There are 403 total results for your chicken search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
尻の穴が小さい see styles |
ketsunoanagachiisai / ketsunoanagachisai けつのあながちいさい |
(exp,adj-f) (idiom) (vulgar) small-minded; petty; cowardly; chicken-hearted |
Variations: |
onagadori; onagadori おながどり; オナガドリ |
long-tailed cock; long-tailed fowl (variety of chicken) |
拿著雞毛當令箭 拿着鸡毛当令箭 see styles |
ná zhe jī máo dàng lìng jiàn na2 zhe5 ji1 mao2 dang4 ling4 jian4 na che chi mao tang ling chien |
to wave a chicken feather as a token of authority (idiom); to assume unwarranted authority on the basis of some pretext |
Variations: |
banbanjii / banbanji バンバンジー |
bang bang chicken (Szechuan dish of chicken in a spicy sauce) (chi: bàngbàngjī) |
Variations: |
hinaidori ひないどり |
breed of chicken native to Akita Prefecture |
Variations: |
hatakeshimeji; hatakeshimeji はたけしめじ; ハタケシメジ |
(kana only) clustered domecap (Lyophyllum decastes); fried chicken mushroom |
Variations: |
oyakodon; oyakodonburi おやこどん; おやこどんぶり |
(1) (親子丼 only) oyakodon; bowl of rice topped with chicken and egg; (2) (vulgar) (slang) threesome including a mother and her daughter |
Variations: |
nagaodori; choubikei(長尾鶏) / nagaodori; chobike(長尾鶏) ながおどり; ちょうびけい(長尾鶏) |
(rare) (See 尾長鳥) long-tailed fowl (variety of chicken) |
Variations: |
torikatsu とりカツ |
{food} (See チキンカツ) chicken katsu; chicken cutlet |
Variations: |
torihamu(鳥hamu); torihamu(鳥hamu) とりはむ(鳥はむ); とりハム(鳥ハム) |
chicken ham |
Variations: |
toriwasa とりわさ |
briefly-boiled chicken breast (served cold and mostly raw as sashimi with wasabi-seasoned shoyu) |
クリームシチュー see styles |
kuriimushichuu / kurimushichu クリームシチュー |
{food} chicken and vegetable stew with bechamel sauce or fresh cream (wasei: cream stew) |
ケツの穴が小さい see styles |
ketsunoanagachiisai / ketsunoanagachisai ケツのあながちいさい |
(exp,adj-f) (idiom) (vulgar) small-minded; petty; cowardly; chicken-hearted |
コールド・チキン see styles |
koorudo chikin コールド・チキン |
cold chicken |
Variations: |
satsumajiru さつまじる |
{food} miso soup with pork or chicken (originally boned chicken chunks) with daikon, carrots, great burdock or sweet potatoes; meat chowder |
タンドーリチキン see styles |
tandoorichikin タンドーリチキン |
tandoori chicken |
タンドリーチキン see styles |
tandoriichikin / tandorichikin タンドリーチキン |
Tandoori chicken |
チキン・カツレツ see styles |
chikin katsuretsu チキン・カツレツ |
chicken cutlet |
チキン・ナゲット see styles |
chikin nagetto チキン・ナゲット |
chicken nugget |
チキン・フラワー see styles |
chikin furawaa / chikin furawa チキン・フラワー |
chicken flower |
フライド・チキン see styles |
furaido chikin フライド・チキン |
fried chicken |
プリマス・ロック see styles |
purimasu rokku プリマス・ロック |
Plymouth Rock (breed of chicken) |
ロースト・チキン see styles |
roosuto chikin ロースト・チキン |
roast chicken |
臆病風に吹かれる see styles |
okubyoukazenifukareru / okubyokazenifukareru おくびょうかぜにふかれる |
(exp,v1) to become scared; to have an attack of nerves; to have a yellow streak; to chicken out; to run out of courage |
Variations: |
chawanmushi ちゃわんむし |
chawanmushi; savoury steamed egg custard with chicken, mushrooms, etc. (savory) |
Variations: |
tori(p); tori とり(P); トリ |
(1) bird; (2) (See 鶏・2) bird meat (esp. chicken meat); fowl; poultry |
ソウゲンライチョウ see styles |
sougenraichou / sogenraicho ソウゲンライチョウ |
(kana only) greater prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) |
Variations: |
sogigiri そぎぎり |
(noun, transitive verb) {food} slicing (a vegetable, chicken breast, etc.) diagonally; cutting (diagonally) into thin slices; shaving into slivers |
Variations: |
takuparu; tapparu タクパル; タッパル |
chicken feet (dish) (kor: dakbal) |
タンドリー・チキン see styles |
tandorii chikin / tandori chikin タンドリー・チキン |
Tandoori chicken |
Variations: |
bonjiri; ponjiri ぼんじり; ぽんじり |
pope's nose; parson's nose; meat from around the coccyx of a chicken |
嫁雞隨雞,嫁狗隨狗 嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗 see styles |
jià jī suí jī , jià gǒu suí gǒu jia4 ji1 sui2 ji1 , jia4 gou3 sui2 gou3 chia chi sui chi , chia kou sui kou |
if you marry a chicken follow the chicken, if you marry a dog follow the dog (idiom) |
寧做雞頭,不做鳳尾 宁做鸡头,不做凤尾 see styles |
nìng zuò jī tóu , bù zuò fèng wěi ning4 zuo4 ji1 tou2 , bu4 zuo4 feng4 wei3 ning tso chi t`ou , pu tso feng wei ning tso chi tou , pu tso feng wei |
lit. would rather be a chicken's head than a phoenix's tail (idiom); fig. to prefer to be a big fish in a small pond rather than a small fish in a big pond |
Variations: |
mizubousou / mizuboso みずぼうそう |
{med} chickenpox; chicken pox; varicella |
Variations: |
wakadori わかどり |
(1) young bird; fledgling; chick; (2) (young) chicken |
Variations: |
shimofuri しもふり |
(adj-no,n) (1) speckled with white; salt-and-pepper (pattern, fabric, etc.); (2) (See 霜降り肉) marbling (of beef); (3) (abbreviation) (See 霜降り作り) (of fish, chicken, shellfish, etc.) blanching by exposure to boiling and then icy water; (4) (orig. meaning) formation of frost |
Variations: |
torimuneniku とりむねにく |
chicken breast meat |
Variations: |
hinakanbetsushi ひなかんべつし |
(abbreviation) (See 初生ひな鑑別師・しょせいひなかんべつし) chicken sexer |
Variations: |
reguhon; reguhoon レグホン; レグホーン |
Leghorn (var. of chicken) |
Variations: |
yosenabe よせなべ |
(See 寄せ・2) pot of chicken or seafood, and vegetables in a dashi broth, usu. cooked at the table (traditionally a winter meal); seafood and vegetable stew or chowder |
Variations: |
nobusuma のぶすま |
(1) legendary monster resembling a flying squirrel; (2) (orig. meaning) (See ムササビ) Japanese giant flying squirrel (Petaurista leucogenys); (3) {food} Japanese dish prepared with cooked fish and chicken |
Variations: |
niwatori(p); tori; kake(ok); kutakake(ok); niwatori にわとり(P); とり; かけ(ok); くたかけ(ok); ニワトリ |
(1) chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus); domestic chicken; (2) (See 鶏肉・1) chicken meat |
Variations: |
hashitagane はしたがね |
paltry sum of money; small change; odd money; pittance; chicken feed |
Variations: |
yodaredori よだれどり |
{food} mouth-watering chicken (Chinese dish of steamed chicken with a spicy sauce) |
Variations: |
sunazuri すなずり |
(1) {food} (See 砂嚢・2) chicken gizzard; (2) fat underbelly of a fish; (3) sand polishing; (4) sand finish (e.g. finishing a wall with sand mortar) |
Variations: |
oyakodon; oyakodonburi おやこどん; おやこどんぶり |
(1) (親子丼 only) oyakodon; bowl of rice topped with chicken and egg; (2) (vulgar) (slang) threesome including a mother and her daughter |
Variations: |
shiichikin; shii chikin / shichikin; shi chikin シーチキン; シー・チキン |
(orig. a brand name) canned tuna (eng: Sea Chicken); tinned tuna |
Variations: |
chikinkatsu; chikin katsu チキンカツ; チキン・カツ |
{food} chicken katsu; chicken cutlet |
Variations: |
yakitori やきとり |
(1) yakitori; chicken pieces (or sometimes beef or pork offal) grilled on a skewer; (2) (obsolete) grilled and skewered bird (esp. sparrow); (3) {mahj} failing to win a single hand during a half-game |
Variations: |
tori(p); tori とり(P); トリ |
(1) bird; (2) (esp. 鶏) (See 鶏・2) bird meat (esp. chicken meat); fowl; poultry |
Variations: |
torinanban とりなんばん |
{food} chicken nanban |
Variations: |
toriniku(p); keiniku(鶏肉); chouniku(鳥肉) / toriniku(p); keniku(鶏肉); choniku(鳥肉) とりにく(P); けいにく(鶏肉); ちょうにく(鳥肉) |
(1) chicken meat; (2) (鳥肉, とり肉 only) fowl; poultry; bird meat |
ケンタッキーフライドチキン see styles |
kentakkiifuraidochikin / kentakkifuraidochikin ケンタッキーフライドチキン |
(c) Kentucky Fried Chicken; KFC |
Variations: |
hikyoumono / hikyomono ひきょうもの |
(1) coward; chicken; yellow-belly; (2) sneaky person; underhanded person; dastardly person |
Variations: |
torisashi とりさし |
(1) {food} (See 刺身) sliced raw chicken meat; chicken sashimi; (2) catching birds (using a birdlime-covered pole); bird catcher |
Variations: |
torigarasuupu(鶏garasuupu); torigarasuupu(鶏garasuupu) / torigarasupu(鶏garasupu); torigarasupu(鶏garasupu) とりがらスープ(鶏がらスープ); とりガラスープ(鶏ガラスープ) |
{food} chicken broth; chicken soup |
Variations: |
torikawa とりかわ |
(1) chicken skin (esp. in cooking); (2) (鳥皮 only) bird skin |
Variations: |
chikinekisu; chikin ekisu チキンエキス; チキン・エキス |
{food} chicken concentrate; (dehydrated or concentrated) chicken stock |
Variations: |
chikinkaree; chikin karee チキンカレー; チキン・カレー |
{food} chicken curry |
Variations: |
chikinkiefu; chikin kiefu チキンキエフ; チキン・キエフ |
chicken Kiev |
Variations: |
chikinsuupu; chikin suupu / chikinsupu; chikin supu チキンスープ; チキン・スープ |
chicken soup |
Variations: |
chikinhaato; chikin haato / chikinhato; chikin hato チキンハート; チキン・ハート |
(noun or adjectival noun) chicken-hearted; lily-livered; cowardly |
Variations: |
chikinfurai; chikin furai チキンフライ; チキン・フライ |
(See フライドチキン) fried chicken (wasei: chicken fry) |
Variations: |
chikinraisu; chikin raisu チキンライス; チキン・ライス |
{food} simple chicken and rice stir fry dish (usu. flavoured with ketchup or tomato puree) (wasei: chicken rice) |
Variations: |
chikinreesu; chikin reesu チキンレース; チキン・レース |
chicken; chicken game; chicken race |
Variations: |
shoseihinakanbetsushi / shosehinakanbetsushi しょせいひなかんべつし |
chicken sexer |
Variations: |
mizutaki; mizudaki(水炊ki, 水炊) みずたき; みずだき(水炊き, 水炊) |
{food} food (esp. chicken and vegetables) boiled in plain water (or sometimes dashi, etc.) and served with dipping sauce (esp. ponzu) |
ケンタッキー・フライド・チキン see styles |
kentakkii furaido chikin / kentakki furaido chikin ケンタッキー・フライド・チキン |
(c) Kentucky Fried Chicken; KFC |
Variations: |
chikin(p); chikkin(ik) チキン(P); チッキン(ik) |
(1) {food} chicken; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) coward; scaredy-cat; chicken; wuss |
Variations: |
suzumenonamida すずめのなみだ |
(exp,n) (idiom) drop in the bucket; pittance; chicken feed; insignificant amount; sparrow tears |
Variations: |
ketsunoanagachiisai / ketsunoanagachisai けつのあながちいさい |
(exp,adj-f) (idiom) (vulgar) small-minded; petty; cowardly; chicken-hearted |
Variations: |
koorudochikin; koorudo chikin コールドチキン; コールド・チキン |
cold chicken |
Variations: |
chikinkatsuretsu; chikin katsuretsu チキンカツレツ; チキン・カツレツ |
chicken cutlet |
Variations: |
chikinnagetto; chikin nagetto チキンナゲット; チキン・ナゲット |
chicken nugget |
Variations: |
chikinbaagaa; chikin baagaa / chikinbaga; chikin baga チキンバーガー; チキン・バーガー |
{food} chicken burger |
Variations: |
chikinfurawaa; chikin furawaa / chikinfurawa; chikin furawa チキンフラワー; チキン・フラワー |
chicken flower |
Variations: |
purimasurokku; purimasu rokku プリマスロック; プリマス・ロック |
Plymouth Rock (breed of chicken) |
Variations: |
roosutochikin; roosuto chikin ローストチキン; ロースト・チキン |
roast chicken |
Variations: |
ketsunoanagachiisai(尻no穴ga小sai); ketsunoanagachiisai(ketsuno穴ga小sai) / ketsunoanagachisai(尻no穴ga小sai); ketsunoanagachisai(ketsuno穴ga小sai) けつのあながちいさい(尻の穴が小さい); ケツのあながちいさい(ケツの穴が小さい) |
(exp,adj-f) (idiom) (vulgar) small-minded; petty; cowardly; chicken-hearted |
Variations: |
toriryouri / toriryori とりりょうり |
chicken dish; dish whose main ingredient is chicken |
Variations: |
niwatori(p); tori; kake(ok); kutakake(ok); niwatori にわとり(P); とり; かけ(ok); くたかけ(ok); ニワトリ |
(1) chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus); domestic chicken; (2) (See 鶏肉・1) chicken meat |
Variations: |
toriniku(p); keiniku(鶏肉); chouniku(鳥肉) / toriniku(p); keniku(鶏肉); choniku(鳥肉) とりにく(P); けいにく(鶏肉); ちょうにく(鳥肉) |
(1) chicken meat; (2) (鳥肉 only) fowl; poultry; bird meat |
Variations: |
honetsukidori ほねつきどり |
{food} bone-in chicken; chicken-on-the-bone |
Variations: |
chawanmushi ちゃわんむし |
chawanmushi; savoury steamed egg custard with chicken, mushrooms, etc. (savory) |
Variations: |
furaidochikin(p); furaido chikin フライドチキン(P); フライド・チキン |
{food} fried chicken (esp. American-style) |
Variations: |
ojikezuku; ojiketsuku(怖気付ku, 怖ji気付ku)(ik) おじけづく; おじけつく(怖気付く, 怖じ気付く)(ik) |
(v5k,vi) to become frightened; to get scared; to be seized with fear; to be intimidated; to lose one's nerve; to get cold feet; to chicken out; to have the wind up |
Variations: |
mendori; mendori(sk) めんどり; メンドリ(sk) |
(1) (雌鳥 only) (kana only) (See 雄鳥・1) female bird; (2) (kana only) (esp. 雌鶏) (See 雄鶏・2) hen (female chicken) |
Variations: |
shimofurizukuri しもふりづくり |
(See 霜降り・3) fish, chicken, shellfish, etc. blanched by exposure to boiling and then icy water |
Variations: |
toritori とりとり |
(1) bird catcher; bird handler (oft. chicken); (2) bird catching; bird handling (oft. chicken) |
Variations: |
torigara(鶏gara, 鳥gara, 鳥殻, 鶏殻); torigara(鶏gara, 鳥gara) とりがら(鶏がら, 鳥がら, 鳥殻, 鶏殻); とりガラ(鶏ガラ, 鳥ガラ) |
(See 殻・がら・1) chicken bones; chicken carcass |
Variations: |
karaage(唐揚ge, kara揚ge, 唐揚, 空揚ge, 空揚); karaage(kara揚ge); karaage / karage(唐揚ge, kara揚ge, 唐揚, 空揚ge, 空揚); karage(kara揚ge); karage からあげ(唐揚げ, から揚げ, 唐揚, 空揚げ, 空揚); カラあげ(カラ揚げ); カラアゲ |
(noun/participle) {food} deep-fried food (esp. chicken) |
Variations: |
torimuneniku とりむねにく |
chicken breast meat |
Variations: |
tandoriichikin; tandorichikin; tandorii chikin / tandorichikin; tandorichikin; tandori chikin タンドリーチキン; タンドリチキン; タンドリー・チキン |
Tandoori chicken |
Variations: |
yakitori やきとり |
(1) {food} yakitori; chicken pieces (or sometimes beef or pork offal) grilled on a skewer; (2) (obsolete) grilled and skewered bird (esp. sparrow); (3) {mahj} failing to win a single hand during a half-game |
Variations: |
keikoutonarumogyuugotonarunakare / kekotonarumogyugotonarunakare けいこうとなるもぎゅうごとなるなかれ |
(expression) (proverb) better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion; better be first in a village than second at Rome; better to be the mouth of a chicken than the rear end of a cow |
Variations: |
kuriimushichuu; kuriimu shichuu; kuriimushichuu(sk) / kurimushichu; kurimu shichu; kurimushichu(sk) クリームシチュー; クリーム・シチュー; クリームシチュウ(sk) |
{food} cream stew (wasei:); chicken and vegetable stew with bechamel sauce or fresh cream |
Variations: |
torikaraage / torikarage とりからあげ |
{food} deep-fried chicken |
Variations: |
yannyomuchikin; yannyonchikin; yannyomu chikin; yannyon chikin ヤンニョムチキン; ヤンニョンチキン; ヤンニョム・チキン; ヤンニョン・チキン |
{food} (See ヤンニョム) yangnyeom chicken (kor: yangnyeom chikin); Korean fried chicken |
Variations: |
honetsukidori ほねつきどり |
{food} bone-in chicken; chicken-on-the-bone |
Variations: |
tandoriichikin; tandorii chikin; tandorichikin(sk); tandoorichikin(sk) / tandorichikin; tandori chikin; tandorichikin(sk); tandoorichikin(sk) タンドリーチキン; タンドリー・チキン; タンドリチキン(sk); タンドーリチキン(sk) |
{food} tandoori chicken |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "chicken" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.