There are 368 total results for your 減 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
エコー減衰器 see styles |
ekoogensuiki エコーげんすいき |
{comp} echo suppressor |
パソコン減税 see styles |
pasokongenzei / pasokongenze パソコンげんぜい |
{comp} PC tax reduction |
不增不減經疏 不增不减经疏 see styles |
bù zēng bù jiǎn jīng shū bu4 zeng1 bu4 jian3 jing1 shu1 pu tseng pu chien ching shu Fuzō fugen kyōsho |
Commentary on the Sūtra of Neither Increase nor Decrease |
単調減少数列 see styles |
tanchougenshousuuretsu / tanchogenshosuretsu たんちょうげんしょうすうれつ |
{math} (See 単調減少) monotonically decreasing sequence |
口が減らない see styles |
kuchigaheranai くちがへらない |
(exp,adj-f) fast-talking; always having another argument ready; not able to keep one's mouth shut; never at a loss for words |
口の減らない see styles |
kuchinoheranai くちのへらない |
(exp,adj-f) always having a comeback (often used derogatorily); fast-talking |
汎血球減少症 see styles |
hankekkyuugenshoushou / hankekkyugenshosho はんけっきゅうげんしょうしょう |
{med} pancytopenia |
環境負荷低減 see styles |
kankyoufukateigen / kankyofukategen かんきょうふかていげん |
environmental burden reduction; environmental impact reduction |
白血球減少症 see styles |
hakkekkyuugenshoushou / hakkekkyugenshosho はっけっきゅうげんしょうしょう |
{med} leukopenia; leucopenia |
血小板減少症 see styles |
kesshoubangenshoushou / kesshobangenshosho けっしょうばんげんしょうしょう |
{med} thrombocytopenia |
行政紙削減法 see styles |
gyouseishisakugenhou / gyoseshisakugenho ぎょうせいしさくげんほう |
Government Paperwork Elimination Act (USA) |
顆粒球減少症 see styles |
karyuukyuugenshoushou / karyukyugenshosho かりゅうきゅうげんしょうしょう |
agranulocytosis |
高性能減水剤 see styles |
kouseinougensuizai / kosenogensuizai こうせいのうげんすいざい |
superplasticizer |
減光フィルター see styles |
genkoufirutaa / genkofiruta げんこうフィルター |
(See NDフィルター) neutral-density filter |
いい加減にしろ see styles |
iikagennishiro / ikagennishiro いいかげんにしろ |
(expression) (See いい加減にしなさい) that's enough!; cut it out!; get a life! |
いい加減にする see styles |
iikagennisuru / ikagennisuru いいかげんにする |
(exp,vs-i) to put an end to something; to get something over with; to quit something one has been engaged in too long or to an excessive degree |
住宅ローン減税 see styles |
juutakuroongenzei / jutakuroongenze じゅうたくローンげんぜい |
tax deduction on housing loans |
佛說不增不減經 佛说不增不减经 see styles |
fó shuō bù zēng bù jiǎn jīng fo2 shuo1 bu4 zeng1 bu4 jian3 jing1 fo shuo pu tseng pu chien ching Bussetsu fuzōfukan kyō |
Foshuo buzeng bujian jing |
収穫逓減の法則 see styles |
shuukakuteigennohousoku / shukakutegennohosoku しゅうかくていげんのほうそく |
law of diminishing returns; law of diminishing marginal returns |
好い加減にする see styles |
iikagennisuru / ikagennisuru いいかげんにする |
(exp,vs-i) to put an end to something; to get something over with; to quit something one has been engaged in too long or to an excessive degree |
死一等を減ずる see styles |
shiittouogenzuru / shittoogenzuru しいっとうをげんずる |
(exp,vz) to commute a death sentence to life imprisonment |
脳脊髄液減少症 see styles |
nousekizuiekigenshoushou / nosekizuiekigenshosho のうせきずいえきげんしょうしょう |
(See 低髄液圧症候群) cerebrospinal fluid hypovolemia; CSF hypovolemia; intracranial hypotension syndrome |
課徴金減免制度 see styles |
kachoukingenmenseido / kachokingenmensedo かちょうきんげんめんせいど |
{law} (See 独占禁止法) leniency policy; addition to Japan's antitrust law that allows lower fines for the first company involved in a cartel, etc. to admit their involvement |
Variations: |
gentan げんたん |
(n,vs,vt,vi) reduction (of crop size); reduction of acreage (under cultivation) |
減るもんじゃない see styles |
herumonjanai へるもんじゃない |
(expression) it's no big deal; it's nothing to fret about; it's not like it's the end of the world |
Variations: |
sajikagen さじかげん |
(1) measured amount (esp. of medicine); dosing; quantity; prescription; (2) manner of seasoning; (3) (idiom) making adjustments based on experience; doing something by feel; skill; knack |
Variations: |
shiokagen しおかげん |
seasoning with salt; amount of salt |
ええ加減にしいや see styles |
eekagennishiiya / eekagennishiya ええかげんにしいや |
(expression) (kana only) (feminine speech) (osb:) (See いい加減にしなさい) shape up!; act properly! |
増えても減っても see styles |
fuetemohettemo ふえてもへっても |
(expression) more or less |
戦略兵器削減条約 see styles |
senryakuheikisakugenjouyaku / senryakuhekisakugenjoyaku せんりゃくへいきさくげんじょうやく |
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; START |
神経をすり減らす see styles |
shinkeiosuriherasu / shinkeosuriherasu しんけいをすりへらす |
(exp,v5s) to fray one's nerves; to wear out one's nerves; to frazzle one's nerves; to be a nervous wreck |
Variations: |
genenshouyu / genenshoyu げんえんしょうゆ |
low-salt soy sauce (containing less than 9% salt) |
Variations: |
mekkin めっきん |
(n,vs,vt,vi,adj-no) sterilization; sterilisation |
Variations: |
mekkin めっきん |
(n,vs,vt,vi) sterilization; sterilisation |
Variations: |
kuchiberashi くちべらし |
(n,vs,vi) reducing the number of mouths one needs to feed (esp. by giving up children for adoption, apprenticeship, etc.) |
Variations: |
haragaheru はらがへる |
(exp,v5r) to become hungry |
いい加減にしなさい see styles |
iikagennishinasai / ikagennishinasai いいかげんにしなさい |
(expression) shape up!; act properly! |
二酸化炭素削減目標 see styles |
nisankatansosakugenmokuhyou / nisankatansosakugenmokuhyo にさんかたんそさくげんもくひょう |
CO2-reduction goal |
二酸化炭素削減義務 see styles |
nisankatansosakugengimu にさんかたんそさくげんぎむ |
carbon dioxide reducing obligation |
限界効用逓減の法則 see styles |
genkaikouyouteigennohousoku / genkaikoyotegennohosoku げんかいこうようていげんのほうそく |
law of diminishing marginal utility |
限界生産物逓減の法則 see styles |
genkaiseisanbutsuteigennohousoku / genkaisesanbutsutegennohosoku げんかいせいさんぶつていげんのほうそく |
law of diminishing marginal product |
Variations: |
merihari; merihari めりはり; メリハリ |
(1) (kana only) modulation (of voice); (2) (kana only) variation; variety; balance; pace; (3) (kana only) liveliness (e.g. of writing style) |
Variations: |
onakagaheru おなかがへる |
(exp,v5r) to become hungry |
發熱伴血小板減少綜合徵 发热伴血小板减少综合征 see styles |
fā rè bàn xuè xiǎo bǎn jiǎn shǎo zōng hé zhēng fa1 re4 ban4 xue4 xiao3 ban3 jian3 shao3 zong1 he2 zheng1 fa je pan hsüeh hsiao pan chien shao tsung ho cheng |
severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) |
腹が減っては戦は出来ぬ see styles |
haragahettehaikusahadekinu はらがへってはいくさはできぬ |
(expression) (idiom) an army marches on its stomach; you can't fight on an empty stomach |
腹が減っては軍は出来ぬ see styles |
haragahettehaikusahadekinu はらがへってはいくさはできぬ |
(expression) (idiom) an army marches on its stomach; you can't fight on an empty stomach |
Variations: |
tekagen てかげん |
(1) measuring by feel; adjusting by feel; doing by feel; knack; skill; (noun/participle) (2) adapting to the situation (one's strength, strictness, etc.); making allowances; using discretion; going easy (on someone) |
Variations: |
mizukagen みずかげん |
amount of water |
Variations: |
yukagen ゆかげん |
water temperature (esp. bath) |
Variations: |
hikagen ひかげん |
condition of fire; heat level; fire strength |
重症熱性血小板減少症候群 see styles |
juushounesseikesshoubangenshoushoukougun / jushonessekesshobangenshoshokogun じゅうしょうねっせいけっしょうばんげんしょうしょうこうぐん |
{med} severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome; SFTS |
Variations: |
merikomu めりこむ |
(v5m,vi) to sink (into); to cave in; to get stuck in (e.g. mud); to get bogged down in; to get lodged in |
Variations: |
kuchigaheranai くちがへらない |
(exp,adj-f) (See 口の減らない) fast-talking; always having another argument ready; not able to keep one's mouth shut; never at a loss for words |
Variations: |
kuchinoheranai くちのへらない |
(exp,adj-f) (often used derogatorily) (See 口が減らない) always having a comeback; fast-talking |
Variations: |
suriheru すりへる |
(v5r,vi) to be worn down; to be reduced |
Variations: |
iikagennisuru / ikagennisuru いいかげんにする |
(exp,vs-i) to put an end to something; to get something over with; to quit something one has been engaged in too long or to an excessive degree |
Variations: |
suriherasu すりへらす |
(transitive verb) to wear away; to rub down; to abrade |
Variations: |
bakasakagen(馬鹿sa加減, bakasa加減); bakasakagen(bakasa加減) ばかさかげん(馬鹿さ加減, ばかさ加減); バカさかげん(バカさ加減) |
(exp,n) extent of (one's) foolishness; degree of stupidity |
Variations: |
merikomu めりこむ |
(v5m,vi) to sink (into); to cave in; to get stuck in |
Variations: |
merihari; merihari メリハリ; めりはり |
(1) (kana only) modulation (of voice); (2) (kana only) variation; variety; balance; pace; (3) (kana only) liveliness (e.g. of writing style) |
Variations: |
iikagen / ikagen いいかげん |
(adjectival noun) (1) irresponsible; perfunctory; careless; (adjectival noun) (2) lukewarm; half-baked; halfhearted; vague; (adjectival noun) (3) (usu. in suggestions or orders) (See いい加減にする) reasonable; moderate; (adverb) (4) considerably; quite; rather; pretty |
Variations: |
utsumukikagen うつむきかげん |
(adverb) (oft. as ~で or 〜に) facing slightly downward |
Variations: |
iikagen / ikagen いいかげん |
(adjectival noun) (1) irresponsible; perfunctory; careless; (adjectival noun) (2) lukewarm; half-baked; halfhearted; vague; (adj-na,adv) (3) (used to express one's wish for something to end) (See いい加減にする) (already) enough; (adverb) (4) considerably; quite; rather; pretty |
Variations: |
merikomu めりこむ |
(v5m,vi) to sink (into); to cave in; to get stuck in |
Variations: |
bakasakagen ばかさかげん |
(exp,n) extent of (one's) foolishness; degree of stupidity |
Variations: |
suriheru すりへる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to be worn down; to wear away; to wear out; (v5r,vi) (2) to dwindle; to be reduced |
Variations: |
iikagen / ikagen いいかげん |
(adjectival noun) (1) irresponsible; perfunctory; careless; (adjectival noun) (2) lukewarm; half-baked; halfhearted; vague; (adj-na,adv) (3) (used to express one's wish for something to end) (See いい加減にする) (already) enough; (adverb) (4) considerably; quite; rather; pretty |
Variations: |
haragahettehaikusahadekinu はらがへってはいくさはできぬ |
(expression) (proverb) an army marches on its stomach; you can't fight on an empty stomach |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 68 results for "減" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.