There are 486 total results for your 限 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
制限戦争 see styles |
seigensensou / segensenso せいげんせんそう |
(See 限定戦争) limited war |
制限時間 see styles |
seigenjikan / segenjikan せいげんじかん |
time limit |
制限漢字 see styles |
seigenkanji / segenkanji せいげんかんじ |
(See 常用漢字・じょうようかんじ,人名用漢字・じんめいようかんじ) restricted kanji; limited number of kanji designated for daily use |
制限用法 see styles |
seigenyouhou / segenyoho せいげんようほう |
{ling} (See 非制限用法) restrictive (of relative pronoun use) |
制限速度 see styles |
seigensokudo / segensokudo せいげんそくど |
speed limit |
制限配信 see styles |
seigenhaishin / segenhaishin せいげんはいしん |
{comp} restricted delivery |
制限酵素 see styles |
seigenkouso / segenkoso せいげんこうそ |
restriction enzyme; restriction endonuclease |
勤務年限 see styles |
kinmunengen きんむねんげん |
term of service |
取引制限 see styles |
torihikiseigen / torihikisegen とりひきせいげん |
{law} restraint of trade; trade restriction |
受忍限度 see styles |
juningendo じゅにんげんど |
tolerable limit; human limits; maximum permissible limit |
回折限界 see styles |
kaisetsugenkai かいせつげんかい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) diffraction limit |
塑性限界 see styles |
soseigenkai / sosegenkai そせいげんかい |
plastic limit |
大限到來 大限到来 see styles |
dà xiàn dào lái da4 xian4 dao4 lai2 ta hsien tao lai |
to die; one's allocated lifespan is accomplished |
大限臨頭 大限临头 see styles |
dà xiàn lín tóu da4 xian4 lin2 tou2 ta hsien lin t`ou ta hsien lin tou |
facing the end (idiom); at the end of one's life; with one foot in the grave |
帯域制限 see styles |
taiikiseigen / taikisegen たいいきせいげん |
{comp} bandlimited |
年齢制限 see styles |
nenreiseigen / nenresegen ねんれいせいげん |
age limit; age limits |
截止期限 see styles |
jié zhǐ qī xiàn jie2 zhi3 qi1 xian4 chieh chih ch`i hsien chieh chih chi hsien |
deadline |
戶限為穿 户限为穿 see styles |
hù xiàn wéi chuān hu4 xian4 wei2 chuan1 hu hsien wei ch`uan hu hsien wei chuan |
to have an endless stream of visitors (idiom) |
技術所限 技术所限 see styles |
jì shù suǒ xiàn ji4 shu4 suo3 xian4 chi shu so hsien |
technical limitations |
提出期限 see styles |
teishutsukigen / teshutsukigen ていしゅつきげん |
(submission) deadline |
数量限定 see styles |
suuryougentei / suryogente すうりょうげんてい |
limited quantity |
日を限る see styles |
hiokagiru ひをかぎる |
(exp,v5r) to put a time-limit on |
日原無限 see styles |
hinoharamugen ひのはらむげん |
(personal name) Hinoharamugen |
日限地蔵 see styles |
higirijizou / higirijizo ひぎりじぞう |
(place-name) Higirijizou |
時間制限 see styles |
jikanseigen / jikansegen じかんせいげん |
time limit; time restriction |
時限スト see styles |
jigensuto じげんスト |
(abbreviation) (See 時限ストライキ) time-limited strike |
時限措置 see styles |
jigensochi じげんそち |
time-limited measure |
時限爆弾 see styles |
jigenbakudan じげんばくだん |
time bomb |
時限立法 see styles |
jigenrippou / jigenrippo じげんりっぽう |
temporary legislation; legislation with a specified duration; act valid for a limited time |
時限装置 see styles |
jigensouchi / jigensochi じげんそうち |
timing device |
最低限度 see styles |
zuì dī xiàn dù zui4 di1 xian4 du4 tsui ti hsien tu saiteigendo / saitegendo さいていげんど |
minimum minimum limit; the lowest degree (possible, allowable, etc.) |
最大限度 see styles |
saidaigendo さいだいげんど |
maximum |
最小限度 see styles |
saishougendo / saishogendo さいしょうげんど |
minimum |
最後期限 最后期限 see styles |
zuì hòu qī xiàn zui4 hou4 qi1 xian4 tsui hou ch`i hsien tsui hou chi hsien |
deadline; final time limit (for project) |
最終権限 see styles |
saishuukengen / saishukengen さいしゅうけんげん |
final authority |
最高限度 see styles |
saikougendo / saikogendo さいこうげんど |
upper limit; ceiling |
最高限額 最高限额 see styles |
zuì gāo xiàn é zui4 gao1 xian4 e2 tsui kao hsien o |
maximum amount; ceiling; upper limit; quota |
有る限り see styles |
arukagiri あるかぎり |
(1) all (there is); (exp,n-adv) (2) as long as there is |
有効期限 see styles |
yuukoukigen / yukokigen ゆうこうきげん |
term of validity; expiration date (of medicine, credit card, etc.) |
有能限量 see styles |
yǒu néng xiàn liáng you3 neng2 xian4 liang2 yu neng hsien liang unō genryō |
finished |
有限会社 see styles |
yuugengaisha / yugengaisha ゆうげんがいしゃ |
(See 合同会社) limited company (company structure for small businesses; abolished in 2006); YK |
有限元法 see styles |
yǒu xiàn yuán fǎ you3 xian4 yuan2 fa3 yu hsien yüan fa |
finite element method |
有限公司 see styles |
yǒu xiàn gōng sī you3 xian4 gong1 si1 yu hsien kung ssu |
limited company; corporation |
有限單元 有限单元 see styles |
yǒu xiàn dān yuán you3 xian4 dan1 yuan2 yu hsien tan yüan |
finite element (method) |
有限小数 see styles |
yuugenshousuu / yugenshosu ゆうげんしょうすう |
{math} (See 無限小数) finite decimal; terminating decimal |
有限生成 see styles |
yuugenseisei / yugensese ゆうげんせいせい |
(can act as adjective) {math} finitely generated; of finite type |
有限級数 see styles |
yuugenkyuusuu / yugenkyusu ゆうげんきゅうすう |
{math} finite series |
有限花序 see styles |
yuugenkajo / yugenkajo ゆうげんかじょ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) definite inflorescence |
有限責任 see styles |
yuugensekinin / yugensekinin ゆうげんせきにん |
{bus;law} limited liability |
有限集合 see styles |
yuugenshuugou / yugenshugo ゆうげんしゅうごう |
{math} finite set |
期間限定 see styles |
kikangentei / kikangente きかんげんてい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) limited time; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) limited-time offer |
期限付き see styles |
kigentsuki きげんつき |
(can be adjective with の) with a fixed time; with a deadline |
期限切れ see styles |
kigengire きげんぎれ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) expiration of a term; becoming overdue |
森林限界 see styles |
shinringenkai しんりんげんかい |
tree line; forest line; timberline |
極限状態 see styles |
kyokugenjoutai / kyokugenjotai きょくげんじょうたい |
extreme situation |
極限環境 see styles |
kyokugenkankyou / kyokugenkankyo きょくげんかんきょう |
extreme environment |
極限運動 极限运动 see styles |
jí xiàn yùn dòng ji2 xian4 yun4 dong4 chi hsien yün tung |
extreme sport |
権限内に see styles |
kengennaini けんげんないに |
(adverb) within the scope of authority |
権限委譲 see styles |
kengenijou / kengenijo けんげんいじょう |
(n,vs,vi) devolution; delegation of authority; transfer of power |
每日限價 每日限价 see styles |
měi rì xiàn jià mei3 ri4 xian4 jia4 mei jih hsien chia |
(finance) daily trading limit, the maximum allowed price fluctuation of a stock or security in a trading day |
消費期限 see styles |
shouhikigen / shohikigen しょうひきげん |
expiry date (esp. on food); expiration date; use-by date |
液性限界 see styles |
ekiseigenkai / ekisegenkai えきせいげんかい |
liquid limit |
渡航制限 see styles |
tokouseigen / tokosegen とこうせいげん |
travel restrictions |
測定限界 see styles |
sokuteigenkai / sokutegenkai そくていげんかい |
(See 検知閾値) measurement limit; measurement limitation; measuring limit |
漢字制限 see styles |
kanjiseigen / kanjisegen かんじせいげん |
restrictions on the number of kanji recognized for usage (recognised) |
無限小数 see styles |
mugenshousuu / mugenshosu むげんしょうすう |
{math} (See 有限小数) infinite decimal; nonterminating decimal |
無限小數 无限小数 see styles |
wú xiàn xiǎo shù wu2 xian4 xiao3 shu4 wu hsien hsiao shu |
infinitesimal; infinite decimal expansion |
無限後退 see styles |
mugenkoutai / mugenkotai むげんこうたい |
infinite regress |
無限数列 see styles |
mugensuuretsu / mugensuretsu むげんすうれつ |
infinite sequence |
無限次元 see styles |
mugenjigen むげんじげん |
(can be adjective with の) {math} infinite-dimensional |
無限級数 see styles |
mugenkyuusuu / mugenkyusu むげんきゅうすう |
{math} infinite series |
無限責任 see styles |
mugensekinin むげんせきにん |
unlimited liability |
無限軌道 see styles |
mugenkidou / mugenkido むげんきどう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) continuous track; caterpillar track |
無限遠点 see styles |
mugenenten むげんえんてん |
{math} point at infinity |
無限集合 see styles |
mugenshuugou / mugenshugo むげんしゅうごう |
infinite set |
産児制限 see styles |
sanjiseigen / sanjisegen さんじせいげん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) birth control |
畫地自限 画地自限 see styles |
huà dì zì xiàn hua4 di4 zi4 xian4 hua ti tzu hsien |
lit. to draw a line on the ground to keep within (idiom); fig. to impose restrictions on oneself |
知る限り see styles |
shirukagiri しるかぎり |
(expression) as far as I know |
第一象限 see styles |
dì yī xiàng xiàn di4 yi1 xiang4 xian4 ti i hsiang hsien |
first quadrant (of the coordinate plane, where both x and y are positive) |
納付期限 see styles |
noufukigen / nofukigen のうふきげん |
deadline for payment |
給水制限 see styles |
kyuusuiseigen / kyusuisegen きゅうすいせいげん |
water supply restrictions |
線量限度 see styles |
senryougendo / senryogendo せんりょうげんど |
dose limit |
能う限り see styles |
ataukagiri あたうかぎり |
(exp,adj-no) as much as possible; as far as possible; to the best of one's abilities |
行動制限 see styles |
koudouseigen / kodosegen こうどうせいげん |
movement restrictions; behavior restrictions |
見聞有限 见闻有限 see styles |
jiàn wén yǒu xiàn jian4 wen2 you3 xian4 chien wen yu hsien |
to possess limited experience and knowledge (idiom) |
賞味期限 see styles |
shoumikigen / shomikigen しょうみきげん |
best-before date (on food); use-by date; expiry date; expiration date |
超過限度 超过限度 see styles |
chāo guò xiàn dù chao1 guo4 xian4 du4 ch`ao kuo hsien tu chao kuo hsien tu |
to exceed; to go beyond; to overstep the limit |
身代限り see styles |
shindaikagiri しんだいかぎり |
going bankrupt |
軍備制限 see styles |
gunbiseigen / gunbisegen ぐんびせいげん |
limitation of armaments |
輸入制限 see styles |
yunyuuseigen / yunyusegen ゆにゅうせいげん |
import restrictions |
輸出制限 see styles |
yushutsuseigen / yushutsusegen ゆしゅつせいげん |
export restrictions |
速度制限 see styles |
sokudoseigen / sokudosegen そくどせいげん |
(set) a speed limit |
重量制限 see styles |
juuryouseigen / juryosegen じゅうりょうせいげん |
weight restriction; weight limit |
際限なく see styles |
saigennaku さいげんなく |
(adverb) ad infinitum; endlessly |
電力制限 see styles |
denryokuseigen / denryokusegen でんりょくせいげん |
{comp} power limitation; power restriction |
食事制限 see styles |
shokujiseigen / shokujisegen しょくじせいげん |
dietary restriction |
食餌制限 see styles |
shokujiseigen / shokujisegen しょくじせいげん |
dietary restriction |
高さ制限 see styles |
takasaseigen / takasasegen たかさせいげん |
(on signage, etc.) limited headroom; max height |
限制酶圖譜 限制酶图谱 see styles |
xiàn zhì méi tú pǔ xian4 zhi4 mei2 tu2 pu3 hsien chih mei t`u p`u hsien chih mei tu pu |
restriction mapping (in genomics); restriction pattern |
限外ろ過膜 see styles |
gengairokamaku げんがいろかまく |
ultrafiltration membrane |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "限" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.