There are 969 total results for your 網 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
網絡紅人 网络红人 see styles |
wǎng luò hóng rén wang3 luo4 hong2 ren2 wang lo hung jen |
Internet celebrity |
網絡設備 网络设备 see styles |
wǎng luò shè bèi wang3 luo4 she4 bei4 wang lo she pei |
network equipment |
網絡設計 网络设计 see styles |
wǎng luò shè jì wang3 luo4 she4 ji4 wang lo she chi |
network design; network plan |
網絡語言 网络语言 see styles |
wǎng luò yǔ yán wang3 luo4 yu3 yan2 wang lo yü yen |
Internet slang; netspeak; cyberspeak |
網絡語音 网络语音 see styles |
wǎng luò yǔ yīn wang3 luo4 yu3 yin1 wang lo yü yin |
VoIP (Voice over IP) (computing); to speak with others over the Internet |
網絡遷移 网络迁移 see styles |
wǎng luò qiān yí wang3 luo4 qian1 yi2 wang lo ch`ien i wang lo chien i |
network migration |
網絡鐵路 网络铁路 see styles |
wǎng luò tiě lù wang3 luo4 tie3 lu4 wang lo t`ieh lu wang lo tieh lu |
Network Rail (UK railway organization) |
網膜剥離 see styles |
moumakuhakuri / momakuhakuri もうまくはくり |
{med} retinal detachment |
網膜照合 see styles |
moumakushougou / momakushogo もうまくしょうごう |
retina verification; retinal scan |
網識別子 see styles |
moushikibetsushi / moshikibetsushi もうしきべつし |
{comp} network identifier |
網谷光り see styles |
amitanihikari あみたにひかり |
(person) Amitani Hikari |
網走支庁 see styles |
abashirishichou / abashirishicho あばしりしちょう |
(place-name) Abashirishichō |
網走本線 see styles |
abashirihonsen あばしりほんせん |
(personal name) Abashirihonsen |
網走湖畔 see styles |
abashirikohan あばしりこはん |
(place-name) Abashirikohan |
網走神社 see styles |
abashirijinja あばしりじんじゃ |
(place-name) Abashiri Shrine |
網路平台 网路平台 see styles |
wǎng lù píng tái wang3 lu4 ping2 tai2 wang lu p`ing t`ai wang lu ping tai |
network platform |
網路應用 网路应用 see styles |
wǎng lù yìng yòng wang3 lu4 ying4 yong4 wang lu ying yung |
network application |
網路服務 网路服务 see styles |
wǎng lù fú wù wang3 lu4 fu2 wu4 wang lu fu wu |
network service |
網路架構 网路架构 see styles |
wǎng lù jià gòu wang3 lu4 jia4 gou4 wang lu chia kou |
network infrastructure |
網路特務 网路特务 see styles |
wǎng lù tè wu wang3 lu4 te4 wu5 wang lu t`e wu wang lu te wu |
anonymous state-sponsored Internet commentator |
網路環境 网路环境 see styles |
wǎng lù huán jìng wang3 lu4 huan2 jing4 wang lu huan ching |
network environment |
網路節點 网路节点 see styles |
wǎng lù jié diǎn wang3 lu4 jie2 dian3 wang lu chieh tien |
network node |
網野善彦 see styles |
aminoyoshihiko あみのよしひこ |
(person) Amino Yoshihiko (1928-2004) |
網開一面 网开一面 see styles |
wǎng kāi yī miàn wang3 kai1 yi1 mian4 wang k`ai i mien wang kai i mien |
open the net on one side (idiom); let the caged bird fly; to give one's opponent a way out; lenient treatment |
網開三面 网开三面 see styles |
wǎng kāi sān miàn wang3 kai1 san1 mian4 wang k`ai san mien wang kai san mien |
to leave the net open on three sides (idiom); let the caged bird fly; to give one's opponent a way out; lenient treatment |
網際協定 网际协定 see styles |
wǎng jì xié dìng wang3 ji4 xie2 ding4 wang chi hsieh ting |
Internet protocol; IP |
網際網絡 网际网络 see styles |
wǎng jì wǎng luò wang3 ji4 wang3 luo4 wang chi wang lo |
Internet |
網際網路 网际网路 see styles |
wǎng jì wǎng lù wang3 ji4 wang3 lu4 wang chi wang lu |
Internet |
網際色情 网际色情 see styles |
wǎng jì sè qíng wang3 ji4 se4 qing2 wang chi se ch`ing wang chi se ching |
cyberporn |
網際電話 see styles |
wǎng jì diàn huà wang3 ji4 dian4 hua4 wang chi tien hua |
Internet phone |
網頁地址 网页地址 see styles |
wǎng yè dì zhǐ wang3 ye4 di4 zhi3 wang yeh ti chih |
webaddress; URL |
網頁設計 网页设计 see styles |
wǎng yè shè jì wang3 ye4 she4 ji4 wang yeh she chi |
web design |
すくい網 see styles |
sukuiami すくいあみ |
scoop net; dip net; insect net |
データ網 see styles |
deetamou / deetamo データもう |
{comp} data network |
一網打尽 see styles |
ichimoudajin / ichimodajin いちもうだじん |
(yoji) round-up (e.g. of criminals); wholesale arrest; catching the whole herd with one throw |
一網打盡 一网打尽 see styles |
yī wǎng dǎ jìn yi1 wang3 da3 jin4 i wang ta chin |
lit. to catch everything in the one net (idiom); fig. to scoop up the whole lot; to capture them all in one go |
上網田町 see styles |
kamioodamachi かみおおだまち |
(place-name) Kamioodamachi |
下網田町 see styles |
shimooodamachi しもおおだまち |
(place-name) Shimooodamachi |
主幹網絡 主干网络 see styles |
zhǔ gàn wǎng luò zhu3 gan4 wang3 luo4 chu kan wang lo |
core network |
主幹網路 主干网路 see styles |
zhǔ gàn wǎng lù zhu3 gan4 wang3 lu4 chu kan wang lu |
core network; backbone network |
互聯網站 互联网站 see styles |
hù lián wǎng zhàn hu4 lian2 wang3 zhan4 hu lien wang chan |
Internet site |
互聯網絡 互联网络 see styles |
hù lián wǎng luò hu4 lian2 wang3 luo4 hu lien wang lo |
network |
交換網路 交换网路 see styles |
jiāo huàn wǎng lù jiao1 huan4 wang3 lu4 chiao huan wang lu |
switched network |
令牌環網 令牌环网 see styles |
lìng pái huán wǎng ling4 pai2 huan2 wang3 ling p`ai huan wang ling pai huan wang |
token ring network |
以太網絡 以太网络 see styles |
yǐ tài wǎng luò yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4 i t`ai wang lo i tai wang lo |
Ethernet |
以太網路 以太网路 see styles |
yǐ tài wǎng lù yi3 tai4 wang3 lu4 i t`ai wang lu i tai wang lu |
Ethernet |
僵屍網絡 僵尸网络 see styles |
jiāng shī wǎng luò jiang1 shi1 wang3 luo4 chiang shih wang lo |
botnet; zombie network; slave network (used by spammers) |
光伝達網 see styles |
hikaridentatsumou / hikaridentatsumo ひかりでんたつもう |
{comp} Optical Transport Network; OTN |
光網童子 光网童子 see styles |
guāng wǎng tóng zǐ guang1 wang3 tong2 zi3 kuang wang t`ung tzu kuang wang tung tzu Kōmō dōji |
Jālinīprabhakumāra, 惹哩寧鉢囉婆倶摩羅; one of the eight attendants on Mañjuśrī; he is the youth with the shining net. |
八つ手網 see styles |
yatsudeami やつであみ |
eight-armed scoop net |
出網代島 see styles |
deajiroshima であじろしま |
(personal name) Deajiroshima |
刀片刺網 刀片刺网 see styles |
dāo piàn cì wǎng dao1 pian4 ci4 wang3 tao p`ien tz`u wang tao pien tzu wang |
razor wire |
分銷網絡 分销网络 see styles |
fēn xiāo wǎng luò fen1 xiao1 wang3 luo4 fen hsiao wang lo |
distribution network |
刺し網漁 see styles |
sashiamiryou / sashiamiryo さしあみりょう |
(See 刺し網) gill-net fishing; tangle-net fishing |
勇網東線 see styles |
yuumoutousen / yumotosen ゆうもうとうせん |
(personal name) Yūmoutousen |
勇網西線 see styles |
yuumousaisen / yumosaisen ゆうもうさいせん |
(personal name) Yūmousaisen |
動態網頁 动态网页 see styles |
dòng tài wǎng yè dong4 tai4 wang3 ye4 tung t`ai wang yeh tung tai wang yeh |
dynamic webpage |
區域網絡 区域网络 see styles |
qū yù wǎng luò qu1 yu4 wang3 luo4 ch`ü yü wang lo chü yü wang lo |
local area network; LAN |
區域網路 区域网路 see styles |
qū yù wǎng lù qu1 yu4 wang3 lu4 ch`ü yü wang lu chü yü wang lu |
local area network; LAN |
四つ手網 see styles |
yotsudeami よつであみ |
four-armed scoop net |
因陀羅網 因陀罗网 see styles |
yīn tuó luó wǎng yin1 tuo2 luo2 wang3 yin t`o lo wang yin to lo wang Indara mō |
Indra's Net |
固網電信 固网电信 see styles |
gù wǎng diàn xìn gu4 wang3 dian4 xin4 ku wang tien hsin |
landline (fixed-line) telecommunications |
國際網絡 国际网络 see styles |
guó jì wǎng luò guo2 ji4 wang3 luo4 kuo chi wang lo |
global network; Internet |
地引き網 see styles |
jibikiami じびきあみ |
beach seine; long-haul seine; dragnet |
地引網漁 see styles |
jibikiamiryou / jibikiamiryo じびきあみりょう |
seine fishing (usu. from the beach); dragnet fishing |
地曳き網 see styles |
jibikiami じびきあみ |
beach seine; long-haul seine; dragnet |
地曳網漁 see styles |
jibikiamiryou / jibikiamiryo じびきあみりょう |
seine fishing (usu. from the beach); dragnet fishing |
墜入情網 坠入情网 see styles |
zhuì rù qíng wǎng zhui4 ru4 qing2 wang3 chui ju ch`ing wang chui ju ching wang |
to fall in love |
大網白里 see styles |
ooamishirasato おおあみしらさと |
(place-name) Ooamishirasato |
大荒網代 see styles |
ooarajiro おおあらじろ |
(place-name) Ooarajiro |
天網恢々 see styles |
tenmoukaikai / tenmokaikai てんもうかいかい |
(expression) (yoji) heaven's vengeance is slow but sure; heaven's net is wide and coarse, yet nothing slips through |
天網恢恢 天网恢恢 see styles |
tiān wǎng huī huī tian1 wang3 hui1 hui1 t`ien wang hui hui tien wang hui hui tenmoukaikai / tenmokaikai てんもうかいかい |
lit. heaven's net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73); fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape; you can't run from the long arm of the law (expression) (yoji) heaven's vengeance is slow but sure; heaven's net is wide and coarse, yet nothing slips through |
天羅地網 天罗地网 see styles |
tiān luó dì wǎng tian1 luo2 di4 wang3 t`ien lo ti wang tien lo ti wang |
inescapable net (idiom); trap; dragnet |
專用網路 专用网路 see styles |
zhuān yòng wǎng lù zhuan1 yong4 wang3 lu4 chuan yung wang lu |
dedicated network |
小網代湾 see styles |
koajirowan こあじろわん |
(personal name) Koajirowan |
小網倉浜 see styles |
koamikurahama こあみくらはま |
(place-name) Koamikurahama |
小網町駅 see styles |
koamichoueki / koamichoeki こあみちょうえき |
(st) Koamichō Station |
小網雅也 see styles |
koamimasaya こあみまさや |
(person) Koami Masaya |
小鯛網代 see styles |
kodashiro こだしろ |
(place-name) Kodashiro |
底引き網 see styles |
sokobikiami そこびきあみ |
trawl (net) |
底曳き網 see styles |
sokobikiami そこびきあみ |
trawl (net) |
廣域網路 广域网路 see styles |
guǎng yù wǎng lù guang3 yu4 wang3 lu4 kuang yü wang lu |
wide area network; WAN |
廣播網路 广播网路 see styles |
guǎng bō wǎng lù guang3 bo1 wang3 lu4 kuang po wang lu |
broadcast network |
手繰り網 see styles |
teguriami てぐりあみ |
(See 引き網・ひきあみ) dragnet |
手足網縵 手足网缦 see styles |
shǒu zú wǎng màn shou3 zu2 wang3 man4 shou tsu wang man shusoku mōman |
webbed fingers and toes |
指網縵相 指网缦相 see styles |
zhǐ wǎng màn xiàng zhi3 wang3 man4 xiang4 chih wang man hsiang shi mōman sō |
webbed fingers and toes |
撒網捕風 撒网捕风 see styles |
sā wǎng bǔ fēng sa1 wang3 bu3 feng1 sa wang pu feng |
lit. the wind cannot be caught in a net; to waste one's effort (idiom) |
數位網路 数位网路 see styles |
shù wèi wǎng lù shu4 wei4 wang3 lu4 shu wei wang lu |
digital network |
數據網絡 数据网络 see styles |
shù jù wǎng luò shu4 ju4 wang3 luo4 shu chü wang lo |
data network |
斷諸疑網 断诸疑网 see styles |
duàn zhū yí wǎng duan4 zhu1 yi2 wang3 tuan chu i wang dan sho gimō |
to eliminate all webs of doubt |
曲網代岳 see styles |
magarajirotake まがらじろたけ |
(place-name) Magarajirotake |
曲網代浦 see styles |
magarajiroura / magarajirora まがらじろうら |
(place-name) Magarajirōra |
梵網十重 梵网十重 see styles |
fàn wǎng shí zhòng fan4 wang3 shi2 zhong4 fan wang shih chung Bonmō no jūjū |
ten grave precepts of Brahma's Net |
梵網戒品 梵网戒品 see styles |
fàn wǎng jiè pǐn fan4 wang3 jie4 pin3 fan wang chieh p`in fan wang chieh pin Bonmōkai hon |
A name for the above, or the next. |
梵網戒本 梵网戒本 see styles |
fàn wǎng jiè běn fan4 wang3 jie4 ben3 fan wang chieh pen Bonmō kaihon |
菩薩戒經 The latter part of the above sutra. |
梵網戒疏 梵网戒疏 see styles |
fàn wǎng jiè shū fan4 wang3 jie4 shu1 fan wang chieh shu Bonmōkai sho |
Commentary on the Book of the Bodhisattva Precepts |
梵網經疏 梵网经疏 see styles |
fàn wǎng jīng shū fan4 wang3 jing1 shu1 fan wang ching shu Bonmōkyō sho |
Commentary on the Sūtra of Brahma's Net |
決斷疑網 决断疑网 see styles |
jué duàn yí wǎng jue2 duan4 yi2 wang3 chüeh tuan i wang ketsudan gimō |
cuts off the web of doubt |
法網難逃 法网难逃 see styles |
fǎ wǎng nán táo fa3 wang3 nan2 tao2 fa wang nan t`ao fa wang nan tao |
it is hard to escape the net of justice (idiom) |
深海圍網 深海围网 see styles |
shēn hǎi wéi wǎng shen1 hai3 wei2 wang3 shen hai wei wang |
purse-seine net (fishing) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "網" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.