There are 975 total results for your 典 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
尾崎典彦 see styles |
ozakinorihiko おざきのりひこ |
(person) Ozaki Norihiko |
山内一典 see styles |
yamauchikazunori やまうちかずのり |
(person) Yamauchi Kazunori (1967.8.5-) |
山内康典 see styles |
yamauchikouten / yamauchikoten やまうちこうてん |
(person) Yamauchi Kōten |
山口典征 see styles |
yamaguchinoriyuki やまぐちのりゆき |
(person) Yamaguchi Noriyuki |
山口武典 see styles |
yamaguchitakenori やまぐちたけのり |
(person) Yamaguchi Takenori |
山本裕典 see styles |
yamamotoyuusuke / yamamotoyusuke やまもとゆうすけ |
(person) Yamamoto Yusuke (1988.1.19-) |
山田典吾 see styles |
yamadatengo やまだてんご |
(person) Yamada Tengo (1916.5.28-1998.5.14) |
山路典子 see styles |
yamajinoriko やまじのりこ |
(person) Yamaji Noriko (1970.9.17-) |
岡本三典 see styles |
okamotominori おかもとみのり |
(person) Okamoto Minori |
岡本桂典 see styles |
okamotokeisuke / okamotokesuke おかもとけいすけ |
(person) Okamoto Keisuke |
岡村秀典 see styles |
okamurahidenori おかむらひでのり |
(person) Okamura Hidenori |
岡田泰典 see styles |
okadayasunori おかだやすのり |
(person) Okada Yasunori (1962.4.15-) |
島田幸典 see styles |
shimadayukinori しまだゆきのり |
(person) Shimada Yukinori |
川村良典 see styles |
kawamurayoshinori かわむらよしのり |
(person) Kawamura Yoshinori |
工藤重典 see styles |
kudoushigenori / kudoshigenori くどうしげのり |
(person) Kudou Shigenori (1954.9-) |
左能典代 see styles |
sanofumiyo さのふみよ |
(person) Sano Fumiyo |
市川典男 see styles |
ichikawanorio いちかわのりお |
(person) Ichikawa Norio |
広井良典 see styles |
hiroiyoshinori ひろいよしのり |
(person) Hiroi Yoshinori (1961-) |
広瀬典和 see styles |
hirosenorikazu ひろせのりかず |
(person) Hirose Norikazu |
康煕字典 see styles |
koukijiten / kokijiten こうきじてん |
(irregular kanji usage) Kangxi dictionary; Chinese dictionary of 1716, which popularized the system of 214 radicals |
康熙字典 see styles |
kāng xī zì diǎn kang1 xi1 zi4 dian3 k`ang hsi tzu tien kang hsi tzu tien koukijiten / kokijiten こうきじてん |
the Kangxi Dictionary, named after the Kangxi Emperor, who in 1710 ordered its compilation, containing 47,035 single-character entries Kangxi dictionary; Chinese dictionary of 1716, which popularized the system of 214 radicals |
引經據典 引经据典 see styles |
yǐn jīng jù diǎn yin3 jing1 ju4 dian3 yin ching chü tien |
lit. to quote the classics; to quote chapter and verse (idiom) |
微妙經典 微妙经典 see styles |
wēi miào jīng diǎn wei1 miao4 jing1 dian3 wei miao ching tien mimyō kyōten |
recondite scriptures |
徳山秀典 see styles |
tokuyamahidenori とくやまひでのり |
(person) Tokuyama Hidenori |
心理詞典 心理词典 see styles |
xīn lǐ cí diǎn xin1 li3 ci2 dian3 hsin li tz`u tien hsin li tzu tien |
mental lexicon |
成語典故 成语典故 see styles |
chéng yǔ diǎn gù cheng2 yu3 dian3 gu4 ch`eng yü tien ku cheng yü tien ku |
historical or literary anecdote that gives rise to a saying |
所依經典 所依经典 see styles |
suǒ yī jīng diǎn suo3 yi1 jing1 dian3 so i ching tien shoe kyōten |
foundational sūtra |
押川典明 see styles |
oshikawanoriaki おしかわのりあき |
(person) Oshikawa Noriaki |
持田康典 see styles |
mochidayasunori もちだやすのり |
(person) Mochida Yasunori (1928.8.2-) |
持田昌典 see styles |
mochidamasanori もちだまさのり |
(person) Mochida Masanori |
擬古典的 see styles |
gikotenteki ぎこてんてき |
(adjectival noun) pseudoclassic |
教敕譯典 教敕译典 see styles |
jiào chì yì diǎn jiao4 chi4 yi4 dian3 chiao ch`ih i tien chiao chih i tien kyōchoku yakuten |
Kā` gyur |
數典忘祖 数典忘祖 see styles |
shǔ diǎn wàng zǔ shu3 dian3 wang4 zu3 shu tien wang tsu |
to recount history but omit one's ancestors (idiom); to forget one's roots |
新古典派 see styles |
shinkotenha しんこてんは |
neoclassicism |
日伊辞典 see styles |
nichiijiten / nichijiten にちいじてん |
Japanese-Italian dictionary |
日朝辞典 see styles |
nicchoujiten / nicchojiten にっちょうじてん |
Japanese-Korean dictionary |
日西辞典 see styles |
nisseijiten / nissejiten にっせいじてん |
Japanese-Spanish dictionary |
書道字典 see styles |
shodoujiten / shodojiten しょどうじてん |
calligraphy dictionary |
木下典明 see styles |
kinoshitanoriaki きのしたのりあき |
(person) Kinoshita Noriaki |
本岡典子 see styles |
motookanoriko もとおかのりこ |
(person) Motooka Noriko (1956-) |
村岡典嗣 see styles |
muraokatsunetsugu むらおかつねつぐ |
(person) Muraoka Tsunetsugu |
松井優典 see styles |
matsuimasanori まついまさのり |
(person) Matsui Masanori (1950.6.26-) |
松井大典 see styles |
matsuidaisuke まついだいすけ |
(person) Matsui Daisuke |
松井孝典 see styles |
matsuitakafumi まついたかふみ |
(person) Matsui Takafumi (1946-) |
松尾宗典 see styles |
matsuosouten / matsuosoten まつおそうてん |
(person) Matsuo Souten |
松本保典 see styles |
matsumotoyasunori まつもとやすのり |
(m,h) Matsumoto Yasunori |
松本典子 see styles |
matsumotonoriko まつもとのりこ |
(person) Matsumoto Noriko (1968.1.30-) |
松永浩典 see styles |
matsunagahironori まつながひろのり |
(person) Matsunaga Hironori |
松野凱典 see styles |
matsunokatsunori まつのかつのり |
(person) Matsuno Katsunori |
板井典夫 see styles |
itainorio いたいのりお |
(person) Itai Norio |
桑田鎮典 see styles |
kuwatayasunori くわたやすのり |
(person) Kuwata Yasunori (1976.4.26-) |
梵和辞典 see styles |
bonwajiten ぼんわじてん |
Sanskrit-Japanese dictionary |
森嶋久典 see styles |
morishimahisanori もりしまひさのり |
(person) Morishima Hisanori |
森田典子 see styles |
moritanoriko もりたのりこ |
(f,h) Morita Noriko (1967.10.7-) |
椎根典子 see styles |
shiinenoriko / shinenoriko しいねのりこ |
(person) Shiine Noriko |
権利章典 see styles |
kenrishouten / kenrishoten けんりしょうてん |
Bill of Rights |
横山典弘 see styles |
yokoyamanorihiro よこやまのりひろ |
(person) Yokoyama Norihiro (1968.2.23-) |
永楽大典 see styles |
eirakutaiten / erakutaiten えいらくたいてん |
(work) Yongle Encyclopedia (Ming dynasty); (wk) Yongle Encyclopedia (Ming dynasty) |
永樂大典 永乐大典 see styles |
yǒng lè dà diǎn yong3 le4 da4 dian3 yung le ta tien |
the Yongle Great Encyclopedia (1408) |
池本卯典 see styles |
ikemotoshigenori いけもとしげのり |
(person) Ikemoto Shigenori |
池田政典 see styles |
ikedamasanori いけだまさのり |
(person) Ikeda Masanori (1966.12.1-) |
池田正典 see styles |
ikedamasanori いけだまさのり |
(person) Ikeda Masanori |
沖原佳典 see styles |
okiharayoshinori おきはらよしのり |
(person) Okihara Yoshinori (1973-) |
沖田嘉典 see styles |
okitayoshinori おきたよしのり |
(person) Okita Yoshinori (1928.2.29-) |
沖藤典子 see styles |
okifujinoriko おきふじのりこ |
(person) Okifuji Noriko |
河野典生 see styles |
kounotensei / konotense こうのてんせい |
(person) Kōno Tensei (1935.1-) |
河野孝典 see styles |
kounotakanori / konotakanori こうのたかのり |
(person) Kōno Takanori |
沼尻竜典 see styles |
numajiriryuusuke / numajiriryusuke ぬまじりりゅうすけ |
(person) Numajiri Ryūsuke (1964.10-) |
津谷典子 see styles |
tsuyanoriko つやのりこ |
(person) Tsuya Noriko |
浅尾典彦 see styles |
asaonorihiko あさおのりひこ |
(person) Asao Norihiko |
浜田典子 see styles |
hamadanoriko はまだのりこ |
(person) Hamada Noriko (1974.1.15-) |
深川保典 see styles |
fukagawayasunori ふかがわやすのり |
(person) Fukagawa Yasunori |
清島利典 see styles |
kiyoshimatoshisuke きよしまとしすけ |
(person) Kiyoshima Toshisuke |
清水啓典 see styles |
shimizuyoshinori しみずよしのり |
(person) Shimizu Yoshinori |
清水良典 see styles |
shimizuyoshinori しみずよしのり |
(person) Shimizu Yoshinori |
渋谷典子 see styles |
shibuyanoriko しぶやのりこ |
(person) Shibuya Noriko |
渡辺典子 see styles |
watanabenoriko わたなべのりこ |
(person) Watanabe Noriko (1965.7.22-) |
漢和字典 see styles |
kanwajiten かんわじてん |
Chinese-Japanese character dictionary |
漢和辞典 see styles |
kanwajiten かんわじてん |
Chinese-Japanese character dictionary |
漢英字典 see styles |
kaneijiten / kanejiten かんえいじてん |
Kanji to English dictionary |
漢英辞典 see styles |
kaneijiten / kanejiten かんえいじてん |
Kanji to English dictionary |
漢譯佛典 汉译佛典 see styles |
hàn yì fó diǎn han4 yi4 fo2 dian3 han i fo tien kanyaku butten |
Chinese translated Buddhist texts |
濱田典子 see styles |
hamadanoriko はまだのりこ |
(person) Hamada Noriko (1970.8-) |
特典映像 see styles |
tokuteneizou / tokutenezo とくてんえいぞう |
bonus footage (e.g. behind-the-scenes interviews) |
独和辞典 see styles |
dokuwajiten どくわじてん |
German-Japanese dictionary |
猶太法典 犹太法典 see styles |
yóu tài fǎ diǎn you2 tai4 fa3 dian3 yu t`ai fa tien yu tai fa tien |
the Talmud |
甚深經典 甚深经典 see styles |
shén shēn jīng diǎn shen2 shen1 jing1 dian3 shen shen ching tien shinshin kyōten |
extremely profound scripture |
田尻典夫 see styles |
tajirinorio たじりのりお |
(person) Tajiri Norio |
田岡典夫 see styles |
taokanorio たおかのりお |
(person) Taoka Norio (1908.9.1-1982.4.7) |
田島典子 see styles |
tajimanoriko たじまのりこ |
(person) Tajima Noriko (1976.7.27-) |
田邉保典 see styles |
tanabeyasunori たなべやすのり |
(person) Tanabe Yasunori |
畢業典禮 毕业典礼 see styles |
bì yè diǎn lǐ bi4 ye4 dian3 li3 pi yeh tien li |
graduation ceremony; commencement exercises |
白水宏典 see styles |
shiramizukousuke / shiramizukosuke しらみずこうすけ |
(person) Shiramizu Kōsuke |
白石保典 see styles |
shiraishiyasunori しらいしやすのり |
(person) Shiraishi Yasunori |
百科事典 see styles |
bǎi kē shì diǎn bai3 ke1 shi4 dian3 pai k`o shih tien pai ko shih tien hyakkajiten ひゃっかじてん |
encyclopedia encyclopedia; encyclopaedia |
百科詞典 百科词典 see styles |
bǎi kē cí diǎn bai3 ke1 ci2 dian3 pai k`o tz`u tien pai ko tzu tien |
encyclopedic dictionary |
百科辞典 see styles |
hyakkajiten ひゃっかじてん |
encyclopedia; encyclopaedia |
皇室典範 see styles |
koushitsutenpan / koshitsutenpan こうしつてんぱん |
{law} Imperial House Act |
相根昭典 see styles |
saganeakinori さがねあきのり |
(person) Sagane Akinori |
矢野弘典 see styles |
yanohironori やのひろのり |
(person) Yano Hironori |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "典" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.