There are 3493 total results for your 門 search. I have created 35 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
兩門 两门 see styles |
liǎng mén liang3 men2 liang men ryōmon |
two approaches |
八門 八门 see styles |
bā mén ba1 men2 pa men hachimon |
(八門二悟 or 八門兩益) Eight kinds of syllogisms in Buddhist logic; v. 因明八正理諭. (1) 能立a valid proposition; (2) 能破 an invalid proposition; (3) 似能立 doubtful, or seemingly valid but faulty; (4) 似能破 seemingly invalid, and assailable; (5) 現量manifest, or evidential; (6) 比量 inferential; (7) 似現量 seemingly evidential; (8) 似比量 seemingly inferential. |
公門 see styles |
koumon / komon こうもん |
(surname) Kōmon |
六門 六门 see styles |
liù mén liu4 men2 liu men rokumon ろくもん |
(surname) Rokumon six sense gates |
兼門 see styles |
kanekado かねかど |
(surname) Kanekado |
内門 see styles |
naimon ないもん |
(surname) Naimon |
冷門 冷门 see styles |
lěng mén leng3 men2 leng men |
a neglected branch (of arts, science, sports etc); fig. a complete unknown who wins a competition |
出門 出门 see styles |
chū mén chu1 men2 ch`u men chu men demon でもん |
to go out; to leave home; to go on a journey; away from home; (of a woman) to get married (n,vs,vi) exiting through a gate; going out; leaving (the premises); (surname) Demon going out of the gate |
初門 初门 see styles |
chū mén chu1 men2 ch`u men chu men shomon |
first gateway |
別門 别门 see styles |
bié mén bie2 men2 pieh men betsumon |
narrow approach |
制門 制门 see styles |
zhì mén zhi4 men2 chih men seimon |
The way or method of discipline, contrasted with the 化門, i. e. of teaching, both methods used by the Buddha, hence called 化制二門. |
前門 前门 see styles |
qián mén qian2 men2 ch`ien men chien men maekado まえかど |
front door; main entrance; honest and upright approach (as opposed to 後門|后门, back-door or under the counter) front gate; (surname) Maekado |
加門 see styles |
kamon かもん |
(surname) Kamon |
勢門 see styles |
seimon / semon せいもん |
influential family; the man in power |
勸門 劝门 see styles |
quàn mén quan4 men2 ch`üan men chüan men kanmon |
The method of exhortation or persuasion, in contrast with prohibition or command. |
化門 化门 see styles |
huà mén hua4 men2 hua men kemon |
gate of conversion |
北門 北门 see styles |
běi mén bei3 men2 pei men hokumon ほくもん |
Peimen township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan north gate; (place-name) Hokumon |
十門 十门 see styles |
shí mén shi2 men2 shih men jūmon |
The ten "doors" or connections between事 and 理; 事 is defined as 現象 form and 理 as 本體 substance; the common illustration of wave and water indicates the idea thus expressed. The 理事無礎十門 means that in ten ways form and substance are not separate, unconnected entities. (1) li the substance is always present with shih the phenomena; (2) shih is always present with li; (3) shih depends on li for its existence; (4) the shih can reveal the li; (5) the shih (mere form, which is unreal) can disappear in the li;(6) the shih can conceal the li; (7) the true li is the shih; (8) the shih is li; (9) the true li (or reality) is not the shih; (10) the shih is not the (whole) li; v. 華嚴大疏 2. 周遍含容觀十門 The fifth of the five 觀 meditations of the 華嚴宗, i.e. on li and shih, e.g. (1) the li is as the shih; (2) the shih is as the li; 理如事, 事如理 and so on. The 止觀十門 in the 宗鏡録35, also deals with li and shih chiefly for purposes of meditation. Another group, the 華嚴釋經十門, treats of the Canon and the schools. |
南門 see styles |
minamimon みなみもん |
south gate; (place-name) Minamimon |
卡門 卡门 see styles |
kǎ mén ka3 men2 k`a men ka men |
More info & calligraphy: Karmen |
厦門 see styles |
shiyamen シヤメン |
(place-name) Xiamen (China); Amoy |
友門 see styles |
tomokado ともかど |
(place-name) Tomokado |
古門 see styles |
furumon ふるもん |
(place-name) Furumon |
叩門 叩门 see styles |
kòu mén kou4 men2 k`ou men kou men |
to knock on a door |
史門 see styles |
shimon しもん |
(given name) Shimon |
右門 see styles |
yuumon / yumon ゆうもん |
(surname) Yūmon |
吉門 see styles |
yoshito よしと |
(surname) Yoshito |
吊門 吊门 see styles |
diào mén diao4 men2 tiao men |
an overhung door; a door that hinges upwards |
同門 同门 see styles |
tóng mén tong2 men2 t`ung men tung men doumon / domon どうもん |
fellow student colleagues |
名門 名门 see styles |
míng mén ming2 men2 ming men meimon / memon めいもん |
famous family; prestigious house (noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) noted family; noble family; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (See 名門校・めいもんこう) prestigious school, organization, business, etc. |
吸門 吸门 see styles |
xī mén xi1 men2 hsi men |
epiglottis |
命門 命门 see styles |
mìng mén ming4 men2 ming men |
(TCM) the right kidney; (TCM) acupuncture point GV-4, midway between the kidneys; the region between the kidneys; the eyes; (fortune-telling) the temples; (fig.) most critical or vulnerable point |
和門 see styles |
kazuto かずと |
(personal name) Kazuto |
唐門 see styles |
karamon からもん |
(See 唐破風) karamon; large gate with a karahafu gable (typically at a temple, shrine or castle); (surname) Karamon |
善門 see styles |
yoshikado よしかど |
(personal name) Yoshikado |
喜門 see styles |
yoshikado よしかど |
(given name) Yoshikado |
喪門 丧门 see styles |
sàng mén sang4 men2 sang men sōmon |
śramaṇa |
嗓門 嗓门 see styles |
sǎng mén sang3 men2 sang men |
voice; windpipe |
嘉門 see styles |
yoshikado よしかど |
(personal name) Yoshikado |
噴門 see styles |
funmon ふんもん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) cardia |
四門 四门 see styles |
sì mén si4 men2 ssu men yotsukado よつかど |
(surname) Yotsukado The four doors, schools of thought, or theories: 有 is the phenomenal world real, or 空 unreal, or both, or neither ? According to the Tiantai school each of the four schools 四教 in discussing these four questions emphasizes one of them, i. e. 三藏教 that it is real 通教 unreal, 別通 both, 圓通 neither; v. 有 and 空, and each of the four schools. In esoteric symbolism the 四門 are four stages of initiation, development, enlightenment, and nirvana, and are associated with E., S., W., and N.; with the four seasons; with warmth, heat, coolness and cold, etc. |
回門 回门 see styles |
huí mén hui2 men2 hui men |
first return of bride to her parental home |
囟門 囟门 see styles |
xìn mén xin4 men2 hsin men |
fontanel (gap between the bones of an infant's skull) |
囪門 囱门 see styles |
cōng mén cong1 men2 ts`ung men tsung men |
window; chimney |
国門 see styles |
kunimon くにもん |
(surname) Kunimon |
國門 国门 see styles |
guó mén guo2 men2 kuo men kunikado くにかど |
(archaic) capital's gate; country's border (surname) Kunikado |
土門 土门 see styles |
tǔ mén tu3 men2 t`u men tu men domon どもん |
Tumen or Bumin Khan (-553), founder of Göktürk khanate (surname) Domon |
坂門 see styles |
sakado さかど |
(surname) Sakado |
坊門 see styles |
boumon / bomon ぼうもん |
(place-name) Boumon |
垂門 see styles |
tarukado たるかど |
(surname) Tarukado |
埀門 see styles |
tarekado たれかど |
(surname) Tarekado |
城門 城门 see styles |
chéng mén cheng2 men2 ch`eng men cheng men gusukujou / gusukujo ぐすくじょう |
city gate castle gate; (place-name) Gusukujō |
堂門 see styles |
doumon / domon どうもん |
(surname) Dōmon |
増門 see styles |
masukado ますかど |
(surname) Masukado |
士門 see styles |
shimon しもん |
(given name) Shimon |
声門 see styles |
seimon / semon せいもん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) glottis |
外門 see styles |
tomon ともん |
(surname) Tomon |
多門 see styles |
tamon たもん |
(place-name, surname) Tamon |
大門 大门 see styles |
dà mén da4 men2 ta men hirokado ひろかど |
entrance; door; gate; large and influential family large front gate; (surname) Hirokado |
天門 天门 see styles |
tiān mén tian1 men2 t`ien men tien men amakado あまかど |
Tianmen sub-prefecture level city in Hubei (surname) Amakado |
太門 see styles |
tamon たもん |
(given name) Tamon |
夷門 夷门 see styles |
yí mén yi2 men2 i men |
the Yi gate of 大梁, capital of Wei 魏 during Warring states |
奥門 see styles |
okumon おくもん |
(surname) Okumon |
妙門 妙门 see styles |
miào mén miao4 men2 miao men myōmon |
The wonderful door of dharma; nirvana; the six Tiantai methods leading through meditation to enlightenment and the state of nirvana. |
姫門 see styles |
himekado ひめかど |
(place-name) Himekado |
娑門 娑门 see styles |
suō mén suo1 men2 so men shamon |
śramaṇa |
子門 see styles |
shimon しもん |
(surname) Shimon |
孔門 孔门 see styles |
kǒng mén kong3 men2 k`ung men kung men koumon / komon こうもん |
Confucius' school (i.e. his direct disciples) disciple of Confucius; Confucian school |
学門 see styles |
gakumon がくもん |
(place-name) Gakumon |
學門 学门 see styles |
xué mén xue2 men2 hsüeh men |
(Tw) field of knowledge; academic discipline |
宅門 宅门 see styles |
zhái mén zhai2 men2 chai men takumon |
entry of one's abode |
宇門 see styles |
umon うもん |
(surname) Umon |
守門 守门 see styles |
shǒu mén shou3 men2 shou men sumon すもん |
to keep goal; on duty as gatekeeper (place-name) Sumon |
宗門 宗门 see styles |
zōng mén zong1 men2 tsung men muneto むねと |
(religious) denomination; sect; (given name) Muneto Originally the general name for sects. Later appropriated to itself by the 禪 Chan (Zen) or Intuitional school, which refers to the other schools as 教門 teaching sects, i. e. those who rely on the written word rather than on the 'inner light'. |
定門 定门 see styles |
dìng mén ding4 men2 ting men jō mon |
approach of meditation |
宝門 see styles |
houmon / homon ほうもん |
(surname) Houmon |
実門 see styles |
sanekado さねかど |
(place-name) Sanekado |
室門 see styles |
murokado むろかど |
(surname) Murokado |
宦門 宦门 see styles |
huàn mén huan4 men2 huan men |
family of officials; family with connections to the bureaucracy (i.e. the middle classes in imperial China) |
宮門 see styles |
miyamon みやもん |
gate of a palace; (surname) Miyamon |
家門 家门 see styles |
jiā mén jia1 men2 chia men kamon かもん |
house door; family clan one's family; one's clan; (given name) Kamon |
寄門 see styles |
yorikado よりかど |
(surname) Yorikado |
密門 see styles |
mitsumon みつもん |
(surname) Mitsumon |
富門 see styles |
tomimon とみもん |
(surname) Tomimon |
寒門 寒门 see styles |
hán mén han2 men2 han men |
poor and humble family; my family (humble) |
寺門 see styles |
terakado てらかど |
(place-name, surname) Terakado |
寿門 see styles |
jumon じゅもん |
(given name) Jumon |
専門 see styles |
senmon せんもん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) speciality; specialty; subject of study; expert; area of expertise |
射門 射门 see styles |
shè mén she4 men2 she men |
(soccer, handball etc) to kick or shoot the ball towards the goal |
将門 see styles |
masayuki まさゆき |
(personal name) Masayuki |
將門 see styles |
masakado まさかど |
(personal name) Masakado |
專門 专门 see styles |
zhuān mén zhuan1 men2 chuan men senmon せんもん |
specialist; specialized; customized (irregular kanji usage) (noun - becomes adjective with の) speciality; specialty; subject of study; expert; area of expertise |
對門 对门 see styles |
duì mén dui4 men2 tui men |
the building or room opposite |
小門 see styles |
komon こもん |
small gate; side gate; wicket gate; side door; (surname) Komon |
尚門 see styles |
naokado なおかど |
(personal name) Naokado |
尾門 see styles |
okado おかど |
(surname) Okado |
屋門 屋门 see styles |
wū mén wu1 men2 wu men okumon |
room entry |
屏門 屏门 see styles |
píng mén ping2 men2 p`ing men ping men |
screen door |
屯門 屯门 see styles |
tún mén tun2 men2 t`un men tun men |
Tuen Mun district of New Territories, Hong Kong |
山門 山门 see styles |
shān mén shan1 men2 shan men yamamon やまもん |
monastery main gate (Buddhism); monastery (1) {Buddh} main temple gate; (2) {Buddh} temple; (surname) Yamamon The gate of a monastery; a monastery. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "門" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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