Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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Mandarin Chinese information.
Old Wade-Giles romanization used only in Taiwan.
Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 179 total results for your passage search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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Simple Dictionary Definition


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yī duàn
    yi1 duan4
i tuan

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Ichi-Dan / First Degree
(adv-to,adv,adj-no) (1) (usu. 〜と) even more; still more; much more; further; (n,adv) (2) one step; one rung; one level; one grade; one rank; (3) one paragraph; one passage; (4) (abbreviation) {gramm} (See 一段動詞,一段活用,五段・1) ichidan (verb, verb conjugation); (given name) Ichidan
one stage


see styles
tōng lù
    tong1 lu4
t`ung lu
    tung lu
 tsuuro / tsuro
thoroughfare; passage; pathway; channel
passage; pathway; roadway; avenue; aisle

see styles

sentence; clause; phrase; classifier for phrases or lines of verse
(n,n-suf) (1) section (i.e. of text); sentence; passage; paragraph; (n,n-suf) (2) {ling} phrase; (n,n-suf) (3) verse (of 5 or 7 mora in Japanese poetry; of 4, 5, or 7 characters in Chinese poetry); (n,n-suf) (4) haiku; first 17 morae of a renga, etc.; (n,n-suf) (5) maxim; saying; idiom; expression; (n,n-suf) (6) {comp} clause (e.g. in a database query language)
A sentence, phrase, clause; also used for a place.

see styles
 rou / ro
corridor; veranda; porch
corridor; passage; hall

see styles
paragraph; section; segment; stage (of a process); classifier for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc
(n,ctr) (1) step; stair; rung; (flight of) steps; (n,ctr) (2) shelf; layer; tier; (3) grade; level; class; (n,ctr) (4) dan (degree of advanced proficiency in martial arts, go, shogi, etc.); rank; (5) paragraph; passage; (n,ctr) (6) column (of print); (n,ctr) (7) act (in kabuki, joruri, etc.); section; scene; (8) row of the multiplication table (e.g. five times table); (9) stage (in a process); phase; occasion; time; moment; situation; (10) (form) (as ...の段) matter; occasion; (11) (as ...どころの段ではない, ...という段じゃない, etc.) degree; extent; (counter) (12) counter for breaks in written language or speech; (place-name, surname) Dan
A piece; a section, paragraph. piṇda, a ball, lump, especially of palatable food, sustenance.

see styles
place; location; spot; point; office; department; bureau; respect; classifier for locations or items of damage: spot, point
(out-dated kanji) (n,suf) (1) place; spot; scene; site; (2) (kana only) address; (3) (kana only) district; area; locality; (4) (kana only) one's house; (5) (kana only) point; aspect; side; facet; (6) (kana only) passage (in text); part; (7) (kana only) space; room; (8) (kana only) thing; matter; (9) (kana only) whereupon; as a result; (10) (kana only) about to; on the verge of; (11) (kana only) was just doing; was in the process of doing; have just done; just finished doing; (surname) Tokoro
To dwell, abide; fix, decide, punish; a place, state. āyatana, 阿耶怛那, also tr. 入, place or entrance of the sense, both the organ and the sensation, or sense datum; hence the 十二處 twelve āyatana, i. e. six organs, and six sense data that enter for discrimination.

see styles
tunnel; underground passage

see styles
 seki; setsu
    せき; せつ
variant of 出[chu1] (classifier for plays or chapters of classical novels)
(1) act (of a Chinese drama); scene; (2) paragraph (esp. of an Edo-period novel); passage; section


see styles
(n,ctr) passage; place; point; part


see styles
(n,ctr) passage; place; point; part


see styles
yī wǎng
    yi1 wang3
i wang
(adverb) (1) more or less; though not quite satisfactorily; after a fashion; pretty much; roughly; so far as it goes; (2) tentatively; for the time being; (3) just in case; (4) once
One passage, or time, once; on one superficial going.


see styles
 ichijou / ichijo
(1) one line; one streak; one stripe; one ray (of light); one wisp (of smoke); (2) one item (in an itemized form); one clause; one passage (in a book); (3) one matter (affair, event, case, incident); (surname) Takuya


see styles
(1) one scene; one frame; one shot; one exposure; (2) one cell; one panel (comic); passage in a discourse; one section; one scene


see styles
beautiful passage of literature


see styles
 binjou / binjo
(n,vs,vi) (1) taking advantage of (an opportunity); jumping on the bandwagon; (n,vs,vi) (2) taking passage (in); getting a lift; getting a ride


see styles
(n,ctr) passage; place; point; part



see styles
hòu niǎo
    hou4 niao3
hou niao
 kouchou / kocho
migratory bird
bird of passage; migratory bird


see styles
 bouten / boten
(1) marks or dots used to emphasize text passage (emphasise); (2) marks to facilitate reading of kanbun


see styles
quán wén
    quan2 wen2
ch`üan wen
    chüan wen
entire text; full text
whole passage; full text; whole sentence; full paragraph


see styles
fēn guǎn
    fen1 guan3
fen kuan
to be put in charge of; to be responsible for; branched passage


see styles
 santei / sante
revision of a passage


see styles
jié liáng
    jie2 liang2
chieh liang
calculating the passage of time


see styles
original passage (in document)


see styles
 sanshou / sansho
(noun, transitive verb) (1) reference (e.g. to a dictionary, passage, footnotes); consultation; comparison; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {comp} browsing (to a file or folder)


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) (1) (form) (See 参照・1) reference (e.g. to a dictionary, passage, footnotes); consultation; comparison; (noun, transitive verb) (2) (obsolete) (See 参観) visit; inspection



see styles
kě jué
    ke3 jue2
k`o chüeh
    ko chüeh
to adopt; to pass; to vote approval (of a law etc)
(noun, transitive verb) approval; adoption (of a motion, bill, etc.); passage


see styles
yān hóu
    yan1 hou2
yen hou
 inkou / inko
(1) {anat} throat; (2) (See 咽喉を扼する) vital passage; key position


see styles
dǔ jié
    du3 jie2
tu chieh
to intercept; to block the passage of; to interdict


see styles
mù dào
    mu4 dao4
mu tao
path leading to a grave; tomb passage; aisle leading to the coffin chamber of an ancient tomb



see styles
xiě dào
    xie3 dao4
hsieh tao
to write (used before or after a quoted passage)


see styles
xiǎo diàn
    xiao3 dian4
hsiao tien
 shouten / shoten
small store
(1) little shop; small shop; small store; (2) (humble language) my shop; (1) little shop; small shop; small store; (2) low class whorehouse in Fujiwara (Edo period); low class brothel; (3) passage formed under the eaves of houses after heavy snowfalls (Tohoku region)


see styles
dòng shì
    dong4 shi4
tung shih
underground mine storage room; mine passage


see styles
hū hū
    hu1 hu1
hu hu
fleeting (of quick passage time); in a flash; distracted manner; vacantly; frustratedly


see styles
(1) secret passage; underground passage; (2) loophole


see styles
wén zhāng
    wen2 zhang1
wen chang
 bunshou(p); monjou(ok); monzou(ok) / bunsho(p); monjo(ok); monzo(ok)
    ぶんしょう(P); もんじょう(ok); もんぞう(ok)
article; essay; literary works; writings; hidden meaning; CL:篇[pian1],段[duan4],頁|页[ye4]
(1) writing; composition; essay; article; passage; prose; (writing) style; (2) (See 文・ぶん・1) sentence; (given name) Bunshou


see styles
(1) context (of a passage); line of thought; (2) context (of a matter, event, etc.); circumstances; background


see styles
 danshou / dansho
(1) literary fragment; (2) (See 断章取義) interpreting (and using) a passage without regard to its context


see styles
 bouten / boten
(1) marks or dots used to emphasize text passage (emphasise); (2) marks to facilitate reading of kanbun



see styles
àn zhuāng
    an4 zhuang1
an chuang
submerged piles installed to prevent the passage of boats; (fig.) informer; spy


see styles
àn dào
    an4 dao4
an tao
secret passage; secret tunnel


see styles
běn wén
    ben3 wen2
pen wen
 honbun(p); honmon(p)
    ほんぶん(P); ほんもん(P)
this text; article; the main body of a book
(1) text (of a book, document, etc.); body (of a letter); (2) this passage; this sentence
the text


see styles
musical passage or section


see styles
 rekitei / rekite
a route or passage


see styles
duàn luò
    duan4 luo4
tuan lo
phase; time interval; paragraph; (written) passage
(1) paragraph; (2) end; stopping place; conclusion



see styles
qì dào
    qi4 dao4
ch`i tao
    chi tao
flue; air duct; air passage; respiratory tract


see styles
(1) flow (of a fluid or gas); stream; current; (2) flow (of people, things); passage (of time); tide; passing; (changing) trends; tendency; (3) course (of events); (step-by-step) procedure; process; (4) group of people who remain together after the end of an event; (5) descent; ancestry; school; (6) {finc} forfeiture; foreclosure; (7) (usu. as お流れ) (See お流れ) cancellation; (8) drifting; wandering; roaming


see styles
 ryuuro / ryuro
channel; duct; passage; watercourse; flow channel


see styles
 ruidou / ruido
lachrymal passage (lacrimal, lacrymal)


see styles
qīng dào
    qing1 dao4
ch`ing tao
    ching tao
 seidou / sedo
to clean the street; to clear the road (i.e. get rid of people for passage of royalty or VIP)
(given name) Seidō


see styles
 watari(p); watari
    わたり(P); ワタリ
(1) crossing; passage; transit; (2) importing; import; (3) wandering; wanderer; (4) (See 渡り鳥) migration; (5) (See 渡りを付ける) contact; relations; negotiations; (6) {go} (usu. as ワタリ) connection; (7) {ling} glide; (surname) Watari


see styles
 tokou / toko
(n,vs,vi) voyage; passage; travelling


see styles
(1) short sentence; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) short piece of writing (e.g. passage, article, composition)


see styles
(v5r,vi) (1) to move (house); to transfer (department); (2) to change the target of interest or concern; (3) to elapse (passage of time); (4) to be permeated by a colour or scent; (5) (kana only) to be infected; to be contagious; to spread (as in fire)



see styles
dòu dào
    dou4 dao4
tou tao
sinus (anatomy); subterranean passage


see styles
(1) departure; setting off; start; (2) being used up; being consumed; being burnt out; (3) passage of time; lapse; (4) (abbreviation) (See 立ち稽古・たちげいこ) rehearsal; (5) (abbreviation) (See 立ち役・たちやく) leading male role in kabuki; (6) (abbreviation) {sumo} rising from a crouch to charge; initial charge; faceoff; (prefix) (7) verb prefix conveying emphasis and sometimes formality


see styles
 shouku / shoku
chapter and verse; paragraph; passage



see styles
quán yú
    quan2 yu2
ch`üan yü
    chüan yü
Trap and fish, a difficult passage in a book and its interpretation.


see styles
(n,ctr) passage; place; point; part


see styles
piān zhāng
    pian1 zhang1
p`ien chang
    pien chang
 henshou / hensho
chapter; section (of a written work); passage of writing; (fig.) chapter (in the history of something)
(1) volumes and chapters; (2) composition; writing


see styles
 keika / keka
(noun/participle) (1) passage (of time); elapsing; lapse; (noun/participle) (2) progress; development; course (of events); (noun/participle) (3) {astron} transit



see styles
jié tàn
    jie2 tan4
chieh t`an
    chieh tan
A sigh of praise at the close of a passage of a sūtra.



see styles
jīng lì
    jing1 li4
ching li
experience; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]; to experience; to go through


see styles
 seiku / seku
(1) scripture; (2) passage from scripture


see styles
missing passage; lacuna


see styles
háng hǎi
    hang2 hai3
hang hai
 koukai / kokai
to sail the seas; maritime navigation; voyage
(n,vs,vi) (sea) voyage; navigation; sailing; passage; cruise


see styles
passage; fare; shipping charges


see styles
huā jiǎ
    hua1 jia3
hua chia
complete sexagenary cycle; a 60 year-old person; passage of time


see styles
translated sentence; translated passage; translation; version; rendering



see styles
lùn wén
    lun4 wen2
lun wen
paper; treatise; thesis; CL:篇[pian1]; to discuss a paper or thesis (old)
thesis; essay; treatise; paper; article
treatise passage(s)


see styles
 rinpou / rinpo
(Buddhist term) Cakraratna; wheel-shaped treasure possessed by the ideal universal ruler, carried in front of him during excursions to allow easy passage; (surname) Rinpou



see styles
lún bǎo
    lun2 bao3
lun pao
(out-dated kanji) (Buddhist term) Cakraratna; wheel-shaped treasure possessed by the ideal universal ruler, carried in front of him during excursions to allow easy passage
A cakravartin's wheel, i.e. either gold, silver, copper, or iron, manifesting his rank and power.


see styles
tòu shè
    tou4 she4
t`ou she
    tou she
to transmit; transmission (of radiation through a medium); passage


see styles
tōng xíng
    tong1 xing2
t`ung hsing
    tung hsing
 tsuukou / tsuko
to go through; to pass through; to be in general use
(n,vs,vi) (1) passage (of people or vehicles); passing (through); traffic; (n,vs,vi) (2) common usage; widespread use
The thoroughfare, or path which leads to nirvāṇa.



see styles
tōng guò
    tong1 guo4
t`ung kuo
    tung kuo
 tsuuka / tsuka
to pass through; to get through; to adopt (a resolution); to pass (legislation); to pass (a test); by means of; through; via
(n,vs,vi) (1) passing through (a tunnel, station, town, etc.); passing by (e.g. of a typhoon); transit; (n,vs,vi) (2) passage (of a bill, e.g. through parliament); carriage; (n,vs,vi) (3) passing (an examination, inspection, etc.); clearing; getting through (a preliminary round); qualification


see styles
tōng dào
    tong1 dao4
t`ung tao
    tung tao
(communications) channel; thoroughfare; passage


see styles
(v5r,vi) (1) to move (house); to transfer (department); (2) to change the target of interest or concern; (3) to elapse (passage of time); (4) to be permeated by a colour or scent; (5) (kana only) to be infected; to be contagious; to spread (as in fire)


see styles
chóng wén
    chong2 wen2
ch`ung wen
    chung wen
 juubun / jubun
repetitious passage; multiple variants of Chinese characters
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) {gramm} compound sentence; sentenced formed of two independent clauses; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (abbreviation) (See 重要文化財) important cultural property; important cultural asset; (given name) Shigebumi


see styles
 choubun / chobun
(1) long sentence; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) long piece of writing (e.g. passage, letter, article, telegram); (given name) Nagafumi


see styles
ài lù
    ai4 lu4
ai lu
defile; narrow passage
(1) defile; narrow path; (2) bottleneck; impasse


see styles
 nankou / nanko
(n,vs,vi) (1) difficult voyage; stormy passage; hard flight; (n,vs,vi) (2) rough going; running into trouble; proceeding with difficulty; rough passage


see styles
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage


see styles
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage


see styles
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage


see styles
 jousenken / josenken
boat ticket; passage ticket


see styles
(kana only) passage; paragraph


see styles
(1) little shop; small shop; small store; (2) low class whorehouse in Fujiwara (Edo period); low class brothel; (3) passage formed under the eaves of houses after heavy snowfalls (Tohoku region)


see styles
(1) secret passage; underground passage; (2) loophole


see styles
sàn tà luō
    san4 ta4 luo1
san t`a lo
    san ta lo
saṃsāra, course, passage, transmigration.


see styles
(1) beginning (of writing); opening passage (sentence, paragraph, etc.); (2) written claim; bill


see styles
(transitive verb) to extract (e.g. a passage from a book); to make an excerpt


see styles
(1) full house; sell-out; (2) putting up a sign forbidding entry, passage, etc.


see styles
 houseika / hoseka
(noun, transitive verb) legislating; legislation; passage (of a bill) into law


see styles
migratory bird; bird of passage



see styles
xiàn miè dù
    xian4 mie4 du4
hsien mieh tu
 gen metsudo
manifests passage into nirvāṇa


see styles
 utsurou / utsuro
(v5u,vi) (1) to change (with the passage of time); (v5u,vi) (2) to fade; to wane; to decline


see styles
dead end; no passage



see styles
mǎi lù qián
    mai3 lu4 qian2
mai lu ch`ien
    mai lu chien
money extorted by bandits in exchange for safe passage; illegal toll; (old) paper money strewn along the path of a funeral procession


see styles
 chouetsuten / choetsuten
passage point


see styles
passage; path; route; one's way



see styles
xián wén zì
    xian2 wen2 zi4
hsien wen tzu
 kanmoji; kanmonji
    かんもじ; かんもんじ
idle words (in a written passage); useless words; empty words
閑塵境 Words, or expressions to be shut out; unnecessary words.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "passage" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary