There are 10754 total results for your 木 search. I have created 108 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...6061626364656667686970...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
木枯らし see styles |
kogarashi こがらし |
cold wintry wind |
木根宿沢 see styles |
kinejukuzawa きねじゅくざわ |
(place-name) Kinejukuzawa |
木根尚登 see styles |
kinenaoto きねなおと |
(person) Kine Naoto (1957.9.26-) |
木根川橋 see styles |
kinegawabashi きねがわばし |
(place-name) Kinegawabashi |
木梨憲武 see styles |
kinashinoritake きなしのりたけ |
(person) Kinashi Noritake (1962.3-) |
木梨鷹一 see styles |
kinashitakaichi きなしたかいち |
(person) Kinashi Takaichi (?-1944.7.26) |
木森敏之 see styles |
kimoritoshiyuki きもりとしゆき |
(person) Kimori Toshiyuki (1947.7.24-1988.4.11) |
木次大橋 see styles |
kisukioohashi きすきおおはし |
(place-name) Kisukioohashi |
木沢則子 see styles |
kizawanoriko きざわのりこ |
(person) Kizawa Noriko (1955.5-) |
木沢尻川 see styles |
kizawajirigawa きざわじりがわ |
(place-name) Kizawajirigawa |
木津原地 see styles |
kizuharachi きづはらち |
(place-name) Kizuharachi |
木津大原 see styles |
kizuoohara きづおおはら |
(place-name) Kizuoohara |
木津大橋 see styles |
kizuoohashi きづおおはし |
(place-name) Kizuoohashi |
木津屋町 see styles |
kizuyachou / kizuyacho きづやちょう |
(place-name) Kizuyachō |
木津山町 see styles |
kizuyamachou / kizuyamacho きずやまちょう |
(place-name) Kizuyamachō |
木津川台 see styles |
kizugawadai きづがわだい |
(place-name) Kizugawadai |
木津川渡 see styles |
kizugawawatashi きづがわわたし |
(place-name) Kizugawawatashi |
木津川計 see styles |
kizugawakei / kizugawake きづがわけい |
(person) Kizu Gawakei |
木津川駅 see styles |
kizugawaeki きづがわえき |
(st) Kizugawa Station |
木津志東 see styles |
kizushihigashi きづしひがし |
(place-name) Kizushihigashi |
木津根町 see styles |
kizunechou / kizunecho きづねちょう |
(place-name) Kizunechō |
木津用水 see styles |
kotsuyousui / kotsuyosui こつようすい |
(personal name) Kotsuyousui |
木洩れ日 see styles |
komorebi こもれび |
(out-dated kanji) sunlight filtering through trees |
木洩れ陽 see styles |
komorebi こもれび |
(out-dated kanji) sunlight filtering through trees |
木浦原免 see styles |
kiurabarumen きうらばるめん |
(place-name) Kiurabarumen |
木浦鉱山 see styles |
kiurakouzan / kiurakozan きうらこうざん |
(place-name) Kiurakouzan |
木滑良久 see styles |
kinameriyoshihisa きなめりよしひさ |
(person) Kinameri Yoshihisa (1930.2.22-) |
木漏れ日 see styles |
komorebi こもれび |
sunlight filtering through trees |
木漏れ陽 see styles |
komorebi こもれび |
sunlight filtering through trees |
木澤正徳 see styles |
kizawamasanori きざわまさのり |
(person) Kizawa Masanori (1969.6.2-) |
木瀬浩平 see styles |
kisekouhei / kisekohe きせこうへい |
(person) Kise Kōhei |
木瀬照雄 see styles |
kiseteruo きせてるお |
(person) Kise Teruo (1947.4.29-) |
木瀬貴吉 see styles |
kisetakayoshi きせたかよし |
(person) Kise Takayoshi |
木版刷り see styles |
mokuhanzuri もくはんずり |
block printing |
木版印刷 see styles |
mokuhaninsatsu もくはんいんさつ |
woodblock printing |
木版画家 see styles |
mokuhangaka もくはんがか |
woodblock artist; woodblock printmaker |
木瓜原町 see styles |
bokeharachou / bokeharacho ぼけはらちょう |
(place-name) Bokeharachō |
木生シダ see styles |
mokuseishida / mokuseshida もくせいシダ |
tree fern |
木生羊歯 see styles |
mokuseishida / mokuseshida もくせいしだ |
tree fern |
木田優夫 see styles |
kidamasao きだまさお |
(person) Kida Masao (1968.9-) |
木田元宮 see styles |
kidamotomiya きだもとみや |
(place-name) Kidamotomiya |
木田南部 see styles |
kidananbu きだなんぶ |
(place-name) Kidananbu |
木田厚瑞 see styles |
kidakouzui / kidakozui きだこうずい |
(person) Kida Kōzui |
木田安彦 see styles |
kidayasuhiko きだやすひこ |
(person) Kida Yasuhiko |
木田新田 see styles |
kidashinden きだしんでん |
(place-name) Kidashinden |
木田東部 see styles |
kidatoubu / kidatobu きだとうぶ |
(place-name) Kidatoubu |
木田西部 see styles |
kidaseibu / kidasebu きだせいぶ |
(place-name) Kidaseibu |
木田雅之 see styles |
kidamasayuki きだまさゆき |
(person) Kida Masayuki (1947.9-) |
木田高介 see styles |
kidatakasuke きだたかすけ |
(person) Kida Takasuke (1949.1.8-1980.5.18) |
木畑洋一 see styles |
kihatayouichi / kihatayoichi きはたよういち |
(person) Kihata Yōichi |
木発堂山 see styles |
kippattouyama / kippattoyama きっぱっとうやま |
(personal name) Kippattouyama |
木登り魚 see styles |
kinoboriuo きのぼりうお |
(kana only) climbing perch (esp. of genus Anabas) |
木登蜥蜴 see styles |
kinoboritokage きのぼりとかげ |
(kana only) Ryukyu tree lizard (Japalura polygonata) |
木盡灰飛 木尽灰飞 see styles |
mù jìn huī fēi mu4 jin4 hui1 fei1 mu chin hui fei mokujin kaihi |
fuel consumed, ashes scattered |
木目の滝 see styles |
mokumenotaki もくめのたき |
(place-name) Mokume Falls |
木目塗り see styles |
mokumenuri もくめぬり |
graining (lacquering technique) |
木目細か see styles |
kimegomaka きめごまか kimekomaka きめこまか |
(adjectival noun) (1) smooth; (2) meticulous; painstaking; detailed |
木目込み see styles |
kimekomi きめこみ |
(1) (abbreviation) wooden dolls; (2) type of theatrical makeup; (3) type of artwork using paper, cloth and paste |
木目込雛 see styles |
kimekomibina きめこみびな |
(See 木目込人形) kimekomi doll |
木知原駅 see styles |
kochiboraeki こちぼらえき |
(st) Kochibora Station |
木積もり see styles |
kizumori きづもり |
person who estimates the variety and quantity of wood necessary to build a house from looking at the plans |
木立玲子 see styles |
kidachireiko / kidachireko きだちれいこ |
(person) Kidachi Reiko |
木立薄荷 see styles |
kidachihakka; kidachihakka きだちはっか; キダチハッカ |
(kana only) summer savory (Satureja hortensis) |
木端天狗 see styles |
koppatengu こっぱてんぐ |
(See 木の葉天狗・このはてんぐ) weak tengu (goblin) |
木端役人 see styles |
koppayakunin こっぱやくにん |
(yoji) petty (minor) official (derogatory term) |
木端微塵 see styles |
koppamijin こっぱみじん |
(noun/participle) (kana only) broken into small fragments; smashed to atoms; fragments and splinters; smithereens |
木管楽器 see styles |
mokkangakki もっかんがっき |
woodwind instrument |
木管樂器 木管乐器 see styles |
mù guǎn yuè qì mu4 guan3 yue4 qi4 mu kuan yüeh ch`i mu kuan yüeh chi |
woodwind instrument |
木綿葉橋 see styles |
yuubabashi / yubabashi ゆうばばし |
(place-name) Yūbabashi |
木綿豆腐 see styles |
momendoufu / momendofu もめんどうふ |
firm tofu |
木綿越池 see styles |
momengoeike / momengoeke もめんごえいけ |
(place-name) Momengoeike |
木綿麻山 see styles |
yuumayama / yumayama ゆうまやま |
(place-name) Yūmayama |
木育広場 see styles |
mokuikuhiroba もくいくひろば |
(See 木育) wooden indoor play area |
木能津川 see styles |
kinouzugawa / kinozugawa きのうづがわ |
(place-name) Kinouzugawa |
木興拓哉 see styles |
kikoutakuya / kikotakuya きこうたくや |
(person) Kikou Takuya |
木舩香織 see styles |
kibunekaori きぶねかおり |
(person) Kibune Kaori (1979.4.20-) |
木落牧場 see styles |
kiotoshibokujou / kiotoshibokujo きおとしぼくじょう |
(place-name) Kiotoshibokujō |
木葉下町 see styles |
abotsukechou / abotsukecho あぼつけちょう |
(place-name) Abotsukechō |
木葉微塵 see styles |
koppamijin こっぱみじん |
(noun/participle) (kana only) broken into small fragments; smashed to atoms; fragments and splinters; smithereens |
木葉田山 see styles |
kobatayama こばたやま |
(place-name) Kobatayama |
木薯澱粉 木薯淀粉 see styles |
mù shǔ diàn fěn mu4 shu3 dian4 fen3 mu shu tien fen |
tapioca |
木藤亜也 see styles |
kitouaya / kitoaya きとうあや |
(person) Kitou Aya |
木藤潮香 see styles |
kitoushioka / kitoshioka きとうしおか |
(person) Kitou Shioka |
木藤繁夫 see styles |
kifujishigeo きふじしげお |
(person) Kifuji Shigeo |
木藤隆行 see styles |
kifujitakayuki きふじたかゆき |
(person) Kifuji Takayuki (1957.2.7-) |
木訥寡言 木讷寡言 see styles |
mù ne guǎ yán mu4 ne4 gua3 yan2 mu ne kua yen |
honest and unaffected but not talkative (idiom) |
木訥老人 木讷老人 see styles |
mù ne lǎo rén mu4 ne4 lao3 ren2 mu ne lao jen |
ungraduated ruler; straight edge |
木谷健一 see styles |
kitanikenichi きたにけんいち |
(person) Kitani Ken'ichi |
木谷公亮 see styles |
kitanikousuke / kitanikosuke きたにこうすけ |
(person) Kitani Kōsuke (1978.10.9-) |
木谷内川 see styles |
kiyauchigawa きやうちがわ |
(place-name) Kiyauchigawa |
木谷内沢 see styles |
kiyanaizawa きやないざわ |
(place-name) Kiyanaizawa |
木谷寿巳 see styles |
kitanihisashi きたにひさし |
(person) Kitani Hisashi |
木谷恭介 see styles |
kotanikyousuke / kotanikyosuke こたにきょうすけ |
(person) Kotani Kyōsuke |
木谷美紀 see styles |
kitanimiki きたにみき |
(person) Kitani Miki |
木賀本郷 see styles |
kigahongou / kigahongo きがほんごう |
(place-name) Kigahongou |
木賀東町 see styles |
kigahigashichou / kigahigashicho きがひがしちょう |
(place-name) Kigahigashichō |
木賀町杉 see styles |
kigachousugi / kigachosugi きがちょうすぎ |
(place-name) Kigachōsugi |
木賊山町 see styles |
tokusayamachou / tokusayamacho とくさやまちょう |
(place-name) Tokusayamachō |
木賊葺き see styles |
tokusabuki とくさぶき |
shingling with thin cedar or cypress shingles; roof shingled in such a manner (usu. at temples, shrines, etc.) |
木賊隧道 see styles |
tokusazuidou / tokusazuido とくさずいどう |
(place-name) Tokusazuidō |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "木" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.