There are 1150 total results for your 点 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
駐點 驻点 see styles |
zhù diǎn zhu4 dian3 chu tien |
stationary point |
高点 see styles |
kouten / koten こうてん |
high score |
麵點 面点 see styles |
miàn diǎn mian4 dian3 mien tien |
pastry |
黒点 see styles |
kokuten こくてん |
(1) black spot; dark spot; (2) {astron} sunspot |
點乘 点乘 see styles |
diǎn chéng dian3 cheng2 tien ch`eng tien cheng |
(math.) dot product (of two vectors) |
點交 点交 see styles |
diǎn jiāo dian3 jiao1 tien chiao |
to hand over (bought goods etc) |
點亮 点亮 see styles |
diǎn liàng dian3 liang4 tien liang |
to illuminate; to turn on the lights; to light (a blaze) |
點兒 点儿 see styles |
diǎn r dian3 r5 tien r |
erhua variant of 點|点[dian3] |
點兵 点兵 see styles |
diǎn bīng dian3 bing1 tien ping |
to muster troops; (fig.) to gather forces |
點出 点出 see styles |
diǎn chū dian3 chu1 tien ch`u tien chu |
to point out; to indicate See: 点出 |
點化 点化 see styles |
diǎn huà dian3 hua4 tien hua tenka |
magic transformation performed by Daoist immortal; fig. to reveal; to enlighten Touched into activity, or conversion. |
點卯 点卯 see styles |
diǎn mǎo dian3 mao3 tien mao |
morning roll call |
點厾 点厾 see styles |
diǎn dū dian3 du1 tien tu |
to touch up a painting |
點名 点名 see styles |
diǎn míng dian3 ming2 tien ming |
roll call; to mention sb by name; (to call or praise or criticize sb) by name |
點單 点单 see styles |
diǎn dān dian3 dan1 tien tan |
to place an order; to order |
點大 点大 see styles |
diǎn dà dian3 da4 tien ta |
(of a child etc) small as a mite; minuscule |
點子 点子 see styles |
diǎn zi dian3 zi5 tien tzu |
spot; point; dot; speck; drop (of liquid); droplet; point (of argument); idea; crux; indication; pointer See: 点子 |
點字 点字 see styles |
diǎn zì dian3 zi4 tien tzu |
braille See: 点字 |
點射 点射 see styles |
diǎn shè dian3 she4 tien she |
to fire in bursts; shooting intermittently |
點將 点将 see styles |
diǎn jiàng dian3 jiang4 tien chiang |
to appoint a general (in theater); fig. to appoint sb for a task |
點心 点心 see styles |
diǎn xin dian3 xin5 tien hsin tenjin |
light refreshments; pastry; dim sum (in Cantonese cooking); dessert A snack, slight repast, not a proper meal. |
點撥 点拨 see styles |
diǎn bō dian3 bo1 tien po |
to give instructions; to give advice |
點播 点播 see styles |
diǎn bō dian3 bo1 tien po |
webcast; to request item for broadcast on radio program; dibble seeding; spot seeding See: 点播 |
點擊 点击 see styles |
diǎn jī dian3 ji1 tien chi |
to hit; to press; to strike (on the keyboard); to click (a web page button) |
點收 点收 see styles |
diǎn shōu dian3 shou1 tien shou |
to check something and accept it |
點數 点数 see styles |
diǎn shù dian3 shu4 tien shu |
to count and check; to tally; points (collected in some bonus scheme etc) See: 点数 |
點明 点明 see styles |
diǎn míng dian3 ming2 tien ming |
to point out |
點映 点映 see styles |
diǎn yìng dian3 ying4 tien ying |
(film) preview screening |
點染 点染 see styles |
diǎn rǎn dian3 ran3 tien jan |
to touch up (a piece of writing); to add details (to a painting) |
點查 点查 see styles |
diǎn chá dian3 cha2 tien ch`a tien cha |
to inspect |
點檢 点检 see styles |
diǎn jiǎn dian3 jian3 tien chien |
to inspect one by one; to list individually |
點歌 点歌 see styles |
diǎn gē dian3 ge1 tien ko |
to request a song to be played; to pick a karaoke song |
點水 点水 see styles |
diǎn shuǐ dian3 shui3 tien shui |
to skim; lightly touching the water (as the dragonfly in the idiom 蜻蜓點水|蜻蜓点水); skin-deep See: 点水 |
點津 点津 see styles |
diǎn jīn dian3 jin1 tien chin |
to solve a problem; to answer a question; (Internet) Q&A forum; advice column |
點滴 点滴 see styles |
diǎn dī dian3 di1 tien ti |
a drip; a little bit; intravenous drip (used to administer drugs) See: 点滴 |
點火 点火 see styles |
diǎn huǒ dian3 huo3 tien huo |
to ignite; to light a fire; to agitate; to start an engine; ignition; fig. to stir up trouble See: 点火 |
點焊 点焊 see styles |
diǎn hàn dian3 han4 tien han |
spot welding |
點煙 点烟 see styles |
diǎn yān dian3 yan1 tien yen |
to light a cigarette |
點燃 点燃 see styles |
diǎn rán dian3 ran2 tien jan |
to ignite; to set on fire; aflame |
點燈 点灯 see styles |
diǎn dēng dian3 deng1 tien teng |
to light a lamp See: 点灯 To light a lamp. |
點球 点球 see styles |
diǎn qiú dian3 qiu2 tien ch`iu tien chiu |
penalty kick |
點畫 点画 see styles |
diǎn huà dian3 hua4 tien hua |
strokes of a Chinese character See: 点画 |
點發 点发 see styles |
diǎn fā dian3 fa1 tien fa |
to fire in bursts; shooting intermittently |
點睛 点睛 see styles |
diǎn jīng dian3 jing1 tien ching |
to add the finishing touch (abbr. for 畫龍點睛|画龙点睛[hua4 long2 dian3 jing1]) See: 点睛 |
點石 点石 see styles |
diǎn shí dian3 shi2 tien shih |
The stones nodded in approval (when 道生 Daosheng read the Nirvana Sutra). |
點破 点破 see styles |
diǎn pò dian3 po4 tien p`o tien po |
to lay bare in a few words; to expose with a word; to point out bluntly |
點票 点票 see styles |
diǎn piào dian3 piao4 tien p`iao tien piao |
to count votes |
點積 点积 see styles |
diǎn jī dian3 ji1 tien chi |
dot product (math.) |
點穴 点穴 see styles |
diǎn xué dian3 xue2 tien hsüeh tenketsu てんけつ |
More info & calligraphy: Pressure Points(out-dated kanji) (1) pressure points (e.g. for application of moxa); (2) (martial arts term) vulnerable body cavities |
點穿 点穿 see styles |
diǎn chuān dian3 chuan1 tien ch`uan tien chuan |
to lay bare in a few words; to expose with a word |
點竄 点窜 see styles |
diǎn cuàn dian3 cuan4 tien ts`uan tien tsuan |
to reword; to edit a text |
點綴 点缀 see styles |
diǎn zhuì dian3 zhui4 tien chui |
to decorate; to adorn; sprinkled; studded; only for show |
點背 点背 see styles |
diǎn bèi dian3 bei4 tien pei |
(dialect) to be out of luck |
點脈 点脉 see styles |
diǎn mài dian3 mai4 tien mai |
More info & calligraphy: Dim Mak |
點菜 点菜 see styles |
diǎn cài dian3 cai4 tien ts`ai tien tsai |
to order dishes (in a restaurant) |
點著 点着 see styles |
diǎn zháo dian3 zhao2 tien chao |
to light (a candle, cigarette etc) See: 点着 |
點號 点号 see styles |
diǎn hào dian3 hao4 tien hao |
punctuation mark |
點補 点补 see styles |
diǎn bǔ dian3 bu3 tien pu |
to have a snack; to have a bite |
點見 点见 see styles |
diǎn jiàn dian3 jian4 tien chien |
to check an amount |
點視 点视 see styles |
diǎn shì dian3 shi4 tien shih |
to check (items); to count and verify |
點觸 点触 see styles |
diǎn chù dian3 chu4 tien ch`u tien chu |
to tap; to touch (a touchscreen) |
點評 点评 see styles |
diǎn píng dian3 ping2 tien p`ing tien ping |
to comment; a point by point commentary |
點貨 点货 see styles |
diǎn huò dian3 huo4 tien huo |
to do an inventory count |
點贊 点赞 see styles |
diǎn zàn dian3 zan4 tien tsan |
to like; to upvote (on social media) |
點軍 点军 see styles |
diǎn jun dian3 jun1 tien chün |
Dianjun district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei |
點選 点选 see styles |
diǎn xuǎn dian3 xuan3 tien hsüan |
to select; (computing) to click on (one of several options); to navigate to (a webpage) |
點醒 点醒 see styles |
diǎn xǐng dian3 xing3 tien hsing |
to point out; to draw sb's attention to something; to cause sb to have a realization |
點鐘 点钟 see styles |
diǎn zhōng dian3 zhong1 tien chung |
(indicating time of day) o'clock |
點陣 点阵 see styles |
diǎn zhèn dian3 zhen4 tien chen |
lattice; dot matrix; bitmap |
點頭 点头 see styles |
diǎn tóu dian3 tou2 tien t`ou tien tou tentō |
to nod to bow |
點題 点题 see styles |
diǎn tí dian3 ti2 tien t`i tien ti |
to bring out the main theme; to make the point; to bring out the substance concisely |
點餐 点餐 see styles |
diǎn cān dian3 can1 tien ts`an tien tsan |
(at a restaurant) to order a meal; (of a waiter) to take an order |
點點 点点 see styles |
diǎn diǎn dian3 dian3 tien tien |
point; speck See: 点点 |
鼓點 鼓点 see styles |
gǔ diǎn gu3 dian3 ku tien |
drum beat; rhythm |
K点 see styles |
keeten ケーてん |
{sports} (from the German "Konstruktions Punkt") construction point (in ski jumping); K-point |
点ける see styles |
tsukeru つける |
(transitive verb) (kana only) (See 付ける・つける・13) to turn on; to switch on; to light up |
点じる see styles |
tenjiru てんじる |
(transitive verb) to drop; to light; to kindle; to make tea |
点ずる see styles |
tenzuru てんずる |
(vz,vt) to drop; to light; to kindle; to make tea |
点てる see styles |
tateru たてる |
(transitive verb) (See 立てる・たてる・9) to make tea (matcha); to perform the tea ceremony |
点て前 see styles |
tatemae たてまえ |
tea ceremony procedures; tea ceremony etiquette |
点と線 see styles |
tentosen てんとせん |
(work) Points and Lines (1958 novel by Matsumoto Seichou); (wk) Points and Lines (1958 novel by Matsumoto Seichou) |
点ピン see styles |
tenpin; tenpin てんピン; テンピン |
{mahj} 100 yen per 1,000 points (Mahjong parlour rate) |
点光源 see styles |
tenkougen / tenkogen てんこうげん |
positional light source |
点取り see styles |
tentori てんとり |
competition for school marks; keeping score; score |
点対称 see styles |
tentaishou / tentaisho てんたいしょう |
{math} point symmetry |
点描画 see styles |
tenbyouga / tenbyoga てんびょうが |
pointillist painting |
点数係 see styles |
tensuugakari / tensugakari てんすうがかり |
(rare) scorer; scorekeeper |
点数制 see styles |
tensuusei / tensuse てんすうせい |
points system |
点検口 see styles |
tenkenkou / tenkenko てんけんこう |
access hole (usu. floor or ceiling trap); inspection hole |
点滅器 see styles |
tenmetsuki てんめつき |
switch (for a light); flasher unit |
点滴器 see styles |
tentekiki てんてきき |
dropper |
点火器 see styles |
tenkaki てんかき |
igniter |
点火栓 see styles |
tenkasen てんかせん |
spark plug |
点火系 see styles |
tenkakei / tenkake てんかけい |
ignition system |
点火薬 see styles |
tenkayaku てんかやく |
priming powders |
点灯夫 see styles |
tentoufu / tentofu てんとうふ |
lamplighter; town employee who lit oil or gas streetlights |
点灯管 see styles |
tentoukan / tentokan てんとうかん |
gas discharge lamp starter; fluorescent lamp starter; glow starter |
点点点 see styles |
tententen てんてんてん |
(interjection) (joc) (colloquialism) (spoken version of ellipses (...); usu. denotes silence) dot dot dot |
点眼剤 see styles |
tenganzai てんがんざい |
{med} eye drops; eyewash; eye lotion |
点眼器 see styles |
tenganki てんがんき |
eye dropper |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "点" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.