There are 6505 total results for your 和 search. I have created 66 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...3031323334353637383940...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
和睦相處 和睦相处 see styles |
hé mù xiāng chǔ he2 mu4 xiang1 chu3 ho mu hsiang ch`u ho mu hsiang chu |
to live in harmony; to get along with each other |
和知川原 see styles |
wachigawara わちがわら |
(place-name) Wachigawara |
和知野川 see styles |
wachinogawa わちのがわ |
(personal name) Wachinogawa |
和胃力氣 和胃力气 see styles |
hé wèi lì qì he2 wei4 li4 qi4 ho wei li ch`i ho wei li chi |
to harmonize the stomach and rectify qi 氣|气[qi4] (Chinese medicine) |
和英辞典 see styles |
waeijiten / waejiten わえいじてん |
Japanese-English dictionary |
和英辞書 see styles |
waeijisho / waejisho わえいじしょ |
Japanese-English dictionary |
和菓子屋 see styles |
wagashiya わがしや |
Japanese-style confectionary store |
和菓子店 see styles |
wagashiten わがしてん |
(See 和菓子屋) Japanese-style confectionary store |
和藹可親 和蔼可亲 see styles |
hé ǎi kě qīn he2 ai3 ke3 qin1 ho ai k`o ch`in ho ai ko chin |
affable; genial |
和衣而卧 see styles |
hé yī ér wò he2 yi1 er2 wo4 ho i erh wo |
to lie down to sleep with one's clothes on |
和衣而臥 和衣而卧 see styles |
hé yī ér wò he2 yi1 er2 wo4 ho i erh wo |
to lie down to sleep with one's clothes on |
和衷協同 see styles |
wachuukyoudou / wachukyodo わちゅうきょうどう |
(noun/participle) (yoji) harmonious cooperation; close cooperation |
和製漢字 see styles |
waseikanji / wasekanji わせいかんじ |
(See 国字・3) kanji created in Japan (as opposed to China); Japanese-made kanji |
和製漢語 see styles |
waseikango / wasekango わせいかんご |
Japanese word constructed from Sino-Japanese elements; wasei kango |
和製英語 see styles |
waseieigo / waseego わせいえいご |
Japanese word constructed of elements from one or more English terms; pseudo-English word or phrase coined in Japan; wasei eigo |
和見谷川 see styles |
wamidanikawa わみだにかわ |
(place-name) Wamidanikawa |
和親条約 see styles |
washinjouyaku / washinjoyaku わしんじょうやく |
treaty of peace and amity; peace treaty |
和解離婚 see styles |
wakairikon わかいりこん |
divorce by settlement |
和訓辺川 see styles |
wakunbegawa わくんべがわ |
(personal name) Wakunbegawa |
和訓辺橋 see styles |
wakunbebashi わくんべばし |
(place-name) Wakunbebashi |
和記黃埔 和记黄埔 see styles |
hé jì huáng pǔ he2 ji4 huang2 pu3 ho chi huang p`u ho chi huang pu |
Hutchison Whampoa (former investment holding company based in Hong Kong, founded in 1863, defunct in 2015) |
和諍國師 和诤国师 see styles |
hé zhēng guó shī he2 zheng1 guo2 shi1 ho cheng kuo shih Wasō Kokushi |
National Preceptor of Doctrinal Harmonization |
和谷泰扶 see styles |
wataniyasuo わたにやすお |
(person) Watani Yasuo |
和賀井豊 see styles |
wakaiyutaka わかいゆたか |
(person) Wakai Yutaka |
和賀新橋 see styles |
wagashinbashi わがしんばし |
(place-name) Wagashinbashi |
和賀正樹 see styles |
wagamasaki わがまさき |
(person) Waga Masaki |
和賀江嶋 see styles |
wakaejima わかえじま |
(place-name) Wakaejima |
和賀神社 see styles |
wakajinja わかじんじゃ |
(place-name) Waka Shrine |
和辻哲郎 see styles |
watsujitetsurou / watsujitetsuro わつじてつろう |
(person) Watsuji Tetsurou |
和迩春日 see styles |
wanikasuga わにかすが |
(place-name) Wanikasuga |
和達清夫 和达清夫 see styles |
hé dá qīng fū he2 da2 qing1 fu1 ho ta ch`ing fu ho ta ching fu wadachikiyoo わだちきよお |
Wadati Kiyoō (1902-1995), pioneer Japanese seismologist (person) Wadachi Kiyoo (1902.9.8-1995.1.5) |
和邇春日 see styles |
wanikasuga わにかすが |
(place-name) Wanikasuga |
和野東側 see styles |
wanohigashigawa わのひがしがわ |
(place-name) Wanohigashigawa |
和野西側 see styles |
wanonishigawa わのにしがわ |
(place-name) Wanonishigawa |
和銅大橋 see styles |
wadouoohashi / wadooohashi わどうおおはし |
(place-name) Wadouoohashi |
和銅遺跡 see styles |
wadouiseki / wadoiseki わどういせき |
(place-name) Wadou Ruins |
和霊中町 see styles |
wareinakamachi / warenakamachi われいなかまち |
(place-name) Wareinakamachi |
和霊元町 see styles |
wareimotomachi / waremotomachi われいもとまち |
(place-name) Wareimotomachi |
和霊公園 see styles |
wareikouen / warekoen われいこうえん |
(place-name) Warei Park |
和霊東町 see styles |
wareihigashimachi / warehigashimachi われいひがしまち |
(place-name) Wareihigashimachi |
和霊神社 see styles |
wareijinja / warejinja われいじんじゃ |
(place-name) Warei Shrine |
和露辞典 see styles |
warojiten わろじてん |
Japanese-Russian dictionary |
和音天子 see styles |
hé yīn tiān zǐ he2 yin1 tian1 zi3 ho yin t`ien tzu ho yin tien tzu Waon tenshi |
Manojñasvara |
和須蜜多 和须蜜多 see styles |
hé xū mì duō he2 xu1 mi4 duo1 ho hsü mi to Washumitta |
Vasumitra |
和顏悅色 和颜悦色 see styles |
hé yán yuè sè he2 yan2 yue4 se4 ho yen yüeh se |
amiable manner; pleasant countenance |
和顔愛語 see styles |
waganaigo わがんあいご |
(expression) (yoji) with a gentle face and a nice word |
和食回帰 see styles |
washokukaiki わしょくかいき |
revival of Japanese food |
和食昭夫 see styles |
wajikiakio わじきあきお |
(person) Wajiki Akio |
和魂洋才 see styles |
wakonyousai / wakonyosai わこんようさい |
(yoji) Japanese spirit with Western learning |
和魂漢才 see styles |
wakonkansai わこんかんさい |
(yoji) the Japanese spirit imbued with Chinese learning |
ごま和え see styles |
gomaae / gomae ごまあえ |
(food term) dish dressed with sesame sauce |
一倉田和 see styles |
ichikuradawa いちくらだわ |
(place-name) Ichikuradawa |
一唱一和 see styles |
yī chàng yī hè yi1 chang4 yi1 he4 i ch`ang i ho i chang i ho |
to echo one another (idiom) |
一團和氣 一团和气 see styles |
yī tuán hé qì yi1 tuan2 he2 qi4 i t`uan ho ch`i i tuan ho chi |
(idiom) to keep on the right side of everyone (often at the expense of principle) |
一条和矢 see styles |
ichijoukazuya / ichijokazuya いちじょうかずや |
(person) Ichijō Kazuya (1966.4.11-) |
一條和生 see styles |
ichijoukazuo / ichijokazuo いちじょうかずお |
(person) Ichijō Kazuo |
一水和物 see styles |
issuiwabutsu いっすいわぶつ |
mono-hydrate |
一部緩和 see styles |
ichibukanwa いちぶかんわ |
(n,vs,adj-no) partial relaxation; partial easing |
七の和音 see styles |
shichinowaon しちのわおん |
(exp,n) {music} (See セブンス) seventh chord |
七尾和晃 see styles |
nanaokazuaki ななおかずあき |
(person) Nanao Kazuaki |
三上和良 see styles |
mikamikazuyoshi みかみかずよし |
(person) Mikami Kazuyoshi (1975.8.29-) |
三上大和 see styles |
mikamiyamato みかみやまと |
(person) Mikami Yamato |
三事和合 see styles |
sān shì hé hé san1 shi4 he2 he2 san shih ho ho sanji wagō |
confluence of three conditions |
三加和町 see styles |
mikawamachi みかわまち |
(place-name) Mikawamachi |
三和の里 see styles |
miwanosato みわのさと |
(place-name) Miwanosato |
三和上区 see styles |
miwakamiku みわかみく |
(place-name) Miwakamiku |
三和下区 see styles |
miwashimoku みわしもく |
(place-name) Miwashimoku |
三和中区 see styles |
miwanakaku みわなかく |
(place-name) Miwanakaku |
三和之郷 see styles |
miwanogou / miwanogo みわのごう |
(place-name) Miwanogou |
三和合義 三和合义 see styles |
sān hé hé yì san1 he2 he2 yi4 san ho ho i sanwa gōgi |
a sense of conjunction of the three |
三和団地 see styles |
miwadanchi みわだんち |
(place-name) Miwadanchi |
三和大橋 see styles |
miwaoohashi みわおおはし |
(place-name) Miwaoohashi |
三和琴平 see styles |
miwakotohira みわことひら |
(place-name) Miwakotohira |
三和銀行 see styles |
sanwaginkou / sanwaginko さんわぎんこう |
(company) Sanwa Bank, Limited; (c) Sanwa Bank, Limited |
三大和尚 see styles |
sān dà hé shàng san1 da4 he2 shang4 san ta ho shang san dai washō |
three great masters |
三好和義 see styles |
miyoshikazuyoshi みよしかずよし |
(person) Miyoshi Kazuyoshi (1958-) |
三宅範和 see styles |
miyakenorikazu みやけのりかず |
(person) Miyake Norikazu |
三帖和讃 see styles |
sanjouwasan / sanjowasan さんじょうわさん |
(personal name) Sanjōwasan |
三枝和子 see styles |
saegusakazuko さえぐさかずこ |
(person) Saegusa Kazuko |
三波豊和 see styles |
minamitoyokazu みなみとよかず |
(person) Minami Toyokazu (1955.8.10-) |
三浦友和 see styles |
miuratomokazu みうらともかず |
(person) Miura Tomokazu (1952.1-) |
三浦和人 see styles |
miurakazuto みうらかずと |
(person) Miura Kazuto (1958.6.10-) |
三浦和義 see styles |
miurakazuyoshi みうらかずよし |
(person) Miura Kazuyoshi (1947.7.27-) |
三瀬和朗 see styles |
misekazuo みせかずお |
(person) Mise Kazuo (1947.1-) |
三田和代 see styles |
mitakazuyo みたかずよ |
(person) Mita Kazuyo (1943.11.20-) |
三船和子 see styles |
mifunekazuko みふねかずこ |
(person) Mifune Kazuko (1947.9.1-) |
三路十和 see styles |
mirutowa みるとわ |
(female given name) Mirutowa |
三輪和雄 see styles |
miwakazuo みわかずお |
(person) Miwa Kazuo (1927.8.1-) |
三野重和 see styles |
minoshigekazu みのしげかず |
(person) Mino Shigekazu (1923.10-) |
上仁和寺 see styles |
kamininnaji かみにんなじ |
(place-name) Kamininnaji |
上和田町 see styles |
kamiwadamachi かみわだまち |
(place-name) Kamiwadamachi |
上和知川 see styles |
kamiwachigawa かみわちがわ |
(place-name) Kamiwachigawa |
上和訓辺 see styles |
kamiwakunbe かみわくんべ |
(place-name) Kamiwakunbe |
上園和明 see styles |
kamizonokazuaki かみぞのかずあき |
(person) Kamizono Kazuaki (1981.11.28-) |
上大久和 see styles |
kamiookuwa かみおおくわ |
(place-name) Kamiookuwa |
上大和田 see styles |
kamioowada かみおおわだ |
(place-name) Kamioowada |
上大田和 see styles |
kamioodawa かみおおだわ |
(place-name) Kamioodawa |
上宇和田 see styles |
kamiuwada かみうわだ |
(place-name) Kamiuwada |
上宇和駅 see styles |
kamiuwaeki かみうわえき |
(st) Kamiuwa Station |
上山和人 see styles |
kamiyamakazuto かみやまかずと |
(person) Kamiyama Kazuto |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "和" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.