There are 936 total results for your 遊 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
遊歩甲板 see styles |
yuuhokanpan; yuuhokouhan / yuhokanpan; yuhokohan ゆうほかんぱん; ゆうほこうはん |
promenade deck |
遊民改造 游民改造 see styles |
yóu mín gǎi zào you2 min2 gai3 zao4 yu min kai tsao |
rehabilitation of displaced persons |
遊泉寺町 see styles |
yuusenjimachi / yusenjimachi ゆうせんじまち |
(place-name) Yūsenjimachi |
遊泳動物 see styles |
yuueidoubutsu / yuedobutsu ゆうえいどうぶつ |
nekton |
遊泳生物 see styles |
yuueiseibutsu / yuesebutsu ゆうえいせいぶつ |
nekton |
遊牧民族 see styles |
yuubokuminzoku / yubokuminzoku ゆうぼくみんぞく |
nomadic tribe; nomadic people; nomadic race |
遊興施設 see styles |
yuukyoushisetsu / yukyoshisetsu ゆうきょうしせつ |
(See 遊戯施設) amusement facility |
遊色効果 see styles |
yuushokukouka / yushokukoka ゆうしょくこうか |
iridescence; play of color; opalescence |
遊蕩三昧 see styles |
yuutouzanmai / yutozanmai ゆうとうざんまい |
being absorbed in self-indulgent pleasures; giving oneself up to debauchery and dissipation |
遊虛空天 遊虚空天 see styles |
yóu xū kōng tiān you2 xu1 kong1 tian1 yu hsü k`ung t`ien yu hsü kung tien yu kokū ten |
To roam in space, as do the devas of the sun, moon, stars, etc.; also the four upper devalokas. |
遊行上人 see styles |
yugyoushounin / yugyoshonin ゆぎょうしょうにん |
(person) Yugyou Shounin |
遊行前町 see styles |
yuugyoumaechou / yugyomaecho ゆうぎょうまえちょう |
(place-name) Yūgyoumaechō |
遊行女婦 see styles |
yuukoujofu / yukojofu ゆうこうじょふ |
(archaism) (See 浮かれ女・うかれめ) wandering prostitute |
遊街示眾 游街示众 see styles |
yóu jiē shì zhòng you2 jie1 shi4 zhong4 yu chieh shih chung |
to parade (a prisoner) through the streets |
遊覧飛行 see styles |
yuuranhikou / yuranhiko ゆうらんひこう |
sightseeing flight |
遊說集團 游说集团 see styles |
yóu shuì jí tuán you2 shui4 ji2 tuan2 yu shui chi t`uan yu shui chi tuan |
lobby group |
遊説旅行 see styles |
yuuzeiryokou / yuzeryoko ゆうぜいりょこう |
stumping (electioneering) tour |
遊諸神通 遊诸神通 see styles |
yóu zhū shén tōng you2 zhu1 shen2 tong1 yu chu shen t`ung yu chu shen tung yusho jinzū |
playing free in the spiritual powers |
遊走細胞 see styles |
yuusousaibou / yusosaibo ゆうそうさいぼう |
wandering cell |
遊軍記者 see styles |
yuugunkisha / yugunkisha ゆうぐんきしゃ |
roving reporter |
遊部大橋 see styles |
asobuoohashi あそぶおおはし |
(place-name) Asobuoohashi |
遊部川原 see styles |
asobukawara あそぶかわら |
(place-name) Asobukawara |
お遊戯会 see styles |
oyuugikai / oyugikai おゆうぎかい |
(See 遊戯・ゆうぎ・2) playing and dancing event at a preschool, kindergarten, etc. |
もて遊ぶ see styles |
moteasobu もてあそぶ |
(irregular kanji usage) (transitive verb) (1) to play with (a toy, one's hair, etc.); to fiddle with; (2) to toy with (one's emotions, etc.); to trifle with; (3) to do with something as one pleases; (4) to appreciate |
一人遊び see styles |
hitoriasobi ひとりあそび |
(expression) playing alone |
上遊楽橋 see styles |
kamiyuurakubashi / kamiyurakubashi かみゆうらくばし |
(place-name) Kamiyūrakubashi |
仙遊長根 see styles |
senyuunagane / senyunagane せんゆうながね |
(place-name) Sen'yūnagane |
伊藤痴遊 see styles |
itouchiyuu / itochiyu いとうちゆう |
(personal name) Itōchiyū |
優哉遊哉 优哉游哉 see styles |
yōu zāi yóu zāi you1 zai1 you2 zai1 yu tsai yu tsai |
see 悠哉悠哉[you1 zai1 you1 zai1] |
優遊自得 优游自得 see styles |
yōu yóu zì dé you1 you2 zi4 de2 yu yu tzu te |
free and at leisure (idiom); unfettered |
児童遊園 see styles |
jidouyuuen / jidoyuen じどうゆうえん |
playground; children's park |
全国遊説 see styles |
zenkokuyuuzei / zenkokuyuze ぜんこくゆうぜい |
nationwide election campaign |
八瀬遊園 see styles |
yaseyuuen / yaseyuen やせゆうえん |
(personal name) Yaseyūen |
到此一遊 到此一游 see styles |
dào cǐ yī yóu dao4 ci3 yi1 you2 tao tz`u i yu tao tzu i yu |
(used in graffiti) "... was here" |
到津遊園 see styles |
itouzuyuuen / itozuyuen いとうずゆうえん |
(personal name) Itouzuyūen |
包價旅遊 包价旅游 see styles |
bāo jià lǚ yóu bao1 jia4 lu:3 you2 pao chia lü yu |
package holiday |
十二遊經 十二遊经 see styles |
shí èr yóu jīng shi2 er4 you2 jing1 shih erh yu ching Jūniyu kyō |
Dvādaśaviharaṇa sūtra. The life of Śākyamuni to his twelfth year, translated by Kālodaka A.D. 392. |
卓上遊戯 see styles |
takujouyuugi / takujoyugi たくじょうゆうぎ |
tabletop game |
吟遊詩人 see styles |
ginyuushijin / ginyushijin ぎんゆうしじん |
(wandering) minstrel; troubadour |
吹き遊ぶ see styles |
fukisusabu ふきすさぶ |
(v5b,vi) (1) to blow fiercely; to rage; (2) (archaism) to play (a flute, etc.) for fun |
周遊世界 周游世界 see styles |
zhōu yóu shì jiè zhou1 you2 shi4 jie4 chou yu shih chieh |
to travel around the world |
周遊切符 see styles |
shuuyuukippu / shuyukippu しゅうゆうきっぷ |
excursion ticket |
周遊列國 周游列国 see styles |
zhōu yóu liè guó zhou1 you2 lie4 guo2 chou yu lieh kuo |
to travel around many countries (idiom); peregrinations; refers to the travels of Confucius |
四門出遊 四门出遊 see styles |
sì mén chū yóu si4 men2 chu1 you2 ssu men ch`u yu ssu men chu yu shimon shutsuyū |
four excursions out of the gate |
四門遊觀 四门遊观 see styles |
sì mén yóu guān si4 men2 you2 guan1 ssu men yu kuan shimon yūkan |
The four distresses observed during his wanderings by the Buddha when a prince— birth, age, disease, death. |
填字遊戲 填字游戏 see styles |
tián zì yóu xì tian2 zi4 you2 xi4 t`ien tzu yu hsi tien tzu yu hsi |
crossword |
夢遊居士 see styles |
muyuukoji / muyukoji むゆうこじ |
(given name) Muyūkoji |
夢遊病者 see styles |
muyuubyousha / muyubyosha むゆうびょうしゃ |
sleepwalker; somnambulist |
大尽遊び see styles |
daijinasobi だいじんあそび |
spending extravagantly (esp. in the red light districts); extravagant spending spree; spending money in royal style |
大池遊園 see styles |
ooikeyuuen / ooikeyuen おおいけゆうえん |
(personal name) Ooikeyūen |
季節回遊 see styles |
kisetsukaiyuu / kisetsukaiyu きせつかいゆう |
seasonal migration (of fish, etc.) |
宇宙遊泳 see styles |
uchuuyuuei / uchuyue うちゅうゆうえい |
space walk |
実遊実遊 see styles |
myuumyuu / myumyu みゅうみゅう |
(female given name) Myūmyū |
室内遊戯 see styles |
shitsunaiyuugi / shitsunaiyugi しつないゆうぎ |
indoor game; indoor pastime |
小倉遊亀 see styles |
ogurayuki おぐらゆき |
(person) Ogura Yuki (1895.3-) |
小島遊之 see styles |
kojimayuushi / kojimayushi こじまゆうし |
(person) Kojima Yūshi |
工業旅遊 see styles |
gōng yè lǚ yóu gong1 ye4 lu:3 you2 kung yeh lü yu |
industrial tourism (visiting a place to learn about its local industries and their production processes) |
座敷遊び see styles |
zashikiasobi ざしきあそび |
(private) geisha entertainment; being entertained by one or more geisha (in a tea house or traditional Japanese restaurant) |
往返遊行 see styles |
wǎng fǎn yóu xíng wang3 fan3 you2 xing2 wang fan yu hsing ōhen yugyō |
wanders back and forth |
後西遊記 后西游记 see styles |
hòu xī yóu jì hou4 xi1 you2 ji4 hou hsi yu chi |
one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记 |
志遊美谷 see styles |
shuumidani / shumidani しゅうみだに |
(place-name) Shuumidani |
恋愛遊戯 see styles |
renaiyuugi / renaiyugi れんあいゆうぎ |
trifling with love |
悠哉遊哉 悠哉游哉 see styles |
yōu zāi yóu zāi you1 zai1 you2 zai1 yu tsai yu tsai |
see 悠哉悠哉[you1 zai1 you1 zai1] |
拼板遊戲 拼板游戏 see styles |
pīn bǎn yóu xì pin1 ban3 you2 xi4 p`in pan yu hsi pin pan yu hsi |
jigsaw puzzle; wood block puzzle |
換房旅遊 换房旅游 see styles |
huàn fáng lǚ yóu huan4 fang2 lu:3 you2 huan fang lü yu |
house-swap vacation |
故地重遊 故地重游 see styles |
gù dì - chóng yóu gu4 di4 - chong2 you2 ku ti - ch`ung yu ku ti - chung yu |
see 舊地重遊|旧地重游[jiu4di4-chong2you2] |
散兵遊勇 散兵游勇 see styles |
sǎn bīng yóu yǒng san3 bing1 you2 yong3 san ping yu yung |
lit. straggling and disbanded soldiers (idiom); fig. disorganized uncoordinated action |
数字遊び see styles |
suujiasobi / sujiasobi すうじあそび |
numbers game; deceiving by misuse of numbers and statistics |
數字遊民 数字游民 see styles |
shù zì yóu mín shu4 zi4 you2 min2 shu tzu yu min |
digital nomad |
斎藤遊児 see styles |
saitouyuuji / saitoyuji さいとうゆうじ |
(person) Saitou Yūji |
新橋遊吉 see styles |
shinbashiyuukichi / shinbashiyukichi しんばしゆうきち |
(person) Shinbashi Yūkichi (1933.3-) |
旅遊勝地 旅游胜地 see styles |
lǚ yóu shèng dì lu:3 you2 sheng4 di4 lü yu sheng ti |
tourist destination; tourist attraction |
旅遊城市 旅游城市 see styles |
lǚ yóu chéng shì lu:3 you2 cheng2 shi4 lü yu ch`eng shih lü yu cheng shih |
tourist city |
旅遊景點 旅游景点 see styles |
lǚ yóu jǐng diǎn lu:3 you2 jing3 dian3 lü yu ching tien |
tourist attraction; travel sight |
旅遊熱點 旅游热点 see styles |
lǚ yóu rè diǎn lu:3 you2 re4 dian3 lü yu je tien |
a hot tourist attraction; a tourist trap |
旅遊集散 旅游集散 see styles |
lǚ yóu jí sàn lu:3 you2 ji2 san4 lü yu chi san |
tourism center or hub |
旧遊の地 see styles |
kyuuyuunochi / kyuyunochi きゅうゆうのち |
familiar haunts |
會獎旅遊 会奖旅游 see styles |
huì jiǎng lǚ yóu hui4 jiang3 lu:3 you2 hui chiang lü yu |
MICE tourism (acronym for "meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions"), aka "meetings industry" or "events industry" |
松久佳遊 see styles |
matsuhisakayuu / matsuhisakayu まつひさかゆう |
(person) Matsuhisa Kayū |
桃色遊戯 see styles |
momoiroyuugi / momoiroyugi ももいろゆうぎ |
sex play |
梅遊寺畑 see styles |
baiyuujibata / baiyujibata ばいゆうじばた |
(place-name) Baiyūjibata |
法華遊意 法华遊意 see styles |
fǎ huā yóu yì fa3 hua1 you2 yi4 fa hua yu i Hōke yui |
Wandering Thoughts on the Lotus Sūtra |
浮遊物質 see styles |
fuyuubusshitsu / fuyubusshitsu ふゆうぶっしつ |
suspended solids |
浮遊生物 see styles |
fuyuuseibutsu / fuyusebutsu ふゆうせいぶつ |
plankton |
浮遊選鉱 see styles |
fuyuusenkou / fuyusenko ふゆうせんこう |
flotation (mineral processing method) |
渡瀬美遊 see styles |
watasemiyuu / watasemiyu わたせみゆう |
(person) Watase Miyū (1979.11.3-) |
溝口遊人 see styles |
mizoguchiyukito みぞぐちゆきと |
(person) Mizoguchi Yukito (1990.12.20-) |
無業遊民 无业游民 see styles |
wú yè yóu mín wu2 ye4 you2 min2 wu yeh yu min |
unemployed person; vagrant; rogue |
無銭遊興 see styles |
musenyuukyou / musenyukyo むせんゆうきょう |
merrymaking without paying |
物見遊山 see styles |
monomiyusan ものみゆさん |
(yoji) going on a pleasure jaunt |
犬山遊園 see styles |
inuyamayuuen / inuyamayuen いぬやまゆうえん |
(personal name) Inuyamayūen |
独り遊び see styles |
hitoriasobi ひとりあそび |
(expression) playing alone |
狭山遊園 see styles |
sayamayuuen / sayamayuen さやまゆうえん |
(place-name) Sayamayūen |
獎勵旅遊 奖励旅游 see styles |
jiǎng lì lǚ yóu jiang3 li4 lu:3 you2 chiang li lü yu |
incentive travel |
生態旅遊 生态旅游 see styles |
shēng tài lǚ yóu sheng1 tai4 lu:3 you2 sheng t`ai lü yu sheng tai lü yu |
ecotourism |
産卵回遊 see styles |
sanrankaiyuu / sanrankaiyu さんらんかいゆう |
spawning migration |
甲斐遊糸 see styles |
kaiyuushi / kaiyushi かいゆうし |
(person) Kai Yūshi |
示威遊行 示威游行 see styles |
shì wēi yóu xíng shi4 wei1 you2 xing2 shih wei yu hsing |
(protest) demonstration |
神通遊戲 神通遊戏 see styles |
shén tōng yóu xì shen2 tong1 you2 xi4 shen t`ung yu hsi shen tung yu hsi jinzū yuki |
(Skt. ṛddhi-vikrīḍita) |
空中浮遊 see styles |
kuuchuufuyuu / kuchufuyu くうちゅうふゆう |
(1) levitation; floating on air; (can act as adjective) (2) airborne (e.g. bacteria); aero- |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "遊" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.