There are 1074 total results for your 調 search. I have created 11 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
単調写像 see styles |
tanchoushazou / tanchoshazo たんちょうしゃぞう |
{math} (See 単調関数) monotonic mapping |
単調増加 see styles |
tanchouzouka / tanchozoka たんちょうぞうか |
{math} monotonic increase |
単調減少 see styles |
tanchougenshou / tanchogensho たんちょうげんしょう |
{math} monotonic decrease |
単調関数 see styles |
tanchoukansuu / tanchokansu たんちょうかんすう |
{math} monotone function; monotonic function |
原因調査 see styles |
geninchousa / geninchosa げんいんちょうさ |
investigation (to determine the cause of something) |
取り調べ see styles |
torishirabe とりしらべ |
investigation (e.g. by police or prosecutors); examination; inquiry; enquiry |
取調べる see styles |
torishiraberu とりしらべる |
(transitive verb) to investigate; to examine |
取調べ室 see styles |
torishirabeshitsu とりしらべしつ |
interrogation room; interview room; sweatbox |
受胎調節 see styles |
jutaichousetsu / jutaichosetsu じゅたいちょうせつ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) birth control |
口不調法 see styles |
kuchibuchouhou / kuchibuchoho くちぶちょうほう |
(noun or adjectival noun) (See 口下手) inarticulate; clumsy with words; poor at speaking |
同調圧力 see styles |
douchouatsuryoku / dochoatsuryoku どうちょうあつりょく |
pressure to conform; peer pressure; peer group pressure; group pressure |
周波変調 see styles |
shuuhahenchou / shuhahencho しゅうはへんちょう |
frequency modulation; FM |
命令口調 see styles |
meireikuchou / merekucho めいれいくちょう |
tone of command; authoritative tone; commanding tone |
唱高調兒 唱高调儿 see styles |
chàng gāo diào r chang4 gao1 diao4 r5 ch`ang kao tiao r chang kao tiao r |
erhua variant of 唱高調|唱高调[chang4 gao1 diao4] |
單調乏味 单调乏味 see styles |
dān diào fá wèi dan1 diao4 fa2 wei4 tan tiao fa wei |
monotonous; dull; tedious (idiom) |
四大不調 四大不调 see styles |
sì dà bù diào si4 da4 bu4 diao4 ssu ta pu tiao shidaifuchou / shidaifucho しだいふちょう |
{Buddh} falling ill (esp. of a monk); illness The inharmonious working of the four elements in the body, which causes the 440 ailments; cf. 四蛇. |
回調函數 回调函数 see styles |
huí diào hán shù hui2 diao4 han2 shu4 hui tiao han shu |
callback function (computing) |
国勢調査 see styles |
kokuseichousa / kokusechosa こくせいちょうさ |
(national) census |
国際協調 see styles |
kokusaikyouchou / kokusaikyocho こくさいきょうちょう |
international cooperation; international harmony |
在庫調整 see styles |
zaikochousei / zaikochose ざいこちょうせい |
inventory (stock) adjustment |
地盤調査 see styles |
jibanchousa / jibanchosa じばんちょうさ |
subsurface exploration (geotechnical investigation) |
地籍調査 see styles |
chisekichousa / chisekichosa ちせきちょうさ |
cadastral survey; land survey |
地質調査 see styles |
chishitsuchousa / chishitsuchosa ちしつちょうさ |
geological survey |
基礎調査 see styles |
kisochousa / kisochosa きそちょうさ |
fundamental investigation; basic research |
基調演説 see styles |
kichouenzetsu / kichoenzetsu きちょうえんぜつ |
{comp} keynote speech |
基調講演 see styles |
kichoukouen / kichokoen きちょうこうえん |
keynote speech |
境界調整 see styles |
kyoukaichousei / kyokaichose きょうかいちょうせい |
alignment |
声調言語 see styles |
seichougengo / sechogengo せいちょうげんご |
tone language; tonal language |
変イ長調 see styles |
henichouchou / henichocho へんイちょうちょう |
{music} A flat major |
変ニ長調 see styles |
hennichouchou / hennichocho へんニちょうちょう |
{music} D flat major |
変ホ短調 see styles |
henhotanchou / henhotancho へんホたんちょう |
{music} E flat minor |
変ホ長調 see styles |
henhochouchou / henhochocho へんホちょうちょう |
{music} E flat major |
変ロ短調 see styles |
henrotanchou / henrotancho へんロたんちょう |
{music} B flat minor |
変ロ長調 see styles |
henrochouchou / henrochocho へんロちょうちょう |
{music} B flat major |
変調方式 see styles |
henchouhoushiki / henchohoshiki へんちょうほうしき |
{comp} modulation method |
変調装置 see styles |
henchousouchi / henchosochi へんちょうそうち |
{comp} modulator |
変調速度 see styles |
henchousokudo / henchosokudo へんちょうそくど |
{comp} modulation rate |
失調電壓 失调电压 see styles |
shī tiáo diàn yā shi1 tiao2 dian4 ya1 shih t`iao tien ya shih tiao tien ya |
offset voltage |
婚姻調解 婚姻调解 see styles |
hūn yīn tiáo jiě hun1 yin1 tiao2 jie3 hun yin t`iao chieh hun yin tiao chieh |
marriage counseling |
嬰ト短調 see styles |
eitotanchou / etotancho えいトたんちょう |
{music} G sharp minor |
嬰ニ短調 see styles |
einitanchou / enitancho えいニたんちょう |
{music} D sharp minor |
嬰ハ短調 see styles |
eihatanchou / ehatancho えいハたんちょう |
{music} C sharp minor |
嬰ヘ短調 see styles |
eihetanchou / ehetancho えいヘたんちょう |
{music} F sharp minor |
嬰ヘ長調 see styles |
eihechouchou / ehechocho えいヘちょうちょう |
{music} F sharp major |
季節調整 see styles |
kisetsuchousei / kisetsuchose きせつちょうせい |
seasonal adjustment |
孤調解脫 孤调解脱 see styles |
gū tiáo jiě tuō gu1 tiao2 jie3 tuo1 ku t`iao chieh t`o ku tiao chieh to kojō gedatsu |
individual liberation |
宏觀調控 宏观调控 see styles |
hóng guān tiáo kòng hong2 guan1 tiao2 kong4 hung kuan t`iao k`ung hung kuan tiao kung |
macro-control |
実地調査 see styles |
jicchichousa / jicchichosa じっちちょうさ |
site survey; field study |
実態調査 see styles |
jittaichousa / jittaichosa じったいちょうさ |
fact-finding investigation; investigation into actual conditions; fact-finding survey |
家事調停 see styles |
kajichoutei / kajichote かじちょうてい |
{law} mediation or conciliation by a family court |
家具調度 see styles |
kaguchoudo / kaguchodo かぐちょうど |
household furnishings |
尋問調書 see styles |
jinmonchousho / jinmonchosho じんもんちょうしょ |
{law} record of an interrogation (of a suspect, witness, etc.); examination record |
小手調べ see styles |
koteshirabe こてしらべ |
preliminary test or trial; tryout |
居中調停 see styles |
kyochuuchoutei / kyochuchote きょちゅうちょうてい |
mediation |
岸本調和 see styles |
kishimotochouwa / kishimotochowa きしもとちょうわ |
(personal name) Kishimotochōwa |
川島調子 see styles |
kawashimachoushi / kawashimachoshi かわしまちょうし |
(place-name) Kawashimachōshi |
市勢調査 see styles |
shiseichousa / shisechosa しせいちょうさ |
municipal census |
市場調查 市场调查 see styles |
shì chǎng diào chá shi4 chang3 diao4 cha2 shih ch`ang tiao ch`a shih chang tiao cha |
market research |
市場調査 see styles |
shijouchousa / shijochosa しじょうちょうさ |
market research |
年末調整 see styles |
nenmatsuchousei / nenmatsuchose ねんまつちょうせい |
year-end tax adjustment |
弁明口調 see styles |
benmeikuchou / benmekucho べんめいくちょう |
apologetic (defensive) tone of voice |
強制調査 see styles |
kyouseichousa / kyosechosa きょうせいちょうさ |
compulsory inspection; compulsory search |
強調構文 see styles |
kyouchoukoubun / kyochokobun きょうちょうこうぶん |
{ling} emphatic (sentence) construction |
強調表示 see styles |
kyouchouhyouji / kyochohyoji きょうちょうひょうじ |
(noun/participle) {comp} highlighting |
御調ダム see styles |
mitsugidamu みつぎダム |
(place-name) Mitsugi Dam |
御調子者 see styles |
ochoushimono / ochoshimono おちょうしもの |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) flip; luck-pusher; frivolous person; person who readily chimes in with others; person who gets carried away easily |
復調装置 see styles |
fukuchousouchi / fukuchosochi ふくちょうそうち |
{comp} demodulator |
思覺失調 思觉失调 see styles |
sī jué shī tiáo si1 jue2 shi1 tiao2 ssu chüeh shih t`iao ssu chüeh shih tiao |
psychosis |
怪腔怪調 怪腔怪调 see styles |
guài qiāng guài diào guai4 qiang1 guai4 diao4 kuai ch`iang kuai tiao kuai chiang kuai tiao |
strange accent; odd manner of speaking or singing |
悪魔調伏 see styles |
akumachoubuku / akumachobuku あくまちょうぶく |
exorcism; praying down evil spirits |
情勢調査 see styles |
jouseichousa / josechosa じょうせいちょうさ |
(election) survey |
意向調査 see styles |
ikouchousa / ikochosa いこうちょうさ |
survey; poll |
意味調べ see styles |
imishirabe いみしらべ |
(noun/participle) looking up the meaning (of a word) |
意識調査 see styles |
ishikichousa / ishikichosa いしきちょうさ |
attitude survey; opinion poll |
戸口調査 see styles |
kokouchousa / kokochosa ここうちょうさ |
national census; door-to-door census |
戸籍調べ see styles |
kosekishirabe こせきしらべ |
census-taking; examining family registers |
所調伏界 所调伏界 see styles |
suǒ tiáo fú jiè suo3 tiao2 fu2 jie4 so t`iao fu chieh so tiao fu chieh sho jōbuku kai |
realms that are brought under submission |
手眼協調 手眼协调 see styles |
shǒu yǎn xié tiáo shou3 yan3 xie2 tiao2 shou yen hsieh t`iao shou yen hsieh tiao |
hand-eye coordination |
技術調査 see styles |
gijutsuchousa / gijutsuchosa ぎじゅつちょうさ |
{comp} technical investigation |
振幅変調 see styles |
shinpukuhenchou / shinpukuhencho しんぷくへんちょう |
amplitude modulation; AM |
政策調査 see styles |
seisakuchousa / sesakuchosa せいさくちょうさ |
party policy research |
政調会長 see styles |
seichoukaichou / sechokaicho せいちょうかいちょう |
chairman of (party) policy bureau; policy chief |
数量調整 see styles |
suuryouchousei / suryochose すうりょうちょうせい |
quantity adjustment |
方便調伏 方便调伏 see styles |
fāng biàn tiáo fú fang1 bian4 tiao2 fu2 fang pien t`iao fu fang pien tiao fu hōben jōfuku |
expedient methods of restraint |
最終調整 see styles |
saishuuchousei / saishuchose さいしゅうちょうせい |
(noun/participle) final adjustment; final coordination |
本底調查 本底调查 see styles |
běn dǐ diào chá ben3 di3 diao4 cha2 pen ti tiao ch`a pen ti tiao cha |
background investigation |
本調有香 see styles |
honchouyuka / honchoyuka ほんちょうゆか |
(person) Honchō Yuka |
栄養失調 see styles |
eiyoushicchou / eyoshiccho えいようしっちょう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) malnutrition |
格調高雅 see styles |
kakuchoukouga / kakuchokoga かくちょうこうが |
(noun or adjectival noun) refined; dignified; elegant; graceful; exquisite |
検面調書 see styles |
kenmenchousho / kenmenchosho けんめんちょうしょ |
(abbreviation) (from 検察官面前調書) public prosecutor's record of a statement given before a prosecutor |
極調善性 极调善性 see styles |
jí tiáo shàn xìng ji2 tiao2 shan4 xing4 chi t`iao shan hsing chi tiao shan hsing goku jōzenshō |
extremely good health |
正式調印 see styles |
seishikichouin / seshikichoin せいしきちょういん |
(n,vs,vi) formal signing (e.g. of a treaty) |
步調一致 步调一致 see styles |
bù diào yī zhì bu4 diao4 yi1 zhi4 pu tiao i chih |
to be united in action |
母音調和 母音调和 see styles |
mǔ yīn tiáo hé mu3 yin1 tiao2 he2 mu yin t`iao ho mu yin tiao ho boinchouwa / boinchowa ぼいんちょうわ |
vowel harmony (in phonetics) {ling} vowel harmony |
民事調停 see styles |
minjichoutei / minjichote みんじちょうてい |
{law} civil conciliation; civil mediation |
民意調查 民意调查 see styles |
mín yì diào chá min2 yi4 diao4 cha2 min i tiao ch`a min i tiao cha |
opinion poll |
油腔滑調 油腔滑调 see styles |
yóu qiāng huá diào you2 qiang1 hua2 diao4 yu ch`iang hua tiao yu chiang hua tiao |
flippant and insincere (piece of writing or speech); glib-tongued; oily |
洋腔洋調 洋腔洋调 see styles |
yáng qiāng yáng diào yang2 qiang1 yang2 diao4 yang ch`iang yang tiao yang chiang yang tiao |
to speak with a foreign accent or using words from a foreign language (usually derogatory) (idiom) |
温度調整 see styles |
ondochousei / ondochose おんどちょうせい |
temperature regulation; temperature control |
温度調節 see styles |
ondochousetsu / ondochosetsu おんどちょうせつ |
temperature control |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "調" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.