There are 403 total results for your chicken search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
鳥 鸟 see styles |
niǎo niao3 niao yanadori やなどり |
More info & calligraphy: Bird(1) bird; (2) bird meat (esp. chicken meat); fowl; poultry; (surname) Yanadori A bird. |
卡拉 see styles |
kǎ lā ka3 la1 k`a la ka la |
More info & calligraphy: Callah |
土雞 土鸡 see styles |
tǔ jī tu3 ji1 t`u chi tu chi |
More info & calligraphy: Earth Rooster |
ケンタ see styles |
kenta ケンタ |
More info & calligraphy: Kenta |
コーチン see styles |
koochin コーチン |
More info & calligraphy: Cochin |
水痘 see styles |
shuǐ dòu shui3 dou4 shui tou suitou / suito すいとう |
chickenpox; Varicella zoster (med.) {med} (See 水疱瘡) chickenpox; chicken pox; varicella |
胸肉 see styles |
xiōng ròu xiong1 rou4 hsiung jou muneniku むねにく |
breast meat (brisket, chicken breast etc) breast meat (usu. of chicken); breast; white meat |
親子丼 亲子丼 see styles |
qīn zǐ dòng qin1 zi3 dong4 ch`in tzu tung chin tzu tung oyakodon; oyakodonburi おやこどん; おやこどんぶり |
oyakodon, a donburi topped with chicken and egg (orthographic borrowing from Japanese) (1) oyakodon; chicken and egg on rice; (2) (vulgar) (slang) sexual relationship with both a mother and daughter |
殻 壳 see styles |
qiào qiao4 ch`iao chiao gara がら |
variant of 殼|壳[qiao4] (n,n-pref) (1) (kana only) (See 鶏がら) chicken bones (e.g. for soup); chicken carcass; (2) (kana only) poor-quality coke (coal); (suffix) (3) (kana only) left-overs; remnants |
禽 see styles |
qín qin2 ch`in chin kin とり |
(bound form) birds; fowl; (literary) birds and animals; old variant of 擒[qin2] (1) bird; (2) bird meat (esp. chicken meat); fowl; poultry bird |
紐 纽 see styles |
niǔ niu3 niu himo(p); himo ひも(P); ヒモ |
to turn; to wrench; button; nu (Greek letter Νν) (1) (kana only) string; cord; (2) (kana only) leash; (3) (kana only) (colloquialism) (esp. ヒモ) man who is financially dependent on a woman; gigolo; pimp; (4) (kana only) restrictions; conditions; (5) (kana only) mantle (shellfish, etc.); (6) (kana only) {food} small intestine (beef, pork); oviduct meat (chicken) |
罩 see styles |
zhào zhao4 chao |
to cover; to spread over; a cover; a shade; a hood; bamboo fish trap; bamboo chicken coop; (Tw) (coll.) to protect; to have sb's back; (Tw) (coll.) awesome; incredible; (Tw) (coll.) (often as 罩得住[zhao4de2zhu4]) to have things under control; to be able to handle it |
酉 see styles |
yǒu you3 yu yuu / yu ゆう |
10th earthly branch: 5-7 p.m., 8th solar month (8th September-7th October), year of the Rooster; ancient Chinese compass point: 270° (west) (1) the Rooster (tenth sign of the Chinese zodiac); the Cock; the Chicken; the Bird; (2) (obsolete) (See 酉の刻) hour of the Rooster (around 6pm, 5-7pm, or 6-8pm); (3) (obsolete) west; (4) (obsolete) eight month of the lunar calendar; (personal name) Yū |
雞 鸡 see styles |
jī ji1 chi kei |
fowl; chicken; CL:隻|只[zhi1]; (slang) prostitute kukkuṭa, a cock, fowl, chicken, hen; translit. ku, ke, go. |
鶏 see styles |
jī ji1 chi niwatori(p); tori; kake(ok); kutakake(ok); niwatori にわとり(P); とり; かけ(ok); くたかけ(ok); ニワトリ |
Japanese variant of 雞|鸡 (1) chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus); domestic chicken; (2) (See 鶏肉・1) chicken meat |
ずり see styles |
zuri ずり |
(1) shear (wind, fluids); (2) (colloquialism) (abbreviation) (See 砂ずり・すなずり・1) chicken gizzard |
ちき see styles |
chiki チキ |
(abbreviation) {food} (See チキン・1) chicken; (female given name) Chiki |
三牲 see styles |
sān shēng san1 sheng1 san sheng |
the three sacrificial animals (originally cow, sheep and pig; later pig, chicken and fish) |
三鳥 see styles |
sanchou / sancho さんちょう |
(1) {food} chicken, goose and pheasant; (2) (archaism) (orig. meaning) cuckoo, Japanese bush warbler and wagtail |
乳肉 see styles |
chichiniku ちちにく |
(1) breast meat (e.g. of chicken); (2) (slang) (vulgar) big boobs; huge tits; breast flesh |
仔雞 仔鸡 see styles |
zǐ jī zi3 ji1 tzu chi |
chick; baby chicken |
六畜 see styles |
liù chù liu4 chu4 liu ch`u liu chu rokuchiku |
six domestic animals, namely: pig, cow, sheep, horse, chicken and dog The six animals likened to the six organs 六根, v. 六衆生. |
唐揚 唐扬 see styles |
táng yáng tang2 yang2 t`ang yang tang yang karaage / karage からあげ |
Japanese-style fried food, usually chicken (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 唐揚げ "karaage") (noun/participle) (food term) deep-fried food |
地鳥 see styles |
jidori じどり jitori じとり |
(1) nationally protected chicken breed; free-range local traditional pedigree chicken; chicken meat from same; (2) locally raised chicken |
地鶏 see styles |
jidori じどり jitori じとり |
nationally protected chicken breed; free-range local traditional pedigree chicken; chicken meat from same |
寄鍋 see styles |
yosenabe よせなべ |
(irregular okurigana usage) pot of chicken or seafood, and vegetables in a dashi broth, usu. cooked at the table (traditionally a winter meal); seafood and vegetable stew or chowder |
廃鶏 see styles |
haikei / haike はいけい |
culled chicken; spent hen |
怯懦 see styles |
qiè nuò qie4 nuo4 ch`ieh no chieh no kyouda / kyoda きょうだ |
timid; cowardly; chicken-hearted (noun or adjectival noun) (form) cowardly; spineless; weak-willed; fainthearted |
成鶏 see styles |
seikei / seke せいけい |
adult chicken; mature fowl |
手羽 see styles |
teba てば |
chicken wing |
捏ね see styles |
tsukune つくね |
chicken or fish meatloaf made with egg |
柴雞 柴鸡 see styles |
chái jī chai2 ji1 ch`ai chi chai chi |
a variety of free-range chicken, small with furless legs, laying smaller eggs |
正肉 see styles |
shouniku / shoniku しょうにく |
meat (esp. chicken) without bones, skin or excess fat |
水炊 see styles |
mizudaki みずだき mizutaki みずたき |
(irregular okurigana usage) (food term) food (esp. chicken and vegetables) boiled in plain water (or sometimes dashi, etc.) and served with dipping sauce (esp. ponzu) |
油雞 油鸡 see styles |
yóu jī you2 ji1 yu chi |
a variety of chicken |
炸雞 炸鸡 see styles |
zhá jī zha2 ji1 cha chi |
fried chicken |
烏雞 乌鸡 see styles |
wū jī wu1 ji1 wu chi |
black-boned chicken; silky fowl; silkie; Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson |
烤雞 烤鸡 see styles |
kǎo jī kao3 ji1 k`ao chi kao chi |
roast chicken |
焼鳥 see styles |
yakitori やきとり |
yakitori; chicken pieces (or sometimes beef or pork offal) grilled on a skewer |
燒鳥 烧鸟 see styles |
shāo niǎo shao1 niao3 shao niao |
yakitori, a Japanese dish of skewered grilled chicken |
端金 see styles |
hashitagane はしたがね |
odd money; loose change; small (paltry) sum (of money); chicken feed; (mere) pittance |
笨雞 笨鸡 see styles |
bèn jī ben4 ji1 pen chi |
free-range chicken |
笹身 see styles |
sasami ささみ |
(kana only) chicken tender; chicken tenderloin |
素雞 素鸡 see styles |
sù jī su4 ji1 su chi |
vegetarian chicken, a soybean product |
肉雞 肉鸡 see styles |
ròu jī rou4 ji1 jou chi |
chicken raised for meat; broiler; (computing) zombie; infected computer in a botnet |
脯子 see styles |
pú zi pu2 zi5 p`u tzu pu tzu |
breast meat (of chicken etc) |
腹身 see styles |
harami; harami はらみ; ハラミ |
(1) (kana only) skirt steak; meat cut from the diaphragm; (2) (kana only) belly meat (e.g. salmon); peritoneal meat (e.g. chicken) |
若鳥 see styles |
wakatori わかとり |
chick; chicken; (surname) Wakatori |
若鶏 see styles |
wakadori わかどり |
chick; chicken |
草雞 草鸡 see styles |
cǎo jī cao3 ji1 ts`ao chi tsao chi |
free-range chicken; (dialect) hen; cowardly |
葱間 see styles |
negima; negima ねぎま; ネギま |
(kana only) (See 焼き鳥・1) chicken and scallion skewer |
蕪蒸 see styles |
kaburamushi かぶらむし |
(1) steamed fish with grated turnip on top; (2) hollowed-out turnip stuffed with chicken, shrimp, gingko nuts, etc. |
蹴爪 see styles |
kezume けづめ |
fetlock (horse, etc.); spur (chicken, etc.); cockspur; dewclaw (dog, etc.) |
軟骨 软骨 see styles |
ruǎn gǔ ruan3 gu3 juan ku nankotsu なんこつ |
cartilage (1) {anat} cartilage; (2) {food} nankotsu; (dish of) gristle (usu. of chicken, deep-fried) |
辣雞 辣鸡 see styles |
là jī la4 ji1 la chi |
spicy chicken; (Internet slang) garbage (pun on 垃圾[la1 ji1]) |
醉雞 醉鸡 see styles |
zuì jī zui4 ji1 tsui chi |
chicken in rice wine; also translated drunken chicken |
野衾 see styles |
momonga ももんが nobusuma のぶすま |
(kana only) Japanese flying squirrel (Pteromys momonga); small Japanese flying squirrel; Japanese dwarf flying squirrel; (1) legendary monster resembling a flying squirrel; (2) Japanese giant flying squirrel (Petaurista leucogenys); (3) (food term) Japanese dish prepared with cooked fish and chicken |
金網 see styles |
kanaami / kanami かなあみ |
wire netting; wire mesh; wire gauze; chain-link mesh; chicken wire |
雛雞 雏鸡 see styles |
chú jī chu2 ji1 ch`u chi chu chi |
chick; newly hatched chicken |
雞丁 鸡丁 see styles |
jī dīng ji1 ding1 chi ting |
diced chicken meat |
雞兒 鸡儿 see styles |
jī ér ji1 er2 chi erh |
chick; baby chicken; (vulgar) penis |
雞凍 鸡冻 see styles |
jī dòng ji1 dong4 chi tung |
chicken jelly; (Internet slang) exciting (pun on 激動|激动[ji1 dong4]) |
雞塊 鸡块 see styles |
jī kuài ji1 kuai4 chi k`uai chi kuai |
chicken nugget; chicken piece |
雞排 鸡排 see styles |
jī pái ji1 pai2 chi p`ai chi pai |
chicken breast; chicken cutlet |
雞毛 鸡毛 see styles |
jī máo ji1 mao2 chi mao |
chicken feather; CL:根[gen1]; trivial |
雞湯 鸡汤 see styles |
jī tāng ji1 tang1 chi t`ang chi tang |
chicken stock; chicken soup; (fig.) chicken soup for the soul – i.e. feel-good motivational stories (often used disparagingly because the stories don't really effect change in people's lives) |
雞珍 鸡珍 see styles |
jī zhēn ji1 zhen1 chi chen |
chicken gizzard (cuisine) |
雞窩 鸡窝 see styles |
jī wō ji1 wo1 chi wo |
chicken coop |
雞精 鸡精 see styles |
jī jīng ji1 jing1 chi ching |
chicken bouillon powder (PRC); essence of chicken, concentrated chicken stock sold as a tonic (Tw) |
雞肉 鸡肉 see styles |
jī ròu ji1 rou4 chi jou |
chicken meat |
雞肋 鸡肋 see styles |
jī lèi ji1 lei4 chi lei |
chicken ribs; something of little value or interest; something of dubious worth that one is reluctant to give up; to be physically weak |
雞腳 鸡脚 see styles |
jī jiǎo ji1 jiao3 chi chiao |
chicken feet |
雞腿 鸡腿 see styles |
jī tuǐ ji1 tui3 chi t`ui chi tui |
chicken leg; drumstick; CL:根[gen1] |
雞舍 鸡舍 see styles |
jī shè ji1 she4 chi she |
chicken coop |
雞蛋 鸡蛋 see styles |
jī dàn ji1 dan4 chi tan |
(chicken) egg; hen's egg; CL:個|个[ge4],打[da2] |
養鶏 see styles |
youkei / yoke ようけい |
poultry raising; poultry farming; chicken farming |
鳥刺 see styles |
torisashi とりさし |
(1) catching birds (using a birdlime-covered pole); bird catcher; (2) slices of raw chicken meat; chicken sashimi |
鳥天 see styles |
toriten とりてん |
chicken tempura (specialty of Oita prefecture) |
鳥殻 see styles |
torigara とりがら |
chicken bones; chicken carcass |
鳥皮 see styles |
torikawa; chouhi / torikawa; chohi とりかわ; ちょうひ |
(1) (rare) (esp. とりかわ) chicken skin (e.g. in cooking); (2) (esp. ちょうひ) bird skins |
鳥肉 see styles |
toriniku; chouniku / toriniku; choniku とりにく; ちょうにく |
chicken meat; bird meat |
鳥鍋 see styles |
torinabe とりなべ |
chicken cooked in a shallow pan with vegetables |
鳥飯 see styles |
torimeshi とりめし |
(food term) chicken and rice |
鳳爪 凤爪 see styles |
fèng zhǎo feng4 zhao3 feng chao |
chicken feet (cuisine) |
鶏刺 see styles |
torisashi とりさし |
(1) catching birds (using a birdlime-covered pole); bird catcher; (2) slices of raw chicken meat; chicken sashimi |
鶏口 see styles |
keikou / keko けいこう |
(1) mouth of a chicken; (2) (See 鶏口牛後・けいこうぎゅうご,牛後・2) leader of a small group |
鶏殻 see styles |
torigara とりがら |
chicken bones; chicken carcass |
鶏糞 see styles |
keifun / kefun けいふん |
poultry manure; chicken droppings |
鶏肉 see styles |
keiniku(p); toriniku / keniku(p); toriniku けいにく(P); とりにく |
chicken meat |
鶏蜱 see styles |
wakumo; wakumo わくも; ワクモ |
(kana only) chicken mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) |
鶏足 see styles |
toritari とりたり |
chicken leg; (surname) Toritari |
鶏鍋 see styles |
torinabe とりなべ |
chicken cooked in a shallow pan with vegetables |
鶏飯 see styles |
keihan; keefan / kehan; keefan けいはん; ケーファン |
{food} dish of seasoned chicken with rice, pickles, etc. (from Kagoshima and Okinawa) |
鶏魚 see styles |
isagi いさぎ isaki いさき |
(kana only) chicken grunt (species of fish, Parapristipoma trilineatum); threeline grunt |
黄鶏 see styles |
kashiwa かしわ |
(1) (kana only) (See 鶏肉・とりにく・1) chicken meat; (2) (kana only) reddish-brown chicken |
アドボ see styles |
adobo アドボ |
Filipino national dish of braised chicken or pork |
エック see styles |
eggu エッグ |
egg (esp. a chicken egg); (personal name) Eg; Egg |
がめ煮 see styles |
gameni がめに |
{food} (See 筑前煮) chicken stew with taro, carrot, burdock, etc. |
ささ身 see styles |
sasami ささみ |
(kana only) chicken tender; chicken tenderloin |
せせり see styles |
seseri セセリ |
{food} (esp. as yakitori) chicken neck meat; (female given name) Seseri |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "chicken" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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