There are 3992 total results for your 世 search. I have created 40 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...3031323334353637383940>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
ハインリヒ1世 see styles |
hainrihiissei / hainrihisse ハインリヒいっせい |
(person) Heinrich I |
ピリッポス2世 see styles |
piripposunisei / piripposunise ピリッポスにせい |
(person) Philip II |
ミレニアル世代 see styles |
mireniarusedai ミレニアルせだい |
millennial generation |
一世を風靡する see styles |
isseiofuubisuru / isseofubisuru いっせいをふうびする |
(exp,vs-i) (idiom) take the world by storm; to hold sway over the minds of the people |
三世無障礙智戒 三世无障碍智戒 see styles |
sān shì wú zhàn gài zhì jiè san1 shi4 wu2 zhan4 gai4 zhi4 jie4 san shih wu chan kai chih chieh sanze mushōgechi kai |
The wisdom-law or moral law that frees from all impediments, past, present, and future. Also styled 三昧耶戒; 自性本源戒; 三平等戒; 菩提心戒; 無爲戒 and 眞法戒. |
久世郡久御山町 see styles |
kusegunkumiyamachou / kusegunkumiyamacho くせぐんくみやまちょう |
(place-name) Kusegunkumiyamachō |
二十一世紀の森 see styles |
nijuuisseikinomori / nijuissekinomori にじゅういっせいきのもり |
(place-name) Nijuuisseikinomori |
二十世紀が丘萩 see styles |
nijusseikigaokahagi / nijussekigaokahagi にじゅっせいきがおかはぎ |
(place-name) Nijusseikigaokahagi |
住持一切世界智 see styles |
zhù chí yī qiè shì jiè zhì zhu4 chi2 yi1 qie4 shi4 jie4 zhi4 chu ch`ih i ch`ieh shih chieh chih chu chih i chieh shih chieh chih jūji issai sekai chi |
understanding of omnipotence |
佐世保ゴルフ場 see styles |
sasebogorufujou / sasebogorufujo させぼゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Sasebo golf links |
佐和田世乞御嶽 see styles |
sawadayokoiodake さわだよこいおだけ |
(place-name) Sawadayokoiodake |
十世隔法異成門 十世隔法异成门 see styles |
shí shì gé fǎ yì chéng mén shi2 shi4 ge2 fa3 yi4 cheng2 men2 shih shih ko fa i ch`eng men shih shih ko fa i cheng men jusse kyakuhō ijō mon |
the profound approach of the past, present, and future influencing one another without confusion |
千眼千臂觀世音 千眼千臂观世音 see styles |
qiān yǎn qiān bì guān shì yīn qian1 yan3 qian1 bi4 guan1 shi4 yin1 ch`ien yen ch`ien pi kuan shih yin chien yen chien pi kuan shih yin Sengensenhi Kanseon |
Sahasrabhuja-sahasranetra. One of the six forms of Kuanyin with a thousand arms and a thousand eyes. The image usually has forty arms, one eye in each hand; and forty multiplied by twenty-five is the number of regions in this universe. For the 二十八部 or retinue, the maṇḍala and signs v. 千手經. |
南無觀世音菩薩 南无观世音菩萨 see styles |
nán wú guān shì yīn pú sà nan2 wu2 guan1 shi4 yin1 pu2 sa4 nan wu kuan shih yin p`u sa nan wu kuan shih yin pu sa namu Kanzeon bosatsu |
More info & calligraphy: Namo Guanshiyin Pusa |
可能世界モデル see styles |
kanousekaimoderu / kanosekaimoderu かのうせかいモデル |
possible-world model |
壞一切世間怖畏 坏一切世间怖畏 see styles |
huài yī qiè shì jiān bù wèi huai4 yi1 qie4 shi4 jian1 bu4 wei4 huai i ch`ieh shih chien pu wei huai i chieh shih chien pu wei Eissai seken fui |
Sarvalokabhayacchambhitatvavidhvaṃsanakara |
大きに御世話だ see styles |
ookiniosewada おおきにおせわだ |
(expression) (idiom) It's none of your business |
大塚御手観世音 see styles |
ootsukagoshukanzeon おおつかごしゅかんぜおん |
(place-name) Ootsukagoshukanzeon |
大悲觀世音菩薩 大悲观世音菩萨 see styles |
dà bēi guān shì yīn pú sà da4 bei1 guan1 shi4 yin1 pu2 sa4 ta pei kuan shih yin p`u sa ta pei kuan shih yin pu sa Daihi Kanzeon Bosatsu |
Avalokitêśvara Bodhisattva, of great compassion |
希求世間離欲法 希求世间离欲法 see styles |
xī qiú shì jiān lí yù fǎ xi1 qiu2 shi4 jian1 li2 yu4 fa3 hsi ch`iu shih chien li yü fa hsi chiu shih chien li yü fa kegu seken riyoku hō |
seek mundane indifference to objects of desire |
度一切世間苦惱 度一切世间苦恼 see styles |
dù yī qiè shì jiān kǔn ǎo du4 yi1 qie4 shi4 jian1 kun3 ao3 tu i ch`ieh shih chien k`un ao tu i chieh shih chien kun ao Do issai seken kunō |
Sarvalōkadhātupadravodvega-pratyuttīrṇa. ' One who redeems men from the misery of all worlds. A fictitious Buddha who dwelled west of our universe, an incarnation of the tenth son of Mahābhijñājñāna bhibhū.' Eite1. |
当世風に言うと see styles |
touseifuuniiuto / tosefuniuto とうせいふうにいうと |
(expression) as we would say nowadays |
後所得世間淨智 后所得世间淨智 see styles |
hòu suǒ dé shì jiān jìng zhì hou4 suo3 de2 shi4 jian1 jing4 zhi4 hou so te shih chien ching chih goshotoku seken jōchi |
subsequently attained purified conventional wisdom |
後所得諸世間慧 后所得诸世间慧 see styles |
hòu suǒ dé zhū shì jiān huì hou4 suo3 de2 zhu1 shi4 jian1 hui4 hou so te chu shih chien hui goshotoku shoseken'e |
subsequently attained worldly wisdom |
攝大乘論世親釋 摄大乘论世亲释 see styles |
shè dà shèng lùn shì qīn shì she4 da4 sheng4 lun4 shi4 qin1 shi4 she ta sheng lun shih ch`in shih she ta sheng lun shih chin shih Shō daijōron seshin shaku |
Vasubandhu's Commentary on the Mahāyānasaṃgraha |
施華洛世奇水晶 施华洛世奇水晶 see styles |
shī huá luò shì qí shuǐ jīng shi1 hua2 luo4 shi4 qi2 shui3 jing1 shih hua lo shih ch`i shui ching shih hua lo shih chi shui ching |
Swarovski crystal |
旅は心世は情け see styles |
tabihakokoroyohanasake たびはこころよはなさけ |
(expression) (proverb) in traveling, companionship; in life, kindness |
日本浮世絵協会 see styles |
nipponukiyoekyoukai / nipponukiyoekyokai にっぽんうきよえきょうかい |
(org) Japan Ukiyo-e Society; (o) Japan Ukiyo-e Society |
次世代携帯電話 see styles |
jisedaikeitaidenwa / jisedaiketaidenwa じせだいけいたいでんわ |
next-generation mobile phone |
無漏後得世間智 无漏后得世间智 see styles |
wú lòu hòu dé shì jiān zhì wu2 lou4 hou4 de2 shi4 jian1 zhi4 wu lou hou te shih chien chih muro gotoku seken chi |
untainted subsequently attained mundane cognition |
第一次世界大戦 see styles |
daiichijisekaitaisen / daichijisekaitaisen だいいちじせかいたいせん |
World War I; First World War |
第一次世界大戰 第一次世界大战 see styles |
dì yī cì shì jiè dà zhàn di4 yi1 ci4 shi4 jie4 da4 zhan4 ti i tz`u shih chieh ta chan ti i tzu shih chieh ta chan |
World War One |
第三次世界大戦 see styles |
daisanjisekaitaisen だいさんじせかいたいせん |
World War III; Third World War |
第二次世界大戦 see styles |
dainijisekaitaisen だいにじせかいたいせん |
Second World War; World War II; WWII; WW2 |
第二次世界大戰 第二次世界大战 see styles |
dì èr cì shì jiè dà zhàn di4 er4 ci4 shi4 jie4 da4 zhan4 ti erh tz`u shih chieh ta chan ti erh tzu shih chieh ta chan |
World War II |
第1次世界大戦 see styles |
daiichijisekaitaisen / daichijisekaitaisen だいいちじせかいたいせん |
World War I; First World War |
第2次世界大戦 see styles |
dainijisekaitaisen だいにじせかいたいせん |
Second World War; World War II; WWII; WW2 |
第3次世界大戦 see styles |
daisanjisekaitaisen だいさんじせかいたいせん |
World War III; Third World War |
繫觀世音應驗記 系观世音应验记 see styles |
xì guān shì yīn yìng yàn jì xi4 guan1 shi4 yin1 ying4 yan4 ji4 hsi kuan shih yin ying yen chi Ke Kanzeon ōken ki |
Xi guanshiyin yingyan ji |
續光世音應驗記 续光世音应验记 see styles |
xù guāng shì yīn yìng yàn jì xu4 guang1 shi4 yin1 ying4 yan4 ji4 hsü kuang shih yin ying yen chi Zoku Kōzeon ōken ki |
Xu Guangshiyin yingyan ji |
聖持世陀羅尼經 圣持世陀罗尼经 see styles |
shèng chí shì tuó luó ní jīng sheng4 chi2 shi4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 sheng ch`ih shih t`o lo ni ching sheng chih shih to lo ni ching Shō jise daranikyō |
Vasudhārā-sādhana |
要らざるお世話 see styles |
irazaruosewa いらざるおせわ |
(expression) (idiom) That's none of your business |
要らざる御世話 see styles |
irazaruosewa いらざるおせわ |
(expression) (idiom) That's none of your business |
観世音寺子院跡 see styles |
kanzeonjikoinato かんぜおんじこいんあと |
(place-name) Kanzeonjikoin'ato |
身も世もあらぬ see styles |
mimoyomoaranu みもよもあらぬ |
(expression) heartrending; desperate; hopeless; full of grief |
身も世も在らぬ see styles |
mimoyomoaranu みもよもあらぬ |
(expression) heartrending; desperate; hopeless; full of grief |
隔世の感がある see styles |
kakuseinokangaaru / kakusenokangaru かくせいのかんがある |
(exp,v5r-i) to be poles apart |
隔世の感が有る see styles |
kakuseinokangaaru / kakusenokangaru かくせいのかんがある |
(exp,v5r-i) to be poles apart |
Variations: |
setai(世帯)(p); shotai せたい(世帯)(P); しょたい |
(しょたい is more informal) household; home; family; housekeeping |
Variations: |
yoron(p); seron(世論)(p); seiron(世論) / yoron(p); seron(世論)(p); seron(世論) よろん(P); せろん(世論)(P); せいろん(世論) |
public opinion; popular voice; public sentiment; consensus |
Variations: |
sewagakari せわがかり |
attendant; person who looks after one's needs; caretaker |
Variations: |
sewayaki せわやき |
(1) helpful person; person who likes looking after others; (2) overly helpful person; annoyingly helpful person; (3) manager; go-between; caretaker |
Variations: |
yomaigoto よまいごと |
grumbling; muttering; nonsense |
Variations: |
sekensama せけんさま |
(honorific or respectful language) (oft. sarcastic) (See 世間) world; society; people; the public |
世界チャンピオン see styles |
sekaichanpion せかいチャンピオン |
world champion |
世界ボクシング協 see styles |
sekaibokushingukyou / sekaibokushingukyo せかいボクシングきょう |
(o) World Boxing Association |
世界世論調査協会 see styles |
sekaiseronchousakyoukai / sekaiseronchosakyokai せかいせろんちょうさきょうかい |
(o) World Association for Public Opinion Research |
世界中小企業協会 see styles |
sekaichuushoukigyoukyoukai / sekaichushokigyokyokai せかいちゅうしょうきぎょうきょうかい |
(o) World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises; WASME |
世界人文科学学会 see styles |
sekaijinbunkagakugakkai せかいじんぶんかがくがっかい |
(o) World Congress of the Humanity |
世界人材派遣協会 see styles |
sekaijinzaihakenkyoukai / sekaijinzaihakenkyokai せかいじんざいはけんきょうかい |
(o) International Confederation of Temporary Work Businesses; CIETT |
世界労働組合会議 see styles |
sekairoudoukumiaikaigi / sekairodokumiaikaigi せかいろうどうくみあいかいぎ |
(org) World Trade Union Congress; (o) World Trade Union Congress |
世界動物保健機関 see styles |
sekaidoubutsuhokenkikan / sekaidobutsuhokenkikan せかいどうぶつほけんきかん |
(o) World Organisation for Animal Health; OIE |
世界在郷軍人連盟 see styles |
sekaizaikyougunjinrenmei / sekaizaikyogunjinrenme せかいざいきょうぐんじんれんめい |
(o) World Veterans Federation |
世界地震工学会議 see styles |
sekaijishinkougakukaigi / sekaijishinkogakukaigi せかいじしんこうがくかいぎ |
(org) World Conference on Earthquake Engineering; (o) World Conference on Earthquake Engineering |
世界情報インフラ see styles |
sekaijouhouinfura / sekaijohoinfura せかいじょうほうインフラ |
{comp} global information infrastructure; GII |
世界比較教育学会 see styles |
sekaihikakukyouikugakkai / sekaihikakukyoikugakkai せかいひかくきょういくがっかい |
(org) World Council of Comparative Education Societies; WCCES; (o) World Council of Comparative Education Societies; WCCES |
世界無名戦士之墓 see styles |
sekaimumeisenshinohaka / sekaimumesenshinohaka せかいむめいせんしのはか |
(place-name) Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the World; Sekai Mumei Senshi no Haka |
世界産業労働組合 see styles |
sekaisangyouroudoukumiai / sekaisangyorodokumiai せかいさんぎょうろうどうくみあい |
(org) International Workers of the World; (o) International Workers of the World |
世界知識產權組織 世界知识产权组织 see styles |
shì jiè zhī shí chǎn quán zǔ zhī shi4 jie4 zhi1 shi2 chan3 quan2 zu3 zhi1 shih chieh chih shih ch`an ch`üan tsu chih shih chieh chih shih chan chüan tsu chih |
World Intellectual Property Organization |
世界矯正歯科連盟 see styles |
sekaikyouseishikarenmei / sekaikyoseshikarenme せかいきょうせいしかれんめい |
(o) World Federation of Orthodontists; WFO |
世界自然保護基金 see styles |
sekaishizenhogokikin せかいしぜんほごききん |
(org) World Wide Fund for Nature; WWF; (o) World Wide Fund for Nature; WWF |
世界自由宗教連盟 see styles |
sekaijiyuushuukyourenmei / sekaijiyushukyorenme せかいじゆうしゅうきょうれんめい |
(o) International Association for Religious Freedom |
世界野生生物基金 see styles |
sekaiyaseiseibutsukikin / sekaiyasesebutsukikin せかいやせいせいぶつききん |
(org) World Wildlife Fund; WWF; (o) World Wildlife Fund; WWF |
世間亦有邊亦無邊 世间亦有边亦无边 see styles |
shì jiān yì yǒu biān yì wú biān shi4 jian1 yi4 you3 bian1 yi4 wu2 bian1 shih chien i yu pien i wu pien seken yaku uhen yaku muhen |
the world is both finite and infinite |
世間非有邊非無邊 世间非有边非无边 see styles |
shì jiān fēi yǒu biān fēi wú biān shi4 jian1 fei1 you3 bian1 fei1 wu2 bian1 shih chien fei yu pien fei wu pien seken hi uhen hi muhen |
the world is neither finite nor infinite |
Variations: |
nisei / nise にせい |
(1) nisei; second-generation Japanese (or Korean, etc.); person of Japanese parentage with non-Japanese citizenship; (n,n-suf,n-pref) (2) the second (e.g. Edward II); (3) (colloquialism) son |
Variations: |
chiyo ちよ |
(1) thousand years; (2) very long period; forever |
Variations: |
sekaikei(sekai系); sekaikei(世界系) / sekaike(sekai系); sekaike(世界系) セカイけい(セカイ系); せかいけい(世界系) |
sekai-kei (genre of manga, anime, etc.) |
Variations: |
dashimise だしみせ |
(ksb:) booth; stall |
Variations: |
tokoyonokuni とこよのくに |
(1) (See 黄泉の国) land of the dead; netherworld; (2) (archaism) distant country |
Variations: |
misegamae みせがまえ |
store's appearance (esp. shop front, signs, etc.) |
アメンホテプ4世 see styles |
amenhotepuyonsei / amenhotepuyonse アメンホテプよんせい |
(person) Amenhotep IV |
ヨハネパウロ2世 see styles |
yohanepauronisei / yohanepauronise ヨハネパウロにせい |
(person) John Paul II |
一切世尊最尊特身 see styles |
yī qiè shì zūn zuì zūn tè shēn yi1 qie4 shi4 zun1 zui4 zun1 te4 shen1 i ch`ieh shih tsun tsui tsun t`e shen i chieh shih tsun tsui tsun te shen issai seson saison tokushin |
The most honoured of all the world-honoured; a title of Vairocana; v. 毘. |
一切世間不可樂想 一切世间不可乐想 see styles |
yī qiè shì jiān bù kě lè xiǎng yi1 qie4 shi4 jian1 bu4 ke3 le4 xiang3 i ch`ieh shih chien pu k`o le hsiang i chieh shih chien pu ko le hsiang issai seken fukaraku sō |
disaffection with everything worldly |
一切世間多怨難信 一切世间多怨难信 see styles |
yī qiè shì jiān duō yuàn nán xìn yi1 qie4 shi4 jian1 duo1 yuan4 nan2 xin4 i ch`ieh shih chien to yüan nan hsin i chieh shih chien to yüan nan hsin issai seken taon nanshin |
which all the worlds much resent with incredulity |
三世實有法體恆有 三世实有法体恒有 see styles |
sān shì shí yǒu fǎ tǐ héng yǒu san1 shi4 shi2 you3 fa3 ti3 heng2 you3 san shih shih yu fa t`i heng yu san shih shih yu fa ti heng yu sanze jitsuu hōtai gōu |
the three times are real, as are the essences of phenomena |
三世實有法體恒有 see styles |
sān shì shí yǒu fǎ tǐ héng yǒu san1 shi4 shi2 you3 fa3 ti3 heng2 you3 san shih shih yu fa t`i heng yu san shih shih yu fa ti heng yu |
The Sarvāstivadah school maintains that as the three states (past, present, future) are real, so the substance of all things is permanent; i.e. time is real, matter is eternal. |
三千大千七寶世界 三千大千七宝世界 see styles |
sān qiān dà qiān qī bǎo shì jiè san1 qian1 da4 qian1 qi1 bao3 shi4 jie4 san ch`ien ta ch`ien ch`i pao shih chieh san chien ta chien chi pao shih chieh sanzen daisen shichihō sekai |
the universe consisting of a triple-thousand great one-thousand seven-jeweled worlds |
二十世紀が丘中松 see styles |
nijusseikigaokanakamatsu / nijussekigaokanakamatsu にじゅっせいきがおかなかまつ |
(place-name) Nijusseikigaokanakamatsu |
二十世紀が丘丸山 see styles |
nijusseikigaokamaruyama / nijussekigaokamaruyama にじゅっせいきがおかまるやま |
(place-name) Nijusseikigaokamaruyama |
二十世紀が丘戸山 see styles |
nijusseikigaokatoyama / nijussekigaokatoyama にじゅっせいきがおかとやま |
(place-name) Nijusseikigaokatoyama |
二十世紀が丘梨元 see styles |
nijusseikigaokanashimoto / nijussekigaokanashimoto にじゅっせいきがおかなしもと |
(place-name) Nijusseikigaokanashimoto |
二十世紀が丘萩町 see styles |
nijusseikigaokahagichou / nijussekigaokahagicho にじゅっせいきがおかはぎちょう |
(place-name) Nijusseikigaokahagichō |
佛說觀世音三昧經 佛说观世音三昧经 see styles |
fó shuō guān shì yīn sān mèi jīng fo2 shuo1 guan1 shi4 yin1 san1 mei4 jing1 fo shuo kuan shih yin san mei ching Bussetsu Kanzeon sanmaikyō |
Avalokitêśvara Samādhi Sūtra Spoken by the Buddha |
全国世論調査会社 see styles |
zenkokuseronchousakaisha / zenkokuseronchosakaisha ぜんこくせろんちょうさかいしゃ |
(o) National Opinion Polls |
八十日間世界一周 see styles |
hachijuunichikansekaiisshuu / hachijunichikansekaisshu はちじゅうにちかんせかいいっしゅう |
(work) Around the World in Eighty Days (1873 novel by Jules Verne); (wk) Around the World in Eighty Days (1873 novel by Jules Verne) |
北松浦郡世知原町 see styles |
kitamatsuuragunsechibaruchou / kitamatsuragunsechibarucho きたまつうらぐんせちばるちょう |
(place-name) Kitamatsuuragunsechibaruchō |
十方三世一切諸佛 十方三世一切诸佛 see styles |
shí fāng sān shì yī qiè zhū fó shi2 fang1 san1 shi4 yi1 qie4 zhu1 fo2 shih fang san shih i ch`ieh chu fo shih fang san shih i chieh chu fo jippō sanze issai sho butsu |
all buddhas of the ten directions and three times |
国連協会世界連盟 see styles |
kokurenkyoukaisekairenmei / kokurenkyokaisekairenme こくれんきょうかいせかいれんめい |
(org) World Federation of United Nations Associations; (o) World Federation of United Nations Associations |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "世" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.