There are 868 total results for your 支 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
七身口七支 see styles |
qī shēn kǒu qī zhī qi1 shen1 kou3 qi1 zhi1 ch`i shen k`ou ch`i chih chi shen kou chi chih shichi shin ku shichi shi |
seven evil physical and verbal acts |
三十七覺支 三十七觉支 see styles |
sān shí qī jué zhī san1 shi2 qi1 jue2 zhi1 san shih ch`i chüeh chih san shih chi chüeh chih sanjūshichi kakushi |
thirty-seven factors of enlightenment |
上支湧別橋 see styles |
kamishiyuubetsubashi / kamishiyubetsubashi かみしゆうべつばし |
(place-name) Kamishiyūbetsubashi |
下値支持線 see styles |
shitaneshijisen したねしじせん |
{finc} (See 支持線・1) lower support level (esp. share prices); lower support line |
中央線支線 see styles |
chuuousenshisen / chuosenshisen ちゅうおうせんしせん |
(personal name) Chūōsenshisen |
九重年支子 see styles |
kokonoetoshiko ここのえとしこ |
(person) Kokonoe Toshiko |
仁頃支流川 see styles |
nikoroshiryuugawa / nikoroshiryugawa にころしりゅうがわ |
(place-name) Nikoroshiryūgawa |
先端支持力 see styles |
sentanshijiryoku せんたんしじりょく |
end bearing capacity |
八重山支庁 see styles |
yaeyamashichou / yaeyamashicho やえやましちょう |
(place-name) Yaeyama Subprefecture; Yaeyama subprefectural office |
具支堅用高 see styles |
gushikenyoukou / gushikenyoko ぐしけんようこう |
(person) Gushiken Yōkou |
内閣支持率 see styles |
naikakushijiritsu ないかくしじりつ |
cabinet approval rating |
再就職支援 see styles |
saishuushokushien / saishushokushien さいしゅうしょくしえん |
outplacement |
函館線支線 see styles |
hakodatesenshisen はこだてせんしせん |
(serv) Hakodate Line Branch Line; (serv) Hakodate Line Branch Line |
列支敦士登 see styles |
liè zhī dūn shì dēng lie4 zhi1 dun1 shi4 deng1 lieh chih tun shih teng |
More info & calligraphy: Liechtenstein |
列支敦斯登 see styles |
liè zhī dūn sī dēng lie4 zhi1 dun1 si1 deng1 lieh chih tun ssu teng |
Liechtenstein (Tw) |
利子支払い see styles |
rishishiharai りししはらい |
interest payment |
勇知川支流 see styles |
yuuchigawashiryuu / yuchigawashiryu ゆうちがわしりゅう |
(place-name) Yūchigawashiryū |
勇知支流川 see styles |
yuuchishiryuugawa / yuchishiryugawa ゆうちしりゅうがわ |
(place-name) Yūchishiryūgawa |
可支配收入 see styles |
kě zhī pèi shōu rù ke3 zhi1 pei4 shou1 ru4 k`o chih p`ei shou ju ko chih pei shou ju |
disposable income |
右支夏井川 see styles |
ushinatsuigawa うしなついがわ |
(place-name) Ushinatsuigawa |
呉拘置支所 see styles |
kurekouchisho / kurekochisho くれこうちしょ |
(place-name) Kure Detention Branch |
四肢支撐式 四肢支撑式 see styles |
sì zhī zhī chēng shì si4 zhi1 zhi1 cheng1 shi4 ssu chih chih ch`eng shih ssu chih chih cheng shih |
low plank (yoga pose) |
国民総支出 see styles |
kokuminsoushishutsu / kokuminsoshishutsu こくみんそうししゅつ |
gross national expenditure; GNE |
多奈川支線 see styles |
tanagawashisen たながわしせん |
(personal name) Tanagawashisen |
大関東支夫 see styles |
oozekitoshio おおぜきとしお |
(person) Oozeki Toshio |
天王寺支線 see styles |
tennoujishisen / tennojishisen てんのうじしせん |
(personal name) Tennoujishisen |
嫁入り支度 see styles |
yomeirijitaku / yomerijitaku よめいりじたく |
wedding preparations |
子育て支援 see styles |
kosodateshien こそだてしえん |
child-rearing assistance; support for young parents; child-care allowance |
岩内支線川 see styles |
iwanaishisengawa いわないしせんがわ |
(place-name) Iwanaishisengawa |
川内元支倉 see styles |
kawauchimotohasekura かわうちもとはせくら |
(place-name) Kawauchimotohasekura |
左支姉別川 see styles |
hidarishianebetsugawa ひだりしあねべつがわ |
(place-name) Hidarishianebetsugawa |
差し支える see styles |
sashitsukaeru さしつかえる |
(v1,vi) to interfere; to hinder; to become impeded |
差支え無い see styles |
sashitsukaenai さしつかえない |
(adjective) (having) no objection; allowable |
当縁川支流 see styles |
touberigawashiryuu / toberigawashiryu とうべりがわしりゅう |
(personal name) Touberigawashiryū |
成田線支線 see styles |
naritasenshisen なりたせんしせん |
(personal name) Naritasenshisen |
手を支える see styles |
teotsukaeru てをつかえる |
(exp,v1) to place both hands on the ground (to express respect, apology or to present a request) |
摩利支天山 see styles |
marishitenyama まりしてんやま |
(personal name) Marishiten'yama |
摩利支天岳 see styles |
marishitendake まりしてんだけ |
(place-name) Marishitendake |
擇法等覺支 择法等觉支 see styles |
zé fǎ děng jué zhī ze2 fa3 deng3 jue2 zhi1 tse fa teng chüeh chih chakuhō tōkaku shi |
branch of enlightenment of wisdom |
收支平衡點 收支平衡点 see styles |
shōu zhī píng héng diǎn shou1 zhi1 ping2 heng2 dian3 shou chih p`ing heng tien shou chih ping heng tien |
break-even point |
方南町支線 see styles |
hounanchoushisen / honanchoshisen ほうなんちょうしせん |
(personal name) Hounanchōshisen |
植民地支配 see styles |
shokuminchishihai しょくみんちしはい |
colonial rule |
毘尼多流支 see styles |
pí ní duō liú zhī pū pi2 ni2 duo1 liu2 zhi1 pu1 p`i ni to liu chih p`u pi ni to liu chih pu Binitarushiboku |
Vinītaruci |
気管支喘息 see styles |
kikanshizensoku きかんしぜんそく |
{med} bronchial asthma |
気管支肺炎 see styles |
kikanshihaien きかんしはいえん |
{med} bronchial pneumonia |
浜川崎支線 see styles |
hamakawasakishisen はまかわさきしせん |
(personal name) Hamakawasakishisen |
海芝浦支線 see styles |
umishibaurashisen うみしばうらしせん |
(personal name) Umishibaurashisen |
消費者支出 see styles |
shouhishashishutsu / shohishashishutsu しょうひしゃししゅつ |
consumer spending |
畢勒支底迦 毕勒支底迦 see styles |
bì lè zhī dǐ jiā bi4 le4 zhi1 di3 jia1 pi le chih ti chia hiroshichigya |
(畢勒支底迦佛); 畢支佛; 辟支佛; 鉢攞底迦佛 pratyeka(-buddha) . Cf. 辟. Singly, individually, one 'who lives in seclusion and obtains emancipation for himself only'. M. W. It is intp. as 獨覺 lonely (or alone) enlightenment, i.e. for self alone; also 緣覺 enlightened in the 十二因緣 twelve nidānas; or 圓覺 completely enlightened. i.e. for self. |
県圧内支庁 see styles |
kenshounaishichou / kenshonaishicho けんしょうないしちょう |
(place-name) Kenshōnaishichō |
突っ支い棒 see styles |
tsukkaibou / tsukkaibo つっかいぼう |
prop; support |
精進等覺支 精进等觉支 see styles |
jīng jìn děng jué zhī jing1 jin4 deng3 jue2 zhi1 ching chin teng chüeh chih shōjin tōkaku shi |
effort as a factor of enlightenment |
細支氣管炎 细支气管炎 see styles |
xì zhī qì guǎn yán xi4 zhi1 qi4 guan3 yan2 hsi chih ch`i kuan yen hsi chih chi kuan yen |
bronchiolitis |
細気管支炎 see styles |
saikikanshien さいきかんしえん |
{med} bronchiolitis |
経費支弁者 see styles |
keihishibensha / kehishibensha けいひしべんしゃ |
financial supporter (of a visa applicant); financial sponsor |
総武線支線 see styles |
soubusenshisen / sobusenshisen そうぶせんしせん |
(personal name) Soubusenshisen |
縫別川支流 see styles |
nuibetsugawashiryuu / nuibetsugawashiryu ぬいべつがわしりゅう |
(place-name) Nuibetsugawashiryū |
聲聞辟支佛 声闻辟支佛 see styles |
shēng wén bì zhī fó sheng1 wen2 bi4 zhi1 fo2 sheng wen pi chih fo shōmon byakushibutsu |
direct disciples and solitary realizers |
葛登支灯台 see styles |
kattoshitoudai / kattoshitodai かっとしとうだい |
(place-name) Kattoshitoudai |
表見支配人 see styles |
hyoukenshihainin / hyokenshihainin ひょうけんしはいにん |
{bus;law} apparent manager; office chief of the business |
被災者支援 see styles |
hisaishashien ひさいしゃしえん |
disaster relief; monetary assistance to disaster victims |
要素支払い see styles |
yousoshiharai / yososhiharai ようそしはらい |
factor payment |
貿易外収支 see styles |
bouekigaishuushi / boekigaishushi ぼうえきがいしゅうし |
invisible trade balance |
跋陀羅樓支 跋陀罗楼支 see styles |
bá tuó luó lóu zhī ba2 tuo2 luo2 lou2 zhi1 pa t`o lo lou chih pa to lo lou chih Badararōshi |
Bhadraruci, v. 跋羅縷支. |
辟支迦佛陀 see styles |
bì zhī jiā fó tuó bi4 zhi1 jia1 fo2 tuo2 pi chih chia fo t`o pi chih chia fo to byakushikabudda |
pratyekabuddha |
長崎線支線 see styles |
nagasakisenshisen ながさきせんしせん |
(personal name) Nagasakisenshisen |
隠れ切支丹 see styles |
kakurekirishitan かくれキリシタン |
(ateji / phonetic) clandestine Christian (during the Tokugawa period); secret Christian |
電子支払い see styles |
denshishiharai でんししはらい |
electronic payment |
高師浜支線 see styles |
takashinohamashisen たかしのはましせん |
(personal name) Takashinohamashisen |
鶴見線支線 see styles |
tsurumisenshisen つるみせんしせん |
(personal name) Tsurumisenshisen |
黒崎比差支 see styles |
kurosakihisashi くろさきひさし |
(person) Kurosaki Hisashi |
支払いを拒む see styles |
shiharaiokobamu しはらいをこばむ |
(exp,v5m) to decline to pay; to refuse payment |
支払いサイト see styles |
shiharaisaito しはらいサイト |
(See サイト) payment period; term of payment |
支払い手続き see styles |
shiharaitetsuzuki しはらいてつづき |
payment arrangements or procedures |
支払い準備率 see styles |
shiharaijunbiritsu しはらいじゅんびりつ |
reserve ratio; reserve rate |
支援グループ see styles |
shienguruupu / shiengurupu しえんグループ |
support group |
支笏トンネル see styles |
shikotsutonneru しこつトンネル |
(place-name) Shikotsu Tunnel |
支那薄色海豚 see styles |
shinausuiroiruka; shinausuiroiruka しなうすいろいるか; シナウスイロイルカ |
(kana only) Chinese white dolphin (Sousa chinensis chinensis) |
支那連ぎょう see styles |
shinarengyou / shinarengyo しなれんぎょう |
(kana only) Chinese golden bells; Forsythia Vahl |
支障をきたす see styles |
shishouokitasu / shishookitasu ししょうをきたす |
(exp,v5s) to hinder; to obstruct; to disrupt; to interfere with; to cause a delay |
支障を来たす see styles |
shishouokitasu / shishookitasu ししょうをきたす |
(exp,v5s) to hinder; to obstruct; to disrupt; to interfere with; to cause a delay |
システム支援 see styles |
shisutemushien システムしえん |
{comp} system support; system aids |
テロ支援国家 see styles |
teroshienkokka テロしえんこっか |
state sponsor of terrorism; state that sponsors or supports terrorism |
ボール支配率 see styles |
boorushihairitsu ボールしはいりつ |
{sports} ball possession |
一宮拘置支所 see styles |
ichinomiyakouchishisho / ichinomiyakochishisho いちのみやこうちししょ |
(place-name) Ichinomiya Detention Branch |
一家を支える see styles |
ikkaosasaeru いっかをささえる |
(exp,v1) to support one family |
中央本線支線 see styles |
chuuouhonsenshisen / chuohonsenshisen ちゅうおうほんせんしせん |
(personal name) Chūōhonsenshisen |
伊野川支流川 see styles |
inogawashiryuugawa / inogawashiryugawa いのがわしりゅうがわ |
(place-name) Inogawashiryūgawa |
公益事業支局 see styles |
kouekijigyoushikyoku / koekijigyoshikyoku こうえきじぎょうしきょく |
(o) Branch of Public Utilities |
函館本線支線 see styles |
hakodatehonsenshisen はこだてほんせんしせん |
(personal name) Hakodatehonsenshisen |
力丸十二支苑 see styles |
rikimarujuunishien / rikimarujunishien りきまるじゅうにしえん |
(place-name) Rikimarujuunishien |
南海加太支線 see styles |
nankaikadashisen なんかいかだしせん |
(place-name) Nankaikadashisen |
印度支那半島 印度支那半岛 see styles |
yìn dù zhī nà bàn dǎo yin4 du4 zhi1 na4 ban4 dao3 yin tu chih na pan tao indoshinahantou / indoshinahanto インドシナはんとう |
Indochina (old term, esp. colonial period); now written 中南半島|中南半岛[Zhong1 nan2 Ban4 dao3] (place-name) Indochina (peninsula) |
原山支石墓群 see styles |
harayamashisekibogun はらやましせきぼぐん |
(place-name) Harayamashisekibogun |
吉利支丹墓碑 see styles |
kirishitanbohi きりしたんぼひ |
(place-name) Kirishitanbohi |
和歌山港支線 see styles |
wakayamakoushisen / wakayamakoshisen わかやまこうしせん |
(personal name) Wakayamakoushisen |
多種語言支持 多种语言支持 see styles |
duō zhǒng yǔ yán zhī chí duo1 zhong3 yu3 yan2 zhi1 chi2 to chung yü yen chih ch`ih to chung yü yen chih chih |
multilingual support |
宇津内川支流 see styles |
utsunaigawashiryuu / utsunaigawashiryu うつないがわしりゅう |
(place-name) Utsunaigawashiryū |
安足間川支川 see styles |
antaromagawashisen あんたろまがわしせん |
(place-name) Antaromagawashisen |
小野田線支線 see styles |
onodasenshisen おのだせんしせん |
(personal name) Onodasenshisen |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "支" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.