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There are 51 total results for your the middle way search.

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zhōng dào
    zhong1 dao4
chung tao

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The Middle Way
road through the middle; middle road; (place-name, surname) Nakamichi
The 'mean' has various interpretations. In general it denotes the mean between two extremes, and has special reference to the mean between realism and nihilism, or eternal substantial existence and annihilation; this 'mean' is found in a third principle between the two, suggesting the idea of a realm of mind or spirit beyond the terminology of 有 or 無, substance or nothing, or, that which has form, and is therefore measurable and ponderable, and its opposite of total non-existence. See 中論. The following four Schools define the term according to their several scriptures: the 法相 School describes it as the 唯識, v. 唯識中道; the 三論 School as the 八不 eight negations, v. 三論; the Tiantai as 實相 the true reality; and the Huayan as the 法界 dharmadhātu. Four forms of the Mean are given by the 三論玄義.


see styles
yī zhōng
    yi1 zhong1
i chung
 icchuu / icchu
(given name) Icchuu
A hall of spread tables; idem一普.


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sān xiàng
    san1 xiang4
san hsiang
 sansou / sanso
(noun - becomes adjective with の) three phases
The three forms or positions: 解脫相 nirvāṇa; 離相 no nirvāṇa; 滅和 or 非有非無之中道 absence of both, or the "middle way" of neither.


see styles
(adv,adj-na) (1) (kana only) very; considerably; easily; readily; fairly; quite; highly; rather; (adverb) (2) (kana only) by no means (with negative verb); not readily; (3) middle; half-way point; (can be adjective with の) (4) (kana only) excellent; wonderful; very good


see styles
zhōng zhōng
    zhong1 zhong1
chung chung
middling; average; impartial; (Hong Kong) secondary school that uses Chinese as the medium of instruction ("CMI school")
(adv,adj-na) (1) (kana only) very; considerably; easily; readily; fairly; quite; highly; rather; (adverb) (2) (kana only) by no means (with negative verb); not readily; (3) middle; half-way point; (can be adjective with の) (4) (kana only) excellent; wonderful; very good
middling of the middling



see styles
zhōng chǎng
    zhong1 chang3
chung ch`ang
    chung chang
middle period of a tripartite provincial exam (in former times); midfield; mid-court (in sports); half-time; intermission half-way through a performance
(surname) Nakaba



see styles
zhōng shí
    zhong1 shi2
chung shih
idem 中道實相.


see styles
zhōng yōng
    zhong1 yong1
chung yung
golden mean (Confucianism); (literary) (of person) mediocre; ordinary
(n,adj-no,adj-na) (1) middle way; (golden) mean; moderation; middle path; (2) (See 四書) the Doctrine of the Mean (one of the Four Books); (personal name) Nakatsune
Doctrine of the Mean


see styles
zhōng duàn
    zhong1 duan4
chung tuan
middle section; middle period; middle area; mid-
half-way up a slope or stairway; landing; center of three (horizontal) columns (of print) (centre); (place-name, surname) Nakadan



see styles
zhōng guān
    zhong1 guan1
chung kuan
 chū gan
Meditation on the Mean, one of the 三觀; also meditation on the absolute which unites all opposites. There are various forms of such meditation, that of the 法相宗, the 三論宗, the 天台宗. v. 中論.



see styles
zhōng lùn
    zhong1 lun4
chung lun
中觀論 Prāñnyāya-mūla-śāstra-ṭīkā, or Prāṇyamula-śāstra-ṭīkā; the Mādhyamika-śāstra, attributed to the bodhisattvas Nāgārjuna as creator, and Nīlacakṣus as compiler; tr. by Kumārajīva A. D. 409. It is the principal work of the Mādhyamika, or Middle School, attributed to Nāgārjuna. Versions only exist in Chinese and Tibetan; an English translation by Miyamoto exists and publication is promised; a German version is by Walleser. The 中論 is the first and most?? important of the 三論 q. v. The teaching of this School is found additionally in the 順中論; 般若燈論釋大乘中觀釋論 and 中論疏. Cf. 中道. The doctrine opposes the rigid categories of existence and non-existence 假 and 空, and denies the two extremes of production (or creation) and nonproduction and other antitheses, in the interests of a middle or superior way.



see styles
wǔ guān
    wu3 guan1
wu kuan
The five meditations referred to in the Lotus Sutra 25: (1) 眞 on the true, idem 空觀, to meditate on the reality of the void or infinite, in order to be rid of illusion in views and thoughts; (2) 淸淨觀 on purity, to be rid of any remains of impurity connected with the temporal, idem 假觀; (3) 廣大智慧觀 on the wider and greater wisdom, idem 中觀, by study of the 'middle' way; (4) 悲觀 on pitifulness, or the pitiable condition of the living, and by the above three to meditate on their salvation; (5) 慈觀 on mercy and the extension of the first three meditations to the carrying of joy to all the living.


see styles
(irregular kanji usage) (adv,adj-na) (1) (kana only) very; considerably; easily; readily; fairly; quite; highly; rather; (adverb) (2) (kana only) by no means (with negative verb); not readily; (3) middle; half-way point; (can be adjective with の) (4) (kana only) excellent; wonderful; very good


see styles
liù huì
    liu4 hui4
liu hui
The six kinds of wisdom. Each is allotted seriatim to one of the six positions 六位 q. v. (1) 聞慧 the wisdom of hearing and apprehending the truth of the middle way is associated with the 十住; (2) 思慧 of thought with the 十行; (3) 修慧 of observance with the 十廻向; (4) 無相慧 of either extreme, or the mean, with the 十地; (5) 照寂慧 of understanding of nirvana with 等覺慧; (6) 寂照慧 of making nirvana illuminate all beings associated with 佛果 Buddha-fruition. They are a 別教 Differentiated School series and all are associated with 中道 the school of the 中 or middle way.


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sì yī
    si4 yi1
ssu i
 shi e
The four necessaries, or things on which the religious rely. (1) 行四依 The four of ascetic practitioners— rag clothing; begging for food; sitting under trees; purgatives and diuretics as moral and spiritual means; these are also termed 四聖種. (2) 法四依 The four of the dharma: i. e. the truth, which is eternal, rather than man, even its propagator; the sutras of perfect meaning i. e. of the 道實相 the truth of the 'middle' way; the meaning, or spirit, not the letter; wisdom 智, i.e. Buddha-wisdom rather than mere knowledge 識. There are other groups. Cf. 四事.



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yuán miào
    yuan2 miao4
yüan miao
The mystery of the 'perfect' school, i.e. the complete harmony of 空假中 noumenon, phenomenon, and the middle way.



see styles
yuán wù
    yuan2 wu4
yüan wu
(personal name) Engo
Completely to apprehend the truth. In Tiantai, the complete apprehension at the same time of noumenon, phenomenon, and the middle way.



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dāng dào
    dang1 dao4
tang tao
in the middle of the road; to be in the way; to hold power; (fig.) to predominate; to be in vogue
See: 当道


see styles
 tojou / tojo
(n,adv) (1) on the way; en route; (2) in the process of (development, construction, etc.); in the middle of; (given name) Tojō


see styles
tú zhōng
    tu2 zhong1
t`u chung
    tu chung
en route
(n,adv) (1) on the way; en route; (n,adv) (2) in the middle of; midway; halfway; (surname) Michinaka


see styles
dào zhōng
    dao4 zhong1
tao chung
(1) middle of the road; on the road; (2) on the way (to one's destination); (surname, given name) Michinaka
in the middle of the road


see styles
middle; centre; center; mid-way



see styles
bù fēn bié
    bu4 fen1 bie2
pu fen pieh
 fu funbetsu
The indivisible, or middle way 中道.


see styles
zhōng dào zōng
    zhong1 dao4 zong1
chung tao tsung
 Chūdō Shū
The third period of the Buddha's teaching, according to the 法相宗, giving the via media between the two extremes, the absolute as not confined to the phenomenal or the noumenal; also called 中道教.


see styles
zhōng dào jiào
    zhong1 dao4 jiao4
chung tao chiao
 chūdō kyō
teaching of the middle way



see styles
zhōng dào yì
    zhong1 dao4 yi4
chung tao i
 chūdō gi
meaning of middle way



see styles
zhōng dào guān
    zhong1 dao4 guan1
chung tao kuan
 chūdō kan
One of the Tiantai 三觀 three meditations, i. e. on the doctrine of the Mean to get rid of the illusion of phenomena.



see styles
wǔ zhǒng xìng
    wu3 zhong3 xing4
wu chung hsing
 goshu shō
The five germ-natures, or roots of bodhisattva development: (1) 習種性 the germ nature of study of the 空 void (or immaterial), which corrects all illusions of time and space; it corresponds to the 十住 stage; (2) 性種性 that of ability to discriminate all the 性 natures of phenomena and transform the living; the 十行 stage; (3) 道種性(the middle-) way germ-nature, which attains insight into Buddha-laws; the 十廻向; (4) 聖種性 the saint germ-nature which produces holiness by destroying ignorance; the 十廻向 which the bodhisattva leaves the ranks of the 賢 and becomes 聖; (5) 等覺種性 the bodhi-rank germ-nature which produces Buddhahood, i. e. 等覺.


see styles
qì zhōng dào
    qi4 zhong1 dao4
ch`i chung tao
    chi chung tao
 kai chūdō
to match with the middle way


see styles
mò tuó mó
    mo4 tuo2 mo2
mo t`o mo
    mo to mo
This is intp. as not. in the mean or middle way.


see styles
way of entangling one's hands together to leave a small opening between the middle and ring fingers; fox's window


see styles
middle; centre; center; mid-way



see styles
dào zhǒng xìng
    dao4 zhong3 xing4
tao chung hsing
 dō shushō
The nature possessing the seed of Buddhahood. The stage in which the 'middle' way is realized.


see styles
yī fǎ zhōng dào
    yi1 fa3 zhong1 dao4
i fa chung tao
 ippō chūdō
single dharma of the middle way



see styles
zhōng lùn xìng jiào
    zhong1 lun4 xing4 jiao4
chung lun hsing chiao
 chūronshō kyō
The Mādhyamika school, which has been described as a system of sophisiic nihilism, dissolving every proposition into a thesis and its antithesis, and refuting both; but it is considered by some that the refuting of both is in the interests of a third, the 中 which transcends both.



see styles
zhōng dào shí xiàng
    zhong1 dao4 shi2 xiang4
chung tao shih hsiang
 chūdō jissō
The reality of the 'mean' is neither 有 substance or existent, nor 空 void or non-existent, but a reality which is neither, or a mean between the two extremes of materialism and nihilism; also 中實.



see styles
zhōng dào yìng běn
    zhong1 dao4 ying4 ben3
chung tao ying pen
 chūdō ōhon
The 'mean' as the basic principle in the 別 and 圓 schools of the doctrine of the 應化身 'transformation body'.



see styles
èr dì yòng zhōng
    er4 di4 yong4 zhong1
erh ti yung chung
 nitai yūchū
use the twofold truth to reveal the middle way


see styles
fó xìng zhōng dào
    fo2 xing4 zhong1 dao4
fo hsing chung tao
 busshō chūdō
Middle Way of Buddha-nature


see styles
bā bù zhòng dào
    ba1 bu4 zhong4 dao4
pa pu chung tao
 happu chūdō
eight negations of the middle way



see styles
qì yú zhōng dào
    qi4 yu2 zhong1 dao4
ch`i yü chung tao
    chi yü chung tao
 kai o chūdō
to match with the middle way



see styles
yán quán zhōng dào
    yan2 quan2 zhong1 dao4
yen ch`üan chung tao
    yen chüan chung tao
 gonsen chūdō
the middle way that uses language


see styles
zhōng dào jí fǎ jiè
    zhong1 dao4 ji2 fa3 jie4
chung tao chi fa chieh
 chūdō soku hokkai
The doctrine of the 'mean', is the dharmadhātu, or 'spiritual ' universe.



see styles
zhōng dào dì yī yì
    zhong1 dao4 di4 yi1 yi4
chung tao ti i i
 chūdō daiichi gi
The 'mean' is the first and chief of all principles, nothing is outside it.



see styles
yǒu kōng zhōng sān shí
    you3 kong1 zhong1 san1 shi2
yu k`ung chung san shih
    yu kung chung san shih
 u kū chū sanji
The 法相宗 Dharmalakṣaṇa school divides the Buddha's teaching into three periods, in which he taught (1) the unreality of the ego, as shown in the 阿含 Āgamas, etc.; (2) the unreality of the dharmas, as in the 船若 Prajñāpāramitā, etc.; and (3) the middle or uniting way, as in the 解深密經 Sandhinimocana-sūtra, etc., the last being the foundation text of this school.



see styles
zhōng dào dì yī yì guān
    zhong1 dao4 di4 yi1 yi4 guan1
chung tao ti i i kuan
 chūdō daiichi gi kan
contemplation of the (supreme) Middle Way



see styles
zhōng dào dì yī yì dì
    zhong1 dao4 di4 yi1 yi4 di4
chung tao ti i i ti
 chūdō daiichi gi tai
cardinal truth of the middle way



see styles
yī sè yī xiāng wú fēi zhōng dào
    yi1 se4 yi1 xiang1 wu2 fei1 zhong1 dao4
i se i hsiang wu fei chung tao
 isshiki ikkō muhi chūdō
An atom or an odour is a complete microcosm of the 中道 middle way or golden mean; the Mean is found in all things.


see styles
 dosutoraiku; dosutoraiku
    どストライク; ドストライク
(1) (colloquialism) (See ど・1,ストライク) smack in the middle; perfect strike; bullseye; (adjectival noun) (2) (colloquialism) perfect (for something or someone); just right; just the way one likes it


see styles
(adv,adj-na) (1) (kana only) very; considerably; easily; readily; fairly; quite; highly; rather; (adverb) (2) (kana only) (with a verb in the negative) by no means; not readily; (3) middle; half-way point; (can be adjective with の) (4) (kana only) excellent; wonderful; very good


see styles
(adv,adj-na) (1) (kana only) very; considerably; easily; readily; fairly; quite; highly; rather; (adverb) (2) (kana only) (with a verb in the negative) by no means; not readily; (3) middle; half-way point; (can be adjective with の) (4) (kana only) excellent; wonderful; very good

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.

This page contains 51 results for "the middle way" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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