There are 2727 total results for your 定 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...202122232425262728>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
特定危険指定暴力団 see styles |
tokuteikikenshiteibouryokudan / tokutekikenshiteboryokudan とくていきけんしていぼうりょくだん |
(See 指定暴力団) especially dangerous designated criminal group; especially dangerous designated boryokudan |
特定外来生物防止法 see styles |
tokuteigairaiseibutsuboushihou / tokutegairaisebutsuboshiho とくていがいらいせいぶつぼうしほう |
(abbreviation) (rare) {law} (See 外来生物法) Invasive Alien Species Act |
特定文字データ実体 see styles |
tokuteimojideetajittai / tokutemojideetajittai とくていもじデータじったい |
{comp} specific character data entity |
特定非営利活動団体 see styles |
tokuteihieirikatsudoudantai / tokutehierikatsudodantai とくていひえいりかつどうだんたい |
(See 特定非営利活動法人) nonprofit organization; NPO |
特定非営利活動法人 see styles |
tokuteihieirikatsudouhoujin / tokutehierikatsudohojin とくていひえいりかつどうほうじん |
specified nonprofit corporation |
續華嚴經略疏刊定記 续华严经略疏刊定记 see styles |
xù huá yán jīng lüè shū kān dìng jì xu4 hua2 yan2 jing1 lve4 shu1 kan1 ding4 ji4 hsü hua yen ching lve shu k`an ting chi hsü hua yen ching lve shu kan ting chi Zoku kegonkyō ryakuso kanjōki |
Xu Huayan jing lue shou kan ding ji |
自動設定繰返し演算 see styles |
jidousetteikurikaeshienzan / jidosettekurikaeshienzan じどうせっていくりかえしえんざん |
{comp} iterative operation; automatic sequential operation |
衆德本嚴淨三昧正定 众德本严淨三昧正定 see styles |
zhòng dé běn yán jìng sān mèi zhèng dìng zhong4 de2 ben3 yan2 jing4 san1 mei4 zheng4 ding4 chung te pen yen ching san mei cheng ting shu tokuhon gonjō zanmai shōjō |
sarva-guṇâlaṃkāra-vyūha |
要素価格均等化定理 see styles |
yousokakakukintoukateiri / yosokakakukintokateri ようそかかくきんとうかていり |
factor price equalization theorem |
進化的に安定な戦略 see styles |
shinkatekinianteinasenryaku / shinkatekiniantenasenryaku しんかてきにあんていなせんりゃく |
evolutionarily stable strategy; ESS |
飛騨木曽川国定公園 see styles |
hidakisogawakokuteikouen / hidakisogawakokutekoen ひだきそがわこくていこうえん |
(place-name) Hida-Kisogawa Quasi-National Park |
Variations: |
teikokudoori / tekokudoori ていこくどおり |
(adv,adj-no) on schedule; on time |
Variations: |
sentei / sente せんてい |
(noun, transitive verb) pruning; trimming |
Variations: |
yoteidoori / yotedoori よていどおり |
(adv,adj-no,n) as planned; according to plan |
Variations: |
warimaekanjou / warimaekanjo わりまえかんじょう |
(yoji) (See 割り勘) each paying for his own account; sharing the expenses; Dutch treat |
Variations: |
warimaekanjou / warimaekanjo わりまえかんじょう |
(rare) (See 割り勘) each paying for his own account; sharing the expenses; Dutch treat |
Variations: |
miharaikanjou / miharaikanjo みはらいかんじょう |
outstanding account; unpaid account |
Variations: |
hanyouteigi / hanyotegi はんようていぎ |
{comp} generic definitions |
コンテキスト定義集合 see styles |
kontekisutoteigishuugou / kontekisutotegishugo コンテキストていぎしゅうごう |
{comp} defined context set |
ノーフリーランチ定理 see styles |
noofuriiranchiteiri / noofuriranchiteri ノーフリーランチていり |
{math} no free lunch theorem |
フェルマーの最終定理 see styles |
ferumaanosaishuuteiri / ferumanosaishuteri フェルマーのさいしゅうていり |
(exp,n) {math} Fermat's last theorem |
ブレトン・ウッズ協定 see styles |
bureton uzukyoutei / bureton uzukyote ブレトン・ウッズきょうてい |
Bretton Woods Agreement (1944) |
モントリオール議定書 see styles |
montorioorugiteisho / montorioorugitesho モントリオールぎていしょ |
Montreal Protocol |
中蘇解決懸案大綱協定 中苏解决悬案大纲协定 see styles |
zhōng sū jiě jué xuán àn dà gāng xié dìng zhong1 su1 jie3 jue2 xuan2 an4 da4 gang1 xie2 ding4 chung su chieh chüeh hsüan an ta kang hsieh ting |
the treaty of 1923 normalizing relations between the Soviet Union and the Northern Warlord government of China |
固定ディスクドライブ see styles |
koteidisukudoraibu / kotedisukudoraibu こていディスクドライブ |
{comp} fixed disk drive |
固定ヘッド式ディスク see styles |
koteiheddoshikidisuku / koteheddoshikidisuku こていヘッドしきディスク |
{comp} fixed-head disk |
大學入學指定科目考試 大学入学指定科目考试 see styles |
dà xué rù xué zhǐ dìng kē mù kǎo shì da4 xue2 ru4 xue2 zhi3 ding4 ke1 mu4 kao3 shi4 ta hsüeh ju hsüeh chih ting k`o mu k`ao shih ta hsüeh ju hsüeh chih ting ko mu kao shih |
Advanced Subjects Test, university entrance exam that assesses candidates’ higher level knowledge of specific subjects and their readiness to study in their selected academic discipline (Tw); abbr. to 指考[Zhi3 kao3] |
室生赤目青山国定公園 see styles |
murouakameaoyamakokuteikouen / muroakameaoyamakokutekoen むろうあかめあおやまこくていこうえん |
(place-name) Murō-Akame-Aoyama Quasi-National Park |
意志決定支援システム see styles |
ishiketteishienshisutemu / ishiketteshienshisutemu いしけっていしえんシステム |
(computer terminology) decision support system; DSS |
意思決定支援システム see styles |
ishiketteishienshisutemu / ishiketteshienshisutemu いしけっていしえんシステム |
(computer terminology) decision support system; DSS |
所定期間保存ファイル see styles |
shoteikikanhozonfairu / shotekikanhozonfairu しょていきかんほぞんファイル |
{comp} archive file |
放射性炭素年代測定法 see styles |
houshaseitansonendaisokuteihou / hoshasetansonendaisokuteho ほうしゃせいたんそねんだいそくていほう |
(See 炭素一四法) radiocarbon dating |
日本漢字能力検定協会 see styles |
nihonkanjinouryokukenteikyoukai / nihonkanjinoryokukentekyokai にほんかんじのうりょくけんていきょうかい |
(org) Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation; JKATF; (o) Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation; JKATF |
暫定的耐容週間摂取量 see styles |
zanteitekitaiyoushuukansesshuryou / zantetekitaiyoshukansesshuryo ざんていてきたいようしゅうかんせっしゅりょう |
provisional tolerable weekly intake; PTWI |
欧州認定機関協力機構 see styles |
oushuuninteikikankyouryokukikou / oshunintekikankyoryokukiko おうしゅうにんていきかんきょうりょくきこう |
(o) European Co-operation for Accreditation; EA |
特定用途向け集積回路 see styles |
tokuteiyoutomukeshuusekikairo / tokuteyotomukeshusekikairo とくていようとむけしゅうせきかいろ |
{comp} Application-Specific Integrated Circuit; ASIC |
特定複合観光施設区域 see styles |
tokuteifukugoukankoushisetsukuiki / tokutefukugokankoshisetsukuiki とくていふくごうかんこうしせつくいき |
{law} specified complex tourist facilities area; area approved for containing integrated resorts with casinos |
特定非営利活動促進法 see styles |
tokuteihieirikatsudousokushinhou / tokutehierikatsudosokushinho とくていひえいりかつどうそくしんほう |
{law} (See NPO法) Act on Promotion of Specified Non-profit Activities |
環太平洋経済連携協定 see styles |
kantaiheiyoukeizairenkeikyoutei / kantaiheyokezairenkekyote かんたいへいようけいざいれんけいきょうてい |
(abbreviation) (See 環太平洋戦略的経済連携協定) Trans-Pacific Partnership; Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement; TPP |
米州認定機関協力機構 see styles |
beishuuninteikikankyouryokukikou / beshunintekikankyoryokukiko べいしゅうにんていきかんきょうりょくきこう |
(o) Interamerican Accreditation Cooperation; IAAC |
菩提達摩南宗定是非論 菩提达摩南宗定是非论 see styles |
pú tí dá mó nán zōng dìng shì fēi lùn pu2 ti2 da2 mo2 nan2 zong1 ding4 shi4 fei1 lun4 p`u t`i ta mo nan tsung ting shih fei lun pu ti ta mo nan tsung ting shih fei lun Bodaidatsuma nanshū jō zehi ron |
Putidamo nanzong ding shifei lun |
譲渡可能定期預金証書 see styles |
joutokanouteikiyokinshousho / jotokanotekiyokinshosho じょうとかのうていきよきんしょうしょ |
negotiable certificate of deposit |
高校卒業程度認定試験 see styles |
koukousotsugyouteidoninteishiken / kokosotsugyotedoninteshiken こうこうそつぎょうていどにんていしけん |
(abbreviation) (See 高等学校卒業程度認定試験) Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates; Japanese high-school equivalency examination |
Variations: |
teikei / teke ていけい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) fixed form; regular shape; (2) (abbreviation) (See 定形郵便物) standard-size mail |
Variations: |
teijiagari / tejiagari ていじあがり |
leaving on time (e.g. as opposed to paid or unpaid overtime) |
定電圧定周波数電源装置 see styles |
teidenatsuteishuuhasuudengensouchi / tedenatsuteshuhasudengensochi ていでんあつていしゅうはすうでんげんそうち |
{comp} CVCF; Constant Voltage Frequency Power Supply |
定額インターネット接続 see styles |
teigakuintaanettosetsuzoku / tegakuintanettosetsuzoku ていがくインターネットせつぞく |
flat-rate Internet access |
Variations: |
okanjou / okanjo おかんじょう |
(See お会計) bill (e.g. at a restaurant); check |
Variations: |
urikakekanjou / urikakekanjo うりかけかんじょう |
credit account; charge account |
Variations: |
sashihikikanjou / sashihikikanjo さしひきかんじょう |
balance (of an account); striking a balance |
Variations: |
shiteigomibukuro / shitegomibukuro していごみぶくろ |
designated garbage bag (as specified by a municipality) |
Variations: |
shakushijougi / shakushijogi しゃくしじょうぎ |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) strict; hidebound; inflexible; being a stickler for the rules; sticking hard and fast to the rules |
インタフェース定義言語 see styles |
intafeesuteigigengo / intafeesutegigengo インタフェースていぎげんご |
{comp} Interface Definition Language |
キャラクタ定義テーブル see styles |
kyarakutateigiteeburu / kyarakutategiteeburu キャラクタていぎテーブル |
{comp} character definition table |
クラスカル・ワリス検定 see styles |
kurasukaru warisukentei / kurasukaru warisukente クラスカル・ワリスけんてい |
(mathematics term) Kruskal-Wallis test |
シャピロ・ウィルク検定 see styles |
shapiro irukukentei / shapiro irukukente シャピロ・ウィルクけんてい |
(mathematics term) Shapiro-Wilk Test |
スチューデントのt検定 see styles |
suchuudentonotiikentei / suchudentonotikente スチューデントのティーけんてい |
{math} Student's t-test |
ソフトウェア品質測定法 see styles |
sofutoweahinshitsusokuteihou / sofutoweahinshitsusokuteho ソフトウェアひんしつそくていほう |
{comp} software quality metric |
フサインマクマホン協定 see styles |
fusainmakumahonkyoutei / fusainmakumahonkyote フサインマクマホンきょうてい |
Hussein-McMahon agreement (1915-1916) |
フセインマクマホン協定 see styles |
fuseinmakumahonkyoutei / fusenmakumahonkyote フセインマクマホンきょうてい |
Hussein-McMahon agreement (1915-1916) |
プログラム固定式計算器 see styles |
puroguramukoteishikikeisanki / puroguramukoteshikikesanki プログラムこていしきけいさんき |
{comp} nonprogrammable calculator |
保安庁救難用方位測定局 see styles |
hoanchoukyuunanyouhouisokuteikyoku / hoanchokyunanyohoisokutekyoku ほあんちょうきゅうなんようほういそくていきょく |
(place-name) Hoanchōkyūnanyouhouisokuteikyoku |
太平洋認定機関協力機構 see styles |
taiheiyouninteikikankyouryokukikou / taiheyonintekikankyoryokukiko たいへいようにんていきかんきょうりょくきこう |
(org) Pacific Accreditation Cooperation; PAC; (o) Pacific Accreditation Cooperation; PAC |
揖斐関ヶ原養老国定公園 see styles |
ibisekigaharayouroukokuteikouen / ibisekigaharayorokokutekoen いびせきがはらようろうこくていこうえん |
(place-name) Ibi-Sekigahara-Yōrō Quasi-National Park |
文部科学省検定済教科書 see styles |
monbukagakushoukenteizumikyoukasho / monbukagakushokentezumikyokasho もんぶかがくしょうけんていずみきょうかしょ |
textbook approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; government-approved textbook |
Variations: |
teinen / tenen ていねん |
(1) retirement age; (2) (archaism) years of service in a military rank before eligibility for promotion |
Variations: |
jouren / joren じょうれん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) regular customer; regular patron; regular visitor; frequenter; (2) constant companion |
Variations: |
kenteizumi / kentezumi けんていずみ |
(can be adjective with の) authorized; approved |
Variations: |
ishikettei / ishikette いしけってい |
decision-making |
Variations: |
higawariteishoku / higawariteshoku ひがわりていしょく |
daily set meal; daily special; plat du jour |
Variations: |
kakuteiritsukisai / kakuteritsukisai かくていりつきさい |
{finc} fixed interest-bearing bond; fixed interest securities |
わたし、定時で帰ります。 see styles |
watashi、teijidekaerimasu。 / watashi、tejidekaerimasu。 わたし、ていじでかえります。 |
(work) I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! (TV drama); (wk) I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! (TV drama) |
テキスト平面定義ベクトル see styles |
tekisutoheimenteigibekutoru / tekisutohementegibekutoru テキストへいめんていぎベクトル |
{comp} text direction vectors |
ビュー上方向定義ベクトル see styles |
byuujouhoukouteigibekutoru / byujohokotegibekutoru ビューじょうほうこうていぎベクトル |
{comp} view up vector |
出入国管理及び難民認定法 see styles |
shutsunyuukokukanrioyobinanminninteihou / shutsunyukokukanrioyobinanminninteho しゅつにゅうこくかんりおよびなんみんにんていほう |
{law} Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act |
初期値設定プログラム単位 see styles |
shokichisetteipuroguramutani / shokichisettepuroguramutani しょきちせっていプログラムたんい |
{comp} block data program unit |
所定期間保存対象ファイル see styles |
shoteikikanhozontaishoufairu / shotekikanhozontaishofairu しょていきかんほぞんたいしょうファイル |
{comp} archived file |
文部科学省検定済み教科書 see styles |
monbukagakushoukenteizumikyoukasho / monbukagakushokentezumikyokasho もんぶかがくしょうけんていずみきょうかしょ |
textbook approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; government-approved textbook |
非安定マルチバイブレータ see styles |
hianteimaruchibaibureeta / hiantemaruchibaibureeta ひあんていマルチバイブレータ |
{comp} astable multivibrator |
高等学校卒業程度認定試験 see styles |
koutougakkousotsugyouteidoninteishiken / kotogakkosotsugyotedoninteshiken こうとうがっこうそつぎょうていどにんていしけん |
Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates; Japanese high-school equivalency examination |
Variations: |
teinentaishoku / tenentaishoku ていねんたいしょく |
(n,vs,vi) (compulsory) retirement (on reaching retirement age); mandatory retirement |
Variations: |
nenkinteikibin / nenkintekibin ねんきんていきびん |
pension coverage letter (sent annually on the birthday of the insured) |
Variations: |
koukogennoteiri / kokogennoteri こうこげんのていり |
(archaism) (See ピタゴラスの定理) Pythagorean theorem |
Variations: |
ishiketteikikan / ishikettekikan いしけっていきかん |
decision-making body |
Variations: |
ishiketteikatei / ishikettekate いしけっていかてい |
decision-making process |
フィッシャーの直接確率検定 see styles |
fisshaanochokusetsukakuritsukentei / fisshanochokusetsukakuritsukente フィッシャーのちょくせつかくりつけんてい |
(exp,n) {math} Fisher's exact test |
マン・ホイットニーのU検定 see styles |
man hoittoniinoyuukentei / man hoittoninoyukente マン・ホイットニーのユーけんてい |
(mathematics term) Mann-Whitney U test |
ロッドヒル要塞国定歴史公園 see styles |
roddohiruyousaikokuteirekishikouen / roddohiruyosaikokuterekishikoen ロッドヒルようさいこくていれきしこうえん |
(place-name) Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Park |
地域的な包括的経済連携協定 see styles |
chiikitekinahoukatsutekikeizairenkeikyoutei / chikitekinahokatsutekikezairenkekyote ちいきてきなほうかつてきけいざいれんけいきょうてい |
(o) Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership; RCEP |
環太平洋戦略的経済連携協定 see styles |
kantaiheiyousenryakutekikeizairenkeikyoutei / kantaiheyosenryakutekikezairenkekyote かんたいへいようせんりゃくてきけいざいれんけいきょうてい |
Trans-Pacific Partnership; Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement; TPP |
関税と貿易に関する一般協定 see styles |
kanzeitobouekinikansuruippankyoutei / kanzetoboekinikansuruippankyote かんぜいとぼうえきにかんするいっぱんきょうてい |
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (abolished in 1995); GATT; (document) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (replaced by the WTO in 1995); GATT |
Variations: |
kaiteiban / kaiteban かいていばん |
revised edition |
Variations: |
neraiosadameru ねらいをさだめる |
(exp,v1) to take aim (at); to set one's sights (on); to zero in (on) |
Variations: |
kakuteiritsukishouken / kakuteritsukishoken かくていりつきしょうけん |
fixed interest-bearing securities |
ウィルコクソンの符号順位検定 see styles |
irukokusonnofugoujunikentei / irukokusonnofugojunikente ウィルコクソンのふごうじゅんいけんてい |
{math} Wilcoxon signed-rank test |
コルモゴロフ・スミルノフ検定 see styles |
korumogorofu sumirunofukentei / korumogorofu sumirunofukente コルモゴロフ・スミルノフけんてい |
(mathematics term) Kolmogorov-Smirnov test |
国連東ティモール暫定行政機構 see styles |
kokurenhigashitimooruzanteigyouseikikou / kokurenhigashitimooruzantegyosekiko こくれんひがしティモールざんていぎょうせいきこう |
(o) UN Transitional Administration in East Timor |
環太平洋パートナーシップ協定 see styles |
kantaiheiyoupaatonaashippukyoutei / kantaiheyopatonashippukyote かんたいへいようパートナーシップきょうてい |
(See 環太平洋戦略的経済連携協定) Trans-Pacific Partnership; Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement; TPP |
米国臨床薬理学者資格認定機関 see styles |
beikokurinshouyakurigakushashikakuninteikikan / bekokurinshoyakurigakushashikakunintekikan べいこくりんしょうやくりがくしゃしかくにんていきかん |
(o) American Board of Clinical Pharmacology |
Variations: |
teikeiyuubinbutsu / tekeyubinbutsu ていけいゆうびんぶつ |
standard-size mail |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "定" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.