There are 1129 total results for your 術 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
農業技術 see styles |
nougyougijutsu / nogyogijutsu のうぎょうぎじゅつ |
agricultural technology; farming techniques |
近代美術 see styles |
kindaibijutsu きんだいびじゅつ |
(See 現代美術・げんだいびじゅつ) modern art |
近代芸術 see styles |
kindaigeijutsu / kindaigejutsu きんだいげいじゅつ |
(See 近代美術) modern art |
通信技術 通信技术 see styles |
tōng xìn jì shù tong1 xin4 ji4 shu4 t`ung hsin chi shu tung hsin chi shu tsuushingijutsu / tsushingijutsu つうしんぎじゅつ |
communications technology communication technology; communications technology |
造型藝術 造型艺术 see styles |
zào xíng yì shù zao4 xing2 yi4 shu4 tsao hsing i shu |
visual arts |
造形美術 see styles |
zoukeibijutsu / zokebijutsu ぞうけいびじゅつ |
the plastic arts |
造本技術 see styles |
zouhongijutsu / zohongijutsu ぞうほんぎじゅつ |
art of bookbinding (bookmaking) |
運転技術 see styles |
untengijutsu うんてんぎじゅつ |
driving skill; one's skill as a driver |
適正技術 see styles |
tekiseigijutsu / tekisegijutsu てきせいぎじゅつ |
appropriate technology |
避妊手術 see styles |
hininshujutsu ひにんしゅじゅつ |
surgical sterilization; contraceptive operation |
錬金術師 see styles |
renkinjutsushi れんきんじゅつし |
alchemist |
開腹手術 see styles |
kaifukushujutsu かいふくしゅじゅつ |
laparotomy (abdominal surgery) |
開頭手術 see styles |
kaitoushujutsu / kaitoshujutsu かいとうしゅじゅつ |
{surg} craniotomy |
関連技術 see styles |
kanrengijutsu かんれんぎじゅつ |
{comp} related technology |
隆乳手術 隆乳手术 see styles |
lóng rǔ shǒu shù long2 ru3 shou3 shu4 lung ju shou shu |
breast enlargement operation; boob job |
障害馬術 see styles |
shougaibajutsu / shogaibajutsu しょうがいばじゅつ |
(See 障害飛越) show jumping (equestrian event) |
非芸術的 see styles |
higeijutsuteki / higejutsuteki ひげいじゅつてき |
(adjectival noun) inartistic |
類感呪術 see styles |
ruikanjujutsu るいかんじゅじゅつ |
(See 共感呪術・きょうかんじゅじゅつ) sympathetic magic; homeopathic magic; imitative magic |
馬場馬術 see styles |
bababajutsu ばばばじゅつ |
dressage |
馬術競技 see styles |
bajutsukyougi / bajutsukyogi ばじゅつきょうぎ |
equestrian event |
高度技術 see styles |
koudogijutsu / kodogijutsu こうどぎじゅつ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) {comp} high-tech; high-technology |
高新技術 高新技术 see styles |
gāo xīn jì shù gao1 xin1 ji4 shu4 kao hsin chi shu |
high tech; high technology |
魔術方塊 魔术方块 see styles |
mó shù fāng kuài mo2 shu4 fang1 kuai4 mo shu fang k`uai mo shu fang kuai |
Rubik's cube; magic cube |
齊民要術 齐民要术 see styles |
qí mín yào shù qi2 min2 yao4 shu4 ch`i min yao shu chi min yao shu |
Essential skill to benefit the people, sixth century encyclopedia of agricultural knowledge by Jia Sixie 賈思勰|贾思勰[Jia3 Si1 xie2] |
術を授ける see styles |
jutsuosazukeru じゅつをさずける |
(exp,v1) to teach tricks to |
Variations: |
taijutsu たいじゅつ |
classical form of martial art |
Variations: |
shinjutsu しんじゅつ |
acupuncture |
ギメ美術館 see styles |
gimebijutsukan ギメびじゅつかん |
(place-name) Muse'e du Guimet |
サラミ戦術 see styles |
saramisenjutsu サラミせんじゅつ |
(rare) salami tactics (divide and conquer process of threats and alliances used to overcome opposition) |
バイオ技術 see styles |
baiogijutsu バイオぎじゅつ |
biotechnology |
三甲美術館 see styles |
sankoubijutsukan / sankobijutsukan さんこうびじゅつかん |
(org) Sanko Museum; (o) Sanko Museum |
下げ緒七術 see styles |
sageonanajutsu さげおななじゅつ |
seven techniques using a ninja sword |
世良美術館 see styles |
serabijutsukan せらびじゅつかん |
(org) Sera Museum of Art; (o) Sera Museum of Art |
中國美術館 中国美术馆 see styles |
zhōng guó měi shù guǎn zhong1 guo2 mei3 shu4 guan3 chung kuo mei shu kuan |
National Art Museum of China |
丸木美術館 see styles |
marukibijutsukan まるきびじゅつかん |
(place-name) Maruki Art Museum |
久万美術館 see styles |
kumabijutsukan くまびじゅつかん |
(place-name) Kuma Museum of Art |
乳房切除術 see styles |
nyuubousetsujojutsu / nyubosetsujojutsu にゅうぼうせつじょじゅつ |
mastectomy |
五島美術館 see styles |
gotoubijutsukan / gotobijutsukan ごとうびじゅつかん |
(org) The Gotoh Museum; (o) The Gotoh Museum |
保科美術館 see styles |
hoshinabijutsukan ほしなびじゅつかん |
(org) Hoshina Art Museum; (o) Hoshina Art Museum |
健馱羅美術 健驮罗美术 see styles |
jiàn tuó luó měi shù jian4 tuo2 luo2 mei3 shu4 chien t`o lo mei shu chien to lo mei shu Kendara bijutsu |
Gandhāra art |
光通信技術 see styles |
hikaritsuushingijutsu / hikaritsushingijutsu ひかりつうしんぎじゅつ |
photonic technology |
内視鏡手術 see styles |
naishikyoushujutsu / naishikyoshujutsu ないしきょうしゅじゅつ |
endoscopic surgery; keyhole surgery |
出光美術館 see styles |
idemitsubijutsukan いでみつびじゅつかん |
(org) Idemitsu Museum of Arts; (o) Idemitsu Museum of Arts |
剖宮產手術 剖宫产手术 see styles |
pōu gōng chǎn shǒu shù pou1 gong1 chan3 shou3 shu4 p`ou kung ch`an shou shu pou kung chan shou shu |
cesarean section |
剖腹產手術 剖腹产手术 see styles |
pōu fù chǎn shǒu shù pou1 fu4 chan3 shou3 shu4 p`ou fu ch`an shou shu pou fu chan shou shu |
cesarean section |
包皮環切術 包皮环切术 see styles |
bāo pí huán qiē shù bao1 pi2 huan2 qie1 shu4 pao p`i huan ch`ieh shu pao pi huan chieh shu |
circumcision |
医学技術士 see styles |
igakugijutsushi いがくぎじゅつし |
medical technician |
医療技術者 see styles |
iryougijutsusha / iryogijutsusha いりょうぎじゅつしゃ |
medical technician |
印象派美術 see styles |
inshouhabijutsu / inshohabijutsu いんしょうはびじゅつ |
{art} impressionism |
古川美術館 see styles |
furukawabijutsukan ふるかわびじゅつかん |
(org) Furukawa Art Museum; (o) Furukawa Art Museum |
呪術的思考 see styles |
jujutsutekishikou / jujutsutekishiko じゅじゅつてきしこう |
magical thinking |
外科的手術 see styles |
gekatekishujutsu げかてきしゅじゅつ |
surgical operation; surgical procedure; surgery |
大原美術館 see styles |
ooharabijutsukan おおはらびじゅつかん |
(place-name) Ohara Museum of Art |
大川美術館 see styles |
ookawabijutsukan おおかわびじゅつかん |
(org) Okawa Museum of Art; (o) Okawa Museum of Art |
大村美術館 see styles |
oomurabijutsukan おおむらびじゅつかん |
(org) Omura Museum; (o) Omura Museum |
天体写真術 see styles |
tentaishashinjutsu てんたいしゃしんじゅつ |
astrophotography |
天体分光術 see styles |
tentaibunkoujutsu / tentaibunkojutsu てんたいぶんこうじゅつ |
astronomical spectroscopy |
学術国際局 see styles |
gakujutsukokusaikyoku がくじゅつこくさいきょく |
(org) Science and International Affairs Bureau; (o) Science and International Affairs Bureau |
学術審議会 see styles |
gakujutsushingikai がくじゅつしんぎかい |
(org) Science Council; (o) Science Council |
学術評議会 see styles |
gakujutsuhyougikai / gakujutsuhyogikai がくじゅつひょうぎかい |
academic council; scientific council |
小型化技術 see styles |
kogatakagijutsu こがたかぎじゅつ |
{comp} miniaturization technology |
山形美術館 see styles |
yamagatabijutsukan やまがたびじゅつかん |
(org) Yamagata Museum of Art; (o) Yamagata Museum of Art |
左心縮小術 see styles |
sashinshukushoujutsu / sashinshukushojutsu さしんしゅくしょうじゅつ |
reduction left ventriculoplasty; Batista procedure |
市場換技術 市场换技术 see styles |
shì chǎng huàn jì shù shi4 chang3 huan4 ji4 shu4 shih ch`ang huan chi shu shih chang huan chi shu |
market access in return for technology transfer (PRC policy since the 1980s which gives foreign companies access to China's domestic market in exchange for sharing their intellectual property, characterized by the US in the 2019 trade war as "forced technology transfer") |
帝国芸術院 see styles |
teikokugeijutsuin / tekokugejutsuin ていこくげいじゅついん |
(org) Imperial Art Academy; (o) Imperial Art Academy |
帝国藝術院 see styles |
teikokugeijutsuin / tekokugejutsuin ていこくげいじゅついん |
(o) Imperial Art Academy |
帝王切開術 see styles |
teiousekkaijutsu / teosekkaijutsu ていおうせっかいじゅつ |
{med} Caesarean section; Cesarean section; C-section |
彫刻美術館 see styles |
choukokubijutsukan / chokokubijutsukan ちょうこくびじゅつかん |
(place-name) Chōkoku Art Museum |
微膠囊技術 微胶囊技术 see styles |
wēi jiāo náng jì shù wei1 jiao1 nang2 ji4 shu4 wei chiao nang chi shu |
microencapsulation |
徳川美術館 see styles |
tokugawabijutsukan とくがわびじゅつかん |
(org) Tokugawa Art Museum; (o) Tokugawa Art Museum |
心肺復甦術 心肺复苏术 see styles |
xīn fèi fù sū shù xin1 fei4 fu4 su1 shu4 hsin fei fu su shu |
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) |
性転換手術 see styles |
seitenkanshujutsu / setenkanshujutsu せいてんかんしゅじゅつ |
sex change surgery |
成川美術館 see styles |
narikawabijutsukan なりかわびじゅつかん |
(org) Narukawa Art Forum; (o) Narukawa Art Forum |
戦術核兵器 see styles |
senjutsukakuheiki / senjutsukakuheki せんじゅつかくへいき |
tactical nuclear weapon |
戰術核武器 战术核武器 see styles |
zhàn shù hé wǔ qì zhan4 shu4 he2 wu3 qi4 chan shu ho wu ch`i chan shu ho wu chi |
tactical nuclear weapons |
扁桃摘出術 see styles |
hentoutekishutsujutsu / hentotekishutsujutsu へんとうてきしゅつじゅつ |
tonsillectomy |
技術コスト see styles |
gijutsukosuto ぎじゅつコスト |
{comp} technology cost |
技術仕様書 see styles |
gijutsushiyousho / gijutsushiyosho ぎじゅつしようしょ |
{comp} technical specification |
技術委員会 see styles |
gijutsuiinkai / gijutsuinkai ぎじゅついいんかい |
{comp} technical committee |
技術専門校 see styles |
gijutsusenmonkou / gijutsusenmonko ぎじゅつせんもんこう |
(place-name) Gijutsusenmonkou |
技術畑の人 see styles |
gijutsubatakenohito ぎじゅつばたけのひと |
career technician; man in the technical line |
技術的名称 see styles |
gijutsutekimeishou / gijutsutekimesho ぎじゅつてきめいしょう |
{comp} technical name |
技術的問題 see styles |
gijutsutekimondai ぎじゅつてきもんだい |
{comp} technical problem, issue |
技術的課題 see styles |
gijutsutekikadai ぎじゅつてきかだい |
technical problem |
技術的負債 see styles |
gijutsutekifusai ぎじゅつてきふさい |
{comp} technical debt (implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an initial limited solution); design debt; code debt |
技術的限界 see styles |
gijutsutekigenkai ぎじゅつてきげんかい |
{comp} technical limitations; limits of technology |
技術研究所 see styles |
gijutsukenkyuujo / gijutsukenkyujo ぎじゅつけんきゅうじょ |
technical research institute; technology research laboratory |
技術者倫理 see styles |
gijutsusharinri ぎじゅつしゃりんり |
engineering ethics |
技術訓練校 see styles |
gijutsukunrenkou / gijutsukunrenko ぎじゅつくんれんこう |
(place-name) Gijutsukunrenkou |
日帰り手術 see styles |
higaerishujutsu ひがえりしゅじゅつ |
day surgery; day procedure |
日本美術院 see styles |
nihonbijutsuin にほんびじゅついん |
(org) Japan Art Institute; (o) Japan Art Institute |
日本芸術院 see styles |
nihongeijutsuin / nihongejutsuin にほんげいじゅついん |
(org) Japan Art Academy; (o) Japan Art Academy |
昭和美術館 see styles |
shouwabijutsukan / showabijutsukan しょうわびじゅつかん |
(org) Showa Museum of Art; (o) Showa Museum of Art |
時空間芸術 see styles |
jikuukangeijutsu / jikukangejutsu じくうかんげいじゅつ |
spatiotemporal art; spatial-temporal art |
暗号化技術 see styles |
angoukagijutsu / angokagijutsu あんごうかぎじゅつ |
{comp} encryption technology |
村内美術館 see styles |
murauchibijutsukan むらうちびじゅつかん |
(org) Murauchi Art Museum; (o) Murauchi Art Museum |
林原美術館 see styles |
hayashibarabijutsukan はやしばらびじゅつかん |
(org) Hayashibara Museum of Art; (o) Hayashibara Museum of Art |
柔道整復術 see styles |
juudouseifukujutsu / judosefukujutsu じゅうどうせいふくじゅつ |
judo therapy |
栗田美術館 see styles |
kuritabijutsukan くりたびじゅつかん |
(place-name) Kurita Art Museum |
横浜美術館 see styles |
yokohamabijutsukan よこはまびじゅつかん |
(place-name) Yokohama Museum of Art |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "術" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.