There are 6395 total results for your 石 search. I have created 64 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...3031323334353637383940...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
石井妙子 see styles |
ishiitaeko / ishitaeko いしいたえこ |
(person) Ishii Taeko (1949.2-) |
石井威望 see styles |
ishiitakemochi / ishitakemochi いしいたけもち |
(person) Ishii Takemochi (1930.7-) |
石井完治 see styles |
ishiikanji / ishikanji いしいかんじ |
(person) Ishii Kanji |
石井宗雄 see styles |
ishiimuneo / ishimuneo いしいむねお |
(person) Ishii Muneo |
石井川内 see styles |
ishiigawauchi / ishigawauchi いしいがわうち |
(place-name) Ishiigawauchi |
石井希和 see styles |
ishiikiwa / ishikiwa いしいきわ |
(person) Ishii Kiwa (1977.12.26-) |
石井平太 see styles |
ishiiheita / ishiheta いしいへいた |
(person) Ishii Heita |
石井幸孝 see styles |
ishiiyoshitaka / ishiyoshitaka いしいよしたか |
(person) Ishii Yoshitaka (1932.10.12-) |
石井幸輔 see styles |
ishiikousuke / ishikosuke いしいこうすけ |
(person) Ishii Kōsuke (1978.9.21-) |
石井幹子 see styles |
ishiimotoko / ishimotoko いしいもとこ |
(person) Ishii Motoko (1938.10-) |
石井広三 see styles |
ishiikouzou / ishikozo いしいこうぞう |
(person) Ishii Kōzou |
石井庄八 see styles |
ishiishouhachi / ishishohachi いしいしょうはち |
(person) Ishii Shouhachi (1926.9.20-1980.1.4) |
石井康太 see styles |
ishiikouta / ishikota いしいこうた |
(person) Ishii Kōta (1975.3.16-) |
石井建夫 see styles |
ishiitateo / ishitateo いしいたてお |
(person) Ishii Tateo |
石井弘寿 see styles |
ishiihirotoshi / ishihirotoshi いしいひろとし |
(person) Ishii Hirotoshi (1977.9.14-) |
石井弥起 see styles |
ishiiyaoki / ishiyaoki いしいやおき |
(person) Ishii Yaoki |
石井恭二 see styles |
ishiikyouji / ishikyoji いしいきょうじ |
(person) Ishii Kyōji |
石井愃一 see styles |
ishiikenichi / ishikenichi いしいけんいち |
(person) Ishii Ken'ichi |
石井拍亭 see styles |
ishiihakutei / ishihakute いしいはくてい |
(person) Ishii Hakutei |
石井政之 see styles |
ishiimasayuki / ishimasayuki いしいまさゆき |
(person) Ishii Masayuki |
石井敏弘 see styles |
ishiitoshihiro / ishitoshihiro いしいとしひろ |
(person) Ishii Toshihiro (1962.12-) |
石井敬志 see styles |
ishiitakashi / ishitakashi いしいたかし |
(person) Ishii Takashi |
石井明美 see styles |
ishiiakemi / ishiakemi いしいあけみ |
(person) Ishii Akemi |
石井晏里 see styles |
ishiianri / ishianri いしいあんり |
(person) Ishii Anri |
石井智也 see styles |
ishiitomoya / ishitomoya いしいともや |
(person) Ishii Tomoya (1984.5.14-) |
石井桃子 see styles |
ishiimomoko / ishimomoko いしいももこ |
(person) Ishii Momoko |
石井正人 see styles |
ishiimasato / ishimasato いしいまさと |
(person) Ishii Masato |
石井正則 see styles |
ishiimasanori / ishimasanori いしいまさのり |
(person) Ishii Masanori (1973.3.21-) |
石井正弘 see styles |
ishiimasahiro / ishimasahiro いしいまさひろ |
(person) Ishii Masahiro (1945.11-) |
石井正忠 see styles |
ishiimasatada / ishimasatada いしいまさただ |
(person) Ishii Masatada (1967.2.1-) |
石井毅一 see styles |
ishiikiichi / ishikichi いしいきいち |
(person) Ishii Kiichi (1913.2.18-1988.7.25) |
石井江奈 see styles |
ishiiena / ishiena いしいえな |
(person) Ishii Ena |
石井沙羅 see styles |
ishiisara / ishisara いしいさら |
(person) Ishii Sara (1984.10.14-) |
石井沢川 see styles |
ishiizawagawa / ishizawagawa いしいざわがわ |
(place-name) Ishiizawagawa |
石井泰憲 see styles |
ishiiyasunori / ishiyasunori いしいやすのり |
(person) Ishii Yasunori |
石井洋児 see styles |
ishiiyouji / ishiyoji いしいようじ |
(person) Ishii Yōji (1955.10.25-) |
石井洋祐 see styles |
ishiiyousuke / ishiyosuke いしいようすけ |
(person) Ishii Yōsuke |
石井洋輔 see styles |
ishiiyousuke / ishiyosuke いしいようすけ |
(person) Ishii Yōsuke (1980.5.20-) |
石井浩郎 see styles |
ishiihiroo / ishihiroo いしいひろお |
(person) Ishii Hiroo (1964.6-) |
石井清司 see styles |
ishiikiyoshi / ishikiyoshi いしいきよし |
(person) Ishii Kiyoshi |
石井琢朗 see styles |
ishiitakurou / ishitakuro いしいたくろう |
(person) Ishii Takurou (1970-) |
石井直方 see styles |
ishiinaokata / ishinaokata いしいなおかた |
(person) Ishii Naokata |
石井眞木 see styles |
ishiimaki / ishimaki いしいまき |
(person) Ishii Maki (1936.5.28-2003.4.8) |
石井睦美 see styles |
ishiimutsumi / ishimutsumi いしいむつみ |
(person) Ishii Mutsumi |
石井祥子 see styles |
ishiishouko / ishishoko いしいしょうこ |
(person) Ishii Shouko |
石井竜也 see styles |
ishiitatsuya / ishitatsuya いしいたつや |
(person) Ishii Tatsuya (1959.9-) |
石井竜生 see styles |
ishiitatsuo / ishitatsuo いしいたつお |
(person) Ishii Tatsuo |
石井笑加 see styles |
ishiiemika / ishiemika いしいえみか |
(person) Ishii Emika |
石井筒町 see styles |
ishiizutsuchou / ishizutsucho いしいづつちょう |
(place-name) Ishiizutsuchō |
石井米雄 see styles |
ishiiyoneo / ishiyoneo いしいよねお |
(person) Ishii Yoneo |
石井紘基 see styles |
ishiikouki / ishikoki いしいこうき |
(person) Ishii Kōki (1940.11.6-2002.10.25) |
石井繁丸 see styles |
ishiishigemaru / ishishigemaru いしいしげまる |
(person) Ishii Shigemaru (1904.1.1-1983.10.8) |
石井美鈴 see styles |
ishiimisuzu / ishimisuzu いしいみすず |
(person) Ishii Misuzu |
石井義人 see styles |
ishiiyoshihito / ishiyoshihito いしいよしひと |
(person) Ishii Yoshihito (1978.7.12-) |
石井聖子 see styles |
ishiiseiko / ishiseko いしいせいこ |
(person) Ishii Seiko (1973.9-) |
石井聰互 see styles |
ishiisougo / ishisogo いしいそうご |
(person) Ishii Sougo (film director) (1957-) |
石井聰亙 see styles |
ishiisougo / ishisogo いしいそうご |
(person) Ishii Sougo (film director) (1957-) |
石井良助 see styles |
ishiiryousuke / ishiryosuke いしいりょうすけ |
(person) Ishii Ryōsuke |
石井苗子 see styles |
ishiimitsuko / ishimitsuko いしいみつこ |
(person) Ishii Mitsuko (1956-) |
石井英夫 see styles |
ishiihideo / ishihideo いしいひでお |
(person) Ishii Hideo |
石井茂樹 see styles |
ishiishigeki / ishishigeki いしいしげき |
(person) Ishii Shigeki (1960.12.1-) |
石井茂雄 see styles |
ishiishigeo / ishishigeo いしいしげお |
(person) Ishii Shigeo (1939.5.6-) |
石井草川 see styles |
ishiikusagawa / ishikusagawa いしいくさがわ |
(place-name) Ishiikusagawa |
石井虎男 see styles |
ishinokeichirou / ishinokechiro いしのけいちろう |
(person) Ishii Torao |
石井裕之 see styles |
ishiihiroyuki / ishihiroyuki いしいひろゆき |
(person) Ishii Hiroyuki |
石井裕也 see styles |
ishiiyuuya / ishiyuya いしいゆうや |
(person) Ishii Yūya (1981.7.4-) |
石井谷川 see styles |
ishiidanigawa / ishidanigawa いしいだにがわ |
(place-name) Ishiidanigawa |
石井輝男 see styles |
ishiiteruo / ishiteruo いしいてるお |
(person) Ishii Teruo |
石井道遠 see styles |
ishiimichitoo / ishimichitoo いしいみちとお |
(person) Ishii Michitoo |
石井達朗 see styles |
ishiitatsurou / ishitatsuro いしいたつろう |
(person) Ishii Tatsurou |
石井達矢 see styles |
ishiitatsuya / ishitatsuya いしいたつや |
(person) Ishii Tatsuya (1950.1.15-) |
石井郁子 see styles |
ishiiikuko / ishiikuko いしいいくこ |
(person) Ishii Ikuko (1940.10.10-) |
石井里弥 see styles |
ishiisatomi / ishisatomi いしいさとみ |
(person) Ishii Satomi (1984.7.4-) |
石井重行 see styles |
ishiishigeyuki / ishishigeyuki いしいしげゆき |
(person) Ishii Shigeyuki |
石井隆一 see styles |
ishiitakakazu / ishitakakazu いしいたかかず |
(person) Ishii Takakazu (1945.12.15-) |
石井露月 see styles |
ishiirogetsu / ishirogetsu いしいろげつ |
(person) Ishii Rogetsu |
石井鶴三 see styles |
ishiitsuruzou / ishitsuruzo いしいつるぞう |
(person) Ishii Tsuruzou |
石井麻理 see styles |
ishiimari / ishimari いしいまり |
(person) Ishii Mari (1962.10.29-) |
石井龍一 see styles |
ishiiryuuichi / ishiryuichi いしいりゅういち |
(person) Ishii Ryūichi |
石仁田山 see styles |
ishinitayama いしにたやま |
(personal name) Ishinitayama |
石仮戸沢 see styles |
ishigetosawa いしげとさわ |
(place-name) Ishigetosawa |
石休場町 see styles |
ishiyasumibamachi いしやすみばまち |
(place-name) Ishiyasumibamachi |
石侍露堂 see styles |
sejirodou / sejirodo せじろどう |
(person) Seji Rodou |
石保戸山 see styles |
ishihodoyama いしほどやま |
(personal name) Ishihodoyama |
石倉三郎 see styles |
ishikurasaburou / ishikurasaburo いしくらさぶろう |
(person) Ishikura Saburō (1946.12-) |
石倉俊治 see styles |
ishikurashunji いしくらしゅんじ |
(person) Ishikura Shunji (1932.2.20-) |
石倉洋子 see styles |
ishikurayouko / ishikurayoko いしくらようこ |
(person) Ishikura Yōko |
石元泰博 see styles |
ishimotoyasuhiro いしもとやすひろ |
(person) Ishimoto Yasuhiro (1921.6.14-) |
石光真清 see styles |
ishimitsumakiyo いしみつまきよ |
(person) Ishimitsu Makiyo |
石刀神社 see styles |
sekitoujinja / sekitojinja せきとうじんじゃ |
(place-name) Sekitou Shrine |
石切り場 see styles |
ishikiriba いしきりば |
quarry; stone pit |
石切神社 see styles |
ishikirijinja いしきりじんじゃ |
(place-name) Ishikiri Shrine |
石動南町 see styles |
isurugiminamimachi いするぎみなみまち |
(place-name) Isurugiminamimachi |
石動団地 see styles |
ishidoudanchi / ishidodanchi いしどうだんち |
(place-name) Ishidoudanchi |
石動神社 see styles |
isurugijinja いするぎじんじゃ |
(place-name) Isurugi Shrine |
石勝高原 see styles |
sekishoukougen / sekishokogen せきしょうこうげん |
(place-name) Sekishoukougen |
石北本線 see styles |
sekihokuhonsen せきほくほんせん |
(personal name) Sekihokuhonsen |
石北東線 see styles |
sekihokutousen / sekihokutosen せきほくとうせん |
(personal name) Sekihokutousen |
石北西線 see styles |
sekihokusaisen せきほくさいせん |
(personal name) Sekihokusaisen |
石南花沢 see styles |
shakunagezawa しゃくなげざわ |
(place-name) Shakunagezawa |
This page contains 100 results for "石" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.