There are 486 total results for your 限 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
出来る限り早期 see styles |
dekirukagirisouki / dekirukagirisoki できるかぎりそうき |
(exp,n) as soon as possible; ASAP |
初回仕様限定盤 see styles |
shokaishiyougenteiban / shokaishiyogenteban しょかいしようげんていばん |
(See 初回生産限定盤) first-run limited edition technical recording |
初回生産限定盤 see styles |
shokaiseisangenteiban / shokaisesangenteban しょかいせいさんげんていばん |
first-run limited edition production recording |
帰還不能限界点 see styles |
kikanfunougenkaiten / kikanfunogenkaiten きかんふのうげんかいてん |
the point of no return |
投資の限界効率 see styles |
toushinogenkaikouritsu / toshinogenkaikoritsu とうしのげんかいこうりつ |
(exp,n) marginal efficiency of investment |
時間の許す限り see styles |
jikannoyurusukagiri じかんのゆるすかぎり |
(expression) as long as time allows; whenever one has the time; as time permits |
時限ストライキ see styles |
jigensutoraiki じげんストライキ |
time-limited strike |
極限環境微生物 see styles |
kyokugenkankyoubiseibutsu / kyokugenkankyobisebutsu きょくげんかんきょうびせいぶつ |
extremophile; organism that thrives in extreme conditions |
無限回微分可能 see styles |
mugenkaibibunkanou / mugenkaibibunkano むげんかいびぶんかのう |
(adjectival noun) {math} infinitely differentiable |
無限定適正意見 see styles |
mugenteitekiseiiken / mugentetekiseken むげんていてきせいいけん |
{finc} unqualified opinion |
無限風光在險峰 无限风光在险峰 see styles |
wú xiàn fēng guāng zài xiǎn fēng wu2 xian4 feng1 guang1 zai4 xian3 feng1 wu hsien feng kuang tsai hsien feng |
The boundless vista is at the perilous peak (proverb); fig. exhilaration follows a hard-won victory |
知っている限り see styles |
shitteirukagiri / shitterukagiri しっているかぎり |
(expression) as far as I know |
限度額適用認定証 see styles |
gendogakutekiyouninteishou / gendogakutekiyonintesho げんどがくてきようにんていしょう |
Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount Application |
この限りではない see styles |
konokagiridehanai このかぎりではない |
(expression) (See この限りでない・このかぎりでない,限り・かぎり・6) in this case, it does not apply; this case is an exception |
ヘゴ自生北限地帯 see styles |
hegojiseihokugenchitai / hegojisehokugenchitai ヘゴじせいほくげんちたい |
(place-name) Hegojiseihokugenchitai |
上限実行優先順位 see styles |
jougenjikkouyuusenjuni / jogenjikkoyusenjuni じょうげんじっこうゆうせんじゅんい |
{comp} limit dispatching priority |
保利科技有限公司 see styles |
bǎo lì kē jì yǒu xiàn gōng sī bao3 li4 ke1 ji4 you3 xian4 gong1 si1 pao li k`o chi yu hsien kung ssu pao li ko chi yu hsien kung ssu |
Poly Technologies (defense manufacturing company) |
制限なしトークン see styles |
seigennashitookun / segennashitookun せいげんなしトークン |
{comp} nonrestricted token |
有限オートマトン see styles |
yuugenootomaton / yugenootomaton ゆうげんオートマトン |
{comp} finite automaton |
有限責任事業組合 see styles |
yuugensekininjigyoukumiai / yugensekininjigyokumiai ゆうげんせきにんじぎょうくみあい |
{law} limited liability partnership; limited liability business partnership; LLP |
極限作業ロボット see styles |
kyokugensagyourobotto / kyokugensagyorobotto きょくげんさぎょうロボット |
robot for hazardous conditions |
騰訊控股有限公司 腾讯控股有限公司 see styles |
téng xùn kòng gǔ yǒu xiàn gōng sī teng2 xun4 kong4 gu3 you3 xian4 gong1 si1 t`eng hsün k`ung ku yu hsien kung ssu teng hsün kung ku yu hsien kung ssu |
Tencent Holdings Limited (developers of the QQ instant messaging platform) |
Variations: |
kagiriaru かぎりある |
(exp,adj-f) finite; limited; restricted |
Variations: |
kagirinaku かぎりなく |
(adverb) without end; exceedingly |
限界効用均等の法則 see styles |
genkaikouyoukintounohousoku / genkaikoyokintonohosoku げんかいこうようきんとうのほうそく |
law of equimarginal utility |
限界効用逓減の法則 see styles |
genkaikouyouteigennohousoku / genkaikoyotegennohosoku げんかいこうようていげんのほうそく |
law of diminishing marginal utility |
Variations: |
muragiri むらぎり |
(archaism) (See 太閤検地) border between two villages |
Variations: |
arukagiri あるかぎり |
(1) (See 限り・1,有る・1) all (there is); (exp,n,adv) (2) as long as there is |
Variations: |
shokujiseigen / shokujisegen しょくじせいげん |
dietary restriction |
アコウ自生北限地帯 see styles |
akoujiseihokugenchitai / akojisehokugenchitai アコウじせいほくげんちたい |
(place-name) Akoujiseihokugenchitai |
ツバキ自生北限地帯 see styles |
tsubakijiseihokugenchitai / tsubakijisehokugenchitai ツバキじせいほくげんちたい |
(place-name) Tsubakijiseihokugenchitai |
ナチシダ自生北限地 see styles |
nachishidajiseihokugenchi / nachishidajisehokugenchi ナチシダじせいほくげんち |
(place-name) Nachishidajiseihokugenchi |
中遠太平洋有限公司 中远太平洋有限公司 see styles |
zhōng yuǎn tài píng yáng yǒu xiàn gōng sī zhong1 yuan3 tai4 ping2 yang2 you3 xian4 gong1 si1 chung yüan t`ai p`ing yang yu hsien kung ssu chung yüan tai ping yang yu hsien kung ssu |
COSCO Pacific Limited, major freight company |
限界生産物逓減の法則 see styles |
genkaiseisanbutsuteigennohousoku / genkaisesanbutsutegennohosoku げんかいせいさんぶつていげんのほうそく |
law of diminishing marginal product |
Variations: |
shirukagiri しるかぎり |
(expression) as far as I know |
Variations: |
ataukagiri あたうかぎり |
(exp,adj-no) (See 出来る限り・できるかぎり) as much as possible; as far as possible; to the best of one's abilities |
ただしイケメンに限る see styles |
tadashiikemennikagiru / tadashikemennikagiru ただしイケメンにかぎる |
(expression) (net-sl) (joc) (used to poke fun at people describing their ideal partner) but he has to be handsome; that said, only if he's a looker |
ハマナス自生南限地帯 see styles |
hamanasujiseinangenchitai / hamanasujisenangenchitai ハマナスじせいなんげんちたい |
(place-name) Hamanasujiseinangenchitai |
ヨコグラノキ北限地帯 see styles |
yokoguranokihokugenchitai ヨコグラノキほくげんちたい |
(place-name) Yokoguranokihokugenchitai |
投資事業有限責任組合 see styles |
toushijigyouyuugensekininkumiai / toshijigyoyugensekininkumiai とうしじぎょうゆうげんせきにんくみあい |
{law} limited liability investment partnership |
欧州通常戦力制限条約 see styles |
oushuutsuujousenryokuseigenjouyaku / oshutsujosenryokusegenjoyaku おうしゅうつうじょうせんりょくせいげんじょうやく |
Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe; CFE |
歌才ブナ自生北限地帯 see styles |
utasaibunajiseihokugenchitai / utasaibunajisehokugenchitai うたさいブナじせいほくげんちたい |
(place-name) Utasaibunajiseihokugenchitai |
汽車夏利股份有限公司 汽车夏利股份有限公司 see styles |
qì chē xià lì gǔ fèn yǒu xiàn gōng sī qi4 che1 xia4 li4 gu3 fen4 you3 xian4 gong1 si1 ch`i ch`e hsia li ku fen yu hsien kung ssu chi che hsia li ku fen yu hsien kung ssu |
Tianjin FAW Xiali Motor Company, Ltd., established 1997 |
Variations: |
arankagiri あらんかぎり |
(exp,adv,adj-no) all; as much as possible |
Variations: |
sonobakagiri そのばかぎり |
temporary; ad hoc |
Variations: |
dekirukagiri できるかぎり |
(exp,adv,adj-no,n) as much as one can; as much as possible |
この限りではありません see styles |
konokagiridehaarimasen / konokagirideharimasen このかぎりではありません |
(expression) (See この限りでない・このかぎりでない,限り・かぎり・6) in this case, it does not apply; this case is an exception |
ヒガンザクラ自生南限地 see styles |
higanzakurajiseinangenchi / higanzakurajisenangenchi ヒガンザクラじせいなんげんち |
(place-name) Higanzakurajiseinangenchi |
北京汽車製造廠有限公司 北京汽车制造厂有限公司 see styles |
běi jīng qì chē zhì zào chǎng yǒu xiàn gōng sī bei3 jing1 qi4 che1 zhi4 zao4 chang3 you3 xian4 gong1 si1 pei ching ch`i ch`e chih tsao ch`ang yu hsien kung ssu pei ching chi che chih tsao chang yu hsien kung ssu |
Beijing Automobile Works (BAW) |
小郡町ナギ自生北限地帯 see styles |
ogoorichounagijiseihokugenchitai / ogoorichonagijisehokugenchitai おごおりちょうナギじせいほくげんちたい |
(place-name) Ogoorichōnagijiseihokugenchitai |
Variations: |
kirinashi きりなし |
(1) (usu. used adverbially as 限り無しに) boundlessness; endlessness; infinity; (2) incessantness; continuousness |
Variations: |
kagirinai かぎりない |
(adjective) unlimited; endless; boundless; infinite |
Variations: |
sonobakagiri そのばかぎり |
(adj-no,n) temporary; ad hoc; makeshift; stopgap |
Variations: |
roshugenkai(roshu限界); rosshugenkai(rosshu限界) ロシュげんかい(ロシュ限界); ロッシュげんかい(ロッシュ限界) |
Roche limit; Roche's limit (closest that a natural satellite can come to the center of a planet without disintegrating due to tidal forces) |
Variations: |
seigentsukikabushiki / segentsukikabushiki せいげんつきかぶしき |
{finc} (See 譲渡制限株式) transfer-restricted stock; transfer-restricted shares |
Variations: |
kazukagirinai かずかぎりない |
(adjective) uncountable; innumerable |
Variations: |
miwatasukagiri みわたすかぎり |
(exp,adj-no) as far as the eye can see |
エヒメアヤメ自生南限地帯 see styles |
ehimeayamejiseinangenchitai / ehimeayamejisenangenchitai エヒメアヤメじせいなんげんちたい |
(place-name) Ehimeayamejiseinangenchitai |
ハナショウブ自生南限地帯 see styles |
hanashoubujiseinangenchitai / hanashobujisenangenchitai ハナショウブじせいなんげんちたい |
(place-name) Hanashoubujiseinangenchitai |
中國石油化工股份有限公司 中国石油化工股份有限公司 see styles |
zhōng guó shí yóu huà gōng gǔ fèn yǒu xiàn gōng sī zhong1 guo2 shi2 you2 hua4 gong1 gu3 fen4 you3 xian4 gong1 si1 chung kuo shih yu hua kung ku fen yu hsien kung ssu |
China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec; abbr. to 中石化[Zhong1 shi2 hua4] |
中航技進出口有限責任公司 中航技进出口有限责任公司 see styles |
zhōng háng jì jìn chū kǒu yǒu xiàn zé rèn gōng sī zhong1 hang2 ji4 jin4 chu1 kou3 you3 xian4 ze2 ren4 gong1 si1 chung hang chi chin ch`u k`ou yu hsien tse jen kung ssu chung hang chi chin chu kou yu hsien tse jen kung ssu |
China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC) |
Variations: |
kagirinaku かぎりなく |
(exp,adv) unlimitedly; without limit; without end; endlessly; infinitely; exceedingly |
Variations: |
mukenjigoku(無間地獄); mugenjigoku むけんじごく(無間地獄); むげんじごく |
(yoji) {Buddh} the Avici hell (the eighth and most painful of the eight hells); hell of uninterrupted suffering |
千石山サザンカ自生北限地帯 see styles |
sengokusansazankajiseihokugenchitai / sengokusansazankajisehokugenchitai せんごくさんサザンカじせいほくげんちたい |
(place-name) Sengokusansazankajiseihokugenchitai |
弾道弾迎撃ミサイル制限条約 see styles |
dandoudangeigekimisairuseigenjouyaku / dandodangegekimisairusegenjoyaku だんどうだんげいげきミサイルせいげんじょうやく |
(hist) Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (1972); ABM |
鶉川ゴヨウマツ自生北限地帯 see styles |
uzuragawagoyoumatsujiseihokugenchitai / uzuragawagoyomatsujisehokugenchitai うずらがわゴヨウマツじせいほくげんちたい |
(place-name) Uzuragawagoyoumatsujiseihokugenchitai |
Variations: |
saishougen / saishogen さいしょうげん |
(adj-no,n) (ant: 最大限・1) minimum; lowest; minimal; least |
Variations: |
saishougen / saishogen さいしょうげん |
(adj-no,n) (1) (ant: 最大限・1) minimum; lowest; minimal; least; (adverb) (2) at a minimum |
Variations: |
niwakabungen にわかぶんげん |
(rare) mushroom millionaire |
Variations: |
nikansurukagiri にかんするかぎり |
(expression) (See 関する) as far as ... is concerned; so far as ... can tell |
キイレツチトリモチ自生北限地 see styles |
kiiretsuchitorimochijiseihokugenchi / kiretsuchitorimochijisehokugenchi キイレツチトリモチじせいほくげんち |
(place-name) Kiiretsuchitorimochijiseihokugenchi |
小串エヒメアヤメ自生南限地帯 see styles |
ogushiehimeayamejiseinangenchitai / ogushiehimeayamejisenangenchitai おぐしエヒメアヤメじせいなんげんちたい |
(place-name) Ogushiehimeayamejiseinangenchitai |
Variations: |
kkiri っきり |
(particle) (1) (kana only) (See きり・8) only; just; (particle) (2) (kana only) (usu. in a negative sentence) (ever) since; after; (particle) (3) (kana only) continuously; remaining (in a particular state) |
Variations: |
dekirukagirihayai できるかぎりはやい |
(exp,adj-i) as soon as possible; at the earliest time |
Variations: |
dekirukagirisouki / dekirukagirisoki できるかぎりそうき |
(exp,n) as soon as possible; ASAP |
小串町エヒメアヤメ自生南限地帯 see styles |
ogushichouehimeayamejiseinangenchitai / ogushichoehimeayamejisenangenchitai おぐしちょうエヒメアヤメじせいなんげんちたい |
(place-name) Ogushichōehimeayamejiseinangenchitai |
Variations: |
shitteirukagiri / shitterukagiri しっているかぎり |
(expression) (See 知る限り) as far as I know |
早池峰山のアカエゾマツ自生南限地 see styles |
hayachineyamanoakaezomatsujiseinangenchi / hayachineyamanoakaezomatsujisenangenchi はやちねやまのアカエゾマツじせいなんげんち |
(place-name) Hayachineyamanoakaezomatsujiseinangenchi |
沼田西のエヒメアヤメ自生南限地帯 see styles |
numatanishinoehimeayamejiseinangenchitai / numatanishinoehimeayamejisenangenchitai ぬまたにしのエヒメアヤメじせいなんげんちたい |
(place-name) Numatanishinoehimeayamejiseinangenchitai |
花山のアズマシャクナゲ自生北限地帯 see styles |
hanayamanoazumashakunagejiseihokugenchitai / hanayamanoazumashakunagejisehokugenchitai はなやまのアズマシャクナゲじせいほくげんちたい |
(place-name) Hanayamanoazumashakunagejiseihokugenchitai |
Variations: |
kiri きり |
(1) (kana only) end; finish; place to stop; (2) (kana only) (See 切りがない・1) bound; limit; end; (3) (限り, 限 only) {finc} delivery date (of a futures contract); (4) finale (of a noh song); end of an act (in jōruri or kabuki); final performance of the day (in vaudeville); (5) trump card; (6) {cards} king (court card; in mekuri karuta and unsun karuta); (counter) (7) counter for slices (esp. thick slices); counter for cuts (of fish, meat, etc.); (particle) (8) (kana only) (sometimes pronounced ぎり) (See っきり・1) only; just; (particle) (9) (kana only) (usu. in a negative sentence; sometimes pronounced ぎり) (ever) since; after; (particle) (10) (kana only) (sometimes pronounced ぎり) continuously; remaining (in a particular state) |
Variations: |
ataukagiri あたうかぎり |
(exp,adj-no) (See できる限り) as much as possible; as far as possible; to the best of one's abilities |
Variations: |
dekiurukagiri できうるかぎり |
(expression) as (much) as possible; as (far) as possible |
Variations: |
omikagiri おみかぎり |
(polite language) ceased patronage (of a client, customer, etc.); discontinued attendance |
Variations: |
yoyokagirinaku よよかぎりなく |
forever and ever |
Variations: |
sanmahameguronikagiru さんまはめぐろにかぎる |
(expression) (from a rakugo story; used ironically to poke fun at someone who makes an ignorant statement with confidence) Pacific saury is only good if it's from Meguro |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 86 results for "限" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.