There are 665 total results for your 是 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
如是時 如是时 see styles |
rú shì shí ru2 shi4 shi2 ju shih shih nyoze ji |
at this time |
如是果 see styles |
rú shì guǒ ru2 shi4 guo3 ju shih kuo nyoze ka |
the thusness effects of phenomena |
如是業 如是业 see styles |
rú shì yè ru2 shi4 ye4 ju shih yeh nyoze gō |
this [kind of] karma |
如是法 see styles |
rú shì fǎ ru2 shi4 fa3 ju shih fa nyoze hō |
the true teaching |
如是生 see styles |
rú shì shēng ru2 shi4 sheng1 ju shih sheng nyoze shō |
one's type of birth |
如是町 see styles |
nyozechou / nyozecho にょぜちょう |
(place-name) Nyozechō |
如是相 see styles |
rú shì xiàng ru2 shi4 xiang4 ju shih hsiang nyoze sō |
the thusness marks of phenomena |
如是知 see styles |
rú shì zhī ru2 shi4 zhi1 ju shih chih nyoze chi |
cognition of things as they [really] are |
如是等 see styles |
rú shì děng ru2 shi4 deng3 ju shih teng nyozetō |
this kind of... |
如是緣 如是缘 see styles |
rú shì yuán ru2 shi4 yuan2 ju shih yüan nyoze en |
the thusness conditions of phenomena |
如是者 see styles |
rú shì zhě ru2 shi4 zhe3 ju shih che nyoze sha |
[something, someone] like this |
如是色 see styles |
rú shì sè ru2 shi4 se4 ju shih se nyoze shiki |
this kind |
如是處 如是处 see styles |
rú shì chù ru2 shi4 chu4 ju shih ch`u ju shih chu nyoze sho |
place |
如是見 如是见 see styles |
rú shì jiàn ru2 shi4 jian4 ju shih chien nyoze ken |
this kind of view |
如是說 如是说 see styles |
rú shì shuō ru2 shi4 shuo1 ju shih shuo nyoze setsu |
explains this way |
如是閑 see styles |
nyozekan にょぜかん |
(given name) Nyozekan |
如是類 如是类 see styles |
rú shì lèi ru2 shi4 lei4 ju shih lei nyoze rui |
this sort |
如是體 如是体 see styles |
rú shì tǐ ru2 shi4 ti3 ju shih t`i ju shih ti nyozetai |
the thusness substance of phenomena |
實是有 实是有 see styles |
shí shì yǒu shi2 shi4 you3 shih shih yu jitsu ze u |
real being |
實是無 实是无 see styles |
shí shì wú shi2 shi4 wu2 shih shih wu jitsu ze mu |
actually non-existent |
小川是 see styles |
ogawatadashi おがわただし |
(person) Ogawa Tadashi (1940.2-) |
尤其是 see styles |
yóu qí shì you2 qi2 shi4 yu ch`i shih yu chi shih |
especially; most of all; above all; in particular |
就是說 就是说 see styles |
jiù shì shuō jiu4 shi4 shuo1 chiu shih shuo |
in other words; that is |
山是清 see styles |
yamakorekiyo やまこれきよ |
(place-name) Yamakorekiyo |
惹是非 see styles |
rě shì fēi re3 shi4 fei1 je shih fei |
to stir up trouble |
應是常 应是常 see styles |
yìng shì cháng ying4 shi4 chang2 ying shih ch`ang ying shih chang ōzejō |
constant connection (?) |
於如是 于如是 see styles |
yú rú shì yu2 ru2 shi4 yü ju shih o nyoze |
in this way |
於是乎 于是乎 see styles |
yú shì hū yu2 shi4 hu1 yü shih hu |
therefore |
於是處 于是处 see styles |
yú shì chù yu2 shi4 chu4 yü shih ch`u yü shih chu o ze sho |
in or to which place |
最好是 see styles |
zuì hǎo shì zui4 hao3 shi4 tsui hao shih |
(as a complete expression, or followed by 啦[la5]) (coll.) Yeah, right! As if! |
有的是 see styles |
yǒu de shì you3 de5 shi4 yu te shih |
have plenty of; there's no lack of |
有道是 see styles |
yǒu dào shì you3 dao4 shi4 yu tao shih |
as they say, ...; as the saying goes, ... |
松永是 see styles |
matsunagatadashi まつながただし |
(person) Matsunaga Tadashi |
気是子 see styles |
keseko けせこ |
(female given name) Keseko |
為的是 为的是 see styles |
wèi de shì wei4 de5 shi4 wei te shih |
for the sake of; for the purpose of |
無是處 无是处 see styles |
wú shì chù wu2 shi4 chu4 wu shih ch`u wu shih chu mu zesho |
impossible |
爲是義 为是义 see styles |
wéi shì yì wei2 shi4 yi4 wei shih i i ze gi |
for that purpose |
發是心 发是心 see styles |
fā shì xīn fa1 shi4 xin1 fa shih hsin hotsu ze shin |
arouses this mind |
真是的 see styles |
zhēn shi de zhen1 shi5 de5 chen shih te |
Really! (interj. of annoyance or frustration) |
知是子 see styles |
chiseko ちせこ |
(female given name) Chiseko |
聞如是 闻如是 see styles |
wén rú shì wen2 ru2 shi4 wen ju shih bun nyoze |
hears this sort of... |
莫不是 see styles |
mò bù shì mo4 bu4 shi4 mo pu shih |
probably; perhaps; could it be that...? |
要不是 see styles |
yào bu shì yao4 bu5 shi4 yao pu shih |
if it were not for; but for |
見如是 见如是 see styles |
jiàn rú shì jian4 ru2 shi4 chien ju shih ken nyoze |
having seen thus |
說是言 说是言 see styles |
shuō shì yán shuo1 shi4 yan2 shuo shih yen setsu ze gon |
say this |
賠不是 赔不是 see styles |
péi bú shi pei2 bu2 shi5 p`ei pu shih pei pu shih |
to apologize |
那倒是 see styles |
nà dào shi na4 dao4 shi5 na tao shih |
Oh that's true! (interjection of sudden realization) |
都不是 see styles |
dū bù shì du1 bu4 shi4 tu pu shih tofuze |
definitely not |
都是子 see styles |
toseko とせこ |
(female given name) Toseko |
阿是穴 see styles |
ā shì xué a1 shi4 xue2 a shih hsüeh |
(TCM) ashi point: a tender spot that is not a standard acupuncture point |
雅是歌 see styles |
masashiga まさしが |
(given name) Masashiga |
體如是 see styles |
tǐ rú shì ti3 ru2 shi4 t`i ju shih ti ju shih |
to embody this kind... |
魅是琉 see styles |
mizeru みぜる |
(female given name) Mizeru |
是々非々 see styles |
zezehihi ぜぜひひ |
(yoji) free and unbiased; fair and just; ruling or judging what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong; calling spade a spade |
是か非か see styles |
zekahika ぜかひか |
(expression) right or wrong |
是っ切り see styles |
korekkiri これっきり |
(n,n-adv) (1) (kana only) last time (as of now); never again; (2) only this |
是とする see styles |
zetosuru ぜとする |
(exp,vs-i) to consider right; to think right; to approve (of); to give one's approval (to) |
是一是常 see styles |
shì yī shì cháng shi4 yi1 shi4 chang2 shih i shih ch`ang shih i shih chang zeichi zejō |
it is unitary and it is eternal |
是以之故 see styles |
shì yǐ zhī gù shi4 yi3 zhi1 gu4 shih i chih ku zei shi ko |
for this reason |
是友京介 see styles |
koretomokeisuke / koretomokesuke これともけいすけ |
(person) Koretomo Keisuke |
是啥說啥 是啥说啥 see styles |
shì shá shuō shá shi4 sha2 shuo1 sha2 shih sha shuo sha |
call a spade a spade (idiom) |
是德科技 see styles |
shì dé kē jì shi4 de2 ke1 ji4 shih te k`o chi shih te ko chi |
Keysight Technologies (instrumentation company) |
是心是佛 see styles |
shì xīn shì fó shi4 xin1 shi4 fo2 shih hsin shih fo zeshin zebutsu |
This mind is Buddha; the mind is Buddha, cf. 卽. |
是故不說 是故不说 see styles |
shì gù bù shuō shi4 gu4 bu4 shuo1 shih ku pu shuo zeko fusetsu |
therefore it is not talked about |
是故不論 是故不论 see styles |
shì gù bù lùn shi4 gu4 bu4 lun4 shih ku pu lun zeko furon |
therefore it is not discussed |
是故應說 是故应说 see styles |
shì gù yìng shuō shi4 gu4 ying4 shuo1 shih ku ying shuo zeko ōsetsu |
therefore it should be explained |
是故當知 是故当知 see styles |
shì gù dāng zhī shi4 gu4 dang1 zhi1 shih ku tang chih zeko tōchi |
therefore you should know that... |
是故說名 是故说名 see styles |
shì gù shuō míng shi4 gu4 shuo1 ming2 shih ku shuo ming zeko setsumyō |
hence it is called |
是方博邦 see styles |
korekatahirokuni これかたひろくに |
(person) Korekata Hirokuni (1955.3.3-) |
是是非非 see styles |
zezehihi ぜぜひひ |
(yoji) free and unbiased; fair and just; ruling or judging what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong; calling spade a spade |
是枝裕和 see styles |
koreedahirokazu これえだひろかず |
(person) Hirokazu Kore-eda (1962-; Japanese film director); Hirokazu Koreeda |
是正措置 see styles |
zeseisochi / zesesochi ぜせいそち |
corrective action (measure); rectification |
是永巧一 see styles |
korenagakouichi / korenagakoichi これながこういち |
(person) Korenaga Kōichi (1961.12.25-) |
是生滅法 是生灭法 see styles |
shì shēng miè fǎ shi4 sheng1 mie4 fa3 shih sheng mieh fa zeshoumeppou / zeshomeppo ぜしょうめっぽう |
More info & calligraphy: The Law of Creation and Destructionthis is the law of arising and ceasing |
是経啓助 see styles |
koretsunekeisuke / koretsunekesuke これつねけいすけ |
(person) Koretsune Keisuke |
是義不然 是义不然 see styles |
shì yì bù rán shi4 yi4 bu4 ran2 shih i pu jan ze gi funen |
this position [doctrine, meaning] is untenable. |
是義云何 是义云何 see styles |
shì yì yún hé shi4 yi4 yun2 he2 shih i yün ho zegi unka |
what does this mean? |
是處非處 是处非处 see styles |
shì chù fēi chù shi4 chu4 fei1 chu4 shih ch`u fei ch`u shih chu fei chu zesho hisho |
the right place and the wrong place |
是遮非表 see styles |
shì zhē fēi biǎo shi4 zhe1 fei1 biao3 shih che fei piao zesha hihyō |
it is refutation, not positing |
是非とも see styles |
zehitomo ぜひとも |
(adverb) by all means (with sense of not taking "no" for an answer) |
是非ない see styles |
zehinai ぜひない |
(adjective) unavoidable; inevitable |
是非不分 see styles |
shì fēi bù fēn shi4 fei1 bu4 fen1 shih fei pu fen |
unable to distinguish right and wrong (idiom) |
是非之地 see styles |
shì fēi zhī dì shi4 fei1 zhi1 di4 shih fei chih ti |
trouble spot; sketchy area |
是非分明 see styles |
shì fēi fēn míng shi4 fei1 fen1 ming2 shih fei fen ming |
to distinguish right from wrong (idiom) |
是非判断 see styles |
zehihandan ぜひはんだん |
discrimination of right and wrong; distinguishing between right and wrong |
是非善悪 see styles |
zehizenaku ぜひぜんあく |
(yoji) rights and wrongs; the relative merits (of a case); propriety |
是非是非 see styles |
zehizehi ぜひぜひ |
(adverb) (kana only) certainly; by all means |
是非曲直 see styles |
shì fēi qū zhí shi4 fei1 qu1 zhi2 shih fei ch`ü chih shih fei chü chih zehikyokuchoku ぜひきょくちょく |
lit. right and wrong, crooked and straight (idiom); fig. merits and demerits; pros and cons (yoji) rights and wrongs (of a case); relative merits (of a case) |
是非無い see styles |
zehinai ぜひない |
(adjective) unavoidable; inevitable |
是非莫辨 see styles |
shì fēi mò biàn shi4 fei1 mo4 bian4 shih fei mo pien |
unable to distinguish right and wrong (idiom) |
一無是處 一无是处 see styles |
yī wú shì chù yi1 wu2 shi4 chu4 i wu shih ch`u i wu shih chu |
(idiom) not one good point; everything about it is wrong |
一身是膽 一身是胆 see styles |
yī shēn shì dǎn yi1 shen1 shi4 dan3 i shen shih tan |
devoid of fear (idiom); intrepid |
不是味兒 不是味儿 see styles |
bù shì wèi r bu4 shi4 wei4 r5 pu shih wei r |
not the right flavor; not quite right; a bit off; fishy; queer; amiss; feel bad; be upset |
不是東西 不是东西 see styles |
bù shì dōng xi bu4 shi4 dong1 xi5 pu shih tung hsi |
(derog.) to be a good-for-nothing; worthless nobody; no-good |
不是滋味 see styles |
bù shì zī wèi bu4 shi4 zi1 wei4 pu shih tzu wei |
to be upset; to feel disgusted |
久米是志 see styles |
kumetadashi くめただし |
(person) Kume Tadashi (1932.1.2-) |
也就是說 也就是说 see styles |
yě jiù shì shuō ye3 jiu4 shi4 shuo1 yeh chiu shih shuo |
in other words; that is to say; so; thus |
事實求是 事实求是 see styles |
shì shí qiú shì shi4 shi2 qiu2 shi4 shih shih ch`iu shih shih shih chiu shih |
to seek the truth from facts |
亦復如是 亦复如是 see styles |
yì fù rú shì yi4 fu4 ru2 shi4 i fu ju shih yakufuku nyoze | the same as this |
今は是迄 see styles |
imahakoremade いまはこれまで |
(conj,exp,adv) unavoidable; this is it; this is the end; left with no choice; it's all over now |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "是" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.