There are 622 total results for your 少 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
宮川医療少年院 see styles |
miyagawairyoushounenin / miyagawairyoshonenin みやがわいりょうしょうねんいん |
(org) Miyagawairyō Reform School; (o) Miyagawairyō Reform School |
愛知青少年公園 see styles |
aichiseishounenkouen / aichiseshonenkoen あいちせいしょうねんこうえん |
(place-name) Aichiseishounen Park |
有峰青少年の家 see styles |
arimineseishounennoie / arimineseshonennoie ありみねせいしょうねんのいえ |
(place-name) Arimineseishounennoie |
桃山町治部少丸 see styles |
momoyamachoujibushoumaru / momoyamachojibushomaru ももやまちょうじぶしょうまる |
(place-name) Momoyamachōjibushoumaru |
水戸少年刑務所 see styles |
mitoshounenkeimusho / mitoshonenkemusho みとしょうねんけいむしょ |
(place-name) Mitoshounen Prison |
砺波青少年の家 see styles |
tonamiseishounennoie / tonamiseshonennoie となみせいしょうねんのいえ |
(place-name) Tonamiseishounennoie |
脳脊髄液減少症 see styles |
nousekizuiekigenshoushou / nosekizuiekigenshosho のうせきずいえきげんしょうしょう |
(See 低髄液圧症候群) cerebrospinal fluid hypovolemia; CSF hypovolemia; intracranial hypotension syndrome |
過少申告加算税 see styles |
kashoushinkokukasanzei / kashoshinkokukasanze かしょうしんこくかさんぜい |
{law} penalty tax for understatement (of income) |
酒逢知己千杯少 see styles |
jiǔ féng zhī jǐ qiān bēi shǎo jiu3 feng2 zhi1 ji3 qian1 bei1 shao3 chiu feng chih chi ch`ien pei shao chiu feng chih chi chien pei shao |
a thousand cups of wine is not too much when best friends meet (idiom); when you're with close friends, you can let your hair down |
錢多事少離家近 钱多事少离家近 see styles |
qián duō shì shǎo lí jiā jìn qian2 duo1 shi4 shao3 li2 jia1 jin4 ch`ien to shih shao li chia chin chien to shih shao li chia chin |
lots of money, less work, and close to home; ideal job |
関東医療少年院 see styles |
kantouiryoushounenin / kantoiryoshonenin かんとういりょうしょうねんいん |
(org) Kantouiryō Reform School; (o) Kantouiryō Reform School |
青少年の森公園 see styles |
seishounennomorikuen / seshonennomorikuen せいしょうねんのもりくえん |
(place-name) Seishounennomorikuen |
青少年対策本部 see styles |
seishounentaisakuhonbu / seshonentaisakuhonbu せいしょうねんたいさくほんぶ |
(org) Youth Affairs Administration; (o) Youth Affairs Administration |
青少年自然の家 see styles |
seishounenshizennoie / seshonenshizennoie せいしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Seishounenshizennoie |
黒部青少年の家 see styles |
kurobeseishounennoie / kurobeseshonennoie くろべせいしょうねんのいえ |
(place-name) Kurobeseishounennoie |
Variations: |
shougaku / shogaku しょうがく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (ant: 多額) small sum (of money); small amount; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (小額 only) (ant: 高額・2) small denomination (banknote, coin, etc.) |
Variations: |
shoukan / shokan しょうかん |
short interval of leisure; short break or breather; lull |
Variations: |
sukunakumo すくなくも |
(adverb) at least |
少年よ大志を抱け see styles |
shounenyotaishioidake / shonenyotaishioidake しょうねんよたいしをいだけ |
More info & calligraphy: Boys be Ambitious |
Variations: |
kishou / kisho きしょう |
(noun or adjectival noun) scarce; rare |
マッチ売りの少女 see styles |
macchiurinoshoujo / macchiurinoshojo マッチうりのしょうじょ |
(work) The Little Match Girl (1845 short story by Hans Christian Andersen); (wk) The Little Match Girl (1845 short story by Hans Christian Andersen) |
会津少年自然の家 see styles |
aizushounenshizennoie / aizushonenshizennoie あいづしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Aizushounenshizennoie |
內無色想觀外色少 内无色想观外色少 see styles |
nèi wú sè xiǎng guān wài sè shǎo nei4 wu2 se4 xiang3 guan1 wai4 se4 shao3 nei wu se hsiang kuan wai se shao nai mushikisō kan geshikishō |
imagining himself lacking form, he sees small external forms, and overcome them |
利賀少年自然の家 see styles |
togashounenshizennoie / togashonenshizennoie とがしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Togashounenshizennoie |
名栗少年自然の家 see styles |
nagurishounenshizennoie / nagurishonenshizennoie なぐりしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Nagurishounenshizennoie |
呉羽少年自然の家 see styles |
kurehashounenshizennoie / kurehashonenshizennoie くれはしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Kurehashounenshizennoie |
国立少年自然の家 see styles |
kokuritsushounenshizennoie / kokuritsushonenshizennoie こくりつしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Kokuritsushounenshizennoie |
多一事不如少一事 see styles |
duō yī shì bù rú shǎo yī shì duo1 yi1 shi4 bu4 ru2 shao3 yi1 shi4 to i shih pu ju shao i shih |
it is better to avoid unnecessary trouble (idiom); the less complications the better |
妙義少年自然の家 see styles |
myougishounenshizennoie / myogishonenshizennoie みょうぎしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Myōgishounenshizennoie |
妙高少年自然の家 see styles |
myoukoushounenshizennoie / myokoshonenshizennoie みょうこうしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Myōkoushounenshizennoie |
屋島少年自然の家 see styles |
yashimashounenshizennoie / yashimashonenshizennoie やしましょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Yashimashounenshizennoie |
巧言令色少なし仁 see styles |
kougenreishokusukunashijin / kogenreshokusukunashijin こうげんれいしょくすくなしじん |
(expression) (archaism) those who resort to blandishments and fawning smiles are apt to lack compassion; a honeyed tongue with a heart of gall |
朝日少年自然の家 see styles |
asahishounenshizennoie / asahishonenshizennoie あさひしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Asahishounenshizennoie |
東毛少年自然の家 see styles |
toumoushounenshizennoie / tomoshonenshizennoie とうもうしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Tōmoushounenshizennoie |
清少納言知恵の板 see styles |
seishounagonchienoita / seshonagonchienoita せいしょうなごんちえのいた |
Sei Shonagon chie-no-ita; Japanese puzzle similar to tangram |
熱帯夏季少雨気候 see styles |
nettaikakishouukikou / nettaikakishoukiko ねったいかきしょううきこう |
tropical wet and dry climate; tropical savannah climate |
牟岐少年自然の家 see styles |
mugishounenshizennoie / mugishonenshizennoie むぎしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Mugishounenshizennoie |
県立青少年の天地 see styles |
kenritsuseishounennotenchi / kenritsuseshonennotenchi けんりつせいしょうねんのてんち |
(place-name) Kenritsuseishounennotenchi |
美少女クラブ21 see styles |
bishoujokurabunijuuichi / bishojokurabunijuichi びしょうじょくらぶにじゅういち |
(person) Bishoujokurabunijuuichi |
美浜少年自然の家 see styles |
mihamashounenjizennoie / mihamashonenjizennoie みはましょうねんじぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Mihamashounenjizennoie |
能登少年自然の家 see styles |
notoshounenshizennoie / notoshonenshizennoie のとしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Notoshounenshizennoie |
脊振少年自然の家 see styles |
sefurishounenshizennoie / sefurishonenshizennoie せふりしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Sefurishounenshizennoie |
蔵王少年自然の家 see styles |
zaoushounenshizennoie / zaoshonenshizennoie ざおうしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Zaoushounenshizennoie |
赤城少年自然の家 see styles |
akagishounenshizennoie / akagishonenshizennoie あかぎしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Akagishounenshizennoie |
青少年いこいの家 see styles |
seishounenikoinoie / seshonenikoinoie せいしょうねんいこいのいえ |
(place-name) Seishounen'ikoinoie |
青少年野営訓練所 see styles |
seishounenyaeikunrenjo / seshonenyaekunrenjo せいしょうねんやえいくんれんじょ |
(place-name) Seishounenyaeikunrenjo |
少しも気にならない see styles |
sukoshimokininaranai すこしもきにならない |
(exp,adj-i) (See 気になる・1) not be concerned at all; not mind at all; not care a bit |
少林寺拳法世界連合 see styles |
shourinjikenpousekairengou / shorinjikenposekairengo しょうりんじけんぽうせかいれんごう |
(org) World Shorinji Kempo Organization; (o) World Shorinji Kempo Organization |
少額投資非課税制度 see styles |
shougakutoushihikazeiseido / shogakutoshihikazesedo しょうがくとうしひかぜいせいど |
{finc} Nippon Individual Savings Account; NISA |
Variations: |
amatsuotome あまつおとめ |
celestial maiden |
Variations: |
kishoukachi / kishokachi きしょうかち |
(yoji) scarcity value; rarity value; preciousness |
Variations: |
guhanshounen / guhanshonen ぐはんしょうねん |
{law} juvenile deemed likely to commit a crime; pre-delinquent juvenile; status offender |
Variations: |
sugaruotome すがるおとめ |
(archaism) wasp-waisted girl |
もう少しのところで see styles |
mousukoshinotokorode / mosukoshinotokorode もうすこしのところで |
(expression) almost; nearly; close to |
八ヶ岳少年自然の家 see styles |
yatsugatakeshounenshizennoie / yatsugatakeshonenshizennoie やつがたけしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Yatsugatakeshounenshizennoie |
労多くして功少なし see styles |
rouookushitekousukunashi / roookushitekosukunashi ろうおおくしてこうすくなし |
(expression) (idiom) all pain and no gain; lots of pain and not much gain |
南蔵王青少年旅行村 see styles |
minamizaouseishounenryokoumura / minamizaoseshonenryokomura みなみざおうせいしょうねんりょこうむら |
(place-name) Minamizaouseishounenryokoumura |
南蔵王青少年野営場 see styles |
minamizaouseishounenyaeijou / minamizaoseshonenyaejo みなみざおうせいしょうねんやえいじょう |
(place-name) Minamizaouseishounenyaeijō |
国際青少年演劇協会 see styles |
kokusaiseishounenengekikyoukai / kokusaiseshonenengekikyokai こくさいせいしょうねんえんげききょうかい |
(o) Association internationale du theatre pour lenfance et la jeunesse |
青少年保護育成条例 see styles |
seishounenhogoikuseijourei / seshonenhogoikusejore せいしょうねんほごいくせいじょうれい |
(personal name) Seishounenhogoikuseijōrei |
青少年音楽日本連合 see styles |
seishounenongakunipponrengou / seshonenongakunipponrengo せいしょうねんおんがくにっぽんれんごう |
(org) Jeunesses Musicales du Japan; (o) Jeunesses Musicales du Japan |
Variations: |
saotome さおとめ |
young female rice planter; young girl |
Variations: |
ookamishounen(狼少年); ookamishounen(ookami少年) / ookamishonen(狼少年); ookamishonen(ookami少年) おおかみしょうねん(狼少年); オオカミしょうねん(オオカミ少年) |
(1) boy raised by wolves; (2) boy who cried wolf |
アルプスの少女ハイジ see styles |
arupusunoshoujohaiji / arupusunoshojohaiji アルプスのしょうじょハイジ |
(work) Heidi (1881 novel by Johanna Spyri, 1974 anime); (wk) Heidi (1881 novel by Johanna Spyri, 1974 anime) |
全日本少林寺気功協会 see styles |
zennihonshourinjikikoukyoukai / zennihonshorinjikikokyokai ぜんにほんしょうりんじきこうきょうかい |
(org) All Japan Shaolin Temple Qigong Association; (o) All Japan Shaolin Temple Qigong Association |
全米希少疾病患者団体 see styles |
zenbeikishoushippeikanjadantai / zenbekishoshippekanjadantai ぜんべいきしょうしっぺいかんじゃだんたい |
(o) National Organization for Rare Disorders; NORD |
沖縄米兵少女暴行事件 see styles |
okinawabeiheishoujoboukoujiken / okinawabeheshojobokojiken おきなわべいへいしょうじょぼうこうじけん |
(hist) 1995 Okinawa rape incident; kidnapping and rape of a 12-year-old Japanese girl by three US servicemen stationed in Okinawa |
総理府青少年対策本部 see styles |
sourifuseishounentaisakuhonbu / sorifuseshonentaisakuhonbu そうりふせいしょうねんたいさくほんぶ |
(org) Juvenile Problems Section in the Prime Minister's Office; (o) Juvenile Problems Section in the Prime Minister's Office |
那須甲子少年自然の家 see styles |
nasugashishounenshizennoie / nasugashishonenshizennoie なすがししょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Nasugashishounenshizennoie |
Variations: |
shouryou / shoryo しょうりょう |
(n,adj-no,adj-na) (1) (ant: 多量) small quantity; small amount; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) (esp. 小量) narrowmindedness |
Variations: |
shoujo(少女, 小女)(p); otome(少女, 乙女) / shojo(少女, 小女)(p); otome(少女, 乙女) しょうじょ(少女, 小女)(P); おとめ(少女, 乙女) |
(1) little girl; maiden; young lady; female usually between 7 and 18 years old; (2) (少女, しょうじょ only) (archaism) female between 17 and 20 years old (ritsuryō period) |
Variations: |
shouyoku / shoyoku しょうよく |
(See 大欲) (being) slightly covetous; a little covetousness |
Variations: |
sukunakunaru すくなくなる |
(exp,v5r,vi) to lessen; to decrease; to diminish |
Variations: |
sukunasugiru すくなすぎる |
(Ichidan verb) (See 多過ぎる) to be lacking in options; to be too few |
少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 see styles |
shào zhuàng bù nǔ lì , lǎo dà tú shāng bēi shao4 zhuang4 bu4 nu3 li4 , lao3 da4 tu2 shang1 bei1 shao chuang pu nu li , lao ta t`u shang pei shao chuang pu nu li , lao ta tu shang pei |
if you are lazy in your prime, you'll be sorry in your old age |
少女露笑臉,婚事半成全 少女露笑脸,婚事半成全 see styles |
shào nǚ lù xiào liǎn , hūn shì bàn chéng quán shao4 nu:3 lu4 xiao4 lian3 , hun1 shi4 ban4 cheng2 quan2 shao nü lu hsiao lien , hun shih pan ch`eng ch`üan shao nü lu hsiao lien , hun shih pan cheng chüan |
When the girl smiles, the matchmaker's job is half done. (idiom) |
少年老い易く学成り難し see styles |
shounenoiyasukugakunarigatashi / shonenoiyasukugakunarigatashi しょうねんおいやすくがくなりがたし |
(expression) (archaism) Youthful years pass quickly before one accomplishes much learning |
国立青少年教育振興機構 see styles |
kokuritsuseishounenkyouikushinkoukikou / kokuritsuseshonenkyoikushinkokiko こくりつせいしょうねんきょういくしんこうきこう |
(org) National Institution for Youth Education; (o) National Institution for Youth Education |
奥越高原青少年自然の家 see styles |
okuetsukougenseishounenshizennoie / okuetsukogenseshonenshizennoie おくえつこうげんせいしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Okuetsukougenseishounenshizennoie |
水郷小見川少年自然の家 see styles |
suigouomigawashounenshizennoie / suigoomigawashonenshizennoie すいごうおみがわしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Suigouomigawashounenshizennoie |
發熱伴血小板減少綜合徵 发热伴血小板减少综合征 see styles |
fā rè bàn xuè xiǎo bǎn jiǎn shǎo zōng hé zhēng fa1 re4 ban4 xue4 xiao3 ban3 jian3 shao3 zong1 he2 zheng1 fa je pan hsüeh hsiao pan chien shao tsung ho cheng |
severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) |
花有重開日,人無再少年 花有重开日,人无再少年 see styles |
huā yǒu chóng kāi rì , rén wú zài shào nián hua1 you3 chong2 kai1 ri4 , ren2 wu2 zai4 shao4 nian2 hua yu ch`ung k`ai jih , jen wu tsai shao nien hua yu chung kai jih , jen wu tsai shao nien |
a flower may blossom again, but a person cannot get young again (proverb) |
青少年旅行村中央管理棟 see styles |
seishounenryokoumurachuuoukanritou / seshonenryokomurachuokanrito せいしょうねんりょこうむらちゅうおうかんりとう |
(place-name) Seishounenryokoumurachūōkanritou |
青少年野外活動センター see styles |
seishounenyagaikatsudou / seshonenyagaikatsudo せいしょうねんやがいかつどう |
(place-name) Seishounenyagaikatsudou |
Variations: |
shoujo / shojo しょうじょ |
(1) girl (usu. between 7 and 17); young lady; (2) (archaism) female between 17 and 20 years old (ritsuryō period) |
Variations: |
shukushou / shukusho しゅくしょう |
(n,vs,vt,vi) reduction; curtailment; cut; cutback; scaling down; contraction; shrinkage |
Variations: |
nokorisukunai のこりすくない |
(adjective) having little left; having few remaining; running short; running low; scant |
多品種中少量生産システム see styles |
tahinshuchuushouryouseisanshisutemu / tahinshuchushoryosesanshisutemu たひんしゅちゅうしょうりょうせいさんシステム |
{comp} Flexible Manufacturing System; FMS |
慌てる乞食は貰いが少ない see styles |
awaterukojikihamoraigasukunai あわてるこじきはもらいがすくない |
(expression) (proverb) slow and steady wins the race; there is luck in the last helping |
重症熱性血小板減少症候群 see styles |
juushounesseikesshoubangenshoushoukougun / jushonessekesshobangenshoshokogun じゅうしょうねっせいけっしょうばんげんしょうしょうこうぐん |
{med} severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome; SFTS |
Variations: |
sukunakarazu すくなからず |
(adverb) considerably; not a little; in no small numbers |
少年老いやすく学成りがたし see styles |
shounenoiyasukugakunarigatashi / shonenoiyasukugakunarigatashi しょうねんおいやすくがくなりがたし |
(expression) (archaism) Youthful years pass quickly before one accomplishes much learning |
Variations: |
chitto; chito ちっと; ちと |
(adverb) (1) (kana only) a little bit; (adverb) (2) (kana only) a little while |
Variations: |
shouukekkou / shoukekko しょううけっこう |
(exp,n) canceled only in case of heavy rain |
Variations: |
honnosukoshi ほんのすこし |
(exp,n,adv) just a little |
慌てる乞食はもらいが少ない see styles |
awaterukojikihamoraigasukunai あわてるこじきはもらいがすくない |
(expression) (proverb) slow and steady wins the race; there is luck in the last helping |
Variations: |
shoushou / shosho しょうしょう |
(adv,n) just a minute; small quantity |
Variations: |
sukoshidemohayaku すこしでもはやく |
(expression) as soon as possible; ASAP; even a little early |
Variations: |
shousuuten / shosuten しょうすうてん |
decimal point; radix point |
Variations: |
saishougen / saishogen さいしょうげん |
(adj-no,n) (ant: 最大限・1) minimum; lowest; minimal; least |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "少" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.