There are 799 total results for your 官 search. I have created 8 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
官逼民反 see styles |
guān bī mín fǎn guan1 bi1 min2 fan3 kuan pi min fan |
a government official drives the people to revolt (idiom); a minister provokes a rebellion by exploiting the people |
官運亨通 官运亨通 see styles |
guān yùn hēng tōng guan1 yun4 heng1 tong1 kuan yün heng t`ung kuan yün heng tung |
(of a political career) everything is going smoothly (idiom) |
一級士官 一级士官 see styles |
yī jí shì guān yi1 ji2 shi4 guan1 i chi shih kuan |
corporal (army) |
一般官庁 see styles |
ippankanchou / ippankancho いっぱんかんちょう |
general government office |
三官大帝 see styles |
sān guān dà dì san1 guan1 da4 di4 san kuan ta ti |
the three gods in charge of heaven, earth and water (Daoism) |
三級士官 三级士官 see styles |
sān jí shì guān san1 ji2 shi4 guan1 san chi shih kuan |
staff sergeant |
下士官兵 see styles |
kashikanhei / kashikanhe かしかんへい |
enlisted man |
中央官庁 see styles |
chuuoukanchou / chuokancho ちゅうおうかんちょう |
central government agencies; central bureaucracy |
主席法官 see styles |
shusekihoukan / shusekihokan しゅせきほうかん |
chief justice of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong |
事務次官 see styles |
jimujikan じむじかん |
permanent vice-president; undersecretary; vice-minister |
事務長官 see styles |
jimuchoukan / jimuchokan じむちょうかん |
chief secretary |
二級士官 二级士官 see styles |
èr jí shì guān er4 ji2 shi4 guan1 erh chi shih kuan |
sergeant |
五官端正 see styles |
wǔ guān duān zhèng wu3 guan1 duan1 zheng4 wu kuan tuan cheng |
to have regular features |
五級士官 五级士官 see styles |
wǔ jí shì guān wu3 ji2 shi4 guan1 wu chi shih kuan |
master sergeant |
五道冥官 see styles |
wǔ dào míng guān wu3 dao4 ming2 guan1 wu tao ming kuan godō myōkan |
An officer in the retinue of the ten kings of Hades. |
人體器官 人体器官 see styles |
rén tǐ qì guān ren2 ti3 qi4 guan1 jen t`i ch`i kuan jen ti chi kuan |
human organ |
代官山町 see styles |
daikanyamachou / daikanyamacho だいかんやまちょう |
(place-name) Daikanyamachō |
代官山駅 see styles |
daikanyamaeki だいかんやまえき |
(st) Daikan'yama Station |
代官所跡 see styles |
daikanshoato だいかんしょあと |
(place-name) Daikanshoato |
代官町駅 see styles |
daikanchoueki / daikanchoeki だいかんちょうえき |
(st) Daikanchō Station |
令外の官 see styles |
ryougenokan / ryogenokan りょうげのかん |
(archaism) government position (or office) not specified in the administrative code of the ritsuryo |
佐官別山 see styles |
sakanbetsuyama さかんべつやま |
(place-name) Sakanbetsuyama |
使領官員 使领官员 see styles |
shǐ lǐng guān yuán shi3 ling3 guan1 yuan2 shih ling kuan yüan |
ambassador and consul; diplomat |
侍従武官 see styles |
jijuubukan / jijubukan じじゅうぶかん |
emperor's aide-de-camp |
依願免官 see styles |
iganmenkan いがんめんかん |
retirement at one's own request |
傘形器官 see styles |
sankeikikan / sankekikan さんけいきかん |
bot umbraculum |
公安官員 公安官员 see styles |
gōng ān guān yuán gong1 an1 guan1 yuan2 kung an kuan yüan |
public safety officials |
六級士官 六级士官 see styles |
liù jí shì guān liu4 ji2 shi4 guan1 liu chi shih kuan |
sergeant major |
内閣官房 see styles |
naikakukanbou / naikakukanbo ないかくかんぼう |
Cabinet Secretariat |
判官贔屓 see styles |
hanganbiiki; houganbiiki / hanganbiki; hoganbiki はんがんびいき; ほうがんびいき |
(yoji) sympathy for a tragic hero; rooting for the underdog |
前官礼遇 see styles |
zenkanreiguu / zenkanregu ぜんかんれいぐう |
(being granted) the privileges of one's former (official) post |
前庭器官 see styles |
zenteikikan / zentekikan ぜんていきかん |
vestibular system; vestibular organs |
加官晉爵 加官晋爵 see styles |
jiā guān jìn jué jia1 guan1 jin4 jue2 chia kuan chin chüeh |
to confer a title an official position |
加官晉級 加官晋级 see styles |
jiā guān jìn jí jia1 guan1 jin4 ji2 chia kuan chin chi |
new post and promotion |
加官進位 加官进位 see styles |
jiā guān jìn wèi jia1 guan1 jin4 wei4 chia kuan chin wei |
promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom) |
加官進爵 加官进爵 see styles |
jiā guān jìn jué jia1 guan1 jin4 jue2 chia kuan chin chüeh |
promotion to the nobility (idiom) |
加官進祿 加官进禄 see styles |
jiā guān jìn lù jia1 guan1 jin4 lu4 chia kuan chin lu |
promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom) |
加封官階 加封官阶 see styles |
jiā fēng guān jiē jia1 feng1 guan1 jie1 chia feng kuan chieh |
to confer additional titles on a nobleman |
北京官話 see styles |
pekinkanwa ペキンかんわ |
(hist) Beijing dialect of Standard Chinese as spoken during the Qing dynasty |
升官發財 升官发财 see styles |
shēng guān fā cái sheng1 guan1 fa1 cai2 sheng kuan fa ts`ai sheng kuan fa tsai |
to be promoted and gain wealth (idiom) |
半官半民 see styles |
hankanhanmin はんかんはんみん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) semi-governmental; semi-official |
司令長官 see styles |
shireichoukan / shirechokan しれいちょうかん |
Commander-in-Chief; C-in-C |
司法長官 see styles |
shihouchoukan / shihochokan しほうちょうかん |
attorney general; attorney-general |
呼吸器官 see styles |
kokyuukikan / kokyukikan こきゅうきかん |
{anat} respiratory organs |
哺乳器官 see styles |
honyuukikan / honyukikan ほにゅうきかん |
{anat} mamma (milk-secreting organ of female mammals) |
嗅覚器官 see styles |
kyuukakukikan / kyukakukikan きゅうかくきかん |
{anat} olfactory organ |
器官移植 see styles |
kikanishoku きかんいしょく |
(noun/participle) organ transplantation |
器官移殖 see styles |
qì guān yí zhí qi4 guan1 yi2 zhi2 ch`i kuan i chih chi kuan i chih |
organ transplant |
四級士官 四级士官 see styles |
sì jí shì guān si4 ji2 shi4 guan1 ssu chi shih kuan |
sergeant first class |
国務長官 see styles |
kokumuchoukan / kokumuchokan こくむちょうかん |
Secretary of State |
国防長官 see styles |
kokubouchoukan / kokubochokan こくぼうちょうかん |
Secretary of Defence (Defense) |
國務長官 国务长官 see styles |
guó wù zhǎng guān guo2 wu4 zhang3 guan1 kuo wu chang kuan |
secretary of state (esp. historical, or Japanese or Korean usage) |
地方官庁 see styles |
chihoukanchou / chihokancho ちほうかんちょう |
local government |
士官学校 see styles |
shikangakkou / shikangakko しかんがっこう |
military academy |
外交官補 see styles |
gaikoukanho / gaikokanho がいこうかんほ |
probationary diplomat |
多官能性 see styles |
takannousei / takannose たかんのうせい |
(can be adjective with の) {chem} (See 官能基) polyfunctional |
大官大寺 see styles |
daikandaiji だいかんだいじ |
(personal name) Daikandaiji |
大官袋沢 see styles |
daikanbukurozawa だいかんぶくろざわ |
(place-name) Daikanbukurozawa |
奸官污吏 see styles |
jiān guān wū lì jian1 guan1 wu1 li4 chien kuan wu li |
traitor minister and corrupt official (idiom); abuse and corruption |
婦人警官 see styles |
fujinkeikan / fujinkekan ふじんけいかん |
(sensitive word) policewoman |
封官許願 封官许愿 see styles |
fēng guān xǔ yuàn feng1 guan1 xu3 yuan4 feng kuan hsü yüan |
to offer official positions and material benefits in order to buy people's allegiance |
小栗判官 see styles |
ogurihangan おぐりはんがん |
(personal name) Ogurihangan |
小票判官 see styles |
ogurihangan おぐりはんがん |
(person) Oguri Hangan |
少壮士官 see styles |
shousoushikan / shososhikan しょうそうしかん |
youth officer |
幼生器官 see styles |
youseikikan / yosekikan ようせいきかん |
larval organ |
当該官庁 see styles |
tougaikanchou / togaikancho とうがいかんちょう |
proper authorities; authorities concerned |
感覚器官 see styles |
kankakukikan かんかくきかん |
sense organ; sensory organ |
感覺器官 感觉器官 see styles |
gǎn jué qì guān gan3 jue2 qi4 guan1 kan chüeh ch`i kuan kan chüeh chi kuan |
sense organs; the five senses |
懲戒免官 see styles |
choukaimenkan / chokaimenkan ちょうかいめんかん |
disciplinary dismissal; disciplinary discharge |
承審法官 承审法官 see styles |
chéng shěn fǎ guān cheng2 shen3 fa3 guan1 ch`eng shen fa kuan cheng shen fa kuan |
trial judge |
技術官僚 技术官僚 see styles |
jì shù guān liáo ji4 shu4 guan1 liao2 chi shu kuan liao |
technocrat |
指導教官 see styles |
shidoukyoukan / shidokyokan しどうきょうかん |
academic advisor (e.g. at a university research lab) |
排泄器官 see styles |
haisetsukikan はいせつきかん |
excretory organ |
政務次官 see styles |
seimujikan / semujikan せいむじかん |
deputy minister; assistant minister |
政府官員 政府官员 see styles |
zhèng fǔ guān yuán zheng4 fu3 guan1 yuan2 cheng fu kuan yüan |
government employee |
政府高官 see styles |
seifukoukan / sefukokan せいふこうかん |
high (government) official |
政策官庁 see styles |
seisakukanchou / sesakukancho せいさくかんちょう |
(See 現業官庁) administrative government agency; policy-making government agency |
教練教官 see styles |
kyourenkyoukan / kyorenkyokan きょうれんきょうかん |
drillmaster; drill instructor |
文武百官 see styles |
wén wǔ bǎi guān wen2 wu3 bai3 guan1 wen wu pai kuan bunbuhyakkan ぶんぶひゃっかん |
civil and military officials (yoji) all the officials, both military and civil |
松尾官平 see styles |
matsuokanpei / matsuokanpe まつおかんぺい |
(person) Matsuo Kanpei (1927.1.25-) |
栄養器官 see styles |
eiyoukikan / eyokikan えいようきかん |
vegetative organ |
武装警官 see styles |
busoukeikan / busokekan ぶそうけいかん |
armed police |
民政長官 see styles |
minseichoukan / minsechokan みんせいちょうかん |
civil governor |
汚職警官 see styles |
oshokukeikan / oshokukekan おしょくけいかん |
corrupt policeman; dirty cop |
江淮官話 江淮官话 see styles |
jiāng huái guān huà jiang1 huai2 guan1 hua4 chiang huai kuan hua |
Jianghuai Mandarin |
法務教官 see styles |
houmukyoukan / homukyokan ほうむきょうかん |
instructor at a correctional facility (esp. juvenile detention centre) |
海瑞罷官 海瑞罢官 see styles |
hǎi ruì bà guān hai3 rui4 ba4 guan1 hai jui pa kuan |
Hai Rui dismissed from office, 1960 historical play by historian Wu Han 吳晗|吴晗 |
海軍将官 see styles |
kaigunshoukan / kaigunshokan かいぐんしょうかん |
admiral; flag officer |
海關官員 海关官员 see styles |
hǎi guān guān yuán hai3 guan1 guan1 yuan2 hai kuan kuan yüan |
customs officer |
消化器官 see styles |
shoukakikan / shokakikan しょうかきかん |
{anat} (See 消化器) digestive organ |
灰色高官 see styles |
haiirokoukan / hairokokan はいいろこうかん |
high official suspected of corruption |
無位無官 see styles |
muimukan むいむかん |
(yoji) (an ordinary citizen) having no special rank or title |
猟官制度 see styles |
ryoukanseido / ryokansedo りょうかんせいど |
the spoils system |
猟官運動 see styles |
ryoukanundou / ryokanundo りょうかんうんどう |
seeking government posts |
現業官庁 see styles |
gengyoukanchou / gengyokancho げんぎょうかんちょう |
(See 政策官庁) government agency providing public services; government agency involved in public enterprise |
生殖器官 see styles |
shēng zhí qì guān sheng1 zhi2 qi4 guan1 sheng chih ch`i kuan sheng chih chi kuan seishokukikan / seshokukikan せいしょくきかん |
reproductive organ {biol} reproductive organ; reproductive system |
田代大官 see styles |
tashirodaikan たしろだいかん |
(place-name) Tashirodaikan |
痕跡器官 see styles |
konsekikikan こんせききかん |
vestigial (rudimentary) organ |
発声器官 see styles |
hasseikikan / hassekikan はっせいきかん |
vocal organs |
発行官庁 see styles |
hakkoukanchou / hakkokancho はっこうかんちょう |
issuing authority |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "官" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.