There are 6751 total results for your 学 search. I have created 68 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
學業 学业 see styles |
xué yè xue2 ye4 hsüeh yeh |
studies; schoolwork |
學樣 学样 see styles |
xué yàng xue2 yang4 hsüeh yang |
to follow suit; to imitate sb's example |
學步 学步 see styles |
xué bù xue2 bu4 hsüeh pu |
to learn to walk; (fig.) to learn something, making unsteady progress; to get started on the learning curve |
學歷 学历 see styles |
xué lì xue2 li4 hsüeh li |
educational background; academic qualifications |
學法 学法 see styles |
xué fǎ xue2 fa3 hsüeh fa gakuhō |
method of study |
學派 学派 see styles |
xué pài xue2 pai4 hsüeh p`ai hsüeh pai |
school of thought See: 学派 |
學海 学海 see styles |
xué hǎi xue2 hai3 hsüeh hai |
sea of learning; erudite; knowledgeable person; scholarship See: 学海 |
學渣 学渣 see styles |
xué zhā xue2 zha1 hsüeh cha |
(coll.) unenthusiastic, mediocre student; underachiever |
學測 学测 see styles |
xué cè xue2 ce4 hsüeh ts`e hsüeh tse |
abbr. for 大學學科能力測驗|大学学科能力测验[Da4 xue2 Xue2 ke1 Neng2 li4 Ce4 yan4] |
學潮 学潮 see styles |
xué cháo xue2 chao2 hsüeh ch`ao hsüeh chao |
student protest; campus unrest |
學理 学理 see styles |
xué lǐ xue2 li3 hsüeh li |
scientific principle; theoretical standpoint See: 学理 |
學生 学生 see styles |
xué sheng xue2 sheng5 hsüeh sheng gakusei |
More info & calligraphy: Student學人; 學匠; 學徒 A student, a neophyte. |
學甲 学甲 see styles |
xué jiǎ xue2 jia3 hsüeh chia |
Hsuehchia town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan |
學界 学界 see styles |
xué jiè xue2 jie4 hsüeh chieh |
academic world; academic circles; academia See: 学界 |
學監 学监 see styles |
xué jiān xue2 jian1 hsüeh chien |
school official responsible for supervising the students (old) |
學科 学科 see styles |
xué kē xue2 ke1 hsüeh k`o hsüeh ko |
subject; branch of learning; course; academic discipline See: 学科 |
學究 学究 see styles |
xué jiū xue2 jiu1 hsüeh chiu |
pedant See: 学究 |
學童 学童 see styles |
xué tóng xue2 tong2 hsüeh t`ung hsüeh tung |
schoolchild See: 学童 |
學籍 学籍 see styles |
xué jí xue2 ji2 hsüeh chi |
registration as a current student See: 学籍 |
學級 学级 see styles |
xué jí xue2 ji2 hsüeh chi |
class |
學習 学习 see styles |
xué xí xue2 xi2 hsüeh hsi |
to learn; to study |
學者 学者 see styles |
xué zhě xue2 zhe3 hsüeh che gakusha |
scholar śaikṣa; one still under instruction, who has not yet reached to the arhat position; a student. |
學舍 学舍 see styles |
xué shè xue2 she4 hsüeh she |
school building; school; (Tw) student dormitory |
學藝 学艺 see styles |
xué yì xue2 yi4 hsüeh i |
to learn a skill or art |
學處 学处 see styles |
xué chù xue2 chu4 hsüeh ch`u hsüeh chu gakusho |
training |
學號 学号 see styles |
xué hào xue2 hao4 hsüeh hao |
student ID number |
學術 学术 see styles |
xué shù xue2 shu4 hsüeh shu |
learning; science; academic; CL:個|个[ge4] |
學說 学说 see styles |
xué shuō xue2 shuo1 hsüeh shuo |
theory; doctrine |
學識 学识 see styles |
xué shí xue2 shi2 hsüeh shih |
erudition; scholarly knowledge |
學費 学费 see styles |
xué fèi xue2 fei4 hsüeh fei |
tuition fee; tuition; CL:個|个[ge4] |
學運 学运 see styles |
xué yùn xue2 yun4 hsüeh yün |
student movement |
學道 学道 see styles |
xué dào xue2 dao4 hsüeh tao gakudō |
the path of training |
學醫 学医 see styles |
xué yī xue2 yi1 hsüeh i |
to study medicine |
學銜 学衔 see styles |
xué xián xue2 xian2 hsüeh hsien |
academic title; rank |
學長 学长 see styles |
xué zhǎng xue2 zhang3 hsüeh chang |
senior or older male schoolmate |
學門 学门 see styles |
xué mén xue2 men2 hsüeh men |
(Tw) field of knowledge; academic discipline |
學院 学院 see styles |
xué yuàn xue2 yuan4 hsüeh yüan |
college; educational institute; school; faculty; CL:所[suo3] See: 学院 |
學霸 学霸 see styles |
xué bà xue2 ba4 hsüeh pa |
(slang) straight-A student; academic prodigy |
學風 学风 see styles |
xué fēng xue2 feng1 hsüeh feng |
style of study; academic atmosphere; school discipline; school traditions |
學齡 学龄 see styles |
xué líng xue2 ling2 hsüeh ling |
school age |
宋学 see styles |
sougaku / sogaku そうがく |
(See 朱子学) Song-period neo-Confucianism (based esp. on the teachings of Zhu Xi) |
宗学 see styles |
sougaku / sogaku そうがく |
(See 神学) study of religious doctrine; (personal name) Sougaku |
宗學 宗学 see styles |
zōng xué zong1 xue2 tsung hsüeh shūgaku |
The study or teaching of a sect. |
官学 see styles |
kangaku かんがく |
government school |
官學 官学 see styles |
guān xué guan1 xue2 kuan hsüeh |
school or academic institution (old) See: 官学 |
定學 定学 see styles |
dìng xué ding4 xue2 ting hsüeh jōgaku |
Learning through meditation, one of the three forms of learning 三學. |
宝学 see styles |
hougaku / hogaku ほうがく |
(surname) Hougaku |
実学 see styles |
jitsugaku じつがく |
practical science |
家学 see styles |
kagaku かがく |
hereditary learning |
宿学 see styles |
shukugaku しゅくがく |
renowned scholar |
専学 see styles |
sengaku せんがく |
(given name) Sengaku |
将学 see styles |
sukesato すけさと |
(personal name) Sukesato |
小学 see styles |
shougaku / shogaku しょうがく |
(1) (abbreviation) (See 小学校) elementary school; primary school; grade school; (2) (hist) school for children over eight years old in ancient China; (3) traditional Chinese philology |
小學 小学 see styles |
xiǎo xué xiao3 xue2 hsiao hsüeh |
elementary school; primary school See: 小学 |
就学 see styles |
shuugaku / shugaku しゅうがく |
(n,vs,vi) entering school; school attendance |
就學 就学 see styles |
jiù xué jiu4 xue2 chiu hsüeh |
to attend school See: 就学 |
工学 see styles |
kougaku / kogaku こうがく |
engineering |
工學 工学 see styles |
gōng xué gong1 xue2 kung hsüeh |
engineering; industrial science See: 工学 |
師學 师学 see styles |
shī xué shi1 xue2 shih hsüeh shigaku |
master and disciple |
平学 see styles |
heigaku / hegaku へいがく |
(given name) Heigaku |
幽学 see styles |
yuugaku / yugaku ゆうがく |
(personal name) Yūgaku |
座学 see styles |
zagaku ざがく |
(noun/participle) classroom learning (as contrasted to practical training); classroom lecture |
廃学 see styles |
haigaku はいがく |
(n,vs,vi) (1) abandoning one's studies; quitting school; dropping out; (n,vs,vt,vi) (2) closing down (of a school or university); defunct school; defunct university |
廣學 广学 see styles |
guǎng xué guang3 xue2 kuang hsüeh Kōgaku |
Gwanghak |
建学 see styles |
kengaku けんがく |
founding of a school |
弘学 see styles |
kougaku / kogaku こうがく |
(given name) Kōgaku |
彰学 see styles |
akisato あきさと |
(personal name) Akisato |
後学 see styles |
kougaku / kogaku こうがく |
(1) (See 先学) younger scholar; (2) future reference |
後學 后学 see styles |
hòu xué hou4 xue2 hou hsüeh |
junior scholar or pupil in imperial China |
復学 see styles |
fukugaku ふくがく |
(n,vs,vi) return to school |
復學 复学 see styles |
fù xué fu4 xue2 fu hsüeh |
to return to school (after an interruption); to resume one's studies |
心学 see styles |
shingaku しんがく |
(1) study of the mind (in neo-Confucianism); (2) (hist) Shingaku; Edo-period moral philosophy that blended Buddhist, Shinto and Confucian ethical teachings |
心學 心学 see styles |
xīn xué xin1 xue2 hsin hsüeh shingaku |
School of Mind; Neo-Confucian Idealistic School (from Song to mid-Qing times, c. 1000-1750, typified by the teachings of Wang Yangming 王陽明|王阳明[Wang2 Yang2 ming2]) mental training |
志学 see styles |
yukisato ゆきさと |
age 15; (personal name) Yukisato |
忠学 see styles |
tadanori ただのり |
(personal name) Tadanori |
性学 see styles |
seigaku / segaku せいがく |
(See 性科学) sexology |
性學 性学 see styles |
xìng xué xing4 xue2 hsing hsüeh |
sexology See: 性学 |
恒学 see styles |
tsunesato つねさと |
(personal name) Tsunesato |
恵学 see styles |
egaku えがく |
(given name) Egaku |
惠学 see styles |
egaku えがく |
(personal name) Egaku |
意學 意学 see styles |
yì xué yi4 xue2 i hsüeh igaku |
Mental learning, learning by meditation rather than from books, the special cult of the Chan or Intuitional school, which is also called the School of the Buddha-mind. |
慈学 see styles |
jigaku じがく |
(given name) Jigaku |
慧學 慧学 see styles |
huì xué hui4 xue2 hui hsüeh egaku |
The study of wisdom, e.g. the Abhidharma. |
應學 应学 see styles |
yìng xué ying4 xue2 ying hsüeh ōgaku |
should be learned |
戒學 戒学 see styles |
jiè xué jie4 xue2 chieh hsüeh kaigaku |
The study of the rules or discipline; one of the three departments 三學, the other two being meditation and philosophy. |
所學 所学 see styles |
suǒ xué suo3 xue2 so hsüeh shogaku |
that which is learned |
才学 see styles |
saigaku さいがく |
talent and education |
才學 才学 see styles |
cái xué cai2 xue2 ts`ai hsüeh tsai hsüeh zaigaku |
talent and learning; scholarship ability and learning |
改學 改学 see styles |
gǎi xué gai3 xue2 kai hsüeh |
to switch from one major or faculty to another (at a university) |
攻学 see styles |
kougaku / kogaku こうがく |
dedication to study or research |
放学 see styles |
hougaku / hogaku ほうがく |
(1) (See 放校) expulsion from school; (2) (See 放課・1) dismissal of class (at the end of the day) |
放學 放学 see styles |
fàng xué fang4 xue2 fang hsüeh |
to dismiss students at the end of the school day See: 放学 |
教学 see styles |
kyougaku / kyogaku きょうがく |
(noun/participle) education and learning; (surname) Kyōgaku |
教學 教学 see styles |
jiào xué jiao4 xue2 chiao hsüeh |
teaching; instruction; CL:次[ci4] See: 教学 |
散學 散学 see styles |
sàn xué san4 xue2 san hsüeh |
end of school |
数学 see styles |
suugaku / sugaku すうがく |
mathematics |
數學 数学 see styles |
shù xué shu4 xue2 shu hsüeh |
mathematics See: 数学 |
文学 see styles |
bungaku ぶんがく |
literature; (given name) Bungaku |
文學 文学 see styles |
wén xué wen2 xue2 wen hsüeh |
literature; CL:種|种[zhong3] See: 文学 |
斯学 see styles |
shigaku しがく |
this academic subject |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "学" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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