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<...404142Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
Variations: |
kimochiii(気持chiii, 気持chi良i); kimochiyoi(気持chi良i, 気持chiyoi) / kimochii(気持chii, 気持chi良i); kimochiyoi(気持chi良i, 気持chiyoi) きもちいい(気持ちいい, 気持ち良い); きもちよい(気持ち良い, 気持ちよい) |
(adj-ix) feeling good; feeling nice; feeling pleasant |
Variations: |
yokareashikare よかれあしかれ |
(adverb) for better or worse; right or wrong; for good or ill |
Variations: |
akiramenoyoi(諦meno良i, akirameno良i, 諦menoyoi); akiramenoii(諦menoii, 諦meno良i, akirameno良i) / akiramenoyoi(諦meno良i, akirameno良i, 諦menoyoi); akiramenoi(諦menoi, 諦meno良i, akirameno良i) あきらめのよい(諦めの良い, あきらめの良い, 諦めのよい); あきらめのいい(諦めのいい, 諦めの良い, あきらめの良い) |
(exp,adj-ix) (kana only) (ant: 諦めの悪い) knowing when to give up; good at letting things go; accepting failure with good grace; being a good loser |
Variations: |
yoshiashi(p); yoshiwarushi(良shi悪shi, 善shi悪shi) よしあし(P); よしわるし(良し悪し, 善し悪し) |
(1) right or wrong; good or bad; quality; suitability; (2) having both merits and demerits; having both advantages and disadvantages |
Variations: |
seikakugaii; seikakugayoi(性格ga良i) / sekakugai; sekakugayoi(性格ga良i) せいかくがいい; せいかくがよい(性格が良い) |
(exp,adj-ix) (ant: 性格が悪い) good-natured; congenial; having a nice personality |
Variations: |
kakkoii(格好ii, 格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i)(p); kakkoyoi(格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i, 格好yoi); kakkouii(格好ii, 格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i); kakkoii(p); kakkoii(p) / kakkoi(格好i, 格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i)(p); kakkoyoi(格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i, 格好yoi); kakkoi(格好i, 格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i); kakkoi(p); kakkoi(p) かっこいい(格好いい, 格好良い, カッコ良い, かっこ良い)(P); かっこよい(格好良い, カッコ良い, かっこ良い, 格好よい); かっこういい(格好いい, 格好良い, カッコ良い, かっこ良い); カッコイイ(P); カッコいい(P) |
(adj-ix) (kana only) attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy |
Variations: |
waritodoudemoii(割todoudemoii, 割todoudemo良i); waritodoudemoyoi(割todoudemo良i, 割todoudemoyoi) / waritododemoi(割tododemoi, 割tododemo良i); waritododemoyoi(割tododemo良i, 割tododemoyoi) わりとどうでもいい(割とどうでもいい, 割とどうでも良い); わりとどうでもよい(割とどうでも良い, 割とどうでもよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) (slang) (joc) (kana only) I couldn't care less; not caring less |
Variations: |
haburigaii(羽振rigaii, 羽振riga良i); haburigayoi(羽振riga良i, 羽振rigayoi, haburiga良i) / haburigai(羽振rigai, 羽振riga良i); haburigayoi(羽振riga良i, 羽振rigayoi, haburiga良i) はぶりがいい(羽振りがいい, 羽振りが良い); はぶりがよい(羽振りが良い, 羽振りがよい, はぶりが良い) |
(exp,adj-ix) influential; powerful; popular; prosperous; doing well |
Variations: |
haburinoii(羽振rinoii, 羽振rino良i, haburino良i); haburinoyoi(羽振rino良i, 羽振rinoyoi, haburino良i) / haburinoi(羽振rinoi, 羽振rino良i, haburino良i); haburinoyoi(羽振rino良i, 羽振rinoyoi, haburino良i) はぶりのいい(羽振りのいい, 羽振りの良い, はぶりの良い); はぶりのよい(羽振りの良い, 羽振りのよい, はぶりの良い) |
(exp,adj-ix) (See 羽振りがいい) influential; powerful; popular; prosperous; doing well |
Variations: |
nikuzukigayoi にくづきがよい |
(exp,adj-i) stout; well-fleshed; well-padded; plump |
Variations: |
nikuzukinoyoi にくづきのよい |
(exp,adj-i) stout; well-fleshed; well-built; well-padded; plump |
Variations: |
kakkoyoi(格好良i, kakko良i, 格好yoi, kakko好i); kakkouyoi(格好良i, 格好yoi, kakkou良i) / kakkoyoi(格好良i, kakko良i, 格好yoi, kakko好i); kakkoyoi(格好良i, 格好yoi, kakko良i) かっこよい(格好良い, かっこ良い, 格好よい, かっこ好い); かっこうよい(格好良い, 格好よい, かっこう良い) |
(adjective) (kana only) (See 格好いい・かっこいい) attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy |
Variations: |
shitahougaii(shita方gaii, shita方ga良i, shitahouga良i); shitahougayoi(shita方ga良i, shitahouga良i, shita方gayoi) / shitahogai(shita方gai, shita方ga良i, shitahoga良i); shitahogayoi(shita方ga良i, shitahoga良i, shita方gayoi) したほうがいい(した方がいい, した方が良い, したほうが良い); したほうがよい(した方が良い, したほうが良い, した方がよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) (See する・1) had better do so |
Variations: |
kirinoii(kirino良i); kirinoii(切rino良i, 切rinoii, kirino良i); kirinoyoi(kirino良i); kirinoyoi(切rino良i, kirino良i, 切rinoyoi) / kirinoi(kirino良i); kirinoi(切rino良i, 切rinoi, kirino良i); kirinoyoi(kirino良i); kirinoyoi(切rino良i, kirino良i, 切rinoyoi) キリのいい(キリの良い); きりのいい(切りの良い, 切りのいい, きりの良い); キリのよい(キリの良い); きりのよい(切りの良い, きりの良い, 切りのよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) (kana only) (See 切りがいい) good (place to leave off); convenient |
Variations: |
norigaii(noriga良i); norigaii(乗rigaii, noriga良i, 乗riga良i); norigayoi(noriga良i); norigayoi(noriga良i, 乗riga良i, 乗rigayoi) / norigai(noriga良i); norigai(乗rigai, noriga良i, 乗riga良i); norigayoi(noriga良i); norigayoi(noriga良i, 乗riga良i, 乗rigayoi) ノリがいい(ノリが良い); のりがいい(乗りがいい, のりが良い, 乗りが良い); ノリがよい(ノリが良い); のりがよい(のりが良い, 乗りが良い, 乗りがよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) (1) (kana only) good at playing along; up for anything; carefree; social; positive; (exp,adj-ix) (2) (kana only) uplifting; upbeat |
Variations: |
norinoii(norino良i); norinoii(norino良i, 乗rino良i, 乗rinoii); norinoyoi(norino良i); norinoyoi(norino良i, 乗rino良i, 乗rinoyoi) / norinoi(norino良i); norinoi(norino良i, 乗rino良i, 乗rinoi); norinoyoi(norino良i); norinoyoi(norino良i, 乗rino良i, 乗rinoyoi) ノリのいい(ノリの良い); のりのいい(のりの良い, 乗りの良い, 乗りのいい); ノリのよい(ノリの良い); のりのよい(のりの良い, 乗りの良い, 乗りのよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) (kana only) (See 乗り・のり・4) easy to get into (e.g. of music, etc.); easily getting into (a certain mood, etc.) |
Variations: |
hitogaii; hitogayoi(人ga良i, 人ga好i) / hitogai; hitogayoi(人ga良i, 人ga好i) ひとがいい; ひとがよい(人が良い, 人が好い) |
(exp,adj-ix) generous; soft-hearted; having a good personality |
Variations: |
hitonoii; hitonoyoi(人no良i, 人no好i) / hitonoi; hitonoyoi(人no良i, 人no好i) ひとのいい; ひとのよい(人の良い, 人の好い) |
(exp,adj-ix) of good character; kindhearted; good-natured |
Variations: |
kimochiii(気持chiii, 気持chi良i); kimochiyoi(気持chi良i, 気持chiyoi, 気持chi好i, kimochi良i) / kimochii(気持chii, 気持chi良i); kimochiyoi(気持chi良i, 気持chiyoi, 気持chi好i, kimochi良i) きもちいい(気持ちいい, 気持ち良い); きもちよい(気持ち良い, 気持ちよい, 気持ち好い, きもち良い) |
(exp,adj-ix) (ant: 気持ち悪い) good feeling; feeling good |
Variations: |
ikigaii(生kigaii, 生kiga良i, ikiga良i); ikigayoi(生kiga良i, ikiga良i, 生kigayoi); ikigayoi(ikiga良i); ikigaii / ikigai(生kigai, 生kiga良i, ikiga良i); ikigayoi(生kiga良i, ikiga良i, 生kigayoi); ikigayoi(ikiga良i); ikigai いきがいい(生きがいい, 生きが良い, いきが良い); いきがよい(生きが良い, いきが良い, 生きがよい); イキがよい(イキが良い); イキがいい |
(exp,adj-ix) (1) (kana only) fresh (e.g. fish); (exp,adj-ix) (2) (kana only) lively; spirited; animated; full of energy |
Variations: |
yoshiashi(p); yoshiwarushi よしあし(P); よしわるし |
(1) right or wrong; good or bad; quality; suitability; (2) having both merits and demerits; having both advantages and disadvantages |
Variations: |
haburigaii; haburigayoi(羽振riga良i) / haburigai; haburigayoi(羽振riga良i) はぶりがいい; はぶりがよい(羽振りが良い) |
(exp,adj-ix) influential; powerful; popular; prosperous; doing well |
Variations: |
kakkoii(p); kakkoyoi(格好良i); kakkouii; kakkoii(p); kakkoii(p); kakkoee(sk) / kakkoi(p); kakkoyoi(格好良i); kakkoi; kakkoi(p); kakkoi(p); kakkoee(sk) かっこいい(P); かっこよい(格好良い); かっこういい; カッコイイ(P); カッコいい(P); かっこええ(sk) |
(adj-ix) (kana only) attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy |
Variations: |
warinoii(割noii, 割rinoii, 割no良i, 割rino良i); warinoyoi(割no良i, 割rino良i, 割noyoi, 割rinoyoi) / warinoi(割noi, 割rinoi, 割no良i, 割rino良i); warinoyoi(割no良i, 割rino良i, 割noyoi, 割rinoyoi) わりのいい(割のいい, 割りのいい, 割の良い, 割りの良い); わりのよい(割の良い, 割りの良い, 割のよい, 割りのよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) (See 割がいい) (ant: 割の悪い) paying; remunerative; advantageous; profitable |
Variations: |
iisenitteru / isenitteru いいせんいってる |
(exp,v1) (colloquialism) to be on the right track; to be doing well; to be looking good; to be coming along nicely |
Variations: |
yokuarugoshitsumon よくあるごしつもん |
(exp,n) frequently asked questions; FAQ |
Variations: |
kirinoii; kirinoyoi; kirinoii(sk); kirinoyoi(sk) / kirinoi; kirinoyoi; kirinoi(sk); kirinoyoi(sk) きりのいい; きりのよい; キリのいい(sk); キリのよい(sk) |
(exp,adj-ix) (kana only) (See 切りがいい) good (place to leave off); convenient |
Variations: |
yoitokodori よいとこどり |
(exp,n,vs) (See いいとこ取り・いいとこどり) focusing on only the good points or strong points; incorporating the benefits (while ignoring the drawbacks); picking the best of both (everything); cherry-picking (e.g. information) |
Variations: |
gokigenyou / gokigenyo ごきげんよう |
(interjection) (1) (kana only) nice to see you; good morning; good evening; (interjection) (2) (kana only) adieu; farewell; bon voyage |
Variations: |
ryouseihossaseitouimemaishou / ryosehossasetoimemaisho りょうせいほっさせいとういめまいしょう |
{med} benign paroxysmal positional vertigo; BPPV |
Variations: |
tayoriganainohayoitayori たよりがないのはよいたより |
(expression) (proverb) (See 便りのないのはよい便り・たよりのないのはよいたより) no news is good news |
Variations: |
ikinoii; ikinoyoi(活kino良i, 生kino良i); ikinoii; ikinoyoi(sk) / ikinoi; ikinoyoi(活kino良i, 生kino良i); ikinoi; ikinoyoi(sk) いきのいい; いきのよい(活きの良い, 生きの良い); イキのいい; イキのよい(sk) |
(exp,adj-ix) (1) (See 活きがいい・1) fresh (e.g. fish); (exp,adj-ix) (2) lively; spirited; animated; full of energy |
Variations: |
monowakarinoyoi ものわかりのよい |
(exp,adj-i) (See 物わかりのいい・ものわかりのいい) sensible; understanding |
Variations: |
iihitotodomari / ihitotodomari いいひととどまり |
(colloquialism) being friend-zoned; being regarded by someone as a nice person but not as a potential romantic partner |
Variations: |
netsukinoii(寝tsukinoii, 寝tsukino良i, 寝付kinoii, 寝付kino良i); netsukinoyoi(寝tsukino良i, 寝tsukinoyoi, 寝付kino良i, 寝付kinoyoi) / netsukinoi(寝tsukinoi, 寝tsukino良i, 寝付kinoi, 寝付kino良i); netsukinoyoi(寝tsukino良i, 寝tsukinoyoi, 寝付kino良i, 寝付kinoyoi) ねつきのいい(寝つきのいい, 寝つきの良い, 寝付きのいい, 寝付きの良い); ねつきのよい(寝つきの良い, 寝つきのよい, 寝付きの良い, 寝付きのよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) falling asleep easily; finding it easy to fall asleep |
Variations: |
nikuzukigaii(肉付kigaii, 肉付kiga良i, 肉zukigaii, 肉zukiga良i); nikuzukigayoi(肉付kiga良i, 肉付kigayoi, 肉zukigayoi, 肉zukiga良i) / nikuzukigai(肉付kigai, 肉付kiga良i, 肉zukigai, 肉zukiga良i); nikuzukigayoi(肉付kiga良i, 肉付kigayoi, 肉zukigayoi, 肉zukiga良i) にくづきがいい(肉付きがいい, 肉付きが良い, 肉づきがいい, 肉づきが良い); にくづきがよい(肉付きが良い, 肉付きがよい, 肉づきがよい, 肉づきが良い) |
(exp,adj-ix) stout; well-fleshed; well-padded; plump |
Variations: |
nikuzukinoyoi(肉付kino良i, 肉付kinoyoi, 肉zukinoyoi, 肉zukino良i); nikuzukinoii(肉付kino良i, 肉付kinoii, 肉zukinoii) / nikuzukinoyoi(肉付kino良i, 肉付kinoyoi, 肉zukinoyoi, 肉zukino良i); nikuzukinoi(肉付kino良i, 肉付kinoi, 肉zukinoi) にくづきのよい(肉付きの良い, 肉付きのよい, 肉づきのよい, 肉づきの良い); にくづきのいい(肉付きの良い, 肉付きのいい, 肉づきのいい) |
(exp,adj-ix) stout; well-fleshed; well-built; well-padded; plump |
Variations: |
ikihayoiyoikaerihakowai; yukihayoiyoikaerihakowai いきはよいよいかえりはこわい; ゆきはよいよいかえりはこわい |
(exp,adj-i) (proverb) (from the Edo-period children's song "Tōryanse") going there is easy but coming back is hard |
Variations: |
hayakerebahayaihodoyoi(早kereba早ihodo良i, 早kereba早i程良i); hayakerebahayaihodoii / hayakerebahayaihodoyoi(早kereba早ihodo良i, 早kereba早i程良i); hayakerebahayaihodoi はやければはやいほどよい(早ければ早いほど良い, 早ければ早い程良い); はやければはやいほどいい |
(expression) the sooner, the better |
Variations: |
nodogoshinoyoi(喉越shino良i, nodo越shino良i, 喉越shinoyoi, nodo越shinoyoi); nodogoshinoii(喉越shino良i, nodo越shino良i, 喉越shinoii, nodo越shinoii) / nodogoshinoyoi(喉越shino良i, nodo越shino良i, 喉越shinoyoi, nodo越shinoyoi); nodogoshinoi(喉越shino良i, nodo越shino良i, 喉越shinoi, nodo越shinoi) のどごしのよい(喉越しの良い, のど越しの良い, 喉越しのよい, のど越しのよい); のどごしのいい(喉越しの良い, のど越しの良い, 喉越しのいい, のど越しのいい) |
(exp,adj-ix) going down smoothly (esp. of beer); tasting good going down |
Variations: |
iihitodomari / ihitodomari いいひとどまり |
(colloquialism) being friend-zoned; being regarded by someone as a nice person but not as a potential romantic partner |
Variations: |
nikuzukigayoi(肉付kiga良i, 肉付kigayoi); nikuzukigaii(肉付kiga良i, 肉付kigaii) / nikuzukigayoi(肉付kiga良i, 肉付kigayoi); nikuzukigai(肉付kiga良i, 肉付kigai) にくづきがよい(肉付きが良い, 肉付きがよい); にくづきがいい(肉付きが良い, 肉付きがいい) |
(exp,adj-ix) stout; well-fleshed; well-padded; plump |
Variations: |
nikuzukinoyoi(肉付kino良i, 肉付kinoyoi); nikuzukinoii(肉付kino良i, 肉付kinoii) / nikuzukinoyoi(肉付kino良i, 肉付kinoyoi); nikuzukinoi(肉付kino良i, 肉付kinoi) にくづきのよい(肉付きの良い, 肉付きのよい); にくづきのいい(肉付きの良い, 肉付きのいい) |
(exp,adj-ix) stout; well-fleshed; well-built; well-padded; plump |
Variations: |
netsukigaii(寝tsukigaii, 寝tsukiga良i, 寝付kigaii, 寝付gaii, 寝付kiga良i); netsukigayoi(寝tsukiga良i, 寝付kiga良i, 寝tsukigayoi, 寝付kigayoi) / netsukigai(寝tsukigai, 寝tsukiga良i, 寝付kigai, 寝付gai, 寝付kiga良i); netsukigayoi(寝tsukiga良i, 寝付kiga良i, 寝tsukigayoi, 寝付kigayoi) ねつきがいい(寝つきがいい, 寝つきが良い, 寝付きがいい, 寝付がいい, 寝付きが良い); ねつきがよい(寝つきが良い, 寝付きが良い, 寝つきがよい, 寝付きがよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) (ant: 寝つきが悪い) falling asleep easily; finding it easy to fall asleep |
Variations: |
yoitoshioomukaekudasai よいとしをおむかえください |
(expression) (See 良いお年をお迎えください) have a happy New Year |
Variations: |
monowakarigaii(物wakarigaii, 物分karigaii, 物wakariga良i, 物分kariga良i); monowakarigayoi(物wakariga良i, 物分kariga良i, 物wakarigayoi, 物分karigayoi) / monowakarigai(物wakarigai, 物分karigai, 物wakariga良i, 物分kariga良i); monowakarigayoi(物wakariga良i, 物分kariga良i, 物wakarigayoi, 物分karigayoi) ものわかりがいい(物わかりがいい, 物分かりがいい, 物わかりが良い, 物分かりが良い); ものわかりがよい(物わかりが良い, 物分かりが良い, 物わかりがよい, 物分かりがよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) sensible; perceptive; quick to understand; understanding; sympathetic |
Variations: |
monowakarinoii(物wakarinoii, 物分karinoii, 物wakarino良i, 物分karino良i); monowakarinoyoi(物wakarino良i, 物分karino良i, 物wakarinoyoi, 物分karinoyoi) / monowakarinoi(物wakarinoi, 物分karinoi, 物wakarino良i, 物分karino良i); monowakarinoyoi(物wakarino良i, 物分karino良i, 物wakarinoyoi, 物分karinoyoi) ものわかりのいい(物わかりのいい, 物分かりのいい, 物わかりの良い, 物分かりの良い); ものわかりのよい(物わかりの良い, 物分かりの良い, 物わかりのよい, 物分かりのよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) sensible; perceptive; quick to understand; understanding; sympathetic |
Variations: |
itakimochiii; itakimochiyoi(痛気持chi良i) / itakimochii; itakimochiyoi(痛気持chi良i) いたきもちいい; いたきもちよい(痛気持ち良い) |
(adj-ix) painful but pleasant (of a massage, stretching, etc.) |
Variations: |
yoiotoshioomukaekudasai よいおとしをおむかえください |
(expression) (See 良いお年を) have a happy New Year |
Variations: |
iitokodori(良itoko取ri, iitoko取ri, 良itokodori, 良i所取ri, ii所取ri, 好itoko取ri); yoitokodori(良itoko取ri, 良itokodori, 良i所取ri, yoitoko取ri, yoi所取ri, 好itoko取ri) / itokodori(良itoko取ri, itoko取ri, 良itokodori, 良i所取ri, i所取ri, 好itoko取ri); yoitokodori(良itoko取ri, 良itokodori, 良i所取ri, yoitoko取ri, yoi所取ri, 好itoko取ri) いいとこどり(良いとこ取り, いいとこ取り, 良いとこどり, 良い所取り, いい所取り, 好いとこ取り); よいとこどり(良いとこ取り, 良いとこどり, 良い所取り, よいとこ取り, よい所取り, 好いとこ取り) |
(exp,n,vs) focusing on only the good points or strong points; incorporating the benefits (while ignoring the drawbacks); picking the best of both (everything); cherry-picking (e.g. information) |
Variations: |
ikigaii; ikigayoi(活kiga良i, 生kiga良i); ikigaii / ikigai; ikigayoi(活kiga良i, 生kiga良i); ikigai いきがいい; いきがよい(活きが良い, 生きが良い); イキがいい |
(exp,adj-ix) (1) fresh (e.g. fish); (exp,adj-ix) (2) lively; spirited; animated; full of energy |
Variations: |
nodogoshigaii(喉越shigaii, 喉越shiga良i, nodo越shigaii, nodo越shiga良i, nodogoshiga良i); nodogoshigayoi(喉越shiga良i, nodo越shiga良i, nodogoshiga良i, 喉越shigayoi, nodo越shigayoi) / nodogoshigai(喉越shigai, 喉越shiga良i, nodo越shigai, nodo越shiga良i, nodogoshiga良i); nodogoshigayoi(喉越shiga良i, nodo越shiga良i, nodogoshiga良i, 喉越shigayoi, nodo越shigayoi) のどごしがいい(喉越しがいい, 喉越しが良い, のど越しがいい, のど越しが良い, のどごしが良い); のどごしがよい(喉越しが良い, のど越しが良い, のどごしが良い, 喉越しがよい, のど越しがよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) going down smoothly (esp. of beer); tasting good going down |
Variations: |
netsukigaii; netsukigayoi(寝付kiga良i) / netsukigai; netsukigayoi(寝付kiga良i) ねつきがいい; ねつきがよい(寝付きが良い) |
(exp,adj-ix) (ant: 寝つきが悪い) falling asleep easily; finding it easy to fall asleep |
Variations: |
netsukinoii; netsukinoyoi(寝付kino良i) / netsukinoi; netsukinoyoi(寝付kino良i) ねつきのいい; ねつきのよい(寝付きの良い) |
(exp,adj-ix) falling asleep easily; finding it easy to fall asleep |
Variations: |
nyouboutotatamihaatarashiihougaii(女房to畳ha新shii方gaii, 女房to畳ha新shii方ga良i, 女房to畳ha新shiihougaii); nyouboutotatamihaatarashiihougayoi(女房to畳ha新shii方ga良i, 女房to畳ha新shii方gayoi) / nyobototatamihatarashihogai(女房to畳ha新shi方gai, 女房to畳ha新shi方ga良i, 女房to畳ha新shihogai); nyobototatamihatarashihogayoi(女房to畳ha新shi方ga良i, 女房to畳ha新shi方gayoi) にょうぼうとたたみはあたらしいほうがいい(女房と畳は新しい方がいい, 女房と畳は新しい方が良い, 女房と畳は新しいほうがいい); にょうぼうとたたみはあたらしいほうがよい(女房と畳は新しい方が良い, 女房と畳は新しい方がよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) (proverb) wives and tatami mats are best when new |
Variations: |
iitokodori(良itoko取ri, iitoko取ri, 良itokodori, 良i所取ri, ii所取ri, 好itoko取ri); yoitokodori(良itoko取ri, 良itokodori, 良i所取ri, yoitoko取ri, yoi所取ri, 好itoko取ri, 好i所取ri) / itokodori(良itoko取ri, itoko取ri, 良itokodori, 良i所取ri, i所取ri, 好itoko取ri); yoitokodori(良itoko取ri, 良itokodori, 良i所取ri, yoitoko取ri, yoi所取ri, 好itoko取ri, 好i所取ri) いいとこどり(良いとこ取り, いいとこ取り, 良いとこどり, 良い所取り, いい所取り, 好いとこ取り); よいとこどり(良いとこ取り, 良いとこどり, 良い所取り, よいとこ取り, よい所取り, 好いとこ取り, 好い所取り) |
(exp,n,vs) focusing on only the good points or strong points; incorporating the benefits (while ignoring the drawbacks); picking the best of both (everything); cherry-picking (e.g. information) |
Variations: |
nyouboutotatamihaatarashiihougaii; nyouboutotatamihaatarashiihougayoi / nyobototatamihatarashihogai; nyobototatamihatarashihogayoi にょうぼうとたたみはあたらしいほうがいい; にょうぼうとたたみはあたらしいほうがよい |
(exp,adj-ix) (proverb) wives and tatami mats are best when new |
Variations: |
ikihayoiyoikaerihakowai; yukihayoiyoikaerihakowai いきはよいよいかえりはこわい; ゆきはよいよいかえりはこわい |
(exp,adj-i) (proverb) (from the Edo-period children's song "Tōryanse") going there is easy but coming back is scary |
Variations: |
iitokodori; yoitokodori(良itoko取ri, 良i所取ri) / itokodori; yoitokodori(良itoko取ri, 良i所取ri) いいとこどり; よいとこどり(良いとこ取り, 良い所取り) |
(exp,n,vs) focusing on only the good points or strong points; incorporating the benefits (while ignoring the drawbacks); picking the best of both (everything); cherry-picking (e.g. information) |
Variations: |
monowakarigaii; monowakarigayoi / monowakarigai; monowakarigayoi ものわかりがいい; ものわかりがよい |
(exp,adj-ix) sensible; perceptive; quick to understand; understanding; sympathetic |
Variations: |
monowakarinoii; monowakarinoyoi / monowakarinoi; monowakarinoyoi ものわかりのいい; ものわかりのよい |
(exp,adj-ix) sensible; perceptive; quick to understand; understanding; sympathetic |
Variations: |
owariyokerebasubeteyoshi おわりよければすべてよし |
(expression) (1) (proverb) all is well that ends well; it will all come good in the end; (2) All's Well That Ends Well (play by Shakespeare) |
Variations: |
nodogoshigaii; nodogoshigayoi / nodogoshigai; nodogoshigayoi のどごしがいい; のどごしがよい |
(exp,adj-ix) going down smoothly (esp. of beer); tasting good going down |
Variations: |
kuitsukigaii; kuitsukigayoi(食i付kiga良i) / kuitsukigai; kuitsukigayoi(食i付kiga良i) くいつきがいい; くいつきがよい(食い付きが良い) |
(exp,adj-i) (bait is) taking well; (fish are) biting well; taking a strong interest in |
Variations: |
owariyokerebasubeteyoshi おわりよければすべてよし |
(expression) (proverb) all's well that ends well; it will all come good in the end |
Variations: |
hayakerebahayaihodoii; hayakerebahayaihodoyoi / hayakerebahayaihodoi; hayakerebahayaihodoyoi はやければはやいほどいい; はやければはやいほどよい |
(expression) the sooner, the better |
Variations: |
nodogoshinoii; nodogoshinoyoi / nodogoshinoi; nodogoshinoyoi のどごしのいい; のどごしのよい |
(exp,adj-ix) going down smoothly (esp. of beer); tasting good going down |
Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.