There are 1560 total results for your 摩 search. I have created 16 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
摩耶郎 see styles |
mayao まやお |
(given name) Mayao |
摩耶颪 see styles |
mayaoroshi まやおろし |
(surname) Mayaoroshi |
摩臘婆 摩腊婆 see styles |
mó là pó mo2 la4 po2 mo la p`o mo la po Marōba |
Mālava, or Lāra (Lāṭa). An ancient state in Central India, in the present Gujarat. |
摩花論 see styles |
makaron まかろん |
(female given name) Makaron |
摩莉子 see styles |
mariko まりこ |
(female given name) Mariko |
摩莫枳 see styles |
mó mò zhǐ mo2 mo4 zhi3 mo mo chih Mamaki |
Māmakī |
摩薩德 摩萨德 see styles |
mó sà dé mo2 sa4 de2 mo sa te |
Mossad |
摩蘇爾 摩苏尔 see styles |
mó sū ěr mo2 su1 er3 mo su erh |
Mosul (city in Iraq) |
摩虎羅 摩虎罗 see styles |
mó hǔ luó mo2 hu3 luo2 mo hu lo Makora |
Mahoraga |
摩蟹座 see styles |
mó xiè zuò mo2 xie4 zuo4 mo hsieh tso |
Capricorn (constellation and sign of the zodiac); used erroneously for 魔羯座 |
摩衣子 see styles |
maiko まいこ |
(female given name) Maiko |
摩衣星 see styles |
maise まいせ |
(female given name) Maise |
摩裕羅 摩裕罗 see styles |
mó yù luó mo2 yu4 luo2 mo yü lo mayūra |
v. 摩由羅. |
摩裕美 see styles |
mayumi まゆみ |
(female given name) Mayumi |
摩規好 see styles |
makiko まきこ |
(female given name) Makiko |
摩記子 see styles |
makiko まきこ |
(female given name) Makiko |
摩訶梵 摩诃梵 see styles |
mó hē fàn mo2 he1 fan4 mo ho fan mokobon |
Great Verse |
摩訶池 see styles |
makaike まかいけ |
(place-name) Makaike |
摩訶男 摩诃男 see styles |
mó hēn án mo2 hen1 an2 mo hen an Mokonan |
Mahānāman |
摩訶羅 摩诃罗 see styles |
mó hē luó mo2 he1 luo2 mo ho lo makara |
mahallakas, old, stupid, ignorant; also 摩迦羅; 莫訶洛迦 (or 莫喝洛迦). |
摩訶耶 see styles |
makaya まかや |
(place-name) Makaya |
摩訶薩 摩诃萨 see styles |
mó hē sà mo2 he1 sa4 mo ho sa makasatsu |
(Skt. mahāsattva) |
摩訶衍 摩诃衍 see styles |
mó hē yǎn mo2 he1 yan3 mo ho yen makaen |
(摩訶衍那) Mahāyāna, 大乘 q.v. the real Vehicle, in contrast with Hīnayāna 小乘. Also 摩訶夜那 (or 摩訶夜泥). |
摩貴子 see styles |
makiko まきこ |
(given name) Makiko |
摩賴耶 摩赖耶 see styles |
mó lài yé mo2 lai4 ye2 mo lai yeh Maraiya |
v. 摩羅耶. |
摩迦吒 摩迦咤 see styles |
mó jiā zhà mo2 jia1 zha4 mo chia cha makata |
markata, a monkey; also 摩斯吒. |
摩迦羅 摩迦罗 see styles |
mó jiā luó mo2 jia1 luo2 mo chia lo makara |
(Skt. mahallaka) |
摩達那 摩达那 see styles |
mó dán à mo2 dan2 a4 mo tan a madana |
madana |
摩那埵 see styles |
mó nà duǒ mo2 na4 duo3 mo na to manata |
mānatta, joy to the penitent and his fellow monks caused by confession and absolution; also a term for penance, or punishment; and for offences involving reprimand (Pali). |
摩那婆 see styles |
mó nà pó mo2 na4 po2 mo na p`o mo na po manaba |
v. 摩納 māṇava. |
摩那斯 see styles |
mó nà sī mo2 na4 si1 mo na ssu Manashi |
摩那蘇婆帝 Mānasa; Manasvatī. A lake in the Himālayas, one of the four lakes formed when the ocean fell from heaven upon Mount Meru. The dragon who is the tutelary deity of this lake. |
摩那未 see styles |
manami まなみ |
(female given name) Manami |
摩那美 see styles |
manami まなみ |
(given name) Manami |
摩鄧伽 摩邓伽 see styles |
mó dèng qié mo2 deng4 qie2 mo teng ch`ieh mo teng chieh matōga |
Mātaṇga, also 摩登伽 (or 摩燈伽) Elephant, greatest, utmost, lowest caste, outcast, barbarian. 摩鄧祇 Mātaṅgī. Both words bear a low meaning in Chinese, e.g. low caste. Mātaṅgī is the name of the low-caste woman who inveigled Ānanda. The 摩鄧祇咒 spell is performed with blood, etc. |
摩鄧祇 摩邓祇 see styles |
mó dèng qí mo2 deng4 qi2 mo teng ch`i mo teng chi matōgi |
(Skt. mātaṅgī) |
摩里亜 see styles |
maria まりあ |
(female given name) Maria |
摩里子 see styles |
marine まりね |
(female given name) Marine |
摩里支 see styles |
mó lǐ zhī mo2 li3 zhi1 mo li chih Marishi |
Marīci |
摩門經 摩门经 see styles |
mó mén jīng mo2 men2 jing1 mo men ching |
Book of Mormon |
摩陀婆 see styles |
mó tuó pó mo2 tuo2 po2 mo t`o p`o mo to po Madaba |
Madhva |
摩陀那 see styles |
mó tuó nà mo2 tuo2 na4 mo t`o na mo to na madana |
madana |
摩頭羅 摩头罗 see styles |
mó tóu luó mo2 tou2 luo2 mo t`ou lo mo tou lo Matōra |
Madhurā |
摩麗華 see styles |
marika まりか |
(female given name) Marika |
あん摩 see styles |
anma あんま |
(noun/participle) (1) massage, esp. the Anma Japanese type of massage; (2) (sensitive word) masseur; masseuse; massager; (3) (archaism) (colloquialism) blind person (as many were traditionally massagers) |
三三摩 see styles |
sān sān mó san1 san1 mo2 san san mo san sanma |
three samādhis |
三摩地 see styles |
sān mó dì san1 mo2 di4 san mo ti samaji さまじ |
(given name) Samaji (or 三摩提, 三摩帝, 三摩底) Samādhi; idem 三昧. |
三摩娑 see styles |
sān mó suō san1 mo2 suo1 san mo so sanmasha |
Samāsa. 煞三摩婆 Ṣaṭ-samāsa, v. 六離合釋. |
三摩帝 see styles |
sān mó dì san1 mo2 di4 san mo ti sanmadai |
absorption |
三摩底 see styles |
sān mó dǐ san1 mo2 di3 san mo ti sanmatei |
absorption |
三摩提 see styles |
sān mó tí san1 mo2 ti2 san mo t`i san mo ti sanmaji |
More info & calligraphy: Samadhi |
三摩曳 see styles |
sān mó yè san1 mo2 ye4 san mo yeh sanmaei |
samaye |
三摩竭 see styles |
sān mó jié san1 mo2 jie2 san mo chieh Sanmaka |
Sumāgadhā, said to be a daughter of Anāthapiṇḍada of Śrāvastī, who married the ruler of 難國 and converted the ruler and people. |
三摩耶 see styles |
sān mó yé san1 mo2 ye2 san mo yeh sanmaya さんまや |
(1) (Buddhist term) time (san: samaya); (2) (Buddhist term) meeting; coming together; (3) (Buddhist term) equality, warning, or riddance of hindrances (esp. in esoteric Buddhism as vows of the buddhas and bodhisattvas) (or 三摩曳) idem 三昧耶; but 三摩耶 is also explained as a short period, a season of the year. |
三摩若 see styles |
sān mó ruò san1 mo2 ruo4 san mo jo sanmanya |
sāmānya, generality; in common; inclusive; v. 共. |
三摩越 see styles |
sān mó yuè san1 mo2 yue4 san mo yüeh sanmaotsu |
idem 三摩鉢底. |
三羯摩 see styles |
sān jié mó san1 jie2 mo2 san chieh mo sankonma |
three acts |
上佐摩 see styles |
kamisama かみさま |
(place-name) Kamisama |
上南摩 see styles |
kaminanma かみなんま |
(place-name) Kaminanma |
下佐摩 see styles |
shimosama しもさま |
(place-name) Shimosama |
下南摩 see styles |
shimonanma しもなんま |
(place-name) Shimonanma |
下天摩 see styles |
shimotenma しもてんま |
(surname) Shimotenma |
下宇摩 see styles |
shimouma / shimoma しもうま |
(place-name) Shimouma |
中巨摩 see styles |
nakakoma なかこま |
(place-name) Nakakoma |
中摩上 see styles |
nakamakami なかまかみ |
(place-name) Nakamakami |
中摩下 see styles |
nakamashimo なかましも |
(place-name) Nakamashimo |
久摩男 see styles |
kumao くまお |
(given name) Kumao |
久津摩 see styles |
kuzuma くづま |
(surname) Kuzuma |
事護摩 事护摩 see styles |
shì hù mó shi4 hu4 mo2 shih hu mo ji goma |
external fire ritual |
亜摩利 see styles |
amari あまり |
(female given name) Amari |
亜摩子 see styles |
amako あまこ |
(female given name) Amako |
亜摩梨 see styles |
amari あまり |
(female given name) Amari |
亜摩理 see styles |
amari あまり |
(female given name) Amari |
亜摩莉 see styles |
amari あまり |
(female given name) Amari |
亜摩里 see styles |
amari あまり |
(female given name) Amari |
人摩娑 see styles |
rén mó suō ren2 mo2 suo1 jen mo so ninmasa |
Human māṃsa or flesh. |
仁摩町 see styles |
nimachou / nimacho にまちょう |
(place-name) Nimachō |
以摩子 see styles |
imako いまこ |
(female given name) Imako |
伊摩子 see styles |
imako いまこ |
(female given name) Imako |
修摩那 see styles |
xiū mó nà xiu1 mo2 na4 hsiu mo na shumana |
sumanā |
俳維摩 see styles |
haiima / haima はいいま |
(given name) Haiima |
倶摩羅 倶摩罗 see styles |
jù mó luó ju4 mo2 luo2 chü mo lo kumara |
kumāra, a boy, youth; cf. 拘. |
倶蘇摩 倶苏摩 see styles |
jù sū mó ju4 su1 mo2 chü su mo kusoma |
kusuma, a flower, flowers; v. 拘. |
優摩陀 优摩陀 see styles |
yōu mó tuó you1 mo2 tuo2 yu mo t`o yu mo to Umada |
Unmada |
元好摩 see styles |
motokouma / motokoma もとこうま |
(place-name) Motokouma |
先志摩 see styles |
sakishima さきしま |
(personal name) Sakishima |
內護摩 内护摩 see styles |
nèi hù mó nei4 hu4 mo2 nei hu mo nai goma |
internal fire ritual |
動摩擦 see styles |
doumasatsu / domasatsu どうまさつ |
{physics} (See 静止摩擦) kinetic friction |
北多摩 see styles |
kitatama きたたま |
(place-name) Kitatama |
北巨摩 see styles |
kitakoma きたこま |
(place-name) Kitakoma |
北志摩 see styles |
kitashima きたしま |
(place-name) Kitashima |
南多摩 see styles |
minamitama みなみたま |
(place-name) Minamitama |
南巨摩 see styles |
minamikoma みなみこま |
(place-name) Minamikoma |
南摩川 see styles |
nanmagawa なんまがわ |
(personal name) Nanmagawa |
哈摩辣 see styles |
hā mó là ha1 mo2 la4 ha mo la |
Gomorrah |
唯維摩 see styles |
yuima ゆいま |
(female given name) Yuima |
唵摩羅 唵摩罗 see styles |
ǎn mó luó an3 mo2 luo2 an mo lo onmara |
undefiled |
喬答摩 乔答摩 see styles |
qiáo dā mó qiao2 da1 mo2 ch`iao ta mo chiao ta mo Kōtōma |
More info & calligraphy: GautamaGautama |
嗣摩子 see styles |
shimako しまこ |
(female given name) Shimako |
嘉志摩 see styles |
kashima かしま |
(surname) Kashima |
嘉摩尻 see styles |
kamajiri かまじり |
(surname) Kamajiri |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "摩" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.