There are 539 total results for your 洗 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
食器洗い see styles |
shokkiarai しょっきあらい |
dishwashing; doing dishes |
髪洗い粉 see styles |
kamiaraiko かみあらいこ |
powder for cleaning the hair; powder shampoo |
鼻洗浄器 see styles |
hanasenjouki / hanasenjoki はなせんじょうき |
nasal irrigation device |
洗いざらい see styles |
araizarai あらいざらい |
(adverb) everything |
洗いざらし see styles |
araizarashi あらいざらし |
faded from washing |
洗いざらす see styles |
araizarasu あらいざらす |
(transitive verb) to fade something by overwashing it |
洗いなおす see styles |
arainaosu あらいなおす |
(transitive verb) (1) to wash again; (2) to reconsider |
洗い上げる see styles |
araiageru あらいあげる |
(transitive verb) to finish washing; to wash well; to investigate thoroughly |
洗い分ける see styles |
araiwakeru あらいわける |
(Ichidan verb) to separate by washing |
洗い清める see styles |
araikiyomeru あらいきよめる |
(Ichidan verb) to wash clean; to cleanse |
洗い立てる see styles |
araitateru あらいたてる |
(transitive verb) (1) to examine closely; to check up on; to ferret out; (transitive verb) (2) to wash carefully |
洗い落とす see styles |
araiotosu あらいおとす |
(transitive verb) to wash off; to wash out |
洗濯ばさみ see styles |
sentakubasami せんたくばさみ |
clothespin; clothes peg |
洗濯物入れ see styles |
sentakumonoire せんたくものいれ |
laundry box; washing basket |
洗練された see styles |
senrensareta せんれんされた |
(exp,adj-f) refined; polished; elegant; sophisticated |
洗面化粧台 see styles |
senmenkeshoudai / senmenkeshodai せんめんけしょうだい |
washstand; basin stand |
Variations: |
haisen はいせん |
small vessel or bowl in which sake cups are rinsed |
上御手洗瀬 see styles |
kamimitarase かみみたらせ |
(place-name) Kamimitarase |
下御手洗瀬 see styles |
shimomitarase しもみたらせ |
(place-name) Shimomitarase |
下津牛洗町 see styles |
orizuushiaraichou / orizushiaraicho おりづうしあらいちょう |
(place-name) Orizuushiaraichō |
下足洗新田 see styles |
shimoashiaraishinden しもあしあらいしんでん |
(place-name) Shimoashiaraishinden |
中郷町足洗 see styles |
nakagouchouashiarai / nakagochoashiarai なかごうちょうあしあらい |
(place-name) Nakagouchōashiarai |
合成洗滌劑 合成洗涤剂 see styles |
hé chéng xǐ dí jì he2 cheng2 xi3 di2 ji4 ho ch`eng hsi ti chi ho cheng hsi ti chi |
synthetic detergent |
吸附洗消劑 吸附洗消剂 see styles |
xī fù xǐ xiāo jì xi1 fu4 xi3 xiao1 ji4 hsi fu hsi hsiao chi |
absorbing decontaminant |
大洗鹿島線 see styles |
ooaraikashimasen おおあらいかしません |
(personal name) Ooaraikashimasen |
安藤姑洗子 see styles |
andoukosenshi / andokosenshi あんどうこせんし |
(personal name) Andōkosenshi |
御手洗の滝 see styles |
ochouzunotaki / ochozunotaki おちょうずのたき |
(place-name) Ochōzu Falls |
御手洗るみ see styles |
mitarairumi みたらいるみ |
(person) Mitarai Rumi |
御手洗ダム see styles |
mitaraidamu みたらいダム |
(place-name) Mitarai Dam |
御手洗リカ see styles |
mitarairika みたらいリカ |
(person) Mitarai Rika (1985.7.17-) |
御手洗団子 see styles |
mitarashidango みたらしだんご |
skewered rice dumplings in a sweet soy glaze |
御陵血洗町 see styles |
misasagichiaraichou / misasagichiaraicho みささぎちあらいちょう |
(place-name) Misasagichiaraichō |
施洗者約翰 施洗者约翰 see styles |
shī xǐ zhě yuē hàn shi1 xi3 zhe3 yue1 han4 shih hsi che yüeh han |
John the Baptist |
水洗トイレ see styles |
suisentoire すいせんトイレ |
flush toilet |
水洗式便所 see styles |
suisenshikibenjo すいせんしきべんじょ |
flush toilet |
消毒洗手液 see styles |
xiāo dú xǐ shǒu yè xiao1 du2 xi3 shou3 ye4 hsiao tu hsi shou yeh |
hand sanitizer |
自助洗衣店 see styles |
zì zhù xǐ yī diàn zi4 zhu4 xi3 yi1 dian4 tzu chu hsi i tien |
laundromat; launderette |
芋洗貯水池 see styles |
imoaraichosuichi いもあらいちょすいち |
(place-name) Imoaraichosuichi |
西太刀洗駅 see styles |
nishitachiaraieki にしたちあらいえき |
(st) Nishitachiarai Station |
超音波洗浄 see styles |
chouonpasenjou / choonpasenjo ちょうおんぱせんじょう |
ultrasonic cleaning |
足洗潟公園 see styles |
ashiaraigatakouen / ashiaraigatakoen あしあらいがたこうえん |
(place-name) Ashiaraigata Park |
酒精洗手液 see styles |
jiǔ jīng xǐ shǒu yè jiu3 jing1 xi3 shou3 ye4 chiu ching hsi shou yeh |
alcohol-based hand sanitizer |
電気洗濯機 see styles |
denkisentakuki でんきせんたくき |
electric washing machine |
食器洗い機 see styles |
shokkiaraiki しょっきあらいき |
(See 皿洗い機) dishwasher; dishwashing machine |
食器洗浄器 see styles |
shokkisenjouki / shokkisenjoki しょっきせんじょうき |
(1) dishwasher; dishwashing machine; (2) industrial dishwasher |
食器洗浄機 see styles |
shokkisenjouki / shokkisenjoki しょっきせんじょうき |
(1) dishwasher; dishwashing machine; (2) industrial dishwasher |
馬洗井戸川 see styles |
maseidogawa / masedogawa ませいどがわ |
(place-name) Maseidogawa |
高圧洗浄機 see styles |
kouatsusenjouki / koatsusenjoki こうあつせんじょうき |
pressure washer; power washer; high-pressure washing machine |
高壓清洗機 高压清洗机 see styles |
gāo yā qīng xǐ jī gao1 ya1 qing1 xi3 ji1 kao ya ch`ing hsi chi kao ya ching hsi chi |
high pressure washer |
洗濯ハンガー see styles |
sentakuhangaa / sentakuhanga せんたくハンガー |
laundry hanger (for drying clothes) |
洗礼者ヨハネ see styles |
senreishayohane / senreshayohane せんれいしゃヨハネ |
(person) Saint John the Baptist |
洗足学園大学 see styles |
senzokugakuendaigaku せんぞくがくえんだいがく |
(org) Senzoku Gakuen University; (o) Senzoku Gakuen University |
Variations: |
hissen(筆洗); fudearai ひっせん(筆洗); ふであらい |
brush cleaner; brush cleaning; brush washing; writing brush washer |
入れ歯洗浄剤 see styles |
irebasenjouzai / irebasenjozai いればせんじょうざい |
denture cleanser |
反資金洗浄法 see styles |
hanshikinsenjouhou / hanshikinsenjoho はんしきんせんじょうほう |
anti-money laundering law |
叵囉虞那麼洗 叵囉虞那么洗 see styles |
pǒ luō yún à mó xǐ po3 luo1 yun2 a4 mo2 xi3 p`o lo yün a mo hsi po lo yün a mo hsi Haragunamasen |
phālgunamāsa |
叵囉虞那麽洗 see styles |
pǒ luō yú nà xǐ po3 luo1 yu2 na4 xi3 p`o lo yü na hsi po lo yü na hsi |
叵勒拏; 頗攞遇捉; 頗勒窶拏 phālgunamāsa, the twelfth month; M. W. says February-March, the month, māsa, of the Nakṣatra Phālgunī. |
大洗ゴルフ場 see styles |
ooaraigorufujou / ooaraigorufujo おおあらいゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Ooarai golf links |
大洗磯前神社 see styles |
ooaraiisosakijinja / ooaraisosakijinja おおあらいいそさきじんじゃ |
(place-name) Ooarai Isosaki Shrine |
御手洗冨士夫 see styles |
mitaraifujio みたらいふじお |
(person) Mitarai Fujio (1935.9-) |
心が洗われる see styles |
kokorogaarawareru / kokorogarawareru こころがあらわれる |
(exp,v1) to feel refreshed; to feel soothed |
水洗式トイレ see styles |
suisenshikitoire すいせんしきトイレ |
(See 水洗トイレ) flush toilet |
温水洗浄便座 see styles |
onsuisenjoubenza / onsuisenjobenza おんすいせんじょうべんざ |
bidet toilet with a heated water function; warm-water washlet |
灌洗佛形像經 灌洗佛形像经 see styles |
guàn xǐ fó xíng xiàng jīng guan4 xi3 fo2 xing2 xiang4 jing1 kuan hsi fo hsing hsiang ching Kansen butsugyōzō kyō |
Sūtra on Consecrating and Washing Buddha Images |
血で血を洗う see styles |
chidechioarau ちでちをあらう |
(exp,v5u) (idiom) to engage in a bloody feud; to have a family quarrel; to quarrel with one's own flesh and blood; to wash blood for blood |
迦哩底迦麼洗 迦哩底迦么洗 see styles |
jiā lī dǐ jiā mó xǐ jia1 li1 di3 jia1 mo2 xi3 chia li ti chia mo hsi Kariteikamasen |
(Skt. Kārttika-māsa) |
洗礼者聖ヨハネ see styles |
senreishaseiyohane / senreshaseyohane せんれいしゃせいヨハネ |
(person) Saint John the Baptist |
Variations: |
tsuboarai つぼあらい |
(slang) (See ソープランド) individually "washing" a partner's fingers or toes in one's vagina (esp. as a service at a soapland) |
三井郡大刀洗町 see styles |
miiguntachiaraimachi / miguntachiaraimachi みいぐんたちあらいまち |
(place-name) Miiguntachiaraimachi |
婆捺囉婆捺麽洗 婆捺囉婆捺么洗 see styles |
pó nà luō pó nà mó xǐ po2 na4 luo1 po2 na4 mo2 xi3 p`o na lo p`o na mo hsi po na lo po na mo hsi badarabadamasen |
Bhādrapadamāsa, the sixth month, middle of August to middle of September; the third and fourth nakṣatras or lunar mansions, pūrva and uttara; also 跋婆捺囉娜; 跋陀娜婆娜; 婆達羅鉢陀. |
東茨城郡大洗町 see styles |
higashiibarakigunooaraimachi / higashibarakigunooaraimachi ひがしいばらきぐんおおあらいまち |
(place-name) Higashiibarakigun'ooaraimachi |
芋を洗うような see styles |
imooarauyouna / imooarauyona いもをあらうような |
(expression) to be jostling against each other |
蘿蔔快了不洗泥 萝卜快了不洗泥 see styles |
luó bo kuài le bù xǐ ní luo2 bo5 kuai4 le5 bu4 xi3 ni2 lo po k`uai le pu hsi ni lo po kuai le pu hsi ni |
when radishes are selling fast, one doesn't take the time to wash the soil off them (idiom); fig. when business is booming, merchants tend to offer goods of inferior quality |
跳進黃河洗不清 跳进黄河洗不清 see styles |
tiào jìn huáng hé xǐ bù qīng tiao4 jin4 huang2 he2 xi3 bu4 qing1 t`iao chin huang ho hsi pu ch`ing tiao chin huang ho hsi pu ching |
lit. even jumping into the Yellow River can't get you clean; fig. to become inexorably mixed up; mired in controversy; in deep trouble |
首を洗って待つ see styles |
kubioarattematsu くびをあらってまつ |
(exp,v5t) (idiom) (usu. in the imperative, as a threat) to wait for one's punishment; to wait before one gets what's coming to one; to wash one's neck and wait (i.e. for one's beheading) |
Variations: |
sentakunori せんたくのり |
laundry starch |
洗足学園音楽大学 see styles |
senzokugakuenongakudaigaku せんぞくがくえんおんがくだいがく |
(org) Senzoku Gakuen College of Music; (o) Senzoku Gakuen College of Music |
Variations: |
sentou / sento せんとう |
public bath; bathhouse |
Variations: |
tearaiki てあらいき |
washbasin; sink (for washing hands) |
Variations: |
tearaiba てあらいば |
(1) area for washing one's hands and face; washroom; bathroom; (2) (See 便所) toilet |
Variations: |
imoarai いもあらい |
(1) washing potatoes (in a bucket); (2) (idiom) being very crowded; being packed with people |
Variations: |
tokiarai ときあらい |
(noun, transitive verb) (See 丸洗い) unstitching and washing |
芋の子を洗うよう see styles |
imonokooarauyou / imonokooarauyo いものこをあらうよう |
(exp,adj-na) (idiom) (See 芋を洗うよう) with people jostling against one another; teeming; heaving; jam-packed |
茨城大洗自転車道 see styles |
ibaragiooaraijitenshadou / ibaragiooaraijitenshado いばらぎおおあらいじてんしゃどう |
(place-name) Ibaragiooaraijitenshadō |
鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯 see styles |
oninoinumanisentaku おにのいぬまにせんたく |
(expression) (idiom) (See 洗濯・2) playing while the cat is away; taking a break while the boss is out; doing what one wants when one is (finally) alone; relaxing while the demon is out |
Variations: |
sentaku(p); sendaku(洗濯)(ok) せんたく(P); せんだく(洗濯)(ok) |
(noun/participle) (1) washing; laundry; (noun/participle) (2) (oft. as 命の洗濯) relaxing; taking a break |
Variations: |
araiguma; araiguma あらいぐま; アライグマ |
(kana only) common raccoon (Procyon lotor) |
Variations: |
araitate あらいたて |
(can be adjective with の) freshly washed |
Variations: |
araidasu あらいだす |
(transitive verb) (1) to reveal by washing the surface; to expose by washing away dirt, earth, etc.; (transitive verb) (2) to discover (by investigation); to bring to light; to find out; to dig up; to examine closely; to clarify; (transitive verb) (3) to start washing |
Variations: |
tearai てあらい |
(1) washing one's hands; water (or basin, etc.) for washing one's hands; (2) (See お手洗い) restroom; lavatory; toilet; (3) hand-washing (laundry, etc.) |
Variations: |
momiarai もみあらい |
(noun/participle) washing by rubbing (clothes, hands, etc.) |
Variations: |
tsumamiarai つまみあらい |
washing only the soiled part (of a garment) |
非イオン系合成洗剤 see styles |
hiionkeigouseisenzai / hionkegosesenzai ひイオンけいごうせいせんざい |
non-ionic detergent |
首を洗って待ってろ see styles |
kubioarattemattero くびをあらってまってろ |
(expression) just you wait; just wait and see; I'll show you |
Variations: |
araigami あらいがみ |
freshly washed hair |
Variations: |
araizarai あらいざらい |
(adverb) all; wholly; entirely; completely; without exception |
Variations: |
araizarashi あらいざらし |
faded from washing |
Variations: |
araizarasu あらいざらす |
(transitive verb) to fade something by overwashing it |
Variations: |
arainaosu あらいなおす |
(transitive verb) (1) to wash again; (transitive verb) (2) to reconsider |
洗足学園魚津短期大学 see styles |
senzokugakuenuozutankidaigaku せんぞくがくえんうおづたんきだいがく |
(org) Senzokugakuen'uozu Junior College; (o) Senzokugakuen'uozu Junior College |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "洗" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.