Balanced Life
185. Life in Balance / Balancing Life
186. Life in Harmony / Balanced Life
187. A Life of Happiness and Prosperity
188. Life in Every Breath
189. Life Is But A Dream
190. Life is a Journey
191. Life is Good / Life is Beautiful
192. Life is Good
193. Life is Short
195. Life is What You Make of It
196. Life with Love
197. Life is Fun
198. Life is Good
200. Listen to Both Sides and be Enlightened, Listen to One Side and be in the Dark
201. Live For The Day
202. Live For The Day / Seize The Day
204. Live In The Moment / Live In The Now
205. Live in Peace and Contentment
206. Live in Prosperity
207. Live Without Regret
208. Lonely
209. Longing for Lover
210. Jesus is Lord
212. Love
213. Love and Affection
214. Eternal Love / Love Eternally
215. Love Forever / Love Eternal
216. Love and Honor
217. Love Faith Strength
218. Loyalty
219. Madly in Love
220. Mary-Grace
221. Mighty / Powerful / Strong
222. Energy Sword Body in Concert
223. Miss You Forever
224. Missing / Yearning
225. If you have not been a monk, how can you know what it is like to be a vegetarian?
226. Love for Parents
227. Where There is a Will, There is a Way
228. Nothing is Impossible with Persistence
229. Music is Life
230. My True Love
231. Nature in Balance / Balanced Nature
232. Never Give Up
233. Never Give In / Never Succumb / Never Lose
234. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today
235. No arrogance in victory, No despair in defeat
236. No Fear
237. There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger
238. No Regrets
239. There is No Royal Road to Learning
241. The Sea of Knowledge Has No Limits
242. Okami / God
243. Once in a Lifetime
245. One Love
246. One who walks by the river may end up with wet feet
247. Oneness of Heaven and Humanity
249. Open the Minds of the Next Generation To Stimulate Thinking
250. Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body
251. Love Between Child and Parents
252. Past experience is the teacher for the future
253. Patience / Perseverance / To Endure / Tolerant
254. Do not take action until the time is right
255. Pearl in the Palm
256. Perseverance
257. Perseverance / Will-Power
258. Perseverance / Indomitable / Invincible Fortitude
259. Undaunted After Repeated Setbacks
260. Please Forgive Me
261. There is no pleasure without pain
263. Protection
264. One who is drenched in rain does not fear drops of dew
267. The Red String
268. Remember What Is Important To You
269. Resilient in the Face of Adversity
270. Respect out of fear is never genuine; Reverence out of respect is never false
271. Strength and Love in Unity
272. River of Literacy, Sea of Learning
273. Roar of Laughter / Big Laughs
274. Sanctified by God
275. Seeing is Believing
276. Self-Confidence
277. Semper Fidelis / Always Faithful
278. If you love your child, send them out into the world
279. Shito-Ryu Ki-Me-Kan Karate-Do
280. Sit in Meditation
281. Sit Quietly in Meditation
284. Flexibility Overcomes Strength
285. Soldier of the Gods
286. Spirit / Spiritual Essence
287. Spiritual Strength / Strength of Spirit
288. Strength / Ability
289. Strength and Honor
290. Strength and Love
291. Strength and Courage
292. Herculean Strength
293. Strength / Vigor / Energy
294. Physical Strength
295. Power / Strength
296. Strength: Strong and Solid
297. Always Striving for Inner Strength
298. Strong / Powerful
299. Strong / Powerful / Force
300. Strong / Robust
301. Strong / Healthy
302. Strong and Beautiful
303. Strong / Healthy
304. Strong Hearted / Strong Willed
305. With all the strength of your heart
306. Strong Woman
307. Failure is a Stepping Stone to Success
308. Such is Life
309. Such is Life / Such is Destiny
310. The More We Sweat in Training, The Less We Bleed in Battle
311. Tempering Makes Strong Steel
312. Tenacious / Tenacity
313. Thank You / Xie Xie
314. Thank You / Arigato
315. This is Life
316. When Three People Gather, Wisdom is Multiplied
317. God of Thunder
318. How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the lair of the tiger?
319. Time is more valuable than Jade
320. Time is Money
321. Time is Gold
322. Together Forever
324. True Love
325. True Victory is Victory Over Oneself
327. Trust in God
328. Trust No One / Trust No Man
329. Trust in God / Belief in God
330. Trust in God / Faith in God
332. Under the Protection of the Dragon Saint
333. The Universe in Balance / Balanced Universe
334. Vitality
335. Voice of Heaven / Voices from Heaven
336. Walk in the Way
337. Walking 100 Miles: Stopping at 90 miles, is the same as stopping half-way
338. Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble
339. Warrior of the Heavenly Realm
340. Warrior of God / Soldier of God
341. The Value of Warriors Lies in Their Quality
342. Well-Disciplined / Orderly
343. To a Willing Heart, All Things Are Possible
344. Where There is a Will, There is a Way
345. Determination to Achieve / Will-Power
346. Will-Power / Self-Control
347. You must endure a harsh winter to appreciate the warmth of springtime
348. Each Time You Stumble and Fall, You Gain Experience and Wisdom
349. No Limitations
351. Work Together with One Mind
352. Work Together with One Heart
353. You Only Live Once
354. You are only as old as you feel
355. Shinken Shobu
356. Rise Up with Thrift and Diligence
357. Go With The Flow
358. You are Always in My Heart
360. The Buddha is in Each Sentient Being
361. Flower in the Mirror, Moon on Water
363. The two most important days in your life...
364. The Nature of Enlightenment in One's Mind
365. Reincarnation / Life in Flux
366. Old, But More Vigorous in Spirit
367. Conquering Yourself is a Sign of Strength
368. Take Refuge in the Three Treasures
369. Hearing a Hundred Times is Not as Good as Seeing Once
370. Hold Hands with You, Grow Old with You
371. My life is complete because of you
372. Give Up Desire
373. Xuan Wu / Genbu / Black Tortoise God
374. There is one single thread binding my Way together
375. Strength Love Honor
376. It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war
378. There is always a way out
379. Life is a Dew Drop
380. Heaven Blessing
381. Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast
382. Trust Your Heart
相信上帝 means exactly what the title suggests. The first two characters mean “trust” or “believe,” and the second two mean “God” (as in the God of Abraham and the God of Zion).
Thisis also how the American phrase “In God We Trust” as seen on U.S. Currency would be translated into Chinese. It would also be correct to say that this means “Believe in God,” though, in this arrangement/context, one would be more likely to interpret it as “trust.”
加護 is Japanese for “divine protection” or “the saving grace of God.”
Please consider this blessing to be Japanese only. This can have the same meaning in the context of Buddhism in Chinese, but it's also a nickname for “intensive care” at Chinese hospitals.
Note: My Japanese translator says this is not commonly used in Japanese. I added this because a customer asked for it. There is no better Japanese phrase to express this idea - so this is it if you want it.
一日千秋 is a Japanese and Chinese proverb about missing someone.
一日千秋 is often used to express how hard it is to wait for someone's return or to be away from someone.
Some will translate this as “one day feels like a very long time” or “waiting for someone (something) is hard.”
You might see this romanized as a single word, Ichijitsusenshuu, or as “Ichijitsu Senshuu” from Japanese.
If you break down the characters one-by-one, we get:
一 = one/a
日 = day/sun (can also represent time or date)
千 = 1000/thousand
秋 = autumn/fall
Together, 千秋 can mean “autumn comes thousand times” (or 1000 years). It can also be read as 1000 periods of time.
However, it relays the idea of heartache as you wait for someone you miss.
千慮一得 means “1000 tries, one success,” or “[a] thousand tries [leads to] one success.”
This proverb is a humble way to express your success, ideas, or accomplishments. As if you are a fool who just got lucky in inventing or creating something.
Translations for this proverb include:
Even without any notable ability on my part, I may still get it right sometimes by good luck.
Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea.
Compare this to the English idiom, “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”
年年有餘 is a common proverb or wish of prosperity you'll hear around the time of Chinese New Year.
Directly translated character by character, it means “Year Year Have Surplus.” A more natural English translation including the deeper meaning would be “Every Year may you Have Abundance in your life.”
On a side note, this phrase often goes with a gift of something related to fish. This is because the last character, “yu” which means surplus or abundance, has exactly the same pronunciation in Mandarin as the word for “fish.”
This is also one of the most common titles for traditional paintings that feature koi fish.
In China, this phrase might make an odd wall scroll - a customer asked especially for this common phrase which is why it appears here. See my other abundance-related words if you want a wall scroll that will seem more comfortable in Chinese culture.
Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used term.
See Also: Prosperity | Good Fortune
苦海無邊, 回頭是岸 can be translated almost directly as “The sea of bitterness has no bounds, turn your head to see the shore.”
Often this proverb refers to how Buddhist enlightenment can allow one to shed off the abyss of worldly suffering. But it can apply to other religions. If you find yourself trapped in the hardship of this worldly life, take a new turn, and seek a path to salvation.
樂天 is about being optimistic and also making the best of whatever life throws at you.
This is hard to define. One dictionary defines this as “acceptance of fate and happy about it.” There is one English word equivalent, which is sanguinity or sanguinary.
You can also say that this means “Be happy with whatever Heaven provides,” or “Find happiness in whatever fate Heaven bestows upon you.” 樂天 suggests being an optimist in life.
Note: This is sometimes a given name in China.
Please note that Japanese tend to write the first character in a slightly-different form (as seen to the right). Let us know if you have a preference when you place your order.
愛慕 means “adoring love” in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
I suppose this is the best kind of love to have. 愛慕 has the common character for love. But the second character modifies and reinforces the meaning to become adore, adoring love, or to love and adore.
Ancient Chinese warning:
Adoring someone is fine until you are in the shoes of the Prince of the Kingdom of Wu. This Prince adored a certain beautiful woman (Xi Shi) so much that he neglected his duties and soon let the kingdom fall into ruins.
冥福 is an unusual Chinese, Japanese, and Korean term that means afterlife happiness, happiness in the next world, or the happiness of the dead.
獨自 is a Japanese word that means “alone” in the context of a person by himself/herself.
This can be translated as individual, solo, on one's own, or by oneself.
See Also: I Miss You
煢煢孑立形影相吊 is a Chinese proverb about the state of being as alone as you possibly can be.
It can be translated as “Alone with only your shadow for comfort/company.”
See Also: I Miss You
This Japanese proverb literally translates as: [After having achieved a fair degree of success,] one should still try to do better.
Others may translate this as “Always try to improve,” or “Always try to be better.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Never Give Up
手不釋卷 is a Chinese proverb that literally means “always with a book in hand.”
It's a proverb said of a hardworking scholar or student.
This may refer to a student or scholar who is diligent and hardworking. It's a great gift for a student or scholar who loves books.
补漏趁天晴未渴先掘井 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: Mend the roof while the weather is fine, [and when you are] not yet thirsty, dig the well beforehand.
In simple terms, this means: Always being prepared in advance.
See Also: Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble
アメイジング・グレイス is the Japanese Katakana for Amazing Grace.
This phonetically sounds like the English, “Amazing Grace” but does not hold that meaning since it is a transliteration versus a translation.
Note: Because this title is entirely Japanese Katakana, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
天使 is the meaning of Angel in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
The first character means heaven. The second means messenger. Together it makes sense that we are talking about angels as Heaven's Messengers.
If you are an “Angel Junkie,” this may be the wall scroll for you.
I also think it's a great choice if your name happens to be Angel.
See Also: Angel
大天使 is the title Archangel in Chinese characters, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
The first character means big or great (in this case, it means “arch”).
The second means heaven (or sky).
The last means messenger.
The second and third characters together make the title for angel, which is literally “Heaven's Messenger.”
This title would be understood as “The Chief of all Angels,” or “The Great Angel.” Some might even say it's the boss of Angels.
See Also: Angel
熱愛 means love passionately, ardent love, devotion, adoration.
The literal meaning is “hot love,” as the first character means heat, fervent, hot, and warm. Sometimes it can mean fever, restlessness, or zeal. The second character is, of course, love. If you adore and are devoted to someone with all your love, this is the title for you.
和美 is a word that means “harmonious” or, “in perfect harmony.”
The deeper meaning or more natural translation would be something like, “beautiful life.”
The first character means peace and harmony.
The second character means beautiful. But in this case, when combined with the first character, beautiful refers to being satisfied with what you have in your life. This can be having good relations, good feelings, comfort, and having enough (with no feeling of wanting).
Note: In Japanese, this is often used as the name "Wami." This title is probably more appropriate if your audience is Chinese.
美德 written in Chinese or Korean Hanja can also mean “grace of character” or “noble virtue.”
There is a slight variation in the modern Japanese Kanji form of the second character. If you want the modern Japanese version, please click on the special Kanji shown to the right instead of the button above. Note that the traditional Chinese form is still readable and understood by Japanese people ( it’s the ancient Japanese form anyway).
Any woman with affection for Asian art will love a gift of this Chinese proverb calligraphy on a wall scroll.
She will melt in your arms as you tell her the meaning of these characters.
Contained in this phrase is a reference to the most beautiful woman in Chinese history. Her name was Xi Shi, and she was known to have good looks that need not have fine robes or makeup. Her charms were so powerful that she brought down an entire kingdom (in a successful effort to bring honor and pride back to her people).
情人眼里出西施 is a great way to express that the woman in your life is your one love.
美しさは見る人の目の中にある means “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” in Japanese.
Japanese grammar and word order are different than English, but I will partially break this down for you:
美しさ = Beauty
は = is/relates
見る = to look/see
人の = person's
目の = eye's
中にあ = inside
る = !
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
信任 means belief or trust in Chinese characters, old Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji.
It can also mean having confidence in or credence.
信 can mean to believe, truth, faith, fidelity, sincerity, trust, and confidence in Chinese, old Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji.
This single character is often part of other words with similar meanings.
It is one of the five basic tenets of Confucius.
In Chinese, it sometimes has the secondary meaning of a letter (as in the mail) depending on context but it will not be read that way when seen on a wall scroll.
In the Buddhist context, this is śraddhā (faith through hearing or being taught).
自分を信じる means “believe in yourself,” “have faith in yourself,” or “believe in myself” (can be myself or yourself depending on if you're saying it to yourself or someone else).
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
至愛 can mean the best love or most sincere love of your life.
This could be a romantic love such as your love for your spouse or a boyfriend/girlfriend.
It can also apply to the extreme love you have for your children or a parent and maybe a really good friend.
See Also: I Love You
寧缺毋濫 is a Chinese proverb that can be translated as “Better to have nothing (than substandard choice).”
It basically suggests that one should prefer to go without something rather than accept a shoddy option.
See Also: A Deliberate Inaction is Better Than a Blind Action
不撒大網不得大魚 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: [if one does] not cast a big net, [one can] not get big fish.
Figuratively, this means: One cannot make great accomplishments without making great efforts or taking great pains.
This is sort of the fishing version of, “No pain, no gain.”
If you cannot fight, don't start one
不能咬人就别龇牙 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: [if you] can't bite people, don't bare [your] teeth.
Figuratively, this means: Don't show your anger if you can't do anything about the situation.
Some will also say this means “Don't start a fight that you cannot win.” Others will say it means that you must be willing to back up your words (perhaps with your fists).
祝福 is a nice way to give good wishes to someone.
It can be a general blessing or used to congratulate someone for a special occasion or graduation.
This has a good meaning in Japanese but is more appropriate when expressed orally. 祝福 is not a natural selection for a wall scroll if your audience is Japanese.
身土不二 (Shindofuni) is originally a Buddhist concept or proverb referring to the inseparability of body-mind and geographical circumstances.
This reads, “Body [and] earth [are] not two.”
Other translations or matching ideas include:
Body and land are one.
Body and earth can not be separated.
Body earth sensory curation.
You are what you eat.
Indivisibility of the body and the land (because the body is made from food and food is made from the land).
Going further, this speaks of our human bodies and the land from which we get our food being closely connected. This phrase is often used when talking about natural and organic vegetables coming directly from the farm to provide the healthiest foods in Japan.
Character notes: 身(shin) in this context does not just mean your physical body but a concept including both body and mind.
土 (do) refers to the soil, earth, clay, land, or in some cases, locality. It's not the proper name of Earth, the planet. However, it can refer to the land or realm we live in.
Japanese note: This has been used in Japan, on and off, since 1907 as a slogan for a governmental healthy eating campaign (usually pronounced as shindofuji instead of the original shindofuni in this context). It may have been hijacked from Buddhism for this propaganda purpose, but at least this is “healthy propaganda.”
Korean note: The phrase 身土不二 was in use by 1610 A.D. in Korea, where it can be found in an early medical journal.
In modern South Korea, it's written in Hangul as 신토불이. Korea used Chinese characters (same source as Japanese Kanji) as their only written standard form of the language until about a hundred years ago. Therefore, many Koreans will recognize this as a native phrase and concept.
See Also: Strength and Love in Unity
愛は全てを完全に結ぶ帯である is a Japanese phrase that suggests we (or a couple) are bound together by love.
I searched the web and found all of these English translation variations for this phrase:
Have love; The only way in which you may be completely joined together.
Love is the sash that perfectly binds us together.
Love is what binds us together
Love binds all things together in perfect unity.
This same Japanese phrase is used as part of Colossians 3:14 in at least one version of the Japanese Bible.
A few Biblical versions include:
...Charity, which is the bond of perfectness. (KJV)
...Love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. (NIV)
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
百胜难虑敌三折乃良医 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: [Even a general who has won a] hundred victories [may be] hard put to see through the enemy's [strategy], [but one who has] broken [his] arm three [times] [will] be a good doctor.
Figuratively, this means: One cannot always depend on past successes to guarantee future success but one can always learn from lessons drawn from failure.
See Also: Failure - Mother of Success | Experience - Mother of Success | Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8 | Hard Knocks
失意泰然 is a very old Japanese proverb that suggests “keeping calm and collected at times of disappointment,” or “maintaining a serene state of mind when faced with adversity.”
It's hard to relate individual character meanings to the overall meaning unless you also understand Japanese grammar. The word order is very different than English. That being said, here's the character meaning breakdown:
失 To miss, lose or fail.
意 Feelings, thoughts, meaning.
泰 Safe, peaceful.
然 Like that, in that way, however, although.
Using these definitions in English, we might say, “Although you may fail or lose, have a feeling of peace and calm.”
基督徒 is a very strong and direct word in Chinese for “Christian.”
The literal translation of the first two characters is “Christ.”
The last character means apprentice, follower, or disciple.
Altogether these three characters mean “Christ's Disciple” or “Christ's Apprentice.” 基督徒 is a pretty cool title to hang on your wall if you are a devout Christian.
Also used by Japanese Christians (but may be unfamiliar to non-Christian Japanese people).
See Also: Jesus Christ | God of Abraham
基督教徒 is the most verbose (longest) word for “Christian” in the Chinese and Japanese languages.
The literal translation of the first two characters is Christ.
The third Character means “Religion” or “Teaching.”
The last character means “apprentice” or “disciple.”
Altogether these three characters mean “Christ's Teaching Disciple” or “Christ's Religion Apprentice.”
Note: The last two characters are sometimes translated together as “follower (of a religion),” so you could also say it means “Follower of Christ.”
This four-character title makes it very clear what you are talking about in Chinese.
See Also: Jesus Christ | God of Abraham
福音 is the Chinese, Korean and Japanese word for “Gospel” or “Word of God.”
福音 is a specifically Christian word in Asia (not used for any other religion).
The first character means blessing, good fortune, or good luck. This first character is a special character used throughout China to bring good tidings and fortune - especially during Chinese New Year. The second character means sound, noise, or news.
Together, these characters create a word that means “The Good News” or “The Sound of Good Fortune.”
When read by a Chinese or Japanese person, this word is always perceived as “The Christian Gospel,” “Word of God,” or even “The Voice of God.”
See Also: Christianity | Jesus Christ | God of Abraham
基督教 is the Chinese, Japanese and Korean word for “Christianity.”
Just as in English, this word is often used to mean “Protestant” but includes Catholics in the true definition.
It is the word used to refer to the whole “Christian religion” or “Christian Faith,” and therefore, it can be translated as “Christianity.” However, used as an adjective in regard to a person, it would translate as “Christian.” But more like saying, “His religion is Christianity,” rather than a noun form.
If you break it apart, the characters mean Base/Foundation Leading/Supervising Religion/Teaching. It makes more sense in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. The first two characters together are translated as “Christ.” So you can also say this means “Christ's Religion” or “Christ's Teachings” when directly translated, or in reverse, “The Religion of Christ” or “The Teaching of Christ.”
Notes: The last character has a slight difference in one stroke - however, in calligraphic form, this will not be apparent. This entry can easily be read by any Korean person who knows Hanja characters (Chinese characters used in Korean).
See Also: Jesus Christ | God of Abraham
金似金挨玉似玉 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: [One who is] close to gold [is] like gold [and one who is] close to jade [is] like jade.
Figuratively, this means:
A good environment produces good people.
People are influenced by the company they keep.
Basically, if you hang out with good people, you are likely to become or stay good yourself. The opposite also is true. 挨This is like the moral version of “You are what you eat.”
Note: In Japanese, they have a similar phrase, 類は友を呼ぶ (rui wa tomo o yobu) Birds of a feather flock together. However, this is not a good meaning, so we’re not offering it for wall scrolls.
不見棺材不落淚 is a cautionary tale that suggests you are unknowingly (though it should be obvious)on a bad course.
It further suggests that you will not realize your folly until the worst has happened.
This can also be a warning of inaction until it's too late to take action. Again, not realizing your error until it's too late.
In an alternate interpretation, some will suggest this means doing something bad and not looking back - Then the worst happens.
It should be noted that this is one of the oddest selections for a wall scroll in our whole Asian calligraphy database. All of our translators are convinced that no Chinese person would ever hang this on their wall.
把舵的不慌乘船的稳当 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: [If the] helmsman is not nervous, the passengers [will feel] secure.
Figuratively, this means: If the leader appears confident, his/her followers will gain confidence also.
This is a great suggestion that a confident leader inspires confidence in his/her troops or followers. Of course, a nervous leader will create fear in troops or followers.
The Five Cardinal Rules / Virtues of Confucius
仁義禮智信 are the core of Confucius's philosophy.
Simply stated:
仁 = Benevolence / Charity
義 = Justice / Rectitude
禮 = Courtesy / Politeness / Tact
智 = Wisdom / Knowledge
信 = Fidelity / Trust / Sincerity
Many of these concepts can be found in various religious teachings. It should be clearly understood that Confucianism is not a religion but should instead be considered a moral code for a proper and civilized society.
This title is also labeled “5 Confucian virtues.”
If you order this from the Japanese calligrapher, expect the middle Kanji to be written in a more simple form (as seen to the right). This can also be romanized as "jin gi rei satoshi shin" in Japanese. Not all Japanese will recognize this as Confucian tenets but they will know all the meanings of the characters.
See Also: Confucius Teachings | Ethics
見義勇為 means the courage to do what is right in Chinese.
This could also be translated as “Never hesitate to do what is right.”
This comes from Confucian thought:
Your courage should head in an honorable direction. For example, you should take action when the goal is to attain a just result as, without honorable intent, a person’s gutsy fervor can easily lead them astray.
One who flaunts courage but disregards justice is bound to do wrong; someone who possesses courage and morality is destined to become a hero.
Some text above paraphrased from The World of Chinese - The Character of 勇
See Also: Work Unselfishly for the Common Good | Justice | Bravery
道場で泣き戦場で笑う is a Japanese phrase that means “Cry in the dojo, laugh on the battlefield.”
You'll see this phrase in a lot of dojos as a kind of philosophical joke.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: The More We Sweat in Training the Less We Bleed in Battle
黎明前的黑暗 is the most natural way to write “The night is darkest before the dawn,” in Chinese.
The words break down this way by meaning this way:
1.黎明 dawn or daybreak
2.前 before, in front, ago, former, previous, and/or earlier
3.的 (possessive particle) of
4.黑暗 dark, darkly, or darkness
If you try to understand the Chinese word order and grammar, it's like, “Before dawn is the darkest [time].”
慾 means desire, longing, appetite, wish, covetousness, greed, passion, desire, avarice, and craving.
慾 is universal in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and Korean Hanja.
The context in which this character is used determines whether the meaning is good or bad. As a single character on a wall scroll, you get to decide what the definition is to you (hopefully more toward desire than greed).
Please note that Japanese use a simplified version of this character - it also happens to be the same simplification used in mainland China. Click on the character to the right if you want the Japanese/Simplified version of desire.
信仰 means firm belief, faith, persuasion, conviction, and sometimes religion or creed in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
This clearly fits the religious connotation of the English word “devotion.”
This is often used to refer to a person of faith or a religious person.
This can be directly translated as “firm belief,” “creed,” “conviction,” or simply as “religious,” depending on context.
Some will also use this to mean “trust in God” in Japanese (though the term for God is not actually in this title).
It should be noted that this word is a little strange alone on a wall scroll.
While this can be pronounced in Japanese, it’s not a great selection for a wall scroll if your audience is Japanese.
See Also: Faith | Trust | Devotion | Trust | Trust in God
死而無悔 is how to say “die with no regrets” in Mandarin Chinese.
This proverb comes from the Analects of Confucius.
See Also: No Regrets
御影 is a Japanese word that means divine spirit or honorific language for “spirit of the dead.”
This can also refer to an image of a deity, buddha, royal, noble, etc.)
In the Buddhist context, it can mean (wooden) images of saints or deities.
御影 is also a Japanese name, Mikage.
Note: This is also a word in Chinese but not used very often in China (except perhaps by certain Buddhists).
Beyond elegant and exquisite elegance, 美妙 is also the word used to say “beautiful” or “marvelous” when referring to a work of art.
Can also be translated as exquisiteness, gracefulness.
Note: Not a commonly used word in Japanese.
恩寵 means grace or favor in Chinese characters, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
In ancient China, this was a special favor bestowed by a ruler. It could also be the Emperor's generosity towards a favorite person or concubine.
永遠の友 is a Japanese phrase about eternal friendship.
The first two characters mean eternal, eternity, perpetuity, forever, immortality, and permanence.
The third character is a possessive article which sort of makes this selection mean “Love, of the eternal kind.”
The last character is “friend” or “Friendship.”
See Also: Best Friends
永恆的愛 is the best way to write “Eternal Love” in Chinese.
The first two characters mean eternal, eternally, everlasting, and/or perpetual.
The third character is a possessive article which sort of makes this selection mean “Love of the eternal kind.”
The last character is “love.”
This version is best if your audience is Chinese. We also have a Japanese version of eternal love.
See Also: Forever Love | Eternal Love (Japanese)
永遠の愛 is a great way to write “Eternal Love” in Japanese.
The first two characters mean eternal, eternity, perpetuity, forever, immortality, and permanence.
The third character is a possessive article which sort of makes this selection mean “Love, of the eternal kind.”
The last character is “love.”
Cultural note: Most of the time, it is taboo to use the word “love” in Japanese. For instance, a Japanese man will say, “I like you,” rather than, “I love you,” to his spouse/girlfriend. However, this entry for eternal love is acceptable because of the way it is composed.
This entry is only appropriate if your audience is Japanese. We also have a Chinese version of this eternal love.
This Chinese philosophy tells of how we continue to learn throughout our lives.
This proverb can be translated in a few ways such as “Study has no end,” “Knowledge is infinite,” “No end to learning,” “There's always something new to study,” or “You live and learn.”
The deeper meaning: Even when we finish school we are still students of the world gaining more knowledge from our surroundings with each passing day.
See Also: An Open Book Benefits Your Mind | Wisdom | Learn From Wisdom
永恆 is the Chinese word for eternity.
The first character means always, forever, and perpetual. The second character holds the meaning of permanent. Together, they create a word that means eternal, eternally, or infinite time.
See Also: Immortality
永 is the simplest form of eternity or “always and forever.”
永 can sometimes mean forever, always, perpetual, infinite, or “without end,” depending on context.
Note: Not often seen as a single Kanji in Japanese. Best if your audience is Chinese.
See Also: Forever | Ever Lasting
永遠 is the Chinese, Korean and Japanese word for forever.
If we take this word apart, the first character means always, forever, or perpetual. While the second character means far or distant.
See Also: Immortality
Tell somebody how to do something and they might get it.
Show them how to do it, and they will master it in no time.
身教勝於言教 can also be translated as “Behavior teaches more than words.”
See Also: Wisdom
It's been said that wisdom comes from good judgment, and good judgment comes from experience, while experience comes from a series of times when you used bad judgment.
經驗是智慧之母 is a Chinese proverb that makes the simplest connection between experience and wisdom.
See Also: Failure is the Mother of Success | Wisdom | Learn From Wisdom
失敗並非一種選擇 is probably the best way to say, “Failure is not an option,” in Chinese.
Just don't forget that some ancient Chinese proverbs suggest that failure is a learning opportunity that leads to success or innovation. So don't plan to fail but failure is only a waste if nothing is learned from the failure.
See Also: Failure is a Stepping Stone to Success | Failure is the Mother of Success
This Japanese proverb reads, “failure/mistake/blunder/defeat is the origin of success.”
It suggests that failures or defeats are a necessary part of success.
失敗は成功の元 is often translated as “Failure is a stepping stone to success.”
Note: There are a few similar variations of this idiom in Japanese.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Failure is a Stepping Stone to Success
失败是成功之母 is a Chinese and Korean proverb that means “Every failure that you experience is a chance to learn from it and find success.”
Knowing what does not work is just as important as finding out what does work.
See Also: Experience is the Mother of Wisdom
失敗は成功の母 is a Japanese proverb that means exactly what you think.
Every failure that you experience is a chance to learn from it and find success.
Knowing what does not work is just as important as finding out what does work.
Note: This is the Japanese version of an ancient Chinese proverb.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Experience is the Mother of Wisdom
信念 expresses the idea of “having a belief” or “trusting in the unseen.”
信念 could also be translated as beliefs or convictions.
Note: Also considered to be one of the Seven Heavenly Virtues.
See Also: Devotion | Dedication | Trust
信唸是在黎明前的黑闇中能感到光明的鳥 is a philosophical poem/quote from Indian Poet and Philosopher, Rabindranath Tagore.
Rabindranath Tagore, 1915
This quote is not sourced, and therefore several variations exist in English. Some suggest the original was in the Bengali language.
This, of course, is the Chinese translation that has the meaning of, “Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”
More about Rabindranath Tagore
Always rising after a fall or repeated failures
七転八起 is a Japanese proverb that relays the vicissitudes of life, with the meaning “seven times down eight times up.”
Some would more naturally translate it into English as “Always rising after a fall or repeated failures” or compare it to the English, “If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again.”
The first Kanji is literally “7.” The second means “fall down” (sometimes this Kanji means “turn around,” “revolve” or “turn over” but in this case, it holds the meaning of “fall”). The third is “8.” And the last is “get up,” “rouse,” or “rise.”
Basically, if you fail 7 times, you should recover from those events and be prepared to rise an 8th time. This also applies if it is the world or circumstances that knock you down seven times...
...just remember that you have the ability to bounce back from any kind of adversity.
Note: This can be pronounced in two ways. One is “shichi ten hakki” or “shichitenhakki.” The other is “nana korobi ya oki” also written, “nanakorobi-yaoki.”
Special Note: The second character is a Kanji that is not used in China. Therefore, please select a Japanese calligrapher for this title.
深謀遠慮 is a Chinese, Japanese, and Korean proverb that means “deep plans and distant thoughts,” “to plan far ahead,” or “far sight and deep design.”
天意 is a way to express destiny in a slightly religious way.
天意 means “Heaven's Wish” or “Heaven's Desire,” with the idea of fate and destiny being derived as well. It suggests that your destiny comes from God / Heaven and that your path has already been chosen by a higher power.
My Japanese dictionary defines this word as “divine will” or “providence,” but it also holds the meaning of “the will of the emperor.” Therefore, I don't suggest this phrase if your audience is Japanese - it feels strange in Japanese anyway.
恩典 is one of several ways to express favor or grace in Chinese characters, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
This version can refer to an act of grace or the granting of a special privilege.
永駐我心 is one of a few ways to write “always in my heart” or “forever in my heart” in Chinese.
The first character means eternal, forever, or always.
The second character means resides, in, or stationed (in the case of troops).
The third character means me, my, or mine.
The last character means heart (but can also mean mind or soul).
永遠に私の心の中に means “forever in my heart” or “always in my heart” in Japanese.
The character breakdown:
永遠 (eien) eternity; perpetuity; immortality; permanence.
に (ni) indicates the location of a person or thing.
私の (watashi no) my; mine.
心の中 (kokoro no naka) the middle of one's mind; the midst of one's heart.
に (ni) indicates the location of a person or thing (makes this “in” the middle of one's heart).
Note: There’s more than one way to say "Forever in My Heart" in Japanese, so you’ll find another version in our database. This is the very verbose version.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
永遠的愛 refers to love that will last forever.
The first two characters mean forever, eternal, eternity, perpetuity, immortality, and/or permanence.
The third character is a possessive article which sort of makes this selection mean “The forever kind of love.”
The last character is “love.”
See Also: Eternal Love Always
原諒我的罪孽 is a religious phrase, which means exactly what the title suggests.
See Also: Christian
剛毅 is a Japanese and Chinese word that means resolute and firm, fortitude, firmness of character, hardihood, manliness, or macho.
See Also: Perseverance | Tenacity
堅忍 means persistent, steadfast, fortitude, and/or perseverance.
The first character means strong, solid, firm, unyielding, or resolute.
The second character means to beat, endure, or tolerate.
Together they speak of the strength from within yourself. Some may also translate this as long-suffering in a more Biblical sense.
堅忍 is a common term in Chinese and Korean Hanja but a little less commonly used in modern Japanese Kanji. For that reason, this selection is best if your audience is Chinese or Korean.
Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese will tend to write the second Kanji a little differently. If you select our Japanese master calligrapher, please expect the form where the little horizontal stroke crosses the vertical stroke. See differences in the images to the right. Technically, they are both the same character, and will be read the same in either language.
福 is pronounced “fu” in Chinese.
The character “fu” is posted by virtually all Chinese people on the doors of their homes during the Spring Festival (closely associated with the Chinese New Year).
One tradition from the Zhou Dynasty (beginning in 256 B.C.) holds that putting a fu symbol on your front door will keep the goddess of poverty away.
福 literally means good fortune, prosperity, blessed, blessedness, happiness, and fulfillment.
You'll also see this character in Vietnam (where Chinese characters were the written form until a romanization reform) where it is pronounced Phúc - a word commonly used in Vietnamese names because of its good meaning.
See Also: Lucky
An utterly inadequate measure
杯水車薪 is a warning against a futile effort.
This proverb literally refers to one who is “trying to put out a burning cart of wood with a cup of water,” or “throw a cup of water on a cartload of wood.” The lesson to be learned is about using the right measure or tool for the job and not wasting your effort if you are inadequately equipped for the task at hand - in other words the postscript should be “go get a bucket or a fire hose.”
義を見てせざるは勇なきなり is a Japanese proverb that means “Knowing what is right and not doing is a want of courage.”
I've also seen it translated as:
To see what is right, yet fail to do so, is a lack of courage.
To know righteousness, but take no action is cowardice.
You are a coward if you knew what was the right thing to do, but you did not take action.
Knowing what is right without practicing it betrays one's cowardice.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
God is With Me Always
The direct translation of the Chinese characters, 上帝与你常在, is “God Together [with] You Always Exist.”
Keep in mind that Chinese grammar is sometimes very different from English. This makes perfect sense in Chinese.
Note: The title for God is the first two characters - the other words in the direct translation represent one character each.
上帝保佑 is a blessing exchanged between Chinese Christians.
The first two characters mean God (The God of Zion). The second two characters express the idea of giving protection. Another way to translate this is “May God protect you.”
See Also: Guardian Angel
天之御中主神 is a phrase submitted by a customer.
I do not have information on the origin of this phrase.
神さまが守るように is about as close as you can get to, “God Bless You” in Japanese.
This literally means “[May] God Protect [You].” It can also mean “God is Always With You,” as the word in this phrase that means “protect” can also mean to follow or be with. In fact, the Japanese dictionary entry for that word reads like this: to protect; to guard; to defend; to keep (i.e. a promise); to abide; to observe; to follow.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
上帝 is how Chinese Christians and Jews refer to God, AKA The Judeo-Christian God.
There are Chinese Jews whose ancestry dates back to Jewish traders on the silk road. They are known as the Kaifeng Jews. Most have left China for Israel now.
There are also plenty of Christians in China of the Protestant and Catholic varieties. However, the churches are basically run by the government, and the Chinese Catholic church does not recognize the Pope.
Oddly, in my experience, I found the Chinese Protestant church to be much less political compared to Baptist and other Protestant churches that I have visited in America.
上帝 is also the typically-used title for God in Japanese.
While you may find this term in old Korean dictionaries, it is an obscure and rarely-used title for God in modern Korean.
See Also: Christianity | Jesus Christ
真主 is how Chinese Muslims refer to God (it literally means “True Master”).
Oddly, in China, two different names for God have emerged. Even though Muslims, Christians, and Jews all worship the same God of Abraham.
In Arabic, the word Allah is just the Arabic way to say, God. Arab Christians pray to Allah, just like Arab Muslims. Somehow in China, the title of God diverged.
If you are curious, there are millions of Muslims throughout China but especially in the northwest portion of China known as Xinjiang. Here you will find descendants of Turkmen, Persian, Arab, and other ethnicities. Some are mixed with Han-Chinese blood; others appear to be pure Turkmen. Many have fair complexions, green eyes, and light hair but all are citizens of China. A visit to Xinjiang will shift your paradigm and blow away all of your stereotypes about what it means to be Chinese.
I was going to write this phrase as “God is with me always” but as a wall scroll, hanging in your room, it is talking to you (you're not talking), so it works better with you.
上帝總是與你同在 is a nice phrase that any Chinese Christian would enjoy on his/her wall.
If I annotate this, it sounds a little strange in English but it's perfectly natural in Chinese:
上帝 God | 总是 always | 与 and | 你 you | 同 together | 在 existing
教女 is the title for a female child, which you have a sworn duty to raise should the girl's parents die.
The second character specifically designates that we are talking about a female child, thus the title God Daughter.
See Also: Family
幸運 can be translated as “good luck,” fortunate, lucky, and/or “good fortune” in Chinese, Korean and Japanese.
Occasionally, this is also translated as a type of happiness or a short way to write serendipity.
整 is a single Chinese character that can mean: in good order, whole, complete, entire, in order, orderly, to repair, to mend, to renovate, and/or to fix something or somebody.
This was added for a customer who wanted a single character that meant orderly. It's kind of unusual for a wall scroll.
My Korean Hanja dictionary defines it as orderly, neat, tidy, and/or whole.
Note: In Japanese, this Kanji is usually understood as a male given name Hitoshi (other Kanji can also be Hitoshi). It is used in combination with other Kanji or Hiragana to create words about orderliness. Unless your name is Hitoshi, this single character is best if your audience is Chinese.
整然 is orderly, systematic, well-organized, trim, neat, tidy, and accurate in Japanese Kanji and old Korean Hanja.
This would be understood but is not used in Chinese languages.
為善最樂 can be translated as “Doing good is the greatest source of happiness” or “doing good deeds brings the greatest joy.”
The origin is not known but is sometimes used in the context of Buddhism. However, this Chinese proverb or philosophy is a relatively mainstream idea of benevolence.
恩 is often translated as “kind act from above,” as in “The Grace of God.”
This doesn't necessarily have to come from God. It could be a favor paid to you, or help that you received (or gave). Of course, you can decide for yourself whether the grace or favor given to you by a friend is actually a gift from God.
Other possible translations of this character:
Favor / favour, acts of kindness, merits, beneficial Influence, kindness, indebtedness, obligation, and benevolent influence.
天恩 is the deepest way to say “Heaven's Grace” or “God's Grace” in Chinese.
The first character means Heaven or sky (referring, in this case, to the domain of God).
The second character means grace, blessings, benevolence, favor/favour, acts of kindness, merits, or beneficial influence.
This title can also be defined as:
Blessings of Heaven, Favor of the Emperor, Divination's luckiest day, or blessings of nature. Note: When you see “Emperor” above, remember that the Emperor, like the Pope, is theoretically chosen by God or seen as an emissary or conduit of God in ancient Asian culture. It would only be read that way in a certain context, such as “The Emperor, in his mercy, bestowed upon him Heaven's Grace, and the prisoner was set free.”
Note: Technically, this is a Japanese word too (pronounced "ten-on") but it’s rarely used in Japan anymore. Therefore, this title is best if your audience is Chinese.
死神 is the title of the mythological figure (often called the Grim Reaper in western culture) in charge of taking the souls of those who die.
This title can be translated directly as “god of death” or “spirit of death.” The first character literally means “death,” and the second means “spirit” or “god.”
死神 is a very strange title for a calligraphy wall scroll. I'm not even sure if my calligraphers will write it, as it has some bad superstitious feelings attached to it.
This Japanese proverb simply reads, “[In] Flowers it's Cherry Blossoms, [In] Men it's Warriors.”
花は櫻木人は武士 is meant to say that of all the flowers in the world, the cherry blossom is the best. And of all men in the world, the Samurai or Warrior is the best
This proverb has been around for a long time. It's believed to have been composed sometime before the Edo Period in Japan (which started in 1603).
Some will drop one syllable and pronounce this, “hana wa sakura hito wa bushi.” That's “sakura” instead of “sakuragi,” which is like saying “cherry blossom” instead of “cherry tree.”
The third character was traditionally written as 櫻. But in modern Japan, that became 桜. You may still see 櫻 used from time to time on older pieces of calligraphy. We can do either one, so just make a special request if you want 櫻.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
幸福 is a general state of happiness that can also be translated as truly blessed, welfare, well-being, or fortunate.
If you are into healthy living, 健康生活 might be an excellent selection for a wall scroll to hang in your home.
The first two characters speak of health, vitality, vigor, and being of sound body. The second two characters mean living or life (daily existence).
An idiom for heart-to-heart communication
拈華微笑 is a Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Buddhist title that relays the idea of “heart-to-heart communication,” or “thought transference.”
The literal translation is, “holding a flower and subtly smiling,” or “the holding of a flower with a subtle smile.” It is the visual act and emotion that communicates more volume than words can say.
天地 is “Heaven and Earth” in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
This title is used in many different contexts. It can be a general term but is also used by Buddhists and in other religions.
This can also be used to refer to all of nature, the universe, the top and bottom, the realm of life, or the sphere of existence.
天恵 means “Heaven's Blessing,” “Blessings from Heaven,” or “Blessed by Heaven” in Japanese Kanji.
Depending on the context in which this is used, it can also mean “gift of nature,” or even “natural resources” (as in Heaven or God bestowed things like oil, iron, gold, and other natural resources upon mankind).
天道酬勤 can be interpreted in a few different ways:
God blesses those who work hard.
It is the way of Heaven to smile on the diligent.
God will reward those that are worthy.
Heaven blesses those who are diligent.
Whichever translation you like, a scroll like this on your wall may serve as a reminder to work hard because your diligence will pay off both in this life and the next.
Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used term.
天 means “heaven” or “sky” in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
The context determines if you are talking about heaven or the sky above (often they are the same concept).
When combined with other characters, words like “today” and “tomorrow” are created. While sometimes the character for “sun” is used to mean “day,” often “sky” represents “day” in Asian languages.
Example: 今天 (this sky) = “today,” 明天 (next sky) = “tomorrow” in modern Chinese and Japanese.
In Chinese culture, regardless of which religion, it's almost always assumed that God (and any other deities) live up above the sky. The concept of God living in the sky is likely the reason heaven is associated with this character.
The equation goes something like this: God's domain is the sky, thus, the sky is heaven.
Note: As a single character, this is a little ambiguous, so you might want to choose our Kingdom of Heaven selection instead.
天力士 means “Heavenly Warrior,” or “Hero of Heaven,” in Chinese, old Korean, and Japanese.
Often used in a Buddhist context.
四海為家 literally reads, “Four Seas Serve-As [my/one's] Home.”
Together, 四海 which literally means “four seas” is understood to mean “the whole world” or “the seven seas.” It's presumed to be an ancient word from back when only four seas were known - so it equates to the modern English term, “seven seas.”
This can be translated or understood in a few different ways:
To regard the four corners of the world all as home.
To feel at home anywhere.
To roam about unconstrained.
To consider the entire country, or the world, to be one's own.
家由心生 is an old Chinese proverb that is roughly equal to the English idiom “Home is where the heart is.”
If you know Chinese, you may recognize the first character as home and the third as the heart.
家とは心がある場所だ is, “Home is where the heart is,” in Japanese.
Most Japanese will take this to mean:
If you are with the person or at the place you love most, it becomes your true home.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
信義 is a word often used to describe a person with an honest and loyal reputation.
Simply put, this applies to somebody you can trust (with your life).
In Chinese, this is often defined as good faith, honor, trust, and justice.
In Korean, this word means fidelity, truthfulness, or faithfulness.
In Japanese: faith, fidelity, and loyalty. It's also a Japanese male given name when pronounced “Nobuyoshi.”
正直 or honesty is being truthful and sincere. It is important because it builds trust. When people are honest, they can be relied on not to lie, cheat or steal. Being honest means that you accept yourself as you are. When you are open and trustworthy, others can believe in you.
正直 is one of the 8 key concepts of Tang Soo Do.
Note: This entry is cross-listed as "integrity" because it also fits that definition.
Please note that the second Kanji sometimes has an alternate form in Japanese. Let us know if you want the alternate form shown to the right.
The perfect scroll if you love humor or as a gift for the comedian in your life
In China, 哄堂大笑 is a proverb that is used in response to a good joke or witty comment.
The story goes that Mr. Feng and Mr. He were both senior officials in the Song Dynasty (about a thousand years ago). One day, Mr. Feng walked into their shared office wearing a new pair of boots. The boots caught the eye of Mr. He who said, “New boots! - how much were they?.” Mr. Feng lifted one of the boots off the ground as if to show it off and responded, “900 coins.”
Astonished, Mr. Feng explained, “900? How can that be? - I paid 1800 coins for my boots!.” Mr. Feng then lifted his other foot off the ground and said, “This boot was also 900 coins.”
It is said that the whole room was shaking from the laughter of all that heard Mr. Feng's joke on Mr. He.
It's very uncommon (some will say taboo) to say “I love you” in Japanese culture. It's especially awkward for a man to tell a woman this in Japanese. Everyone is more likely to say “Watashi wa anata ga suki desu” or “I like you” (literally, “I regarding you, have like.”
If you have to say “I love you” in Japanese, 愛してる is a selection of Kanji and Hiragana that provide a way.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
Sometimes 一動不如一靜 is translated by others as “Look before you leap” but the more accurate and direct translation is the one I used in the title.
While somewhat military in its origin, this proverb can apply to any situation where a decision needs to be made, but perhaps there are still some “unknowns.”
This phrase suggests that in our “action-based” world, sometimes the “smarter move” is “no move at all.”
See Also: Better to Choose Nothing Rather Than Make a Poor Choice
不屈 is the short form of a longer Chinese word and also a word used in Korean and Japanese to express the idea of being indomitable. It literally means “will not bend,” “will not crouch,” “will not yield,” “will not flinch,” or “will not submit.”
Note: Some will translate this as “indomitable spirit”; however, technically, there is no character to suggest the idea of “spirit” in this word.
不屈不撓 means “Indomitable” or “Unyielding.”
不屈不撓 is a long word by Chinese standards. At least, it is often translated as a single word into English. It's actually a proverb in Chinese.
If you want to break it down, you can see that the first and third characters are the same. Both mean “not” (they work as a suffix to make a negative or opposite meaning to whatever character follows).
The second character means “bendable.”
The last means “scratched” or “bothered.”
So this really means “Won't be bent, can't be bothered.” I have also seen it written as “Will not crouch, will not submit.” This comes from the fact that the second character can mean “to crouch” and the last can mean “to submit” (as in “to give in” such as “submitting to the rule of someone else”). This may explain better why these four characters mean “indomitable.”
Some will translate this as “indomitable spirit”; however, technically, there is no character to suggest the idea of “spirit” in this word.
Other translations include indefatigability, indomitableness, or unremitting tenacity.
The first two characters can be stand-alone words in Chinese.
In Japanese, this is considered two words (with very similar meanings). It's more common to see the word order flipped to 不撓不屈 in Japanese.
The same characters are used in old Korean Hanja. Just like in Japanese, the words are swapped to 不撓不屈 creating a word pronounced “불요불굴” in Korean.
See 不撓不屈
Some people like to say, “I love you” but others might want to say “I need you.” 貴方が必要 is “I need you” in Japanese.
The first two characters mean “You.”
The middle character is a connecting particle. In this case, it more or less means “are.”
The last two characters mean necessary, needed, essential, indispensable, or necessity.
The “I” in the title is implied. Effectively this means “I need you.”
表壯不如里壯 literally translates as: [Better to be] strong inside than [to be] strong outside.
The ancient original meaning was:
[An] able [husband] outside [working to support a family is] not as good as [an] able [wife] inside [working and saving to take care of the family].
The current meaning is:
Inner strength is more important than outward appearance.
内面の強さは外見の良さに勝る is a Japanese proverb that literally translates as “inner/internal strength/power [versus] outward-appearance [the] merit/virtue/good quality [does] excel/surpass/exceed/outweigh.”
More naturally in English, this would be “Inner Strength Outweighs Outward Appearance.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
內在力量 is the slightly-verbose way to say inner strength.
The first two characters mean “intrinsic” or “inner.” The second two characters mean “power,” “force” or “strength” (especially physical strength). 內在力量 is more a short phrase rather than just a word in Chinese and Korean. This can sort of be understood in Japanese but it's not normal/proper Japanese.
內力 is the shorter version of inner strength (can also be translated as “internal force”). The first character holds the meaning of “inner” or “internal.” The second character means “power,” “force,” or “strength.”
內力 is a Kung Fu way of talking about an inner power or strength from within. This is a way to express “inner chi.” This is something that you might hear in a real Chinese Kung Fu movie.
While understood in Chinese and Japanese, this can have a secondary meaning of “inner stress” in Japanese.
自強 is the kind of inner strength that applies to a person who has will-power and can inspire themselves to do great things.
自強 can also be the creed of a person that always pursues self-improvement.
Other translations: self-strengthening, striving for improvement, self-improvement, striving to become stronger, and self-renewal.
Integrity is living by your highest values. It is being honest and sincere. Integrity helps you to listen to your conscience, do the right thing, and tell the truth. You act with integrity when your words and actions match. Integrity gives you self-respect and a peaceful heart.
Please note that the second Kanji sometimes has an alternate form in Japanese. Let us know if you want the alternate form shown to the right.
Note: This entry is cross-listed as “honesty” because it also fits that definition.
Beyond Integrity, this word also means "upright" and "honest" in Chinese. Means "integrity," "honesty" or "frankness" in Japanese.
Some people like to say, “I love you,” but if you want to say “I want you,” here it is in Japanese... 欲しい
This can be read as “I want you” or as a single word, “wanted,” “wished for,” “in need of,” or “desired.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
耶穌是我的生命 means Jesus is my life in Chinese.
The first two characters are a transliteration of the name Jesus into Mandarin Chinese.
The third character means, is.
The fourth and fifth mean my or mine.
The last two characters mean life, as in lifespan, or from birth to death.
This is not a common phrase for Chinese Christians, but this is the best way to translate this idea from English to Mandarin Chinese.
Jyorei or Johrei is a healing art that uses divine light to dissolve the spiritual impurities that are the source of all physical, emotional, and personal problems.
浄霊/浄靈 is a Japanese title that can refer to the purification of the spirit described above, but this is also the word for exorcism in Japanese.
Romanization variations include Jyorei, Johrei, Jourei and Jore. Regardless of romanization, the actual pronunciation is like "Joe Ray."
Do not be afraid, God is always with you
あなたがどこへ行くにもあなたの神主が共におられるゆえ恐れてはならないおののいてはならない is a Japanese translation of a large portion of Joshua 1:9.
The Japanese passage includes, “The Lord God is with you wherever you are; Therefore do not fear or be discouraged.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
senri no michi mo ippo kara
千里の道も一歩から is the Japanese version of an ancient Chinese proverb that means “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
Some will also translate this as a 1000-mile road starts with one brick (a small amount).
In this case, the real measurement is an ancient Chinese “li” or 里, which is romanized as “ri” in Japanese. It's about half a kilometer, so three 里 would be a western mile. A journey of 333 miles begins with a single step, just doesn't sound as natural.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
神風 is the famous title used during WWII to describe Japanese fighter plane pilots, many of whom performed suicide attacks by flying their planes into ships and other Allied targets.
The Japanese word, Kamikaze actually means “divine wind.”
See Also: Kamikaze
天國 is the very Christian way to refer to the “Kingdom of Heaven” in Chinese, old Korean, and Japanese. 天國 is also the translation for “paradise.”
The first character means “Heaven.” The second character means “kingdom” but, in modern times, has been extended to mean “country” (but no one will translate this particular character combination as “Heaven Country”). 天國 is the ancient version of this word, as in modern times (after WWII), the second character was simplified in mainland China and Japan.
天国 is the same meaning and pronunciation as our other entry for “Kingdom of Heaven,” but the second character was simplified in Japan and mainland China to this version.
Choose the appearance that you like best (they will be somewhat universally understood - as most people are aware of this simplification in places where they still use all traditional characters - such as Taiwan and Hong Kong). You can consider the other version to be the “ancient version.”
知彼知己百戰不殆 is from Sun Tzu's (Sunzi's) Art of War. It means that if you know and understand the enemy, you also know yourself, and thus with this complete understanding, you cannot lose.
This proverb is often somewhat directly translated as “Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without defeat.”
It can also be translated as “If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can come out of hundreds of battles without danger,” or “Know your enemy, know yourself, and your victory will not be threatened.”
闇打狐狸明打狼 is a Chinese proverb that translates as: Hunt foxes stealthily, [and] hunt wolves openly [just as they do].
Figuratively, this means:
Different opponents require different appropriate strategies.
This is a suggestion that you should know your enemy and know that each enemy is different, therefore requires a specialized approach (attack).
See Also: Art of War Military
This figuratively means “Without a teacher, how can we learn/mature?”
人非生而知之者熟能無惑 is a philosophic pondering by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty essayist, and philosopher (618-907 A.D.). This is a Chinese proverb that can be translated as “Knowledge is not innate to man, how can we overcome doubt?” or, “We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity?.”
This infers that we need the guidance of a teacher if we wish to learn, mature, and become better.
You may learn when everything goes right but the lessons learned when everything goes wrong are more vivid and lead to long-lasting wisdom.
Another way to look at this: One cannot always depend on past successes to guarantee future success but one can always learn from lessons drawn from failure.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
Harmonious Life
This 和諧生活 title suggests that you have, or want to get your life in balance.
The first two characters regard the idea of balance, harmony, and peace.
The second two characters mean “life.” More specifically this refers to your livelihood, career, and the daily activities that comprise your life or living. Some would translate those two characters as “one's daily existence.”
Note: We have a couple of titles for this idea. This version is more of a noun, thus "The Balanced Life" verses a verb form like "Balancing [Your] Life."
The art of balancing your life
This 平衡人生 title suggests that you are actively trying to keep your life in balance.
Think of this as the action verb of seeking or having a balanced life.
The first two characters mean balance, equilibrium, or keeping things equal.
The last two characters mean “life.” Literally “human life.”
調和生活 is a Japanese title that suggests that you have, or want to get your life in balance.
The first two Kanji mean harmonious or in harmony.
The second two Kanji mean “life.” More specifically this refers to your livelihood, career, and the daily activities that comprise your life or living.
幸福と繁栄の人生 is a Japanese proverb that means “A life of happiness and prosperity” or “A life of happiness and success.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Prosperity
生活中的每一次呼吸 means “life in every breath” in Chinese.
This phrase is more like “every breath in life” as if it's a quantity of breaths that makes up your life.
There are many ways to understand this phrase in English, so this is one of a few ways it could be translated into Chinese. If you’re looking for a different meaning, please contact me.
吐く息一つにも生命が宿り means “life in every breath” in Japanese.
This phrase is more like “every single breath as you live and dwell.”
The characters breakdown this way:
吐く息 (hakuiki) to breathe; exhaled air; one's breath; breathing.
一つ (hitotsu) one; only; just.
にも (nimo) also; too; as well; even.
生命 (seimei) life; existence; living.
が (ga) particle.
宿り (yadori) to lodge; to dwell; lodging; abode; shelter.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
人生は素晴らしい means “life is good,” “life is great,” or “life is beautiful” in Japanese.
The first two characters mean “life” (as in your or a human lifespan).
The third character kind of means “is.”
The last five characters are a long adjective that means wonderful, splendid, and/or magnificent. In the context of life, it reads more like good or beautiful.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
A 100-year-old is but a traveler passing through this life
人生は短い is “life is short” in Japanese.
The character breakdown:
人生 (jinsei) life (i.e., conception to death); human life, living, lifetime.
は (ha/wa) particle (means “is” in this case).
短い (mijikai) short.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
兼聽則明偏聽則暗 is an ancient Chinese proverb about getting all the information from all sides so that you truly understand a situation.
Wei Zheng
A man named Wei Zheng lived between 580-643 AD. He was a noble and wise historian and minister in the court of the early Tang Dynasty. The emperor once asked him, “What should an emperor do to understand the real-world situation, and what makes an emperor out-of-touch with reality?”
Wei Zheng replied, “Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; listen to only one side and you will be left in the dark.”
Then Wei Zheng went on to cite examples of leaders in history that were victorious after heeding both sides of the story, and other leaders that met their doom because they believed one-sided stories which often came from flattering lips.
Please note that there is an unwritten rule when the same character appears twice in the same phrase, the calligrapher will alter the appearance so that no two characters are exactly alike in the same piece. This calligraphy has two repeating characters that will be written differently than they appear here.
活在今天 is not an eastern concept, so it does not translate into a phrase that seems natural on a wall scroll.
However, if this is your philosophy, the characters shown here do capture your idea of living for today or living in the moment. 活在今天 says “Live in today,” and they are grammatically correct in Chinese.
Note: This kind of makes sense in Korean Hanja but the grammar is Chinese, so it’s not that natural in Korean.
今を生きる is a Japanese phrase that can be translated as “live for the day,” “live for the moment,” “seize the day,” or “make the most of the present.”
You can think of this as the Japanese version of “Carpe Diem.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
人生謳歌 means “live for what you love” in Japanese.
The first two characters mean “human life” or simply “living.” The last two characters mean “merit,” “prosperity,” or “what you enjoy.” This phrase can suggest working or staying busy for your own goals (in your career).
See Also: Prosperity
現世 is a very short way to write “live in the moment” or “live in the now” in Japanese.
This short word is open to interpretation. It's used in Japanese Buddhism to mean “the current epoch” or “the current age” (the current age is but a brief moment in the greater scope of existence). In that context, this is pronounced “utsushiyo” or “ustusiyo” in Japanese. Otherwise, it's pronounced “gensei” in Japanese.
Other translation possibilities include:
Note: This is also a word in Chinese and old Korean Hanja. While the meaning is more or less the same, this is not recommended for a wall scroll if your audience is Chinese or Korean. This selection is best if your audience is Japanese.
安居樂業 is the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja proverb for “living in peace and working happily,” or “to live in peace and be content with one's occupation.”
生活于繁榮中 means “live in prosperity.” It's kind of a suggestion to be prosperity the center of your world.
This is the way some people want to live (and you should always live for what you love). However, this phrase does not suggest a peaceful life - rather one that is always busy. It's not for everyone, but it might be for you.
See Also: Prosperity
生而無悔 is how to say “live without regrets” in Mandarin Chinese.
Note: There is some debate about whether this makes sense in Japanese. It would be read, "nama ji mu ke," and be understood in Japanese. But, a Japanese person will probably think it’s Chinese (not Japanese).
See Also: Live for Today
人生悔い無し is how to say “live without regrets” in Japanese.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Live for Today
孤獨 means lonely, solitude, loneliness, and lonesome.
In some contexts, it can mean reclusive, isolated, single, or solo.
孤獨 is a Japanese word but not a good selection for a wall scroll.
In Chinese, this will relay a rather sad feeling to anyone who reads this calligraphy on your wall.
The version shown to the left is the Traditional Chinese and ancient Japanese version. In modern Japan and China they often use a different more simplified version of the second character (as shown to the right). If you want this Japanese/Simplified version, please click on the character shown to the right instead of the button above.
耶和華是我的牧者 is the first line from Psalms 23 straight out of the Chinese Union Bible.
This reads, “The LORD is my shepherd,” or “Jehovah is my shepherd.”
The character breakdown:
耶和華 = Jehovah (most English Bibles translate as LORD or God). This Chinese title is meant to sound a bit like the original Hebrew YHWH or Yahweh.
是 = is.
我的 = my.
牧者 = shepherd.
愛 universally means love in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, old Korean Hanja, and old Vietnamese.
愛 is one of the most recognized Asian symbols in the West and is often seen on tee shirts, coffee mugs, tattoos, and more.
愛 can also be defined as affection, to be fond of, to like, or to be keen on. It often refers to romantic love, and is found in phrases like, “I love you.” But in Chinese, one can say, “I love that movie” using this character as well.
This can also be a pet name or part of a pet name in the way we say “dear” or “honey” in English.
This can be a girl’s name “Ai” in both Chinese and Japanese.
More about this character:
This may be hard to imagine as a westerner but the strokes at the top of this love character symbolize family & marriage.
The symbol in the middle is a little easier to identify. It is the character for "heart" (it can also mean "mind" or "soul"). I guess you can say that no matter if you are from the East or the West, you must put your heart into your love.
The strokes at the bottom create a modified character that means "friend" or "friendship."
I suppose you could say that the full meaning of this love character is to love your family, spouse, and friends with all of your heart, since all three elements exist in this character.
See Also: I Love You | Caring | Benevolence | Friendliness | Double Happiness Happy Marriage Wall Scroll
愛情 is a universal word in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese which means love and affection.
Some may translate this as “love between a man and a woman.”
Depending on the context, it can mean utter devotion or favorite.
愛永恆 is the shortest way to express the idea of “love eternally” in Chinese.
The first character here means “love”
The last two mean eternal, eternally, everlasting, and/or perpetual.
See Also: Love Forever
The first character here means “love.”
The last two mean forever, eternity, eternal, perpetuity, immortality, and/or permanence.
愛永遠 is the shortest and most universal way to express this idea in Chinese and Japanese.
Japanese note: This sound more like a title than a phrase in Japanese (if that makes any sense). 愛永遠 is a great title for a romantic book, the title of a movie, the name of a perfume, or even a name for a store.
See Also: Eternal Love | Forever Love
情義 means to love and honor in Chinese. 情義 is more or less the kind of thing you'd find in marriage vows.
The first character suggests emotions, passion, heart, humanity, sympathy, and feelings.
In this context, the second character means to honor your lover's wishes and treat them justly and righteously (fairly). That second character can also be translated as “obligation,” as in the obligation a husband and wife have to love each other even through difficult times.
In the context outside of a couple's relationship, this word can mean “comradeship.”
Japanese may see this more as “humanity and justice” than “love and honor.” It's probably best if your target is Chinese.
This is the short and sweet form, there is also a longer poetic form (you can find it here: Love and Honor if it’s not on the page you are currently viewing).
See Also: Love and Honor
深情厚義 means to love and honor.
This is more or less the kind of thing you'd find in marriage vows.
The first two characters suggest deep love or deep emotions, passion, and feelings.
The last two characters mean generous justice or thick honor (the third character is an adjective that means generous or thick). It just means that you will honor your lover's wishes and treat them justly and righteously (fairly).
This is the longer four-character version, there is also a short and sweet two character version.
See Also: Love and Honor
愛と譽れ means to love and honor in Japanese.
The first Kanji is literally “love.”
The second character just acts to connect the ideas like “and” or “with.”
The last two Kanji mean “honor” or “honour.” This is the kind of honor that suggests you are praising or admiring someone.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Love and Honor
愛信強 is the shortest way to write the word list, “love faith strength.”
The first character is love, the second is faith or believe, and the third means strong or strength.
It should be noted that word lists like this are not as natural sounding in Chinese as word lists can be in English. it’s more common to have a full phrase (with subject, verb, and object) or single words on calligraphy wall scrolls in Asia.
博愛信念力量 is the verbose way to write the word list, “love faith strength.”
It should be noted that word lists like this are not as natural sounding in Chinese as word lists can be in English. it’s more common to have a full phrase (with subject, verb, and object) or single words on calligraphy wall scrolls in Asia.
忠誠 is the written form of loyalty that is universal in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
Loyalty is staying true to someone. It is standing up for something you believe in without wavering. It is being faithful to your family, country, school, friends, or ideals when the going gets tough and when things are good. With loyalty, you build relationships that last forever.
1. There is also a Japanese version that is part of the Bushido Code which may be more desirable depending on whether your intended audience is Japanese or Chinese.
2. This version of loyalty is sometimes translated as devotion, sincerity, fidelity, or allegiance.
強大 can mean mighty, powerful, large, formidable, or strong.
This term is often used to describe soldiers/troops/warriors and whole armies.
Spirit, Sword & Body as One
气剑体一致 often gets translated as “Mind Sword Body,” or “Spirit, Sword, and Body as One.” But I think these translations don't tell you enough about what this is really saying.
In this context, 気, which is the modern Japanese version of 氣, means spiritual and unseen energy or “life energy.” In some cases, 気 can be translated as spirit, feeling, or nature. If defined as the mind, it's more about the invisible or intangible parts of one's mind (or soul).
剣 is the Japanese version of 劍 meaning sword.
体 is the modern Japanese version of 體 meaning body.
The Kanji 一 means one, and in this case, suggests “all in one.”
The Kanji 到 means to send, deliver, or convey. But together, 一到 suggests all these things in agreement, union cooperation, or in concert.
Note: Arguments exist as to whether this should be romanized as Kikentaiitchi, Kikentaiicchi, or kikentaiichi. Technically, if you drop the last character, you get 気剣体一 and kikentaiichi (ki ken tai ichi), which is also a valid phrase.
永遠想念你 is how to write “missing you forever” in Chinese.
The first two characters mean “forever” or “eternally.”
The third and fourth characters mean “missing” or “longing for.”
The last character means “you.”
This might suggest that you are missing someone whom you will never see again (depending on how you read it, or in what context it is used).
I miss you
戀しがる is the most common Japanese verb for missing someone or yearning for someone (it could also be missing a place).
戀しがる is the shortest way to say, “I miss you” or “I yearn for you” in Japanese.
Breaking down the characters:
恋し (koishi) yearned for; longed for; missed (acts as an adjective in Japanese).
がる (garu) to feel, behavior (this represents emotion and turns the whole word into a verb in Japanese).
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
Only by experiencing hardship will allow you understand the plight of others
不當和尚不知齋戒苦 literally translates as:
[One who has] not been a monk [does not] know the suffering of [being on a] vegetarian diet.
This is a bit like the “walk a mile in another man's shoes” saying. Basically, it's about you cannot fully understand the plight of others until you experience it yourself.
A determined effort can move a mountain
愚公移山 is the Chinese proverb (also somewhat known in Japan and Korea) for “the silly old man moves a mountain.”
Figuratively, this means “where there's a will, there's a way.”
Based on a fable of Lord Yu (愚公). He moved the soil of the mountain in front of his house. After years of effort, he finally moved the entire mountain (some versions of the story have God seeing how determined the man was, and sending two angels to whisk the mountains away).
The moral of the story: Anything can be accomplished if one works at it ceaselessly.
The Japanese version of this is 愚公山を移す (gu kou yama wo utsu su). But better to get the Chinese version, since this is originally a Chinese proverb.
See Also: Nothing is Impossible
移山 is the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja for “to remove mountains” or “to move a mountain.”
Figuratively, this means you can accomplish the impossible by sheer persistence.
移山 is the short form of a proverb about a man who had much persistence and could move a whole mountain (a bucket of soil at a time).
我心真愛 is a slightly poetic way to express this sentiment to someone.
The meaning is “My True Love,” but the characters directly translate as “I/Me/My Heart/Mind True/Real Love.”
Note that Chinese grammar and construction are different, so this sounds very eloquent and artsy in Chinese.
In Korean Hanja, the third character should be written differently. Just let me know when you place your order if you want that version - it will still make sense in Chinese. This phrase makes sense in Korean but is not commonly used.
生態平衡 is a title about the way and balance of nature.
The first two characters mean nature or the way of life.
The second two characters mean balance or balanced.
Note: We have two versions of this title on our website. This is the one we recommend, as it is a little more natural (no pun intended).
自然界の均衡 is a verbose way to say “nature in balance” in Japanese.
The first three Kanji have the meaning of “the natural world” or “the natural kingdom” (kind of like the animal kingdom but including plants and all things biological).
The third character is a Hiragana that acts to connect the two ideas here.
The last two Kanji mean equilibrium or balance.
The first character means “eternal” or “forever,” and the second means “not” (together, they mean “never”). The last two characters mean “give up” or “abandon.” Altogether, you can translate this proverb as “never give up” or “never abandon.”
Depending on how you want to read this, 永不放棄 is also a statement that you will never abandon your hopes, dreams, family, or friends.
決して諦めるな is a Japanese term that informally means “never give up.”
It's also a Japanese way to say “never surrender.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Tenacity | Perseverance | Hope
(2 characters)
無畏 literally means “No Fear.” But perhaps not the most natural Chinese phrase (see our other “No Fear” phrase for a complete thought). However, this two-character version of “No Fear” seems to be a very popular way to translate this into Chinese when we checked Chinese Google.
Note: This also means “No Fear” in Japanese and Korean, but this character pair is not often used in Japan or Korea.
This term appears in various Chinese dictionaries with definitions like “without fear,” intrepidity, fearless, dauntless, and bold.
In the Buddhist context, this is a word derived from the word Abhaya, meaning: Fearless, dauntless, secure, nothing, and nobody to fear. Also, from vīra meaning: courageous, bold.
See Also: Never Give Up | No Worries | Undaunted | Bravery | Courage | Fear No Man
無一是主惟有安拉穆罕默德是安拉的差使 is one of the key creeds of Islam.
While perhaps more often seen in Arabic as
there are many native Chinese Muslims (especially the Hui ethnicity) that do not speak Arabic.
Instead, they use this Chinese phrase to express this idea or statement of faith.
無悔 is how to say “no regrets” in Mandarin Chinese.
This also makes sense in Japanese, though not the most common way to express “no regrets” in Japanese.
See Also: Live for Today
求學無坦途 is a Chinese proverb that translates as “There is no royal road to learning.”
This suggests that the path of learning can never be smooth, there will be difficulties and troubles along the way.
See Also: Learning is Eternal
何も不可能じゃない is a Japanese phrase that means “nothing is impossible.”
This is just one of a few ways to express this idea. This one is probably the most common but other valid versions include these:
Some shorter versions that just mean “not impossible” include these:
Another common phrase that roughly means “No such thing as impossible” looks like this: 不可能なことはない
Some others include these...
Impossible things are possessed not by me: 無理なことなんてない
Where there's a will, there's a way: 精神一到何事か成らざらん
If you want any of these other versions for your wall scroll, just contact me and I'll set it up for you.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
學海無涯 is a Chinese proverb that reads, “sea of learning, no horizon.”
Colloquially, it means there are no limits to what one still has left to learn.
This would be the Chinese equivalent to the quote from Hippocrates, “ars longa, vita brevis,” meaning “it takes a long time to acquire and perfect one's expertise.”
See Also: Learning is Eternal
大神 is Okami, an honorific title for God (used in Shinto and other religions).
If you directly translate this, you get something like “Big Spirit” or “Great Spirit.”
There are other titles that romanize as "Okami" in Japanese, so make sure this is the right meaning for you. Another common okami means wolf but is a completely different Kanji and meaning.
This Japanese title can be translated as “for this time only,” “chance meeting,” “one meeting, one opportunity,” “never again,” or “one chance in a lifetime.”
The characters literally mean “one time one meeting” - of course, the Kanji characters have meaning far beyond a direct translation like this.
Some might use this proverb to talk of an opportunity that presents itself just once in your life. It could also be a one-and-only chance meeting with your true soul mate. An expression of any event that might happen once in a lifetime.
This is primarily a Japanese title, however, there is also a Traditional Chinese (and old Korean) version of this proverb. Just the last character is different.
The traditional form was used in Japan before WWII and in Korea prior to 1900. This title is somewhat known in China.
If you want the older traditional form, just click on the character to the right.
天下一家 is a proverb that can also be translated as “The whole world is one family.”
It is used to mean that all humans are related by decree of Heaven.
The first two characters can be translated as “the world,” “the whole country,” “descended from heaven,” “earth under heaven,” “the public,” or “the ruling power.”
The second two characters can mean “one family,” “a household,” “one's folks,” “a house” or “a home.” Usually, this is read as “a family.”
Note: This proverb can be understood in Japanese, though not commonly used.
常在河邊走哪能不濕鞋 is an old Chinese proverb that is sometimes compared to the English saying “Shit Happens.”
It's a reflection that there are risks in life, and you should not be surprised when things don't go your way.
A secondary translation might be, “When walking by a river, often one cannot avoid wet shoes.”
天人合一 is a title that represents the oneness of heaven and humanity. It conveys the idea that man is an integral part of nature.
You can also read this as “heaven and man in unity,” or “nature and man in unity.” The “man” is really “people” or “humans” and is not gender-specific in Chinese.
This word is often used to describe the idea of opening the minds of the young or the new generation.
See Also: Wisdom | Learning is Eternal | Learn From Wisdom
I remember this being shouted a lot during U.S. Marine Corps boot camp. 疼痛就是衰弱離你而去的時候 is how to write that phrase in Chinese. At least, this is as close as we could compose/translate it, and hold the full original meaning and connotations.
The version shown here is really, “Pain is weakness leaving your body.” Although it's said in English both ways (the or your), it works better in Chinese with “your.”
痛みは体から抜ける弱さ is how to write “pain is weakness leaving the body” in Japanese.
I remember this being shouted a lot during U.S. Marine Corps boot camp.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
Past events not forgotten serve as teachers for later events.
The most literal translation to English of this ancient 前事不忘后事之师 Chinese proverb is:
“Past events not forgotten serve as teachers for later events.”
However, it's been translated several ways:
Don't forget past events, they can guide you in the future.
Benefit from past experience.
Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.
Past calamity is my teacher.
A good memory for the past is a teacher for the future.
The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future.
If one remembers the lessons of the past; They will serve as a guide to avoid mistakes in the future.
The origin:
This proverb comes from the 5th century B.C., just before the Warring States Period in the territory now known as China.
The head of the State of Jin, Zhi Bo, seized power in a coup. He did this with help from the armies of the State of Han and Wei. Instead of being grateful for the help from Han and Wei, he treacherously took the land of Han and Wei. Never satisfied, Zhi Bo employed the armies of Han and Wei to attack and seize the State of Zhao.
The king of Zhao took advice from his minister Zhang Mengtan and secretly contacted the Han and Wei armies to reverse their plans and attack the army of Zhi Bo instead. The plan was successful, and the State of Zhao was not only saved but was set to become a powerful kingdom in the region.
Zhang Mengtan immediately submitted his resignation to a confused king of Zhao. When asked why, Zhang Mengtan said, “I've done my duty to save my kingdom, but looking back at past experience, I know sovereign kings are never satisfied with the power or land at hand. They will join others and fight for more power and more land. I must learn from past experiences, as those experiences are the teachers of future events.”
The king could not dispute the logic in that statement and accepted Zhang Mengtan's resignation.
For generations, the State of Zhao continued to fight for power and land until finally defeated and decimated by the State of Qin (which led to the birth of the Qin Dynasty in 221 B.C.).
忍耐 is patience, the quiet hope, and trust that things will turn out right.
You wait without complaining. You are tolerant and accepting of difficulties and mistakes. You picture the end in the beginning and persevere to meet your goals.
忍耐 can also mean “to endure,” “restrain oneself,” or “forbearance,” and in some contexts, it can mean “perseverance” or “endurance.”
忍耐 is also used as a tenet of Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do, and other Korean martial arts where it's titled “Endurance” and romanized as “In Neh.”
Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese will tend to write the first character in the form shown to the right. If you select our Japanese master calligrapher, please expect this Kanji form (yes, it’s just one stroke that is slightly different in location, crossing another stroke in the Japanese Kanji form).
See Also: Peace | Harmony | Perseverance
毅 is the simplest way to express perseverance in Chinese and Korean Hanja.
This single-character version leaves a bit of mystery about what kind of perseverance you might want to convey.
In Korean, this is usually associated with “strength of character.”
In Japanese, this character can be pronounced in a dozen different ways (so we have left out the Japanese pronunciation guide that normally appears above). In Japanese, this Kanji would usually be translated as “strong” (perhaps strong-willed).
毅力 is a way to express “perseverance” with the idea of “willpower” in Chinese and old Korean Hanja. It can also mean “strong-willed.”
The first character means “strong” and “persistent,” while the second means “strength” and “power.”
堅忍不抜 means determined, steadfast, unswerving, or unshakable in Japanese.
This is the Japanese version of an old Chinese 4-character perseverance proverb.
This would be understood in Chinese, but it's not commonly written this way in Chinese.
Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese calligraphers sometimes write the second Kanji in the form shown to the right. Yes,
just one stroke that is slightly different in location, crossing another stroke in this alternate Japanese Kanji form. If you have a preference, let us know when you order.
Due to some odd computer coding conventions, these two character forms were combined/merged into the same code point - thus, you will not see Kanji images of more Japanese form as you select options for your scroll.
Persistence to overcome all challenges
百折不撓 is a Chinese proverb that means “Be undaunted in the face of repeated setbacks.”
More directly translated, it reads, “[Overcome] a hundred setbacks, without flinching.” 百折不撓 is of Chinese origin but is commonly used in Japanese and somewhat in Korean (same characters, different pronunciation).
This proverb comes from a long, and occasionally tragic story of a man that lived sometime around 25-220 AD. His name was Qiao Xuan, and he never stooped to flattery but remained an upright person at all times. He fought to expose the corruption of higher-level government officials at great risk to himself.
Then when he was at a higher level in the Imperial Court, bandits were regularly capturing hostages and demanding ransoms. But when his own son was captured, he was so focused on his duty to the Emperor and the common good that he sent a platoon of soldiers to raid the bandits' hideout, and stop them once and for all even at the risk of his own son's life. While all of the bandits were arrested in the raid, they killed Qiao Xuan's son at first sight of the raiding soldiers.
Near the end of his career, a new Emperor came to power, and Qiao Xuan reported to him that one of his ministers was bullying the people and extorting money from them. The new Emperor refused to listen to Qiao Xuan and even promoted the corrupt Minister. Qiao Xuan was so disgusted that in protest, he resigned from his post as minister (something almost never done) and left for his home village.
His tombstone reads “Bai Zhe Bu Nao” which is now a proverb used in Chinese culture to describe a person of strong will who puts up stubborn resistance against great odds.
My Chinese-English dictionary defines these 4 characters as “keep on fighting despite all setbacks,” “be undaunted by repeated setbacks,” and “be indomitable.”
Our translator says it can mean “never give up” in modern Chinese.
Although the first two characters are translated correctly as “repeated setbacks,” the literal meaning is “100 setbacks” or “a rope that breaks 100 times.” The last two characters can mean “do not yield” or “do not give up.”
Most Chinese, Japanese, and Korean people will not take this absolutely literal meaning but will instead understand it as the title suggests above. If you want a single big word definition, it would be indefatigability, indomitableness, persistence, or unyielding.
See Also: Tenacity | Fortitude | Perseverance | Persistence
No pain, no gain
保佑 is the more religious and sometimes superstitious word for protection in Chinese. It's sort of a blessing of protection and is often translated as “bless and protect,” “blessing,” or “to bless.”
This would be used as the protection or blessing that a deity (such as God) would bestow upon you. It is not religion-specific in the same way a language cannot be specific to any religion.
Note: Sometimes the second character is written in the form shown to the right. Let us know if you have a preference when you place your order.
See Also: Guardian Angel
庇護 is not the most common word for a wall scroll, but this is the word for protection in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
庇護 is the non-religious, non-superstitious form of protection.
庇護 can be translated as shelter, shield, defend, safeguard, take under one's wing, to put under protection. In a certain context, it means to grant asylum or give refuge and sanctuary.
See Also: Guardian Angel
復活 is the Chinese, Japanese and Korean word for resurrection or rebirth.
復活 literally means “return to life.”
It is the term used in most Asian Bibles to refer to the resurrection of Christ. In Japanese, it is sometimes used to mean a Christian Revival. In some contexts, it can mean resuscitation.
See Also: Christianity | Jesus Christ | God of Abraham
Thread of Lover's Destiny / Fate
This literally translates as “the red string” or “the red thread” in Japanese, but the real meaning is much deeper...
In Japanese culture, it's believed that fate, destiny, or karma joins lovers by an unseen string, tied around one little finger of each. 赤い糸 is how soul mates find and are drawn to each other.
The Japanese concept of the red thread of fate, by most estimations, comes from Chinese folklore, where it's known as 姻緣紅線. The only difference is that in China, the celestial red thread is tied around the ankles of the lovers (versus what is usually represented as the pinky finger in Japan).
打たれ強い is often used as a martial arts term.
It means being able to take a lot of punishment or being able to take a hit. In Japanese baseball, it can also refer to the pitcher's ability to keep his cool when the batter gets a hit. 打たれ強い is generally about being resilient and strong in the face of criticism or adversity.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
打怕的人是假的敬怕的人是真的 is a proverb that seems to be aimed at world leaders or others in power. Perhaps a suggestion to avoid the practice of “fear-mongering” opting instead for a policy of benevolence and justice.
An example: When the Bush administration told Pakistan they could either join America in the “war on terror,” or expect some bombs to be coming their way, Bush gained this kind of “less-than-genuine respect” from Pakistanis.
Leaders in places like North Korea and even Saudi Arabia reap the same bogus respect from their own citizens.
Note that calligraphers do not like to repeat the same characters in exactly the same way in the same piece of artwork. So expect the characters that are repeated to be written in different forms in the real artwork (unlike the way they are displayed to the left).
力愛不二 is a proverb that literally means:
“Strength [and] Love [are] Not Two [separate ideas/concepts/things].”
You'll find this proverb translated from Japanese to English as:
Love and strength are not separate.
Power and love are indivisible.
Strength and love in harmony.
Strength and love stand together.
Old Japanese grammar is quite different than English, and so this proverb says a lot within the brevity of just 4 characters. If you just read these characters directly as “Strength Love Not Two,” you'd probably miss the real meaning.
According to the Swedish Shorinji Kempo Federation, this is the second characteristic of Shorinji Kempo.
This post really explains the concept best in my opinion: Bushido by MS: Riki Ai Fu Ni, which states: "Riki Ai Funi" is the philosophy that power (Riki) and love (Ai) are indivisible. More concretely, a person, who is powerful but does not have love, cannot control and misuse his/her power; on the other hand, a person, who has loved ones but is not powerful enough, cannot protect himself/herself nor loved ones.
文江學海 is a Chinese proverb that reads, “river of literacy, a sea of learning”
This suggests that there is a lot to learn in the world, with an eternal amount of reading and things to study.
文江學海 is one way to translate the quote from Hippocrates, “ars longa, vita brevis,” meaning “it takes a long time to acquire and perfect one's expertise.”
See Also: Learning is Eternal
大笑 can be translated as “roar of laughter,” “loud laughter,” “hearty laugh,” or “cachinnation.”
The first character means big or great, and the second means to laugh or smile.
If you like humor, this is a great wall scroll to hang in your home.
See Also: The Whole Room Rocks With Laughter
上帝使你神聖 means “Sanctified by God,” in Chinese.
This was added at the request of a customer. This may be more appropriate for a priest or reverend than a layman. But that depends on how your religion sees the order of things.
If you directly translate, you get something like, “God made you Holy.”
Here's the character breakdown:
上帝 = God
使 = Makes; Made; Let
你 = You
神聖 = Sacred; Holy; Sanctification; Divine; Hallow; Holiness
百聞不如一見 is a proverb that means “Better to see something once rather than hear about it one hundred times” or “Telling me about something 100 times is not as good as seeing it once.”
In English, we have the similar proverb of “Seeing is believing” but this has a bit of the “A picture paints a thousand words” meaning too.
Sometimes it's simply more prudent to verify with your own eyes.
百聞は一見に如かず is the Japanese version of an ancient Chinese proverb that means “Seeing once is better than hearing one hundred times.”
It is the rough equivalent of “seeing is believing,” “one eye-witness is better than many hearsays,” or “a picture is worth a thousand words.”
Sometimes it's simply more prudent to verify with your own eyes.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Hearing a Hundred Times is Not as Good as Seeing Once
自信 is created by simply putting the character for “faith/believe/confidence” with the character for “oneself” in front of it.
The literal translation holds the same meaning in English, Chinese, and Japanese.
It's like a self-affirmation to say, “you can do it.”
Some may also use this to mean self-esteem or a sense of self-worth. 自信 is also how to say “believe in oneself.”
See Also: Confidence
U.S. Marines Slogan
永遠忠誠 is the clearest and most natural way to translate “Semper Fidelis” or “Always Faithful” into Mandarin Chinese. 永遠忠誠 is meant explicitly for U.S. Marines who often use the shortened term “Semper Fi.”
The first two characters are a word that always means, forever, and/or eternally.
The last two characters are a word that means fidelity, loyal, and/or devotion.
I spent 10 years in the Marines, so it was a no-brainer to add this to our calligraphy database.
常に忠誠を is “Semper Fidelis” or “Always Faithful” in Japanese. This is specifically meant for U.S. Marines who often use the shortened term “Semper Fi.”
The first two Kanji mean “always” or “constantly.” The last three Kanji mean “faithful,” “loyal,” “devoted,” and/or “diligent.” It's most often read as “faithful.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
可愛い子には旅をさせよ is a Japanese proverb that means “If you love your children, send them out on a journey into the world.”
This is kind of similar to the western phrase, “Spare the rod and spoil the child.”
More literally, this reads, “Cute child, a journey granted.”
That “granted” could also be understood as “should be initiated.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
坐禪 describes the act of sitting in a state of deep meditation.
You'll notice that the second character is Chan/Zen (often used to title the meditative form of Buddhism).
In Korean Hanja, this means “religious meditation” (roughly the same as the Chinese definition).
Buddhists may define this as sitting in dhyāna, abstract meditation, fixed abstraction, or contemplation.
Japanese note: This will make sense in Japanese but the Kanji shown to the left are partially in ancient/traditional Japanese form. Japanese Buddhists may use 坐禪, 坐禅, 座禪, or 座禅. The most standard/modern Japanese form of this word is shown to the right. Click on the Kanji to the right (instead of the button above) if you want this specifically Japanese version.
A state of mind
入靜 is used in Taoism and Qi Gong to describe the state you can reach while sitting quietly in meditation. It contains the idea of achieving a highly-tranquil and peaceful state. Some may describe this state as “sleeping while still awake.”
If you have a relaxation or meditation room, this is the calming wall scroll that you would want hanging in that room.
Skills cannot be perfected without perseverance in practice
不怕练不成就怕心不恒 literally translates as: Do not worry about not being able to master [a skill]; What [one should] be concerned about is lack of perseverance.
Figuratively, this means: One's skills cannot be perfected without perseverance in practice.
For me, I've learned that you can only get so much from school or studying. You've really got to do “on-the-job training” to perfect your ability and skill.
For martial arts students: You can read about a kick in a book, or someone can tell you about a certain kick but until you practice the kick, there's no way you'll master it.
安息 means to rest, to go to sleep, to rest peacefully, or in repose, in Chinese characters, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
Softness Overcomes Hardness
神兵 is a Japanese, Chinese, and Korean title that means “soldier dispatched by a god,” or “soldier under the protection of the gods.”
神兵 is used more in Japanese (especially in animation) than the other languages.
神 is the simplest way to write spirit in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean.
This single character alone will conjure up ideas of the spiritual world. 神 can also be translated as “vital awareness” as in the fact that one must know they exist to exist (I think, therefore, I am).
Other translations include:
God, deity, mysterious, divine essence, lively, spiritual being, divinity, supernatural, soul, mind, nerves, and energy. In some extended context, it can mean genius or unusual.
Japanese romanizations vary a lot when this character is combined into other words. However, shin is the original pronunciation taken from Chinese into Japanese. You'll also see it romanized as kami, gami, jin, and a few others, depending on context.
精神力量 is a title that speaks of one's soul or spirit and the capacity or strength that soul possesses.
The first two characters mean mind, heart, spirit, and/or soul.
The last two characters mean strength, capacity, or ability.
Note: Separately, these are two words in Japanese and can be pronounced, but this does not make a natural title in Japanese (best if your audience is Chinese).
力量 is a general strength term.
It can refer to mental or physical strength (depending on context). 力量 can also be used to describe strength in terms of capability, capacity, ability, and even tact. Some may translate this as power or force.
力量與榮譽 is “strength and honor” in Chinese.
The first two characters are usually understood as (physical) strength but can also mean power or force.
The middle character is a connecting particle similar to “and.”
The last two characters are a way to say honor but can also be understood as honorable reputation, honorary, or glory.
力と名譽 is “strength and honor” in Japanese Kanji (with one Hiragana).
The first Kanji is understood as strength, power, or force.
The second character is a connecting particle-like, “and” or “with.”
The last two Kanji mean honor/honour, credit, or prestige. This last word is also used in the Bushido code to mean honor.
Physical Strength
氣力 can mean any of the words in the title above, and in some contexts, can also mean effort, will-power, or talent.
This refers mostly to physical strength (as opposed to mental or spiritual).
In modern Japan, they use a simplified first character for this word. If you want to order this title with that special Japanese version, click on the character to the right instead of the button above.
体力 means “physical strength” or “physical power.”
The first character was first simplified in Japan. Later, that simplified version became the standard in mainland China. Just in case you want this version, it is offered here. I suggest it if your audience is Japanese. Most Chinese know the older traditional version, which looks like 體力.
体力 can also be defined: stamina; endurance; physical strength; resilience; resistance to disease; clout; stability.
力 is the simplest form of “power” or “strength.”
In Japanese, it is pronounced “chikara” when used alone, and “ryoku” when used in a sentence (there are also a few other possible pronunciations of this Kanji in Japanese).
In some contexts, this can mean ability, force, physical strength, capability, and influence.
強固 means firmness, stability, security, and strength in Japanese.
It's not used commonly in China, but it means “powerful,” “firm,” “solid,” “strong,” or “better than others” in Chinese. There is a slight variation in the top of the first character between Chinese and Japanese. Because this is more of a Japanese word, we are showing the Japanese form here.
強固 is also a Korean word, but Korean Hanja uses the Chinese form of the first character (one tiny stroke is a little different), so just let me know if your audience is Korean when you place your order, and we'll have it written in the Chinese/Korean version.
自強不息 is a proverb or idiom that suggests that the pursuit of self-improvement is eternal. It can also be a suggestion to strive unremittingly in life.
The first two characters mean inner strength with the idea of self-improvement. The last two characters mean “never rest” or “striving without giving up.”
Some will translate these four characters as “Exert and strive hard without any let-up.”
強壯 is an adjective that means powerful or strong.
It can also be translated as able-bodied, robust, or sturdy.
This version of strength also suggests muscularity.
Note that the second character was simplified in Japan after WWII (also simplified in mainland China but not for calligraphy). If you want the modern Japanese/simplified version, please click on the Kanji shown to the right.
強 is a character that means strong, strength, force, powerful, better, stubborn, and stiff (yes, all of this in one character).
This “strong” has less to do with physical strength and more to do with having a winning attitude, or just having the ability to win at something.
Note that most of the time, this character is pronounced “qiang” but when used with the meaning of stubborn, unyielding, or stiff, it is pronounced “jiang” in Chinese.
Also, sometimes “qiang” is used in modern Chinese to describe people that do crazy things (For example: Bicycling from Beijing to Tibet alone). I sometimes can be found outside my Beijing apartment wearing nothing but shorts and a tee-shirt while eating ice cream during a snow storm, just to hear my neighbors call me “qiang.” Maybe they mean “strong” but perhaps they are using the new meaning of “crazy strong.”
強 can also be a Chinese surname that romanizes as Jiang in the mainland or Chiang if from Taiwan.
強 is a valid Korean Hanja character with the same meaning but is mostly used in compound Korean words.
強 is used in Japanese (though normally in compound words). In Japanese, it has the same meaning but in some contexts can mean “a little more than...” or “a little over [some amount].” Most Japanese would read this as tough, strength, stiff, hard, inflexible, obstinate, or stubborn.
The variant 彊 is sometimes seen in older literature.
This “strong” character means “to strengthen” or robust. This brings images of a muscle-bound hulk of a weight lifter or bodybuilder to an Asian person who sees this character.
Note that in Korean and Japanese, this character is normally part of compound words, and is not seen alone too often.
Note that the this character was simplified in Japan after WWII (also simplified in mainland China but not for calligraphy). If you want the modern Japanese/simplified version, please click on the Kanji shown to the right.
This “strong” character is the more “healthy” version of strong. 健 is the “strong” that is appropriate for an athlete.
Beyond “healthy,” it can also mean strength, persistence, vigorous, or invigorated/invigoration.
We don't really have a word like 健美 in English, but these two characters create a word that means “strong and beautiful.” It could also be translated as “healthy and beautiful.”
Note: 健美 is a word in Chinese and Korean, but it's also the family name Takemi in Japanese. The characters hold the same meaning in Japanese; however, it's like having the English name Stillwell when few people would perceive the meanings of still and well.
健やか is a verbose way to say strong and healthy in Japanese. 健やか is the “strong” that is appropriate for an athlete.
Beyond “healthy,” it can also mean strength, persistence, vigorous, or invigoration.
Japanese also use the first Kanji to mean the same thing. This version adds two hiragana which serve to emphasize or amplify the word and clarify the meaning.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
意志堅強 can mean either “strong-hearted,” “strong-willed” or “determination.”
The first two characters can be translated as “will,” “willpower,” “determination,” “volition,” “intention,” or “intent.” But, it should be noted that this first part possesses the element of “heart” in the lower portion of both characters (they also partially carry the meaning “with the whole heart”).
The last two characters mean “strong” or “staunch.”
Chinese word order and grammar are a bit different than English, so in this case, they are in reverse order of English but have the correct meaning in a natural form.
See Also: Strong Willed | Discipline | Will-Power
思い切り can be translated as “with all one's strength,” “with all one's heart,” “to the limits of your heart,” or “to the end of your heart/emotions.”
The character breakdown:
思い (omoi) thought; mind; heart; feelings; emotion; sentiment; love; affection; desire; wish; hope; expectation; imagination; experience
切り (kiri) bounds; limits.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
女強人 is the best way to say “strong woman” or “strong and independent woman” in Chinese.
Grammar in China is a bit different, so these three characters literally read as “female strength person” or “woman strong person.” This might sound funny in English, but this is a natural-sounding title in Chinese.
This Japanese proverb literally reads, “failures/mistakes/blunders are the yeast-starter/yeast-mash of success.”
Basically, it suggests that failures are a necessary part of success; Just as bread or beer requires yeast to successfully rise or brew/ferment.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
There is more than one way to translate the ancient Chinese military proverb, 平时多流汗战时少流血. Here are a few interpretations:
A drop of sweat spent in a drill is a drop of blood saved in war.
More practice will give one a better chance of success in real situations.
The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.
I heard this many times when I was a U.S. Marine but I had no idea at the time that it was actually an old Chinese proverb.
See Also: Blood Sweat and Tears
Hardship Develops Strong Character
頑強 means “Tenacious,” “Hard to Defeat,” or “Dogged.”
Alone, the first character means mischievous, obstinate, or stubborn. But it loses some of the mischievous meaning when the second character is added.
The second character means strength, force, power, or better.
See Also: Determination | Dedication | Devotion | Never Give Up
謝謝 is how to say thank you in Chinese. It is pronounced a bit like “shea shea” as in the English word for shea butter. Except you pronounce the X like “sh” but with your tongue firmly at the bottom of your mouth.
Unless you are putting this wall scroll near the exit of your store or restaurant to thank customers for coming, it is a bit of an odd selection. A gift of thanks to another person should be a more personal selection with more meaning than a simple thank you. Although common to write xie xie inside a card or letter of thanks.
Technically, this can be pronounced in Japanese but in Japan, it’s still the Chinese way to say thank you. It’s like an English speaker saying "gracias" (Spanish word for thank you).
三人寄れば文殊の知恵 literally means “when three people meet, wisdom is exchanged.”
Some will suggest this means when three people come together, their wisdom is multiplied.
That wisdom part can also be translated as wit, sagacity, intelligence, or Buddhist Prajna (insight leading to enlightenment).
In the middle of this proverb is “monju,” suggesting “transcendent wisdom.” This is where the multiplication of wisdom ideas comes from.
Note: This is very similar to the Chinese proverb, "When 3 people meet, one becomes a teacher."
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
While perhaps no longer politically correct, this Chinese proverb is a reminder that you must take risks if you want rewards.
不入虎穴焉得虎子 is similar to the English proverb, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
The literal word order of the Chinese is, “If (you) don't enter the tiger's lair/cave, how can (you) get/obtain tiger cubs?.”
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず is the Japanese version of an ancient Chinese proverb. 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず is a reminder that you must take risks if you want the reward.
虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず is similar to the English proverb, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
ずっと一緒 is “together forever” in Japanese.
The first three characters mean “continuously,” “throughout,” “all along,” “the whole time,” or “all the way.”
The last two Kanji mean “together.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
真愛 is literally “True Love” in Chinese.
The first character means “real,” “true,” and “genuine.” The second character means “love” and “affection.”
During the customization of your calligraphy wall scroll, there is a place to add an inscription. You might want that inscription to be your names in Chinese down the side of your wall scroll or perhaps just below these two main characters (just $9 extra). A nice gift to celebrate an anniversary or marriage!
正勝吾勝 is a proverb that is often translated as “True victory is victory over oneself.”
However, literally, Kanji by Kanji, means “True victory [is] my/self victory.”
My Japanese friends rate this very highly for a wall scroll.
See Also: Know Thy Enemy Know Thyself
信賴 can also be translated as confidence, reliance, or dependence; thus, it can also mean “to rely on” or “to depend on.”
Trust is having faith in someone or something. It is a positive attitude about life. You are confident that the right thing will happen without trying to control or make it happen. Even when difficult things happen, trust helps us to find the gift or lesson in it.
There is a slight deviation in the Japanese Kanji form of the second character. If you want the modern Japanese version, please click on the special Kanji shown to the right instead of the button above. Note that the traditional Chinese form is still readable and understood by Japanese people.
See Also: Confidence | Truth | Honor
無法信任 is the kind of thing you expect to hear in a spy movie.
“Trust no one, 007!”
The first two characters express the idea of “no way” or “cannot.”
The last two characters mean “trust.”
The characters must go in this order due to Chinese grammar issues and in order to sound natural.
Note: This is not an ancient Chinese phrase by any means. It's just that we received a lot of requests for this phrase.
This is as close as you can get to the phrase “trust no man,” though technically, no gender is specified.
誰も信じるな is as close as you can get to the phrase “trust no man” in Japanese, though no gender is specified.
The first two characters mean everyone or anyone but change to “no one” with the addition of a negative verb.
The third through fifth characters express the idea of believing in, placing trust in, confiding in, or having faith in.
The last character makes the sentence negative (without the last character, this would mean “trust everyone,” with that last character, it's “trust no one”).
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
神の信仰 is the simplest way to express “Trust in God” in Japanese.
The first character means God, deity, divinity, or spirit (in this case, it will be read as God).
The second character is a particle that links the ideas.
The last two characters mean faith, belief, or creed in a religious context.
神を信ぜよ is a way to express “Trust in God” in Japanese.
The first character is “God.”
The second character is a particle that links the ideas here.
The last three characters are a word that means “to believe,” “to believe in,” “to place trust in,” “to confide in,” and “to have faith in.”
Basically, this is the Japanese phrase for “Have faith in God,” “Belief in God,” or “Trust in God.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
酒后吐真言 / 酒後吐真言 is a nice Asian proverb if you know a vintner or wine seller - or wine lover - although the actual meaning might not be exactly what you think or hope.
The literal meaning is that someone drinking wine is more likely to let the truth slip out. It can also be translated as “People speak their true feelings after drinking alcohol.”
It's long believed in many parts of Asia that one can not consciously hold up a facade of lies when getting drunk, and therefore the truth will come out with a few drinks.
I've had the experience where a Korean man would not trust me until I got drunk with him (I was trying to gain access to the black market in North Korea which is tough to do as an untrusted outsider) - so I think this idea is still well-practiced in many Asian countries.
Please note that there are two common ways to write the second character of this phrase. The way it's written will be left up to the mood of the calligrapher, unless you let us know that you have a certain preference.
神龍庇護 is not the most common thing to say in Chinese, but it is grammatically correct and a cool title.
The first character means “supernatural or saintly.” The second is “dragon.” The last two mean protection. You could also translate this as something like “Protected by the Dragon God” or more closely “Holy Dragon.”
宇宙平衡 is a proverb that is simply Universe Balanced (we might say “Balanced Universe” in English).
The first two characters mean the Universe. However, in some contexts, it can mean cosmic, cosmos, or outer space.
The second two characters mean balance or balanced (can also mean equilibrium).
生命力 can mean “vitality” or “libido.”
The first two characters mean “life” or “life force.” The last character is a common word that means “strength.” So together, you get the meaning of “life strength” which is the essence of vitality.
Some will also translate this word as “good health.”
See Also: Life Force | Health
天堂之音 is a title that can be translated as either “voice of heaven” or “voices from heaven.”
The first two characters mean heaven.
The third character is a possessive article (kind of like making heaven into heaven's).
The last character means voice but can also mean sound.
Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used term.
The Way of Buddha Truth
In Taoist and Buddhist contexts, 行道 means to “Walk in the Way.” In Buddhism, that further means to follow the Buddha truth. In some Buddhist sects, this can mean making a procession around a statue of the Buddha (always with the right shoulder towards the Buddha).
Outside of that context, this can mean route (when going somewhere), the way to get somewhere, etc.
In Japanese, this can be the surname or given name Yukimichi.
行百里者半九十 is an old Chinese proverb that speaks to the act of giving up. This phrase suggests that no matter how close you are to finishing your task or journey, giving up just before you finish is just as bad as giving up halfway.
50% finished or 90% finished, the result is the same: “You are not finished.”
You can take what you want from this proverb, but I think it suggests that you should finish what you start, and especially finish that last 10% of your journey or project so that you can honestly say “it's finished.”
Some notes: The character, 里, that I am translating as “mile” is an ancient “Chinese mile” which is actually about half a kilometer - it just doesn't sound right to say “When walking 100 half-kilometers...”
転ばぬ先の杖 is a Japanese proverb that literally translates as: Have a walking stick ready before stumbling.
This is similar to the English idiom, “A stitch in time saves nine.”
In simple terms, this means: Always being prepared in advance.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Fix Roof Before the Rain; Dig the Well Before You Are Thirsty
天界力士 means “warrior of the heavenly realm” in Chinese, old Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji.
This is also known as Narayana in Buddhism.
This literally means: [The value of] soldiers/warriors lies in [their] quality.
兵在精 is part of a longer phrase that ends with “not [just] in [their] quantity.”
兵在精 is a well-known phrase in military circles, so the second part is suggested when one hears or reads these three characters.
See Also: 兵在精而不在多
Special Military Term
When reading an account of some battles in China, I came across the Chinese word, 嚴整. As it turns out, 嚴整 is only used in military circles to describe neat, orderly, and well-disciplined troops. Perhaps this is actually closer to the meaning I was taught while in the U.S. Marines.
The first character literally means stern, serious, strict, or severe (it can also mean airtight or watertight.
The second character means exact, in good order, whole, complete, and orderly.
Together, these two characters multiply each other into a word that expresses the highest military level of discipline.
See Also: Self-Control | Will-Power
Where there is a will, there is a way
有志者事竟成 is an old Chinese proverb that has been translated many different ways into English. As you read the translations below, keep in mind that in Chinese, heart=mind.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
Nothing is difficult to a willing heart.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Nothing in the world is impossible if you set your mind to doing it.
A willful man will have his way.
If you wish it, you will do it.
A determined heart can accomplish anything.
All things are possible with a strong mind.
精神一到何事か成らざらん is a Japanese expression that means “Where there is a will, there is a way. There are other Japanese phrases with similar meanings but this one is the most commonly used (according to the number of results on Japanese Google).
This can also be romanized as “seshinittonanigotokanarazaran.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
意志 is a Chinese, Korean, and Japanese word that means “determination to achieve.” It can also be translated as: will; willpower; determination; volition; intention; or intent.
In Japanese, this can also be the given name, Ishi.
意志力 is a form of willpower or self-control and is about having the determination or tenacity to keep going.
In Japanese, this is the power of will, the strength of will, volition, intention, intent, or determination.
You must know hardship to appreciate happiness
This literally translates as: Without having experienced the cold of winter, one cannot appreciate the warmth of spring.
Figuratively, this means: One cannot truly appreciate happiness without having gone through hardship.
There are many contrasts in life. One simply cannot fully know what joy is without having experienced misery, difficulty, and pain. How could you explain “light” if you did not have “darkness” to compare it to?
Embrace hardship, as it makes the good times seem even better.
吃一塹長一智 is a Chinese proverb that means “Fall into a moat, and you will gain wisdom from the experience.”
It really suggests that the failures, troubles, frustrations, and setbacks that you encounter in your life are actually helping you to find wisdom. Some would also translate this proverb as “Learn from your mistakes” or “Learn from your experience.”
If you are studying Chinese, you will recognize the first character as “eat,” but in this case, it means to “experience” (as used in this proverb, it is suggesting that you have fallen into a moat and/or had a hard time crossing it).
Translated character by character, this whole proverb is, “Experience one moat, gain one wisdom/knowledge.”
Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used phrase.
漫瀾 is the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja for “Having no boundaries or limitations.”
This literally talks of the vastness of an ocean or river.
Character breakdown:
漫 = free; unrestrained; to inundate; overflowing; boundless.
澜 = swelling water; large wave.
無盡 is the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja for endless; inexhaustible; without limits; infinite.
In the Buddhist context, this can refer to the infinitude of living beings, of worlds, of space, of the dharmadhātu, of nirvāṇa, etc.
一度だけ生きる is the simplest Japanese phrase that means “[you] only live once” or “only one [life] to live.”
The first four characters create a word that means “only once.”
The last three characters create a word that means “to live” or “to exist.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
You're only old if you think you're old
Death Match
In modern Japanese, 真剣勝負 means to take something very seriously.
The literal and historical meaning is “real sword battle.” In old times, a Samurai apprentice would practice with a wooden practice sword. Once trained and qualified, they would wield a real steel sword made for battle and killing. They were ready for a “death match” or Shinken Shobu.
真剣 is an adjective that has come to mean serious/earnest. The literal translation is “real sword.”
勝負 in the simplest terms, means match, contest, game, or bout. Depending on the context, it could also mean victory or defeat, winning and losing, or the outcome of a battle.
There is a suggestion in Shinken Shobu that you train with serious and real intent, as we should train with the same fervor and dedication as if the battle was real. “Train as we fight.”
See Also: The More We Sweat in Training the Less We Bleed in Battle | Cry in the Dojo - Laugh on the Battlefield
佛は衆生の中に在り is “Butsu wa shujo no naka ni ari” and means that the Buddha (potential for Buddhahood) exists in all beings in the universe.
So yes, your dog has the potential to be a Buddha (but only in a future reincarnation as a human). But all things, from the tiny cricket to the humpback whale have Buddha nature within them. If one takes the time to look and contemplate, one will see the Buddha in all things.
In Japan, sometimes the Buddha character is written 仏 instead of 佛, so you might see the whole phrase written as 仏は衆生の中に在り.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
鏡花水月 is an old Asian proverb that means “flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake” or “flowers reflected on a mirror and the moon reflected on the water's surface.”
Literally, 鏡花水月 reads “Mirror Flower, Water Moon.”
Figuratively this can be used to represent a lot of different ideas. It can be used to express an unrealistic rosy view or viewing things through rose-tinted spectacles. So you can use it to relay an idea about something that is visible but has no substance,
something that can be seen but not touched, or something beautiful but unattainable such as dreams or a mirage.
This expression is used to describe things like the subtle and profound beauty of poems that cannot be described in words.
鏡 = Mirror (or lens)
花 = Flower(s)
水 = Water
月 = Moon
Can also be written 水月鏡花 (just a slight change in word/character order).
人生で一番大事な日は二日ある。生まれた日と、なぜ生まれたかを分かった日 is Mark Twain's quote, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why” in Japanese.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
Age is just a number
老當益壯 is a Chinese proverb that means “old but vigorous” or “hale and hearty despite the years.”
Said of someone who is more spirited when he/she grows older.
The story behind this Chinese proverb:
In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a man named Ma Yuan. He had been planning to herd animals on the frontier since he was young. When he grew up, Ma became a minor official of a county.
Once, he was sending some prisoners to another location. He felt pity for them, so he set them free, and then he fled to another county in the north. He herded animals there, and thus his dream came true. He always said: “If you want to be a great man, the poorer you are, the firmer in spirit you have to be; the older you are, the more spirited you should be.”
Later, when he was even older, Ma Yuan became a famous general of the Eastern Han Dynasty and contributed to many battles.
百聞不如一見 is a Chinese proverb that means “Seeing once is better than hearing one hundred times” which is similar to the idea of “Seeing is believing.”
You can also get the idea, “Seeing for oneself is better than hearing from many others.”
If you break it down directly, you get “100 hears/listens (is) not as-good (as) one sight.”
玄武 can refer to the Black Tortoise (an ancient Chinese constellation of stars- part of the seven mansions of the north sky).
In Daoism, this is the God of the North sky.
This also refers to a Black Tortoise god, said to rule over the northern heavens in Japanese. Can also be pronounced/romanized as genmu or when used as a personal name, Hirotake in Japanese.
吾道一以貫之 is a phrase from the Analects of Confucius that translates as “My Way has one thread that runs through it.”
Other translations include:
My Way is penetrated by a single thread.
There is one single thread binding my Way together.
My Way is run through with a unifying thread.
My Way is Consistent.
And sometimes poetic license is taken, and it is translated as:
My Way is the only one; I'll treasure it and stick to it with humility until the end.
After this was said, some 2500+ years ago, another disciple of Confucius clarified the meaning by stating, “Our master's Way is to be loyal and have a sense of reciprocity.”
In Japanese, this is purported to be romanized as “Waga michi ichi wo motte kore wo tsuranuku,” though some will argue the true pronunciation.
Note: Sometimes written 吾道以一貫之 instead of 吾道一以貫之 with no difference in meaning.
力量 博愛 榮譽 is the verbose way to write the word list, “strength love honor.”
It should be noted that word lists like this are not as natural sounding in Chinese as word lists can be in English. it’s more common to have a full phrase (with subject, verb, and object) or single words on calligraphy wall scrolls in Asia.
花園里的戰士好過戰場上的園丁 is the Chinese for the phrase, “It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”
This proverb is purported to come from the following exchange:
A student approaches his samurai master and says,
“Teacher, you instruct me how to fight, yet you preach to me about peace. How do I reconcile the two?”
The samurai responds,
“Because it is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”
理直氣壯 is a Chinese proverb that means “to do something while knowing you’re in the right.”
This can also be translated as and is appropriate when you are:
“In the right and self-confident”
“Bold and confident with justice on one's side”
“Having the courage of one's convictions”
“Justified and forceful”
“To be confident and vigorous because reason and logic are on one's side”
“Justified and confident”
Never say die
人生朝露 is a proverb that means “human life is like morning dew.”
Figuratively, this suggests the ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence.
Also translated as:
Man's life vanishes like a drop of dew.
A person's life is as fleeting as morning dew.
Life is as transient as morning due.
This is Tao Yuanming's poem, “Returning to Dwell in Gardens and Fields.”
少無適俗韻 性本愛丘山。
誤落塵網中 一去三十年。
羈鳥戀舊林 池魚思故淵。
開荒南野際 抱拙歸園田。
方宅十餘畝 草屋八九間。
榆柳蔭後簷 桃李羅堂前。
暖暖遠人村 依依墟裡煙。
狗吠深巷中 雞鳴桑樹顛。
戶庭無塵雜 虛室有餘閒。
久在樊籠裡 復得返自然。
All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.
When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.
Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!
When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.
The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.
Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.
There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form
of art alive.
Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.
The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.