There are 447 total results for your 称 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
不可稱境 不可称境 see styles |
bù kě chēng jìng bu4 ke3 cheng1 jing4 pu k`o ch`eng ching pu ko cheng ching fukashō kyō |
indescribable objects |
不可稱智 不可称智 see styles |
bù kě chēng zhì bu4 ke3 cheng1 zhi4 pu k`o ch`eng chih pu ko cheng chih fukashō chi |
The Buddha wisdom that in its variety is beyond description. |
不可稱計 不可称计 see styles |
bù kě chēng jì bu4 ke3 cheng1 ji4 pu k`o ch`eng chi pu ko cheng chi fuka shōkei |
incalculable |
不可稱量 不可称量 see styles |
bù kě chēng liáng bu4 ke3 cheng1 liang2 pu k`o ch`eng liang pu ko cheng liang bekarazu shōryō |
immeasurable |
交口稱譽 交口称誉 see styles |
jiāo kǒu chēng yù jiao1 kou3 cheng1 yu4 chiao k`ou ch`eng yü chiao kou cheng yü |
voices unanimous in praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation |
人稱代詞 人称代词 see styles |
rén chēng dài cí ren2 cheng1 dai4 ci2 jen ch`eng tai tz`u jen cheng tai tzu |
personal pronoun |
俯首稱臣 俯首称臣 see styles |
fǔ shǒu chēng chén fu3 shou3 cheng1 chen2 fu shou ch`eng ch`en fu shou cheng chen |
to bow before (idiom); to capitulate |
值得稱讚 值得称赞 see styles |
zhí de chēng zàn zhi2 de5 cheng1 zan4 chih te ch`eng tsan chih te cheng tsan |
commendable |
兩側對稱 两侧对称 see styles |
liǎng cè duì chèn liang3 ce4 dui4 chen4 liang ts`e tui ch`en liang tse tui chen |
bilateral symmetry |
八称宣山 see styles |
hachinegisan はちねぎさん |
(place-name) Hachinegisan |
公称資本 see styles |
koushoushihon / koshoshihon こうしょうしほん |
authorized capital; authorised capital |
公称馬力 see styles |
koushoubariki / koshobariki こうしょうばりき |
nominal horsepower |
勲称別川 see styles |
kunnebetsugawa くんねべつがわ |
(place-name) Kunnebetsugawa |
十一稱號 十一称号 see styles |
shí yī chēng hào shi2 yi1 cheng1 hao4 shih i ch`eng hao shih i cheng hao jūichi shōgō |
eleven names |
反対称的 see styles |
hantaishouteki / hantaishoteki はんたいしょうてき |
(adjectival noun) antisymmetric |
口称念仏 see styles |
kushounenbutsu / kushonenbutsu くしょうねんぶつ |
{Buddh} (See 観念念仏) chanting an invocation (to Amida Buddha); reciting a prayer |
口稱三昧 口称三昧 see styles |
kǒu chēng sān mèi kou3 cheng1 san1 mei4 k`ou ch`eng san mei kou cheng san mei kushō zanmai |
The samādhi in which with a quiet heart the individual repeats the name of Buddha, or the samādhi attained by such repetition. |
口稱念佛 口称念佛 see styles |
kǒu chēng niàn fó kou3 cheng1 nian4 fo2 k`ou ch`eng nien fo kou cheng nien fo kōshō nenbutsu |
invocatory prayer |
名称変更 see styles |
meishouhenkou / meshohenko めいしょうへんこう |
name change; renaming |
名称領域 see styles |
meishouryouiki / meshoryoiki めいしょうりょういき |
{comp} title-domain |
名稱普聞 名称普闻 see styles |
míng jeng pǔ wén ming2 jeng1 pu3 wen2 ming jeng p`u wen ming jeng pu wen myōshō fumon |
extensively renowned |
名稱標籤 名称标签 see styles |
míng chēng biāo qiān ming2 cheng1 biao1 qian1 ming ch`eng piao ch`ien ming cheng piao chien |
name tag |
名稱高遠 名称高远 see styles |
míng jeng gāo yuǎn ming2 jeng1 gao1 yuan3 ming jeng kao yüan myōshō kōon |
name spread far and wide |
名誉称号 see styles |
meiyoshougou / meyoshogo めいよしょうごう |
honorary title |
咄咄稱奇 咄咄称奇 see styles |
duō duō chēng qí duo1 duo1 cheng1 qi2 to to ch`eng ch`i to to cheng chi |
to cluck one's tongue in wonder |
嘖嘖稱奇 啧啧称奇 see styles |
zé zé chēng qí ze2 ze2 cheng1 qi2 tse tse ch`eng ch`i tse tse cheng chi |
to click one's tongue in wonder (idiom); to be astonished |
回転対称 see styles |
kaitentaishou / kaitentaisho かいてんたいしょう |
rotation symmetry |
如實稱遂 如实称遂 see styles |
rú shí chēng suì ru2 shi2 cheng1 sui4 ju shih ch`eng sui ju shih cheng sui nyojitsu shōzui |
if it is really carried out... |
学歴詐称 see styles |
gakurekisashou / gakurekisasho がくれきさしょう |
false statement (misrepresentation) of one's academic career |
対称行列 see styles |
taishougyouretsu / taishogyoretsu たいしょうぎょうれつ |
{math} symmetric matrix |
對稱破缺 对称破缺 see styles |
duì chèn pò quē dui4 chen4 po4 que1 tui ch`en p`o ch`üeh tui chen po chüeh |
symmetry breaking (physics) |
對稱空間 对称空间 see styles |
duì chèn kōng jiān dui4 chen4 kong1 jian1 tui ch`en k`ung chien tui chen kung chien |
symmetric space (math.) |
左右対称 see styles |
sayuutaishou / sayutaisho さゆうたいしょう |
(n,adj-no,adj-na) bilateral symmetry |
左右相称 see styles |
sayuusoushou / sayusosho さゆうそうしょう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) symmetry |
常称寺町 see styles |
joushoujichou / joshojicho じょうしょうじちょう |
(place-name) Jōshoujichō |
心念口称 see styles |
shinnenkushou / shinnenkusho しんねんくしょう |
{Buddh} contemplating Buddha while chanting his name |
應可稱讚 应可称讚 see styles |
yìng kě chēng zàn ying4 ke3 cheng1 zan4 ying k`o ch`eng tsan ying ko cheng tsan ōka shōsan |
praiseworthy |
指差呼称 see styles |
shisakoshou / shisakosho しさこしょう |
(See 指差し確認) pointing and calling (occupational safety method) |
放射相称 see styles |
houshasoushou / hoshasosho ほうしゃそうしょう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) radial symmetry |
欲使稱譽 欲使称誉 see styles |
yù shǐ chēng yù yu4 shi3 cheng1 yu4 yü shih ch`eng yü yü shih cheng yü Yokushishōyo |
Yaśakāma |
正式名称 see styles |
seishikimeishou / seshikimesho せいしきめいしょう |
official name; formal name |
滿口稱讚 满口称赞 see styles |
mǎn kǒu chēng zàn man3 kou3 cheng1 zan4 man k`ou ch`eng tsan man kou cheng tsan |
to praise profusely |
無垢稱經 无垢称经 see styles |
wú gòu chēng jīng wu2 gou4 cheng1 jing1 wu kou ch`eng ching wu kou cheng ching Mukushō kyō |
Scripture of the Stainless Name |
無稱光佛 无称光佛 see styles |
wú chēng guāng fó wu2 cheng1 guang1 fo2 wu ch`eng kuang fo wu cheng kuang fo Mushōkō Butsu |
Buddha of Ineffable Light |
稱名念佛 称名念佛 see styles |
chēng míng niàn fó cheng1 ming2 nian4 fo2 ch`eng ming nien fo cheng ming nien fo shōmyō nenbutsu |
to chant a Buddha`s name |
稱名雜行 称名杂行 see styles |
chēng míng zá xíng cheng1 ming2 za2 xing2 ch`eng ming tsa hsing cheng ming tsa hsing shōmyō zōgyō |
To worship a variety of Buddhas, etc., instead of cleaving to Amitābha alone. |
稱心如意 称心如意 see styles |
chèn xīn rú yì chen4 xin1 ru2 yi4 ch`en hsin ju i chen hsin ju i |
(idiom) after one's own heart; gratifying; satisfactory; everything one could wish |
稱揚讚歎 称扬讚歎 see styles |
chēng yáng zàn tàn cheng1 yang2 zan4 tan4 ch`eng yang tsan t`an cheng yang tsan tan shōyō santan |
to praise |
稱歎如來 称歎如来 see styles |
chēng tàn rú lái cheng1 tan4 ru2 lai2 ch`eng t`an ju lai cheng tan ju lai shōtan nyorai |
to praise the Tathāgata |
稱譽聲頌 称誉声颂 see styles |
chēng yù shēng sòng cheng1 yu4 sheng1 song4 ch`eng yü sheng sung cheng yü sheng sung shōyo shōju |
famed and renowned |
稱體裁衣 称体裁衣 see styles |
chēng tǐ cái yī cheng1 ti3 cai2 yi1 ch`eng t`i ts`ai i cheng ti tsai i shōtai sai-e |
cut the garments according to the body |
第一人称 see styles |
daiichininshou / daichininsho だいいちにんしょう |
{ling} first person |
第三人称 see styles |
daisanninshou / daisanninsho だいさんにんしょう |
{ling} third person |
第三人稱 第三人称 see styles |
dì sān rén chēng di4 san1 ren2 cheng1 ti san jen ch`eng ti san jen cheng |
third person (grammar) See: 第三人称 |
第二人称 see styles |
dainininshou / dainininsho だいににんしょう |
{ling} second person |
経歴詐称 see styles |
keirekisashou / kerekisasho けいれきさしょう |
misrepresentation (falsification) of one's past record (personal history) |
自所稱歎 自所称歎 see styles |
zì suǒ chēng tàn zi4 suo3 cheng1 tan4 tzu so ch`eng t`an tzu so cheng tan ji sho shōtan |
[self-] maintained |
自稱歎處 自称歎处 see styles |
zì chēng tàn chù zi4 cheng1 tan4 chu4 tzu ch`eng t`an ch`u tzu cheng tan chu ji shōtan sho |
self-asserted position[s] |
著稱於世 著称于世 see styles |
zhù chēng yú shì zhu4 cheng1 yu2 shi4 chu ch`eng yü shih chu cheng yü shih |
world-renowned |
褒め称す see styles |
homesoyasu ほめそやす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) to praise; to extol |
說相稱法 说相称法 see styles |
shuō xiāng chēng fǎ shuo1 xiang1 cheng1 fa3 shuo hsiang ch`eng fa shuo hsiang cheng fa setsu sōshō hō |
to teach the appropriate dharma |
超対称性 see styles |
choutaishousei / chotaishose ちょうたいしょうせい |
supersymmetry; SUSY |
身分詐称 see styles |
mibunsashou / mibunsasho みぶんさしょう |
false personation; misrepresentation of one's social position |
輻射對稱 辐射对称 see styles |
fú shè duì chèn fu2 she4 dui4 chen4 fu she tui ch`en fu she tui chen |
radial symmetry |
Variations: |
shoumyou / shomyo しょうみょう |
(n,vs,vi) intoning the name of the Buddha; chanting the name of the Buddha |
Variations: |
shouyou / shoyo しょうよう |
(noun, transitive verb) praise; admiration; exalting; extolling |
称名寺境内 see styles |
shiyoumyoujikeidai / shiyomyojikedai しようみょうじけいだい |
(place-name) Shiyoumyoujikeidai |
Variations: |
heishou / hesho へいしょう |
(noun, transitive verb) classifying together |
Variations: |
suishou / suisho すいしょう |
(noun, transitive verb) admiration; praise |
Variations: |
hanshou / hansho はんしょう |
(noun, transitive verb) (See 総称) lumping similar things together and giving the group a collective name; collective name; generic term |
Variations: |
hyouryou; shouryou / hyoryo; shoryo ひょうりょう; しょうりょう |
(noun/participle) (1) measuring weight; weighing; (noun/participle) (2) (ひょうりょう only) maximum weight (on a scales) |
Variations: |
shoubi / shobi しょうび |
(noun, transitive verb) admiration; praise; prizing; appreciation |
Variations: |
kashou / kasho かしょう |
(noun, transitive verb) (rare) excessive praise; undeserved praise |
一人称単数 see styles |
ichininshoutansuu / ichininshotansu いちにんしょうたんすう |
{gramm} first-person singular |
一人称複数 see styles |
ichininshoufukusuu / ichininshofukusu いちにんしょうふくすう |
{gramm} first-person plural |
三人称単数 see styles |
sanninshoutansuu / sanninshotansu さんにんしょうたんすう |
{gramm} third-person singular |
三人称複数 see styles |
sanninshoufukusuu / sanninshofukusu さんにんしょうふくすう |
{gramm} third-person plural |
二人称単数 see styles |
nininshoutansuu / nininshotansu ににんしょうたんすう |
{gramm} second-person singular |
二人称複数 see styles |
nininshoufukusuu / nininshofukusu ににんしょうふくすう |
{gramm} second-person plural |
交差対称性 see styles |
kousataishousei / kosataishose こうさたいしょうせい |
{physics} crossing symmetry |
人称代名詞 see styles |
ninshoudaimeishi / ninshodaimeshi にんしょうだいめいし |
{gramm} personal pronoun |
住人の呼称 see styles |
juuninnokoshou / juninnokosho じゅうにんのこしょう |
(exp,n) demonym; name used to refer to the residents of a country, region, etc. |
公称資本金 see styles |
koushoushihonkin / koshoshihonkin こうしょうしほんきん |
nominal capital |
名称領域名 see styles |
meishouryouikimei / meshoryoikime めいしょうりょういきめい |
{comp} title-domain-name |
対称リスト see styles |
taishourisuto / taishorisuto たいしょうリスト |
{comp} symmetrical list |
対称代名詞 see styles |
taishoudaimeishi / taishodaimeshi たいしょうだいめいし |
(rare) {gramm} (See 二人称代名詞) second-person pronoun |
対称鍵暗号 see styles |
taishoukagiangou / taishokagiango たいしょうかぎあんごう |
{comp} (See 共通鍵暗号) symmetric key cryptography |
左右非対称 see styles |
sayuuhitaishou / sayuhitaisho さゆうひたいしょう |
bilateral asymmetry; left-right asymmetry |
技術的名称 see styles |
gijutsutekimeishou / gijutsutekimesho ぎじゅつてきめいしょう |
{comp} technical name |
標稱核武器 标称核武器 see styles |
biāo chēng hé wǔ qì biao1 cheng1 he2 wu3 qi4 piao ch`eng ho wu ch`i piao cheng ho wu chi |
nominal weapon |
病と称する see styles |
yamaitoshousuru / yamaitoshosuru やまいとしょうする |
(exp,vs-s) (rare) to feign illness; to pretend to be ill |
稱揚諸佛經 称扬诸佛经 see styles |
chēng yáng zhū fó jīng cheng1 yang2 zhu1 fo2 jing1 ch`eng yang chu fo ching cheng yang chu fo ching Shōyō shobutsu kyō |
Sūtra on the Merit [Acquired by] Praising the Buddha |
総称識別子 see styles |
soushoushikibetsushi / soshoshikibetsushi そうしょうしきべつし |
{comp} generic identifier |
褒め称える see styles |
hometataeru ほめたたえる |
(transitive verb) to admire; to praise; to applaud |
誉め称える see styles |
hometataeru ほめたたえる |
(transitive verb) to admire; to praise; to applaud |
說無垢稱經 说无垢称经 see styles |
shuō wú gòu chēng jīng shuo1 wu2 gou4 cheng1 jing1 shuo wu kou ch`eng ching shuo wu kou cheng ching Setsu mukushō kyō |
Shuo wugoucheng jing |
超対称理論 see styles |
choutaishouriron / chotaishoriron ちょうたいしょうりろん |
supersymmetry |
超対称粒子 see styles |
choutaishouryuushi / chotaishoryushi ちょうたいしょうりゅうし |
{physics} (See 超対称性粒子) supersymmetric particle |
非対称戦争 see styles |
hitaishousensou / hitaishosenso ひたいしょうせんそう |
asymmetric war |
システム名称 see styles |
shisutemumeishou / shisutemumesho システムめいしょう |
{comp} system-title |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "称" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.