There are 4743 total results for your 加 search. I have created 48 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...404142434445464748Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
Variations: |
katetekuwaete かててくわえて |
(expression) moreover; besides; in addition; on top of that; to make matters worse |
Variations: |
bakasakagen(馬鹿sa加減, bakasa加減); bakasakagen(bakasa加減) ばかさかげん(馬鹿さ加減, ばかさ加減); バカさかげん(バカさ加減) |
(exp,n) extent of (one's) foolishness; degree of stupidity |
Variations: |
sankaoyobikakeru さんかをよびかける |
(exp,v1) to call for someone's participation |
Variations: |
kagarenkon かがれんこん |
(See れんこん) Kaga lotus root (variety grown in Kanazawa) |
Variations: |
karisekken カリせっけん |
potash soap |
Variations: |
amerikagasshuukoku / amerikagasshukoku アメリカがっしゅうこく |
United States of America |
Variations: |
kagyou(ka行, 加行); kagyou(ka行) / kagyo(ka行, 加行); kagyo(ka行) かぎょう(か行, 加行); カぎょう(カ行) |
the "ka" column of the Japanese syllabary table (ka, ki, ku, ke, ko) |
Variations: |
kamitsure; kamirure カミツレ; カミルレ |
(kana only) (See カモミール) German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) (dut: kamille); German camomile |
Variations: |
amerika アメリカ |
(1) (kana only) America; (2) (kana only) United States of America |
Variations: |
afurika アフリカ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (kana only) Africa |
Variations: |
afurika アフリカ |
(kana only) Africa |
Variations: |
iikagen / ikagen いいかげん |
(adjectival noun) (1) irresponsible; perfunctory; careless; (adjectival noun) (2) lukewarm; half-baked; halfhearted; vague; (adjectival noun) (3) (usu. in suggestions or orders) (See いい加減にする) reasonable; moderate; (adverb) (4) considerably; quite; rather; pretty |
Variations: |
kamitsure; kamirure カミツレ; カミルレ |
(kana only) (See カモミール) German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) (dut: kamille); German camomile |
Variations: |
utsumukikagen うつむきかげん |
(adverb) (oft. as ~で or 〜に) facing slightly downward |
Variations: |
iikagen / ikagen いいかげん |
(adjectival noun) (1) irresponsible; perfunctory; careless; (adjectival noun) (2) lukewarm; half-baked; halfhearted; vague; (adj-na,adv) (3) (used to express one's wish for something to end) (See いい加減にする) (already) enough; (adverb) (4) considerably; quite; rather; pretty |
Variations: |
amerika アメリカ |
(1) (abbreviation) (kana only) (See アメリカ合衆国) (United States of) America; United States; US; USA; (2) (kana only) America (land mass); the Americas |
Variations: |
afurika アフリカ |
(kana only) Africa |
Variations: |
shingapooru シンガポール |
(kana only) Singapore |
Variations: |
bakasakagen ばかさかげん |
(exp,n) extent of (one's) foolishness; degree of stupidity |
Variations: |
higashiamerikaougihakujira; higashiamerikaougihakujira / higashiamerikaogihakujira; higashiamerikaogihakujira ひがしアメリカおうぎはくじら; ヒガシアメリカオウギハクジラ |
(kana only) Gervais' beaked whale (Mesoplodon europaeus); Antillian beaked whale; Gulf Stream beaked whale; European beaked whale |
Variations: |
kanetsushikitabako かねつしきタバコ |
heated tobacco product; heat-not-burn tobacco product; electrically heated smoking |
Variations: |
shingapooru シンガポール |
(kana only) Singapore |
Variations: |
iikagen / ikagen いいかげん |
(adjectival noun) (1) irresponsible; perfunctory; careless; (adjectival noun) (2) lukewarm; half-baked; halfhearted; vague; (adj-na,adv) (3) (used to express one's wish for something to end) (See いい加減にする) (already) enough; (adverb) (4) considerably; quite; rather; pretty |
Variations: |
utakaruta(歌karuta, 歌加留多); utagaruta(歌garuta, 歌加留多); utakaruta(歌karuta); utagaruta(歌garuta) うたかるた(歌かるた, 歌加留多); うたがるた(歌がるた, 歌加留多); うたカルタ(歌カルタ); うたガルタ(歌ガルタ) |
{cards} utagaruta; traditional matching game played with cards with stanzas of waka written on them |
Variations: |
kakoudenpun(加工澱粉, 加工den粉, 加工denpun); kakoudenpun(加工denpun) / kakodenpun(加工澱粉, 加工den粉, 加工denpun); kakodenpun(加工denpun) かこうでんぷん(加工澱粉, 加工でん粉, 加工でんぷん); かこうデンプン(加工デンプン) |
processed starch; modified starch |
Variations: |
kutsuatarashitoiedomokubinikuwaezu くつあたらしといえどもくびにくわえず |
(expression) (proverb) there must be a clear distinction between the upper and lower classes; even new shoes must not be worn on the head |
Variations: |
afurikakeiamerikajin / afurikakeamerikajin アフリカけいアメリカじん |
African American |
Variations: |
kakoudenpun / kakodenpun かこうでんぷん |
processed starch; modified starch |
Variations: |
amerikagasshuukoku / amerikagasshukoku アメリカがっしゅうこく |
United States of America |
Variations: |
tanpakukasuibunkaibutsu たんぱくかすいぶんかいぶつ |
{biochem} protein hydrolysate; hydrolyzed protein |
Variations: |
kamonasu; kamonasu かもなす; カモナス |
Kamo eggplant (Solanum melongena; round variety originally grown in Kyoto) |
Variations: |
amerika アメリカ |
(1) (abbreviation) (kana only) (See アメリカ合衆国) (United States of) America; United States; US; USA; (2) (kana only) America (land mass); the Americas |
Variations: |
tsukekuwaeru つけくわえる |
(transitive verb) to add (one thing to another); to add (a few more words, an explanation, etc.) |
大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經蓮華胎藏菩提幢標幟普通眞言藏廣大成就瑜伽 大毘卢遮那成佛神变加持经莲华胎藏菩提幢标帜普通眞言藏广大成就瑜伽 see styles |
dà pí lú zhēn à chéng fó shén biàn jiā chí jīng lián huá tāi zàng pú tí chuáng biāo zhì pǔ tōng zhēn yán zàng guǎng dà chéng jiù yú qié da4 pi2 lu2 zhen1 a4 cheng2 fo2 shen2 bian4 jia1 chi2 jing1 lian2 hua2 tai1 zang4 pu2 ti2 chuang2 biao1 zhi4 pu3 tong1 zhen1 yan2 zang4 guang3 da4 cheng2 jiu4 yu2 qie2 ta p`i lu chen a ch`eng fo shen pien chia ch`ih ching lien hua t`ai tsang p`u t`i ch`uang piao chih p`u t`ung chen yen tsang kuang ta ch`eng chiu yü ch`ieh ta pi lu chen a cheng fo shen pien chia chih ching lien hua tai tsang pu ti chuang piao chih pu tung chen yen tsang kuang ta cheng chiu yü chieh Daibirushana jōbutsu shimpen kaji kyō renge taizō bodai dōhyōshi futsū shingonzō kōdai jōju yuga |
Yoga of Enormous Success: the Lotus-Matrix Bodhi, Symbols, Banners, and Store of Common Mantras in the Vairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra |
Variations: |
karuta(p); karuta かるた(P); カルタ |
(kana only) karuta (por: carta); traditional Japanese playing cards |
Variations: |
kayakugohan かやくごはん |
{food} (See 加薬飯) casserole of rice, fish or meat, and vegetables |
Variations: |
tanpakukasuibunkaibutsu たんぱくかすいぶんかいぶつ |
{biochem} protein hydrolysate; hydrolyzed protein |
Variations: |
tsukekuwaeru つけくわえる |
(transitive verb) to add (one thing to another); to add (a few more words, an explanation, etc.) |
Variations: |
furuttegosankakudasai ふるってごさんかください |
(expression) you are cordially invited to participate; please come and join us |
Variations: |
karuta(p); karuta かるた(P); カルタ |
(kana only) karuta (por: carta); traditional Japanese playing cards |
Variations: |
karuta(p); karuta カルタ(P); かるた |
(kana only) karuta (por: carta); traditional Japanese playing cards, esp. hyakunin isshu karuta or iroha karuta |
Variations: |
karuta(p); karuta カルタ(P); かるた |
(kana only) karuta (por: carta); traditional Japanese playing cards, esp. hyakunin isshu karuta or iroha karuta |
Variations: |
karuta(p); karuta カルタ(P); かるた |
(kana only) karuta (por: carta); traditional Japanese playing cards, esp. hyakunin isshu karuta or iroha karuta |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 43 results for "加" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.