There are 454 total results for your 暗 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
柳暗花明 see styles |
liǔ àn huā míng liu3 an4 hua1 ming2 liu an hua ming ryuuankamei / ryuankame りゅうあんかめい |
lit. the willow trees make the shade, the flowers give the light (idiom); at one's darkest hour, a glimmer of hope; light at the end of the tunnel (1) (yoji) beautiful scenery of spring; (2) red-light district |
棄暗投明 弃暗投明 see styles |
qì àn tóu míng qi4 an4 tou2 ming2 ch`i an t`ou ming chi an tou ming |
to renounce the dark and seek the light; to give up one's wrong way of life and turn to a better one |
珠胎暗結 珠胎暗结 see styles |
zhū tāi - àn jié zhu1 tai1 - an4 jie2 chu t`ai - an chieh chu tai - an chieh |
to get pregnant out of wedlock |
疑心暗鬼 see styles |
gishinanki ぎしんあんき |
(expression) (abbreviation) (yoji) (See 疑心暗鬼を生ず) suspicion will raise bogies; once you suspect something, everything else will look suspicious; jumping at shadows |
目暗ヶ原 see styles |
mekuragahara めくらがはら |
(place-name) Mekuragahara |
真っ暗闇 see styles |
makkurayami まっくらやみ |
(adj-no,adj-na,n) pitch dark; total darkness |
立ち暗み see styles |
tachikurami たちくらみ |
dizziness (from standing up too fast); orthostatic syncope; lightheadedness; vertigo |
自己暗示 see styles |
jikoanji じこあんじ |
(yoji) autosuggestion; self-suggestion |
薄暗がり see styles |
usukuragari うすくらがり |
semi-darkness; dim light; poor light; dusk; twilight |
遺伝暗号 see styles |
idenangou / idenango いでんあんごう |
genetic code |
頭昏眼暗 头昏眼暗 see styles |
tóu hūn yǎn àn tou2 hun1 yan3 an4 t`ou hun yen an tou hun yen an |
head spinning and eyes dark (idiom); dizzy; fainting; vertigo |
黑暗時代 黑暗时代 see styles |
hēi àn shí dài hei1 an4 shi2 dai4 hei an shih tai |
Dark Ages |
Variations: |
anyu あんゆ |
(See 隠喩) metaphor |
Variations: |
anya あんや |
(See 闇夜・やみよ) dark night |
Variations: |
anei / ane あんえい |
shadow; gloom |
Variations: |
angu あんぐ |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) imbecility; feeblemindedness; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) dark |
Variations: |
anketsu あんけつ |
(1) dark hole; (2) idiot; fool; (3) (hist) (abbreviation) (See 闇穴道) road taken by a Chinese ajari buddhist monk when he incurred the wrath of emperor Genso (685-762) |
Variations: |
anbako あんばこ |
(1) camera obscura; (2) black box |
Variations: |
kuramono くらもの |
(1) (See 暗者女) prostitute; (2) imposter; fraudster; trickster |
Variations: |
anpu あんぷ |
(n,vs,vi) memorizing a musical score |
暗れ塞がる see styles |
kurefutagaru; kurefusagaru くれふたがる; くれふさがる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) (1) to be shrouded by darkness; (Godan verb with "ru" ending) (2) to fall into deep sadness or despair |
暗号メール see styles |
angoumeeru / angomeeru あんごうメール |
{comp} encrypted mail; cyphermail |
暗号化手法 see styles |
angoukashuhou / angokashuho あんごうかしゅほう |
cryptography |
暗号化技術 see styles |
angoukagijutsu / angokagijutsu あんごうかぎじゅつ |
{comp} encryption technology |
暗号検査値 see styles |
angoukensachi / angokensachi あんごうけんさち |
{comp} cryptographic checkvalue |
暗愚な人々 see styles |
angunahitobito あんぐなひとびと |
dark souls |
暗愚な人人 see styles |
angunahitobito あんぐなひとびと |
dark souls |
暗所恐怖症 see styles |
anshokyoufushou / anshokyofusho あんしょきょうふしょう |
nyctophobia; fear of the dark; scotophobia |
暗殺を謀る see styles |
ansatsuohakaru あんさつをはかる |
(exp,v5r) to plot an assassination |
暗涙に咽ぶ see styles |
anruinimusebu あんるいにむせぶ |
(exp,v5b) to shed silent tears |
暗綠繡眼鳥 暗绿绣眼鸟 see styles |
àn lǜ xiù yǎn niǎo an4 lu:4 xiu4 yan3 niao3 an lü hsiu yen niao |
(bird species of China) Swinhoe's white-eye (Zosterops simplex) |
暗綠背鸕鶿 暗绿背鸬鹚 see styles |
àn lǜ bèi lú cí an4 lu:4 bei4 lu2 ci2 an lü pei lu tz`u an lü pei lu tzu |
(bird species of China) Japanese cormorant (Phalacrocorax capillatus) |
暗黑破壞神 暗黑破坏神 see styles |
àn hēi pò huài shén an4 hei1 po4 huai4 shen2 an hei p`o huai shen an hei po huai shen |
Diablo (video game series) |
暗黙の主語 see styles |
anmokunoshugo あんもくのしゅご |
understood subject |
暗黙の了解 see styles |
anmokunoryoukai / anmokunoryokai あんもくのりょうかい |
(exp,n) tacit understanding; unspoken agreement |
暗黙範囲符 see styles |
anmokuhanifu あんもくはんいふ |
{comp} implicit scope terminator |
Variations: |
meian / mean めいあん |
gloom; shade |
Variations: |
yaan; yoyami(夜闇) / yan; yoyami(夜闇) やあん; よやみ(夜闇) |
dead of night; shades of night; black of night |
Variations: |
yuuan / yuan ゆうあん |
(noun or adjectival noun) gloom; darkness; seclusion |
Variations: |
guan ぐあん |
(See 暗愚) imbecility |
Variations: |
kokuan こくあん |
(1) (archaism) darkness; blackness; (2) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 黒闇天) Kalaratri (Deva) |
うしろ暗い see styles |
ushirogurai うしろぐらい |
(adjective) shady; underhanded; questionable |
お先真っ暗 see styles |
osakimakkura おさきまっくら |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) very bleak; dim |
公開鍵暗号 see styles |
koukaikagiangou / kokaikagiango こうかいかぎあんごう |
{comp} public key encryption |
共有鍵暗号 see styles |
kyouyuukagiangou / kyoyukagiango きょうゆうかぎあんごう |
{comp} (See 共通鍵暗号) symmetric key cryptography |
共通鍵暗号 see styles |
kyoutsuukagiangou / kyotsukagiango きょうつうかぎあんごう |
{comp} symmetric key cryptography |
姿を暗ます see styles |
sugataokuramasu すがたをくらます |
(exp,v5s) to disappear; to vanish; to abscond; to decamp |
対称鍵暗号 see styles |
taishoukagiangou / taishokagiango たいしょうかぎあんごう |
{comp} (See 共通鍵暗号) symmetric key cryptography |
後催眠暗示 see styles |
gosaiminanji ごさいみんあんじ |
{psych} posthypnotic suggestion |
御先真っ暗 see styles |
osakimakkura おさきまっくら |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) very bleak; dim |
換字式暗号 see styles |
kaejishikiangou / kaejishikiango かえじしきあんごう |
substitution cipher |
政治的暗殺 see styles |
seijitekiansatsu / sejitekiansatsu せいじてきあんさつ |
political assassination |
昼なお暗い see styles |
hirunaokurai ひるなおくらい |
(exp,adj-i) dark even in the daytime |
灯台下暗し see styles |
toudaimotokurashi / todaimotokurashi とうだいもとくらし |
(expression) it is darkest under the lamp post; it's hard to see what is under your nose; go abroad to hear of home; you must go into the country to hear what news at London |
秘密鍵暗号 see styles |
himitsukagiangou / himitsukagiango ひみつかぎあんごう |
{comp} (See 共通鍵暗号) secret key cryptography; symmetric key cryptography |
耐量子暗号 see styles |
tairyoushiangou / tairyoshiango たいりょうしあんごう |
{comp} quantum-resistant cryptography |
転置式暗号 see styles |
tenchishikiangou / tenchishikiango てんちしきあんごう |
transposition cipher |
Variations: |
ankyo あんきょ |
(See 明渠) subterranean drain; culvert; conduit |
Variations: |
antan あんたん |
(adj-t,adv-to) dark; gloomy; somber; depressing |
暗号システム see styles |
angoushisutemu / angoshisutemu あんごうシステム |
{comp} cryptographic system; cryptosystem |
暗示番地指定 see styles |
anjibanchishitei / anjibanchishite あんじばんちしてい |
{comp} implied addressing |
暗視スコープ see styles |
anshisukoopu あんしスコープ |
night-vision scope; night scope |
暗証フレーズ see styles |
anshoufureezu / anshofureezu あんしょうフレーズ |
{comp} pass phrase |
ケネディ暗殺 see styles |
kenediansatsu ケネディあんさつ |
(hist) assassination of US President John F. Kennedy (November 22, 1963); JFK assassination |
リンク暗号化 see styles |
rinkuangouka / rinkuangoka リンクあんごうか |
{comp} link-by-link encipherment |
慣用暗号方式 see styles |
kanyouangouhoushiki / kanyoangohoshiki かんようあんごうほうしき |
{comp} conventional cryptosystem |
明人不做暗事 see styles |
míng rén bù zuò àn shì ming2 ren2 bu4 zuo4 an4 shi4 ming jen pu tso an shih |
an honest person does not act surreptitiously (idiom) |
明暗を分ける see styles |
meianowakeru / meanowakeru めいあんをわける |
(exp,v1) (1) to decide the outcome (e.g. game); (exp,v1) (2) to be very different; to be sharply contrasted |
灯台もと暗し see styles |
toudaimotokurashi / todaimotokurashi とうだいもとくらし |
(expression) it is darkest under the lamp post; it's hard to see what is under your nose; go abroad to hear of home; you must go into the country to hear what news at London |
熱い暗黒物質 see styles |
atsuiankokubusshitsu あついあんこくぶっしつ |
(exp,n) (See 冷たい暗黒物質) hot dark matter |
終端間暗号化 see styles |
shuutankanangouka / shutankanangoka しゅうたんかんあんごうか |
{comp} end-to-end encipherment |
行方を暗ます see styles |
yukueokuramasu ゆくえをくらます |
(exp,v5s) to disappear; to vanish; to bolt; to go into hiding |
非対称鍵暗号 see styles |
hitaishoukagiangou / hitaishokagiango ひたいしょうかぎあんごう |
{comp} asymmetric key cryptography; asymmetric key cryptosystem |
黎明前的黑暗 see styles |
lí míng qián de hēi àn li2 ming2 qian2 de5 hei1 an4 li ming ch`ien te hei an li ming chien te hei an |
More info & calligraphy: The Night is Darkest Before the Dawn |
Variations: |
kuramasu くらます |
(transitive verb) (1) (kana only) to conceal (oneself); to hide; to abscond; (transitive verb) (2) (kana only) to deceive; to dissemble; to fool |
暗い気持になる see styles |
kuraikimochininaru くらいきもちになる |
(exp,v5r) to feel gloomy; to feel blue; to feel melancholy |
暗黒エネルギー see styles |
ankokuenerugii / ankokuenerugi あんこくエネルギー |
{physics} (See ダークエネルギー) dark energy |
暗黙的引用仕様 see styles |
anmokutekiinyoushiyou / anmokutekinyoshiyo あんもくてきいんようしよう |
{comp} implicit interface |
Variations: |
kuramasu くらます |
(transitive verb) (1) (kana only) to conceal (oneself); to hide; to abscond; (transitive verb) (2) (kana only) to deceive; to dissemble; to fool |
Variations: |
anketsudou / anketsudo あんけつどう |
(hist) road taken by a Chinese ajari buddhist monk when he incurred the wrath of emperor Genso (685-762) |
ペアリング暗号 see styles |
pearinguangou / pearinguango ペアリングあんごう |
pairing-based cryptography |
公開鍵暗号方式 see styles |
koukaikagiangouhoushiki / kokaikagiangohoshiki こうかいかぎあんごうほうしき |
{comp} public key cryptosystem |
共有鍵暗号方式 see styles |
kyouyuukagiangouhoushiki / kyoyukagiangohoshiki きょうゆうかぎあんごうほうしき |
{comp} shared key encryption |
冷たい暗黒物質 see styles |
tsumetaiankokubusshitsu つめたいあんこくぶっしつ |
(exp,n) (See 熱い暗黒物質) cold dark matter |
疑心暗鬼を生ず see styles |
gishinankioshouzu / gishinankioshozu ぎしんあんきをしょうず |
(expression) (proverb) suspicion begets monsters |
秘密鍵暗号方式 see styles |
himitsukagiangouhoushiki / himitsukagiangohoshiki ひみつかぎあんごうほうしき |
{comp} secret key cryptosystem |
Variations: |
ankoku あんこく |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) darkness |
Variations: |
anshou; anju(暗誦, 諳誦)(ok) / ansho; anju(暗誦, 諳誦)(ok) あんしょう; あんじゅ(暗誦, 諳誦)(ok) |
(noun, transitive verb) recitation; reciting from memory |
Variations: |
anzen あんぜん |
(adj-t,adv-to) (1) dark; gloomy; black; unclear; (adj-t,adv-to) (2) doleful; discouraged; disappointed; tearful; dispirited |
暗い気持ちになる see styles |
kuraikimochininaru くらいきもちになる |
(exp,v5r) to feel gloomy; to feel blue; to feel melancholy |
暗号アルゴリズム see styles |
angouarugorizumu / angoarugorizumu あんごうアルゴリズム |
{comp} cryptographic algorithm; cipher algorithm |
暗礁に乗り上げる see styles |
anshouninoriageru / anshoninoriageru あんしょうにのりあげる |
(exp,v1) (1) to run aground; to strike a rock; to be stranded on a reef; (exp,v1) (2) (idiom) to reach a deadlock; to come to a standstill; to run into difficulties; to hit a snag |
暗黙アドレシング see styles |
anmokuadoreshingu あんもくアドレシング |
{comp} implicit addressing |
暗黙アドレス指定 see styles |
anmokuadoresushitei / anmokuadoresushite あんもくアドレスしてい |
{comp} implicit addressing |
暗黙連結処理定義 see styles |
anmokurenketsushoriteigi / anmokurenketsushoritegi あんもくれんけつしょりていぎ |
{comp} implicit link (process definition) |
Variations: |
kuramu くらむ |
(v5m,vi) (1) (kana only) to be dazzled by; to be dizzied by; to be disoriented by; (v5m,vi) (2) (kana only) to be lost in (greed, lust, etc.); (v5m,vi) (3) (archaism) to become dark |
Variations: |
makkurayami まっくらやみ |
(adj-no,adj-na,n) pitch dark; total darkness |
データ暗号化規格 see styles |
deetaangoukakikaku / deetangokakikaku データあんごうかきかく |
{comp} Data Encryption Standard; DES |
慣用暗号システム see styles |
kanyouangoushisutemu / kanyoangoshisutemu かんようあんごうシステム |
{comp} conventional cryptosystem |
本体部暗号化表示 see styles |
hontaibuangoukahyouji / hontaibuangokahyoji ほんたいぶあんごうかひょうじ |
{comp} body part encryption indication |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "暗" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.