There are 1465 total results for your 品 search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
品定め see styles |
shinasadame しなさだめ |
(noun, transitive verb) evaluation; appraisal; assessment; judgement; estimation; criticism; commenting on |
品川区 see styles |
shinagawaku しながわく |
(place-name) Shinagawaku |
品川區 品川区 see styles |
pǐn chuān qū pin3 chuan1 qu1 p`in ch`uan ch`ü pin chuan chü |
Shinagawa district of Tokyo See: 品川区 |
品川根 see styles |
shinagawane しながわね |
(place-name) Shinagawane |
品川沢 see styles |
shinagawazawa しながわざわ |
(place-name) Shinagawazawa |
品川町 see styles |
shinagawamachi しながわまち |
(place-name) Shinagawamachi |
品川祐 see styles |
shinagawahiroshi しながわひろし |
(person) Shinagawa Hiroshi (1972.4.26-) |
品川駅 see styles |
shinagawaeki しながわえき |
(st) Shinagawa Station |
品庄沢 see styles |
hinshouzawa / hinshozawa ひんしょうざわ |
(place-name) Hinshouzawa |
品揃え see styles |
shinazoroe しなぞろえ |
assortment; product lineup |
品文字 see styles |
shinamoji しなもじ |
(from the shape of 品) triangular pattern of objects |
品書き see styles |
shinagaki しながき |
catalog; catalogue; inventory; menu |
品木島 see styles |
shinagijima しなぎじま |
(personal name) Shinagijima |
品木沢 see styles |
shinakizawa しなきざわ |
(place-name) Shinakizawa |
品枯れ see styles |
shinagare しながれ |
(See 品薄) scarcity of goods; being out of stock |
品沢川 see styles |
shinazawagawa しなざわがわ |
(place-name) Shinazawagawa |
品濃町 see styles |
shinanochou / shinanocho しなのちょう |
(place-name) Shinanochō |
品無量 品无量 see styles |
pǐn wú liáng pin3 wu2 liang2 p`in wu liang pin wu liang hon muryō |
countlessness of types |
品田橋 see styles |
shinadabashi しなだばし |
(place-name) Shinadabashi |
品良く see styles |
hinyoku ひんよく |
(adverb) properly; in a good manner; sophisticatedly; seemly; in a dignified way |
品評会 see styles |
hinpyoukai / hinpyokai ひんぴょうかい |
competitive show; fair |
品谷山 see styles |
shinadaniyama しなだにやま |
(place-name) Shinadaniyama |
品谷峠 see styles |
shinadanitouge / shinadanitoge しなだにとうげ |
(place-name) Shinadanitōge |
品趣志 see styles |
pǐn qù zhì pin3 qu4 zhi4 p`in ch`ü chih pin chü chih |
Pinterest (photo-sharing website) |
品部川 see styles |
shinabegawa しなべがわ |
(place-name) Shinabegawa |
品野町 see styles |
shinanochou / shinanocho しなのちょう |
(place-name) Shinanochō |
品類川 see styles |
shinaruikawa しなるいかわ |
(personal name) Shinaruikawa |
品類足 品类足 see styles |
pǐn lèi zú pin3 lei4 zu2 p`in lei tsu pin lei tsu Honruisoku |
Prakaraṇa-śāstra |
品麗珠 品丽珠 see styles |
pǐn lì zhū pin3 li4 zhu1 p`in li chu pin li chu |
Cabernet Franc (grape type) |
ペケ品 see styles |
pekehin ペケひん |
(rare) reject (item); discard |
レア品 see styles |
reahin レアひん |
(See レア物・レアもの) rare article; rare item |
一切品 see styles |
yī qiè pǐn yi1 qie4 pin3 i ch`ieh p`in i chieh pin issai hon |
all sorts |
一品房 see styles |
ipponbou / ipponbo いっぽんぼう |
(personal name) Ipponbou |
一品紅 一品红 see styles |
yī pǐn hóng yi1 pin3 hong2 i p`in hung i pin hung |
poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) |
一品鍋 一品锅 see styles |
yī pǐn guō yi1 pin3 guo1 i p`in kuo i pin kuo |
dish containing a variety of meats and vegetables arranged in a broth in a clay pot; chafing dish |
一級品 see styles |
ikkyuuhin / ikkyuhin いっきゅうひん |
first-class goods |
三品寺 see styles |
sanbonji さんぼんじ |
(surname) Sanbonji |
上上品 see styles |
shàng shàng pǐn shang4 shang4 pin3 shang shang p`in shang shang pin jōjōhon |
best of the best |
上下品 see styles |
shàng xià pǐn shang4 xia4 pin3 shang hsia p`in shang hsia pin jōge hon |
least of the great |
上中品 see styles |
shàng zhōng pǐn shang4 zhong1 pin3 shang chung p`in shang chung pin jōchūhon |
middling of the great |
上品修 see styles |
shàng pǐn xiū shang4 pin3 xiu1 shang p`in hsiu shang pin hsiu jōhonshu |
engaging cultivation |
上品寺 see styles |
joubonji / jobonji じょうぼんじ |
(place-name) Jōbonji |
上品山 see styles |
joubonsan / jobonsan じょうぼんさん |
(personal name) Jōbonsan |
上品濃 see styles |
kamishinano かみしなの |
(place-name) Kamishinano |
上品道 see styles |
shàng pǐn dào shang4 pin3 dao4 shang p`in tao shang pin tao jōhon dō |
greatest path |
上品野 see styles |
kamishinano かみしなの |
(place-name) Kamishinano |
上温品 see styles |
kaminukushina かみぬくしな |
(place-name) Kaminukushina |
上等品 see styles |
joutouhin / jotohin じょうとうひん |
first-class article |
上級品 see styles |
joukyuuhin / jokyuhin じょうきゅうひん |
high-quality article |
下上品 see styles |
xià shàng pǐn xia4 shang4 pin3 hsia shang p`in hsia shang pin gejō hon |
greatest of the least |
下下品 see styles |
xià xià pǐn xia4 xia4 pin3 hsia hsia p`in hsia hsia pin gege hon |
inferior of the inferior |
下中品 see styles |
xià zhōng pǐn xia4 zhong1 pin3 hsia chung p`in hsia chung pin gechū hon |
midding of the least |
不品行 see styles |
fuhinkou / fuhinko ふひんこう |
(noun or adjectival noun) unchastity; misconduct; dissipation; fornication |
不用品 see styles |
fuyouhin / fuyohin ふようひん |
disused article |
不良品 see styles |
furyouhin / furyohin ふりょうひん |
inferior goods; defective product; defective goods |
並製品 see styles |
namiseihin / namisehin なみせいひん |
article of average quality; common article |
中上品 see styles |
zhōng shàng pǐn zhong1 shang4 pin3 chung shang p`in chung shang pin chūjō hon |
middling and higher classes |
中下品 see styles |
zhōng xià pǐn zhong1 xia4 pin3 chung hsia p`in chung hsia pin chūge hon |
least of the middling |
中中品 see styles |
zhōng zhōng pǐn zhong1 zhong1 pin3 chung chung p`in chung chung pin chūchū hon |
middling of the middling |
中古品 see styles |
chuukohin / chukohin ちゅうこひん |
secondhand article; secondhand goods; used item |
中品野 see styles |
nakashinano なかしなの |
(place-name) Nakashinano |
中級品 see styles |
chuukyuuhin / chukyuhin ちゅうきゅうひん |
fair average quality |
主品牌 see styles |
zhǔ pǐn pái zhu3 pin3 pai2 chu p`in p`ai chu pin pai |
umbrella brand (marketing) |
主製品 see styles |
shuseihin / shusehin しゅせいひん |
main products |
九品上 see styles |
jiǔ pǐn shàng jiu3 pin3 shang4 chiu p`in shang chiu pin shang kokonotsu-shina-no-kami |
An abbreviation for 上品上生 the highest grade in the Pure Land, see 九品淨土. |
九品仏 see styles |
kuhonbutsu くほんぶつ |
(place-name) Kuhonbutsu |
九品太 see styles |
kuhonta くほんた |
(given name) Kuhonta |
九品寺 see styles |
kuhonji くほんじ |
(place-name) Kuhonji |
九品惑 see styles |
jiǔ pǐn huò jiu3 pin3 huo4 chiu p`in huo chiu pin huo ku hon waku |
Also九品煩惱 The four 修惑, i.e. illusions or trials in the practice of religion, i.e. desire, anger, pride, ignorance; these are divided each into 九品 q.v.; hence desire has all the nine grades, and so on with the other three. |
九品町 see styles |
kuhonchou / kuhoncho くほんちょう |
(place-name) Kuhonchō |
乳製品 乳制品 see styles |
rǔ zhì pǐn ru3 zhi4 pin3 ju chih p`in ju chih pin nyuuseihin / nyusehin にゅうせいひん |
dairy products dairy products |
予備品 see styles |
yobihin よびひん |
spares; reserve supply |
五品位 see styles |
wǔ pǐn wèi wu3 pin3 wei4 wu p`in wei wu pin wei gohon i |
five preliminary grades of the disciple |
交換品 see styles |
koukanhin / kokanhin こうかんひん |
(1) thing bartered; trade-in; (2) substitute; replacement; exchange |
交易品 see styles |
kouekihin / koekihin こうえきひん |
trade goods; bartered goods |
仕掛品 see styles |
shikakehin しかけひん shikakarihin しかかりひん |
work in progress; WIP; goods in process |
他異品 他异品 see styles |
tā yì pǐn ta1 yi4 pin3 t`a i p`in ta i pin tai hon |
negative example used by the opponent |
付属品 see styles |
fuzokuhin ふぞくひん |
accessory; fittings; appurtenances |
代替品 see styles |
daitaihin だいたいひん daigaehin だいがえひん |
substitute article; back-up |
代用品 see styles |
daiyouhin / daiyohin だいようひん |
substitute |
仿冒品 see styles |
fǎng mào pǐn fang3 mao4 pin3 fang mao p`in fang mao pin |
counterfeit object; imitation; fake; pirated goods |
仿製品 仿制品 see styles |
fǎng zhì pǐn fang3 zhi4 pin3 fang chih p`in fang chih pin |
counterfeit object; fake |
低品質 see styles |
teihinshitsu / tehinshitsu ていひんしつ |
(n,adj-no,adj-na) (ant: 高品質・こうひんしつ) low quality; poor quality |
作品名 see styles |
sakuhinmei / sakuhinme さくひんめい |
title (of a work) |
作品集 see styles |
sakuhinshuu / sakuhinshu さくひんしゅう |
anthology; collection of works |
供應品 供应品 see styles |
gōng yìng pǐn gong1 ying4 pin3 kung ying p`in kung ying pin |
supplies |
供献品 see styles |
kyoukenhin / kyokenhin きょうけんひん |
{archeol} items offered to deities (Jōmon period) |
保養品 保养品 see styles |
bǎo yǎng pǐn bao3 yang3 pin3 pao yang p`in pao yang pin |
(Tw) beauty product; skincare product |
信解品 see styles |
xìn jiě pǐn xin4 jie3 pin3 hsin chieh p`in hsin chieh pin shinge bon |
Chapter on Belief and Understanding (Lotus Sūtra) |
修道品 see styles |
xiū dào pǐn xiu1 dao4 pin3 hsiu tao p`in hsiu tao pin shu dōhon |
to cultivate the practices and views conducive to enlightenment |
假冒品 see styles |
jiǎ mào pǐn jia3 mao4 pin3 chia mao p`in chia mao pin |
counterfeit object; fake |
偽商品 see styles |
niseshouhin / niseshohin にせしょうひん |
(See 偽物) fake merchandise |
偽造品 伪造品 see styles |
wěi zào pǐn wei3 zao4 pin3 wei tsao p`in wei tsao pin gizouhin / gizohin ぎぞうひん |
counterfeit object; forgery; fake counterfeit goods; fake; (a) forgery |
備品室 see styles |
bihinshitsu びひんしつ |
equipment room; supply room; storage room |
備蓄品 see styles |
bichikuhin びちくひん |
stockpiled materials; stockpiled supplies |
優秀品 see styles |
yuushuuhin / yushuhin ゆうしゅうひん |
high-grade merchandise |
優良品 see styles |
yuuryouhin / yuryohin ゆうりょうひん |
superior articles |
元品田 see styles |
motoshinada もとしなだ |
(place-name) Motoshinada |
元宇品 see styles |
motoujina / motojina もとうじな |
(place-name) Motoujina |
先発品 see styles |
senpatsuhin せんぱつひん |
(See 先発医薬品) original drug; originator drug |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "品" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.