There are 3678 total results for your 家 search. I have created 37 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...2021222324252627282930...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
自家移植 see styles |
jikaishoku じかいしょく |
(noun/participle) (See 自己移植) autograft |
自家薬籠 see styles |
jikayakurou / jikayakuro じかやくろう |
(yoji) (something that is) available for use at any time; (someone who is) at one's beck and call; (something over which) one has complete mastery |
自家血清 see styles |
jikakessei / jikakesse じかけっせい |
autologous serum |
自家醸造 see styles |
jikajouzou / jikajozo じかじょうぞう |
(can be adjective with の) home-brewed |
自成一家 see styles |
zì chéng yī jiā zi4 cheng2 yi1 jia1 tzu ch`eng i chia tzu cheng i chia |
to have a style of one's own |
自然の家 see styles |
shizennoie しぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Shizennoie |
良家女子 see styles |
liáng jiā nǚ zǐ liang2 jia1 nu:3 zi3 liang chia nü tzu |
woman from a respectable family; respectable woman |
芭蕉生家 see styles |
bashouseika / bashoseka ばしょうせいか |
(place-name) Bashouseika |
花落誰家 花落谁家 see styles |
huā luò shei jiā hua1 luo4 shei2 jia1 hua lo shei chia |
who will be the winner? |
芸術家村 see styles |
geijutsukamura / gejutsukamura げいじゅつかむら |
artists' colony; colony of artists |
芸術家肌 see styles |
geijutsukahada / gejutsukahada げいじゅつかはだ |
being something of an artist; having something of the artist in one |
華潤萬家 华润万家 see styles |
huá rùn wàn jiā hua2 run4 wan4 jia1 hua jun wan chia |
CR Vanguard or China Resources Vanguard Shop, a supermarket chain in Hong Kong and mainland China |
萬家燈火 万家灯火 see styles |
wàn jiā dēng huǒ wan4 jia1 deng1 huo3 wan chia teng huo |
(of a city etc) ablaze with lights |
萬貫家財 万贯家财 see styles |
wàn guàn jiā cái wan4 guan4 jia1 cai2 wan kuan chia ts`ai wan kuan chia tsai |
vast wealth |
藤原兼家 see styles |
fujiwarakaneie / fujiwarakanee ふじわらかねいえ |
(person) Fujiwara Kaneie |
藤原四家 see styles |
fujiwarashike ふじわらしけ |
(hist) the four Fujiwara families; Fujiwara clan |
藤原定家 see styles |
fujiwaranoteika / fujiwaranoteka ふじわらのていか |
(person) Fujiwara No Teika (1162-1241) |
藤原家実 see styles |
fujiwaraiezane ふじわらいえざね |
(person) Fujiwara Iezane |
藤原家隆 see styles |
fujiwaranoietaka ふじわらのいえたか |
(personal name) Fujiwaranoietaka |
藤原為家 see styles |
fujiwaranotameie / fujiwaranotamee ふじわらのためいえ |
(person) Fujiwara No Tameie (1198-1275) |
藤原道家 see styles |
fujiwaramichiie / fujiwaramichie ふじわらみちいえ |
(person) Fujiwara Michiie |
藤原隆家 see styles |
fujiwaranotakaie ふじわらのたかいえ |
(person) Fujiwara No Takaie (979-1044) |
藤家溪子 see styles |
fujiiekeiko / fujiekeko ふじいえけいこ |
(person) Fujiie Keiko |
藤家虹二 see styles |
fujikakouji / fujikakoji ふじかこうじ |
(person) Fujika Kōji (1933.9.2-) |
藥物學家 药物学家 see styles |
yào wù xué jiā yao4 wu4 xue2 jia1 yao wu hsüeh chia |
pharmacologist |
蘇家屯區 苏家屯区 see styles |
sū jiā tún qū su1 jia1 tun2 qu1 su chia t`un ch`ü su chia tun chü |
Sujiatun District of Shenyang 瀋陽市|沈阳市[Shen3yang2 Shi4], Liaoning |
蚊家本村 see styles |
kounoiehonmura / konoiehonmura こうのいえほんむら |
(place-name) Kōnoiehonmura |
蜘ケ家山 see styles |
kumogaiyama くもがいやま |
(personal name) Kumogaiyama |
行家裡手 行家里手 see styles |
háng jiā lǐ shǒu hang2 jia1 li3 shou3 hang chia li shou |
connoisseur; expert |
西今在家 see styles |
nishiimazaike / nishimazaike にしいまざいけ |
(place-name) Nishiimazaike |
西在家前 see styles |
nishizaikemae にしざいけまえ |
(place-name) Nishizaikemae |
西大家駅 see styles |
nishiooyaeki にしおおやえき |
(st) Nishiooya Station |
西新在家 see styles |
nishishinzaike にししんざいけ |
(place-name) Nishishinzaike |
西有家町 see styles |
nishiariechou / nishiariecho にしありえちょう |
(place-name) Nishiariechō |
西有家駅 see styles |
nishiarieeki にしありええき |
(st) Nishiarie Station |
西郷家実 see styles |
saigouiezane / saigoiezane さいごういえざね |
(person) Saigou Iezane |
覆面作家 see styles |
fukumensakka ふくめんさっか |
anonymous author; pseudonymous author; writer who conceals his identity |
親如一家 亲如一家 see styles |
qīn rú yī jiā qin1 ru2 yi1 jia1 ch`in ju i chia chin ju i chia |
family-like close relationship (idiom) |
語言學家 语言学家 see styles |
yǔ yán xué jiā yu3 yan2 xue2 jia1 yü yen hsüeh chia |
linguist |
諸子十家 诸子十家 see styles |
zhū zǐ shí jiā zhu1 zi3 shi2 jia1 chu tzu shih chia |
various sages and ten schools of thought; refers to the classical schools of thought, e.g. Confucianism 儒[ru2] represented by Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3] and Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3], Daoism 道[dao4] by Laozi 老子[Lao3 zi3] and Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3], Mohism 墨[mo4] by Mozi 墨子[Mo4 zi3], Legalism 法[fa3] by Sunzi 孫子|孙子[Sun1 zi3] and Han Feizi 韓非子|韩非子[Han2 Fei1 zi3], and numerous others |
諸子百家 诸子百家 see styles |
zhū zǐ bǎi jiā zhu1 zi3 bai3 jia1 chu tzu pai chia shoshihyakka しょしひゃっか |
the Hundred Schools of Thought, the various schools of thought and their exponents during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods (770-220 BC) (yoji) (hist) Hundred Schools of Thought (during China's Spring and Autumn period and Warring States period) all the philosophers |
謝家集區 谢家集区 see styles |
xiè jiā jí qū xie4 jia1 ji2 qu1 hsieh chia chi ch`ü hsieh chia chi chü |
Xiejiaji, a district of Huainan City 淮南市[Huai2nan2 Shi4], Anhui |
警察国家 see styles |
keisatsukokka / kesatsukokka けいさつこっか |
police state |
谷在家駅 see styles |
yazaikeeki やざいけえき |
(st) Yazaike Station |
豊島家浦 see styles |
teshimaieura てしまいえうら |
(place-name) Teshimaieura |
貧しい家 see styles |
mazushiiie / mazushiie まずしいいえ |
(exp,n) poor family |
貨比三家 货比三家 see styles |
huò bǐ sān jiā huo4 bi3 san1 jia1 huo pi san chia |
to shop around (idiom) |
貴い家柄 see styles |
tattoiiegara / tattoiegara たっといいえがら |
(expression) (rare) noble birth |
貴家堂子 see styles |
sasugatakako さすがたかこ |
(person) Sasuga Takako (1941.2.4-) |
貽笑方家 贻笑方家 see styles |
yí xiào fāng jiā yi2 xiao4 fang1 jia1 i hsiao fang chia |
a novice making a fool of himself; to make oneself ridiculous before experts |
贏家通吃 赢家通吃 see styles |
yíng jiā tōng chī ying2 jia1 tong1 chi1 ying chia t`ung ch`ih ying chia tung chih |
winner takes all |
赤平平家 see styles |
akahiraheike / akahiraheke あかひらへいけ |
(place-name) Akahiraheike |
超国家的 see styles |
choukokkateki / chokokkateki ちょうこっかてき |
(adjectival noun) ultranationalistic |
足利家時 see styles |
ashikagaietoki あしかがいえとき |
(person) Ashikaga Ietoki |
身家調查 身家调查 see styles |
shēn jiā diào chá shen1 jia1 diao4 cha2 shen chia tiao ch`a shen chia tiao cha |
to do a background check on sb |
農家庭院 农家庭院 see styles |
nóng jiā tíng yuàn nong2 jia1 ting2 yuan4 nung chia t`ing yüan nung chia ting yüan |
farmyard |
農家所得 see styles |
noukashotoku / nokashotoku のうかしょとく |
farm income |
近代国家 see styles |
kindaikokka きんだいこっか |
modern state; modern nation |
近代家族 see styles |
kindaikazoku きんだいかぞく |
modern family |
送貨到家 送货到家 see styles |
sòng huò dào jiā song4 huo4 dao4 jia1 sung huo tao chia |
home delivery |
連邦国家 see styles |
renpoukokka / renpokokka れんぽうこっか |
federal state; federation |
道家思想 see styles |
dào jiā sī xiǎng dao4 jia1 si1 xiang3 tao chia ssu hsiang dōke shisō |
Daoism |
郡家中区 see styles |
koogenakaku こおげなかく |
(place-name) Koogenakaku |
郡家新町 see styles |
gungeshinmachi ぐんげしんまち |
(place-name) Gungeshinmachi |
郡家本町 see styles |
gungehonmachi ぐんげほんまち |
(place-name) Gungehonmachi |
郡家東区 see styles |
koogehigashiku こおげひがしく |
(place-name) Koogehigashiku |
郡家西区 see styles |
koogenishiku こおげにしく |
(place-name) Koogenishiku |
都市国家 see styles |
toshikokka としこっか |
city-state |
酒井家次 see styles |
sakaiietsugu / sakaietsugu さかいいえつぐ |
(person) Sakai Ietsugu |
醫學專家 医学专家 see styles |
yī xué zhuān jiā yi1 xue2 zhuan1 jia1 i hsüeh chuan chia |
medical expert; medical specialist |
重家俊範 see styles |
shigeietoshinori / shigeetoshinori しげいえとしのり |
(person) Shigeie Toshinori |
金家莊區 金家庄区 see styles |
jīn jiā zhuāng qū jin1 jia1 zhuang1 qu1 chin chia chuang ch`ü chin chia chuang chü |
Jinjiazhuang district of Ma'anshan city 馬鞍山市|马鞍山市[Ma3 an1 shan1 shi4], Anhui |
鎭護國家 鎭护国家 see styles |
zhèn hù guó jiā zhen4 hu4 guo2 jia1 chen hu kuo chia chingo kokke |
to protect the state |
鎮護国家 see styles |
chingokokka ちんごこっか |
{Buddh} spiritual protection of the state |
長塚正家 see styles |
nagatsukamasaie ながつかまさいえ |
(person) Nagatsuka Masaie |
長如來家 长如来家 see styles |
cháng rú lái jiā chang2 ru2 lai2 jia1 ch`ang ju lai chia chang ju lai chia chō nyorai ke |
long in the family of the tathāgata |
長尾家具 see styles |
nagaokagu ながおかぐ |
(place-name) Nagaokagu |
長東正家 see styles |
natsukamasaie なつかまさいえ |
(person) Natsuka Masaie (?-1600) (officer of Hideyoshi) |
閑話家常 闲话家常 see styles |
xián huà jiā cháng xian2 hua4 jia1 chang2 hsien hua chia ch`ang hsien hua chia chang |
to chat about domestic trivia (idiom) |
関家憲一 see styles |
sekiyakenichi せきやけんいち |
(person) Sekiya Ken'ichi |
閨秀作家 see styles |
keishuusakka / keshusakka けいしゅうさっか |
(yoji) woman writer |
閨秀画家 see styles |
keishuugaka / keshugaka けいしゅうがか |
talented woman painter; accomplished woman painter |
離家出走 离家出走 see styles |
lí jiā chū zǒu li2 jia1 chu1 zou3 li chia ch`u tsou li chia chu tsou |
to leave home (to live somewhere else) |
離家別井 离家别井 see styles |
lí jiā bié jǐng li2 jia1 bie2 jing3 li chia pieh ching |
to leave home; to abandon one's family |
青年の家 see styles |
seinennoie / senennoie せいねんのいえ |
training and accommodation institution for young men; (place-name) Seinennoie |
非核國家 非核国家 see styles |
fēi hé guó jiā fei1 he2 guo2 jia1 fei ho kuo chia |
non-nuclear country |
頼家の墓 see styles |
yoriienohaka / yorienohaka よりいえのはか |
(place-name) Yoriienohaka |
顏氏家訓 see styles |
yán shì jiā xùn yan2 shi4 jia1 xun4 yen shih chia hsün |
Yanshi jiaxun |
類家大地 see styles |
ruikedaichi るいけだいち |
(person) Ruike Daichi (1987.12.25-) |
風景画家 see styles |
fuukeigaka / fukegaka ふうけいがか |
landscape artist; landscape painter; landscapist |
飯野寺家 see styles |
iinojike / inojike いいのじけ |
(place-name) Iinojike |
養家活口 养家活口 see styles |
yǎng jiā huó kǒu yang3 jia1 huo2 kou3 yang chia huo k`ou yang chia huo kou |
to support one's family (idiom) |
養家糊口 养家糊口 see styles |
yǎng jiā - hú kǒu yang3 jia1 - hu2 kou3 yang chia - hu k`ou yang chia - hu kou |
(idiom) to provide for one's family |
高家博成 see styles |
takaiehiroshige たかいえひろしげ |
(person) Takaie Hiroshige |
高家神社 see styles |
takabejinja たかべじんじゃ |
(place-name) Takabe Shrine |
黑道家族 see styles |
hēi dào jiā zú hei1 dao4 jia1 zu2 hei tao chia tsu |
The Sopranos (US TV series) |
黒川照家 see styles |
kurokawamitsuya くろかわみつや |
(person) Kurokawa Mitsuya (1951.9.18-) |
黒物家電 see styles |
kuromonokaden くろものかでん |
black goods; consumer electronics products |
齊家文化 齐家文化 see styles |
qí jiā wén huà qi2 jia1 wen2 hua4 ch`i chia wen hua chi chia wen hua |
Qijia neolithic culture, centered around the Gansu Corridor 河西走廊[He2 xi1 Zou3 lang2] c. 2000 BC |
齊家治國 齐家治国 see styles |
qí jiā zhì guó qi2 jia1 zhi4 guo2 ch`i chia chih kuo chi chia chih kuo |
to regulate the family and rule the state (idiom) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "家" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.