There are 962 total results for your 則 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
藤森好則 see styles |
fujimoriyoshinori ふじもりよしのり |
(person) Fujimori Yoshinori |
藤田光則 see styles |
fujitamitsunori ふじたみつのり |
(person) Fujita Mitsunori (1958.5.3-) |
處世原則 处世原则 see styles |
chǔ shì yuán zé chu3 shi4 yuan2 ze2 ch`u shih yüan tse chu shih yüan tse |
a maxim; one's principles |
處事原則 处事原则 see styles |
chǔ shì yuán zé chu3 shi4 yuan2 ze2 ch`u shih yüan tse chu shih yüan tse |
a maxim; one's principles |
行為準則 行为准则 see styles |
xíng wéi zhǔn zé xing2 wei2 zhun3 ze2 hsing wei chun tse |
code of conduct; standard of conduct |
補完規則 see styles |
hokankisoku ほかんきそく |
{comp} ELSE-rule |
西則末町 see styles |
nishinorisuechou / nishinorisuecho にしのりすえちょう |
(place-name) Nishinorisuechō |
西島安則 see styles |
nishijimayasunori にしじまやすのり |
(person) Nishijima Yasunori (1926.11-) |
西島義則 see styles |
nishijimayoshinori にしじまよしのり |
(person) Nishijima Yoshinori (1961.10.30-) |
西田正則 see styles |
nishidamasanori にしだまさのり |
(person) Nishida Masanori |
規則動詞 see styles |
kisokudoushi / kisokudoshi きそくどうし |
{gramm} regular verb |
規則変化 see styles |
kisokuhenka きそくへんか |
{gramm} regular conjugation |
規則正い see styles |
kisokutadashii / kisokutadashi きそくただしい |
(irregular okurigana usage) (adjective) regular; well-regulated; systematic |
規則活用 see styles |
kisokukatsuyou / kisokukatsuyo きそくかつよう |
{gramm} regular conjugation; weak conjugation |
規則立つ see styles |
kisokudatsu きそくだつ |
(v5t,vi) to be regular |
規則通り see styles |
kisokudoori きそくどおり |
by the rules |
規則違反 see styles |
kisokuihan きそくいはん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) breach of the rules |
語彙規則 see styles |
goikisoku ごいきそく |
{ling} lexical rule |
貴志元則 see styles |
kishimotonori きしもとのり |
(person) Kishi Motonori |
賀茂美則 see styles |
kamoyoshinori かもよしのり |
(person) Kamo Yoshinori (1958-) |
赤崎義則 see styles |
akasakiyoshinori あかさきよしのり |
(person) Akasaki Yoshinori (1927.9.11-) |
赤松則村 see styles |
akamatsunorimura あかまつのりむら |
(person) Akamatsu Norimura |
赤松則祐 see styles |
akamatsunorisuke あかまつのりすけ |
(person) Akamatsu Norisuke |
赤松義則 see styles |
akamatsuyoshinori あかまつよしのり |
(person) Akamatsu Yoshinori |
超選択則 see styles |
chousentakusoku / chosentakusoku ちょうせんたくそく |
{physics} superselection rule |
越野忠則 see styles |
koshinotadanori こしのただのり |
(person) Koshino Tadanori (1966.4.3-) |
足立隆則 see styles |
adachitakanori あだちたかのり |
(person) Adachi Takanori |
軍司貞則 see styles |
gunjisadanori ぐんじさだのり |
(person) Gunji Sadanori (1948.3-) |
近藤克則 see styles |
kondoukatsunori / kondokatsunori こんどうかつのり |
(person) Kondou Katsunori |
近藤等則 see styles |
kondoutoshinori / kondotoshinori こんどうとしのり |
(person) Kondou Toshinori (1948.12.15-) |
遇強則強 遇强则强 see styles |
yù qiáng zé qiáng yu4 qiang2 ze2 qiang2 yü ch`iang tse ch`iang yü chiang tse chiang |
tough adversaries make you stronger |
運算法則 运算法则 see styles |
yùn suàn fǎ zé yun4 suan4 fa3 ze2 yün suan fa tse |
rules of calculation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division); algorithm; fig. to scheme; to calculate (i.e. plot) |
道徳法則 see styles |
doutokuhousoku / dotokuhosoku どうとくほうそく |
moral law |
重松敏則 see styles |
shigematsutoshinori しげまつとしのり |
(person) Shigematsu Toshinori |
野村克則 see styles |
nomurakatsunori のむらかつのり |
(person) Nomura Katsunori (1973.7.23-) |
野沢義則 see styles |
nozawayoshinori のざわよしのり |
(person) Nozawa Yoshinori |
金子正則 see styles |
kanekomasanori かねこまさのり |
(person) Kaneko Masanori (1907.3.29-1996.10.21) |
阿部智則 see styles |
abetomonori あべとものり |
(person) Abe Tomonori (1979.8.29-) |
阿部良則 see styles |
abeyoshinori あべよしのり |
(person) Abe Yoshinori (1972.9.10-) |
陣内孝則 see styles |
jinnaitakanori じんないたかのり |
(person) Jinnai Takanori (1958.8-) |
陣内智則 see styles |
jinnaitomonori じんないとものり |
(person) Jinnai Tomonori (1974.2.22-) |
非富則貴 非富则贵 see styles |
fēi fù zé guì fei1 fu4 ze2 gui4 fei fu tse kuei |
see 非富即貴|非富即贵[fei1 fu4 ji2 gui4] |
飯田義則 see styles |
iidayoshinori / idayoshinori いいだよしのり |
(person) Iida Yoshinori (1934.12-) |
高山秀則 see styles |
takayamahidenori たかやまひでのり |
(person) Takayama Hidenori (1948.11.11-) |
高田保則 see styles |
takadayasunori たかだやすのり |
(person) Takada Yasunori (1979.2.22-) |
Variations: |
fusoku ふそく |
additional rules; by-laws; supplementary provisions; additional clauses |
セーの法則 see styles |
seenohousoku / seenohosoku セーのほうそく |
Say's law |
ヘスの法則 see styles |
hesunohousoku / hesunohosoku ヘスのほうそく |
Hess's law |
マーク規則 see styles |
maakukisoku / makukisoku マークきそく |
{comp} markup convention |
不規則動詞 see styles |
fukisokudoushi / fukisokudoshi ふきそくどうし |
{gramm} irregular verb |
不規則合金 see styles |
fukisokugoukin / fukisokugokin ふきそくごうきん |
random alloy; disordered alloy |
不規則変化 see styles |
fukisokuhenka ふきそくへんか |
{gramm} irregular conjugation |
不規則活用 see styles |
fukisokukatsuyou / fukisokukatsuyo ふきそくかつよう |
{gramm} irregular conjugation |
不規則銀河 see styles |
fukisokuginga ふきそくぎんが |
{astron} irregular galaxy |
信頼の原則 see styles |
shinrainogensoku しんらいのげんそく |
(exp,n) {law} rule of reliance on reasonable conduct; principle that one is not legally responsible for failing to take into account that another party is not following the law |
優劣の法則 see styles |
yuuretsunohousoku / yuretsunohosoku ゆうれつのほうそく |
(exp,n) {genet} (See メンデルの法則,優性の法則) (Mendel's) law of dominance |
優性の法則 see styles |
yuuseinohousoku / yusenohosoku ゆうせいのほうそく |
(exp,n) {genet} (See メンデルの法則) (Mendel's) law of dominance |
分離の法則 see styles |
bunrinohousoku / bunrinohosoku ぶんりのほうそく |
(exp,n) {genet} (See メンデルの法則) (Mendel's) law of segregation |
効果の法則 see styles |
koukanohousoku / kokanohosoku こうかのほうそく |
law of effect |
原則として see styles |
gensokutoshite げんそくとして |
(expression) as a rule; in general; in principle; basically; essentially; fundamentally |
反則プレー see styles |
hansokupuree はんそくプレー |
{sports} illegal play; misplay; illegal move; foul |
句構造規則 see styles |
kukouzoukisoku / kukozokisoku くこうぞうきそく |
{ling} phrase structure rule |
右手の法則 see styles |
migitenohousoku / migitenohosoku みぎてのほうそく |
(exp,n) (See フレミングの法則) (Fleming's) right-hand rule |
国税通則法 see styles |
kokuzeitsuusokuhou / kokuzetsusokuho こくぜいつうそくほう |
{law} Act on General Rules for National Taxes |
大数の法則 see styles |
taisuunohousoku / taisunohosoku たいすうのほうそく |
{stat} law of large numbers |
學而優則仕 学而优则仕 see styles |
xué ér yōu zé shì xue2 er2 you1 ze2 shi4 hsüeh erh yu tse shih |
one who is successful in one's studies, can become an official (idiom) |
屈折の法則 see styles |
kussetsunohousoku / kussetsunohosoku くっせつのほうそく |
(rare) (See スネルの法則) law of refraction |
左手の法則 see styles |
hidaritenohousoku / hidaritenohosoku ひだりてのほうそく |
(exp,n) (See フレミングの法則) (Fleming's) left-hand rule |
帕累托法則 帕累托法则 see styles |
pà lèi tuō fǎ zé pa4 lei4 tuo1 fa3 ze2 p`a lei t`o fa tse pa lei to fa tse |
Pareto principle |
広畑区則直 see styles |
hirohatakunorinao ひろはたくのりなお |
(place-name) Hirohatakunorinao |
慣性の法則 see styles |
kanseinohousoku / kansenohosoku かんせいのほうそく |
(exp,n) {physics} law of inertia |
日喀則地區 日喀则地区 see styles |
rì kā zé dì qū ri4 ka1 ze2 di4 qu1 jih k`a tse ti ch`ü jih ka tse ti chü |
Shigatse or Xigaze prefecture in central Tibet, Tibetan: Gzhis ka rtse sa khul, Chinese Rikaze |
普遍的法則 see styles |
fuhentekihousoku / fuhentekihosoku ふへんてきほうそく |
universal law |
次元正則化 see styles |
jigenseisokuka / jigensesokuka じげんせいそくか |
(noun/participle) {physics} dimensional regularisation; dimensional regularization |
欲速則不達 欲速则不达 see styles |
yù sù zé bù dá yu4 su4 ze2 bu4 da2 yü su tse pu ta |
(idiom) (the Analects) haste makes waste; things can't be rushed |
正則表達式 正则表达式 see styles |
zhèng zé biǎo dá shì zheng4 ze2 biao3 da2 shi4 cheng tse piao ta shih |
regular expression (computing) |
沢田喜代則 see styles |
sawadakiyonori さわだきよのり |
(person) Sawada Kiyonori |
洛必達法則 洛必达法则 see styles |
luò bì dá fǎ zé luo4 bi4 da2 fa3 ze2 lo pi ta fa tse |
L'Hôpital's rule (math.) |
渡真利克則 see styles |
tomarikatsunori とまりかつのり |
(person) Tomari Katsunori |
熱力学法則 see styles |
netsurikigakuhousoku / netsurikigakuhosoku ねつりきがくほうそく |
{physics} (See 熱力学の法則・ねつりきがくのほうそく) law of thermodynamics; laws of thermodynamics |
独立の法則 see styles |
dokuritsunohousoku / dokuritsunohosoku どくりつのほうそく |
(exp,n) {genet} (See メンデルの法則) (Mendel's) law of independent assortment |
相反則不軌 see styles |
souhansokufuki / sohansokufuki そうはんそくふき |
reciprocity failure |
羅必達法則 罗必达法则 see styles |
luó bì dá fǎ zé luo2 bi4 da2 fa3 ze2 lo pi ta fa tse |
L'Hôpital's rule (math.) (Tw) |
規則で縛る see styles |
kisokudeshibaru きそくでしばる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to restrict (a person) by rule |
規則どおり see styles |
kisokudoori きそくどおり |
by the rules |
規則に従う see styles |
kisokunishitagau きそくにしたがう |
(exp,v5u) to go by the rules; to observe the regulations |
規則を守る see styles |
kisokuomamoru きそくをまもる |
(exp,v5r) (ant: 規則を破る) to abide (by the rules); to keep to the regulations |
規則を敗る see styles |
kisokuoyaburu きそくをやぶる |
(exp,v5r) to break the rules; to violate the rules; to infringe the rules |
規則を破る see styles |
kisokuoyaburu きそくをやぶる |
(exp,v5r) to break the rules; to violate the rules; to infringe the rules |
規則性效應 规则性效应 see styles |
guī zé xìng xiào yìng gui1 ze2 xing4 xiao4 ying4 kuei tse hsing hsiao ying |
regularity effect |
規則正しい see styles |
kisokutadashii / kisokutadashi きそくただしい |
(adjective) regular; well-regulated; systematic |
運動の法則 see styles |
undounohousoku / undonohosoku うんどうのほうそく |
laws of motion |
非核三原則 see styles |
hikakusangensoku ひかくさんげんそく |
Japan's three antinuclear principles (against producing, possessing and allowing the entry of nuclear weapons into Japanese territory) |
非正則行列 see styles |
hiseisokugyouretsu / hisesokugyoretsu ひせいそくぎょうれつ |
{math} singular matrix |
飛鳥部勝則 see styles |
asukabekatsunori あすかべかつのり |
(person) Asukabe Katsunori (1964.10.18-) |
飛鳥部常則 see styles |
asukabenotsunenori あすかべのつねのり |
(personal name) Asukabenotsunenori |
かき混ぜ規則 see styles |
kakimazekisoku かきまぜきそく |
scrambling |
オームの法則 see styles |
oomunohousoku / oomunohosoku オームのほうそく |
(exp,n) {physics} Ohm's law |
ガウスの法則 see styles |
gausunohousoku / gausunohosoku ガウスのほうそく |
Gauss's law |
グリムの法則 see styles |
gurimunohousoku / gurimunohosoku グリムのほうそく |
Grimm's law |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "則" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.