There are 484 total results for your 更 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
日付変更線 see styles |
hizukehenkousen / hizukehenkosen ひづけへんこうせん |
International Date Line |
木更津大橋 see styles |
kisarazuoohashi きさらづおおはし |
(place-name) Kisarazuoohashi |
練馬更生園 see styles |
nerimakouseien / nerimakoseen ねりまこうせいえん |
(place-name) Nerimakouseien |
Variations: |
fuke ふけ |
(n,n-suf) growing late; latening |
Variations: |
saratoi さらとい |
follow-up question; additional question |
更にも言わず see styles |
saranimoiwazu さらにもいわず |
(expression) (idiom) it is needless to say |
更級郡大岡村 see styles |
sarashinagunoookamura さらしなぐんおおおかむら |
(place-name) Sarashinagun'oookamura |
アドレス変更 see styles |
adoresuhenkou / adoresuhenko アドレスへんこう |
{comp} address modification |
デューク更家 see styles |
deuukusaraie / deukusaraie デュークさらいえ |
(person) Dyu-ku Saraie |
上渚滑町更生 see styles |
kamishokotsuchoukousei / kamishokotsuchokose かみしょこつちょうこうせい |
(place-name) Kamishokotsuchōkousei |
信更町氷ノ田 see styles |
shinkoumachihinota / shinkomachihinota しんこうまちひのた |
(place-name) Shinkoumachihinota |
信更町田野口 see styles |
shinkoumachitanokuchi / shinkomachitanokuchi しんこうまちたのくち |
(place-name) Shinkoumachitanokuchi |
変更域ダンプ see styles |
henkouikidanpu / henkoikidanpu へんこういきダンプ |
{comp} change dump |
愛の里更生園 see styles |
ainosatokouseien / ainosatokoseen あいのさとこうせいえん |
(place-name) Ainosatokouseien |
気は更々ない see styles |
kihasarasaranai きはさらさらない |
(exp,adj-i) have no intention of (doing) |
河東郡音更町 see styles |
katougunotofukechou / katogunotofukecho かとうぐんおとふけちょう |
(place-name) Katougun'otofukechō |
河西郡更別村 see styles |
kasaigunsarabetsumura かさいぐんさらべつむら |
(place-name) Kasaigunsarabetsumura |
満更でもない see styles |
manzarademonai まんざらでもない |
(exp,adj-i) (kana only) not all bad; not as dissatisfied (or annoyed) as one would have others believe; not completely displeasing; fairly pleasing |
起信論更料揀 起信论更料拣 see styles |
qǐ xìn lùn gēng liào jiǎn qi3 xin4 lun4 geng1 liao4 jian3 ch`i hsin lun keng liao chien chi hsin lun keng liao chien Kishinron kyō ryōken |
second commentary on the Awakening of Faith |
音更取水ダム see styles |
otofuketosuidamu おとふけとすいダム |
(place-name) Otofuketosui Dam |
更に困った事に see styles |
saranikomattakotoni さらにこまったことに |
(expression) to make matters worse |
更級郡上山田町 see styles |
sarashinagunkamiyamadamachi さらしなぐんかみやまだまち |
(place-name) Sarashinagunkamiyamadamachi |
查爾斯·狄更斯 查尔斯·狄更斯 see styles |
chá ěr sī · dí gēng sī cha2 er3 si1 · di2 geng1 si1 ch`a erh ssu · ti keng ssu cha erh ssu · ti keng ssu |
Charles Dickens (1812-1870), great English novelist |
おにしか更生園 see styles |
onishikakouseien / onishikakoseen おにしかこうせいえん |
(place-name) Onishikakouseien |
アドレス変更子 see styles |
adoresuhenkoushi / adoresuhenkoshi アドレスへんこうし |
{comp} address modifier |
ファイルの更新 see styles |
fairunokoushin / fairunokoshin ファイルのこうしん |
{comp} file updating |
事情変更の原則 see styles |
jijouhenkounogensoku / jijohenkonogensoku じじょうへんこうのげんそく |
(exp,n) {law} clausula rebus sic stantibus (legal principle that agreements become non-binding if there is a major, unforeseeable change of circumstances) |
何の変更もなく see styles |
nannohenkoumonaku / nannohenkomonaku なんのへんこうもなく |
{comp} interchangeability |
国際日付変更線 see styles |
kokusaihizukehenkousen / kokusaihizukehenkosen こくさいひづけへんこうせん |
international date line |
國際日期變更線 国际日期变更线 see styles |
guó jì rì qī biàn gēng xiàn guo2 ji4 ri4 qi1 bian4 geng1 xian4 kuo chi jih ch`i pien keng hsien kuo chi jih chi pien keng hsien |
international date line |
屋漏更遭連夜雨 屋漏更遭连夜雨 see styles |
wū lòu gèng zāo lián yè yǔ wu1 lou4 geng4 zao1 lian2 ye4 yu3 wu lou keng tsao lien yeh yü |
when it rains, it pours (idiom) |
強中更有強中手 强中更有强中手 see styles |
qiáng zhōng gèng yǒu qiáng zhōng shǒu qiang2 zhong1 geng4 you3 qiang2 zhong1 shou3 ch`iang chung keng yu ch`iang chung shou chiang chung keng yu chiang chung shou |
see 強中自有強中手|强中自有强中手[qiang2 zhong1 zi4 you3 qiang2 zhong1 shou3] |
木更津ゴルフ場 see styles |
kisarazugorufujou / kisarazugorufujo きさらづゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Kisarazu golf links |
木更津工業高専 see styles |
kisarazukougyoukousen / kisarazukogyokosen きさらづこうぎょうこうせん |
(place-name) Kisarazukougyoukousen |
満更夢ではない see styles |
manzarayumedehanai まんざらゆめではない |
(exp,adj-i) not altogether a dream |
表示更新モード see styles |
hyoujikoushinmoodo / hyojikoshinmoodo ひょうじこうしんモード |
{comp} display update state |
記録を更新する see styles |
kirokuokoushinsuru / kirokuokoshinsuru きろくをこうしんする |
(exp,vs-i) to break a record; to establish a new record |
過程比終點更美 过程比终点更美 see styles |
guò chéng bǐ zhōng diǎn gèng měi guo4 cheng2 bi3 zhong1 dian3 geng4 mei3 kuo ch`eng pi chung tien keng mei kuo cheng pi chung tien keng mei |
The process is more beautiful than the outcome.; It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive. |
更に困ったことに see styles |
saranikomattakotoni さらにこまったことに |
(expression) to make matters worse |
Variations: |
kotosara ことさら |
(adv,adj-na) (1) (kana only) intentionally; deliberately; designedly; on purpose; (adv,adj-na) (2) (kana only) especially; particularly |
在留期間更新許可 see styles |
zairyuukikankoushinkyoka / zairyukikankoshinkyoka ざいりゅうきかんこうしんきょか |
extension of visa permit |
日本更生保護協会 see styles |
nipponkouseihogokyoukai / nipponkosehogokyokai にっぽんこうせいほごきょうかい |
(org) Japan Rehabilitation Aid Association; (o) Japan Rehabilitation Aid Association |
除此更無若過若增 除此更无若过若增 see styles |
chú cǐ gēng wú ruò guō ruò zēng chu2 ci3 geng1 wu2 ruo4 guo1 ruo4 zeng1 ch`u tz`u keng wu jo kuo jo tseng chu tzu keng wu jo kuo jo tseng jo shi kyō mu nya ka nya zō |
beyond this, there is nothing to be added |
更紗(ateji) see styles |
sarasa サラサ |
chintz (por: saraça); calico; printed cotton |
Variations: |
sarachi さらち |
empty lot; vacant plot of land |
Variations: |
imasara いまさら |
(adverb) (1) now (when it is already much too late); at this stage; (adverb) (2) afresh; anew; again |
Variations: |
kisaragi; jogetsu(如月); kinusaragi(衣更着) きさらぎ; じょげつ(如月); きぬさらぎ(衣更着) |
(1) (obsolete) second month of the lunar calendar; (2) (poetic term) February |
Variations: |
yofukete よふけて |
(expression) late at night; deep in the night |
Variations: |
sarashinashouma; sarashinashouma / sarashinashoma; sarashinashoma さらしなしょうま; サラシナショウマ |
(kana only) bugbane (Cimicifuga simplex) |
Variations: |
kaimenkousei / kaimenkose かいめんこうせい |
reduction (of pressure) to mean sea level |
中央更生保護審査会 see styles |
chuuoukouseihogoshinsakai / chuokosehogoshinsakai ちゅうおうこうせいほごしんさかい |
(company) National Offenders Rehabilitation Commission; (c) National Offenders Rehabilitation Commission |
地方更生保護委員会 see styles |
chihoukouseihogoiinkai / chihokosehogoinkai ちほうこうせいほごいいんかい |
(org) Regional Parole Board; (o) Regional Parole Board |
百尺竿頭,更盡一步 百尺竿头,更尽一步 see styles |
bǎi chǐ gān tóu , gèng jìn yī bù bai3 chi3 gan1 tou2 , geng4 jin4 yi1 bu4 pai ch`ih kan t`ou , keng chin i pu pai chih kan tou , keng chin i pu |
lit. hundred foot pole, progress still further (idiom); fig. much accomplished, still some work to do; to continue to further successes; not to rest on one's laurels |
百尺竿頭,更進一步 百尺竿头,更进一步 see styles |
bǎi chǐ gān tóu , gèng jìn yī bù bai3 chi3 gan1 tou2 , geng4 jin4 yi1 bu4 pai ch`ih kan t`ou , keng chin i pu pai chih kan tou , keng chin i pu |
lit. after climbing a hundred feet up a pole, one should go even further (idiom); fig. even if one has achieved a measure of success, one should strive to do even better |
行不更名,坐不改姓 see styles |
xíng bù gēng míng , zuò bù gǎi xìng xing2 bu4 geng1 ming2 , zuo4 bu4 gai3 xing4 hsing pu keng ming , tso pu kai hsing |
I am who I am and not ashamed of it; to be proud of one's name and stand by one's actions |
路上比終點更有意義 路上比终点更有意义 see styles |
lù shang bǐ zhōng diǎn gèng yǒu yì yì lu4 shang5 bi3 zhong1 dian3 geng4 you3 yi4 yi4 lu shang pi chung tien keng yu i i |
The road means more than the destination.; It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive. |
Variations: |
fukeru ふける |
(v1,vi) to get late; to advance; to wear on |
Variations: |
sarasadoudan; sarasadoudan / sarasadodan; sarasadodan さらさどうだん; サラサドウダン |
(kana only) redvein enkianthus (Enkianthus campanulatus) |
Variations: |
komogomo こもごも |
(adverb) (kana only) alternately; in succession |
Variations: |
henkoutodoke / henkotodoke へんこうとどけ |
(abbreviation) (See 在留届) notification of change; alteration report; registration of modification |
Variations: |
yogafukeru よがふける |
(exp,v1) (See 夜更け) evening deepens into night; the night wears on; night advances |
陸上自衛隊木更津駐屯地 see styles |
rikujoujieitaikisarazuchuutonchi / rikujojietaikisarazuchutonchi りくじょうじえいたいきさらづちゅうとんち |
(place-name) Rikujōjieitaikisarazuchuutonchi |
Variations: |
kousei / kose こうせい |
(n,vs,vi) (1) rehabilitation; remaking one's life; starting life anew; (noun, transitive verb) (2) rebirth; regeneration; reorganization; rebuilding; recovery; restoration; remaking; (n,vs,vi) (3) coming back to life; revival; resuscitation |
Variations: |
koutetsu / kotetsu こうてつ |
(n,vs,vt,vi) change (of personnel); reshuffle (e.g. of a cabinet); shake-up; dismissal (e.g. of a minister); replacement |
Variations: |
henkou / henko へんこう |
(noun, transitive verb) change; modification; alteration; revision; amendment |
Variations: |
imasaranagara いまさらながら |
(expression) (1) although at this late hour; now, although it is too late; (expression) (2) afresh; anew; again |
Variations: |
arayu(新湯); sarayu; shinyu(新湯) あらゆ(新湯); さらゆ; しんゆ(新湯) |
clean, freshly poured bath; hot water just poured into a bath that no one has entered yet |
Variations: |
jirikikousei / jirikikose じりきこうせい |
(noun/participle) (yoji) working out one's salvation by own efforts; rehabilitating oneself by one's own efforts; rectifying one's ways of life without relying on others' help |
Variations: |
koromogae ころもがえ |
(noun/participle) (1) (reading is gikun for 更衣) (See 更衣・こうい・1) seasonal change of clothing; changing one's dress for the season; (noun/participle) (2) renovation; facelift; redesign; redecoration; new appearance; fresh look |
Variations: |
yofuke よふけ |
late at night; small hours of the morning |
Variations: |
imasarakan いまさらかん |
(colloquialism) feeling that something has come too late |
Variations: |
saranimoiwazu さらにもいわず |
(expression) (archaism) needless to say |
Variations: |
massara まっさら |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) (kana only) brand new; fresh |
Variations: |
yofukashi よふかし |
(n,vs,vi) staying up late; keeping late hours; sitting up late at night; nighthawk |
Variations: |
atesakihenkou / atesakihenko あてさきへんこう |
{comp} redirection |
帶著希望去旅行,比到達終點更美好 带着希望去旅行,比到达终点更美好 see styles |
dài zhe xī wàng qù lǚ xíng , bǐ dào dá zhōng diǎn gèng měi hǎo dai4 zhe5 xi1 wang4 qu4 lu:3 xing2 , bi3 dao4 da2 zhong1 dian3 geng4 mei3 hao3 tai che hsi wang ch`ü lü hsing , pi tao ta chung tien keng mei hao tai che hsi wang chü lü hsing , pi tao ta chung tien keng mei hao |
It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive. |
Variations: |
sarachi さらち |
empty lot; vacant plot of land |
Variations: |
koromogae ころもがえ |
(n,vs,vi) (1) (reading is gikun for 更衣) (See 更衣・こうい・1) seasonal change of clothing; changing one's dress for the season; (n,vs,vi) (2) renovation; facelift; redesign; redecoration; new appearance; fresh look |
Variations: |
fukemachizuki ふけまちづき |
moon of the 20th day of the lunar month |
Variations: |
manzara まんざら |
(adverb) (kana only) (not) altogether; (not) wholly |
Variations: |
sarasabateira; sarasabateira / sarasabatera; sarasabatera サラサばていら; サラサバテイラ |
(kana only) Tectus maximus (species of top shell) |
Variations: |
naosara なおさら |
(adverb) (1) (kana only) still more; even more; all the more; (adverb) (2) (kana only) (with neg. verb) still less; even less |
Variations: |
kigae きがえ |
(n,vs,vi) changing clothes; change of clothes |
Variations: |
saranikomattakotoni さらにこまったことに |
(expression) to make matters worse |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 84 results for "更" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.