There are 659 total results for your 宅 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
Variations: |
takunomi たくのみ |
(slang) (See 家飲み) drinking at home (as opposed to going out) |
宅配便ロッカー see styles |
takuhaibinrokkaa / takuhaibinrokka たくはいびんロッカー |
parcel locker |
Variations: |
atakebune あたけぶね |
large warship of the Muromachi and early Edo periods |
みなし仮設住宅 see styles |
minashikasetsujuutaku / minashikasetsujutaku みなしかせつじゅうたく |
(exp,n) post-disaster public-funded rental accommodation |
住宅バブル崩壊 see styles |
juutakubaburuhoukai / jutakubaburuhokai じゅうたくバブルほうかい |
collapse of the housing bubble |
住宅ローン減税 see styles |
juutakuroongenzei / jutakuroongenze じゅうたくローンげんぜい |
tax deduction on housing loans |
佐久良東雄旧宅 see styles |
sakuraazumaokyuutaku / sakurazumaokyutaku さくらあずまおきゅうたく |
(place-name) Sakura Azumao (former residence) |
加入者宅内装置 see styles |
kanyuushatakunaisouchi / kanyushatakunaisochi かにゅうしゃたくないそうち |
{comp} customer premises equipment; CPE |
安宅坂トンネル see styles |
atagizakatonneru あたぎざかトンネル |
(place-name) Atagizaka Tunnel |
安宅陀羅尼呪經 安宅陀罗尼呪经 see styles |
ān zhái tuó luó ní zhòu jīng an1 zhai2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 zhou4 jing1 an chai t`o lo ni chou ching an chai to lo ni chou ching Antaku daraniju kyō |
Anzhai tuoluonizhou jing |
櫟本四之坪住宅 see styles |
ichinomotoyonnotsubojuutaku / ichinomotoyonnotsubojutaku いちのもとよんのつぼじゅうたく |
(place-name) Ichinomotoyonnotsubojuutaku |
武市半平太旧宅 see styles |
takeichihanpeitakyuutaku / takechihanpetakyutaku たけいちはんぺいたきゅうたく |
(place-name) Takeichihanpeita (former residence) |
民間宅地指導室 see styles |
minkantakuchishidoushitsu / minkantakuchishidoshitsu みんかんたくちしどうしつ |
(org) Private Sector Building Land Development Office; (o) Private Sector Building Land Development Office |
米軍相模原住宅 see styles |
beigunsagamiharajuutaku / begunsagamiharajutaku べいぐんさがみはらじゅうたく |
(place-name) Beigunsagamiharajuutaku |
自宅マンション see styles |
jitakumanshon じたくマンション |
(See マンション) one's own apartment |
見做し仮設住宅 see styles |
minashikasetsujuutaku / minashikasetsujutaku みなしかせつじゅうたく |
(exp,n) post-disaster public-funded rental accommodation |
高塚新市営住宅 see styles |
takatsukashinshieijuutaku / takatsukashinshiejutaku たかつかしんしえいじゅうたく |
(place-name) Takatsukashinshieijuutaku |
Variations: |
otaku おたく |
(1) (honorific or respectful language) your house; your home; your family; (2) (honorific or respectful language) your husband; (3) (honorific or respectful language) your organization; (pronoun) (4) (honorific or respectful language) (referring to someone of equal status with whom one is not especially close) you |
Variations: |
teitaku / tetaku ていたく |
mansion; residence |
住宅完成保証制度 see styles |
juutakukanseihoshouseido / jutakukansehoshosedo じゅうたくかんせいほしょうせいど |
housing completion guarantee system |
住宅用火災警報器 see styles |
juutakuyoukasaikeihouki / jutakuyokasaikehoki じゅうたくようかさいけいほうき |
(See 火災警報器・かさいけいほうき) smoke detector (residential); smoke alarm |
住宅都市整備公団 see styles |
juutakutoshiseibikoudan / jutakutoshisebikodan じゅうたくとしせいびこうだん |
(org) Housing and Urban Development Corporation; (o) Housing and Urban Development Corporation |
住宅金融支援機構 see styles |
juutakukinyuushienkikou / jutakukinyushienkiko じゅうたくきんゆうしえんきこう |
Japan Housing Finance Agency |
全米住宅産業協会 see styles |
zenbeijuutakusangyoukyoukai / zenbejutakusangyokyokai ぜんべいじゅうたくさんぎょうきょうかい |
(org) National Association of Home Builders; (o) National Association of Home Builders |
国際住宅計画連合 see styles |
kokusaijuutakukeikakurengou / kokusaijutakukekakurengo こくさいじゅうたくけいかくれんごう |
(o) International Federation for Housing and Planning |
岩倉具視幽棲旧宅 see styles |
iwakuratomomiyuuseikyuutaku / iwakuratomomiyusekyutaku いわくらともみゆうせいきゅうたく |
(place-name) Iwakura Tomomi (former secluded residence) |
政府住宅抵当金庫 see styles |
seifujuutakuteitoukinko / sefujutakutetokinko せいふじゅうたくていとうきんこ |
(o) Government National Mortgage Association; GNMA |
新規住宅着工件数 see styles |
shinkijuutakuchakkoukensuu / shinkijutakuchakkokensu しんきじゅうたくちゃっこうけんすう |
housing starts |
特定優良賃貸住宅 see styles |
tokuteiyuuryouchintaijuutaku / tokuteyuryochintaijutaku とくていゆうりょうちんたいじゅうたく |
government-subsidized high-quality rental apartment |
緒方洪庵旧宅及塾 see styles |
ogatakouankyuutakunojuku / ogatakoankyutakunojuku おがたこうあんきゅうたくのじゅく |
(place-name) Ogatakouankyūtakunojuku |
連邦住宅金融銀行 see styles |
renpoujuutakukinyuuginkou / renpojutakukinyuginko れんぽうじゅうたくきんゆうぎんこう |
(o) Federal Home Loan Bank |
宅地建物取引主任者 see styles |
takuchitatemonotorihikishuninsha たくちたてものとりひきしゅにんしゃ |
registered real-estate broker |
うぐいす台住宅団地 see styles |
uguisudaijuutakudanchi / uguisudaijutakudanchi うぐいすだいじゅうたくだんち |
(place-name) Uguisudaijuutakudanchi |
ナショナル住宅工場 see styles |
nashonarujuutakukoujou / nashonarujutakukojo ナショナルじゅうたくこうじょう |
(place-name) Nashonarujuutaku Factory |
住宅ローン担保証券 see styles |
juutakuroontanposhouken / jutakuroontanposhoken じゅうたくローンたんぽしょうけん |
residential mortgage-backed security |
住宅都市農村建設部 see styles |
juutakutoshinousonkensetsubu / jutakutoshinosonkensetsubu じゅうたくとしのうそんけんせつぶ |
(o) Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (China) |
佐伯区五日市町三宅 see styles |
saekikuitsukaichichoumiyake / saekikuitsukaichichomiyake さえきくいつかいちちょうみやけ |
(place-name) Saekikuitsukaichichōmiyake |
吉田松陰幽囚の旧宅 see styles |
yoshidashouinyuushuunokyuutaku / yoshidashoinyushunokyutaku よしだしょういんゆうしゅうのきゅうたく |
(place-name) Yoshida Shouin (former residence in exile) |
旧藤山家住宅日本家 see styles |
kyuufujiyamakejuutakunihonya / kyufujiyamakejutakunihonya きゅうふじやまけじゅうたくにほんや |
(place-name) Kyūfujiyamakejuutakunihonya |
宅地造成工事規制区域 see styles |
takuchizouseikoujikiseikuiki / takuchizosekojikisekuiki たくちぞうせいこうじきせいくいき |
{law} housing land development construction regulated area; zoning area where residential land development is restricted in order to prevent land- and mudslides and requires approval from the prefectural governor |
全国高齢住宅産業協会 see styles |
zenkokukoureijuutakusangyoukyoukai / zenkokukorejutakusangyokyokai ぜんこくこうれいじゅうたくさんぎょうきょうかい |
(o) National Association of Senior Living Industries |
連邦住宅貸付銀行制度 see styles |
renpoujuutakukashitsukeginkouseido / renpojutakukashitsukeginkosedo れんぽうじゅうたくかしつけぎんこうせいど |
(o) Federal Home Loan Bank System |
Variations: |
nisetaijuutaku / nisetaijutaku にせたいじゅうたく |
two-family house; house for a two-generation family |
Variations: |
sansetaijuutaku / sansetaijutaku さんせたいじゅうたく |
three-family house |
主人在宅ストレス症候群 see styles |
shujinzaitakusutoresushoukougun / shujinzaitakusutoresushokogun しゅじんざいたくストレスしょうこうぐん |
{med} retired husband syndrome; stress syndrome resulting from one's husband being at home |
廉塾ならびに菅茶山旧宅 see styles |
renjukunarabinikanchazankyuutaku / renjukunarabinikanchazankyutaku れんじゅくならびにかんちゃざんきゅうたく |
(place-name) Renjukunarabinikanchazan (former residence) |
高山彦九郎宅跡附遺髪塚 see styles |
takayamahikokuroutakuato / takayamahikokurotakuato たかやまひこくろうたくあと |
(place-name) Takayamahikokuroutakuato |
Variations: |
takuhaibokkusu たくはいボックス |
home delivery box; delivery box |
Variations: |
otaku おたく |
(1) (honorific or respectful language) your house; your home; your family; (2) (honorific or respectful language) your husband; (3) (honorific or respectful language) your organization; (pronoun) (4) (honorific or respectful language) (referring to someone of equal status with whom one is not especially close) you |
Variations: |
teitaku / tetaku ていたく |
(large) house; residence; mansion |
Variations: |
tenpotsukijuutaku / tenpotsukijutaku てんぽつきじゅうたく |
house with an attached shop |
連邦住宅貸付抵当金融会社 see styles |
renpoujuutakukashitsuketeitoukinyuukaisha / renpojutakukashitsuketetokinyukaisha れんぽうじゅうたくかしつけていとうきんゆうかいしゃ |
(o) Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
サービス付き高齢者向け住宅 see styles |
saabisutsukikoureishamukejuutaku / sabisutsukikoreshamukejutaku サービスつきこうれいしゃむけじゅうたく |
(exp,n) housing for the elderly with home-care services provided |
Variations: |
juutakumeekaa / jutakumeeka じゅうたくメーカー |
(See ハウスメーカー) home builder (esp. a large nationwide company) |
Variations: |
kenchikujoukentsukitakuchi / kenchikujokentsukitakuchi けんちくじょうけんつきたくち |
(See 建築条件付き土地) plot of land for sale under the condition that a specific building firm will be contracted to build a house on said plot |
米軍池子住宅地区及び海軍補助施設 see styles |
beigunikegojuutakuchikuoyobikaigunhojoshisetsu / begunikegojutakuchikuoyobikaigunhojoshisetsu べいぐんいけごじゅうたくちくおよびかいぐんほじょしせつ |
(place-name) Beigun'ikegojuutakuchikuoyobikaigunhojoshisetsu |
Variations: |
tateurijuutaku / tateurijutaku たてうりじゅうたく |
ready-built house; built-for-sale house |
Variations: |
kumitatejuutaku / kumitatejutaku くみたてじゅうたく |
prefabricated housing |
Variations: |
minashikasetsujuutaku / minashikasetsujutaku みなしかせつじゅうたく |
post-disaster public-funded rental accommodation |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 59 results for "宅" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.