There are 3321 total results for your 音 search. I have created 34 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<3031323334>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
岩井堂観音 see styles |
iwaidoukannon / iwaidokannon いわいどうかんのん |
(place-name) Iwaidoukannon |
岩屋観音窟 see styles |
iwayakannonkutsu いわやかんのんくつ |
(place-name) Iwayakannonkutsu |
川上音二郎 see styles |
kawakamiotojirou / kawakamiotojiro かわかみおとじろう |
(person) Kawakami Otojirō |
左下観音堂 see styles |
sakudarikannondou / sakudarikannondo さくだりかんのんどう |
(place-name) Sakudarikannondou |
巴音滿都呼 巴音满都呼 see styles |
bā yīn mǎn dū hū ba1 yin1 man3 du1 hu1 pa yin man tu hu |
Bayan Mandahu, village in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Inner Mongolia, noted for Cretaceous dinosaur fossils |
巴音郭楞州 see styles |
bā yīn guō léng zhōu ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 zhou1 pa yin kuo leng chou |
see 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1yin1guo1leng2 Meng3gu3 Zi4zhi4zhou1] |
常盤音戸町 see styles |
tokiwaontochou / tokiwaontocho ときわおんとちょう |
(place-name) Tokiwaontochō |
幌内初音町 see styles |
horonaihatsunechou / horonaihatsunecho ほろないはつねちょう |
(place-name) Horonaihatsunechō |
幌加音更川 see styles |
horokaotofukegawa ほろかおとふけがわ |
(personal name) Horokaotofukegawa |
弱音をはく see styles |
yowaneohaku よわねをはく |
(exp,v5k) to whine; to make complaints; to capitulate; to say die; to cry uncle |
弱音を吐く see styles |
yowaneohaku よわねをはく |
(exp,v5k) to whine; to make complaints; to capitulate; to say die; to cry uncle |
形態音韻論 see styles |
keitaioninron / ketaioninron けいたいおんいんろん |
{ling} morphophonology; morphophonemics; morphonology |
慈育観音堂 see styles |
jiikukannodo / jikukannodo じいくかんのど |
(place-name) Jiikukannodo |
救馬渓観音 see styles |
kusumadanikannon くすまだにかんのん |
(place-name) Kusumadanikannon |
文字摺観音 see styles |
mojizurikannon もじずりかんのん |
(place-name) Mojizurikannon |
新音無瀬橋 see styles |
shinotonasebashi しんおとなせばし |
(place-name) Shin'otonasebashi |
本音をいう see styles |
honneoiu ほんねをいう |
(exp,v5u) to speak one's mind; to be frank; to tell the truth; to be brutally honest |
本音を言う see styles |
honneoiu ほんねをいう |
(exp,v5u) to speak one's mind; to be frank; to tell the truth; to be brutally honest |
東京湾観音 see styles |
toukyouwankannon / tokyowankannon とうきょうわんかんのん |
(place-name) Tōkyōwankannon |
東通観音前 see styles |
higashidoorikannonmae ひがしどおりかんのんまえ |
(place-name) Higashidoorikannonmae |
松音知神社 see styles |
matsuneshirijinja まつねしりじんじゃ |
(place-name) Matsuneshiri Shrine |
武蔵野音大 see styles |
musashinoondai むさしのおんだい |
(place-name) Musashinoondai |
歯茎口蓋音 see styles |
shikeikougaion / shikekogaion しけいこうがいおん |
alveopalatal consonant |
母音三角形 see styles |
boinsankakkei; boinsankakukei / boinsankakke; boinsankakuke ぼいんさんかっけい; ぼいんさんかくけい |
vowel triangle |
水織音の里 see styles |
miorinenosato みおりねのさと |
(place-name) Miorinenosato |
浦田観音駅 see styles |
uratakannoneki うらたかんのんえき |
(st) Uratakannon Station |
瀧ノ観音寺 see styles |
takinokannonji たきのかんのんじ |
(place-name) Takinokannonji |
狗留孫観音 see styles |
kurusonkannon くるそんかんのん |
(place-name) Kurusonkannon |
独鈷抛観音 see styles |
tokonagekannon とこなげかんのん |
(place-name) Tokonagekannon |
甲斐庄楠音 see styles |
kainoshoutadaoto / kainoshotadaoto かいのしょうただおと |
(person) Kainoshou Tadaoto |
異口同音に see styles |
ikudouonni / ikudoonni いくどうおんに |
(adverb) in one voice |
百体観音堂 see styles |
hyakutaikannonzou / hyakutaikannonzo ひゃくたいかんのんぞう |
(place-name) Hyakutaikannonzou |
真聲最高音 真声最高音 see styles |
zhēn shēng zuì gāo yīn zhen1 sheng1 zui4 gao1 yin1 chen sheng tsui kao yin |
(music) the highest note one can sing in a natural (non-falsetto) voice |
福音伝道者 see styles |
fukuindendousha / fukuindendosha ふくいんでんどうしゃ |
evangelist; gospeler; gospeller |
穴観音古墳 see styles |
anakannonkofun あなかんのんこふん |
(place-name) Anakannon Tumulus |
竹居観音岬 see styles |
takeikannonmisaki / takekannonmisaki たけいかんのんみさき |
(place-name) Takeikannonmisaki |
自然短音階 see styles |
shizentanonkai しぜんたんおんかい |
{music} natural minor scale |
被葉衣觀音 被叶衣观音 see styles |
bèi shě yī guān yīn bei4 she3 yi1 guan1 yin1 pei she i kuan yin Bishōe Kannon |
Guanyin clad in leaves. |
西観音寺町 see styles |
nishikannonjichou / nishikannonjicho にしかんのんじちょう |
(place-name) Nishikannonjichō |
西観音町駅 see styles |
nishikannonmachieki にしかんのんまちえき |
(st) Nishikannonmachi Station |
西馬音内川 see styles |
nishimonaigawa にしもないがわ |
(place-name) Nishimonaigawa |
観世音菩薩 see styles |
kanzeonbosatsu かんぜおんぼさつ |
(See 観音) Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva); Avalokitesvara; Kannon; Kwannon; Guanyin; Buddhist deity of compassion |
観音堂石仏 see styles |
kannondouishibotoke / kannondoishibotoke かんのんどういしぼとけ |
(place-name) Kannondouishibotoke |
観音堂遺跡 see styles |
kannoudouiseki / kannodoiseki かんのうどういせき |
(place-name) Kannoudou Ruins |
観音塚古墳 see styles |
kannontsukakofun かんのんつかこふん |
(place-name) Kannontsuka Tumulus |
観音寺城跡 see styles |
kannonjijoushi / kannonjijoshi かんのんじじょうし |
(place-name) Kannonji Castle Ruins |
観音寺門前 see styles |
kannonjimonzen かんのんじもんぜん |
(place-name) Kannonjimonzen |
観音山古墳 see styles |
kannonyamakofun かんのんやまこふん |
(place-name) Kannonyama Tumulus |
観音峠隧道 see styles |
kannontougezuidou / kannontogezuido かんのんとうげずいどう |
(place-name) Kannontōgezuidō |
観音崎大橋 see styles |
kannonzakioohashi かんのんざきおおはし |
(place-name) Kannonzakioohashi |
観音林前田 see styles |
kannonbayashimaeda かんのんばやしまえだ |
(place-name) Kannonbayashimaeda |
観音院庭園 see styles |
kannoninteien / kannoninteen かんのんいんていえん |
(place-name) Kannon'inteien |
觀世音懺法 观世音忏法 see styles |
guān shì yīn chàn fǎ guan1 shi4 yin1 chan4 fa3 kuan shih yin ch`an fa kuan shih yin chan fa kanseon senbō |
Avalokitêśvara confessional |
觀世音菩薩 观世音菩萨 see styles |
guān shì yīn pú sà guan1 shi4 yin1 pu2 sa4 kuan shih yin p`u sa kuan shih yin pu sa Kanzeon Bosatsu |
Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara) Avalokitêśvara-bodhisattva |
觀音經玄義 观音经玄义 see styles |
guān yīn jīng xuán yì guan1 yin1 jing1 xuan2 yi4 kuan yin ching hsüan i Kan'nonkyō gengi |
Profound Meaning of [the] Avalokitêśvara [Chapter] |
言語音聲欲 言语音声欲 see styles |
yán yǔ yīn shēng yù yan2 yu3 yin1 sheng1 yu4 yen yü yin sheng yü gongo onshō yoku |
sexual attraction to voice |
語音失語症 语音失语症 see styles |
yǔ yīn shī yǔ zhèng yu3 yin1 shi1 yu3 zheng4 yü yin shih yü cheng |
phonetic aphasia |
請觀世音經 请观世音经 see styles |
qǐng guān shì yīn jīng qing3 guan1 shi4 yin1 jing1 ch`ing kuan shih yin ching ching kuan shih yin ching Shō kanzeion kyō |
Qing guanshiyin jing |
超低周波音 see styles |
chouteishuuhaon / choteshuhaon ちょうていしゅうはおん |
infra-sound; infrasound; low frequency sound |
超音波処理 see styles |
chouonpashori / choonpashori ちょうおんぱしょり |
ultrasonication; sonication; ultrasonic treatment |
超音波検査 see styles |
chouonpakensa / choonpakensa ちょうおんぱけんさ |
{med} ultrasound examination; ultrasound scan |
超音波洗浄 see styles |
chouonpasenjou / choonpasenjo ちょうおんぱせんじょう |
ultrasonic cleaning |
郵政式拼音 邮政式拼音 see styles |
yóu zhèng shì pīn yīn you2 zheng4 shi4 pin1 yin1 yu cheng shih p`in yin yu cheng shih pin yin |
Chinese postal romanization, developed in the early 1900s, used until the 1980s |
野外音楽堂 see styles |
yagaiongakudou / yagaiongakudo やがいおんがくどう |
outdoor concert hall; band shell; bandstand |
量子化雑音 see styles |
ryoushikazatsuon / ryoshikazatsuon りょうしかざつおん |
{comp} quantization noise |
釜石大観音 see styles |
kamaishidaikannon かまいしだいかんのん |
(place-name) Kamaishidaikannon |
鉢伏山観音 see styles |
hachibushiyamakannon はちぶしやまかんのん |
(place-name) Hachibushiyamakannon |
録音テープ see styles |
rokuonteepu ろくおんテープ |
audio tape; magnetic tape |
録音ヘッド see styles |
rokuonheddo ろくおんヘッド |
{engr} recording head |
閃光発音筒 see styles |
senkouhatsuontou / senkohatsuonto せんこうはつおんとう |
(See フラッシュバン) stun grenade; flashbang |
阿伏兎観音 see styles |
abutokannon あぶとかんのん |
(place-name) Abutokannon |
隻手の音声 see styles |
sekishunoonjou / sekishunoonjo せきしゅのおんじょう |
(exp,n) {Buddh} (See 公案) the sound of one hand clapping (a classic Zen koan) |
集音マイク see styles |
shuuonmaiku / shuonmaiku しゅうおんマイク |
highly directional microphone |
雪の観音郷 see styles |
yukinokannongou / yukinokannongo ゆきのかんのんごう |
(place-name) Yukinokannongou |
電気蓄音機 see styles |
denkichikuonki でんきちくおんき |
electric gramophone; record player |
電気音響学 see styles |
denkionkyougaku / denkionkyogaku でんきおんきょうがく |
electroacoustics |
馬頭観世音 see styles |
batoukanzeon / batokanzeon ばとうかんぜおん |
(place-name) Batoukanzeon |
騒音レベル see styles |
souonreberu / soonreberu そうおんレベル |
noise level |
騒音性難聴 see styles |
souonseinanchou / soonsenancho そうおんせいなんちょう |
{med} noise-induced hearing loss; NIHL |
騒音規制法 see styles |
souonkiseihou / soonkiseho そうおんきせいほう |
{law} Noise Regulation Act |
騒音防止法 see styles |
souonboushihou / soonboshiho そうおんぼうしほう |
Noise Abatement Act |
高寺観世音 see styles |
takaderakanzeon たかでらかんぜおん |
(place-name) Takaderakanzeon |
高王觀音經 see styles |
gāo wáng guān yīn jīng gao1 wang2 guan1 yin1 jing1 kao wang kuan yin ching |
The Avalokitêśvara Sūtra of King Gao |
高音部記号 see styles |
kouonbukigou / koonbukigo こうおんぶきごう |
treble clef |
鳥羽美音子 see styles |
tobamineko とばみねこ |
(person) Toba Mineko |
鳴滝音戸山 see styles |
narutakiondoyama なるたきおんどやま |
(place-name) Narutakiondoyama |
鼓音聲王經 see styles |
gǔ yīn shēng wáng jīng gu3 yin1 sheng1 wang2 jing1 ku yin sheng wang ching |
Dhāraṇī Sūtra the King of Sound of the Drum |
Variations: |
otodori おとどり |
(noun/participle) audio recording; sound recording |
Variations: |
nejime ねじめ |
tune |
音圧レベル計 see styles |
onatsureberukei / onatsureberuke おんあつレベルけい |
sound-level meter; sound pressure meter |
音声チャネル see styles |
onseichaneru / onsechaneru おんせいチャネル |
{comp} voice channel |
音声トラック see styles |
onjoutorakku / onjotorakku おんじょうトラック |
{comp} soundtrack |
音声ファイル see styles |
onseifairu / onsefairu おんせいファイル |
{comp} sound file |
音声入力装置 see styles |
onseinyuuryokusouchi / onsenyuryokusochi おんせいにゅうりょくそうち |
voice input unit |
音声処理技術 see styles |
onseishorigijutsu / onseshorigijutsu おんせいしょりぎじゅつ |
{comp} voice processing technology |
音声合成装置 see styles |
onseigouseisouchi / onsegosesochi おんせいごうせいそうち |
{comp} speech synthesizer |
音声多重放送 see styles |
onseitajuuhousou / onsetajuhoso おんせいたじゅうほうそう |
multiplex broadcast or transmission |
音声応答装置 see styles |
onseioutousouchi / onseotosochi おんせいおうとうそうち |
{comp} audio response unit; voice response unit |
音声認識技術 see styles |
onseininshikigijutsu / onseninshikigijutsu おんせいにんしきぎじゅつ |
{comp} voice recognition technology |
音威子府大橋 see styles |
otoineppuoohashi おといねっぷおおはし |
(place-name) Otoineppuoohashi |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "音" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.