There are 1417 total results for your 同 search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
同舟共濟 同舟共济 see styles |
tóng zhōu gòng jì tong2 zhou1 gong4 ji4 t`ung chou kung chi tung chou kung chi |
cross a river in the same boat (idiom); fig. having common interests; obliged to collaborate towards common goals |
同船の人 see styles |
dousennohito / dosennohito どうせんのひと |
fellow voyager |
同花大順 同花大顺 see styles |
tóng huā dà shùn tong2 hua1 da4 shun4 t`ung hua ta shun tung hua ta shun |
royal flush (poker) |
同蒙其利 see styles |
tóng méng qí lì tong2 meng2 qi2 li4 t`ung meng ch`i li tung meng chi li |
to both benefit |
同處相違 同处相违 see styles |
tóng jù xiāng wéi tong2 ju4 xiang1 wei2 t`ung chü hsiang wei tung chü hsiang wei dōsho sōi |
conflicts in the simultaneous presence (of opposites) |
同行二人 see styles |
dougyouninin / dogyoninin どうぎょうににん |
(See 四国遍路) Kobo Daishi is always with me (written on the hats of Shikoku pilgrims) |
同訓異字 see styles |
doukuniji / dokuniji どうくんいじ |
(e.g. 暑い and 熱い, 油 and 脂) (words with) different kanji but the same Japanese reading (and usu. a similar meaning) |
同語反復 see styles |
dougohanpuku / dogohanpuku どうごはんぷく |
(linguistics terminology) tautology |
同語反覆 see styles |
dougohanpuku / dogohanpuku どうごはんぷく |
(linguistics terminology) tautology |
同調圧力 see styles |
douchouatsuryoku / dochoatsuryoku どうちょうあつりょく |
pressure to conform; peer pressure; peer group pressure; group pressure |
同質異像 see styles |
doushitsuizou / doshitsuizo どうしついぞう |
{chem} (See 多形) polymorphism |
同軸圓弧 同轴圆弧 see styles |
tóng zhóu yuán hú tong2 zhou2 yuan2 hu2 t`ung chou yüan hu tung chou yüan hu |
coaxial circular arc; concentric arc (in spherical geometry) |
同軸電纜 同轴电缆 see styles |
tóng zhóu diàn lǎn tong2 zhou2 dian4 lan3 t`ung chou tien lan tung chou tien lan |
coaxial cable |
同途殊歸 同途殊归 see styles |
tóng tú shū guī tong2 tu2 shu1 gui1 t`ung t`u shu kuei tung tu shu kuei |
same road out, different ones back |
同道中人 see styles |
tóng dào zhōng rén tong2 dao4 zhong1 ren2 t`ung tao chung jen tung tao chung jen |
kindred spirit |
同鄉親故 同乡亲故 see styles |
tóng xiāng qīn gù tong2 xiang1 qin1 gu4 t`ung hsiang ch`in ku tung hsiang chin ku |
fellow countryman (from the same village); the folks back home |
同配生殖 see styles |
tóng pèi shēng zhí tong2 pei4 sheng1 zhi2 t`ung p`ei sheng chih tung pei sheng chih |
isogamy |
同音異字 see styles |
douoniji / dooniji どうおんいじ |
homophony (having the same pronunciation as another word but a different written form); heterography |
同音異義 see styles |
douonigi / doonigi どうおんいぎ |
{ling} (See 同音異義語) homophony (having the same pronunciation as another word but a different meaning); homonymy |
同類產品 同类产品 see styles |
tóng lèi chǎn pǐn tong2 lei4 chan3 pin3 t`ung lei ch`an p`in tung lei chan pin |
similar product |
同類相吸 同类相吸 see styles |
tóng lèi xiāng xī tong2 lei4 xiang1 xi1 t`ung lei hsiang hsi tung lei hsiang hsi |
Like attracts like. |
同類相食 同类相食 see styles |
tóng lèi xiāng shí tong2 lei4 xiang1 shi2 t`ung lei hsiang shih tung lei hsiang shih |
cannibalism |
同類譬喩 同类譬喩 see styles |
tóng lèi pì yù tong2 lei4 pi4 yu4 t`ung lei p`i yü tung lei pi yü dōrui hiyu |
an example exhibiting the same qualities [as the evidence] |
同體三寳 同体三寳 see styles |
tóng tǐ sān bǎo tong2 ti3 san1 bao3 t`ung t`i san pao tung ti san pao dōtai sanbō |
idem 一體三寳. |
同體三惑 同体三惑 see styles |
tóng tǐ sān huò tong2 ti3 san1 huo4 t`ung t`i san huo tung ti san huo dōtai sanwaku |
three delusions in regard to the same essence |
同體大悲 同体大悲 see styles |
tóng tǐ dà bēi tong2 ti3 da4 bei1 t`ung t`i ta pei tung ti ta pei dōtai no daihi |
great compassion based on sameness in essence |
同體慈悲 同体慈悲 see styles |
tóng tǐ cí bēi tong2 ti3 ci2 bei1 t`ung t`i tz`u pei tung ti tzu pei dōtai no jihi |
great compassion based on sameness in essence |
同體智力 同体智力 see styles |
tóng tǐ zhì lì tong2 ti3 zhi4 li4 t`ung t`i chih li tung ti chih li dōtai chiriki |
wisdom power based on [the awareness that] all beings have the same original nature |
と同時に see styles |
todoujini / todojini とどうじに |
(expression) at the same time as; while; as well as (multiple roles) |
一口同音 see styles |
ikkudouon / ikkudoon いっくどうおん |
reading in unison; saying the same thing |
一味同心 see styles |
ichimidoushin / ichimidoshin いちみどうしん |
More info & calligraphy: Work Together with One Mind |
一心同体 see styles |
isshindoutai / isshindotai いっしんどうたい |
(yoji) being one in body and soul; of one flesh; two hearts beating as one |
一色同順 see styles |
isshokudoujun / isshokudojun いっしょくどうじゅん |
{mahj} (See 一盃口・イーペーコー) pure double chow; winning hand containing two identical chows (i.e. same numbers and same suit) |
一視同人 see styles |
isshidoujin / isshidojin いっしどうじん |
(yoji) loving every human being with impartiality; universal brotherhood; universal benevolence |
一視同仁 一视同仁 see styles |
yī shì tóng rén yi1 shi4 tong2 ren2 i shih t`ung jen i shih tung jen isshidoujin / isshidojin いっしどうじん |
More info & calligraphy: Impartial and Fair to the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the World(yoji) loving every human being with impartiality; universal brotherhood; universal benevolence |
三代同堂 see styles |
sān dài tóng táng san1 dai4 tong2 tang2 san tai t`ung t`ang san tai tung tang |
three generations under one roof |
三国同盟 see styles |
sangokudoumei / sangokudome さんごくどうめい |
triple alliance |
三帝同盟 see styles |
santeidoumei / santedome さんていどうめい |
(hist) League of the Three Emperors (1873-1887) |
三浦義同 see styles |
miurayoshiatsu みうらよしあつ |
(person) Miura Yoshiatsu |
三色同刻 see styles |
sanshokudoukoku; sanshokudoukoo / sanshokudokoku; sanshokudokoo さんしょくどうこく; さんしょくどうコー |
{mahj} triple pung; winning hand containing the same pung in each of the three suits |
三色同順 see styles |
sanshokudoujun / sanshokudojun さんしょくどうじゅん |
{mahj} triple run; winning hand containing the same chow in each of the three suits |
三馬同槽 三马同槽 see styles |
sān mǎ tóng cáo san1 ma3 tong2 cao2 san ma t`ung ts`ao san ma tung tsao |
three horses at the same trough (idiom, alluding to Sima Yi 司馬懿|司马懿[Si1 ma3 Yi4] and his two sons); conspirators under the same roof |
不同凡響 不同凡响 see styles |
bù tóng fán xiǎng bu4 tong2 fan2 xiang3 pu t`ung fan hsiang pu tung fan hsiang |
lit. not a common chord (idiom); outstanding; brilliant; out of the common run |
不同尋常 不同寻常 see styles |
bù tóng xún cháng bu4 tong2 xun2 chang2 pu t`ung hsün ch`ang pu tung hsün chang |
out of the ordinary; unusual |
不敢苟同 see styles |
bù gǎn gǒu tóng bu4 gan3 gou3 tong2 pu kan kou t`ung pu kan kou tung |
to beg to differ (idiom) |
不約而同 不约而同 see styles |
bù yuē ér tóng bu4 yue1 er2 tong2 pu yüeh erh t`ung pu yüeh erh tung |
(idiom) (of two or more people) to take the same action without prior consultation; (usu. used adverbially) all (or both) of them, independently; as if by prior agreement |
不買同盟 see styles |
fubaidoumei / fubaidome ふばいどうめい |
boycott; buyer's strike |
人間同士 see styles |
ningendoushi / ningendoshi にんげんどうし |
mankind; the human creature; fellow creatures |
付和雷同 see styles |
fuwaraidou / fuwaraido ふわらいどう |
(noun/participle) (yoji) following blindly; following suit without reflection |
以下同文 see styles |
ikadoubun / ikadobun いかどうぶん |
(expression) same as above; same as in the previous certificate (document, etc.) |
仲間同士 see styles |
nakamadoushi / nakamadoshi なかまどうし |
peers; friends; fellow workers; comrades |
任意同行 see styles |
ninidoukou / ninidoko にんいどうこう |
going along voluntarily to be questioned by police |
企業合同 see styles |
kigyougoudou / kigyogodo きぎょうごうどう |
(a) trust |
似同法喩 see styles |
sì tóng fǎ yù si4 tong2 fa3 yu4 ssu t`ung fa yü ssu tung fa yü jidō hōyu |
fallacious positive exemplification |
位相同型 see styles |
isoudoukei / isodoke いそうどうけい |
(noun or adjectival noun) homeomorphism; topological equivalence |
偕老同穴 see styles |
kairoudouketsu; kairoudouketsu / kairodoketsu; kairodoketsu かいろうどうけつ; カイロウドウケツ |
(1) (かいろうどうけつ only) (yoji) happy life partnership; living faithfully together till death; (2) (kana only) Venus's flower basket (Euplectella aspergillum) |
儀同三司 see styles |
gidousanshi / gidosanshi ぎどうさんし |
(person) Gidou Sanshi (Poet of the Heian period, included in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu) |
党同伐異 see styles |
toudoubatsui / todobatsui とうどうばつい |
(yoji) narrow partisanship |
公同書簡 see styles |
koudoushokan / kodoshokan こうどうしょかん |
General Epistles (James, Peter, Jude, John); Catholic Epistles; General Letters |
公私混同 see styles |
koushikondou / koshikondo こうしこんどう |
(noun/participle) (yoji) mixing of public and private affairs; mixing business with personal affairs; mixing work and private matters |
公諸同好 公诸同好 see styles |
gōng zhū tóng hào gong1 zhu1 tong2 hao4 kung chu t`ung hao kung chu tung hao |
to share pleasure in the company of others (idiom); shared enjoyment with fellow enthusiasts |
共同一致 see styles |
kyoudouicchi / kyodoicchi きょうどういっち |
unanimous cooperation |
共同事業 see styles |
kyoudoujigyou / kyodojigyo きょうどうじぎょう |
(See 共同企業) joint enterprise; joint venture |
共同井戸 see styles |
kyoudouido / kyodoido きょうどういど |
common well |
共同代表 see styles |
kyoudoudaihyou / kyododaihyo きょうどうだいひょう |
joint representative; joint representation |
共同企業 see styles |
kyoudoukigyou / kyodokigyo きょうどうきぎょう |
(See 共同事業) joint venture |
共同会見 see styles |
kyoudoukaiken / kyodokaiken きょうどうかいけん |
news conference |
共同住宅 see styles |
kyoudoujuutaku / kyodojutaku きょうどうじゅうたく |
apartment house; residential complex |
共同作業 see styles |
kyoudousagyou / kyodosagyo きょうどうさぎょう |
group work |
共同使用 see styles |
kyoudoushiyou / kyodoshiyo きょうどうしよう |
(n,vs,adj-no) joint use; communal use |
共同便所 see styles |
kyoudoubenjo / kyodobenjo きょうどうべんじょ |
(1) (See 公衆便所・こうしゅうべんじょ・1) public lavatory; (2) (slang) (See 公衆便所・2) sexually promiscuous woman |
共同保険 see styles |
kyoudouhoken / kyodohoken きょうどうほけん |
co-insurance |
共同出資 see styles |
kyoudoushusshi / kyodoshusshi きょうどうしゅっし |
joint investment |
共同利益 see styles |
gòng tóng lì yì gong4 tong2 li4 yi4 kung t`ung li i kung tung li i |
common interest; mutual benefit |
共同制作 see styles |
kyoudouseisaku / kyodosesaku きょうどうせいさく |
(noun/participle) co-production; collaboration |
共同努力 see styles |
gòng tóng nǔ lì gong4 tong2 nu3 li4 kung t`ung nu li kung tung nu li |
to work together; to collaborate |
共同募金 see styles |
kyoudoubokin / kyodobokin きょうどうぼきん |
community chest |
共同参画 see styles |
kyoudousankaku / kyodosankaku きょうどうさんかく |
(1) (See 男女共同参画・だんじょきょうどうさんかく) equality (e.g. gender); joint participation; (can be adjective with の) (2) multi-agency |
共同因子 see styles |
kyoudouinshi / kyodoinshi きょうどういんし |
{math} cofactor |
共同基金 see styles |
gòng tóng jī jīn gong4 tong2 ji1 jin1 kung t`ung chi chin kung tung chi chin |
mutual fund |
共同墓地 see styles |
kyoudoubochi / kyodobochi きょうどうぼち |
public cemetery |
共同声明 see styles |
kyoudouseimei / kyodoseme きょうどうせいめい |
joint declaration |
共同実験 see styles |
kyoudoujikken / kyodojikken きょうどうじっけん |
{comp} joint test |
共同宣言 see styles |
kyoudousengen / kyodosengen きょうどうせんげん |
joint declaration |
共同市場 see styles |
kyoudoushijou / kyodoshijo きょうどうしじょう |
common market |
共同成就 see styles |
gòng tóng chéng jiù gong4 tong2 cheng2 jiu4 kung t`ung ch`eng chiu kung tung cheng chiu gūdō jōshū |
common attainments |
共同戦線 see styles |
kyoudousensen / kyodosensen きょうどうせんせん |
(yoji) common front; united front |
共同捜査 see styles |
kyoudousousa / kyodososa きょうどうそうさ |
joint investigation |
共同提出 see styles |
kyoudouteishutsu / kyodoteshutsu きょうどうていしゅつ |
(noun/participle) joint sponsorship (of a bill, etc.); joint submission |
共同支配 see styles |
kyoudoushihai / kyodoshihai きょうどうしはい |
joint control; joint rule |
共同文書 see styles |
kyoudoubunsho / kyodobunsho きょうどうぶんしょ |
joint communique; joint statement |
共同新聞 see styles |
kyoudoushinbun / kyodoshinbun きょうどうしんぶん |
(product) Kyōdō Shimbun; (product name) Kyōdō Shimbun |
共同正犯 see styles |
kyoudouseihan / kyodosehan きょうどうせいはん |
crime committed together by two or more people (in which each is known as a co-principal) |
共同水栓 see styles |
kyoudousuisen / kyodosuisen きょうどうすいせん |
common faucet |
共同浴場 see styles |
kyoudouyokujou / kyodoyokujo きょうどうよくじょう |
(1) public bath; communal bath; (2) public bath or hot springs maintained by the local community and free or low fee |
共同海損 see styles |
kyoudoukaison / kyodokaison きょうどうかいそん |
general average loss; general average; gross average |
共同生活 see styles |
kyoudouseikatsu / kyodosekatsu きょうどうせいかつ |
living together; communal life; cohabitation |
共同生産 see styles |
kyoudouseisan / kyodosesan きょうどうせいさん |
joint manufacturing; joint production; production joint venture |
共同疎開 see styles |
kyoudousokai / kyodosokai きょうどうそかい |
community evacuation |
共同発明 see styles |
kyoudouhatsumei / kyodohatsume きょうどうはつめい |
joint invention |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "同" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.