There are 2667 total results for your 風 search. I have created 27 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...2021222324252627>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
春風深醉的晚上 春风深醉的晚上 see styles |
chūn fēng shēn zuì de wǎn shang chun1 feng1 shen1 zui4 de5 wan3 shang5 ch`un feng shen tsui te wan shang chun feng shen tsui te wan shang |
Intoxicating Spring Nights, 1924 short story by Yu Dafu 郁達夫|郁达夫[Yu4 Da2 fu1] |
樹欲靜而風不止 树欲静而风不止 see styles |
shù yù jìng ér fēng bù zhǐ shu4 yu4 jing4 er2 feng1 bu4 zhi3 shu yü ching erh feng pu chih |
lit. the trees long for peace but the wind will never cease (idiom); fig. the world changes, whether you want it or not |
沒有不透風的牆 没有不透风的墙 see styles |
méi yǒu bù tòu fēng de qiáng mei2 you3 bu4 tou4 feng1 de5 qiang2 mei yu pu t`ou feng te ch`iang mei yu pu tou feng te chiang |
(idiom) no secret can be kept forever |
淸風千古月嬋娟 淸风千古月婵娟 see styles |
qīng fēng qiān gǔ yuè chán juān qing1 feng1 qian1 gu3 yue4 chan2 juan1 ch`ing feng ch`ien ku yüeh ch`an chüan ching feng chien ku yüeh chan chüan seifū sen kogetsu senken |
pure habits of all are innumerable and have the gracefulness of the sliver of an old moon |
無限風光在險峰 无限风光在险峰 see styles |
wú xiàn fēng guāng zài xiǎn fēng wu2 xian4 feng1 guang1 zai4 xian3 feng1 wu hsien feng kuang tsai hsien feng |
The boundless vista is at the perilous peak (proverb); fig. exhilaration follows a hard-won victory |
砍頭不過風吹帽 砍头不过风吹帽 see styles |
kǎn tóu bù guò fēng chuī mào kan3 tou2 bu4 guo4 feng1 chui1 mao4 k`an t`ou pu kuo feng ch`ui mao kan tou pu kuo feng chui mao |
to regard decapitation as no more important than the wind blowing off your hat (idiom) |
Variations: |
fuushi / fushi ふうし |
(n,vs,vt,adj-no) satire; irony; sarcasm |
Variations: |
kazenotsute かぜのつて |
(exp,n) (See 風の便り・かぜのたより) hearsay; rumor; grapevine |
Variations: |
kazakiribane かざきりばね |
flight feathers |
Variations: |
furofuta ふろふた |
bathtub cover; bathtub lid |
Variations: |
kazemachizuki; kazamachizuki かぜまちづき; かざまちづき |
(rare) (See 水無月・1) sixth lunar month |
Variations: |
kazedatsu; kazetatsu かぜだつ; かぜたつ |
(v5t,vi) to blow (wind) |
風上にも置けない see styles |
kazakaminimookenai かざかみにもおけない |
(expression) a disgrace (to a whole group of people) |
風俗営業等取締法 see styles |
fuuzokueigyoutoutorishimarihou / fuzokuegyototorishimariho ふうぞくえいぎょうとうとりしまりほう |
(See 風営適正化法) Law Regulating Adult Entertainment Businesses (1948 act, replaced in 1984); Entertainment and Amusement Trades Control Law |
風邪を引いている see styles |
kazeohiiteiru / kazeohiteru かぜをひいている |
(exp,v1) to have a cold |
風采があがらない see styles |
fuusaigaagaranai / fusaigagaranai ふうさいがあがらない |
(exp,adj-i) making a poor appearance |
風采が上がらない see styles |
fuusaigaagaranai / fusaigagaranai ふうさいがあがらない |
(exp,adj-i) making a poor appearance |
風采が揚がらない see styles |
fuusaigaagaranai / fusaigagaranai ふうさいがあがらない |
(exp,adj-i) making a poor appearance |
Variations: |
taifuu / taifu たいふう |
typhoon; hurricane |
Variations: |
shippuu(疾風)(p); hayate / shippu(疾風)(p); hayate しっぷう(疾風)(P); はやて |
gale; strong wind; swift wind; fresh breeze (Beaufort scale) |
Variations: |
mukaikaze むかいかぜ |
headwind; head wind |
Variations: |
nodokaze のどかぜ |
cold in the throat; common cold with a sore throat |
Variations: |
tomeburo とめぶろ |
bath for one's exclusive use |
Variations: |
mushiburo むしぶろ |
steam bath |
Variations: |
sukimakaze すきまかぜ |
(1) draft; draught; cold air entering through the crack of a door or window; (2) cooling off of a relationship; draft of cold air between two persons |
Variations: |
yukishimaki ゆきしまき |
blizzard; snowstorm |
みよし風土記の丘 see styles |
miyoshifuudokinooka / miyoshifudokinooka みよしふうどきのおか |
(place-name) Miyoshifūdokinooka |
ミツヤ送風機工場 see styles |
mitsuyasoufuukikoujou / mitsuyasofukikojo ミツヤそうふうきこうじょう |
(place-name) Mitsuyasoufūki Factory |
ミラノ風カツレツ see styles |
miranofuukatsuretsu / miranofukatsuretsu ミラノふうカツレツ |
{food} cotoletta alla milanese; Milanese cutlet (of veal) |
九寨溝風景名勝區 九寨沟风景名胜区 see styles |
jiǔ zhài gōu fēng jǐng míng shèng qū jiu3 zhai4 gou1 feng1 jing3 ming2 sheng4 qu1 chiu chai kou feng ching ming sheng ch`ü chiu chai kou feng ching ming sheng chü |
Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historical Interest Area, Sichuan |
什麼風把你吹來的 什么风把你吹来的 see styles |
shén me fēng bǎ nǐ chuī lái de shen2 me5 feng1 ba3 ni3 chui1 lai2 de5 shen me feng pa ni ch`ui lai te shen me feng pa ni chui lai te |
What brings you here? (idiom) |
伊良湖風波観測所 see styles |
iragofuuhakansokujo / iragofuhakansokujo いらごふうはかんそくじょ |
(place-name) Iragofūhakansokujo |
八風平キャンプ場 see styles |
happuudairakyanpujou / happudairakyanpujo はっぷうだいらキャンプじょう |
(place-name) Happuudaira Camping Ground |
大風呂敷を広げる see styles |
ooburoshikiohirogeru おおぶろしきをひろげる |
(exp,v1) to talk big; to be bombastic |
白羽の風蝕礫産地 see styles |
shirahanofuushokurekisanchi / shirahanofushokurekisanchi しらはのふうしょくれきさんち |
(place-name) Shirahanofūshokurekisanchi |
破傷風トキソイド see styles |
hashoufuutokisoido / hashofutokisoido はしょうふうトキソイド |
tetanus toxoid |
神座風穴附蒲鉾穴 see styles |
jinzafuuketsutsukikamabokoana / jinzafuketsutsukikamabokoana じんざふうけつつきかまぼこあな |
(place-name) Jinzafūketsutsukikamabokoana |
空穴來風未必無因 空穴来风未必无因 see styles |
kòng xué lái fēng wèi bì wú yīn kong4 xue2 lai2 feng1 wei4 bi4 wu2 yin1 k`ung hsüeh lai feng wei pi wu yin kung hsüeh lai feng wei pi wu yin |
wind does not come from an empty cave without reason; there's no smoke without fire (idiom) |
臆病風に吹かれる see styles |
okubyoukazenifukareru / okubyokazenifukareru おくびょうかぜにふかれる |
(exp,v1) to become scared; to have an attack of nerves; to have a yellow streak; to chicken out; to run out of courage |
釧路風林ゴルフ場 see styles |
kushirofuuringorufujou / kushirofuringorufujo くしろふうりんゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Kushirofūrin Golf Links |
Variations: |
fuushoku / fushoku ふうしょく |
(noun, transitive verb) wind erosion |
Variations: |
fuurin / furin ふうりん |
wind chime; wind bell |
Variations: |
kazenouwasa / kazenowasa かぜのうわさ |
(exp,n) (idiom) (See 風の便り・かぜのたより) hearsay; rumor; grapevine |
Variations: |
kazahoroshi(風horoshi); kazaboroshi(風boroshi) かざほろし(風ほろし); かざぼろし(風ぼろし) |
(rare) (See ほろ子・ほろし) skin eruptions caused by a cold or fever |
Variations: |
fuukitaihai / fukitaihai ふうきたいはい |
decay (decline, corruption) of public morals; moral decadence |
Variations: |
kazehiku かぜひく |
(exp,v5k) (colloquialism) (See 風邪を引く) to catch a cold |
Variations: |
kazegimi かぜぎみ |
slight cold; bit of a cold; touch of a cold; lingering cold |
Variations: |
soyokaze(p); bifuu(微風) / soyokaze(p); bifu(微風) そよかぜ(P); びふう(微風) |
gentle breeze; soft wind; breath of air; zephyr |
Variations: |
oikaze(p); oite おいかぜ(P); おいて |
(1) tailwind; fair wind; favorable wind (favourable); (2) favorable condition (favourable); advantageous situation |
Variations: |
karakaze からかぜ |
(See 空っ風) dry wind |
Variations: |
yuzuburo ゆずぶろ |
(See ゆず湯) yuzu bath; hot citron bath |
Variations: |
taifuunome / taifunome たいふうのめ |
(exp,n) eye of a typhoon |
Variations: |
ifuurinrin / ifurinrin いふうりんりん |
(adj-t,adv-to) (archaism) (yoji) awe-inspiring; majestic; commanding; stately; with an imposing air; in a stately (dignified) manner |
Variations: |
ifuudoudou / ifudodo いふうどうどう |
(work) Pomp and Circumstance (series of marches by Elgar) |
Variations: |
ifuudoudou / ifudodo いふうどうどう |
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) being majestic; with great pomp and circumstance; with an imposing air |
Variations: |
shippuudotou / shippudoto しっぷうどとう |
(yoji) storm and stress; Sturm und Drang |
Variations: |
kamifuusen / kamifusen かみふうせん |
paper balloon |
Variations: |
junpuubizoku / junpubizoku じゅんぷうびぞく |
(yoji) good morals and manners; genial manners and laudable customs; pristine way of life |
スペイン風オムレツ see styles |
supeinfuuomuretsu / supenfuomuretsu スペインふうオムレツ |
{food} Spanish omelette (omelet); Spanish tortilla |
伊勢湾台風殉難之塔 see styles |
isewantaifuujunnannotou / isewantaifujunnannoto いせわんたいふうじゅんなんのとう |
(place-name) Isewantaifūjunnannotou |
伊勢湾台風殉難之碑 see styles |
isewantaifuujunnannohi / isewantaifujunnannohi いせわんたいふうじゅんなんのひ |
(place-name) Isewantaifūjunnannohi |
性風俗関連特殊営業 see styles |
seifuuzokukanrentokushueigyou / sefuzokukanrentokushuegyo せいふうぞくかんれんとくしゅえいぎょう |
sex establishment (as regulated by a specific Japanese law) |
時代不同,風尚不同 时代不同,风尚不同 see styles |
shí dài bù tóng , fēng shàng bù tóng shi2 dai4 bu4 tong2 , feng1 shang4 bu4 tong2 shih tai pu t`ung , feng shang pu t`ung shih tai pu tung , feng shang pu tung |
customs change with time (idiom); other times, other manners; O Tempora, O Mores! |
網の目に風とまらず see styles |
aminomenikazetomarazu あみのめにかぜとまらず |
(expression) (proverb) you can't catch the wind with a net |
萬事俱備,只欠東風 万事俱备,只欠东风 see styles |
wàn shì jù bèi , zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng wan4 shi4 ju4 bei4 , zhi3 qian4 dong1 feng1 wan shih chü pei , chih ch`ien tung feng wan shih chü pei , chih chien tung feng |
lit. everything is ready, all we need is an east wind (idiom); fig. lacking only one tiny crucial item |
萬事皆備,只欠東風 万事皆备,只欠东风 see styles |
wàn shì jiē bèi , zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng wan4 shi4 jie1 bei4 , zhi3 qian4 dong1 feng1 wan shih chieh pei , chih ch`ien tung feng wan shih chieh pei , chih chien tung feng |
everything is ready, all we need is an east wind (idiom); lacking only one tiny crucial item; also written 萬事俱備,只欠東風|万事俱备,只欠东风 |
要風得風,要雨得雨 要风得风,要雨得雨 see styles |
yào fēng dé fēng , yào yǔ dé yǔ yao4 feng1 de2 feng1 , yao4 yu3 de2 yu3 yao feng te feng , yao yü te yü |
to get whatever one wants; to have everything going one's way |
近つ飛鳥風土記の丘 see styles |
chikatsuasukafudokinooka ちかつあすかふどきのおか |
(place-name) Chikatsuasukafudokinooka |
風信子(ateji) see styles |
fuushinshi; hiyashinsu; hiashinsu / fushinshi; hiyashinsu; hiashinsu ふうしんし; ヒヤシンス; ヒアシンス |
(kana only) hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) |
Variations: |
fuubougarasu / fubogarasu ふうぼうガラス |
windshield; windscreen |
Variations: |
fuuchouza / fuchoza ふうちょうざ |
{astron} Apus (constellation); the Bird-of-Paradise |
風船ガムを膨らませる see styles |
fuusengamuofukuramaseru / fusengamuofukuramaseru ふうせんガムをふくらませる |
(exp,v1) to blow a bubble (with bubble gum) |
Variations: |
imafuu / imafu いまふう |
(adj-no,adj-na,n) modern; current; contemporary; trendy; latest; up-to-date |
Variations: |
kokufuu(国風); kuniburi / kokufu(国風); kuniburi こくふう(国風); くにぶり |
(1) national customs and manners; (2) provincial song or ballad; (3) waka (classical Japanese poetry, as opposed to Chinese poetry) |
Variations: |
kaiyose かいよせ |
west wind in the early spring (traditionally on the night of the 20th day of the second month of the lunar calendar); wind that blows seashells ashore |
Variations: |
hanakaze はなかぜ |
head cold |
Variations: |
hitoppuro ひとっぷろ |
(See 一風呂) (taking) a bath |
Variations: |
hidoikaze ひどいかぜ |
(exp,n) bad cold |
Variations: |
hayarikaze はやりかぜ |
influenza |
明日は明日の風が吹く see styles |
ashitahaashitanokazegafuku; asuhaasunokazegafuku / ashitahashitanokazegafuku; asuhasunokazegafuku あしたはあしたのかぜがふく; あすはあすのかぜがふく |
(exp,v5k) (proverb) tomorrow will take care of itself; let the morn come and the meat with it; tomorrow, the winds of tomorrow will blow |
物言えば唇寒し秋の風 see styles |
monoiebakuchibirusamushiakinokaze ものいえばくちびるさむしあきのかぜ |
(expression) (proverb) silence is golden |
長走風穴高山植物群落 see styles |
nagahashirifuuketsukouzanshokubutsugunraku / nagahashirifuketsukozanshokubutsugunraku ながはしりふうけつこうざんしょくぶつぐんらく |
(place-name) Nagahashirifūketsukouzanshokubutsugunraku |
Variations: |
fuusha(風車); kazaguruma; kazaguruma(sk) / fusha(風車); kazaguruma; kazaguruma(sk) ふうしゃ(風車); かざぐるま; カザグルマ(sk) |
(1) windmill; wind turbine; (2) (かざぐるま only) pinwheel (toy); windmill (toy); (3) (かざぐるま only) (kana only) Clematis patens (species of climbing plant) |
Variations: |
kazeatari(p); kazaatari / kazeatari(p); kazatari かぜあたり(P); かざあたり |
(1) exposure to wind; (2) severe criticism |
Variations: |
kazetooshi(p); kazatooshi かぜとおし(P); かざとおし |
(1) ventilation; (2) communication (within an organisation); openness |
風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる see styles |
kazegafukebaokeyagamoukaru / kazegafukebaokeyagamokaru かぜがふけばおけやがもうかる |
(exp,v5r) (proverb) any event can bring about an effect in an unexpected way; if the wind blows the bucket makers prosper |
Variations: |
furi(p); furi(sk) ふり(P); フリ(sk) |
(n,ctr) (1) swing; shake; sweep; wave; wag; (2) (kana only) appearance; behaviour; behavior; (3) (kana only) (See ふりをする) pretence; pretense; (false) show; pretending; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (4) (kana only) (a customer) coming to restaurant, ryokan, etc. without a reservation or introduction; (5) postures (of a dance); (6) (kana only) (usu. written as フリ in comedy contexts) (See 前振り・2) lead in (to a joke, question, etc.); setup; (7) unsewn part of a hanging sleeve on a traditional Japanese woman's garment; (counter) (8) counter for swords, blades, etc. |
Variations: |
natsukaze なつかぜ |
(See 風邪) summer cold (illness); summer flu |
Variations: |
soufuuki / sofuki そうふうき |
ventilator; blower; fan |
Variations: |
dokofukukaze どこふくかぜ |
(exp,adj-no,adv-to) showing no concern at all; being not at all bothered; devil-may-care attitude |
Variations: |
kashikiriburo かしきりぶろ |
reservable private bath |
どういう風の吹き回しか see styles |
douiukazenofukimawashika / doiukazenofukimawashika どういうかぜのふきまわしか |
(expression) whatever brought that on? |
どうした風の吹き回しか see styles |
doushitakazenofukimawashika / doshitakazenofukimawashika どうしたかぜのふきまわしか |
(expression) whatever brought that on? |
ビューフォート風力階級 see styles |
byuufootofuuryokukaikyuu / byufootofuryokukaikyu ビューフォートふうりょくかいきゅう |
Beaufort scale (of wind force) |
中山風穴地特殊植物群落 see styles |
nakayamafuuketsuchitokushushokubutsugunraku / nakayamafuketsuchitokushushokubutsugunraku なかやまふうけつちとくしゅしょくぶつぐんらく |
(place-name) Nakayamafūketsuchitokushushokubutsugunraku |
任憑風浪起,穩坐釣魚臺 任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台 see styles |
rèn píng fēng làng qǐ , wěn zuò diào yú tái ren4 ping2 feng1 lang4 qi3 , wen3 zuo4 diao4 yu2 tai2 jen p`ing feng lang ch`i , wen tso tiao yü t`ai jen ping feng lang chi , wen tso tiao yü tai |
lit. to sit tight on the fishing terrace despite the storm (idiom); fig. to stay calm in a tense situation |
疾風知勁草,烈火見真金 疾风知劲草,烈火见真金 see styles |
jí fēng zhī jìn cǎo , liè huǒ jiàn zhēn jīn ji2 feng1 zhi1 jin4 cao3 , lie4 huo3 jian4 zhen1 jin1 chi feng chih chin ts`ao , lieh huo chien chen chin chi feng chih chin tsao , lieh huo chien chen chin |
lit. sturdy grass withstands high winds and true gold stands the test of fire (idiom); fig. strength of character is revealed in a crisis |
野火燒不盡,春風吹又生 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 see styles |
yě huǒ shāo bù jìn , chūn fēng chuī yòu shēng ye3 huo3 shao1 bu4 jin4 , chun1 feng1 chui1 you4 sheng1 yeh huo shao pu chin , ch`un feng ch`ui yu sheng yeh huo shao pu chin , chun feng chui yu sheng |
lit. even a prairie fire cannot destroy the grass - it grows again when the breeze blows (proverb); fig. cannot be easily eliminated; abbr. to 野火春風|野火春风[ye3 huo3 chun1 feng1] |
Variations: |
furooke ふろおけ |
(1) bathtub (esp. wooden and bucket-shaped); (2) small bucket used while bathing |
Variations: |
kazedatsu; kazetatsu かぜだつ; かぜたつ |
(v5t,vi) to blow (wind) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "風" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.