There are 2983 total results for your 那 search. I have created 30 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...2021222324252627282930>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
鶴勒那夜奢 鹤勒那夜奢 see styles |
hè len à yè shē he4 len4 a4 ye4 she1 ho len a yeh she |
Haklenayaśas, or Padmaratna, the twenty-third patriarch, born in the palace of the king of Tokhara. |
黑塞哥維那 黑塞哥维那 see styles |
hēi sài gē wéi nà hei1 sai4 ge1 wei2 na4 hei sai ko wei na |
Herzegovina |
那不勒斯王國 那不勒斯王国 see styles |
nà bù lè sī wáng guó na4 bu4 le4 si1 wang2 guo2 na pu le ssu wang kuo |
Kingdom of Naples (1282-1860) |
那伽閼剌樹那 那伽阏剌树那 see styles |
nà qié è là shùn à na4 qie2 e4 la4 shun4 a4 na ch`ieh o la shun a na chieh o la shun a Nakaarajuna |
(or 那伽閼曷樹那) Nāgārjuna, 龍樹 the dragon-arjuna tree, or nāgakrośana, intp. probably wrongly as 龍猛 dragon-fierce. One of the 'four suns' and reputed founder of Mahāyāna (but see 阿 for Aśvaghoṣa), native of South India, the fourteenth patriarch; he is said to have cut off his head as an offering. 'He probably flourished in the latter half of the second century A. D.' Eliot, v. 龍樹. He founded the Mādhyamika or 中 School, generally considered as advocating doctrines of negation or nihilism, but his aim seems to have been a reality beyond the limitations of positive and negative, the identification of contraries in a higher synthesis, e. g. birth and death, existence and non-existence, eternal and non-eternal; v. 中論. |
那加五反田町 see styles |
nakagotandachou / nakagotandacho なかごたんだちょう |
(place-name) Nakagotandachō |
那加前洞新町 see styles |
nakamaeborashinmachi なかまえぼらしんまち |
(place-name) Nakamaeborashinmachi |
那加御屋敷町 see styles |
nakaoyashikichou / nakaoyashikicho なかおやしきちょう |
(place-name) Nakaoyashikichō |
那加新加納町 see styles |
nakashinkanouchou / nakashinkanocho なかしんかのうちょう |
(place-name) Nakashinkanouchō |
那加新那加町 see styles |
nakashinnakachou / nakashinnakacho なかしんなかちょう |
(place-name) Nakashinnakachō |
那加日之出町 see styles |
nakahinodechou / nakahinodecho なかひのでちょう |
(place-name) Nakahinodechō |
那加東那加町 see styles |
nakahigashinakachou / nakahigashinakacho なかひがしなかちょう |
(place-name) Nakahigashinakachō |
那加楽天地町 see styles |
nakarakutenchichou / nakarakutenchicho なからくてんちちょう |
(place-name) Nakarakutenchichō |
那加琴が丘町 see styles |
nakakotogaokachou / nakakotogaokacho なかことがおかちょう |
(place-name) Nakakotogaokachō |
那加西市場町 see styles |
nakanishiichibachou / nakanishichibacho なかにしいちばちょう |
(place-name) Nakanishiichibachō |
那加西那加町 see styles |
nakanishinakachou / nakanishinakacho なかにしなかちょう |
(place-name) Nakanishinakachō |
那加雄飛ケ丘 see styles |
nakayuuhigaoka / nakayuhigaoka なかゆうひがおか |
(place-name) Nakayūhigaoka |
那波多目功一 see styles |
nabatamekouichi / nabatamekoichi なばためこういち |
(person) Nabatame Kōichi (1933.11-) |
那珂郡大宮町 see styles |
nakagunoomiyamachi なかぐんおおみやまち |
(place-name) Nakagun'oomiyamachi |
那珂郡山方町 see styles |
nakagunyamagatamachi なかぐんやまがたまち |
(place-name) Nakagun'yamagatamachi |
那珂郡東海村 see styles |
nakaguntoukaimura / nakaguntokaimura なかぐんとうかいむら |
(place-name) Nakaguntoukaimura |
那珂郡瓜連町 see styles |
nakagunurizuramachi なかぐんうりづらまち |
(place-name) Nakagun'urizuramachi |
那珂郡緒川村 see styles |
nakagunogawamura なかぐんおがわむら |
(place-name) Nakagun'ogawamura |
那珂郡美和村 see styles |
nakagunmiwamura なかぐんみわむら |
(place-name) Nakagunmiwamura |
那珂郡那珂町 see styles |
nakagunnakamachi なかぐんなかまち |
(place-name) Nakagunnakamachi |
那覇ゴルフ場 see styles |
nahagorufujou / nahagorufujo なはゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Naha golf links |
那覇港湾施設 see styles |
nahakouwanshisetsu / nahakowanshisetsu なはこうわんしせつ |
(place-name) Nahakouwanshisetsu |
那賀郡三隅町 see styles |
nakagunmisumichou / nakagunmisumicho なかぐんみすみちょう |
(place-name) Nakagunmisumichō |
那賀郡岩出町 see styles |
nagaguniwadechou / nagaguniwadecho ながぐんいわでちょう |
(place-name) Nagagun'iwadechō |
那賀郡弥栄村 see styles |
nakagunyasakamura なかぐんやさかむら |
(place-name) Nakagun'yasakamura |
那賀郡打田町 see styles |
nagagunuchitachou / nagagunuchitacho ながぐんうちたちょう |
(place-name) Nagagun'uchitachō |
那賀郡木沢村 see styles |
nakagunkisawason なかぐんきさわそん |
(place-name) Nakagunkisawason |
那賀郡木頭村 see styles |
nakagunkitouson / nakagunkitoson なかぐんきとうそん |
(place-name) Nakagunkitouson |
那賀郡桃山町 see styles |
nagagunmomoyamachou / nagagunmomoyamacho ながぐんももやまちょう |
(place-name) Nagagunmomoyamachō |
那賀郡相生町 see styles |
nakagunaioichou / nakagunaioicho なかぐんあいおいちょう |
(place-name) Nakagun'aioichō |
那賀郡粉河町 see styles |
nagagunkokawachou / nagagunkokawacho ながぐんこかわちょう |
(place-name) Nagagunkokawachō |
那賀郡那賀町 see styles |
nagagunnagachou / nagagunnagacho ながぐんながちょう |
(place-name) Nagagunnagachō |
那賀郡金城町 see styles |
nakagunkanagichou / nakagunkanagicho なかぐんかなぎちょう |
(place-name) Nakagunkanagichō |
那賀郡鷲敷町 see styles |
nakagunwajikichou / nakagunwajikicho なかぐんわじきちょう |
(place-name) Nakagunwajikichō |
那須ゴルフ場 see styles |
nasugorufujou / nasugorufujo なすゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Nasu golf links |
那須トンネル see styles |
nasutonneru なすトンネル |
(place-name) Nasu Tunnel |
那須公園墓地 see styles |
nasukouenbochi / nasukoenbochi なすこうえんぼち |
(place-name) Nasukōen Cemetery |
那須共育学園 see styles |
nasukyouikugakuen / nasukyoikugakuen なすきょういくがくえん |
(place-name) Nasukyōikugakuen |
那須官衙遺跡 see styles |
nasukaneiiseki / nasukaneseki なすかんえいいせき |
(place-name) Nasukan'ei Ruins |
那須郡塩原町 see styles |
nasugunshiobaramachi なすぐんしおばらまち |
(place-name) Nasugunshiobaramachi |
那須郡小川町 see styles |
nasugunogawamachi なすぐんおがわまち |
(place-name) Nasugun'ogawamachi |
那須郡烏山町 see styles |
nasugunkarasuyamamachi なすぐんからすやままち |
(place-name) Nasugunkarasuyamamachi |
那須郡那須町 see styles |
nasugunnasumachi なすぐんなすまち |
(place-name) Nasugunnasumachi |
那須郡馬頭町 see styles |
nasugunbatoumachi / nasugunbatomachi なすぐんばとうまち |
(place-name) Nasugunbatoumachi |
那須郡黒羽町 see styles |
nasugunkurobanemachi なすぐんくろばねまち |
(place-name) Nasugunkurobanemachi |
ポール与那嶺 see styles |
pooruyonamine ポールよなみね |
(person) Po-ru Yonamine |
下伊那郡上村 see styles |
shimoinagunkamimura しもいなぐんかみむら |
(place-name) Shimoinagunkamimura |
与那トンネル see styles |
yonatonneru よなトンネル |
(place-name) Yona Tunnel |
丹那トンネル see styles |
tannatonneru たんなトンネル |
(place-name) Tanna Tunnel |
伊迦波提羅那 伊迦波提罗那 see styles |
yī jiā bō tí luó nà yi1 jia1 bo1 ti2 luo2 na4 i chia po t`i lo na i chia po ti lo na Ikahadairana |
A title of a Tathāgata, intp. as 最上大王 the supreme deva-king. |
佛栗持薩儻那 佛栗持萨傥那 see styles |
fó lì chí sà tǎng nà fo2 li4 chi2 sa4 tang3 na4 fo li ch`ih sa t`ang na fo li chih sa tang na Burijisatōna |
Urddhasthāna, ? Ūrdvasthāna, Vardhasthāna, or Vṛjisthāna, "an ancient kingdom, the country of the Vardaks, the Ortospana of Ptolemy, the region about Cabool (Lat. 34°32 N., Long. 68°55 E. )." Eitel. |
像那麽回事兒 像那么回事儿 see styles |
xiàng nà me huí shì r xiang4 na4 me5 hui2 shi4 r5 hsiang na me hui shih r |
not bad at all; quite impressive |
删地涅暮折那 see styles |
shān dì niè mù zhén à shan1 di4 nie4 mu4 zhen2 a4 shan ti nieh mu chen a Sanchinebosena |
Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra, name of the 解深密經 sutra. |
印度支那半島 印度支那半岛 see styles |
yìn dù zhī nà bàn dǎo yin4 du4 zhi1 na4 ban4 dao3 yin tu chih na pan tao indoshinahantou / indoshinahanto インドシナはんとう |
Indochina (old term, esp. colonial period); now written 中南半島|中南半岛[Zhong1 nan2 Ban4 dao3] (place-name) Indochina (peninsula) |
叵囉虞那麼洗 叵囉虞那么洗 see styles |
pǒ luō yún à mó xǐ po3 luo1 yun2 a4 mo2 xi3 p`o lo yün a mo hsi po lo yün a mo hsi Haragunamasen |
phālgunamāsa |
叵囉虞那麽洗 see styles |
pǒ luō yú nà xǐ po3 luo1 yu2 na4 xi3 p`o lo yü na hsi po lo yü na hsi |
叵勒拏; 頗攞遇捉; 頗勒窶拏 phālgunamāsa, the twelfth month; M. W. says February-March, the month, māsa, of the Nakṣatra Phālgunī. |
四面毘盧遮那 四面毘卢遮那 see styles |
sì miàn pí lú zhēn à si4 mian4 pi2 lu2 zhen1 a4 ssu mien p`i lu chen a ssu mien pi lu chen a Shimen Birushana |
The four-faced Vairocana, his dharmakāya of Wisdom. |
因陀羅婆他那 因陀罗婆他那 see styles |
yīn tuó luó pó tān à yin1 tuo2 luo2 po2 tan1 a4 yin t`o lo p`o t`an a yin to lo po tan a Indara batana |
? Indravadana, or ? Indrabhavana. A 'name for India proper',; Eitel. |
大毘盧遮那経 see styles |
daibirushanakyou / daibirushanakyo だいびるしゃなきょう |
(abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 大毘盧遮那成仏神変加持経・だいびるしゃなじょうぶつじんべんかじきょう) Mahavairocana Sutra; Mahavairocana Tantra |
大法緊那羅王 大法紧那罗王 see styles |
dà fǎ jǐn nà luó wáng da4 fa3 jin3 na4 luo2 wang2 ta fa chin na lo wang Daihō kinnara ō |
Mahādharma |
婆先那王童子 see styles |
pó xiān nà wáng tóng zǐ po2 xian1 na4 wang2 tong2 zi3 p`o hsien na wang t`ung tzu po hsien na wang tung tzu Basennaō dōshi |
Jayasena |
安塔那那利佛 see styles |
ān tǎ nà nà lì fó an1 ta3 na4 na4 li4 fo2 an t`a na na li fo an ta na na li fo |
Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar (Tw) |
尼陀那目得迦 see styles |
ní tuó nà mù dé jiā ni2 tuo2 na4 mu4 de2 jia1 ni t`o na mu te chia ni to na mu te chia Nidāna mokutoka |
nidāna-mātṛkā, two of the twelve divisions of the sutras, one dealing with the nidānas, the other with 本事 previous incarnations. |
布嚕那跋陀羅 布噜那跋陀罗 see styles |
bù lūn à bá tuó luó bu4 lun1 a4 ba2 tuo2 luo2 pu lun a pa t`o lo pu lun a pa to lo Furonahadara |
Pūrṇabhadra, one of the eight yakṣa generals. |
恵那峡ランド see styles |
enakyourando / enakyorando えなきょうランド |
(place-name) Enakyōrando |
恵那郡串原村 see styles |
enagunkushiharamura えなぐんくしはらむら |
(place-name) Enagunkushiharamura |
恵那郡付知町 see styles |
enaguntsukechichou / enaguntsukechicho えなぐんつけちちょう |
(place-name) Enaguntsukechichō |
恵那郡坂下町 see styles |
enagunsakashitachou / enagunsakashitacho えなぐんさかしたちょう |
(place-name) Enagunsakashitachō |
恵那郡山岡町 see styles |
enagunyamaokachou / enagunyamaokacho えなぐんやまおかちょう |
(place-name) Enagun'yamaokachō |
恵那郡岩村町 see styles |
enaguniwamurachou / enaguniwamuracho えなぐんいわむらちょう |
(place-name) Enagun'iwamurachō |
恵那郡川上村 see styles |
enagunkawauemura えなぐんかわうえむら |
(place-name) Enagunkawauemura |
恵那郡明智町 see styles |
enagunakechichou / enagunakechicho えなぐんあけちちょう |
(place-name) Enagun'akechichō |
恵那郡福岡町 see styles |
enagunfukuokachou / enagunfukuokacho えなぐんふくおかちょう |
(place-name) Enagunfukuokachō |
恵那郡蛭川村 see styles |
enagunhirukawamura えなぐんひるかわむら |
(place-name) Enagunhirukawamura |
拘那含牟尼佛 see styles |
jun à hán móu ní fó jun1 a4 han2 mou2 ni2 fo2 chün a han mou ni fo Kunagonmuni butsu |
Kanakamuni |
持法緊那羅王 持法紧那罗王 see styles |
chí fǎ jǐn nà luó wáng chi2 fa3 jin3 na4 luo2 wang2 ch`ih fa chin na lo wang chih fa chin na lo wang Jihō kinnara ō |
Dharmadhara Kiṃnara-rāja |
摩訶毘盧遮那 摩诃毘卢遮那 see styles |
mó hē pí lú zhēn à mo2 he1 pi2 lu2 zhen1 a4 mo ho p`i lu chen a mo ho pi lu chen a makabirushana まかびるしゃな |
{Buddh} Mahavairocana (Buddha who symbolizes the entirety of the phenomenological world) v. 毘. Mahāvairocana. |
摩訶般涅槃那 摩诃般涅槃那 see styles |
mó hē bān niè pán nà mo2 he1 ban1 nie4 pan2 na4 mo ho pan nieh p`an na mo ho pan nieh pan na makahan nehan na |
(Skt. mahāparinirvāṇa) |
摩訶般湼槃那 摩诃般湼槃那 see styles |
mó hē bān niè pán nà mo2 he1 ban1 nie4 pan2 na4 mo ho pan nieh p`an na mo ho pan nieh pan na maka han nehanna |
mahāparinirvāṇa, v. 涅, the great complete nirvāṇa, final release, perfect rest. |
支那薄色海豚 see styles |
shinausuiroiruka; shinausuiroiruka しなうすいろいるか; シナウスイロイルカ |
(kana only) Chinese white dolphin (Sousa chinensis chinensis) |
支那連ぎょう see styles |
shinarengyou / shinarengyo しなれんぎょう |
(kana only) Chinese golden bells; Forsythia Vahl |
曷利沙伐彈那 曷利沙伐弹那 see styles |
hé lì shā fá dàn nà he2 li4 sha1 fa2 dan4 na4 ho li sha fa tan na Karishabadanna |
Harṣavardhana, king of Kanyākubja, protector of Buddhism about A. D. 625. |
曷剌怛那揭婆 see styles |
hé là dán à qì pó he2 la4 dan2 a4 qi4 po2 ho la tan a ch`i p`o ho la tan a chi po karatannakeiba |
ratnagarbha, jewel treasury, or throne. |
末那相應四惑 末那相应四惑 see styles |
mò nà xiāng yìng sì huò mo4 na4 xiang1 ying4 si4 huo4 mo na hsiang ying ssu huo mana sōō shiwaku |
four afflictions associated with the manas |
東芝那須工場 see styles |
toushibanasukoujou / toshibanasukojo とうしばなすこうじょう |
(place-name) Tōshibanasu Factory |
熊野那智大社 see styles |
kumanonachitaisha くまのなちたいしゃ |
(place-name) Kumano Nachi Taisha |
熊野那智神社 see styles |
kumanonachijinja くまのなちじんじゃ |
(place-name) Kumano Nachi Shrine (former name of Kumano Nachi Taisha) |
瞿曇達磨闍那 瞿昙达磨阇那 see styles |
jù tán dá mó shén à ju4 tan2 da2 mo2 shen2 a4 chü t`an ta mo shen a chü tan ta mo shen a Gudon Damajana |
瞿曇法智 Gautama-dharmajñāna, son of the last; tr. 582 a work on karma. |
窣路多阿半那 see styles |
sù lù duō ā bàn nà su4 lu4 duo1 a1 ban4 na4 su lu to a pan na sorotaahanna |
srota-āpanna, one who has entered the stream of the holy life, cf. 半 and 入流. |
藍那トンネル see styles |
ainatonneru あいなトンネル |
(place-name) Aina Tunnel |
蘇達梨舍那山 苏达梨舍那山 see styles |
sū dá lí shèn à shān su1 da2 li2 shen4 a4 shan1 su ta li shen a shan Sodarishana san |
Sudarśana |
路易斯安那州 see styles |
lù yì sī ān nà zhōu lu4 yi4 si1 an1 na4 zhou1 lu i ssu an na chou |
Louisiana, US state |
金剛那羅延身 金刚那罗延身 see styles |
jīn gāng nà luó yán shēn jin1 gang1 na4 luo2 yan2 shen1 chin kang na lo yen shen kongō Naraen shin |
body of the Vajra-god Nārāyaṇa |
鉢喇底提舍那 钵喇底提舍那 see styles |
bō lǎ dǐ tí shèn à bo1 la3 di3 ti2 shen4 a4 po la ti t`i shen a po la ti ti shen a harateidaishana |
pratideśanīya |
鉢羅斯那恃多 钵罗斯那恃多 see styles |
bō luó sin à shì duō bo1 luo2 sin1 a4 shi4 duo1 po lo sin a shih to Harashinashita |
Prasenajit |
鉢羅斯那特多 see styles |
bō luó sī nà tè duō bo1 luo2 si1 na4 te4 duo1 po lo ssu na t`e to po lo ssu na te to |
(or 鉢羅犀那特多); 波斯匿 Prasenajit, a king of Kośala, patron of Śākyamuni, who is reputed as the first to make an image of the Buddha. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "那" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.