There are 674 total results for your 容 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
容姿端麗 see styles |
youshitanrei / yoshitanre ようしたんれい |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) attractive face and figure |
容積效率 容积效率 see styles |
róng jī xiào lǜ rong2 ji1 xiao4 lu:4 jung chi hsiao lü |
volumetric efficiency (engine technology) |
容色端正 see styles |
róng sè duān zhèng rong2 se4 duan1 zheng4 jung se tuan cheng yōshiki tanshō |
handsome |
容華絕代 容华绝代 see styles |
róng huá jué dài rong2 hua2 jue2 dai4 jung hua chüeh tai |
to be blessed with rare and radiant beauty (idiom) |
容認発音 see styles |
youninhatsuon / yoninhatsuon ようにんはつおん |
{ling} Received Pronunciation; RP |
容貌端正 see styles |
youboutansei / yobotanse ようぼうたんせい |
(noun or adjectival noun) having handsome and clean-cut features |
容貌魁偉 see styles |
youboukaii / yobokai ようぼうかいい |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) (a man) having a commanding face and a powerful physique |
容赦なく see styles |
youshanaku / yoshanaku ようしゃなく |
(adverb) relentlessly; mercilessly |
容赦会釈 see styles |
youshaeshaku / yoshaeshaku ようしゃえしゃく |
pardon; forgiveness; mercy; making allowances |
容赦無く see styles |
youshanaku / yoshanaku ようしゃなく |
(adverb) relentlessly; mercilessly |
容量分析 see styles |
róng liàng fēn xī rong2 liang4 fen1 xi1 jung liang fen hsi youryoubunseki / yoryobunseki ようりょうぶんせき |
quantitative analysis; volumetric analysis (See 重量分析) volumetric analysis |
容量集合 see styles |
youryoushuugou / yoryoshugo ようりょうしゅうごう |
{comp} capacity set |
容顏失色 容颜失色 see styles |
róng yán shī sè rong2 yan2 shi1 se4 jung yen shih se |
(of complexion) to lose one's color; to blanch; to look wan |
容顔美麗 see styles |
youganbirei / yoganbire ようがんびれい |
(noun or adjectival noun) beautiful face; attractive features |
イ形容詞 see styles |
ikeiyoushi / ikeyoshi イけいようし |
(esp. in JSL contexts) (See 形容詞) adjective ending in "i"; i-adjective |
ナ形容詞 see styles |
nakeiyoushi / nakeyoshi ナけいようし |
(esp. in JSL contexts) (See 形容動詞) na-adjective; adjectival noun |
不兼容性 see styles |
bù jiān róng xìng bu4 jian1 rong2 xing4 pu chien jung hsing |
incompatibility |
不容置疑 see styles |
bù róng zhì yí bu4 rong2 zhi4 yi2 pu jung chih i |
unquestionable |
不容置辯 不容置辩 see styles |
bù róng zhì biàn bu4 rong2 zhi4 bian4 pu jung chih pien |
peremptory; not to be denied; not brooking argument |
中村容子 see styles |
nakamurayouko / nakamurayoko なかむらようこ |
(person) Nakamura Yōko (1966.4.11-) |
保存容器 see styles |
hozonyouki / hozonyoki ほぞんようき |
storage container; preservation container |
保科正容 see styles |
hoshinamasayoshi ほしなまさよし |
(person) Hoshina Masayoshi |
兼容並包 兼容并包 see styles |
jiān róng bìng bāo jian1 rong2 bing4 bao1 chien jung ping pao |
to include and monopolize many things; all-embracing |
内容体系 see styles |
naiyoutaikei / naiyotaike ないようたいけい |
{comp} content architecture |
内容分析 see styles |
naiyoubunseki / naiyobunseki ないようぶんせき |
{comp} content analysis |
内容教科 see styles |
naiyoukyouka / naiyokyoka ないようきょうか |
(See 用具教科) content subject |
内容検索 see styles |
naiyoukensaku / naiyokensaku ないようけんさく |
{comp} content retrieval |
内容種別 see styles |
naiyoushubetsu / naiyoshubetsu ないようしゅべつ |
{comp} content type |
内容要素 see styles |
naiyouyouso / naiyoyoso ないようようそ |
{comp} content element |
内容見本 see styles |
naiyoumihon / naiyomihon ないようみほん |
sample pages |
内容規則 see styles |
naiyoukisoku / naiyokisoku ないようきそく |
{comp} content convention |
内容証明 see styles |
naiyoushoumei / naiyoshome ないようしょうめい |
certification of contents |
処理内容 see styles |
shorinaiyou / shorinaiyo しょりないよう |
{comp} processing details |
刻不容緩 刻不容缓 see styles |
kè bù róng huǎn ke4 bu4 rong2 huan3 k`o pu jung huan ko pu jung huan |
to brook no delay; to demand immediate action |
包容政策 see styles |
houyouseisaku / hoyosesaku ほうようせいさく |
(See 太陽政策) Sunshine Policy (South Korean policy of engaging with North Korea) |
収容作業 see styles |
shuuyousagyou / shuyosagyo しゅうようさぎょう |
collecting bodies (of casualties, etc.); recovering bodies |
収容定員 see styles |
shuuyouteiin / shuyoten しゅうようていいん |
admission capacity |
収容患者 see styles |
shuuyoukanja / shuyokanja しゅうようかんじゃ |
in-patients |
収容施設 see styles |
shuuyoushisetsu / shuyoshisetsu しゅうようしせつ |
reception center (e.g. for refugees); reception centre |
収容能力 see styles |
shuuyounouryoku / shuyonoryoku しゅうようのうりょく |
capacity; accommodation |
収容設備 see styles |
shuuyousetsubi / shuyosetsubi しゅうようせつび |
accommodations |
収納容器 see styles |
shuunouyouki / shunoyoki しゅうのうようき |
storage container; package |
受容れる see styles |
ukeireru / ukereru うけいれる |
(transitive verb) to accept; to receive; to agree |
可変容量 see styles |
kahenyouryou / kahenyoryo かへんようりょう |
{electr} variable capacity; variable capacitance |
合計容量 see styles |
goukeiyouryou / gokeyoryo ごうけいようりょう |
{comp} total capacity |
吉野容臣 see styles |
yoshinoyasuomi よしのやすおみ |
(person) Yoshino Yasuomi |
回線容量 see styles |
kaisenyouryou / kaisenyoryo かいせんようりょう |
{comp} line capacity; circuit capacity |
回路容量 see styles |
kairoyouryou / kairoyoryo かいろようりょう |
{comp} circuit capacity |
圧力容器 see styles |
atsuryokuyouki / atsuryokuyoki あつりょくようき |
pressure vessel |
壓力容器 压力容器 see styles |
yā lì róng qì ya1 li4 rong2 qi4 ya li jung ch`i ya li jung chi |
pressure vessel; autoclave |
大下容子 see styles |
ooshitayouko / ooshitayoko おおしたようこ |
(person) Ooshita Yōko (1970.5.16-) |
大度包容 see styles |
dà dù bāo róng da4 du4 bao1 rong2 ta tu pao jung |
generous and forgiving |
天理難容 天理难容 see styles |
tiān lǐ nán róng tian1 li3 nan2 rong2 t`ien li nan jung tien li nan jung |
Heaven cannot tolerate this (idiom); intolerable behavior |
好不容易 see styles |
hǎo bù róng yì hao3 bu4 rong2 yi4 hao pu jung i |
with great difficulty; very difficult |
完全兼容 see styles |
wán quán jiān róng wan2 quan2 jian1 rong2 wan ch`üan chien jung wan chüan chien jung |
completely compatible |
官不容針 官不容针 see styles |
guān bù róng zhēn guan1 bu4 rong2 zhen1 kuan pu jung chen kan ni wa hari wo irezu |
officially, a needle cannot fit |
密閉容器 see styles |
mippeiyouki / mippeyoki みっぺいようき |
airtight container |
寺本容子 see styles |
teramotoyouko / teramotoyoko てらもとようこ |
(person) Teramoto Yōko (1969.12.21-) |
山内容堂 see styles |
yamanouchiyoudou / yamanochiyodo やまのうちようどう |
(person) Yamanouchi Yōdou |
山口容子 see styles |
yamaguchiyouko / yamaguchiyoko やまぐちようこ |
(person) Yamaguchi Yōko |
山容水態 see styles |
sanyousuitai / sanyosuitai さんようすいたい |
(yoji) scenic beauty of mountains and streams; fresh and clear beauty of nature's splendor |
山本容子 see styles |
yamamotoyouko / yamamotoyoko やまもとようこ |
(person) Yamamoto Yōko (1952.4-) |
山本容郎 see styles |
yamamotoyourou / yamamotoyoro やまもとようろう |
(person) Yamamoto Yōrou |
島野容三 see styles |
shimanoyouzou / shimanoyozo しまのようぞう |
(person) Shimano Yōzou (1948-) |
川口容資 see styles |
kawaguchiyousuke / kawaguchiyosuke かわぐちようすけ |
(person) Kawaguchi Yōsuke |
強制収容 see styles |
kyouseishuuyou / kyoseshuyo きょうせいしゅうよう |
(noun/participle) (enforced) confinement; internment; detention by legal force |
形容動詞 see styles |
keiyoudoushi / keyodoshi けいようどうし |
{gramm} adjectival noun (in Japanese); quasi-adjective; nominal adjective; na-, taru-, nari- or tari-adjective |
形容矛盾 see styles |
keiyoumujun / keyomujun けいようむじゅん |
contradictio in adjecto; contradiction between an adjective and the noun it modifies (wooden iron, hot ice, etc.) |
形容詞句 see styles |
keiyoushiku / keyoshiku けいようしく |
{gramm} adjective phrase; adjectival phrase |
形容詞幹 see styles |
keiyoushikan / keyoshikan けいようしかん |
{ling} stem (word) |
形容詞的 see styles |
keiyoushiteki / keyoshiteki けいようしてき |
(adjectival noun) {gramm} adjectival |
従容自若 see styles |
shouyoujijaku / shoyojijaku しょうようじじゃく |
(adj-t,adv-to) (archaism) (yoji) having presence of mind; imperturbable; calm and self-possessed; with serenity |
從容不迫 从容不迫 see styles |
cóng róng bù pò cong2 rong2 bu4 po4 ts`ung jung pu p`o tsung jung pu po |
calm; unruffled |
從從容容 从从容容 see styles |
cóng cóng róng róng cong2 cong2 rong2 rong2 ts`ung ts`ung jung jung tsung tsung jung jung |
unhurried; all in good time |
怒容滿面 怒容满面 see styles |
nù róng mǎn miàn nu4 rong2 man3 mian4 nu jung man mien |
scowling in anger; rage written across one's face |
情け容赦 see styles |
nasakeyousha / nasakeyosha なさけようしゃ |
(usu. with neg. sentence) (See 情け容赦なく) mercy |
意味内容 see styles |
iminaiyou / iminaiyo いみないよう |
{ling} semantic content (of a term); meaning (of a sentence) |
意識変容 see styles |
ishikihenyou / ishikihenyo いしきへんよう |
{med} altered consciousness |
收容教育 see styles |
shōu róng jiào yù shou1 rong2 jiao4 yu4 shou jung chiao yü |
custody and reeducation (administrative punishment for prostitutes) |
杉本容子 see styles |
sugimotohiroko すぎもとひろこ |
(person) Sugimoto Hiroko (1936.8.3-) |
松山容子 see styles |
matsuyamayouko / matsuyamayoko まつやまようこ |
(person) Matsuyama Yōko (1937.11.30-) |
松平容保 see styles |
matsudairakatamori まつだいらかたもり |
(person) Matsudaira Katamori (1835-1893) |
柳下容子 see styles |
yagishitayouko / yagishitayoko やぎしたようこ |
(person) Yagishita Yōko |
格納容器 see styles |
kakunouyouki / kakunoyoki かくのうようき |
(See 原子炉格納容器) containment vessel (nuclear reactor, etc.); CV |
水火不容 see styles |
shuǐ huǒ bù róng shui3 huo3 bu4 rong2 shui huo pu jung |
completely incompatible; lit. incompatible as fire and water |
渡辺容子 see styles |
watanabeyouko / watanabeyoko わたなべようこ |
(person) Watanabe Yōko (1959.8.26-) |
演員陣容 演员阵容 see styles |
yǎn yuán zhèn róng yan3 yuan2 zhen4 rong2 yen yüan chen jung |
cast (of a movie etc); lineup of performers; troupe |
無地自容 无地自容 see styles |
wú dì zì róng wu2 di4 zi4 rong2 wu ti tzu jung |
(idiom) ashamed and unable to show one's face |
無容置疑 无容置疑 see styles |
wú róng zhì yí wu2 rong2 zhi4 yi2 wu jung chih i |
cannot be doubted (idiom) |
無法形容 无法形容 see styles |
wú fǎ xíng róng wu2 fa3 xing2 rong2 wu fa hsing jung |
unspeakable; indescribable |
無處容身 无处容身 see styles |
wú chù róng shēn wu2 chu4 rong2 shen1 wu ch`u jung shen wu chu jung shen |
nowhere to hide |
理容師法 see styles |
riyoushihou / riyoshiho りようしほう |
{law} Barbers Act |
理美容師 see styles |
ribiyoushi / ribiyoshi りびようし |
(See 理容師,美容師) hairdresser; beautician; cosmetician |
環境容量 see styles |
kankyouyouryou / kankyoyoryo かんきょうようりょう |
{ecol} (See 環境収容力) (environmental) carrying capacity |
直接収容 see styles |
chokusetsushuuyou / chokusetsushuyo ちょくせつしゅうよう |
(See 直収) dedicated line (e.g. phone service) |
相互兼容 see styles |
xiāng hù jiān róng xiang1 hu4 jian1 rong2 hsiang hu chien jung |
mutually compatible |
相容條件 相容条件 see styles |
xiāng róng tiáo jiàn xiang1 rong2 tiao2 jian4 hsiang jung t`iao chien hsiang jung tiao chien |
conditions for consistency |
真空容器 see styles |
shinkuuyouki / shinkuyoki しんくうようき |
vacuum vessel; vacuum chamber |
稲田容子 see styles |
inadayouko / inadayoko いなだようこ |
(person) Inada Yōko |
空き容量 see styles |
akiyouryou / akiyoryo あきようりょう |
{comp} free space (on a disk) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "容" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.