There are 948 total results for your 積 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
大積灰下 see styles |
oozumihaige おおづみはいげ |
(place-name) Oozumihaige |
大積熊上 see styles |
oozumikumagami おおづみくまがみ |
(place-name) Oozumikumagami |
大積田代 see styles |
oozumitashiro おおづみたしろ |
(place-name) Oozumitashiro |
大積高鳥 see styles |
oozumitakatori おおづみたかとり |
(place-name) Oozumitakatori |
安積永盛 see styles |
asakanagamori あさかながもり |
(personal name) Asakanagamori |
安積疎水 see styles |
asakasosui あさかそすい |
(personal name) Asakasosui |
安積疏水 see styles |
asakasosui あさかそすい |
(place-name) Asakasosui |
宝積寺上 see styles |
houshakujikami / hoshakujikami ほうしゃくじかみ |
(place-name) Houshakujikami |
宝積寺下 see styles |
houshakujishimo / hoshakujishimo ほうしゃくじしも |
(place-name) Houshakujishimo |
宝積寺中 see styles |
houshakujinaka / hoshakujinaka ほうしゃくじなか |
(place-name) Houshakujinaka |
宝積寺駅 see styles |
houshakujieki / hoshakujieki ほうしゃくじえき |
(st) Houshakuji Station |
宝積有香 see styles |
houshakuyuka / hoshakuyuka ほうしゃくゆか |
(person) Houshaku Yuka |
室積中央 see styles |
murozumichuuou / murozumichuo むろづみちゅうおう |
(place-name) Murozumichūō |
室積大町 see styles |
murozumioomachi むろづみおおまち |
(place-name) Murozumioomachi |
室積市延 see styles |
murozumiichinobe / murozumichinobe むろづみいちのべ |
(place-name) Murozumiichinobe |
室積新開 see styles |
murozumishinkai むろづみしんかい |
(place-name) Murozumishinkai |
室積松原 see styles |
murozumimatsubara むろづみまつばら |
(place-name) Murozumimatsubara |
室積正木 see styles |
murozumimasaki むろづみまさき |
(place-name) Murozumimasaki |
室積沖田 see styles |
murozumiokita むろづみおきた |
(place-name) Murozumiokita |
室積海岸 see styles |
murozumikaigan むろづみかいがん |
(place-name) Murozumikaigan |
室積神田 see styles |
murozumijinden むろづみじんでん |
(place-name) Murozumijinden |
容積效率 容积效率 see styles |
róng jī xiào lǜ rong2 ji1 xiao4 lu:4 jung chi hsiao lü |
volumetric efficiency (engine technology) |
寶積三昧 宝积三昧 see styles |
bǎo jī sān mèi bao3 ji1 san1 mei4 pao chi san mei hōshaku zanmai |
The samādhi by which the origin and end of an things are seen. |
専有面積 see styles |
senyuumenseki / senyumenseki せんゆうめんせき |
non-shared area (measurement) in an apartment or housing complex |
広義積分 see styles |
kougisekibun / kogisekibun こうぎせきぶん |
{math} improper integral |
延床面積 see styles |
nobeyukamenseki のべゆかめんせき |
total floor space |
建物面積 see styles |
tatemonomenseki たてものめんせき |
{archit} (See 延べ床面積) total floor area |
建築面積 see styles |
kenchikumenseki けんちくめんせき |
{archit} building area |
微積分学 see styles |
bisekibungaku びせきぶんがく |
{math} (See 微積分・びせきぶん) infinitesimal calculus; (differential and integral) calculus |
微積分學 微积分学 see styles |
wēi jī fēn xué wei1 ji1 fen1 xue2 wei chi fen hsüeh |
infinitesimal calculus; calculus |
心積もり see styles |
kokorozumori こころづもり |
(noun/participle) anticipation; expectation; plan; preparation |
投影面積 see styles |
toueimenseki / toemenseki とうえいめんせき |
projected area |
接触面積 see styles |
sesshokumenseki せっしょくめんせき |
{comp} contact area (of an electrical connection) |
散積貨物 see styles |
barazumikamotsu ばらづみかもつ |
bulk cargo |
敷地面積 see styles |
shikichimenseki しきちめんせき |
{archit} lot area; site area; plottage; lot size |
日積月累 日积月累 see styles |
rì jī yuè lěi ri4 ji1 yue4 lei3 jih chi yüeh lei |
to accumulate over a long period of time |
最密堆積 最密堆积 see styles |
zuì mì duī jī zui4 mi4 dui1 ji1 tsui mi tui chi |
close-packing of spheres (math.) |
最深積雪 see styles |
saishinsekisetsu さいしんせきせつ |
deepest snow; maximum snowfall; maximum depth of snow cover |
木積もり see styles |
kizumori きづもり |
person who estimates the variety and quantity of wood necessary to build a house from looking at the plans |
束ね積む see styles |
tabanetsumu たばねつむ |
(Godan verb with "mu" ending) to shock (grain) |
東洋紡積 see styles |
touyoubouseki / toyoboseki とうようぼうせき |
(place-name) Tōyoubouseki |
橢圓積分 椭圆积分 see styles |
tuǒ yuán jī fēn tuo3 yuan2 ji1 fen1 t`o yüan chi fen to yüan chi fen |
(math.) elliptic integral |
永田橋積 see styles |
nagatabashitsumi ながたばしつみ |
(place-name) Nagatabashitsumi |
永田積内 see styles |
nagatatsumiuchi ながたつみうち |
(place-name) Nagatatsumiuchi |
汽船積み see styles |
kisenzumi きせんずみ |
shipment by steamer |
沉積作用 沉积作用 see styles |
chén jī zuò yòng chen2 ji1 zuo4 yong4 ch`en chi tso yung chen chi tso yung |
sedimentation (geology) |
沖積平原 冲积平原 see styles |
chōng jī píng yuán chong1 ji1 ping2 yuan2 ch`ung chi p`ing yüan chung chi ping yüan |
alluvial plain |
沖積平野 see styles |
chuusekiheiya / chusekiheya ちゅうせきへいや |
alluvial plain |
波積町北 see styles |
hazumichoukita / hazumichokita はづみちょうきた |
(place-name) Hazumichōkita |
波積町南 see styles |
hazumichouminami / hazumichominami はづみちょうみなみ |
(place-name) Hazumichōminami |
浜加積駅 see styles |
hamakazumieki はまかづみえき |
(st) Hamakazumi Station |
火災積雲 see styles |
kasaisekiun かさいせきうん |
flammagenitus; pyrocumulus cloud; fire cloud |
無所藏積 无所藏积 see styles |
wú suǒ zàng jī wu2 suo3 zang4 ji1 wu so tsang chi musho zōshaku |
nothing to store |
牛蒡積み see styles |
gobouzumi / gobozumi ごぼうづみ |
stone wall construction technique, with smallest stone surfaces facing outwards; burdock piling |
生物蓄積 see styles |
seibutsuchikuseki / sebutsuchikuseki せいぶつちくせき |
bioaccumulation |
直積集合 see styles |
chokusekishuugou / chokusekishugo ちょくせきしゅうごう |
{math} direct product |
相見積り see styles |
aimitsumori あいみつもり |
competitive bids or bidding |
石積ケ鼻 see styles |
ishizumigahana いしづみがはな |
(personal name) Ishizumigahana |
砂積礦床 砂积矿床 see styles |
shā jī kuàng chuáng sha1 ji1 kuang4 chuang2 sha chi k`uang ch`uang sha chi kuang chuang |
placer (alluvial deposit containing valuable metals) |
確率積分 see styles |
kakuritsusekibun かくりつせきぶん |
{math} stochastic integral |
稲積公園 see styles |
inazumikouen / inazumikoen いなづみこうえん |
(place-name) Inazumi Park |
稲積秀樹 see styles |
inazumihideki いなずみひでき |
(person) Inazumi Hideki (1965.9.11-) |
穂積ペペ see styles |
hozumipepe ほづみペペ |
(person) Hozumi Pepe (1958.4-) |
穂積八束 see styles |
hozumiyatsuka ほづみやつか |
(person) Hozumi Yatsuka (1860.3.17-1912.10.5) |
穂積塚本 see styles |
hozumitsukamoto ほづみつかもと |
(place-name) Hozumitsukamoto |
穂積大橋 see styles |
hozumioohashi ほずみおおはし |
(place-name) Hozumioohashi |
穂積神社 see styles |
hozumijinja ほづみじんじゃ |
(place-name) Hozumi Shrine |
穂積良行 see styles |
hozumiyoshiyuki ほづみよしゆき |
(person) Hozumi Yoshiyuki (1935.2.15-) |
穂積邦彦 see styles |
hozumikunihiko ほづみくにひこ |
(person) Hozumi Kunihiko |
穂積重行 see styles |
hozumishigeyuki ほづみしげゆき |
(person) Hozumi Shigeyuki |
穂積陳重 see styles |
hozuminobushige ほづみのぶしげ |
(person) Hozumi Nobushige (1856.8.11-1926.4.7) |
穂積隆信 see styles |
hozumitakanobu ほづみたかのぶ |
(person) Hozumi Takanobu (1931.7-) |
累積債務 see styles |
ruisekisaimu るいせきさいむ |
cumulative debt; debt accumulation |
累積劑量 累积剂量 see styles |
lěi jī jì liàng lei3 ji1 ji4 liang4 lei chi chi liang |
cumulative dose |
累積差率 see styles |
ruisekisaritsu るいせきさりつ |
{comp} cumulative remainder |
累積投票 see styles |
ruisekitouhyou / ruisekitohyo るいせきとうひょう |
cumulative voting |
累積損失 see styles |
ruisekisonshitsu るいせきそんしつ |
accumulated loss |
累積赤字 see styles |
ruisekiakaji るいせきあかじ |
accumulated deficit |
終年積雪 终年积雪 see styles |
zhōng nián jī xuě zhong1 nian2 ji1 xue3 chung nien chi hsüeh |
permanent snow cover |
経路積分 see styles |
keirosekibun / kerosekibun けいろせきぶん |
{physics} path integral |
胸積もり see styles |
munazumori むなづもり |
calculating in one's head |
腸重積症 see styles |
choujuusekishou / chojusekisho ちょうじゅうせきしょう |
{med} (See 腸重積) intussusception; indigitation; invagination |
腹積もり see styles |
harazumori はらづもり |
plan; intention |
處心積慮 处心积虑 see styles |
chǔ xīn jī lǜ chu3 xin1 ji1 lu:4 ch`u hsin chi lü chu hsin chi lü |
to plot actively (idiom); scheming; calculating |
西加積駅 see styles |
nishikazumieki にしかづみえき |
(st) Nishikazumi Station |
西穂積町 see styles |
nishihozumichou / nishihozumicho にしほづみちょう |
(place-name) Nishihozumichō |
見積もり see styles |
mitsumori みつもり |
estimate; estimation; valuation; quotation |
見積もる see styles |
mitsumoru みつもる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to estimate |
見積り書 see styles |
mitsumorisho みつもりしょ |
written estimate; quotation; quote |
見積価格 see styles |
mitsumorikakaku みつもりかかく |
quote; estimated price |
諸積兼司 see styles |
morozumikenji もろづみけんじ |
(person) Morozumi Kenji (1969.5-) |
資本蓄積 see styles |
shihonchikuseki しほんちくせき |
capital accumulation |
部分積分 see styles |
bubunsekibun ぶぶんせきぶん |
{math} integration by parts; partial integration |
降積もる see styles |
furitsumoru ふりつもる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to fall and pile up (e.g. snow); to lie thick |
陸地面積 see styles |
rikuchimenseki りくちめんせき |
land area (of a country, continent, etc.) |
集積回路 see styles |
shuusekikairo / shusekikairo しゅうせきかいろ |
{electr} integrated circuit; IC |
難問山積 see styles |
nanmonsanseki なんもんさんせき |
mountain (pile) of difficult problems |
霧積ダム see styles |
kirizumidamu きりずみダム |
(place-name) Kirizumi Dam |
霧積温泉 see styles |
kirizumionsen きりづみおんせん |
(place-name) Kirizumionsen |
面積速度 see styles |
mensekisokudo めんせきそくど |
areal velocity |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "積" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.