There are 1107 total results for your 放 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
屁を放く see styles |
heokoku へをこく |
(exp,v5k) to fart; to break wind |
屁を放る see styles |
heohiru へをひる |
(v5r,exp) to fart; to break wind |
屁放き虫 see styles |
hekokimushi へこきむし |
fart bug |
居放逸處 居放逸处 see styles |
jū fàng yì chù ju1 fang4 yi4 chu4 chü fang i ch`u chü fang i chu kyo hōitsu sho |
to abide in a state of dissipation |
山口放送 see styles |
yamaguchihousou / yamaguchihoso やまぐちほうそう |
(place-name) Yamaguchihousou |
市場開放 see styles |
shijoukaihou / shijokaiho しじょうかいほう |
opening up of a market; market liberalization |
平野放水 see styles |
hiranohanashi ひらのはなし |
(place-name) Hiranohanashi |
引き放つ see styles |
hikihanatsu ひきはなつ |
(transitive verb) to pull apart |
心花怒放 see styles |
xīn huā nù fàng xin1 hua1 nu4 fang4 hsin hua nu fang |
to burst with joy (idiom); to be over the moon; to be elated |
性の解放 see styles |
seinokaihou / senokaiho せいのかいほう |
(expression) sexual liberation |
戦争放棄 see styles |
sensouhouki / sensohoki せんそうほうき |
renunciation of war |
戸出放寺 see styles |
toidehouji / toidehoji といでほうじ |
(place-name) Toidehouji |
所放光明 see styles |
suǒ fàng guāng míng suo3 fang4 guang1 ming2 so fang kuang ming sho hō kōmyō |
that which is radiated [by] |
打ち放し see styles |
uchihanashi うちはなし |
(1) undressed concrete; unfaced concrete; (2) (golf) driving range |
打ち放す see styles |
buchihanasu ぶちはなす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) to unsheath a sword; to slay |
打っ放す see styles |
buppanasu ぶっぱなす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) to fire a gun; to let off a gun; to loose off a shell |
把住放行 see styles |
bǎ zhù fàng xíng ba3 zhu4 fang4 xing2 pa chu fang hsing hajū hōgyō |
strictly controlling and allowing free reign |
抓大放小 see styles |
zhuā dà fàng xiǎo zhua1 da4 fang4 xiao3 chua ta fang hsiao |
(PRC, mid-1990s) to restructure the large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) controlled by the central government and privatize smaller SOEs at the local level |
投放市場 投放市场 see styles |
tóu fàng shì chǎng tou2 fang4 shi4 chang3 t`ou fang shih ch`ang tou fang shih chang |
to put something on the market |
抜き放す see styles |
nukihanasu ぬきはなす |
(transitive verb) to unsheathe one's sword |
抜き放つ see styles |
nukihanatsu ぬきはなつ |
(transitive verb) (See 抜き放す) to unsheathe |
振り放す see styles |
furihanasu ふりはなす |
(transitive verb) to break free of |
摩頂放踵 摩顶放踵 see styles |
mó dǐng fàng zhǒng mo2 ding3 fang4 zhong3 mo ting fang chung |
to rub one's head and heels (idiom); to slave for the benefit of others; to wear oneself out for the general good |
播放列表 see styles |
bō fàng liè biǎo bo1 fang4 lie4 biao3 po fang lieh piao |
playlist |
改革開放 改革开放 see styles |
gǎi gé kāi fàng gai3 ge2 kai1 fang4 kai ko k`ai fang kai ko kai fang kaikakukaihou / kaikakukaiho かいかくかいほう |
to reform and open to the outside world; refers to Deng Xiaoping's policies from around 1980 Reform and Opening-up (Chinese economic policy) |
政見放送 see styles |
seikenhousou / sekenhoso せいけんほうそう |
broadcast of political opinions; broadcast by candidate; party political broadcast |
文字放送 see styles |
mojihousou / mojihoso もじほうそう |
teletext broadcasting |
明け放し see styles |
akehanashi あけはなし |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) leaving open; leaving ajar; (2) outspoken; frank |
明け放す see styles |
akehanasu あけはなす |
(transitive verb) to open wide (doors, windows, etc.); to fling open |
有屁快放 see styles |
yǒu pì kuài fàng you3 pi4 kuai4 fang4 yu p`i k`uai fang yu pi kuai fang |
spit it out!; out with it! |
有的放矢 see styles |
yǒu dì fàng shǐ you3 di4 fang4 shi3 yu ti fang shih |
lit. to have a target in mind when shooting one's arrows (idiom); fig. to have a clear objective |
有線放送 see styles |
yuusenhousou / yusenhoso ゆうせんほうそう |
cable broadcast |
朝日放送 see styles |
zhāo rì fàng sòng zhao1 ri4 fang4 song4 chao jih fang sung asahihousou / asahihoso あさひほうそう |
Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (company) Asahi Broadcasting Corporation; (c) Asahi Broadcasting Corporation |
東京放送 see styles |
toukyouhousou / tokyohoso とうきょうほうそう |
(company) Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc.; TBS; (c) Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc.; TBS |
構内放送 see styles |
kounaihousou / konaihoso こうないほうそう |
announcement (e.g. in a train station) |
権利放棄 see styles |
kenrihouki / kenrihoki けんりほうき |
waiver |
殺人放火 杀人放火 see styles |
shā rén fàng huǒ sha1 ren2 fang4 huo3 sha jen fang huo |
to kill and burn (idiom); murder and arson |
比放射能 see styles |
hihoushanou / hihoshano ひほうしゃのう |
specific radioactivity |
民族解放 see styles |
minzokukaihou / minzokukaiho みんぞくかいほう |
national liberation |
民間放送 see styles |
minkanhousou / minkanhoso みんかんほうそう |
commercial broadcasting |
気儘放題 see styles |
kimamahoudai / kimamahodai きままほうだい |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) as selfishly (willfully) as one pleases |
海賊放送 see styles |
kaizokuhousou / kaizokuhoso かいぞくほうそう |
pirate radio |
深夜放送 see styles |
shinyahousou / shinyahoso しんやほうそう |
late-night broadcasting |
漫言放語 see styles |
mangenhougo / mangenhogo まんげんほうご |
(noun/participle) (yoji) saying whatever one feels; speaking at random; making careless remarks; rambling talk |
火を放つ see styles |
hiohanatsu ひをはなつ |
(v5t,exp) to set fire (to) |
火花放電 see styles |
hibanahouden / hibanahoden ひばなほうでん |
spark discharge |
無放逸住 无放逸住 see styles |
wú fàng yì zhù wu2 fang4 yi4 zhu4 wu fang i chu mu hōitsu jū |
abiding in non-frivolity |
無有放逸 无有放逸 see styles |
wú yǒu fàng yì wu2 you3 fang4 yi4 wu yu fang i muu hōitsu |
without dissipation |
無的放矢 无的放矢 see styles |
wú dì fàng shǐ wu2 di4 fang4 shi3 wu ti fang shih |
to shoot without aim (idiom); fig. to speak without thinking; firing blindly; to shoot in the air; a shot in the dark |
無罪放免 see styles |
muzaihoumen / muzaihomen むざいほうめん |
(yoji) acquittal |
燃放鞭炮 see styles |
rán fàng biān pào ran2 fang4 bian1 pao4 jan fang pien p`ao jan fang pien pao |
to set off fire crackers |
獨放異彩 独放异彩 see styles |
dú fàng yì cǎi du2 fang4 yi4 cai3 tu fang i ts`ai tu fang i tsai |
to project singular splendor or radiance; to perform brilliantly |
玉音放送 see styles |
gyokuonhousou / gyokuonhoso ぎょくおんほうそう |
(hist) (See ポツダム宣言) radio broadcast announcing acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration and the end of the war (recording of Hirohito; broadcast August 15, 1945) |
百花斉放 see styles |
hyakkaseihou / hyakkaseho ひゃっかせいほう |
(yoji) (hist) (Chinese communist party slogan) let a hundred flowers blossom; Hundred Flowers campaign |
百花齊放 百花齐放 see styles |
bǎi huā qí fàng bai3 hua1 qi2 fang4 pai hua ch`i fang pai hua chi fang |
a hundred flowers bloom (idiom); let the arts have free expression |
目を放す see styles |
meohanasu めをはなす |
(irregular kanji usage) (exp,v5s) to take one's eyes off |
相続放棄 see styles |
souzokuhouki / sozokuhoki そうぞくほうき |
rejection of an inheritance; waiving of inheritance |
短波放送 see styles |
tanpahousou / tanpahoso たんぱほうそう |
short-wave broadcasting |
秋田放送 see styles |
akitahousou / akitahoso あきたほうそう |
(place-name) Akitahousou |
突き放す see styles |
tsukihanasu つきはなす |
(transitive verb) (1) to thrust away; to push aside; (2) to refuse bluntly; to forsake |
突っ放す see styles |
tsuppanasu つっぱなす |
(transitive verb) to thrust or cast away; to look upon with detachment |
窓外放出 see styles |
sougaihoushutsu / sogaihoshutsu そうがいほうしゅつ |
defenestration (throwing something or someone out the window) |
立体放送 see styles |
rittaihousou / rittaihoso りったいほうそう |
stereophonic broadcast |
粗放農業 see styles |
sohounougyou / sohonogyo そほうのうぎょう |
(See 集約農業) extensive agriculture |
緊咬不放 紧咬不放 see styles |
jǐn yǎo bù fàng jin3 yao3 bu4 fang4 chin yao pu fang |
(idiom) unwilling to let go; like a dog with a bone; dogged |
耕作放棄 see styles |
kousakuhouki / kosakuhoki こうさくほうき |
(expression) abandonment of cultivation |
育児放棄 see styles |
ikujihouki / ikujihoki いくじほうき |
child neglect |
背景放射 see styles |
haikeihousha / haikehosha はいけいほうしゃ |
background radiation |
自己放任 see styles |
jikohounin / jikohonin じこほうにん |
(See セルフネグレクト) self-neglect |
自然放出 see styles |
shizenhoushutsu / shizenhoshutsu しぜんほうしゅつ |
{physics} spontaneous emission |
自然放電 see styles |
shizenhouden / shizenhoden しぜんほうでん |
self-discharge (of a battery) |
自由奔放 see styles |
jiyuuhonpou / jiyuhonpo じゆうほんぽう |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) free and uncontrolled; behaving with abandon; freewheeling |
自由放任 see styles |
zì yóu fàng rèn zi4 you2 fang4 ren4 tzu yu fang jen jiyuuhounin / jiyuhonin じゆうほうにん |
laissez-faire (noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) laissez-faire; non-intervention |
自由放題 see styles |
jiyuuhoudai / jiyuhodai じゆうほうだい |
(yoji) as freely as one pleases; at will; to one's heart's content |
荒れ放題 see styles |
arehoudai / arehodai あれほうだい |
(adj-no,adj-na,n) left in a state of neglect; left to go to ruin; left to run wild (e.g. of a garden) |
衛星放送 see styles |
eiseihousou / esehoso えいせいほうそう |
satellite broadcasting |
解き放す see styles |
tokihanasu ときはなす |
(transitive verb) to liberate; to set free |
解き放つ see styles |
tokihanatsu ときはなつ |
(transitive verb) to release |
解放戦争 see styles |
kaihousensou / kaihosenso かいほうせんそう |
war of liberation |
解放戰爭 解放战争 see styles |
jiě fàng zhàn zhēng jie3 fang4 zhan4 zheng1 chieh fang chan cheng |
War of Liberation (1945-49), after which the Communists 共產黨武裝|共产党武装 under Mao Zedong 毛澤東|毛泽东 took over from the Nationalists 國民政府|国民政府 under Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石 |
解放日報 解放日报 see styles |
jiě fàng rì bào jie3 fang4 ri4 bao4 chieh fang jih pao |
Liberation Daily, |
解放組織 解放组织 see styles |
jiě fàng zǔ zhī jie3 fang4 zu3 zhi1 chieh fang tsu chih |
liberation organization |
解放要求 see styles |
kaihouyoukyuu / kaihoyokyu かいほうようきゅう |
{comp} release request |
解放軍報 see styles |
kaihougunpou / kaihogunpo かいほうぐんぽう |
(product) People's Liberation Army Daily (PRC); PLA daily; (product name) People's Liberation Army Daily (PRC); PLA daily |
解放運動 解放运动 see styles |
jiě fàng yùn dòng jie3 fang4 yun4 dong4 chieh fang yün tung kaihouundou / kaihoundo かいほううんどう |
liberation movement liberation movement; emancipation movement |
言い放つ see styles |
iihanatsu / ihanatsu いいはなつ |
(transitive verb) to declare; to assert; to say bluntly; to say straight out |
試合放棄 see styles |
shiaihouki / shiaihoki しあいほうき |
forfeiture of a match; throwing a game |
豪快奔放 see styles |
goukaihonpou / gokaihonpo ごうかいほんぽう |
(noun or adjectival noun) big-hearted and free-spirited; daring and uninhibited |
豪放磊落 see styles |
gouhourairaku / gohorairaku ごうほうらいらく |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) broadminded |
豪放粗野 see styles |
gouhousoya / gohosoya ごうほうそや |
(noun or adjectival noun) bold and boorish |
貝殻追放 see styles |
kaigaratsuihou / kaigaratsuiho かいがらついほう |
ostracism |
赤堀放水 see styles |
akaborihanashi あかぼりはなし |
(place-name) Akaborihanashi |
赤外放射 see styles |
sekigaihousha / sekigaihosha せきがいほうしゃ |
infrared radiation |
車内放送 see styles |
shanaihousou / shanaihoso しゃないほうそう |
in-car announcement (on a train); PA system on a train |
輕饒素放 轻饶素放 see styles |
qīng ráo sù fàng qing1 rao2 su4 fang4 ch`ing jao su fang ching jao su fang |
easily forgive, simply release (idiom); to let sb off scot free |
輪換放牧 see styles |
rinkanhouboku / rinkanhoboku りんかんほうぼく |
rotational grazing |
農奴解放 see styles |
noudokaihou / nodokaiho のうどかいほう |
emancipation of serfs |
連続放火 see styles |
renzokuhouka / renzokuhoka れんぞくほうか |
a series of arson cases |
適応放散 see styles |
tekiouhousan / tekiohosan てきおうほうさん |
adaptive radiation |
釋放出獄 释放出狱 see styles |
shì fàng chū yù shi4 fang4 chu1 yu4 shih fang ch`u yü shih fang chu yü |
to release from jail |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "放" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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