There are 881 total results for your 首 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
螭首 see styles |
chī shǒu chi1 shou3 ch`ih shou chih shou |
hornless dragon head (used as ornamentation, esp. gargoyles) |
襟首 see styles |
erikubi えりくび |
nape of the neck |
西首 see styles |
nishikubi にしくび |
(surname) Nishikubi |
討首 see styles |
uchikubi うちくび |
decapitation; beheading |
貫首 贯首 see styles |
guàn shǒu guan4 shou3 kuan shou kansu かんじゅ |
chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple) 貫頂 A superintendent, head. |
賢首 贤首 see styles |
xián shǒu xian2 shou3 hsien shou genju げんじゅ |
(personal name) Genju Sage head or loader, a term of address to a monk. A bodhisattva in the Huayan sūtra. A queen mentioned in the same sūtra, and in the 賢首經. The third patriarch 法藏Fazang, of the Huayan sect, which is also known by his title 賢首宗 Xianshou-zong. |
贋首 see styles |
nisekubi にせくび |
falsified severed head |
赤首 see styles |
akakubi あかくび |
(place-name) Akakubi |
起首 see styles |
kishu きしゅ |
start; beginning; origin |
越首 see styles |
koshikubi こしくび |
(surname) Koshikubi |
足首 see styles |
ashikubi あしくび |
ankle |
達首 达首 see styles |
dá shǒu da2 shou3 ta shou dasshu |
(Skt. dasyu) |
部首 see styles |
bù shǒu bu4 shou3 pu shou bushu ぶしゅ |
radical of a Chinese character radical (of a kanji character) |
野首 see styles |
nokubi のくび |
(place-name, surname) Nokubi |
鋪首 铺首 see styles |
pū shǒu pu1 shou3 p`u shou pu shou |
holder for door knocker |
鎌首 see styles |
kamakubi かまくび |
sickle-shaped neck (e.g. snake, praying mantis); crooked neck; gooseneck |
門首 门首 see styles |
mén shǒu men2 shou3 men shou monshu |
doorway; gate; entrance 門主 The controller of a gate, or sect. |
開首 开首 see styles |
kāi shǒu kai1 shou3 k`ai shou kai shou |
beginning; start; opening; in the beginning; to start; to open |
隕首 陨首 see styles |
yǔn shǒu yun3 shou3 yün shou |
to offer one's life in sacrifice |
雁首 see styles |
gankubi がんくび karikubi かりくび |
(1) head of a pipe, incl. the bowl and stem attachment; (2) (colloquialism) neck; head; (1) (something resembling a) goose's neck; (2) glans; head of a penis |
面首 see styles |
miàn shǒu mian4 shou3 mien shou |
handsome male companion; gigolo |
頁首 页首 see styles |
yè shǒu ye4 shou3 yeh shou |
the top of the page; (word processing) page header |
頓首 顿首 see styles |
dùn shǒu dun4 shou3 tun shou tonshu; tonju とんしゅ; とんじゅ |
kowtow (1) (honorific or respectful language) (formula at the end of a letter) respectfully yours; (noun/participle) (2) (orig. meaning) kowtowing; kowtow prostrating by touching one's head to the ground |
頭首 头首 see styles |
tóu shǒu tou2 shou3 t`ou shou tou shou toushu / toshu とうしゅ |
boss; chief; manager The chief monks in a monastery, known as the western band, in contrast with the eastern band of subordinates. |
頷首 颔首 see styles |
hàn shǒu han4 shou3 han shou |
to nod one's head |
馘首 see styles |
guó shǒu guo2 shou3 kuo shou kakushu かくしゅ |
(of a headhunter) to sever a head (noun, transitive verb) (1) dismissal; discharge; (2) (archaism) (orig. meaning) beheading; decapitation |
馬首 see styles |
umakubi うまくび |
neck of a horse; (place-name) Umakubi |
鬼首 see styles |
onikoube / onikobe おにこうべ |
(place-name) Onikoube |
魁首 see styles |
kuí shǒu kui2 shou3 k`uei shou kuei shou |
chief; first; brightest and best |
鳥首 see styles |
torikubi とりくび |
(place-name) Torikubi |
鳩首 see styles |
kyuushu / kyushu きゅうしゅ |
(noun/participle) going into a huddle |
鶴首 see styles |
kakushu かくしゅ |
(n,vs,vi) looking forward to |
黔首 see styles |
kenshu けんしゅ |
the people; the masses; the public; the great unwashed |
黥首 see styles |
geishu / geshu げいしゅ |
(hist) tattooing the forehead of a criminal (Edo-period punishment) |
龍首 龙首 see styles |
lóng shǒu long2 shou3 lung shou tatsugashira たつがしら |
(surname) Tatsugashira dragon head |
首すじ see styles |
kubisuji くびすじ |
nape of the neck; back of the neck; scruff of the neck |
首っ丈 see styles |
kubittake くびったけ |
More info & calligraphy: Crazy Love |
首っ玉 see styles |
kubittama くびったま |
the neck |
首つり see styles |
kubitsuri くびつり |
(noun/participle) hanging (by the neck) |
首なし see styles |
kubinashi くびなし |
(n,adj-pn) headless |
首まき see styles |
kubimaki くびまき |
comforter; muffler; neckerchief; scarf; neckwear |
首付き see styles |
kubitsuki くびつき |
(archaism) appearance of one's neck |
首付根 see styles |
kubitsukene くびつけね |
(personal name) Kubitsukene |
首付款 see styles |
shǒu fù kuǎn shou3 fu4 kuan3 shou fu k`uan shou fu kuan |
down payment |
首切り see styles |
kubikiri くびきり |
(1) (sensitive word) decapitation; beheading; (2) firings; dismissals; layoffs; downsizing; (3) small samurai sword used for decapitation |
首切る see styles |
kubikiru くびきる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) (1) to behead; to decapitate; (2) to fire; to dismiss |
首切峠 see styles |
kubikiritouge / kubikiritoge くびきりとうげ |
(place-name) Kubikiritōge |
首切川 see styles |
kubikirigawa くびきりがわ |
(place-name) Kubikirigawa |
首創者 首创者 see styles |
shǒu chuàng zhě shou3 chuang4 zhe3 shou ch`uang che shou chuang che |
pioneer; trailblazer |
首吊り see styles |
kubitsuri くびつり |
(noun/participle) hanging (by the neck) |
首唱者 see styles |
shushousha / shushosha しゅしょうしゃ |
first proponent; initiator and advocate (e.g. of a theory) |
首回り see styles |
kubimawari くびまわり |
around the neck; neck size (measurement) |
首字母 see styles |
shǒu zì mǔ shou3 zi4 mu3 shou tzu mu |
initial letters |
首実検 see styles |
kubijikken くびじっけん |
(noun/participle) (1) identifying a severed head; (2) checking a person's identity |
首実験 see styles |
kubijikken くびじっけん |
(irregular kanji usage) (noun/participle) (1) identifying a severed head; (2) checking a person's identity |
首尾川 see styles |
shubigawa しゅびがわ |
(place-name) Shubigawa |
首尾木 see styles |
shiyubiki しゆびき |
(surname) Shiyubiki |
首尾音 see styles |
shǒu wěi yīn shou3 wei3 yin1 shou wei yin |
onset and rime |
首巻き see styles |
kubimaki くびまき |
comforter; muffler; neckerchief; scarf; neckwear |
首座板 see styles |
shǒu zuò bǎn shou3 zuo4 ban3 shou tso pan |
seat of the abbot, or head monk, in the monk's hall |
首投げ see styles |
kubinage くびなげ |
{sumo} kubinage; neck throw; head throw |
首振り see styles |
kubifuri くびふり |
oscillating (e.g. fan, engine); nodding (e.g. doll) |
首捻り see styles |
kubihineri くびひねり |
{sumo} head-twisting throw |
首文山 see styles |
kubibunyama くびぶんやま |
(place-name) Kubibunyama |
首斬り see styles |
kubikiri くびきり |
(1) (sensitive word) decapitation; beheading; (2) firings; dismissals; layoffs; downsizing; (3) small samurai sword used for decapitation |
首斬る see styles |
kubikiru くびきる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) (1) to behead; to decapitate; (2) to fire; to dismiss |
首日封 see styles |
shǒu rì fēng shou3 ri4 feng1 shou jih feng |
first day cover (philately) |
首映式 see styles |
shǒu yìng shì shou3 ying4 shi4 shou ying shih |
premiere of a movie |
首楞嚴 首楞严 see styles |
shǒu lèng yán shou3 leng4 yan2 shou leng yen |
首楞伽摩 śūraṃgama, intp. 健相 heroic, resolute; the virtue or power which enables a buddha to overcome every obstacle, obtained in the 首楞嚴定 or 三昧 śūraṃgamadhyāna or samādhi; 首楞嚴經 is the sutra on the subject, whose full title commences 大佛頂, etc. |
首洗池 see styles |
kubiaraiike / kubiaraike くびあらいいけ |
(place-name) Kubiaraiike |
首無し see styles |
kubinashi くびなし |
(n,adj-pn) headless |
首爾市 see styles |
shǒu ěr shì shou3 er3 shi4 shou erh shih |
Seoul Metropolitan City, capital of South Korea (Chinese spelling adopted in 2005) |
首狩り see styles |
kubikari; kubigari くびかり; くびがり |
headhunting; collecting the heads of dead enemies as trophies |
首田尾 see styles |
shutao しゅたお |
(surname) Shutao |
首盧柯 see styles |
shǒu lú kē shou3 lu2 ke1 shou lu k`o shou lu ko |
śloka |
首盧迦 首卢迦 see styles |
shǒu lú jiā shou3 lu2 jia1 shou lu chia |
(首盧 or首盧柯); 輸盧迦 (or 室盧迦 or輸盧迦波 or室盧迦波); 室路迦 śloka, a stanza of thirty-two syllables, either in four lines of eight each, or two of sixteen. |
首石岩 see styles |
kubiishigan / kubishigan くびいしがん |
(place-name) Kubiishigan |
首石峠 see styles |
kubiishitouge / kubishitoge くびいしとうげ |
(place-name) Kubiishitōge |
首縊り see styles |
kubikukuri くびくくり |
hanging oneself |
首肯く see styles |
unazuku うなづく |
(v5k,vi) to nod; to bow one's head in assent; to agree |
首脳者 see styles |
shunousha / shunosha しゅのうしゃ |
head; leading spirit |
首脳部 see styles |
shunoubu / shunobu しゅのうぶ |
executives; top management; governing body |
首脳陣 see styles |
shunoujin / shunojin しゅのうじん |
leaders; (the) leadership |
首謀者 see styles |
shubousha / shubosha しゅぼうしゃ |
ringleader; mastermind; leader (of a plot) |
首越峠 see styles |
kubigoetouge / kubigoetoge くびごえとうげ |
(place-name) Kubigoetōge |
首部沢 see styles |
koubuzawa / kobuzawa こうぶざわ |
(place-name) Kōbuzawa |
首都圏 see styles |
shutoken しゅとけん |
(1) Greater Tokyo Metropolitan area; (2) metropolitan area (of a capital) |
首都高 see styles |
shutokou / shutoko しゅとこう |
(abbreviation) (abbr. of 首都高速道路) Shuto Expressway (network of toll expressways in the Kanto region); (place-name) Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway (abbreviation); Shuto Expressway |
首里原 see styles |
shuribaru しゅりばる |
(place-name) Shuribaru |
首里城 see styles |
shurijou / shurijo しゅりじょう |
(place-name) Shuri Castle |
首里駅 see styles |
shurieki しゅりえき |
(st) Shuri Station |
首野尾 see styles |
shunoo しゅのお |
(surname) Shunoo |
首長国 see styles |
shuchoukoku / shuchokoku しゅちょうこく |
emirate; sheikdom |
首長族 see styles |
kubinagazoku くびながぞく |
Kayan people |
首長竜 see styles |
kubinagaryuu / kubinagaryu くびながりゅう |
plesiosaur |
首陀婆 see styles |
shǒu tuó pó shou3 tuo2 po2 shou t`o p`o shou to po |
(or 私陀婆 or首陀娑婆 or 私陀娑婆) Śuddhāvāsa, the five pure abodes, or heavens. |
首陀羅 首陀罗 see styles |
shǒu tuó luó shou3 tuo2 luo2 shou t`o lo shou to lo shuudora; shudara; sudara; suudora / shudora; shudara; sudara; sudora シュードラ; シュダラ; スダラ; スードラ |
(kana only) Shudra; Sudra (member of India's worker caste) śūdra |
首頭島 see styles |
kubitoujima / kubitojima くびとうじま |
(personal name) Kubitoujima |
首飾り see styles |
kubikazari くびかざり |
necklace; choker |
Variations: |
koube / kobe こうべ |
(kana only) head |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "首" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.