There are 1144 total results for your 集 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
精勤修集 see styles |
jīng qín xiū jí jing1 qin2 xiu1 ji2 ching ch`in hsiu chi ching chin hsiu chi shōgon shushū |
endeavor and accumulate |
經典結集 经典结集 see styles |
jīng diǎn jié jí jing1 dian3 jie2 ji2 ching tien chieh chi kyōten ketsujū |
Buddhist council held to settle disagreements regarding orthodoxy |
經氣聚集 经气聚集 see styles |
jīng qì jù jí jing1 qi4 ju4 ji2 ching ch`i chü chi ching chi chü chi |
meeting points of qi (in Chinese medicine) |
緊急集会 see styles |
kinkyuushuukai / kinkyushukai きんきゅうしゅうかい |
emergency meeting of the upper house of the Diet (in response to dissolution of the lower house) |
総力特集 see styles |
souryokutokushuu / soryokutokushu そうりょくとくしゅう |
special issue of a magazine devoted to a particular topic |
編集主幹 see styles |
henshuushukan / henshushukan へんしゅうしゅかん |
editor-in-chief |
編集処理 see styles |
henshuushori / henshushori へんしゅうしょり |
{comp} editing process |
編集委員 see styles |
henshuuiin / henshuin へんしゅういいん |
editorial committee member; editorial board member; senior staff writer (of a newspaper) |
編集局長 see styles |
henshuukyokuchou / henshukyokucho へんしゅうきょくちょう |
managing editor; chief editor |
編集機能 see styles |
henshuukinou / henshukino へんしゅうきのう |
(1) editing capability; (2) {comp} editor function |
縁故募集 see styles |
enkoboshuu / enkoboshu えんこぼしゅう |
(1) recruiting (inviting application for) through personal connections; (2) private (stock) offering (subscription) |
美林集團 美林集团 see styles |
měi lín jí tuán mei3 lin2 ji2 tuan2 mei lin chi t`uan mei lin chi tuan |
Merrill Lynch |
群れ集う see styles |
muretsudou / muretsudo むれつどう |
(v5u,vi) to crowd together |
群集心理 see styles |
gunshuushinri / gunshushinri ぐんしゅうしんり |
(1) mass psychology; mob psychology; crowd psychology; (2) herd mentality; group mind |
群集行動 see styles |
gunshuukoudou / gunshukodo ぐんしゅうこうどう |
crowd behavior; crowd behaviour |
聚集顯現 聚集显现 see styles |
jù jí xiǎn xiàn ju4 ji2 xian3 xian4 chü chi hsien hsien shushū kengen |
cluster together appearances |
聯想集団 see styles |
rensoushuudan / rensoshudan れんそうしゅうだん |
(company) Lenovo; (c) Lenovo |
聯想集團 联想集团 see styles |
lián xiǎng jí tuán lian2 xiang3 ji2 tuan2 lien hsiang chi t`uan lien hsiang chi tuan |
Lenovo Group (PRC computer firm) |
職業集団 see styles |
shokugyoushuudan / shokugyoshudan しょくぎょうしゅうだん |
occupational group; professional group; occupational cohort |
自己集合 see styles |
jikoshuugou / jikoshugo じこしゅうごう |
{chem} self-assembly |
自然數集 自然数集 see styles |
zì rán shù jí zi4 ran2 shu4 ji2 tzu jan shu chi |
the set of natural numbers (math.) |
苦集二諦 苦集二谛 see styles |
kǔ jí èr dì ku3 ji2 er4 di4 k`u chi erh ti ku chi erh ti kujū nitai |
two truths of suffering and arising |
苦集滅道 苦集灭道 see styles |
kǔ jí miè dào ku3 ji2 mie4 dao4 k`u chi mieh tao ku chi mieh tao kujuumetsudou; kujumetsudou; kushumetsudou / kujumetsudo; kujumetsudo; kushumetsudo くじゅうめつどう; くじゅめつどう; くしゅめつどう |
the Four Noble Truths (Budd.), namely: all life is suffering 苦[ku3], the cause of suffering is desire 集[ji2], emancipation comes only by eliminating passions 滅|灭[mie4], the way 道[dao4] to emancipation is the Eight-fold Noble Way 八正道[ba1 zheng4 dao4]; also called 四諦|四谛[si4 di4] {Buddh} (See 四諦) Suffering, Source of Suffering Desire, The Cessation of Suffering, The Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering (The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism) The four axioms or truths: i. e. duḥkha, pain; samudaya, as above; nirodha, the extinguishing of pain and reincarnation; mārga, the way to such extinction; cf. 四諦. |
英字集合 see styles |
eijishuugou / ejishugo えいじしゅうごう |
{comp} alphabetic character set |
血縁集団 see styles |
ketsuenshuudan / ketsuenshudan けつえんしゅうだん |
(See 地縁集団) consanguineous group; kin group |
衆苦所集 众苦所集 see styles |
zhòng kǔ suǒ jí zhong4 ku3 suo3 ji2 chung k`u so chi chung ku so chi shuku shoshū |
arising of myriad sufferings |
要素集合 see styles |
yousoshuugou / yososhugo ようそしゅうごう |
{comp} element set |
謝家集區 谢家集区 see styles |
xiè jiā jí qū xie4 jia1 ji2 qu1 hsieh chia chi ch`ü hsieh chia chi chü |
Xiejiaji, a district of Huainan City 淮南市[Huai2nan2 Shi4], Anhui |
賀集八幡 see styles |
kashuuyahata / kashuyahata かしゅうやはた |
(place-name) Kashuuyahata |
賀集利樹 see styles |
kashuutoshiki / kashutoshiki かしゅうとしき |
(person) Kashuu Toshiki (1979.1.16-) |
賀集牛内 see styles |
kashuuushiuchi / kashuushiuchi かしゅううしうち |
(place-name) Kashuuushiuchi |
賀集生子 see styles |
kashuuseigo / kashusego かしゅうせいご |
(place-name) Kashuuseigo |
賀集福井 see styles |
kashuufukui / kashufukui かしゅうふくい |
(place-name) Kashuufukui |
賀集野田 see styles |
kashuunoda / kashunoda かしゅうのだ |
(place-name) Kashuunoda |
賀集長原 see styles |
kashuunagahara / kashunagahara かしゅうながはら |
(place-name) Kashuunagahara |
資本集約 see styles |
shihonshuuyaku / shihonshuyaku しほんしゅうやく |
(n,adj-f) capital intensive |
資金集め see styles |
shikinatsume しきんあつめ |
fund-raising; fund collecting |
路透集團 路透集团 see styles |
lù tòu jí tuán lu4 tou4 ji2 tuan2 lu t`ou chi t`uan lu tou chi tuan |
Reuters group plc |
跳集體舞 跳集体舞 see styles |
tiào jí tǐ wǔ tiao4 ji2 ti3 wu3 t`iao chi t`i wu tiao chi ti wu |
to do ensemble dancing; to dance in a group |
辞書編集 see styles |
jishohenshuu / jishohenshu じしょへんしゅう |
lexicography |
連係編集 see styles |
renkeihenshuu / renkehenshu れんけいへんしゅう |
{comp} linkage editing |
連結集合 see styles |
renketsushuugou / renketsushugo れんけつしゅうごう |
{comp} link set |
遊說集團 游说集团 see styles |
yóu shuì jí tuán you2 shui4 ji2 tuan2 yu shui chi t`uan yu shui chi tuan |
lobby group |
選挙集会 see styles |
senkyoshuukai / senkyoshukai せんきょしゅうかい |
campaign rally |
遺骨収集 see styles |
ikotsushuushuu / ikotsushushu いこつしゅうしゅう |
(noun/participle) recovering the remains of soldiers (e.g. Japanese soldiers who died abroad during WWII) |
部分集合 see styles |
bubunshuugou / bubunshugo ぶぶんしゅうごう |
{math} subset |
限界集落 see styles |
genkaishuuraku / genkaishuraku げんかいしゅうらく |
marginal village; depopulated village where most inhabitants are senior citizens |
陝飛集團 陕飞集团 see styles |
shǎn fēi jí tuán shan3 fei1 ji2 tuan2 shan fei chi t`uan shan fei chi tuan |
Shaanxi Aircraft Corporation (state-owned enterprise) |
離合集散 see styles |
rigoushuusan / rigoshusan りごうしゅうさん |
(n,vs,vi) (yoji) meeting and parting; alliance and rupture (e.g. changing alignment of political parties) |
離散集合 see styles |
risanshuugou / risanshugo りさんしゅうごう |
(noun/participle) (1) meeting and parting; gathering and scattering; alignment and realignment; alternating alliance and rupture; alternating cooperation and defection; (2) {math} discrete set |
雲集霧散 see styles |
unshuumusan / unshumusan うんしゅうむさん |
(noun/participle) (yoji) (many things) gathering like clouds and vanishing like mist; swarming and scattering |
非常召集 see styles |
hijoushoushuu / hijoshoshu ひじょうしょうしゅう |
emergency summons |
非常呼集 see styles |
hijoukoshuu / hijokoshu ひじょうこしゅう |
special call-up |
領域集合 see styles |
ryouikishuugou / ryoikishugo りょういきしゅうごう |
{comp} fill area set |
領導集體 领导集体 see styles |
lǐng dǎo jí tǐ ling3 dao3 ji2 ti3 ling tao chi t`i ling tao chi ti |
leadership group; collective of leaders |
頭脳集団 see styles |
zunoushuudan / zunoshudan ずのうしゅうだん |
(See シンクタンク) think tank |
飛松集一 see styles |
tobimatsushuuichi / tobimatsushuichi とびまつしゅういち |
(person) Tobimatsu Shuuichi |
駆集める see styles |
kariatsumeru かりあつめる |
(transitive verb) to round up; to gather; to muster; to mobilize; to mobilise |
鳥集忠男 see styles |
toridamaritadao とりだまりただお |
(person) Toridamari Tadao |
鸞翔鳳集 鸾翔凤集 see styles |
luán xiáng fèng jí luan2 xiang2 feng4 ji2 luan hsiang feng chi |
lit. firebird and phoenix come together (idiom); fig. a gathering of eminent people |
黨派集會 党派集会 see styles |
dǎng pài jí huì dang3 pai4 ji2 hui4 tang p`ai chi hui tang pai chi hui |
party meeting |
Variations: |
shuukyo / shukyo しゅうきょ |
(noun/participle) (rare) inhabiting a region (esp. in China); living in a concentrated community |
Variations: |
shuuchuu; shicchuu(集注) / shuchu; shicchu(集注) しゅうちゅう; しっちゅう(集注) |
variorum |
Variations: |
shuushuu / shushu しゅうしゅう |
(noun/participle) gathered together and compiled |
Variations: |
shuuroku / shuroku しゅうろく |
(noun, transitive verb) compilation (of writings); compiling; gathering |
集め始める see styles |
atsumehajimeru あつめはじめる |
(Ichidan verb) to begin to catch (attention, etc.); to begin to collect |
集一切功德 see styles |
jí yī qiè gōng dé ji2 yi1 qie4 gong1 de2 chi i ch`ieh kung te chi i chieh kung te shū issai kudoku |
sarva-puṇya-samuccaya |
集中局区域 see styles |
shuuchuukyokukuiki / shuchukyokukuiki しゅうちゅうきょくくいき |
{comp} Toll Area |
集中治療室 see styles |
shuuchuuchiryoushitsu / shuchuchiryoshitsu しゅうちゅうちりょうしつ |
intensive care unit; ICU |
集中的策略 see styles |
jí zhōng de cè lüè ji2 zhong1 de5 ce4 lu:e4 chi chung te ts`e lu:e chi chung te tse lu:e |
focus strategy |
集中神経系 see styles |
shuuchuushinkeikei / shuchushinkeke しゅうちゅうしんけいけい |
(See 散在神経系) concentrated nervous system |
集会の自由 see styles |
shuukainojiyuu / shukainojiyu しゅうかいのじゆう |
(exp,n) (See 結社の自由) freedom of assembly |
集光レンズ see styles |
shuukourenzu / shukorenzu しゅうこうレンズ |
condenser lens; condenser |
集合値属性 see styles |
shuugouchizokusei / shugochizokuse しゅうごうちぞくせい |
{comp} set-valued attribute |
集団レイプ see styles |
shuudanreipu / shudanrepu しゅうだんレイプ |
gang rape |
集団強姦罪 see styles |
shuudangoukanzai / shudangokanzai しゅうだんごうかんざい |
{law} (crime of) gang rape |
集団的防衛 see styles |
shuudantekibouei / shudantekiboe しゅうだんてきぼうえい |
collective defense |
集団遺伝学 see styles |
shuudanidengaku / shudanidengaku しゅうだんいでんがく |
population genetics |
集団食中毒 see styles |
shuudanshokuchuudoku / shudanshokuchudoku しゅうだんしょくちゅうどく |
mass food poisoning |
集学的治療 see styles |
shuugakutekichiryou / shugakutekichiryo しゅうがくてきちりょう |
multidisciplinary therapy |
集異門足論 集异门足论 see styles |
jí yì mén zú lùn ji2 yi4 men2 zu2 lun4 chi i men tsu lun Shū imon sokuron |
Collection of Different Aspects of the Abhidharma Path Treatise |
集配信装置 see styles |
shuuhaishinsouchi / shuhaishinsochi しゅうはいしんそうち |
{comp} concentrator |
集音マイク see styles |
shuuonmaiku / shuonmaiku しゅうおんマイク |
highly directional microphone |
Variations: |
gyoushuu / gyoshu ぎょうしゅう |
(n,vs,adj-no) (1) agglomeration; clumping together; (n,vs,adj-no) (2) {physics} cohesion (of ions, etc.); (n,vs,adj-no) (3) {chem} flocculation (of colloidal particles); (n,vs,adj-no) (4) {biol} agglutination |
Variations: |
senshuu; senjuu(撰集)(ok) / senshu; senju(撰集)(ok) せんしゅう; せんじゅう(撰集)(ok) |
selection (e.g. of poems, texts); anthology; selected extracts |
かき集める see styles |
kakiatsumeru かきあつめる |
(transitive verb) to gather up; to scrape up together |
クロス集計 see styles |
kurosushuukei / kurosushuke クロスしゅうけい |
{comp} cross tabulation |
グリフ集合 see styles |
gurifushuugou / gurifushugo グリフしゅうごう |
{comp} glyph collection |
ゲノム編集 see styles |
genomuhenshuu / genomuhenshu ゲノムへんしゅう |
genome editing; genome engineering |
ゴミ収集車 see styles |
gomishuushuusha / gomishushusha ゴミしゅうしゅうしゃ |
waste collection vehicle; dustcart; garbage truck |
ゴミ集積場 see styles |
gomishuusekijou / gomishusekijo ゴミしゅうせきじょう |
village garbage collection point |
データ収集 see styles |
deetashuushuu / deetashushu データしゅうしゅう |
{comp} data collection; data acquisition |
ページ集合 see styles |
peejishuugou / peejishugo ページしゅうごう |
{comp} page set |
三角形集合 see styles |
sankakukeishuugou / sankakukeshugo さんかくけいしゅうごう |
{comp} triangle set |
上伊集院駅 see styles |
kamiijuuineki / kamijuineki かみいじゅういんえき |
(st) Kamiijuuin Station |
中央集権化 see styles |
chuuoushuukenka / chuoshukenka ちゅうおうしゅうけんか |
(noun/participle) centralization of power; centralisation of power |
二十一代集 see styles |
nijuuichidaishuu / nijuichidaishu にじゅういちだいしゅう |
(See 勅撰和歌集) Collections of the Twenty-One Eras; twenty-one collections of waka compiled by imperial command (early Heian to early Muromachi) |
人口密集率 see styles |
jinkoumisshuuritsu / jinkomisshuritsu じんこうみっしゅうりつ |
population density |
今昔物語集 see styles |
konjakumonogatarishuu / konjakumonogatarishu こんじゃくものがたりしゅう |
(work) Konjaku Monogatarishū (31-volume collection of stories written during the late Heian period); Tales of Times Now Past; (wk) Konjaku Monogatarishū (31-volume collection of stories written during the late Heian period); Tales of Times Now Past |
伊集加代子 see styles |
ishuukayoko / ishukayoko いしゅうかよこ |
(person) Ishuu Kayoko (1937.5.20-) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "集" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.