There are 12098 total results for your 三 search. I have created 121 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
三毛 see styles |
miyake みやけ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) calico (pattern); tortoiseshell-and-white; (2) (abbreviation) (See 三毛猫・みけねこ) calico cat; tortoiseshell-and-white cat; (surname) Miyake |
三民 see styles |
sān mín san1 min2 san min |
Sanmin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan |
三水 see styles |
sān shuǐ san1 shui3 san shui mimizu みみず |
Sanshui, a district of Foshan 佛山市[Fo2shan1 Shi4], Guangdong kanji "water" radical (radical 85); (surname) Mimizu |
三永 see styles |
minaga みなが |
(surname) Minaga |
三汀 see styles |
santei / sante さんてい |
(given name) Santei |
三江 see styles |
mitsue みつえ |
(female given name) Mitsue |
三池 see styles |
mitsuike みついけ |
(surname) Mitsuike |
三沖 see styles |
mitsuoki みつおき |
(surname) Mitsuoki |
三沙 see styles |
sān shā san1 sha1 san sha misa みさ |
see 三沙市[San1sha1 Shi4] (female given name) Misa |
三沢 see styles |
mitsuzawa みつざわ |
(surname) Mitsuzawa |
三河 see styles |
sān hé san1 he2 san ho mikawa みかわ |
Sanhe, county-level city in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei (hist) Mikawa (former province located in the east of present-day Aichi Prefecture); (place-name, surname) Mikawa |
三治 see styles |
sān zhì san1 zhi4 san chih miharu みはる |
(surname) Miharu idem 三三昧門 v. 三解脫. |
三沼 see styles |
minuma みぬま |
(surname) Minuma |
三泊 see styles |
sandomari さんどまり |
(place-name) Sandomari |
三法 see styles |
sān fǎ san1 fa3 san fa sanbō |
The three dharma, i.e. 教法 the Buddha's teaching; 行法 the practice of it; 證法 realization or experiential proof of it in bodhi and nirvāṇa. |
三波 see styles |
minami みなみ |
(surname, female given name) Minami |
三洋 see styles |
sān yáng san1 yang2 san yang mihiro みひろ |
Sanyō, Japanese electronics company (1) (company) Sanyo; (2) (surname) San'you; (personal name) Mihiro |
三洗 see styles |
mitarai みたらい |
(surname) Mitarai |
三洞 see styles |
sanbora さんぼら |
(place-name) Sanbora |
三津 see styles |
mito みと |
(place-name, surname) Mito |
三洲 see styles |
mikuni みくに |
(surname) Mikuni |
三活 see styles |
mitsuiku みついく |
(given name) Mitsuiku |
三流 see styles |
sān liú san1 liu2 san liu sanru さんる |
third-rate; inferior (hist) (See 遠流,中流,近流) three banishment punishments (of different severity; under ritsuryō system) |
三浅 see styles |
miasa みあさ |
(surname) Miasa |
三浜 see styles |
mihama みはま |
(place-name) Mihama |
三浦 see styles |
sān pǔ san1 pu3 san p`u san pu mirau みらう |
Miura (Japanese surname and place name) (surname) Mirau |
三浩 see styles |
mitsuhiro みつひろ |
(personal name) Mitsuhiro |
三浪 see styles |
minami みなみ |
(surname) Minami |
三海 see styles |
mikai みかい |
(surname) Mikai |
三涼 see styles |
misuzu みすず |
(female given name) Misuzu |
三淵 see styles |
mibuchi みぶち |
(surname) Mibuchi |
三混 see styles |
sankon さんこん |
(abbreviation) (See 三種混合) combined vaccination for diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus |
三添 see styles |
mizoe みぞえ |
(surname) Mizoe |
三清 see styles |
sansei / sanse さんせい |
(surname) Sansei |
三渓 see styles |
mitani みたに |
(place-name, surname) Mitani |
三渕 see styles |
mibuchi みぶち |
(surname) Mibuchi |
三渡 see styles |
miwatari みわたり |
(surname) Miwatari |
三湖 see styles |
miko みこ |
(female given name) Miko |
三湯 see styles |
miyu みゆ |
(place-name) Miyu |
三満 see styles |
mitsuman みつまん |
(surname) Mitsuman |
三溝 see styles |
mimizo みみぞ |
(surname) Mimizo |
三溪 see styles |
sankei / sanke さんけい |
(given name) Sankei |
三滋 see styles |
sanji さんじ |
(given name) Sanji |
三滝 see styles |
mitaki みたき |
(place-name, surname) Mitaki |
三漏 see styles |
sān lòu san1 lou4 san lou sanro |
The three affluents that feed the stream of mortality, or transmigration: 欲 desire; 有 (material, or phenomenal) existence; 無明 ignorance (of the way of escape). 涅槃經 22. |
三漸 三渐 see styles |
sān jiàn san1 jian4 san chien sanzen |
The three progressive developments of the Buddha's teaching according to the Prajñā school: (a) the 鹿苑 initial stage in the Lumbinī deer park; (b) the 方等 period of the eight succeeding years; (c) the 般若 Prajñā or wisdom period which succeeded. |
三潟 see styles |
migata みがた |
(surname) Migata |
三潴 see styles |
minuma みぬま |
(surname) Minuma |
三澄 see styles |
mitsusumi みつすみ |
(surname) Mitsusumi |
三澤 see styles |
mimasawa みまさわ |
(surname) Mimasawa |
三濱 see styles |
mitsuhama みつはま |
(surname) Mitsuhama |
三瀦 see styles |
mitsuma みつま |
(surname) Mitsuma |
三瀧 see styles |
mitaki みたき |
(surname) Mitaki |
三瀬 see styles |
mitsunose みつのせ |
(surname) Mitsunose |
三灣 三湾 see styles |
sān wān san1 wan1 san wan |
Sanwan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan |
三火 see styles |
sān huǒ san1 huo3 san huo sanka |
The three fires—desire, hate, and stupidity; v. 三毒. |
三災 三灾 see styles |
sān zāi san1 zai1 san tsai sansai さんさい |
the three calamities: fire, flood and storm The three calamities; they are of two kinds, minor and major. The minor, appearing during a decadent world-period, are sword, pestilence, and famine; the major, for world-destruction, are fire, water, and wind. 倶舍諭 12. |
三炮 see styles |
sān pào san1 pao4 san p`ao san pao |
(Northeastern dialect) simple-minded person |
三無 三无 see styles |
sān wú san1 wu2 san wu |
lacking three key attributes (or at least one of them) |
三焦 see styles |
sān jiāo san1 jiao1 san chiao minowata みのわた sanshou / sansho さんしょう |
(TCM) the three truncal cavities (thoracic, abdominal and pelvic), known as the "triple heater" or "San Jiao" san jiao (triple heater; functional metabolic organ in Chinese medicine) |
三照 see styles |
sān zhào san1 zhao4 san chao sanshō |
The three shinings; the sun first shining on the hill-tops, then the valleys and plains. So, according to Tiantai teaching of the Huayan sūtra, the Buddha's doctrine had three periods of such shining: (a) first, he taught the Huayan sūtra, transforming his chief disciples into bodhisattvas; (b) second, the Hīnayāna sūtras in general to śrāvakas and pratyeka-buddhas in the Lumbinī garden; (c) third, the 方等 sūtras down to the 涅槃經 for all the living. See the 六十華嚴經 35, where the order is five, i.e. bodhisattvas, pratyekabuddhas, śrāvakas, lay disciples, and all creatures. |
三熊 see styles |
miguma みぐま |
(surname) Miguma |
三熱 三热 see styles |
sān rè san1 re4 san je san netsu |
The three distresses of which dragons and dragon-kings are afraid— fiery heat, fierce wind, and the garuḍa bird which preys on them for food. |
三牧 see styles |
mimaki みまき |
(surname) Mimaki |
三牲 see styles |
sān shēng san1 sheng1 san sheng |
the three sacrificial animals (originally cow, sheep and pig; later pig, chicken and fish) |
三献 see styles |
sankon; sangon さんこん; さんごん |
{Shinto} (See 三々九度) three-times-three exchange of nuptial cups |
三猿 see styles |
sān yuán san1 yuan2 san yüan sanen; sanzaru さんえん; さんざる |
(See 見猿,言わ猿,聞か猿) three wise monkeys (who "see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil") The three monkeys, one guarding its eyes, another its ears, a third its mouth. |
三獄 see styles |
migoku みごく |
(surname) Migoku |
三獸 三兽 see styles |
sān shòu san1 shou4 san shou sanshū |
The three animals— hare, horse, elephant— crossing a stream. The śrāvaka is like the hare who crosses by swimming on the surface; the pratyeka-buddha is like the horse who crosses deeper than the hare; the bodhisattva is like the elephant who walks across on the bottom. Also likened to the triyāna. 涅槃經 23, 27. |
三玉 see styles |
mitama みたま |
(place-name, surname) Mitama |
三王 see styles |
mitsuo みつお |
(given name) Mitsuo |
三玲 see styles |
mirei / mire みれい |
(female given name) Mirei |
三珠 see styles |
mitama みたま |
(place-name, surname) Mitama |
三球 see styles |
sankyuu / sankyu さんきゅう |
(given name) Sankyū |
三理 see styles |
misato みさと |
(female given name) Misato |
三琉 see styles |
mitsuru みつる |
(female given name) Mitsuru |
三琴 see styles |
mikoto みこと |
(female given name) Mikoto |
三瑛 see styles |
mie みえ |
(female given name) Mie |
三瑠 see styles |
miru みる |
(female given name) Miru |
三瑳 see styles |
misa みさ |
(female given name) Misa |
三璃 see styles |
miri みり |
(female given name) Miri |
三環 see styles |
sawa さわ |
(female given name) Sawa |
三瓶 see styles |
mihei / mihe みへい |
(surname) Mihei |
三甘 see styles |
mikamo みかも |
(surname) Mikamo |
三甜 see styles |
sān tián san1 tian2 san t`ien san tien sankan |
The three sweet things— cream, honey, curd. |
三生 see styles |
sān shēng san1 sheng1 san sheng mitsuo みつお |
(surname, given name) Mitsuo The three births, or reincarnations, past, present, future. Tiantai has (a) 種 planting the seed; (b) 熟 ripening; (c) 脫 liberating, stripping, or harvesting, i.e. beginning, development, and reward of bodhi, a process either gradual or instantaneous. Huayan has (a) 見聞生 a past life of seeing and hearing Buddha-truth; (b) 解行生 liberation in the present life; (c) 證入生 realization of life in Buddhahood. This is also called 三生成佛, Buddhahood in the course of three lives. There is also a definition of three rebirths as the shortest term for arhatship, sixty kalpas being the longest. There are other definitions. |
三用 see styles |
sanyou / sanyo さんよう |
(surname) San'you |
三甫 see styles |
miho みほ |
(surname) Miho |
三田 see styles |
sān tián san1 tian2 san t`ien san tien minda みんだ |
3 annual hunting bouts; 3 qi points (surname) Minda The three "fields" of varying qualities of fertility, i.e. bodhisattvas, śrāvakas, and icchantis, respectively producing a hundred-fold, fifty-fold, onefold. 涅槃經 33. |
三由 see styles |
miyoshi みよし |
(surname) Miyoshi |
三甲 see styles |
sān jiǎ san1 jia3 san chia |
3rd rank of candidates who passed the imperial examination; (hospital ranking) A-grade tertiary (the highest level) (abbr. for 三級甲等|三级甲等[san1 ji2 jia3 deng3]) |
三申 see styles |
sanshin さんしん |
(given name) Sanshin |
三男 see styles |
mitsuo みつお |
(1) three sons; (2) third son; (given name) Mitsuo |
三町 see styles |
mimachi みまち |
(place-name, surname) Mimachi |
三界 see styles |
sān jiè san1 jie4 san chieh mikai みかい |
(1) {Buddh} (See 欲界,色界,無色界) the three realms of existence; (2) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 三千大千世界) the whole universe (of a billion worlds) that Buddha enlightened; (3) {Buddh} (See 三世・さんぜ・1) past, present and future existences; (suffix) (4) far-off ...; distant ...; (surname) Mikai Trailokya or Triloka; the three realms; also 三有. It is the Buddhist metaphysical equivalent for the Brahmanic cosmological bhuvanatraya, or triple world of bhūr, bhuvaḥ, and svar, earth, atmosphere, and heaven. The Buddhist three are 欲, 色, and 無色界, i.e. world of sensuous desire, form, and formless world of pure spirit. (a) 欲界 Kāmadhātu is the realm of sensuous desire, of 婬 and 食 sex and food; it includes the six heavens of desire, the human world, and the hells. (b) 色界 Rūpadhātu is the realm of form, meaning 質礙 that which is substantial and resistant: it is above the lust-world and contains (so to speak) bodies, palaces, things, all mystic and wonderful一a semi-material conception like that in Revelation; it is represented in the 四禪天, or Brahmalokas. (c) 無色界 Arūpadhātu, or ārūpyadhātu, is the formless realm of pure spirit, where there are no bodies, places, things, at any rate none to which human terms would apply, but where the mind dwells in mystic contemplation; its extent is indefinable, but it is, conceived of in four stages, i,e. 四空處 the four "empty" regions, or regions of space in the immaterial world, which are 四無色 the four "formless" realms, or realms beyond form; being above the realm of form, their bounds cannot be defined. v. 倶舍論世間品. |
三畑 see styles |
mihata みはた |
(surname) Mihata |
三留 see styles |
miru みる |
(surname) Miru |
三畝 see styles |
miune みうね |
(place-name) Miune |
三畠 see styles |
mitsuhata みつはた |
(surname) Mitsuhata |
三略 see styles |
sān lüè san1 lu:e4 san lu:e |
see 黃石公三略|黄石公三略[Huang2 Shi2 gong1 San1 lu:e4] |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "三" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.